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Showing posts with label globalism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label globalism. Show all posts

Nov 4, 2011

Natal Horoscope: Grover Norquist (w video)

“Our goal is to shrink government to the size where we can drown it in a bathtub, ” said Grover Norquist.

Spoken like a true Utopian Globalist! The following analysis is one astrologer's view of...

The Natal Horoscope of Grover Norquist, Political Strategist

by Jude Cowell

Mother Jones has an article on the eerie influence of Grover Norquist which prompted me to have a peek at his (noon) natal horoscope.

And here's a very interesting profile of him which includes his links to Jack Abramoff and Iraqi oil, among other things. And Speaker John Boehner just called Norquist "Some random person" when asked about closing tax loopholes for the oil industry.

Born on October 19, 1956 in Sharon, PA, Grover Norquist, president of Americans for Tax Reform (founded 1985) and co-founder of the Islamic Free Market Institute, has Sun in Libra, and Moon in Aries if born before 7:07 pm est on that date.

If born after 7:07 pm, his personality takes on a Sun Libra/Moon Taurus hue but odds are, Norquist is a Sun Libra/Moon Aries blend, born near the Full Moon either way.

Here are the earliest and latest positions of the Sun and Moon on the date of his birth:

Earliest: Sun 25Lib47; Moon 19Ari31--Latest: Sun 26Lib47; Moon 2Tau41.

Since his birth time is unknown, the following analysis is based on a noon chart which shows 00Cap17 rising with 24Lib27 at Midheaven (w stars Arcturus and Spica); Hour of Mars. Midpoint pictures included in this post are in effect no matter his birth time.

Please click image to enlarge chart; some US natal planets are penned in (pink), today's transits (Nov 4, 2011) are highlighted in blue around the chart; tr Pluto is triggering two natal midpoints which are notated, lower left and lower right.

With nebulous Neptune @ 00Sco00, anti-tax warrior Norquist has an out-of-sign Sun/Neptune conjunction which is similar to having lots of Pisces energy in a chart (fishy!) especially in the realms of ego and life goals (Sun.) Naturally, Neptune has a masking effect upon the Sun's vitality and helps describe the behind-the-scenes nature of Mr. Norquist's political career and activities.

You may find of interest another article The Banishment of Grover Norquist which addresses just such Sun/Neptune issues. (Banishment is a Neptunian word along with veiling, masking, hiding, and such. Fraudulent, false, and idealistic would be others, along with his "drown it in a bathtub" quote!)

Yes, he's quite the watery, elusive varmint!

Sun conj Neptune gives him a 'veiled outlook on life' which allows Norquist to avoid unpleasant challenges as he easily as he ignores personal responsibilities. A personal reality is created in his mind--or by his mind--which bears little resemblance to facts as others understand them. Living in a self-created bubble is often another way to describe Sun-Neptune folk, so working in Politics, can spin be far behind?

And isn't a 'personal reality bubble' one of the tactics Republicans (and other politicians) use all the time when 'answering' questions as if on a totally different plane--or instead, they answer questions they wish had been asked? Perhaps Mr. Norquist's method through use of talking points is in evidence here for he's been at it for years starting with Nixon's 1968 campaign.

Supporting his Sun/Neptune traits is natal Mars in Pisces (13;43; ruled by Jupiter and Neptune) conjoining Fixed Star Achernar ('crisis at the end of the river; risk of rapid endings'.) Mars in Pisces is challenged to act directly and be clear in his motivations; unconscious resentments are harbored and repressed anger can lead to neuroses. Direct confrontations are avoided, as with Sun/Neptune, and secret means are used against opponents. Others may not trust him as he'd wish.

Any negative aspects in a chart intensifies problems when Mars is in watery Pisces--here, Mars is sesquisquare Sun and Neptune and is opposed by Venus 15Vir40. A Venus/Mars opposition is problematic as well and tends to create relationship troubles particularly in the realm of sexual expression. All oppositions carry Self v Others vibes (Ari/Lib axis) and indicates that Mr. Norquist's feelings are extremely sensitive and easily hurt--plus, conflicts arise over joint finances.

There's also a wide opposition between Mars and Jupiter 21Vir32 (conjunct Fixed Star Denebola, keywords: 'to go against society; out of the mainstream'--which has a Neptunian otherworldly/escapist tone to it.) However, a politics-inspired Mars/Jupiter opposition tends to seek out challenges, take risks, and may resent people who are deemed to be somehow superior. Grandstand plays come naturally!

Another politically interesting factor in Mr. Norquist's natal chart is a Saturn/Pluto square--the 'sore loser' aspect. This energy also describes the Republican Party seen in high relief with their obstructionism against President Obama. This cuss'ed square is part of Dick Cheney's Neptunian personality as well--if you will.

A Saturn/Pluto square person tends to be defensive toward social responsibilities which are viewed as obstacles to their self-interested goals. (And if you're a neocon warmonger, you want all the funds you can get to start wars you can hugely profit from while ignoring the basic needs of the American people. And promote expansion of the one-world-government Utopian Globalists are so determined to force upon us. Sad to say, it's pretty much already here.)

Another political factor is Norquist's Uranus/Chiron opposition which identifies him as what I tend to call a Chiron-Uranus type in government. Falling across the Leo (Uranus)--Aquarius (Chiron) axis of Self Will, this opposition denotes that he may be quite a cantankerous cuss, but with an outer demeanor that's Neptunian and squishy. His behavior (shown by the sign of Uranus) is proudly Leo, sign of the natural ruler.

A helpful Saturn/Uranus trine is great for it gives him a container (Saturnian form) in which to pour his Uranian ideals with ease and the talent to mobilize all his resources, knowledge, and experience. Good intuition allows him to take calculated risks and the trine provides him with leadership ability.

Mercury, planet of thinking processes, oration style, communication, and planning tactics, is @ 10Lib52 and conjoins his Syzygy Moon (last lunation prior to birth) which in this case was a New Moon, so Sun/Moon = Mercury: using education and reasoning to progress through life; searching for opportunities to apply knowledge; an association with young people.

An Air trine between Mercury to Chiron in Aquarius makes him a 'wise old soul' with occultist abilities and healing talent (Clow.) This trine and the opposition to Uranus are the two major aspects made to natal Chiron.

Now with Moon opposing Sun, whether in Aries or Taurus, natal Pluto 29Leo59 (conjunct Royal Star of Persia, Regulus ('success if revenge is avoided'--otherwise, all that's gained will be taken away one day) is the Thales planet in the chart for it trines Moon and sextiles Sun, thus aiding the opposition between the luminaries.

Having occultist talents, Mr. Norquist has managed to use Thales Pluto to his advantage in the stand-off between Sun (conscious) and Moon (unconscious), and, of course, saboteur Pluto has a great interest in the intrigues and power plays of Politics.

And with Moon opposed by Neptune, well, then escapist tendencies are increased, and sensitivity is deepened; illusions are created about the self and others which can cause much confusion and estrangements in relationships, and this can make working alone preferable. America would profit if only he could remember that The Ideal is an illusion that does not exist in this old world! But I suppose his Saturn/Uranus trine keeps hoping and thinks it knows best for all of us.

As far as his authority planet, Saturn, goes, you see a Saturn/North Node conjunction, the source of much of his control. This is an indicator of conservatism with observance of protocol important for approaching those in power. This timing ability has helped him to further his personal advancement but at the expense of enslavement to the lowest common denominator of accepted standards (Sakoian.) Saturnian control/authority is 'on his path' (NN.)

NN 29Sco17 (a critical-crisis 29th degree) has an interesting Sabian Symbol especially considering Mr. Norquist's past association with Ronald Reagan: '30Sco' = "A Halloween Jester". Reminds me of the Carter-Reagan October Surprise (Iranian hostages were released mere minutes after Reagan was inaugurated---was Grover involved in the charade and its arms deals?)

(Astro-note: 29Sco45 is the Inauguration 2009's Moon--we the people--degree which shows that the American people were already in dire financial circumstances the moment that Barack Obama took office--Scorpio = big business; betrayals.)

Now here are Grover's natal midpoint pictures which do not depend on knowing his exact time of birth; as always, any, all, or none may apply:

Jupiter/Uranus = Pluto: strong awareness of objectives; an unusual striving for knowledge; far-seeing creative activity; a sudden change in financial conditions; extreme efforts to produce novel changes in life; a major reworking of designs/ideas to ensure their correct acceptance; devices with world-transforming potential.

Jupiter/Saturn = Sun: dreaming of a potential for actuality; demonstrating leadership; gaining experience; boasting; self-pride; liver disturbances cause moodiness; the bachelor.

Sun/Uranus = Venus: peculiar encouragements in financial pursuits; unique ways of expressing love.

Jupiter/Neptune = Mercury: misleading/misdirecting others' attention; talking a lot; putting on an act; raised hopes; skills with deceptive practices; self-study of magic or mysticism. (Jupiter-Neptune is the grand schemes-speculation-inflationary pair of planets; Mercury is thinking and plans--a perfect combo for a Utopian Globalist planning chaos for the world to be ruled by 'reason'--their own, not ours.)

Jupiter/NN = Sun: ease of contact with important people of power and influence; joining and benefiting from powerful, distinguished societies (he attended Harvard.)

In the noon chart, Jupiter/NN sits at MC (The Goal; Aspirations; Public Standing) which adds a 'career/pursuit of common interests' vibe to the picture as 'important people of power and influence' aid his career aspirations.

Norquist's Pre-Natal Eclipse Series (PE) = 12 South

Grover Norquist was born into the 12 South Saros Series of Solar Eclipses which manifested on June 8, 1956 @ 18Gem01, the zodiacal degree of the December 10, 2011 Lunar Eclipse (the next-up eclipse for us all.)

12S = successful outcomes to long term worries; a draining issue will suddenly clear with a good outcome (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology.)
(A SN eclipse indicates a loss of energy in affected matters.)

By degree (18Gemo1/11), the December 10th Lunar Eclipse may signify secrets or scandals being revealed concerning Mr. Norquist and may relate to this year into 2012, and/or to a time frame when the 12S last manifested on July 11, 2010 @ '19Can' (which marked the blown-up or blown-out BP well's finally being 'capped' in the Gulf of Mexico--but it's leaking, you know.)

Why, you may remember that back in the day, Grover Norquist was a registered lobbyist for BP! (scroll to end of page.)

(Note: 12S is the PE of America based on July 4, 1776 as our nation's official founding--then at 00Pis33, where transit Chiron Rx is now.)

Now you may wish to view the horoscope of the December 10, 2011 Lunar Eclipse which is squared by Mars in Virgo. As such, a 'Grand Cross' is formed for the eclipse marks a Mars-opposite-natal-Mars transit for Mr. Norquist describing a time when other people's actions and purposes are diametrically opposed to one's own, and any aggression shown is met by an equal or greater amount of determination so he'll want to lay low behind the scenes even more than usual--if the revealing energies of the December 10, 2011 Lunar Eclipse allow such escapism!

To close, here's Senator Harry Reid (D-NV) on the 1st of November making a statement about obstructionist Republicans who follow Grover Norquist like puppets. Perhaps it's his hypnotic, mystical Sun/Neptune with a Saturn/Pluto square keeping the Rs in goose-step!


If you need refreshing after such an abundance of Grover, why not check in with Independent Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders?

Thom Hartmann is doing a great progressive broadcast today (Fridays at noon are 'Brunch with Bernie' Sanders) and Thom reports on 20 unemployed Occupiers' sit-in at Mitch McConnell's office yesterday to demand a meeting with the Republican senator--so they could tell him how badly Americans are suffering--but McConnell lead a filibuster on the floor all day so he could avoid them! Hope he was royally wumped out from doing so much 'work'.)

Tomorrow, November 5, 2011 is Bank Transfer Day if you haven't yet switched your accounts from the Big Banks. I switched two or three years ago and have been very happy with a credit union bank ever since.

And please remember to Move To Amend the Citizens United travesty of justice--sign the petition because Corporations Are Not People!


All midpoint pictures: Ebertin; Munkasey

Jul 25, 2011

A "Super Congress"? Astrology of DC's Debt Talks July 2011

An Astro-Peek @ Debts Talks July 22--July 26, 2011

by Jude Cowell

Ongoing in Washington DC with 'no deal' reached over the weekend, the so-called debt talks and the August 2 default brou-ha-ha (Mercury, planet of negotiations and contracts, retrogrades on August 2--not good!) may in part be a set-up in order to make the creation of a sneaky anti-constitutional Super Congress seem necessary.

NPR has fresh coverage this morning of Washington's financial stand-off along with most other news outlets and blogs as both political parties 'hold stubbornly' to their sacred cows, red herrings, and favorite fear tactics meant to sway the public.

As you know, this play book has been used many times before such as when Barack Obama and pseudo-candidate John McCain, who theatrically 'suspended' his 2008 presidential campaign, rushed back to Capitol Hill to "rescue" the US economy and the global economy with it! Apparently the actual success of their 'rescue' efforts of 2008 remains in doubt circa 2011.

And of course, we know how things turned out--Wall Street was pumped up with billions of dollars to pay international creditors while Main Street USA continues to teeter on the brink.

Economist Paul Krugman's Sunday op-ed makes salient points about those substandard ratings agencies and the debt, while Robert Reich speaks up on behalf of Medicare and Social Security. Professor Reich was once a trustee for the Social Security insurance fund so he knows whereof he writes.

So yes, as you may imagine, the Jupiter-Neptune duo of speculators, spendthrifts, wastrels, inflationary measures, and grand schemes is active by midpoint on August 2, 2011 with Uranus in Aries ('Utopians'--Ebertin) as the catalyst!

Note: you may wish to scroll down this blog's sidebar to 'Natal Chart Astro-Peeks' for brief pictures of some of the players in the economic drama now being performed in Washington DC at the Capitol Hill Theater.

Using the 'Images for Integration' from Charles and Suzi Harvey's Sun Sign-Moon Sign book, let's track the conscious-unconscious implications starting on Friday July 22 @ 12 am edt and going until Tuesday July 26, 2011 @ 11:59:59 pm edt, just to look under the hood of these political 'talks'...a few additional details are included with Sabian Symbols a mixture of Rudhyar and Jones:

Friday July 22: Sun 29Can02 (a critical or crisis degree) '29Can' = "A Muse Weighing Newborn Twins in Golden Scales"--'Keynote: the intuitive weighing of alternatives' and Moon 17Ari39--'18Ari' = "An Empty Hammock Stretched Between Two Trees"--'Keynote: A constructive alternation of activity and rest'...

Sun Can/Moon Ari: "A suffragette takes to the barricades in aid of her cause." (Two trees, rwo parties? Pelosi? jc)

Saturday July 23: Sun 00Leo00--"30Can" = "A Daughter of the American Revolution" or "1Leo" = "Blood Rushes to a Man's Head as His Vital Energies Are Mobilized Under the Spur of His Ambition"--'Keynote: An irruption of bio-psychic energies into the ego-controlled field of consciousness' and Moon 29Ari31 (crisis degree) = "30Ari" = "A Duck Pond and Its Brood"--'Keynote: the realization of natural boundaries'...

Sun Leo/Moon Ari: "A knight errant dedicates his next grand adventure to the mistress of his heart, and then rides off into the sunset in a cloud of dust."

(Sadly, that Image refers all too well to the 'New Knights Templar' murderer of children in Oslo Norway on Saturday. All my condolences go to the affected families and friends of the victims.)

Sunday July 24: Sun 00Leo57 (see "1Leo", above) and Moon 11Tau28 = "12Tau" = "A Young Couple Walk Down Main Street, Window-Shopping"--'Keynote: the fascination of the youthful ego with the product of its culture'...

Sun Leo/Moon Tau: "Old King Cole was a merry old soul, and a merry old soul was he; he called for his pipe and he called for his bowl and he called for his fiddlers three."

(You know an Rs and Ds 'peace pipe' would be most efficacious about now. Another idea if the president ends up having to decide which bills get paid is to discontinue all congressional and staffer paychecks until they get their sorry act together and govern instead of collapsing the economy of our nation!)

Monday July 25: Sun 1Leo54 = "2Leo" = "An Epidemic of Mumps"--'Keynote: the spreading power of individual crises through a collectivity' and Moon 23Tau31 = "24Tau" = "An Indian Warrior Riding Fiercely, Human Scalps Hanging from His Belt"--'Keynote: the aggressiveness of human instincts when fighting for their earthly base of operation'...

Sun Leo/Moon Tau, same Image as for Sunday, above.

As you see, the Sun in early Leo conjoins President Obama's natal Mercury (clever solutions but grandstanding a potential), and he will have a Lunar Return 3Gem21 @ 7:04 pm edt this evening--will satisfaction be achieved? Not so fast, for the Sun also opposes his natal Jupiter, a time when others refuse to recognize one's efforts, pride and jealousy of others get in the way of political progress, and superficiality rules most activities...political theater, dahlink!)

Tuesday @ 11:59:59 pm edt July 26, 2011: Sun 3Leo49 = "4Leo" = "A Formally Dressed Elderly Man Stands Near Trophies He Brought Back from a Hunting Expedition"--'Keynote: the masculine will to conquer his animal nature and to impress his peers with his skill in performing the ancient traditional power rituals' and Moon 18Gem33 = "19Gem" - "A Large Archaic Volume Reveals a Traditional Wisdom"--'Keynote: contacting the all-human planetary Mind underlying any cultural and personal mentality'...

To close, here are two Images for Sun Leo/Moon Gem: "On a bright summer's day a butterfly turns into a radiant being...Children singing 'Happy Birthday to you' at a celebrity birthday party."

Will senior or ranking bureaucrats take the lead and raise the debt ceiling--a tradition? Will debt negotiations be successful so that Americans be will be 'partying' by midnight on Tuesday or on Wednesday over a successful agreement between Republicans and Democrats which will stave off (for now) the propagandized economic disaster Washington has worked for decades to mire us in?

Well, let's not forget that all through 2009, the first year of Mr. Obama's presidency, Jupiter and Neptune met in Great Conjunction/s (a 13-year cycle) directly upon US natal Moon (we-the-people) with this midpoint picture the results of which we still struggle with in an attempt to make heads or tails of our nation's true condition...any, all, or none may apply:

Tr Jupiter/Neptune = natal Moon: little sense of reality; losing oneself in plans; becoming involved in speculation, instability, wastefulness; a desire to dream (go to the latest movie! trust Washington! jc); an emotional swoon; going with the wind; uncertainty; real v unreal. (Ebertin; Munkasey; Tyl.)

And there we have it: real v unreal as governmental denizens of The Beltway gaze once again in rapt attention at their own self-serving bellybuttons while Main Street languishes in the dust of globalist greed and bald-faced power plays to establish a secret society agenda of world domination.

Now if only I were sassy enough, I'd add one thing to the Jupiter/Neptune = Moon picture above: feeling like a big bunch of victimized suckers. Aren't you?


For a more personal astro-view of the week, you may wish to try Julie Demboski's Astrology. Around Stars Over Washington, Julie Demboski's brilliant insights are always recommended!

Mar 28, 2011

Chris Hedges: The Collapse of Globalization; the Sacredness of Gaia

With Globalization, What's Not to Like?

by Jude Cowell

If you're familiar with the writings of Chris Hedges, you know that what he says must be well considered before flippantly ignoring it - except that the time has come to an end when we can afford to be apathetic about the future - environmental, social, and financial - of this little blue planet some call, Gaia.

Gaia has her own hypothesis, you know. The globalists know it. The black hearts have been ignoring her sacredness by abusing the planet we all share every night and day for several decades now and piling up their considerable fortunes with a bwa ha ha and a mean cackle. Why, old J. P. Morgan was there, he knows how it all went down.

Yes, I hear ya: t'was Morgan and the other Robber Barons of the 1880s/90s who really got the plundering of Earth's resources and treasures up and running in a large scale way (speculators in groups as signified by combos such as Jupiter/Neptune, Jupiter/Pluto, Sun/Pluto, Pluto/Chiron, etc...joining forces to get big jobs done in commanding ways.)

As a class, add to their riches the oil-gas-steel-railroad titans' ill-gained wealth from accustomed profits bwo the slave and opium trades in centuries past unto this day, and you've got people like W's Grandpa Prescott Bush, his cronies and cousins. Queen Elizabeth is allegedly a 'cousin' of George W, as you know. Actually, a cousinship is not surprising for it would be just like them to favor one another in behavior, if not by beakish nose or flinty gaze.

Mr. Hedges' article starts out by reminding me of my grousings here on SO'W concerning our present and direst need: to face and identify our demons (our, meaning we-the-people and anyone else who has grown weary of the lies, fraud, and corruption embedded within every social institution) in order to vanquish them. Though these days, I'd settle for neutralization of all the psychopaths running about, would you?

For now Politics wags us by the tail just as we were taught to expect like good little puppies and we murmur nary a peep in case the American tranquility might be disturbed. This is a hopeless plan for our side's sake considering the freedoms they've targeted to delete from our lives - in some cases, Life itself.

But it doesn't have to be that way.

Awareness and Concentration are secret keys and Timing remains all important toward our success at prying the global crime syndicate's fingers out of every pie and its lousy fat patootie out of our world's catbird seat.

And if you feel insulted by my last remark, then you must be a globalist. #

The Collapse of Globalization

By Chris Hedges

Until we awake from our collective self-delusion, until we carry out sustained acts of civil disobedience against the corporate state and sever ourselves from the liberal institutions that serve the corporate juggernaut--especially the Democratic Party--we will continue to be rocketed toward a global catastrophe.


PS: loud cicadas will be rising soon here in Northeast Georgia and several other states as well (click link for a list) for the next while or so. Boy, will they be disappointed with what we've done with the place these last 17 years.

Oct 13, 2010

The rapidity of our decline

Here are good examples of how the much-touted 'globalism' is treating America:

Collapsing Empire Watch

By Glenn Greenwald

It's easy to say and easy to document, but quite difficult to really internalize, that the United States is in the process of imperial collapse. Every now and then, however, one encounters certain facts which compellingly and viscerally highlight how real that is.


As you may agree, the term 'globalism' is just a fancy word for the New World Order, a movement that really ramped up under the presidency of Bill Clinton after being handed off from Bush Sr. 'It' saw the light at the end of the tunnel with the approach of the New Millennium, and America's collapse, similar to that of Japan's economic crash and Russia's total collapse of the 1990s, is an integral part of the process toward world government.

I refer, of course, to the three Great Conjunctions of the Illumination (Illuminati) planets, Uranus and Neptune (now in mutual reception and supporting one another with Uranus in Pisces and Neptune still in Aquarius a while longer, though Uranus had entered Aries this year, soon will do so again, and won't return to Pisces for approximately 84 years.)

The year of Uranus/Neptune is 1993, the telling degree is '18 Capricorn' with its Sabian Symbol "The Union Jack" (Flies from a British Warship) = SUPERVISION in the Jones version of the symbols; in Dane Rudhyar's An Astrological Mandala, it's POLITICAL POWER. Jones' negative expression of this degree (to which I always add: 'unconscious/shadow side') is smug or strong-armed paternalism which, I believe, is what the imperialistic model of the US, the UK, and the Roman Empire (now the Vatican) are all about.

Be any of this as it may, do read Glenn Greenwald's article and click on the links therein for the stats of our decline cannot be ignored.

Oct 10, 2010

James K. Galbraith's progressive response to economic crisis (video)

Economist Dr. James K. Galbraith spoke at the Communications, Energy and Paperworkers’ 9th convention last month, where he brought delegates a message not often heard from economists – that there is a progressive response to the economic crisis.

Galbraith – the son of famed Canadian economist John Kenneth Galbraith – regaled delegates with his analysis of the roots of the economic recession that has destroyed jobs, families and communities. He said the crisis wasn’t an economic crisis but a fraud perpetrated on innocent victims.

Click to view the video of Dr. Galbraith's September 2010 analysis. #

In September 2009 I posted on Dr. Galbraith's views and included one of his quotes concerning the US financial system and the predatory class along with some basic astro-notes detailing his Sun-Moon blend which Dr. Galbraith then generously weighed in on by leaving a Comment confirming my astro-suspicions about him.

Now my question is: may the US have Dr. Galbraith as Treasury Secretary please? He was born in Boston after all! For what a difference such a progressive point of view could make when the US and global financial systems need it most.

Oops! How un-globalist of me: it should be 'global financial system'... not 'systems'.

My bad. The globalists' agenda. Though yes, I'd "like to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony" a la Coca-Cola, too. But not under a goose-stepping totalitarian regime.

Dec 10, 2007

collapsing America going well, thanks

As this blog and many others have been saying for years:

The Planned Collapse of USA

By Peter Chamberlin

We risk blowing the world apart, to avoid watching America slowly choke on its own excesses. The government has known for decades that America is on a countdown to self-destruction. Among the elite it is common knowledge that our "global economy" must one day collapse from its own dead weight...

Read article here.

Got mortgage? Well, in 2001 Bush did speechify America as an "ownership society"--he just didn't say who'd be doing the owning in his poppa's New World Order.

My previous post, Cheney and 9/11 has Cheney's Secondary Progressed chart (the physical plane) set for 9/11/01 and voila! the pair of plutocracy, oppression, and class warfare, Pluto/Chiron, sits at the top o' the chart--the Midheaven, the WHY? or Aspiration Point of any chart.

As you know, a Progressed chart is always based on a natal chart, so I can't make this up.

It's ugly but quite a descriptive sight, in case you missed it 'ere this, so take a peek if you may...collapse of The Tower continues as per the globalists' plan.

Even with my natal Jupiter/Saturn trine and its sense of humor, I am not, nor have I ever been, kidding.

Jul 12, 2007

US Army denies free speech--in Canada!

If you've been missing Patrick Wood's excellent work at The August Review you may want to catch up with Patrick concerning the Security and Prosperity Partnership Summit set for Montebello, Quebec, August 20-21:

Public forums denied on upcoming SPP Summit because reality was about to get a little too close for comfort for Bush and the other North American Union types!

And if you saw Bush's strident performance from the new press room this morning, you know reality is still several continents away from Mr. George W. Bush.

The hypocrisy and propaganda continue...

Mar 31, 2007

Harold Pinter on George Bush

Why George Bush is Insane
By Harold Pinter

The US is at this moment developing advanced systems of "weapons of mass destruction" and is prepared to use them where it sees fit. It has more of them than the rest of the world put together. It has walked away from international agreements on biological and chemical weapons, refusing to allow inspection of its own factories. The hypocrisy behind its public declarations and its own actions is almost a joke.

In Bush's Weakly Radio Address today he made a foony while bragging about his upcoming veto to Dems' shakey attempt to bring our troops home--that he likes peanuts as much as the next guy.

See? He's nutty.

Read my earlier post on the recall expanded to DRY cat food at Lim's Limericks...globalism kills pets.

Mar 5, 2007

Cheney and the deep thrombosis

Well, monkeying with his plane when he was leaving Australia the other day didn't get him and bombing his snuggly bunker in Afghanistan failed to do the trick. But even 66-year-old Dick Cheney is subject to the health constraints of a bad heart and to the harvesting sickle of Old Father Time.

Yet Cheney's close calls on his recent global journey nagged at me--who knew where he'd be and when? Who sent him on his mission to pollinate the globe with Washington payoffs, threats, and kudos?

Who do we know would stop at nothing?

And still this "deep venous thrombosis" didn't keep the old workhorse from his desk, not to fret! Read the AP article by clicking on title above if you're concerned.

Perhaps the recent (Jan and Feb) Saturnian Scythe up above has been aimed at Cheney all along!