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Apr 8, 2012

America's Sun/Pluto obsession? EM Radiation/Smart Grid/Spying (video)

Loving that wireless connection? So am I yet its spying capacity and the electromagnetic radiation we receive will up the incidents of cancer and other diseases, reports Mike Day in this video:

Now when it comes to America's natal horoscope of July 4, 1776, our government's tendency toward strong-arm control, and spying on US citizens, I usually reserve my astro-complaints for our nation's Mercury/Pluto opposition with its state-of-crisis, problem-solving, fear-of-credibility-challenges themes. Spies (Mercury) control (Pluto) data from regions unknown and of course, Mercury's connection to air travel implicates spy satellites as well. Plus, Pluto's 'invisible helmet' and its link with psychology, coping mechanisms, insights, secrets, and subversion cannot be dismissed for those who appreciate astrological and mythological translations of real-world topics.

US Sun/Pluto

Yet perhaps America's natal Sun (leadership) in self-protective Cancer and natal Pluto (wealthy power-behind-the-throne controllers) in Saturn-ruled Capricorn--across the Can-Cap Security axis--should be mentioned for anyone wishing to view the above video since US natal Sun/Pluto are in quindecile aspect (165 degrees), an obsessive-compulsive relationship between the president and unnamed plutocrats (and spying agencies) which indicates drive and determination toward dealing or coping with the manipulation concerns of both Sun and Pluto.

See if you think their obsessions relate to the concept of spying and collecting data on all Americans, the guilty and the innocent, in direct opposition to the tenets embedded within the US Constitution; the added involvement of US natal Mercury fills out the picture even more and, imho, continues to describe the upper levels of the American ruling class as their net of control tightens circa 2012:

Sun (ego recognition) QD Pluto (empowerment or disempowerment through perspectives) = uses intense drive to gain power and control; focuses on prominence and success; ruthless, manipulative, intimidating; transforms perspectives by purging old concepts; may possess strength of character (or plays one on TV--jc); self-evaluation and therapy are beneficial (if only! Of course the evaluation is aimed at the lives and data that should belong to innocent citizens, not at an overreaching, privacy-disrespecting government. jc)

With natal Mercury (at '25Cancer' = "A Man Wrapped in an Invisible Mantle of Power"--ya think? jc): driven by schemes and ideas to gain advantages over others; can effectively communicate powerful perspectives; utilizes mental and verbal manipulation to get ahead (exs: propaganda; political echo chambers; corporate hacks that call themselves 'journalists'; TV's 'talking heads' and 'pundits' parroting the party line and/or scripts of special interest groups, ALEC-driven legislation, etc--jc.)

(The Quindecile, Ricki Reeves.)

Okay, that's my fuss for today. We still have the best nation in the world, don't we? But it takes the consent of the governed for things to work out well. Let's close with three quotes from one of our early Illuminized Masonic presidents for I still have trouble believing Thomas Jefferson was completely clued in on what the future would hold for America as engineered by reason-worshippers who wish a 'return to Utopia' and a chaotic nation without any civil institutions at all--you know, like those Social Darwinians and other radicals now attempting to defund education, environmental protections, civil servant pay, and any other common good service or program that keeps America leaning forward and that We the People need in order to simply survive:

"It is part of the American character to consider nothing as desperate; to surmount every difficulty by resolution and contrivance."

"This I hope will be the age of experiments in government, and that their basis will be founded on principles of honesty, not of mere force."

(Thomas Jefferson in a letter to John Adams, 1796)

"Whenever a man has cast a longing eye on them (public offices), a rottenness begins in his conduct."

(Jefferson in a 1799 letter to Tench Coxe)

Apr 6, 2012

'Conspiracy? The Lincoln Assassination' (full film) w Astro-Notes

Is the Lincoln Assassination Still a Mystery?

by Jude Cowell

From Alexandra Bruce at ForbiddenKnowledgeTV comes a heads-up on an intriguing question concerning the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln:

Was the plot to kill Abraham Lincoln orchestrated by the highest levels of the confederate government? After 20 years of independent research, Edward Steers claims that Booth received substantial and critical help from the confederate secret service, operating in Canada.

If you wish, check out the full film (45 mins 16 secs), 'Conspiracy? The Lincoln Assassination':

Here's an interview with author Edward Steers about his historical research.

Plus, you may wish to view Mr. Lincoln's natal horoscope with his assassination horoscope around it (click chart image to enlarge.) You'll note the Mystic Rectangle planetary pattern over America as our president was shot and lay dying.

Apr 5, 2012

Full Moon Apr 6, 2012 is Super and Pink!

In Washington DC on April 6, 2012, a Full Moon perfects at 3:18:35 pm edt across the Relational axis of Self-Others and indicates culmination or fulfillment of some sort, the seeds of which were planted two weeks ago at the New Moon (2Ari22.)

Plus, the April 6 Full Moon is the first of 2012's 5 Super Moons and it appears near Spica (potential for brilliance) and planet Saturn. This is Spring's rather magical Pink Moon which always reminds me of Nick Drake's ethereal third album by that name.

Meanwhile, in contentious Washington DC...

Occurring during an Hour of Mercury--finally moving Direct @ 24Pis06 (8th house of Shared Resources, Debt, Credit, Insurance, Legacies, Big Business, Transformation), Mercury makes no aspects to other planets but does quincunx (inconjunct = 150 degrees = adjustment) the Full Moon horoscope's Ascendant 26Leo21. The inconj denotes those who tend to give others the benefit of the doubt, submit without resistance, evaluate other people correctly which may make them uncomfortable, and those who may be jacks-of-all-trades; teachers, reporters, bloggers, young people, traders, and others of mercurial persuasions are indicated.

With the Sun (17Ari23 in 8th H) as chart-ruler, major applying aspects made by the Sun give us a clue as to how things will proceed from the April 6 Full Moon--except that there are no major aspects, applying or separating which places the Sun's sign (Mars-ruled Aries) and house position in the spotlight.

There are, however, two minor aspects: Sun semi-square Venus (a mild irritant) and Sun sesqui-square (135 degr, like two interlocking squares--blockages inside obstacles?) Neptune 2Pis15 in 7th H of...Partnerships.

With deceptive though inspired Neptune opposing a 1st H Mars Rx (and in process of conjoining President Obama's natal Pluto 6Vir59, off and on--next and last conj on May 22, 2012), we see the White House actively dealing with potentially chaotic events and feisty people, and the president finding himself with karmic or fated actions to take and aggressive people to soothe--or he attempts to work around them (ex: recess appointments.)

Chances are, you're aware that President Obama is in the midst of two planetary returns--Chiron (in natal 1st H), and Mars. Here are the dates of his three-fer Mars Return which affects the entire year for him, for America, and for the American people:

1. Jan 15, 2012
2. Feb 1, 2012 Rx
3. June 18, 2012

As you see for Mr. Obama, the first half of 2012 is taken up with Mars and martial implications but I won't detail the obvious 'wars and rumors of war' stuff or mention his conflicts with martial opponents here at home for you can turn on the news and hear it for yourself in current events. Yes, the GOP are deep into their tiresome "Two Santa Clauses" ploy where they spend like drunken sailors when they're in the White House, then pull out the Austerity/Deficit/America-Is-Bankrupt Card when it's Democrats manning the helm, a political tactic identified and better explained by the excellent Thom Hartmann in his Common Dreams article of 2009. This perfectly decribes the first year and subsequent years of President Obama's term!

As you know, a Mars Return (or here, a 6-month period) is the start of a new two-year cycle of activity and endeavor with major indications of finding a new direction--the time just before, at, and just after the actual conjunction of Mars to natal Mars are the high points though tracking Mars through the Return chart/s and its angles yields even more details and timing.

Politics by the Light of the Full Moon

Curiously for the 'Santa Claus GOP' the April 6, 2012 Full Moon shows Venus @ 2Gem53 (10th H), squaring the 1st H Mars Rx (BHO--conjunct his natal Pluto--power), and doing more than just stimulating the November 25, 2011 Solar Eclipse degree (2Sag37, the 'Super Committee' Eclipse) for the Sabian Symbol for Venus in the Full Moon chart, if rounded down, highlights the GOP tactic:

"2Gem" = "Santa Claus Filling Stockings Furtively" which seems to be the primary way that wealthy GOPers (and others) fill their stockings lately--at the expense of others and in secret, whenever they can. Here is Marc Edmund Jones' explanation of this degree and its Jupiterian word picture:


positive expression: an unusual capacity for bringing man's possessions into a wide acceptance and for heightening every proper joy in worldly goods;

negative (unconscious/shadow side--jc) expression: a childish or clandestine futility in seeking any normal richness of living. (The Sabian Symbols in Astrology.

Well, if the GOP's stubborn fanatics wish to act as childishly as possible while they're stamping their little feet, I suggest they hold their breathes until they slither again into the Oval Office--or until they turn blue, whichever comes second.


For further reading on Mars Rx (almost at an end!) try Mary Plumb on the Trayvon Martin tragedy. You'll note that his natal South Node is now conjoined by Venus, at the degree mentioned above.

Journalist Defends Astrology

An award-winning journalist, Art Harris, defends Astrology in this interview and he will attend the UAC in New Orleans, LA in May 2012!

Apr 4, 2012

Is 'conservatism' the default position of Americans? (Thom Hartmann video)

This video may be a day late--Thom Hartmann reporting on Tuesday April 3, 2012, but is relevant to Campaign 2012 and the 'default position' taken by a majority of Americans when we're too busy and harried to pay much attention to the issues that dearly affect our lives--the position is 'conservatism'!

But as Thom points out, the current crop of 'conservatives' are not conservative at all, they're radicals. In Mundane Astrology I tend to describe them as the Uranus-in-Aries crowd, or, to paraphrase Reinhold Ebertin in The Combination of Stellar Influences: 'reformers' (of the radical kind), and 'utopians' who are ambitious, stubborn, violent (ex: 9/11/01 occurred under Bush-Cheney as did Financial Collapse 2008 and it's cruel and violent to tear to pieces our social safety net), 'blind zealots', 'fanatics who fight for ideas', 'restless', and 'dreamy enthusiasts'.

And these radical reformers have been 'in the house' more than ever--US natal 4th house (Ic 00Ari53) since transiting Uranus reached Aries Point the first time in 2010. And you know what election that hgihlights: the 'Tea Party' take-over.


Thom Hartmann
Sexy Liberal
Democracy Now!

Apr 3, 2012

The YOD in Thomas Jefferson's Natal Chart

Post Updated April 10, 2012--see below for new info on apex Saturn; original post begins here:

Discovering that the natal horoscope of Thomas Jefferson is replete to overflowing with intriguing facets describing an intellectual giant of The Enlightenment, his natal chart has been an off-and-on study about the place and here I shall make mention of one primary--perhaps The Primary--personality dynamic in President Jefferson's psyche as denoted by his natal planets. (Birth data below.)

This important determinate for understanding a small sliver of TJ is the pattern of a YOD, like a squished down triangle with two sides 150 degr or thereabouts, and both aiming at an apex planet or planets, and in Mr. Jefferson's case, that would be his natal Saturn (sense of authority; maturity; government) Rx in 7th house of Partnerships/Legal Relationships, and posited @ 29Leo04 (conjunct Royal Star Regulus--success if revenge is avoided--and at a critical-crisis 29th degr.)

The sextiled planets at the base of the YOD are Uranus 26Cap56 (conj US n Pluto Rx) just having risen though ASC = 00AQ29 (you note that this degree is the position of the Sun during our modern era presidential inaugurations since they've been held on January 20 (1937) rather than in early March. Is Thomas Jefferson secretively honored each US Inauguration by those who use whatever means necessary to stay in power? Was the 00AQ52 association--Office of the President = Thomas Jefferson's natal Sun? If so, this concurrence had to be synchronized by people who knew how.

Ex: Benjamin Franklin published an almanac for years and made his fortune therefrom; as a scientist and philosopher he was known to dabble in what today we term, Astrology. Now you know that astrological prowess is always passed down through generations, that's nothing new. So let us not fuss over whether Mr. Jefferson, whose aftereffects were found to include a Rosicrucian decoder in his possession (for writing and reading secret messages--they had code names, too) was in alignment or not with groups that are perhaps only now revealing their true designs. Being a loner, perhaps he wasn't a joiner, and being of an ivory tower temperament (so he could think without interruption) Jefferson would have been more of a spiritual adherent to a philosophy rather than a practical one (showing up at regular meetings, etc.) He was accustomed to coming up with his own concepts and developed his inner authority (Saturn, the father, Rx--didn't model authority well for young Tom for Dad was either weak when strength was needed, or absent on one or more levels.)

Jefferson was known for speaking publicly--in a whisper! If you could prevail upon him to do it. Natal Mercury (speaking; communication style; thinking processes; whispers, apparently) @ 26Pis36 was mystical and at-one and thrived on his gardening pursuits (Venus and NN in Taurus near natal IC 22Tau02 = Home) and intellectual wanderings--of course you know of his professions of longing for home and family whenever he was away.

So! What of TJ's YOD (special purpose; crisis; turning point; crossroads; a spiritual opportunity), what midpoint picture might fit the bill of Mercury-Saturn-Uranus (all associated with Astrology, btw)? Here are some possible manifestations for the emphasized trio in the horoscope of this deeply complex man:

Mercury-Uranus sextile (brilliant problem-solver; individual v group; rational thinker with high intuitions; can approach concerns with a fresh or different perspective; intellectually stands apart from the group; uncomfortable if ideas are too readily accepted--did his best when he rejected group assumptions; desired to awaken or convert others; society's critic; an emotional outsider; heretical views created controversy; little confidence in new situations; the spiritual debate between good and evil; a philosopher; foreign travel or self-exile brings insights that lead to wisdom. (The Sextile, Alan Epstein.)

Here's the trio's midpoint picture which I shall ask you to consider in the light of US Inaugural Sun 00AQ+ (the leader.)

Mercury-Uranus = (apex) Saturn: a desire for personal liberation; suddenly overcoming inhibitions through acting quickly; a correct grasp of a difficult situation and attainment of success and life advancement; separating oneself from others or attaining safety for oneself.

(The Combination of Stellar Influences, Reinhold Ebertin.)

I shall close with Jefferson's birth data and a few more details:

Thomas Jefferson
April 13, 1743 NS
1:53:48 am LMT
Shadwell, VA

38N00 78W23
True Node

ASC 00AQ29 conj Uranus 26Cap56 (an ability to cope with anything--FDR has Uranus rising); MC 22Sco02 conj Pluto 15Sco49 Rx (the Eagle Point); Sun 22Ari54 conj 3rd cusp; Moon 10Sag46 in 10th H of Public Status; Career; Mercury 26Pis36 in 2nd H of Values; lusty Mars 18Leo42 in 7th H conj Pan Rx, a trickster element quite suitable for conducting back door romances (in Leo-esque France); a scientific Jupiter 4Vir45 Rx (7th H conj Saturn in Leo.)

In a few days, he'll be 269 years old! And there's much more contained in the natal horoscope of the mysterious Mr. J, but you'll want to set up his horoscope for more details, if you don't have it already. Have you seen his close conjunction between Neptune 9Can26 and Chiron 9Can37 (6th H), a spiritualized duo which curiously was eclipsed on July 1, 2011 @9Can12 by a Solar Eclipse which began a fresh new Saros Series...

April 10, 2012: The following paragraph is hereby updated concerning Jefferson's apex Saturn in a natal YOD configuration:

Thomas Jefferson's natal YOD's apex Saturn indicates a karmic challenge which emphasizes what already contains karmic implications due to the presence in the natal horoscope of the YOD pattern--a 'fated' undertone is present in the life. This means that both timing and inner maturity were necessary leading up to 1776 for Jefferson to properly use and deal with the dynamic energy of the YOD at the turning point the pattern represents and from which issued the Declaration of Independence. That Thomas Jefferson was given a cosmic purpose to work out seems obvious in hindsight and imho, he was aware of it as well considering his extensive research and study into cosmic or occult subjects, and in light of the critical, soul-trying events of his day.

Though he was happier in solitude, it was a priority (said the Universe) for him to join with others of the New Atlantis persuasion and get the job done of creating a new nation free from religious persecution. His establishment of the University of Virginia further bears out his intentions on the matter.

Apex Saturn in a YOD configuration shows one who makes continuous adjustments when it comes to his ego-security and self-preservation at the start, then experiences much anxiety and self-doubt (part of his whispered speeches? natal 12th cusp of Karma, Self-Undoing, Politics = 5Cap56, ruled by Saturn) due to a lack of support in his early environment. Plus, natal Saturn Rx = weak or absent father; Jefferson's Moon out-of-bounds--his only OOBs natally--shows his well-known faulty relationship with his Mother which was never resolved in her lifetime.

Apex Saturn leads to a painful awareness of one's personal deficiencies and to feelings of being an unwanted outcast, an emotional and psychological condition which must be conquered in adulthood in order to take correct action at YOD's turning point or crossroads, and to successfully manage the special task which the YOD decrees. Yet Saturn's natural drive to overcome obstacles along with the corrective nature of a YOD (for those who cooperate with the Universe rather than selfishly balking) made Jefferson well-suited to take whatever actions and studies necessary to reorganize himself and his attitudes which assured efficient functioning in the world.

YODs are often considered cosmic tests, and Saturn is the planet of tests and lessons, so a great sense of freedom from past burdens may be experienced when a karmic YOD involving Saturn strengthens the character and its energies are thus well-managed. This leads to a definite life direction and an acceptance of social responsibility (something many modern day politicians fail in miserably--so are they 'politicians' at all?); plus, purposeful activity, steady focus, realized ambitions, hard work, and dedication to serious goals are uplifted and, as we know, a significant, well-respected social status results which his name continues to enjoy to this day.

Thomas Jefferson's karmic YOD with apex Saturn made his Saturn Return around the age of 28 highly important to the requirements of his natal YOD's purpose. His Saturn Return occurred three times: Nov 12, 1771, Jan 7, 1772 (Rx), and July 23, 1772; apex Saturn came into play again with a special purpose of karmic proportions at his next Saturn Return of Sept 2, 1801 for he had been inaugurated US president on March 4, 1801 with Congress deciding on his behalf on Feb 9, 1801.


Recommended for more info on YODs and other planetary patterns, see Dynamics of Aspect Analysis by Bil Tierney.

Apr 1, 2012

When Paul Ryan "misspeaks" the Pentagon bristles

Rep. Paul Ryan says he misspoke when he basically called Pentagon officials liars about their budget but he backed down very quickly.

(Don't you adore it when politicians' "misspeak"? If you or I misspoke, we'd be lyin'!)

Those big baby blues--Aquarian eyes--of Mr. Ryan are apparent with his Sun in Aquarius. But was he born with Moon in Venus-ruled Libra or in Mars/Pluto-ruled Scorpio?

Max Igan: Energy & 2012 (video)

No such thing as global warming. Everything is energy. We are all one. Change the world. Love is the Foundation of the Universe. The Mayan Long Count Calendar will end in December 2012. We all make mistakes--it's not correcting them that creates problems. Sunspots are implicated. The Illuminati is enthralled by numbers like '11'. Fibonacci was on to something...

Max Igan in 3 parts:

Part 1 of 3

Part of 2 of 3

Part 3 of 3