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Showing posts with label An Old Adobe Mission. Show all posts
Showing posts with label An Old Adobe Mission. Show all posts

Feb 23, 2024

The J6 Jericho March Horoscope

by Jude Cowell, Protestant and partisan for democracy

With the traditional separation between church and state under serious attack in America, the machinations of certain evangelicals and Christian Nationalist operatives are in the news each day as they envision America becoming a restrictive, paternalistic theocracy.

Along those lines, below is an interesting horoscope showing the planets' positions on the morning (using "10 am est") of December 12, 2020, the Jericho March organization's first official effort against the corruption in politics. Then on the morning of January 6, 2021, this group of folks, inspired by Joshua fittin' the Battle of Jericho (Joshua 6), encircled the US Capitol Building, marching as it were, with high expectations that the Walls of Washington would come tumbling down. And as we can see in the horoscope, they were on a mission, led by the Scorpio Moon and with Altair the Eagle rising ("1AQ": "An Old Adobe Mission") which is way far on the Roman Catholic side for me--that influence would be Mrs. Weaver).

Well, on January 6th we saw rioters and looters for Trump, violent people climbing Capitol walls, but the walls of democracy held against the barbarians, and things didn't turn out the way Trump had hoped. He's still trying to take over though!

So see what you can make of the above horoscope. You'll notice contacts with Trump natal planets such as Sun conjunct his Moon @22Sagittarius (a sense of completion, but with his neurotic South Node nearby), his 10th house Gemini trio spotlighted by the North Node (basically his Nodal Return), and the influential Lunar Eclipse @8Gem38 of November 30, 2020 conjunct his 2 Old North Solar Eclipse (@8Gem48) while simultaneously eclipsing US 1776 Uranus, our totem planet of war and revolution (@8Gem55). And as we know, disruptive Uranus plus an eclipse is a cosmic shout-out to zealots and anarchists behaving against society.

Then for the cosmic weather of December 12, 2020, the overzealous Sun Sag-Moon Scorpio pairing tells a tale of moralistic intensity, overcritical attitudes toward weaker souls, exacting judgments, rebellion, and a tendency to condemn contrary views. Self-righteousness seems a given, yes? Which, at its worst, leads to forcing one's religion on others with tragic results.

Finally, this steamy, scalding Fire-Water blend sports an apt Image for Integration, as you might agree:

"A missionary sees himself as a secret agent for God."

(Sun Sign-Moon Sign, The Harveys #ad.)

And the themes of the 4 North Solar Eclipse at a Cardinal World Point of manifestation (00Can21) under which the Jericho March folks began their marching campaign?

Restriction, restraint, separation, illusion, obstacles, a tendency to misjudge strength and/or the situation (paraphrasing B. Brady).

So there it is: yet another facet of complexity added to the church-state crisis that We the People are currently facing, whether all of us realize it or not.

Jul 30, 2023

Pluto in 2024 hits Jupiter-Saturn 2020

Pluto to Jupiter-Saturn Transforms US Inaugural Sun as Election 2024 is Affected by Election 2020

by Jude Cowell

When expansive Jupiter and restrictive Saturn met on December 21, 2020 @00AQ29, a new 20-year cycle of social ordering began, this time in an Air (mental) sign rather than in the practical Earth sign of Taurus (May 28, 2000 @22Tau43). Also at 00AQ+ every Inauguration Day is US Inaugural Sun (the presidency) which in late 2020 was Trump. Can it be the orange marauder again? Sadly so. But that's a topic for a future post.

Meanwhile, from December 2020 until October 31, 2040, the Sabian Symbol for 0 to 1 degrees of Aquarius is held aloft for the world to see as is the US presidency: "An Old Adobe Mission" which, among other indications, speaks of "building structures of survival with your group" (see lower right corner of the chart, below).

Yet anyone viewing the Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction Horoscope of 2020 (inner) can see that transformative manipulator Pluto @23Cap51 will plod on and reach the 2020 Conjunction at some point in time and, as you see in the bi-wheel, below, the first of three exact meetings of Pluto to 00AQ29 occurs on February 4, 2024 (outer).

This also denotes 'transit Pluto to Jupiter' and 'transit Pluto to Saturn' influences which suggest potentials for, seeking greater power and influence but exaggerated plans may backfire, and abuse of authority issues surface involving financial, political, and other societal realms as regaining balance is sought. For example, in government, the Jupiter-Saturn pair = checks'n'balances and although bad actors have disrupted and sought to completely alter this practical tradition in the US, they mustn't be allowed to get away with it! Therefore, accountability is a must:

Now besides February 4, 2024, transit Pluto hits 00AQ29 twice more, on August 8, 2024 and December 11, 2024. Because the August 8th chart shows what seem to me to be the more numerous contacts with the Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction chart of 2020, I'm displaying it, below, with prominent contacts circled and way too many of my study notes penned on for the curious.

Potentials within the midpoint picture of Jupiter-Saturn 2020 = tr Pluto 2024 are listed at the very bottom of the horoscope and suggest societal events and conditions that we've already have been experiencing, primarily thanks to Trump and his inability to accept his election loss in November 2020.

Trump's ongoing legalities and foolish legal situations are straining our judicial system and are, of course, part of this cosmic picture which began with a vengeance around the time of the 4 South Solar Eclipse of December 14, 2020, which perfected @23Sag08 on the very day of the Electorial College Vote that chose Joe Biden over Trump, the sore loser.

4 South's themes of 'strong emotions over money and relationships' and a 'sense of frustration' or 'blockage' that feels 'fated' continue tiresomely to play out due to a sore loser who refuses to let go after a loss (paraphrasing B. Brady). And as you know, he hopes to keep himself out of prison by promoting the farce of his Big Lie ad nauseum.

So in closing, the Jupiter-Saturn 2020 chart represents a 20-year cycle of societal shifts, changes, and reforms, my friends, and you know that mundane Pluto brings transformation and regeneration in his wake--once the dust settles.

As an additional note of concern, it saddens me to mention that the natal Moon of President Biden (00-1 Taurus) receives prominent contacts in the August 8, 2024 chart (and before) yet I don't care to say more on the topic in this brief Sunday night post, other than to say that Astrology is all about potentials which may or may not express at all. Of course, not all planetary contacts can be squooshed upon either of the bi-wheels you see, above, so I trust that you will find more factors for yourself if you wish since these (highlighted in blue) are simply the ones that seem prominent to me. jc

Apr 28, 2023

DC Horoscope: Inauguration 2029

Sun-Pluto: Power, Control, Paternalism, Wealth

by Jude Cowell

In this, the 18th year of writing Stars Over Washington and dissenting against what corrupt politicians have "done with the place" in many instances (exs: preemptive wars; torture; lying the American people into war; CEOs supporting insurrection; finagled financial crashes and recessions; our two-tier legal system; class warfare; Citizens' United; domestic and foreign bribery of politicians; a corrupt, unreliable SCOTUS, etc), this particular Daughter of the American Revolution realizes that Inauguration 2025 might be America's final presidential Oath-taking - assuming that Election 2024 manages to go reasonably well despite the massive amount of sabotage being utilized against our nation.

Therefore, all these things may make the following publish of DC Horoscope: Inauguration 2029 pointless unless the Federal Government can get every one of its ducks in a row and bolster all three of its branches - each one created with an oversight duty to monitor the others.

So for the sake of comparison, below are two unmarked Horoscopes: Inauguration 2029 and Inauguration 2025. From the position of radical rebel Uranus, America's 'totem planet' of war, we find that the US will experience a Uranus Return between the years 2025 and 2029. Actually, due to retrogradation, it's a triple Return (to 8Gem55), exact from July 2027 to the third Return in May 2028. Of course, other planetary changes, shifts, and contacts occur as well during the time frame but are beyond the scope of this limited post.

Inauguration 2029: January 20th 12:00 pm est Capitol Building:

Inauguration 2025: January 20th 12:00 pm est Capitol Building:

For details see When Pluto Hits America's POTUS Sun.

Now obviously, as transit Pluto in recent years has crept through Capricorn, met US 1776 Pluto, and recently lumbered into Aquarius, the Inaugural 10th house Sun-Pluto situation of power and control shown in both charts takes precedence at a primal level since Sun = leader/leadership of the country, and transit Pluto, planet of Underworld elements, is now in process of overtaking or melding with US Inaugural Sun.

So perhaps an addition of Sun-Pluto potentials in Politics and/or Business can be instructive, so here is Michael Munkasey's Hegelian Dialectic form describing the power-drenched planetary duo affecting the Presidency of the United States more strongly than ever before with transit Pluto reaching Inaugural 10th house.

Please note that any, all, or none may apply - not to worry but to inform:

Thesis: Changes of policy or direction from leadership; new leadership and the changing of policy and direction; the governing authority used to control threatened dissent or subversion despite its cause or sources.

Antithesis: Accumulation of an excessive amount of armed strength; the use of secret police to exert authority and control over others; the influence of criminal organizations; extremes of corruption that wastes resources.

Now it may seem that a sense of inevitability is indicated by the Pluto-to-POTUS-Sun transit, and I suppose on a karmic level, it is. Yet there are ways of doing things that don't have to be fascist or dystopian, despite all the TV shows and movies with such themes that we've been plied with through decades. Yet instead, why can't our national Uranus Return period reactivate us as a unified people motivated by the intense desire for freedom and independence from paternalistic tyrants so that We the People demand a strengthening of our democratic Republic, as President Biden now envisions, and let fascist saboteurs relocate themselves to wherever their barbarism is appreciated.

If such a place exists upon the Earth.

Recommended: Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, M. Munkasey #ad.

Jan 2, 2021

Jupiter-Saturn, Altair the Eagle, and a Mission

Fare Well Old Order, Hello Jupiter-Saturn in Aquarius

by Jude Cowell

Is the American capstone about to be crane-lifted into place with our nation ruling the roost - or, going belly up? America as we've known her now passes quickly since the SARS-Covid pandemic swept so much of our lives and lifestyles away. Actually, the January 2020 Great Conjunction of Saturn and Pluto made certain of that. Then as you know, the recent Great Conjunction of Jupiter (expansion) and Saturn (restriction) times the beginning of new social, political, economic, and religious orders in the futuristic sign of Aquarius. At 00AQ29, new forms and inventions in Technology, Science, and Space are obviously involved, plus, the conjunction hit US Inaugural Sun, as we've discussed in previous posts, so I won't bore with it now. (For previous posts on such topics, type 'Jupiter-Saturn' in the SO'W sidebar Search field and a list of related posts should pop up.)

Meanwhile, the 'new world order' emblem of 1776 decorates America's currency and the Great Seal, so the conjunction's degree rounded up to "1AQ' = "An Old Adobe Mission," (DURABILITY; Jones) so it's also the Sabian Symbol for US Inaugural Sun (POTUS; Oath of Office) on January 20th - and conjuncts the position of the bold fixed star Altair, the eagle:

As for political considerations, perhaps a few factors in relation to the Jupiter-Saturn duo in the realms of Politics and Business would be of interest bwo the Hegelian Dialectic (create the problem then 'solve' it the way you intended to all along):

'Thesis: The serious side of justice and the law; processes concerning checks and balances; changes in the governmental, religious, or social orders; repression based on morality instituted by law or religion; an expansion within the rocks in the ground.

Antithesis: Too many restrictions on the operation of justice; a judicial system at its breaking point; pessimism about the ability of the police to control lawbreakers; leniency and harshness vie for balance within the overall social and economic systems.'

You'll note the inclusion of a geology reference with Saturn ruling stones and rocks, techtonic plates, soil, and the Earth herself, and astrological Jupiter's expansion function increasing whatever he touches with his 'slippery slope' self.

Still, as I always remind myself, the yin-yang tension between Jupiter and Saturn make them the 'flywheel of the Universe' which keeps all the planets orbiting in their courses!

For a look back at the 'old order' here's a previous post to consider: America's 1776 Aries Ingress (horoscope shown).

May 1, 2018

May 2018: Mars SQ Uranus hits US POTUS Sun

On May 16, 2018 at 3:03 am edt with veiling Neptune in mid-Pisces rising in DC, a transiting square perfects between testy warrior Mars and shocking planet of chaos, Uranus, an explosive combination that tends to bring unexpected and unpredictable results which are often not what perpetrators or instigators had intended. And with tr Mars @00AQ02 SQ Uranus @00Tau02, I regret to inform you that the US POTUS Sun (the president, a role now played by Donald Trump since January 20, 2017) will be precisely unsettled by this double transit so let's take a general look at its portents while keeping Trump's current condition (Mueller probe into Russia contacts and possible conspiracy, to testify or not to testify, possible Trump campaign irregularities, Cohen's hot mess, etc) in the back of our minds and knowing that the POTUS Sun is representative of Mr. Trump whose Oval Office goals (aka, the 'mission' he was placed in the Oval Office to accomplish as they all are) are being seriously delayed if not thwarted by his own karmic actions and by being held accountable for them; and of course by extension, Mr. Trump = the American people.

Also note that the Sabian Symbol for the US POTUS Sun @00AQ49 (January 20, 2017 noon est Capitol Building Washington DC) rounded up is: '1AQ' = "An Old Adobe Mission" ever since US Inauguration ceremonies were switched from March to January 20th by Freemason President Franklin D. Roosevelt.

So when activist Mars conjoins the Sun a surge of vitality can be expected along with macho vibes that demand ego gratification--nothing new for Mr. Trump born with brash Mars rising in ego-driven Leo. But in May it may be a question of more explosive challenges and even testier confrontations when tr Mars hits POTUS Sun even though he's very much accustomed to being in tune with Martian energies and also with Uranian energies since his natal 10th house Uranus is his 'guiding planet' for it rises last before his Gemini Sun, leads the rest of the planets in his natal chart, and inspires his chaotic, free-style of 'intuitive' leadership. Never be prepared, advises Uranus!

Simultaneously, transit Uranus squares US POTUS Sun which denotes several potentials none of which are predictable. However, a testing quality is attached to this combination which includes issues of will power and determination toward success. But with quirky Uranus involved there's an inability to control situations and the decisions of others hold sway and determine direction so that it's difficult if not impossible to be prepared ahead of time--perfect for the ill-prepared Mr. Trump. Yet he'll be upset that maintaining a leadership role, status, and/or authority may be even more difficult now and yet standing up for one's principles--assuming he has any to begin with--will be necessary even as his decisions are questioned and integrity is placed under a stronger microscope. Of course, these fiery, unsettled conditions are already in play for Mr. Trump so perhaps the Mars-Uranus Square affecting POTUS Sun will only sharpen public scrutiny or may mark a crisis point within ongoing proceedings. Yet we know that sudden events and revelations are quite certain to occur during Mars-Uranus periods in similar fashion to the uncovering effects of an eclipse when inconvenient truths may become widely known and surface for review and critiques.

Besides the political possibilities of the Mars-Uranus square, an increase in wildfires or purposeful arson, lightening strikes, storms, quakes, floods, or other natural disasters may be on Earth's agenda as May 2018 proceeds on toward the August 11, 2018 Solar Eclipse @18Leo41 that I'm calling "The Tower Eclipse" for its collapsing potential (Brady). And curiously, there's a related midpoint picture within the August eclipse horoscope that closely involves the secretive planet of veils, cover-ups, scandals, lies, fantasies, and fraud: Mars-Uranus = Neptune! Any, all, or none of its potentials may apply.

Plus, as previously discussed here, May 2018 includes a prophetic New Moon @24Tau36 on May 15th (the 70th Solar Return of the State of Israel and the day that transit Uranus enters Taurus). This cosmic pile-up conjoins the natal Midheaven (The Goal) of Donald Trump with the unpredictable Mars-Uranus square perfecting only a day later. Another quirk is that the May 15th New Moon also sparks the position of tr Mercury during Trump Jr's infamous June 9, 2016 Trump Tower meeting with Russians and lawyers and Trump Campaign staff such as Kushner and Manafort, so eager to get 'the dirt' on 2016 opponent Hillary Clinton.

Then on May 29th is the revealing Full Moon @8Sag10 which happens to conjoin the New Moon of the Fed which perfected on December 1, 1910 during the financial conspirators' secret meeting on Jekyll Island, Georgia resulting in betrayal of the American people via passage of the Federal Reserve Act on December 23, 1913 so that America's financial resources were firmly placed within the grasp and control of transnational banking houses and our debts became unpayable. And those 'economic royalists' of 1910 (as famously described later on by FDR) are the biological and/or spiritual ancestors of the current crop of crooks, knaves, and traitors who infest our nation as I type.

Now if you wish a fuller picture of May 2018 and the "Mars Max" period we've entered don't miss Richard Nolle's May 2018 Forecast.

Above image: Mars as seen from The Hubble Space Telescope