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May 1, 2017

More Astro-Notes: Sean Hannity Part 2

In Part One of my astro-peek at FOX News anchor Sean Hannity we discussed a few basic chart factors and I linked you to a view of his natal horoscope. Today let's consider his Sun-Moon blend and the personality these conscious-unconscious energies describe along with his Prenatal Solar Eclipse Saros Series and its themes.

Born December 30, 1961 (see Part One for more details), Mr. Hannity's natal Sun is in Saturn-ruled Capricorn and his Moon is in Venus-ruled Libra, an Earth-Air blend which provides the capacity to be down-to-earth yet up-in-the-air simultaneously as rationality and abstract ideas combine. Here is a practical idealist who plans, then acts. However, losing touch with emotions is a caution for this liberal + conservative personality.

A fighter for causes, Mr. Hannity is courageous, socially aware, clear headed, opportunistic, and 'cunningly capable'. His dry wit can win friends and influence others with his gift for communication yet ignorance can unsettle him. A crusading temperament is in evidence along with a tendency to search for truth which no doubt aids his career in the news business. He does not hesitate to join battles he deems worthy, and a leaning toward always doing what's expected of him suggests that an occasional impulsive act could ease that 'stiff upper lip' of his and perhaps soften the edge of his considerable intellect.

In their book Sun Sign-Moon Sign, the Harveys give three Images for Integration to describe the Sun Cap-Moon Libra blend, any or all of which may be appropriate for Sean Hannity:

"In time an oyster turns irritating grit into a beautiful pearl...A beautiful walled garden...A visionary statesman fights a duel to see justice done."

Sean Hannity's Prenatal Solar Eclipse Series is the 18 North. Prior to Sean Patrick's birth, 18N manifested on August 11, 1961 @19Leo, solar sign of leadership, ego, and pride. But his life isn't all sunflowers because 18N themes include: a high stress level; a taxing of strength; a large expenditure of effort; physical concern such as an illness or accident (Brady). 18N has also occurred in the years 1907, 1925, 1943, (1961), 1979, 1997, and last occurred on September 13, 2015 @20Vir10--conjunct fixed star Denebola (keywords: to go against society; out of the mainstream). 18N's initial eclipse manifested on February 4, 1060 (OS) @21AQ34 so its modern-day influence should be viewed through an Aquarian lens.

Apr 29, 2017

Trump's First 100 Days: The Real Story - The Young Turks report

Today April 28, 2017 marks the end of Mr. Trump's 100 days acting the role of US president. If you prefer a different view than the usual Neptunian mainstream news and punditry of the corporate persuasion, check out the following foray into Saturnian reality:

Brought to us by The Young Turks Network.

Astro-Notes: FOX News anchor Sean Hannity

A Brief Peek at Sean Hannity Through an Astrological Lens

by Jude Cowell

Now that Roger Ailes, Megyn Kelly, and Bill O'Reilly have left FOX News, news reader Sean Hannity broadcasts his political views from atop the highest perch in conservative cable news. Some even say that Mr. Hannity is experiencing a renaissance and that the network now 'belongs' to him.

If you wish a view of Sean Hannity's natal chart you'll find his Sun @8Cap43, Moon @14Lib01, and Ascendant (Self; Physical Body) @8Pis53. As you see, his natal ASC and life are now under positive influences of the current 19 South Solar Eclipse of February 26, 2017 with its themes of: lucky breaks or wins, joyful events, pleasant surprises, and positive changes (Brady). Of course, these benefits are primarily for Mr. Hannity, not for the other guys and gal.

By Modified by CrazyLegsKC, original taken by Hello32020 [Public domain or Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Born on December 30, 1961 at 10:30 am est (Rodden Rating: A from memory) in Franklin Square, New York, Sean Patrick Hannity is of the Roman Catholic persuasion. His Sun squares natal Moon (Cap to Libra) and his Sun-Moon midpoint falls at 26Sco21. Mercury, planet of journalists and reporters, is in Saturn-ruled Capricorn as are Venus, Mars, and Saturn. In fact, Saturn (ruler of his Sun) is at a critical degree: 29Cap31 (in 11th house with communicator Mercury @17Cap00) with '30Cap' = "A Secret Business Conference" (Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Jones).

Notable is his natal Mercury with transit Pluto now in the Mercurial neighborhood and marking a period of increased power and control while his concerns over what's relevant and most efficient intensify. Secrets may be part of his daily environment as well.

As for the shape of Hannity's chart, we find a BOWL shape with radical Uranus leading the rest of his planets from the 6th house. At 00Virgo, natal Uranus also conjoins royal Regulus, the king or the kingmaker star (key phrase: success if revenge is avoided). Does any of this sound familiar? If so, it's most likely because Mr. Trump's natal Uranus in Gemini also leads a BOWL shape but from his 10th house, and Regulus conjoins Trump's natal Ascendant in late Leo (with warrior Mars @26Leo and rising). There are other correspondences between their planets as well, but it's now after midnight so this must be a two-part effort. I should never type after midnight!

May 1, 2017 Update: here's Part Two which includes Mr. Hannity's natal Sun-Moon personality blend and the themes of his Prenatal Solar Eclipse in the sign of the showman and entertainer, dramatic Leo.

Apr 28, 2017

Apr 28, 2017 Trump to NRA Convention Atlanta, GA

Apr 28, 2017 Atlanta, GA: Last I heard on local radio, Mr. Trump will address the NRA Convention now being held in Atlanta, Georgia at 1:30 pm edt with his natal Pluto @10Leo just risen and his Mars in Leo, Ascendant, and royal Regulus in 1st house. A little after 1:30 pm, an appropriate midpoint picture will form:

Trump natal Mars-Pluto = Ascendant (speech) which suggests potentials for: a coercive demeanor which intimidates; using whatever means of control available to meet your ends (Munkasey); showing the hero image; the fighter who dares the impossible; aggression (Tyl); daring and temerity; desire to face danger; accidents (Ebertin); (any, all, or none may apply).

For as you know, combining the energies of fighter-warrior Mars with powerful, wealthy manipulator-saboteur Pluto can result in extreme force, brutality, excessive ambition, and attacks using powerful weaponry. The duo denotes mayhem, chaos, war, upheaval, the police state, and the use of military forces to squelch dissent.

Atlanta, GA: Photo via Good Free Photos

Related: The History of Atlanta, Georgia and the founding of The Confederacy (horoscope shown). The NRA was formed soon after the Civil War. And note that on August 7, 2017, a Lunar Eclipse occurs @15AQ which conjoins the natal Sun of The Confederacy. Significant? We'll see.

Apr 27, 2017

Ed Schultz News and Commentary: Wed April 26th - Trump Tax Plan

April 26, 2017: Ed Schultz discusses the Trump tax plan designed to aid the wealthy and billionaire corporations with massive tax cuts that, as Ronald Reagan's 'trickle down' scam exposed in the 1980s, will not add jobs or investments to the US economy but will further line the pockets and pad the offshore accounts and stock portfolios of rich elites. Of course, Mr. Trump's bottom line and those of his family members will greatly benefit as well. Is this rob-the-poor recklessness the 'great' that Mr. Trump promised to 'make' America again--a return to Reagan economic policies that hollowed out the middle class the first time around and caused harm and suffering across the land?

Actually, just as with Reagan's Voo Doo Economics, the irresponsible Trump tax and deregulation plan will increase the deficit and will not "pay for itself," which is the very same argument used by Reagan!!

But naturally Mr. Schultz explains it better:

History Rhymes via Solar Eclipse Cycles!

And speaking of never-worked-never-will Reaganomics, do you know there's a Solar Eclipse for that? Well, sadly for our nation, I regret to inform you that the 1981 eclipse @7Leo51 manifested in the 1 North Saros Series which repeats this August with what some folk are calling The Great American Eclipse. My suspicion is that transnational banking cartels and their US politicians completing the Heist of 2008 using 'Trumponomics' in 2017 will go a long way toward the total eclipse of America.

Apr 26, 2017

Neptune in Pisces and the FOX News Network

Neptune, Pisces, FOX News, and Pod Caster Bill O'Reilly

Recently it would be difficult for those who follow US news at all to miss what's been going on over at FOX News: sexual harassment allegations and lawsuits, firings of on-air personalities and head harasser Roger Ailes, Donald Trump's slavish adoration of Fox and Friends anchors , and so on.

Typing as an Astrology novice, it seems curious to me how transit Neptune has floated on and around the 14th degree of the planet's own sign of Pisces with both planet and sign associated with the media, the masses, the Collective, fakery, deception, corruption, uncertainty, loss, theft, veils, obfuscation, webs and networks. And particularly since 14 Pisces is the degree with the Sabian Symbol of "A Lady in Fox Fur."

So perhaps a quote from Marc Edmund Jones may enlighten us on the meaning of this word picture which is one degree from fixed star Achernar and its keywords: 'crisis' (at the end of the river) and 'risk of rapid endings'. For that is what news reader Bill O'Reilly came up against recently via the sudden ending of his career on FOX News after major advertisers withdrew their support of his program because of O'Reilly's legal problems with women.

'14 Pisces' = "A Lady in Fox Fur":

"This is a symbol of the ever-effective dynamic with which everyday custom endows mankind, dramatized here by an individual's desire to be in style and to express opinions of momentary weight. Men are strengthened through whatever they are able to possess or do and think in common, but this is their bondage unless they are also able to contribute a creative content to their own experience. The self gains integrity as it learns never to surrender its initiative, and so adds its touch to all reality. The keyword is TASTEFULNESS. When positive, the degree is high accomplishment through a consistent representation of the self's assets in the best possible light, and when negative, amoral opportunism."

The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Marc Edmund Jones.

As usual, I won't add where I think several points in this description of 14 Pisces fits the network, Mr. O'Reilly, and the situation at hand because SO'W readers are perfectly capable of figuring this out for themselves--and they may disagree with my opinion if they so desire--including all you ladies in FOX fur!

In related news O'Reilly replacement Tucker Carlson says that What Bill O'Reilly Did Wasn't Easy (an unfortunate way to put it!) And in defiance of Neptune's usual deceptive practices, the now-pod-casting Mr. O'Reilly vows that the truth will come out and although the time frame for such a revelation is uncertain, the truth is awaited.

NASA image of beautiful Neptune

Apr 23, 2017

Kevin Estes on Left Brain--Right Brain Politics

Once again Stars Over Washington is happy to present for your consideration an insightful article by millennial astrologer Kevin Estes:

The Left and The Right - Reversed?

by Kevin Estes

In the political spectrum, it's well known that liberals are known as the "left" and that conservatives are known as the "right". However, the left brain is associated with conservative traits, and the right brain is associated with liberal traits, as this link and a picture will show:

Conservative Left Brain Liberal Right Brain

As the picture shows, the left brain is associated with these things: order, logic, math, analytics, detail, and linear thinking. The right brain is associated with art, colors, music, the big picture, randomness, emotion, and creativity. The vast majority of the things listed as right brain characteristics are things that are ruled by Neptune, and as my blog Left Wing Astrology shows, people with their Venus (economics) and Moon (culture) in aspect to Neptune but not overcome by the North Node lean to the left.

For the left brain, the things listed under it are things associated with the Earth signs, which have a reputation as being the most conservative in astrology (Venus rules Taurus, an Earth sign). Some people divide the halves of the Zodiac as the left hemisphere, but if that was the case, the sign of Pisces, which is associated with the majority of the right brain characteristics, would be associated with the left brain, as it's the 12th sign of the zodiac, and Virgo, which many of the left brain characteristics are associated with, would be associated with the right brain, as it's the 6th sign of the zodiac. That wouldn't make sense.

With this knowledge available, is what we call the "left" actually the "right", and vice versa? Maybe. The liberal people I know fall heavily into the right brain characteristics, and the conservative people I know fall heavily into the right brain characteristics. This is why most celebrities lean to the "left" as actors/actresses and musicians are very creative people, and why Libertarians are associated with the "right", as they tend to base their lifestyles around logic and self sufficiency, which are left brain characteristics. This left and right brain divide also supports something I've noticed in person, which is that left brain conservatives and Libertarians tend to be much more rigid than their right brain liberal counterparts, who tend to be much more open minded and flexible in person.

As for the research on my blog, I'll still label liberal astrological impulses as "leftist" and conservative astrological impulses as "rightist" in order to prevent confusion among readers, but this knowledge is something that should really be considered, as it would make a whole lot of sense to label liberals as the "right" and conservatives as the "left", based on left and right brain characteristics.

To read more articles by Kevin Estes visit his blog Left Wing Astrology.

Apr 22, 2017

Summer Solstice 2017: Saturn at Midheaven

) With old man Saturn at the top of the chart, this partially describes the summer season of 2017 in America. Neptune in Pisces rises in the chart providing instability, discontent, and a cover-up atmosphere to the proceedings. And of course, the Saturn-Neptune pairing always conjures the ghost of America's invisible (Neptune) government (Saturn) or what is called today the *Deep State composed of a faction of global imperialists who never met a war they didn't promote and profit from. Add other Saturn-Neptune indicators such as cuts for social safety net programs and sanctuary cities and the guns vs butter struggle is on.

A Saturn Summer with More Saturn

In Astrology archetypal Saturn denotes conservative politicians, executives, administrators, lawmakers, organizers, and other ambitious people--here visible at the Public Reputation and Career Point (MC) of the chart. Of course, seniors are also signified by old man Saturn which hints of the social safety net programs that are on Washington's political menu and the restriction and denial that conservatives have been determined to enforce since the days that FDR's New Deal began.

(How dare tax monies paid by We The People be used to fund their own needs? What a notion!)

Now as you know, in transit Saturn now tarries via retrograde in Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius, sign of The Seeker, traveler, foreigner, refugee and/or emigrant, and will enter its own sign of Capricorn in mid-December 2017 once the planet passes one of the Cardinal World Points of manifestation (00Cap00). Correct me if memory isn't serving here, but Saturn in Capricorn is not a good placement for the markets. And in light of recent political events, it suggests even more use of strong-arm tactics against We the People through actions of the Trump administration, the Justice Department, the EPA, our nation's Legal System, loosening of protective regulations and laws, and those klannish good ole boy police departments.

Now Saturn conjunct MC is a negative indicator if other planets afflict the duo but other than separating oppositions from Sun and Mercury which cause frustration, this is not so much the case for here we have Saturn in a Fire Grand Trine if we use the 6th house North Node in Leo as one of the triangle's points. This suggests a Saturnian person with leadership ability but one who is totally self-absorbed and demanding that his wants and needs be met immediately--an egotist, we could say. Wonder who this could be shown in the chart at the pinnacle of his career (MC)? Attention, approval, appreciation, applause, and reward are musts for this Saturn! And ixnay on accountability please! Never mind that Saturn only rewards such things as diligence, maturity, authenticity, and honesty, all of which may be problems for most of the political class, both here and abroad.

Meanwhile, the summer's trines to Saturn from radical activist Uranus (3S42) and the North Node (1A45; public contact/publicity/ future direction) support conservative Saturn in what is perhaps a closed circuit of energy denoted by the Fire Grand Trine but if not, these are definitely three trines of beneficial energies. The fact that both trines are separating (waning) in this chart may or may not be especially significant (and are unconscious) since transit Saturn will turn Direct on August 25th, shifting energies in more ways than one.

While stationing, planets gain strength, and Saturn's Direct Station in August hits directly upon Mr. Trump's natal Moon (21Sag) and South Node while opposing his natal Sun-North Node conjunction which suggests that his approval rating continues to be lukewarm and his work (Saturn) may lack all the beneficial rewards he demands. Health issues, relationships, and family matters (natal Moon) remain in the Saturnian spotlight as well, plus, transit Saturn simultaneously triggers the 'sapphire star' Ras Alhague with its health-and-healing connotations and other less desirable implications.

In the Summer Solstice chart, Saturn-ruled Capricorn falls upon the 11th cusp affecting Groups, Associations, Hopes and Wishes. The planet's restrictive, delaying energies bounce across the Cancer-Capricorn polarity into the 5th house of Risk-Taking, Gambling, Children, and other Creative Pursuits this summer so for those who follow the astrological effects upon the escapades and political notions of our groper-in-chief, the Summer Solstice 2017 Horoscope is a handy chart to watch especially since Gemini Mr. Trump in the Oval Office is playing the stand-in representative on the world stage (MC) for America herself.


*The term 'Deep State' was coined by Mike Lofgren, author of a very informative book by that title.

Nestlé Stealing America’s Water At Alarming Rate: The Ring of Fire reports

Here is a disturbing report on corporate theft from Mike Papatonio of The Ring of Fire Network:

Apr 21, 2017

DC Horoscopes: the Two Solar Eclipses of 2020

The Two Solar Eclipses of 2020 Fall in the 4 North and 4 South Saros Series:

Please enlarge the image to read my notes!

The 'Cosmic Blinks' of 2020 include a total of six Solar and Lunar Eclipses

1. 4 North June 21, 2020 (at Summer Solstice; lower left) @00Can21, a critical degree and one of the Cardinal World Points of manifestation, recognition, and fame; 10th house Pluto in Capricorn leads a BOWL shape of planets, and unpredictable, erratic Uranus in Taurus is unaspected (detached, restless, bursts of electrical energy in 2nd house) and conjoins two fixed stars, Hamal (the alpha star of Aries) and Schedir The Queen; initial 4N eclipse: May 25, 1389 (OS) @12Gem08.

2. 4 South December 14, 2020 @23Sag08 conjunct fixed star Ras Alhague (see upper right); fixed stars and sensitive degrees are activated by eclipses (Lilly; Ovason); 9th house Venus in Scorpio leads the tip of a BOWL shape of planets; initial 4S eclipse: March 19, 1624 @29Pisces (conjunct Aries Point) which resonates via degree with the Spring Equinox Solar Eclipse of May 20, 2015 in the 17 South Series which yours truly titled Sneaks, Leaks, and Veils.

4 North themes: a difficult series with potentials for restriction, inhibition, illusions, restraint, and separation; events block and lead to misjudgment of strength and/or situations; take no action until the eclipse passes (for at least six months which leads to December 2020).

4 South themes: another difficult series with potentials for strong emotions over money and/or relationships with a sense of fatedness via events beyond personal control; sudden urge to finish relationships or alliances but blocked emotions bring much frustration; avoid rash action until the eclipse influences settle down. (Predictive Astrology, B. Brady)

As you know, 2020 is a prominent year for multiple Great Conjunctions of the planets and in addition to 2020's two Solar Eclipses, there are four Lunar Eclipses: 1. January 10 @20Cancer (a critical degree); 2. June 5 @16Sagittarius; 3. July 5 @14Capricorn; 4. November 30 @9Gemini which eclipses America's natal Uranus of 1776.

Both 4 North and 4 South manifested in the years 1912, 1930, 1948, 1966, 1984, 2002, (2020), and next in 2038. Historical events during those previous years provide clues as to the upcoming events and conditions of Year 2020.


Actually we've discussed this topic previously: The Perils and Eclipses of 1984 Continue to Haunt.