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Aug 12, 2011

Perseid Meteors with a Cosmic Coincidence! Aug 12-13, 2011

Space Weather News for Aug 12, 2011

METEOR SHOWER: The Perseid meteor shower is underway. International observers are now reporting more than 20 meteors per hour as Earth passes through a stream of debris from Comet Swift-Tuttle. Forecasters expect the shower to peak on the night of Aug 12-13. The best time to look is during the hours before dawn on Saturday morning, August 13th, when the glaring Moon is relatively low and meteor rates are highest.

Visit Space Weather News for full coverage.

WATCH OUT FOR THE SPACE STATION, TOO: Consider it a cosmic coincidence. During the peak of the Perseid meteor shower, the International Space Station will fly over many US towns and cities.

The behemoth spacecraft is easy to see if you know when to look. Check's Simple Satellite Tracker for flyby times. #

Plus, you may wish to check out a little Astrology on Perseus the Prince, the archetype of the constellation associated with the annual Perseid meteor shower.

And there's another post that concerns Perseus and the stars linked to the natal chart of WikiLeaks' Julian Assange.

Or how about a smidgeon of Cosmic Art titled Comet Skies?

Image imported from my Secret Moon Art collection of drawings. jc

Aug 11, 2011

"Corporations are people" w pockets, too (Mitt Romney video)

This campaign tussle starring Mitt 'corporate' Romney and a scoffing audience at the Iowa State Fair turned up today on the Thom Hartmann broadcast and I resisted placing the video here as long as I could.

Really I did!

No, really!


If you wish you may view a solar (sunrise) natal chart for second-time-around GOP candidate Mitt Romney with a few non-edited details which I posted in August 2007. See if you can spot my mention of 'pockets' then, too--deep ones!

For as you know, deep pockets are pretty much an American institution among our leaders since 1776...the Sabian Symbol for US natal Jupiter 5Can56 is '6 Cancer' = "Game Birds Feathering Their Nests"--a more poetic way of saying, Lining Their Pockets.

H. R. 4646 (fees on all banking transactions) is but a myth!

Got Political Rumors to Share? Trust But Verify!

by Jude Cowell

After receiving an eye opening comment here which included a certain rumor, I checked it out and guess what? The following disclaimer is lifted by yours truly from the website of Oregon's Rep. Pete DeFazio. Hopefully, since Stars Over Washington is a mere 'freebie blog' (no money made here, folks), no one will mind if I pass it on to get out the truth about a rumor circulating around the Internet which seems to be primarily directed at undermining the Democratic Party and President Obama as something crazy he'll 'slip in' to legislation after the election.

Now if it were true it would be unconscionable as well as traitorous to the financially overburdened American people especially with Wall Street crooks roaming free. But it isn't. This from Oregon's Rep. Peter DeFazio himself who is allegedly one of the sneaky culprits:

Learn the Truth about H.R. 4646

An internet rumor has been circulating that claims that I introduced a bill titled H.R. 4646 along with Senator Tom Harkin and that it would levy a 1 percent tax on every financial transaction including credit card transactions and even social security deposits. This is patently false. H.R. 4646 was introduced by Rep. Chaka Fattah of Pennsylvania, and has no cosponsors. I oppose this bill because it wrongly taxes all financial transactions, rather than just focusing on the Wall Street speculators who got us into this current economic mess. Americans making normal day-to-day transfers of money should not be subject to a tax on those transactions.

These days there are innumerable rumors circulating around the internet. Both, Snopes and Politifact Oregon have debunked this myth, with Politifact Oregon calling it a “pants on fire lie”. #

Debunkings of H. R. 4646 to check out for yourself:




In the US, the dirty tricks of win-at-any-cost politics just never stop, do they? jc


Note: this rumor was originally trotted out just prior to the November 2, 2010 midterm elections--guess they're trying it again.

So with trickster Mercury (rumors; ideas) opposing falsifying, overblown, deceptive Neptune, I'll skip publishing the reader comment on this one. And if you are the one who left it, nice try. Either you're extremely gullible or a very bad sport.

Hint: as I've typed on SO'W many times before, I have a motto about such things that always has to be brought out when highstakes election seasons arrive:

Cheating isn't winning. It's stealing. jc

The Anti-Democratic "Super Congress" and "The Family"

Good news about the bad-news "Super Congress" which Washington politicians are attempting to pass off as a "Super Committee" to 'deal' with US debt problems by locating trillions of dollars in budget 'cuts'...

My friend Alex D'Atria has sent along an article concerning the topic which I highly recommend to you. Plus, her piece begins with an image of President Barack Obama's natal horoscope if you wish to snag yourself a peek at its Leonine glory.

This weekend I plan to publish an article on the November 25, 2011 Solar Eclipse (2Sag37) and you see by its date that it will closely relate to the deadline of *November 23, 2011 when the "Super Congress" is to make its recommendations which, if I understand the endeavor correctly, will go directly into the signing pipeline with no debate--aka, oversight--by a US Congress which has handed off its constitutional duties to 12 partisans, most of whom may be members or associates of Doug Coe's shadowy, quasi-religious, worldly-power-grabbing organization, The Family, aka, The Fellowship.

Their motto? "Jesus plus nothing"!!

Read or listen to Fresh Air's feature on this super-secret group of 'Jesus' freaks here. ('Jesus' freaks is my own description. Jesus in my Bible totally refused the worldly power that Satan offered Him while He was incarnated as a man on earth and I know that some people call 'God' an entity which is actually 'Satan' or 'Lucifer'.)

The Coming of November 2011

With the automatic 'trigger' set to fire against the dissolving American middle and working classes, this is an enterprise set up to fail, m'peops, but the failure will be primarily on the side of the American people, the sovereignty of our nation, and the health of our environment--and who knows what else the "Super Congress" will gut. A constitutional crisis is in the making as well.

Yes, secretive operatives have inherited a "Great Plan" for America which has been a long time in the making though I suspect its original intent has been somewhat diverted or hijacked by modern totalitarians of the last few decades who are motivated by a sinister lust for power and control--I say this even though our nation was founded as a corporation, yet after all, not all corporations are evil.

As for November, we must first navigate the US Saturn Return (#3 of 3 this time around) on August 28, 2011, plus, the 10th anniversary of the 9/11/01 attacks. And all leading us by the nose ring into Year 2012 when the collapse has been timed by idealistic Utopians (rebel Uranus now in Aries--Ebertin) and the fabled rebuilding upon ruins begins in earnest...


*It is generally agreed by way of empirical observation through the centuries that Solar Eclipse influences may begin earlier or later than the actual date upon which they manifest--some say up to two weeks in either direction, I would say possibly up to a month. This may also apply to Lunar Eclipses though they usually will relate on a more unconscious or inner level. South Node Solar Eclipses may as well through the SN's unconscious/the past/lunar connection and a Saturnian (SN) or restrictive vibe may be present. And of course, Saturn is a karmic planet indicating a
reaping of what was sown in the past which America must now surely do.

Plus, degrees of Total eclipses may stay sensitive for years or (who can say?)--forever such as with Nostradamus's predictive Mother of All Eclipses (August 11, 1999) with its rigid Fixed Grand Cross of planets which heralded the New Millennium of terror and alarm that politicians can't shut up about for selfish purposes of their own.

Aug 10, 2011

Eclipses to UK natal chart trigger Crisis, Riots, Brutality

August 10, 2011: Eclipses, a Cardinal Cross, and the UK Riots

by Jude Cowell

In 2010, a Solar Eclipse hit the Moon (people) in the UK natal chart and another Solar Eclipse--the 'karmic' eclipse of July 1, 2011, now in force @ 9Can12--hit (eclipsed) the UK's natal Midheaven (Public Status; Goals; Aspirations) while opposing natal Sun (leadership) in Capricorn.

Well, 'looking ahead' back in 2010, I knew that this much eclipse action to one nation's natal chart meant important events, some positive perhaps, but some negative. Yet I didn't stay with my studies of the UK chart long enough to see the violence and turmoil now in progress though astrologers realized years ago that the current Uranus/Pluto square alone would be enough to bring back riots, upheavals, and protests with similar themes from the time of the two intense planets' Great Conjunction/s of the mid-1960s. Civil Rights issues have returned if indeed they ever went away.

As we see over the globe, the Uranus/Pluto square, along with other planets and their aspects involved in the Cardinal Grand Cross of Crisis which hit the world in 2010, are resulting in uprisings, riots, and brutality. Some of the effects may be seen in the *midpoint pictures between the various planets as the elite's disenfranchisement of the masses boils over in rage and fury after the Cameron government's austerity measures were put in place as he entered Number 10 Downing Street.

In the UK "law and order is shattered", says the Washington Post today, and one thinks of the human costs first, then of the use of the word 'shattered' which points to Saturn in balanced Libra opposite rebel Uranus in Mars-ruled Aries, a brittle combination of energies that can do just that--shatter. Then Mars currently in Cancer, sign of the UK's natal Moon, is out-of-bounds, a condition which so often brings fire-setting and violence in its wake through emotional discontent by way of moody Moon-ruled Cancer.

My heart goes out to the good people of Britain, my relatives and friends, and to all who are affected by the current rioting of alienated youth (and whoever is behind this coordinated violence which leads PM David Cameron to say that images from the UK's closed circuit surveillance cameras will be published for he's determined not to "let any phony concerns about human rights get in the way."

Mr. Cameron says that the crisis is "a moral problem as much as a political problem" and I believe he is correct on that score. He attempts to point an authoritarian finger at the rioters' morals rather than at himself and his austerity measures that are causing suffering and a 'backed into a corner' feeling which is a common result of such draconian measures against a populace. Yes, Mars is touchy and OOBs and fighting back.

"It is a complete lack of responsibility in parts of our society, people allowed to feel the world owes them something, that their rights outweigh their responsibilities and their actions do not have consequences. Well, they do have consequences."

Oh, Mr. Cameron! The 'lack of responsibility' you cite also applies to a government letting down its people for the sake of the rich getting richer--who think that their "rights" to more private wealth lifted from the public sector can "outweigh their responsibilities."

Yes, actions do have consequences, and this American with British heritage wishes that you'd cared more about that fact before your 'austerity measure' actions took hope away from the youth of your country--and now your countrymen reap the consequences of the restrictive, Saturnian New World Order agenda you follow, your peoples' wishes and needs be dam*ed.

That riotous upheavals could have easily been predicted (even without Astrology!) implicates PM Cameron as one who knew that violence and societal breakdown was precisely what was being sown by the government's mean-spirited actions. And as I previously wrote concerning current conditions in Britain, another planned casualty of the current street violence may be those "phony concerns about human rights" (mid-1960s!) which Mr. Cameron so cavalierly dismisses as unworthy of consideration--with riots in the streets his alleged justification.


Cameron's "actions have consequences" quote from today's BBC News, an organization towing the NWO line as well so please keep a grain of salt (healthy scepticism) handy when reading.

*A midpoint picture in effect this very day: Mars/Pluto = Uranus: cruelty, violence, brutality; sudden disasters and calamities of great consequence. (Ebertin.) This applies to the entire globe, not just the UK, of course. And if we add Saturn, now slightly out of opposition range with Uranus in Aries ('Utopians'), a Cardinal Grand Cross is formed between Saturn, Uranus, Mars, and Pluto.

You may also be interested in a previous post from 2010 Pope to UK: Moon Triggers July 2010 Solar Eclipse which shows a bi-wheel chart of Vatican II's natal horoscope with the Pope Benedict's visit of September 17, 2010 around it.

The two natal horoscopes I have in my files for the UK are: May 12, 1707 (NS) 00:00 LMT Westminster, England, and January 1, 1801 00:00 am LMT London. I believe the birth data are from historical record.


UPDATE 7:00 pm edt: I am told that this blog's host, Blogger, will be in read-only mode later this evening and all day Thursday. Therefore, SO'W will return with new postings on or by Friday, August 12, 2011. Hope big news events take a break simultaneously--but what are the chances? jc

Aug 9, 2011

The Fed speaks w Mercury/Neptune opposed 8.9.11

Ben Bernanke speaks @ 2:15 pm edt after Fed meeting Aug 9, 2011

by Jude Cowell

When the Fed's Ben Bernanke is scheduled to speak today in Washington DC at 2:15 pm edt, rising is money/big business sign Scorpio (21:40), Midheaven 2Vir38 is ruled by Mercury Rx 29Leo19 conjunct MC from 9th house and conjoining Royal Fixed Star Regulus (now @ 00Vir00), keywords: success if revenge is avoided.

Opposite the 29th-degreed (critical; crisis) Mercury is nebulous Neptune 29AQ53 Rx conjunct Chiron 3Pis00 Rx, not a stable 'base' (IC 2Pis38, ruled and co-ruled by speculators Jupiter/Neptune; 4th H = Real Estate, the millstone round our necks) so his remarks or ideas may not carry much weight. Also just entered into 4th H sizzles Uranus 4Ari12 Rx (Uranus in Aries = Utopians) conjoining the 2:15 pm chart's Part of Fortune 3Ari31.

With Mercury retrograde, Mr. Bernanke repeats what's been said before and/or reconsiders his and the board of governors' views and plans--their meeting's purpose, one assumes. As the planet of Communications, Announcements, Speeches, Trade, Commerce, and Decisions, trickster Mercury's Rx Neptunian condition may not help in the confidence department even though that is just what global markets need most at the moment.

And with a Mercury/Neptune opposition across the Home/Security--Public Status/Career axis (4/10), plans are confusing, deceptive, and/or illusory. Mr. Bernanke's thoughts and remarks may be inspired, yes--or delusionary, and most people agree that the Fed folk have few if any arrows left in their quiver for jiggling things into a more positive direction. The Fed's real plans may be veiled (big surprise!)

(Or, if you're like me, you believe our economic condition since 2008 has been engineered on purpose for what Utopians think is a 'greater cause'--a New World Order. But that topic is beyond the scope of today's article. If you're interested, scroll down a bit and type a term into this blog's Search Bar.)

Of course, the Fed could buy up more securities to create liquidity, something the money-printing Jupiter/Pluto pair of large project managers and big bankers may prefer--Jupiter and Pluto now trine one another yet are separating (4S25) in materialistic earth signs (Tau/Cap.)

As you know, liquidity is a province of the bubbly, spendthrifty Jupiter/Neptune duo--NYSE was born with a Jupiter/Neptune conjunction in late Libra. Perhaps the Jupiter/Pluto-esque Fed will de-quiver the securities-buy-up arrow and set it flying high into Jupiter/Neptune's grand scheme territory in spite of inflation worries.

Also rising--on the ASC, in fact, at 2:15 pm--is the depressive Moon/Saturn midpoint which also indicates: awareness of ambition, direction, strategy (Tyl); thus a midpoint picture is formed: Moon/Saturn = ASC: a reserved self-presentation; a strong need for emotional control. That's our Ben.

Soon to rise is the difficult Saturn/Pluto midpoint 24Sco09--with ASC = an environment giving the impression of silent power or continuing influence (Ben hopes); concentrating on important matters; assessment of how to work with those who have power or influence; sadness. Well, everyone is feeling sad these days unless their incomes fall into the top 2%.

Now money planet Jupiter is in bullish Taurus (9:39) in Cadent 6th H indicating financial preparations (and military spending weakening our employment investments), and it's interesting that Jupiter is in greedy Taurus as world markets plummet. Someone is making tons of money! Jupiter's Station Rx on August 30, 2011 @ 10Tau20 indicates a retrenching of some kind in financial matters (and possibly in faith and ideological concepts, too.)

So what about the 2nd H of Money, here ruled by bullish Jupiter, co-ruler of the 4th H of Real Estate? North Node (NN @ 22Sag11) and powerful, secretive Pluto 5Cap14 Rx snug around the Moon 28Sag41 creating a very descriptive midpoint picture of what's going on with the populace (Moon):

Pluto/NN = Moon: inhibitions in development; reaching for the big picture; ambition, or there is too much fear to take action.

Perhaps you've noticed in the news lately the word "balance"? NN conjoins Fixed Star Ras Alhague, keywords: a desire to create balance or to heal. NN = future direction, the path and you don't need Astrology to know that balance is what's required. My common good politics tell me that addressing the financial inequality gap in the US is what this indicates, yet it's precisely what the power elite seem determined to avoid--and their intransigence is triggering the Uranus/Pluto square into riots, strikes, protests, and revolution.

Opposite 2nd H in another money house, the 8th, lurks out-of-bounds Mars 4Can15 and since he is OOBs, I have no idea what he's up to, do you? Mayhem cannot be ruled out for we see his feiry actions in the Uk now. Mars rules disruptive Uranus in Aries, and the 5th H of Gambling and Risk-Taking (5th cusp 4Ari30), and is chart-ruler through Scorpio rising--see below for his applying aspects which tell how Bernanke's remarks will proceed.

Ongoing is the oft-mentioned picture still in force: Jupiter/Neptune = Uranus: imagination v reality; coming down to earth with a bump; sudden recognition of a difficult situation.

Plus, Mars/Pluto = Uranus: sudden calamities of great consequence (the stock market plummet included and violent riots in the UK--jc); cruelty, violence, brutality; dangerous sense of attack; a chip on one's shoulder; fight first, talk later.

In 9th H of Philosophy and Foreign Lands are Sun 16Leo49 and evaluating Venus 14Leo58 yet they are intercepted in 9th H which describes the few options for action available for ego-expansion and goals. Venus rules 6th H (Tau) and 11th H of Groups, Associations, Hopes/Wishes with Saturn posited there @ 13Lib03--poised for the third of three conjunctions with US natal Saturn (14:48) on August 28, 2011, a key date in the current American tableaux as our accountability chickens come home to roost and previous slackness surfaces to be dealt with--positively or negatively. Saturn does sextile (60 degr; opportunity) Venus but the aspect is separating.

The Beginning Is in the Ending

There are more factors worth mentioning but 2:15 pm nears so I'll close with what I should have begun with--the applying aspects of chart-ruler/s (Mars, and also Pluto, if you prefer.)


1. opposes co-ruler Pluto across the 2/8--not so good a portent, 0A59--the initial response to Mr. Bernanke's remarks may be stalemate and disagreement; a major power play is described.

2. semi-squares Sun, a minor yet irritating relationship (2A25.)

3. opposes Moon (5A34)--wait till we-the-people get a load of what his remarks indicate--anger, annoyance, provocation.

(Another midpoint picture may fill out the scene: Moon/Pluto = Mars: too much energy not knowing where to go (or money going into gold?); frustration and anger; an intense emotional crisis. (This is only temporary, dear investors--calm down, stop whining, and step up!))

Pluto makes no other applying aspects in the chart other than the Mars/Pluto opposition and his overbearing conjunction with the Moon. The Moon/Pluto pair indicates exaggerated new plans, zeal, and/or upheavals. Zealous Mars/Pluto = excessive effort, extreme force, and/or persuasion, control, brutality.

Pluto/NN = common destiny of a large mass of people--not good, imho, with the people sandwiched between this 'connections or encounters (NN) with the powerful (Pluto.)'

This horoscope indicates to me that today's announcement concerning our nation's current economic condition and what the Fed may do next will require quite a performance from Mr. Bernanke if it's not to cause markets to react negatively.

And we-the-people are already frustrated and angry with the greedy power elite who seem determined to crash the US and global economies while gutting our valuable social safety net--today's tension-filled, emotionally volatile Moon/Uranus square shows that the American people feel we are not being given an even break in the "shared sacrifices" department--because we're not.

Well, I'm glad I'm not Fedhead today. Not that I'd ever have wanted to be a wonk for the NWO. My bet is placed squarely upon we-the-people who are now Awakening!

For more on Ben Bernanke, here's a non-edited post written in February 2006 upon the occasion of his very first 'Fedhead shout-out'.


Midpoint pictures and planetary combos: Tyl; Ebertin; Munkasey; any, all, or none of the mdpt pictures may apply.

Progressives of note: Center for American Progress and Thom Hartmann, my main go-to guy.

Aug 8, 2011

Knowledge Is Power, says Max Igan (video); Voting in Wisconsin on 8.9.11

Here is a series of four video presentations from Max Igan, "Knowledge is Power", a truism we've all heard many times before but Mr. Igan's fuller explanation is stellar as usual.

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4:


Heads-up, America! If you're a voter in Wisconsin, don't be fooled by GOP tactics: your polls open tomorrow, August 9, 2011, at 7:00 am and I hope you throw the bums and thugs out of your state government!

Sending supportive vibes your way, jc

Leaving behind No Child Left Behind, 'Tea Party Downgrade', and London

Three Cheers Hurrah! August 8, 2011

by Jude Cowell

Well, the first item is what I consider good news for a Monday with little of it to spare!

The Obama administration will grant waivers to allow interested states to end-run around the ridiculous, teach-to-test-impart-no-knowledge No Child Left Behind Act that Bush & crew put in place to dumb down the US populace and destroy our educational system.

Hurrah! for states being allowed to leave this child-damaging law behind.

Plus, today's broadcast of Amy Goodman's Democracy Now! (coming on my TV as I type on LINK TV) promises to be informative on the Navy SEALS helicopter deaths, and on the rise of Food Stamp use in America by what used to be our Middle Class, the one US corporate titans and transnational globalists have left behind in their dust. Why, it almost seems as if certain CEOs create no jobs in the US because they're on the side of a GOP intent on failure for the Obama administration, doesn't it?

Amy interviews author Barbara Ehrenreich on her newly updated book Nickel and Dime: On (Not) Getting By in America. You may remember that she was the lady who went undercover to work in entry-level jobs ($7 an hour then, is $9 an hour now, she says) such as maid with a housecleaning service--brilliant work and very timely in 2011.

Ms. Ehrenreich makes the point that the current ruinous economic climate in the US and the rich class's unwillingness to share the sacrifice may have finally "broken through" Americans' reluctance to tax the rich because of the "I might be rich one day, too" illusion has been vanquished by recent events. Hurrah!

Throwing America Overboard

You know I loved hearing Sen. John Kerry on Meet the Press yesterday call Friday's S&P downgrade of America's credit rating to AA+ the "Tea Party downgrade"-- another Hurrah! Partisan? Certainly, but who says 'partisan' has to be untruthful? (Mr. Rove probably, but enough of him.)

Yes, on MTP Senator Kerry actually spoke more directly than usual, a pleasant change from his typical circuitous garble that says very little when you untangle the aristocratic mannerisms and self-edits mid-sentence.

Here's a link to MTP's August 7, 2011 broadcast with transcript and video, in case you missed it.

Astrology Much?

Kerry's birth data: December 11, 1943 @ 8:03 am MWT Denver, CO; ASC Sag; MC Lib; Sun Sag/Moon Gem (source: astrodatabank.) This blend's 'Image for Integration':

"Robin Hood as a young boy plays truant from school to go to his archery lesson, but ends up teaching his card tricks to his master." (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Harvey.)

This Image which blends his conscious mind (Sun) with his unconscious (Moon) reminds me of then-Mr. Kerry's righteous testimony to Congress concerning the travesties and beastliness of the Vietnam War back in the day and his later joining Congress ('The Man', as we used to say) as One Of The Masters.

I have no fourth Hurrah for that.


Today, August 8, 2011 at 8:13 am edt in Washington DC, the revolutionary pair of planets Uranus and Pluto made their closest attempt at squaring one another as upheaval and fire-settings in London roil and other global regions continue erupting. Click for a view of the horoscope (set for DC) with a few astro-details.

Sorry to hear of riots in London over the weekend yet I shall reserve my opinion on who the masked marauders are and for whom they actually work. One determinate will be what new draconian, police-state measures from the government are said to be 'inspired' by the turmoil if indeed new 'laws' are deemed to be necessary. Of course, I'm the one who posted recently, Beware if your city or nation wants to host the Olympic Games!

What I neglected to mention (once again) in Atlanta GA After the 1996 Olympics: Few If Any Gains is that the much-touted Olympic Torch is an Illuminati symbol, aka, the 'Eternal Flame'.