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Jun 19, 2008

I'll take Flip-Flop for the win, Alex

If you love the game of Politics at all--and I know ya do--you gotta love John McCain's recent opportunistic shift of position on offshore drilling.

As he and his possible VP mates flip flop on what has been for years a no-no for candidates of both parties, it's in the news bwo Senator Obama's clear-eyed assessment that offshore drilling begun now won't decrease Americans' pain at the gas pump. This is, of course, so obviously true that it makes you wonder what the flip floppers hope to gain by this new stance.

Even if we disregard continued protection of vacationers' lovely oceanic paradises and proceed to drill away, it will be after the year 2030 before the oil tanker comes in.

That prices are being manipulated seems a given to this reluctant astrologer, but perhaps you disagree. But why would energy mavens and wheeler dealers want gas prices to go down anyway? They wouldn't. So that makes the practice of Politics during a presidential campaign the rat in the woodpile, doesn't it?

To seem to care, and to be 'doing something' is considered a safe way to win an election without actually having to do what would actually improve a situation...a political win-win.

So will this issue sway you in November, dear voter? Will you let Rs say that Ds have blocked new drilling making our gas pump pain all the Ds' fault? Puh. Ds are enablers, it's true, but 99% of them are obfuscating as usual.

(I always except 1% of Washington politicians in case there's an honest man or woman running about Capitol Hill. I do try to be fair but 1% is all I've got for this gaggle of pocket-liners.)

My intuition these last few weeks has been that prices are rising in part so that Republicans can push the offshore and Anwar drilling issues again, even though they've not used all the millions of acres adjacent to Anwar to date and have given no hint of drilling/speculating on what they already have access to.

That they want drilling rights and new lands is obvious.

But giving the American consumer relief at the gas pump may be the last thing on their greedy minds. And manipulating elections is always first.

~~NPR reported early today that two Bear Stearns execs were arrested this morning and will be arraigned this afternoon. We'll see if this political performance--seeming to be 'doing something'--will amount to a housecleaning within Wall Street's den of thieves.

Jun 18, 2008

Summer Solstice 2008

My 2008 Summer Solstice chart has now been updated if you wish to check it out.

And I want to reply here to a comment to my last post on the White House deleted/MIA emails because Blogger doesn't always allow to add a reply there and I don't have time to fuss with it.

It should apply to any administration (and has until now) but it's this administration that's hiding these communiques. "National secrets" could certainly be redacted esp with the current redacting pen so ever present.

Your defense of what is so obviously a cover-up to keep their way of doing business secretive and their patooties intact--in this the 'most secretive' of White Houses, as everyone has agreed long ago--doesn't change the fact that they're hiding their actions and motives concerning Valerie Plame, the attorneys general firings, and their illegal, preemptive war of choice.

Protecting Bush, Cheney, friends, energy industry pals, enablers, the Pentagon, and Republican politicians is all important here. Thieves and crooks should be concerned to hide their tracks and accountability is unknown in Washington on both (illusory) sides of the aisle--and as an Independent I blame them all.

My guess is that there are more things to be known from these emails than we heretofore have suspected...something even more "above the law" than we've seen before!

Oh, and I do thank you for commenting. jude

Jun 17, 2008

Secrets Safe at White House

On Monday, US District Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly ruled that the Bush White House's "missing"-deleted emails (our nation's emails) are not subject to the Freedom of Information Act.

Guess Bush likes some 'freedom' but not the kind that shows what he really is and what he's been doing behind our backs.

One thing that makes me crazy over this is that the Bush administration can read with impunity any email you or I ever sent or received!

Jun 14, 2008

blog dilemma: am i timing out?

As my pc ends its days with no whippersnapper waiting in the wings to take its place, you may find a little something on the following list to review or visit for the first time, who knows?

This is a full online accounting of myself some of which are archived on the interweb, and perhaps some of which are not:

Jude's Threshold, something of a 'sister blog' to SO'W but with Art, Celeb Charts, and Bad Political Poetry snugged in occasionally. Actually Bad Political is redundant, isn't it?

Named in honor of Saturn, the Guardian of the Threshold, Jude's Threshold is a 'tapestry blog' of Astrology, Politics, Astro-Politics, Celeb Charts, Art, and lamentable Poetry.

I also like to pass on links to social and political articles in case you've missed them.

Lim's Limericks political cat limericks with links to fishy dinners of the Dreamyfish variety, plus, some charming kitty cat photos for the feline among us.

Dreamyfish Art, my online gallery of tropical fish portraits, botanically rendered yet depicted as ensnared within their most private dream scenarios where you're invited to peek!

my Lulu Storefront for affordable Art, you may wish to order a Dreamyfish Art print available there of a lovely Breaksea cod from Western Australia--an Aussie!

Secret Moon Art a gallery of drawings from such genres as: Moon Art, Cosmic Art, Children's Art, Fairy Art, and Botanicals such as flowers, mushrooms, moss and trees. Take one of my new Paths'n'Portals as you mosey over to Secret Moon Art!

Cosmic Persona Designs is for 17+ers please.

There you'll find (after you approve of Blogger's Adult content admonishment--now don't cheat with yourself!) a collection of beauties in the figure study department, but remember these drawings are approached with a 'design' sensibility which was revved up way back in college days by classes in Fashion Illustration, Lay-out, and Design.

This influence is easy to spot, as you may agree.

Masks and their pointlessness also make frequent appearances along with a saucier style of cabaret-infused scenes, and backstage tableaux of dancers and other lovely ladies.

Boudoir Blossoms is one of my imprints, if that helps describe something of the Cosmic Persona Designs pantheon of artchetypal images of the Chiffonery Art persuasion.

My Gather Pages are such a hodge podge contentwise, I can't even tell you. And frustratingly in recent months I've not technically been able to publish much there--a few images, that's about all, but no articles.

In spite of the many who may be relieved to be spared more Gather articles from yours truly, I do miss being and publishing on Gather, and highly recommend this social networking site for those who like to display their own and/or read and view literature, articles, and photography in particular...very creative!

Well, there it is, my list of personae upon the interweb, as TV's Craig Ferguson taught me to call the www, along with links to a bunch of my you won't have to miss me much when I'm gone!

~~or maybe just a little...?~~ ;p

the tyranny of vulgar plutocracy

"Of all forms of tyranny the least attractive and the most vulgar is the tyranny of mere wealth, the tyranny of plutocracy." -John Pierpont Morgan

And old Astrology buff J.P. should know, shouldn't he?

Although part of the Generation of Materialism (Neptune-Pluto conj 1892), aka the plundering Robber Baron class, JP's quote gives a truthful glimpse into a reality we've come to live with: that plutocracy cares nothing for anybody but its own.

Here's a Page at my WordPress blog, Jude's Threshold, with Morgan's natal chart plus the transits for March 24, 2008 when markets were tumbling dice. Actually, imho, markets are always tumbling dice!

Jun 11, 2008

A somewhat tardy newsletter but still pertinent including this Friday-the-13th, with raspberries going to Jacques DeMolay for the tangle and bother of superstition surrounding the number 13:

Space Weather News for June 10, 2008

DOUBLE FLYBY ALERT: Space shuttle Discovery is scheduled to undock from the International Space Station on Wednesday morning, June 11th, at 7:42 am EDT. This means many sky watchers will be able to see the two spaceships flying in tandem, separate but closely-spaced points of light, gliding among the stars on Wednesday night.

Double flybys will continue on Thursday the 12th and to a lesser extent on Friday the 13th, with Discovery returning to Earth on Saturday. Southeastern parts of the United States (e.g., Miami and Atlanta) are favored with some particularly good apparitions.

Check our Simple Flybys tool to find out when you should look: SpaceWeather flybys

MARSWORM: Meanwhile on Mars, Phoenix has photographed a worm-shaped object near one of its feet. No, it is not a Marsworm.

Visit SpaceWeather to find out what really lies at Phoenix's feet and to view the latest 3D images from the Red Planet. #


Interesting! but I may know the identity of the 'MarsWorm' that's been may have noticed him lurking about the White House lo these many years dropping bombs, destroying the peace, and breaking every treaty he meets with devil-may-care abandon; and, it seems, worshiping Mars, the god of war.

And he speaks as if he longs for Mars' red shores.

Sound familiar? Have you seen this man? Dennis Kucinich has. Hope he socks it to the GOP (and their enablers) before the November elections.

More lessons for proud America!

Jun 9, 2008

Aristocracy's need for political prophets

Information Clearing House Newsletter

News You Won't Find On CNN: 03/06/08

We're not a democracy. It's a terrible misunderstanding and a slander to the idea of democracy to call us that. In reality, we're a plutocracy: a government by the wealthy." : Ramsey Clark, former U.S. Attorney General

"Of all forms of tyranny the least attractive and the most vulgar is the tyranny of mere wealth, the tyranny of plutocracy" : John Pierpont Morgan

"I hope we shall crush in its birth the aristocracy of our moneyed corporations, which dare already to challenge our government to a trial of strength and bid defiance to the laws of our country." : Thomas Jefferson

"I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country. As a result of the war, corporations have been enthroned and an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavour to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the Republic is destroyed." : Abraham Lincoln
"The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a financial element in the large centers has owned the government of the U.S. since the days of Andrew Jackson." : Franklin D. Roosevelt

"Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of State and corporate power." : Benito Mussolini


Read this newsletter online: tinyurl


Number Of Iraqis Slaughtered Since The U.S. Invaded Iraq "1,219,596"


Number of U.S. Military Personnel Sacrificed (Officially acknowledged) In America's War On Iraq 4,087

The War And Occupation Of Iraq Costs: $525,189,721,111

See the cost in your community: #


Ah yes, Corporatism...another of Pluto/Chiron's -isms of oppression, their midpoint now at 25/26Cap and will all too soon conjunct US natal Pluto. These "world servers"--one-world-government types have pre-1933 plans which are mimicking Hitler's rise-to-power tactics so closely, that it's astounding the MSM ignores the you-know-what out of it.

Why, it's as if the MSM never heard of Templars, Rosicrucians, Illuminati or anything of the like. Pshaw!! And yet they know what the skull and crossbones symbol means and have been known to blurb about prominent men being members of a certain society at Pappy and his Pappy.

And if what 'they' say is true--and going by all accounts it is--Grandpa Prescott's support of nazism a la 1930s is in process of being realized in the person of our archetypal father, the 'president' and CEO shoved down our gobs by a Supreme Court primarily composed of illuminated individuals of the highest order.

Let us remember that Bush's natal Saturn is opposite America's natal Pluto, echoing the cruel combo in play as an opposition on 9.11.01.

Well, the power elite do have one limitation I can think of off the top of my Obama Button: they have only one way of seeing things and it's all from their side of the high-tech wall. Actually, better make that a firewall, I feel Mars stirring in the breeze.

2 scenes from somewhere in America...

Photos snapped in rural Georgia, mid-90s...when bad credit was no problem, as the sign says. But can that ever be true?

Do you feel enticed to buy a car? More cars are on the way, it says. More choices for You, dear consumer.

In the lower image you see the end result of buying vehicles at the expense of our environment. And I don't think running out of gas is the only thing that got him into this pickle, do you?.

(c)2008 jude cowell

Jun 7, 2008

SO'W's blog stats hit 66,666--today!

66,666 is something of an illustrious number, I suppose, so you may wish to scroll to the end of this page (location of Bravenet Counter may depend on which browser you use and whether you've updated it within the last decade) to see Stars Over Washington 's current progress toward the ungainly digits...but perhaps the danger is past now that you are here, and you won't have to be forever known as visitor #66,666!

baby by by: Hillary bows to superior mojo

Hillary backs out at noon June 7 is a Page I've set up with astrological notes on Hillary Clinton's failure to capture the collective imagination enough to be the next globalist New Millennialist shill.

Now you'll find a smidge of Obama Astrology in the article yet with no direct mention of that skewed view of the New Millennium (on their side or ours)--but you know I'm thinkin' it.

Sheesh! hearing her noon rally's audience's cheers makes me miss living in DC!

The article is mainly concerned with today's transit of restrictive Saturn and Neptune's eventual conjunction with her n MC, so I hope you'll get some kind of info out of it, but first...

you must click!