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Feb 6, 2013

Pluto Ascends! More than killer drones: ARGUS (video)

Peep-eye! Wave to the camera, everyone!

America's natal Mercury-Pluto opposition keeps on developing more and more accurate surveillance techniques and devices, doesn't it? Mercury's eyes with Pluto, associated with the sign Scorpio, of spies and surveillance fame, uses its eagle totem to soar thousands of feet above our heads and watch us like hawks.

And of course, the Mercury-Pluto duo falls across the Cancer (home; security)/Capricorn (control; management) axis as obsessive Pluto plods through Capricorn now on his way toward America's Pluto Return/s of 2022 so perhaps we should keep the Sabian Symbol for US natal Pluto (27Cap33) for '28Cap' in mind as we 'lean forward' into what appears to be morphing into a dystopian future:

From Marc Edmund Jones' The Sabian Symbols in Astrology:

'28Cap' = "A Large Aviary"...COMMUNITY.

Positive expression: exceptional success in making all personal concerns a matter of common welfare:

Negative (Unconscious/Shadow Side): loss of all character in sheer officiousness.

This symbol relates on one level to the Pentagon.

Then there's the karmic intent, the symbol for the prior degree--and a mention that these degrees appear at Midheaven (MC = The Goal) in US Inauguration Horoscopes along with US natal Pluto itself:

'27Cap' = "A Mountain Pilgrimage"...PERSEVERANCE.

Pos: total reconciliation of mind and heart in an unquestioned devotion to some worthwhile task at hand; (ex: "winning minds and hearts" by aggressive invasion? killer drones are making that ridiculous propaganda even more ludicrous. jc);

Neg: satisfaction in superficial allegiances and a parade of false virtue.

Apparently, the president's targeted killing list which can include Americans 'believed' to be linked with al Qaeda isn't illegal if we do it but how many of us want Richard Nixon's rationalization for breaking the law staining our national conscience in this way? Well, it already does, "collateral damage" and all. And who knows who will be the next drone-wielding president with his or her ability to play judge, jury, and executioner without even a shred of probable cause or due process?

And what entity will secretly direct said president? Opportunities for abuse of the drone program are multiple--imagine what another neocon war hawk Commander-in-Chief can do--or what another government or group with hacking power can do.

So I suspect the riddle of the transiting Pluto-Chiron midpoint conjoining US Inaugural Sun (the leader; the president) for recent Inauguration ceremonies is now at least partially solved. The combination of Pluto-Chiron and its primal violence, disenfranchisement, oppression, racism, capitalism, totalitarianism, and all manner of other -isms that plague mankind is now revealed in part as the president's killer drones. If you're a target or in the wrong place at the wrong time, can it get more oppressive than that?

Yes, the imperialists' global government plan grinds on and all is done under the auspices of "keeping America safe". Their thinly veiled ruse becomes more threadbare by the minute! Is seems that Inauguration 2013's 10th house Mars (strikes, attacks, violence, war) in detached Aquarius signifies on one level drone strikes ordered by the White House and perpetrated by remote (AQ) control. That the draconian issue is receiving more and more attention in the news is shown by the public 10th house status of Inaugural 2013 Mars.

In fact, The Nation's Greg Mitchell writes about a drone base in Saudi Arabia!

And interestingly, George W. Bush ordered drone strikes while in office beginning in 2004, the year that Pluto paralleled Chiron in mid-August (parallels are like strong conjunctions and are timing devices) after their Great Conjunction in late 1999--conjunct US natal Ascendant in the 'Sibly' '12Sag' = "A Flag Turns Into an Eagle That Crows." Now there's that plutonian eagle again with Dubya acting under the 'authority' of the US flag. And as you know, in late 1999 they were heralding the 'New Millennium' and scaring everyone with the Y2K scenario that was allegedly going to 'end the world as we know it'.

Trudging Up the Mountain...

For further reading on mountain and pyramid archetypes (which relate to America's Great Seal symbols, our nation's ultimate destiny (the 'Great Plan'), Mt. Meru, the center of the world, Atlantis, and more) you may wish to try Bibliotecapleyades.

And to view a variety of videos on a range of topics, visit Forbidden Knowledge TV.

Now here's Morning Joe's Joe Scarborough venting over, and guests discussing, presidential drone strikes (if you don't mind sitting through a brief ad):

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Feb 4, 2013

Sequester Fester and Jupiter's Path

In America's Scorpio Rising natal horoscope, ably championed as our natal chart by Michael O'Reilly, the 8th house of Debt, Credit, Insurance, Legacies, Shared Resources of all sorts, Corporations, Star Chambers and Hidden Councils, Transformation, and Death will have a money-laden, ideology driven, politically savvy visitor until approximately mid-August 2013.

As you see in the Scorpio Rising chart just below, The Jolly Giant is knocking at its cuspal door of 7 Gemini 42 as I type and performed a Direct Station on January 30, 2013 @6Gem19. The planet of generosity and investment has gone by many names but we know him as Jupiter. While in our national 8th house, Jupiter will visit the planets posited therein: Uranus 8Gem54, Mars 21Gem17, Venus 2Can57, and then, natal Jupiter @5Can54 which times our nation's (12-year) Jupiter Return.

USA July 4, 1776 2:22 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA; Hour of Jupiter; chart-ruler Mars in 8th house with sub-ruler Pluto Rx in 3rd H; 4th H Moon of We the People in 4th H of Domestic Scene, Home, and now--since the Bush-Cheney regime--of the Germanic 'Homeland Security'. The Sun-Jupiter conjunction gives us a Jupiterian optimism and sense of expansion and adventure. And boundary issues. And American exceptionalism inflation.

ASC 8Sco47 is conjoined by President Obama's natal Neptune at the same degree, and our natal Neptune @22Vir25 in 11th H veils the president's natal Mars, planet of war and weapons, and making his actions and motivations difficult if not impossible for We the People to know or completely understand. However, popularity, charisma, and glamor are constellated by Mars-Neptune however unstable its influence may turn out to be.

And of course, our national misguided Mars-Neptune square continues its bedevilment. Outside the natal horoscope you see the February 10th New Moon @21AQ43, so placed that you may observe transiting Jupiter poised at the 8th H cusp. Here are brief descriptions of the upcoming hits by Jupiter to natal 8th H planets. The first has occurred recently due to Jupiter's Rx period which began in early October 2012 @16Gem22:

Jupiter to Uranus = situations and opportunities broaden, training and travel are emphasized, and lifestyle choices, freedom, politics, and finances are areas which may see improvement.

Jupiter to Mars = physical tasks and competitions go easier and are expected to succeed; good fortune through relationships with males may be evident but laziness will not suffice; expansion of US forces into Africa is already underway and may be increased; sequester cuts may be avoided for the US military (Mars) as resources for troops, weapons, and new battles are actually increased, not retracted (Jupiter.) Soon Jupiter also squares natal Neptune in Virgo, a confusing time of illusion and deception when we should avoid those promoting a "big picture."

Jupiter to Venus = overindulgence, extravagance, and luxury are on the menu (along with caviar? yuck!); some will see success with writing, publishing, the arts; avoid laziness and over-estimations, and don't take anything for granted since relationships may come along that promise more than can or will be delivered! As ruler of natal 7th H of Partnerships and the 12th H of Politics, Self-Undoing, and Karma, this may be a trickier time than usual for US diplomatic matters and for finances. But perhaps money for embassy security will be beefed up by Congress which previously had voted large cuts in recent years.

Jupiter to Jupiter = US Jupiter Return which is supposed to be a time of rewards, confidence, and expansion; commerce should improve along with finances and the National Treasury (2nd H with Jupiter ruling) if negative forces--and people--do not interfere.

And just on the other side of the 9th H cusp lies US natal Sun (leadership) @13Can12 so Jupiter's hit denotes some sort of culmination of something begun 12 years prior. This obviously goes back to the WTC attacks on 9/11/01 so unless much needed improvements and investments occurred while tr Jupiter conjoined our 8th H planets, we may find ourselves up against a tide of similar challenges once again especially with tr Pluto (here @10Cap39 and about to enter natal 3rd H of Communications) and tr Jupiter moving into opposition.

Their opposition relates to the 13-year cycle of Jupiter-Pluto conjunctions, the last one beginning on December 11, 2007 @28Sag24, day of a Fed meeting so we must look to the Federal Reserve Bank for clues concerning this transit with social values being questioned and plans for growth being challenged. Of course, 2007 was the year that structural abnormalities within our financial and housing markets began to be impossible to hide--and Wall Street criminals are still playing their casino games and risking further collapse of the US and global economies in 2013!

Whether America's Jupiter Return on July 22, 2013 will be a successful reward cycle for the US economy depends greatly upon what the political varmints in Washington DC decide to do during the upcoming stalemates they will replay over the next few months. As you know, the Super Congress' (Super Committee) came to no good result in November 2011 other than to force a 'sequester' plan to perpetrate meat-cleaver cuts which, if enacted on March 1 (or ever), will decimate both the domestic and military budgets of the US. Some say that's what the secretive power elite intended all along--it's just that skittish Americans must be handled differently than Europeans.

Now if you remember, the 'Super Congress Eclipse' (as I termed it) on November 25, 2011 @2Sag37 (in 1st house of our Scorpio Rising natal chart) has a 'peculiar turn of events' theme with 'unexpected happenings in finance' and it heralded 'an acute time of confusion in relationships' (Brady's Predictive Astrology.) This 14 North eclipse occurred a mere two days after the Super Congress' recommendations deadline (Nov 23) and is within the allowed two weeks for describing that moment and their sneaky actions only too well.

So the best the congressional committee denizens could do in November 2011 (and since they take orders from unknown entities on such matters) was to set up the sequester to fester until 2013 when I suspect a way will be found by Congress to nix the majority of military budget cuts while, if they can, making harmful budget cuts that will collapse this nation through domestic spending for those who can ill afford to do worse financially than they already do. The suffering has been seen within European nations where austerity measures have been taken and austerity promoters may force them upon the American people after all--by way of automatic 'sequestration', it seems.

Yet the dramatic last-minute 'fiscal cliff' deal postponed the sequestration implementation date from January to March 1st and here's how sequestration would work as our political thespians pretend that--sigh!--massive cuts seem very likely happen. Are they telling us they have no say in such matters? Then tell us what shadowy entity does, oh neutered Congress!

Feb 2, 2013

Groundhog Day 2013: Now with More Hog

Groundhog Day 2013: Now with More Hog

by Jude Cowell

By now you've heard that Up North Punxsutawney Phil has predicted an early Spring, something Hurricane Sandy victims can well appreciate after being left out in the cold by financially obsessed Republicans scoring what they hope are political points.

Meanwhile, in an about-face that may signify a sleepy nod of fuzziness toward global climate change, today's prediction Down South by our own rodent, General Beauregard Lee (Phil's less famous cousin once removed) is for 6 more weeks of winter bluster to assail us 'down yonder'. As you might imagine, General Lee's burrow is located near Atlanta, GA.

And since February 2nd each year is when groundhogs are brought up for consideration from the depths of America's Collective Unconscious, I always review the Sabian Symbol for 15 Sagittarius: "The Groundhog Looking for Its Shadow...REASSURANCE."

In the Marc Edmund Jones version of the Sabian Symbols, positive and negative expressions are given for '15Sag' which are active in the environment at the moment due to real world events of fuzzy proportions with hopes for an early Spring:

'15Sag' positive: a natural talent for determining the proper course of action or reaction;

Negative (unconscious or shadow side--jc): lack of self-stability and ingrained timidity.

Dr. Jones adds to his interpretation that, "Implicit in the symbolism is a consistent sensitiveness to straws in the wind, and a willingness to make any amount of self-adjustment in order to capitalize on the situation of the moment."

In relation to Politics, my usual realm of fussiness, I'd say that straws in the wind reminds me of polls taken to ascertain which way the American people are 'blowing' at a moment in time, and of approval ratings for the president (good) and for Congress (in the crapper--but if we're feeling manipulated into thinking that our government no longer 'works', there's a good reason--we are.)

"Straws in the wind" also reminds me of a previously posted video you may have missed, Meet Your Straw Man, and of the pretzel shapes of 'adjustment' the Republican Party has been twisting itself into recently in an attempt to retain their core 'values' (of intolerance, bigotry, and disdain for the non-rich) while keeping their true sentiments squirrelled away by the use of new and improved rhetoric. Lipstick meets know how they do.

Astro-notes for February 2 and 3, 2013:

Once the Moon sailed into Scorpio this morning at 7:01 am est, Groundhog Day 2013 became one of Sun Aquarius-Moon Scorpio energies, an ethereal, misty Air-Water blend, perfect for the theatrics involved in Groundhog Day predictions, North and South.

Sun AQ-Moon Sco denotes keen insights (of groundhogs?!), strong wills, and ambitious reforms. It's a stubborn combo which may exhibit haughtiness and contempt especially when egos have been wounded. Emotionally possessive, this blend contains primitive needs which lead to manipulative tactics when needs are ignored or unmet.

At the foundation of these primal tendencies may lie a mind/feeling split not unlike the Dr. Jekyll-Mr. Hyde archetype...rational scientist (AQ) v passionate sensualist (Sco)! Traits such as brooding, blowing hot then cold, and an all-or-nothing attitude may characterize today and Sunday (Super Bowl!) until the Moon enters Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius on Monday February 4th at 10:45 am est. Monday the Moon will be void from 7:31 am until 10:45 am est so you may as well sleep late if you can! Actually this is good advice for Super Bowl hang-over celebrants, isn't it?

The Sun AQ-Moon Sco combo is shared natally by Henry Brook Adams who is well known for his instructive analysis of the practicing scoundrels and varmints who infest American Politics, in his day and in ours (see this blog's description above, under the title!)

"Politics, as a practice, whatever its professions, has always been the systematic organization of hatreds." Now he may have been a bigot concerning certain people, but it seems to me he got that right.

Plus, his definition fits perfectly into the 'divide and conquer' tactics used by a morally deformed power elite/ruling class against We the People in order to guard their exalted privileges, illusory social status, and massive wealth while keeping The Masses down, poor, and hungrier by the minute.

For populations to be disenfranchised by a hoggish elite bodes not well for our republic!

To close, so I can go enjoy the rest of Groundhog Day 2013 while forgetting about Politics, here's economics Professor Robert Reich on The Jobs Report, and Why the Recovery Has Stalled. He's another analyst who gets it right.

For more info on Sun-Moon blends, try 'Sun Sign-Moon Sign' by Charles & Suzi Harvey.

Jan 30, 2013

Thomas Jefferson on "the spirit of this country" (and Jupiter Stations Direct)

"The spirit of this country is totally adverse to a large military force."

So Thomas Jefferson informed us. But that was way before the Pentagon's 'military industrial complex' and the CIA began dictating where our National Treasury and human resources were spent. And that's where the spirit and soul of America were sacrificed on a devilish altar of conquest, war profiteering, and revenge. Seems to me that neocon war hawks have made a chump of Mr. Jefferson and the rest of us along with him.

Blog Note: now I can't imagine why my article on Thomas Jefferson's natal horoscope is so all-intriguing as to make it this blog's most-viewed post ever (obviously it's due to the elusive Mystic of Monticello and not to my incomplete analysis!), but if you haven't read about our 3rd president and the Yod pattern in his birth chart, you may wish to do so by clicking here.

And speaking of our soul-staining US military and America's compromised spirit, here's Glenn Greenwald's Obama's Non-Closing of Gitmo and US Government Irony. America's 'fog of war' Mars-Neptune square from 1776 just keeps on fooling us with its misdirected energy-confused motivations vibes, doesn't it? To be fooled one must first fool oneself.

Plus, our nation's Geminian Mars turned Rx (inward) by progression as of Summer 2006 is providing many problems at home through drought, arrests and an exploding prison population, protests and police action against protesters, gun violence upticks (ex: Chicago), gun legislation proposals causing conflict and "debate" on Capitol Hill today, parents against children-children against parents, and other aggression-related conditions and events.

Then when we consider America's Secondary Progressed Moon of December 2008 @4Vir10 along with our SP Mars Rx, it becomes clear--even to the big spenders in Washington--that our nation must now withdraw many of our tentacles (military bases) across the globe or at least decrease them in size because the SP Full Moon indicates that our country has extended her reach right up to the limit as far as the wider world is concerned. And of course, 'Dec 2008' times Financial Crisis 2008 (aka, the Great Bush-Cheney Heist as I call it.) Yes, our Atlas Days have ended and frankly, the overly fatigued American people are due a rest.

Besides, investing in America is a great way to proceed and since this very day Jupiter Stations Direct @6Gem19 and will soon hit US natal Uranus again (denoting financial and political improvements), perhaps projects and finances will begin to move forward in tandem with the Great Benefic's zodiacal path, as long as GOP ('Grand' = Jupiter!) members don't completely throttle into unconsciousness any improvements that need be made and should be made.

And who knows? With Jupiter's freedom of movement maybe the next financial conflicts on Capitol Hill on March 1 and May 19 will go better than in 2011! Well, at least this Jupiterian can hope, can't she?

Jan 29, 2013

Are social networking sites CIA fronts? (video) w Mercury-Pluto

The 'Social' Duping of America

by Jude Cowell

Though I gave up Facebook years ago (but do realize that FB is like sticky flypaper stuck to my cyber shoe), it seems more difficult to give up using Twitter. Plus, I have several blogs on Google's Blogger and a Gmail account so...

No doubt about it! The energies of America's natal *Mercury-Pluto opposition have been actively developed for spying on US citizens since the beginning and indicates a total obsession with doing so. And with FB and other social networking sites, the CIA has our full cooperation as we identify our own friends and acquaintances to whatever security forces are looking in, no matter their true motivations.

Suggested: a few notes on Benjamin Franklin, America's first postmaster (spymaster.)

Blog Note: out of pure cussedness, this post will not be tweeted by yours truly! Not that it will make any difference.

*Mercury = senses including sight, information, details, tricksters, etc; Pluto = spies and spymasters, intelligence agencies, invisibility, the power elite, the secret hand, betrayers, assassins, rapists, tunnels, underground bunkers, the Pope, the Underworld, the Syndicate, etc.

A variety of videos on many topics await you at Forbidden Knowledge TV.

Jan 26, 2013

"Confronting the Corporate Fiction" Max Igan video

Here in 4 parts is an excellent Max Igan presentation, Confronting the Corporate Fiction. Several matters including current news events are mentioned so if you're into finding solutions, freeing human consciousness, and changing directions this presentation is for you:

Horoscope: 1st Continental Congress 1774 w details

Horoscope of America's 1st Continental Congress Sep 5, 1774

by Jude Cowell, just another Child of the Revolution

With so much going on concerning the US Congress these days, and with undermining anarchists determined to weaken, obstruct, and crash it, I decided to post the natal horoscope of the very First Continental Congress which met on September 5, 1774 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, our capital city until the location of the District of Columbia was selected, laid out, and constructed by the early Freemasons of the day including George Washington wearing his Masonic apron at cornerstone-laying ceremonies.

Representatives from 12 of the 13 colonies were present though a delegate from my home state of Georgia (#13) was not.

Please click the following image to enlarge and read a few basic chart details, some of which will not be mentioned in this brief text:

The Book of World Horoscopes (Campion) gives the opening time of the first meeting of the Continental Congress as "10:00 am LMT" which is used in the chart. An Hour of the Sun, the natal chart shows 5Sco33 rising with 12Leo17 at Midheaven. The What? Point (ASC) = "A Gold Rush" and the WHY? Point (MC) = "An Old Sea Captain Rocking" (curiously, this is the degree and symbol of President Obama's natal Sun.)

At MC is Venus @12Leo47, implicating the Founders in the Isis/female deity worship that permeates political society still. We have only to look at the statue of 'Freedom' atop the Capitol Dome or at the Statue of Liberty (Venus, whose metal is copper) to see the reality of their ideology and delusion all around us--especially if you're aware of the importance of Virgo and Ceres in American lore with our national Neptune (idealism) in Virgo, sign of the Virgin.

(Goddess worship reminds me of modern-day Republicans and their lamentable, misogynist issues concerning the control of women, contraception, abortion, and rape. Wonder what Dr. Freud's diagnosis of the struggling GOP psyche would be? A Madonna v Whore psychosis?)

Chart-ruler is Mars with Pluto as sub-ruler and the two planets (though Pluto was not discovered until 1930) are in opposition (4A07) denoting future conflicts which of course, the Revolutionary War was. The natal Mars-Pluto opposition also represents the extreme danger in which the delegates acted for simply meeting as they did to foment rebelliousness against the British Monarchy.

The Mars-Pluto aspect is significant as well because the two planets are part of a Kite pattern indicating success along with Jupiter (Stationing Retrograde @16Tau08 in the 7th house of Open Enemies and Partnerships) and secretive, inspirational, mystical Neptune @20Vir00 in 11th H of Groups and Associations. As you see, out-of-bounds Pluto is the Kite's 'tail' which may signify powerful help (and possibly manipulation) from afar. Popes and secret societies are two entities which come to mind.

Yet the closest applying aspect to chart-ruler Mars isn't its opposition to Pluto, it's a more beneficial sextile to Neptune (1A28) which indicates several conditions including potentials for nervous energy, procrastination, winning tactics and strategies, a preference for fantasy over reality, overstretching and/or overindulgence, a tendency for 'collecting' a string of victories, and the capability for understanding complex issues--or, the use of complexities to obfuscate the issues!

The character of the First Continental Congress' leadership may be view through the closest applying aspect to the chart's Sun @13Vir001 (conjunct NN @13Vir04 = meetings, encounters, intellectual associations, the public--Ebertin) and that is the beneficial trine (120 degr) between Sun and Jupiter (3A06) which denotes recognition, life advancement, the generally 'made' fortunes of the participants (which would have been lost along with their necks if discovered), and an abundance of creative energy. Being informed on many topics is indicated as well, yet a certain air of laziness could pervade matters if hardworking Saturn's ambitious energies were not properly directed.

Happily, Saturn @27Vir15 is in the sign of the Dedicated Worker (Virgo) and trines the innovator-from-On-High, Uranus (5A09) in 7th H. Saturn is the container for all that Uranian idealism, independence, and brilliance. Plus, the pair make up a practical (semi-) Earth Grand Trine with transformative Pluto @22Cap39 Rx though the pattern is dissociate with Uranus in Airy Gemini (rather than in Earthly Taurus.)

Now a word about ideological Jupiter @16Tau08 and its Sabian Symbol which is being emphasized by Jupiter's Station Rx in progress on the morning of Sept 5, 1774. '17Tau' = "A Symbolical Battle Between "Swords" and "Torches""...'Keynote: Refusing to depend upon the past, the seeker turns warrior, fighting anew the eternal "Great War."' (Rudhyar.)

If this reminds you of recent US Congresses, you may wish to find more info concerning this curious symbol in a previous post with its ongoing effects upon the Washington narrative which is part of the 'global conquest' script most of our politicians follow, 112th Congress: "Swords" vs "Torches". And to be honest with you, I believe that some of those who don't follow the nwo script are only acting and pretending in devil's advocate roles to give the American people the impression that our family-oriented, mind-our-own-business, anti-imperialist views are shared by at least a few of our representatives in Washington DC.

No wonder the approval rating of Congress is now lower than cockroaches, lice, and root canals. But wait--that's just how anti-sovereign-nation anarchists want us to feel! And so, as a Child of the Revolution, I refuse to comply...


For more Astrology on a personal level, check out Mandi Lockley's excellent two-part series on Uranus in Aries Wakes Up Your Mars!

Jan 25, 2013

"Foxy" lady to head SEC henhouse: Mary Jo White

Mary Jo White for SEC: a Few Astro-Notes on the Lady

by Jude Cowell

Rolling Stone's Matt Taibbi says the Choice of Mary Jo White to Head SEC Puts Fox in Charge of Henhouse.

Known for signal achievements, you may remember her as prosecutor in the trial of the first World Trade Center Bombing attack of 1993.

Born on December 27, 1947 in Kansas City, Missouri, Mary Jo White's Sun-Moon blend is one of two because the fast-sailing Moon changed signs during the 24-hour period of that date. If a Sun Cap-Moon Gemini personality, her Moon is near or conjunct natal Uranus, an excitable and self-willed combo; if a Sun Cap-Moon Cancer blend, she may have been born during or just after a Full Moon @5Can15 which perfected at 2:27 pm CST on her birthdate.

Checking her horoscope for '14 Pisces'--its Sabian Symbol = "A Lady in Fox Fur" (Jones), I find no planets but there is a midpoint: Sun/NN which relates to seeking contacts, the public, meetings with leaders, intellectual cooperation, but also to disharmony and the termination of associations (Ebertin.)

"A Lady in Fox Fur" = TASTEFULNESS...positive: high accomplishment through a consistent representation of the self's assets in the best possible light; negative: amoral opportunism.

(Note: her Sun/NN midpoint is directly opposite her Neptune/Pluto midpoint @14Vir44 which may fluff out the fur's image into Robber Baron and mystical realms.)

December 27, 1947 falls into the 3 South Saros Series of Solar Eclipses. Her Pre-Natal Eclipse occurred on November 12, 1947 @19Sco35, and last manifested on December 14, 2001 @ '23Sag'. You'll remember that this was the 'Tora Bora Caves' era when the Bush regime allowed bin Laden to escape out the back door...similar to how Bush and Cheney first entered office with SCOTUS holding open the White House back door.

3S themes include traumatic transformations and endings to relationships, often with young people or through news received. (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

If born prior to the Full Moon, Mary Jo White is a Balsamic phase person who may have prophetic dreams and visions, and who tends to take over responsibilities when someone cannot carry on. This seems appropriate to President Obama's second term getting 'new blood' in various cabinet and staff positions and to her being chosen to head the (compromised) SEC. If she takes over the post, we'll see if she amounts to anything as far as Wall Street crooks are concerned. One thing we do know: an SEC appointment is certainly chocked full of opportunities.

Jan 23, 2013

2013 Solar and Lunar Eclipses w America's Planetary Returns

2013 Solar and Lunar Eclipses Listed w US Planetary Returns

by Jude Cowell

Here is a list of the Solar and Lunar Eclipses of 2013's dates and degrees, with Saros Series' themes paraphrased from B. Brady; included in order of occurrence are America's 2013 planetary Return dates and degrees with a few Sabian Symbols and their keywords (symbols from M. E. Jones):

1. April 25: Partial Lunar Eclipse @5Sco45; '6Sco' = "A Gold Rush"...AMBITION;

2. May 10: Annular Solar Eclipse @19Tau31; '20Tau' = "Wind Clouds and Haste"...EXALTATION; 15 South Series theme: a lingering situation will clear with a sense of collective grief or loss and a release of tension; 15S last manifested in 1995;

3. May 25: Appulse Lunar Eclipse @4Sag08; '5Sag' = "An Old Owl Up in a Tree"...NORMALITY; this eclipse conjoins the degree of 'voting' Mercury's Rx Station of the November 6, 2012 Elections--will scandalous details be uncovered? Eclipses are known for revealing secrets and Mercury is a known trickster and thief!;

June 5: US Venus Return to 3Can06 (all Returns based on America's natal horoscope of July 4, 1776 5:10 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA); '4Can' = "A Cat Arguing with a Mouse"...JUSTIFICATION;

June 30: US Mars Return 21Gem22; '22Gem' = "A Barn Dance"...GREGARIOUSNESS;

July 5 (not a typo!): US Solar Return 13Can19, our nation's 237th birthday as far as declaring independence from Britain goes; '14Can' = "A Very Old Man Facing a Vast Dark Space to the Northeast"...SANCTION; an occult symbol with far-reaching implications that go beyond the scope of today's post so here's a site to check out if you're in the mood for uncovering secrets of early Washington DC as laid out by our Founding Templar Freemasons;

July 22: US Jupiter Return 5Can56 (a 12-year cycle of what should be 'rewards'); '6Can' = "Game Birds Feathering Their Nests" (as toffs will do--jc)...METICULOUSNESS;

August 4: US Mercury Return 24Can12 (Rx natally); '25Can' = "A Dark Shadow or Mantle Thrown Suddenly Over the Right Shoulder"...DESTINY; (an occult symbol which may relate to ORION's shoulder and the 'Great' Plan for America's destiny--jc); August 4th is President Obama's day of birth and this year, transit Mars @14Can51 conjoins SIRIUS, an important star in the secretly shared 'District of Columbia/pyramids of Giza' mythology;

4. Oct 18: Appulse Lunar Eclipse @25Ari45; '26Ari' = "A Man Possessed of More Gifts Than He Can Hold"...EQUIPMENT;

5. Nov 3: Hybrid Solar Eclipse @11Sco16; '12Sco' = "An Embassy Ball"...DISPLAY; this eclipse falls in the 16 North Saros Series which is denoted by Bernadette Brady to be a "gentle family of eclipses' which 'brings a sense of inspiration or the illumination of good ideas' through a "sudden release of material from the unconscious" and a "great deal of insight"; 16N last manifested in 1995 making that year a 'time link' with year 2013 as is the May eclipse, above;

However, since 16N's initial eclipse of Feb 15, 1599 (@6Pis02) contains unconscious Uranus-Neptune content by way of a trine aspect, and considering the way the world is being marched toward global governance (aka a new world order, or, new economic order), I'm calling this the 'Illuminati Eclipse' and unfortunately must consider its "illumination" to be part of the constant subliminal propaganda we Americans and others across the globe are drenched in and permeated by...based on an ancient illuminized plan to undermine all civil institutions including governments. How I wish I could feel and think otherwise but I don't, so there it is.

Yes, 2013 is a pivotal year for global movers and shakers and it was ushered in by Winter Solstice 2012 and that crisis-laden YOD pattern of Saturn sextile Pluto pointing toward apex Jupiter Rx = social fanaticism/trouble with authority. My prayer is that 'ordinary', decent people won't fall for too many of their cynical political and social scams and fancy 'tricks of light and sound' as 2013 plows on. May we of good faith use the combined Uranus-Neptune energies to Awaken the Masses!

Jan 22, 2013

Jon Stewart's extended interview w Justice Sotomayor (video)

The following video presents Jon Stewart's extended interview (6 mins 36 secs) from last evening with author and Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor, in case you missed seeing it on The Daily Show:

Here are some astro-notes I wrote concerning Justice Sotomayor in July 2009 around the time of her nomination to the Supreme Court. Born in the Bronx, NY on June 25, 1954, Justice Sotomayor is obviously a Sun-in-Cancer lady but the Moon was in Aries, then Taurus, on her date of birth. Therefore, my post is necessarily speculative but see what you think, if you wish...Sun Can-Moon Aries? Or, Sun Can-Moon Taurus?

Jan 18, 2013

Inauguration 2013's two Sun-Moon blends

Are you ready for Inauguration Day 2013? Well, the hour approaches rapidly so you may wish to peek at the descriptive Sun-Moon blends for both the January 20th Oath-Taking in private and Monday's public ceremony.

Check out my notes on the excitable Air-Air blend for Monday's Inauguration 2013: Sun AQ-Moon Gemini and Sunday's private ceremony with its Sun AQ-Moon Taurus, if you get a chance!

Also available in a previous post on this blog are my astro-notes concerning both horoscopes (Jan 20 and Jan 21, 2013) of Inauguration 2013--click to view horoscopes for both days.