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Showing posts with label Ben Bernanke. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ben Bernanke. Show all posts

Nov 27, 2008

Bunker mentality of the US consumer

The Obama "Dream Team": Rubin-clones And Other Fakers

By Mike Whitney

Does Paulson think he can "turn off" the public's pessimism like a lightswitch? Does Bernanke think he can get people to spend themselves further into debt by lowering interest rates? It can't be done. And the Obama camp is going to run into the same brick wall. The nation's confidence has been shaken and people are developing a bunker mentality.


Like most astrologers, it's of interest to me that with America's natal Neptune (planet of dreams, illusions, ideals, ideas, veils, confusions, and deceptions; 22Vir25) conjunct president-elect Barack Obama's natal Mars, the 'rock star' archetype isn't the only Neptunian factor now being triggered within the collective unconscious!

Now Neptune doesn't have to be a negative influence, but only with the highest of motives will actions result in long lasting, uplifting outcomes for the common good - also a Neptunian concept.

To make matters murkier and more difficult to navigate Neptune's waters, the US was founded with a problematic Mars-Neptune square (90 degrs) in her natal chart which holds its orb through the 24-hour period of that date.

Distributively speaking this gives the US Mars in Gemini squaring Obama's natal Mars in Virgo - good for spurring action but blind spots may cause problems. Both Gemini and Virgo are, however, ruled by Mercury; Gemini has a short attention span, Virgo is more determined and dedicated.

Since BHO's 'Dream Team' will be reporting back to him, my hope is that a President Obama doesn't engage in anything along the lines of the Chavez Model of control and intimidation, and happily I've noticed no intimations of such oppresive methods (as of yet.)

Our placing his pedestal too high will be more like it.

And so adjustments must be made and sights lowered especially as transiting Saturn's restriction nears a stomp upon our US Neptune; simultaneously, Saturn will bring focus and organization, or will inhibit Obama's natal Mars.

Action blocks Ideals:

With Mars SQ Neptune, turmoil follows assertion, and there is fluctuation between intense desire for action vs complete apathy. Obviously it is difficult to make direct progress with these tendencies swimming in our national psyche's unconscious pool, and we are easily scammed if we're not careful.

America's three natal planets in self-protective Cancer (Venus, Jupiter, and Sun) appreciate the energy of Mars SQ Neptune because Cancer the Crab doesn't mind scuttling sideways when necessary to circuitously reach its goal.

Guilt, dissatisfaction, restlessness, and misdirected energy and objectives accompany this square, and early repression of desires has made a permanent mark - our Puritan ethic unrecognized and unexamined festers into toxic morasses of mixed motives and free-floating anxieties.

Besides, you know what author H.L. Mencken said:

Puritanism - the haunting fear that someone, somewhere may be happy.

Then this reluctant astrologer must be short of puritan DNA...for I'd much prefer it if everyone in the whole wide world were happy!

Aug 20, 2008

The Fed's expanded reach

Bernanke Tries to Define What Institutions Fed Could Let Fail" is an elucidating article written by Craig Torres at Bloomberg News (article's last update August 19.)

What is one thing I learned from this article?

That on August 10, 2005, with Greenspan as chairman, 94% of the Fed's $24 billion in outstanding repurchase agreements with Wall Street were in US Treasury notes, according to Wrightson ICAP LLC in New Jersey.

On August 10, 2008, only 14% were in Treasuries with the rest in mortgage bonds and agency securities (80%!) That's possibly misnamed, securities.

As something resembling an explanation, the NY Fed says that agency and mortgage-backed securities "--became more attractive."

Yes, they must have looked financially lovely - in the dark or by the flickering candlelight of a one-world-government glow.

But in the light of day, they look disingenuous at best, or downright fraudulent coming from much-touted 'experts' who shoulda woulda coulda known better but played the graft upon society anyway.


August 10, 2005: Sun within one degree of value-loving Venus' position of 9/11/01 when vengeful Venus triggered the Mother of All Eclipses degree from Aug 11, 1999, mentioned in astrologer Nostradamus' predictions of so many moons ago.

The imperious Sun Leo/Moon Scorpio combo has tendencies toward arrogance and overextension, with a fanatical desire for personal success and survival. There's stubborn resentment when things don't go as planned, and a cynical attitude toward life along with a double standard when it comes to relationships.

However, with this blend there is also a deep loyalty to principle which may be positive or negative depending on whether Ben lets YOUR bank be one-of-the-failed or not.

With August 10, 2008's Sun Leo/Moon Sag influence, we see hero-worship coming into play, with outspokeness, impatience, and impracticality.

Still with the Lion's flavor, this blend retains the imperiousness and loyalty as in 2005, but with more of an independent streak.

Here's a quote from an author who shares this blend natally:

Two antagonistic to mount direct to heaven, the other to drive yawingly to some horizontal goal.

--Herman Melville

It totally grumps me up to say it, but the yawing drive to some horizontal goal began decades ago in America. Our real or imagined 'exceptionalism' has been spent through bad-intentioned political capital which was stolen in the first place and nowhere near the "mandate from the people" as was proudly advertised.

One of the more basic concepts which Astrology demonstrates is: that how something or someone begins is how it/he or she will end. This won't guarantee a positive or negative outcome, of course, because the expression of the energy being offered remains up to its owner to use bwo willpower (hopefully, mind control is resisted.)

Thing is, the American people have not owned this nation in many a year, if ever. Yet we once could put some bit of trust in her continuance and sovereignty.

But you see where decades of our apathy and inattention got us...driving into a yawing horizon with a Secondary Progressed Full Moon on its way, the culmination point of our American experience for years to come, and that, in late 2008 (based on the Sibly chart) or early 2009 (from the US' Scorpio rising chart.)

The Fed, led by Greenspin, as I insist on calling him, or Bernanke the Brave, has its credibility in tattered shreds over in Europe. The damage on that score has already been done.

Jul 31, 2008

Headed for China: the August 1 Solar Eclipse

Space Weather News for July 31, 2008

SOLAR ECLIPSE: On Friday, August 1st, the Moon will pass directly in front of the Sun producing a total solar eclipse. The narrow path of totality stretches from arctic Canada through Greenland, Siberia, and Mongolia, and comes to an end in China where millions of people will witness the event.

Even more people will see the partial eclipse, visible from almost all of Europe, the Middle East, India, Asia and a corner of North America.

The action begins at approximately 09:20 UT (5:20 am EDT) when the Moon's shadow first hits Earth in northern Canada and begins its rapid sweep toward China.

Visit for photos, webcasts, timetables and full coverage of the eclipse. #


On August 17, 2007 I wrote a post about the NYSE's Pre-Natal Eclipse Series - which repeats tomorrow, Aug 1, 2008, along with a few notes from astrologer Sybil Leek concerning Neptune in Scorpio, sign of big business and marking the start of living beyond one's means bwo credit cards, plus some comments on Ben Bernanke. (Given today's financial mess the 'experts' have dumped us in, I want to type Stanky Bernanke but guess I'd better not. What then would I call the rest of 'em?)

Anyway, here's the post link if you'd like to peruse:

NYSE and its Solar Eclipse Series 2008

Mar 15, 2008

Bank Bail-out suspicious as suspected

Now I thought the timing of the Spitzer revelations and Bernanke's bank bail-out using taxpayer money were suspiciously linked, I just didn't know how...

Eliot's Mess --The $200 billion bail-out for predator banks and Spitzer charges are intimately linked By Greg Palast 14 Mar 2008:

While New York Governor Eliot Spitzer was paying an ‘escort’ $4,300in a hotel room in Washington, just down the road, George Bush’s new Federal Reserve Board Chairman, Ben Bernanke, was secretly handing over $200 billion in a tryst with mortgage bank industry speculators. Both acts were wanton, wicked and lewd. But there’s a BIG difference. The Governor was using his own checkbook. Bush’s man Bernanke was using ours.

This week, Bernanke’s Fed, for the first time in its history, loaned a selected coterie of banks one-fifth of a trillion dollars to guarantee these banks’ mortgage-backed junk bonds. The deluge of public loot was an eye-popping windfall to the very banking predators who have brought two million families to the brink of foreclosure.

Information Clearing House has the article.

Feb 2, 2008

Dissing the Fed now popular

If billionaire George Soros can diss Alan Greenspan's handling of the US economy, don't you want to diss the Fed, too? is here to help with 10 reasons to be critical of the Fed.

Or you can ask Ron Paul whom you'll find mentioned in reason #10.

Nov 1, 2007

NYSE plunge, Bernanke, and Eclipses

Stocks are plunging on oil, credit worries while the transiting Saturn/Pluto midpoint (cruelty; hard work; loss) is still within orb of Fed head Ben Bernanke's natal Mars/Neptune conjunction.

Saturn/Pluto = Mars: assault; ruthlessness; violence; fighting battles to keep things going; a gun with a cork in its barrel; enormous undercurrents of frustration. (midpoints: Tyl; Ebertin.)

Saturn/Pluto = Neptune: being doubted; not being seen for who one really is; unstable life situation because of the inexplicable, because of fear. (PROMIS software scares me, too.)

Another thing that's fearful is that our now-in-effect Solar Eclipse--the one on Sept 11, 2007--falls into Bernanke's Pre-Natal Eclipse Series, personalizing it for him within its 18.6 year cycle.

And of course having a natal Mars-Neptune conj indicates one who has conflicts between the impulse to act (Mars) and the willingness to accept responsibility for actions taken (Neptune's undermining effect.)

Yes, there's a lot of that going around Washington, isn't there? Bernanke can't clearly see the burden of guilt and there's a tendency to ignore reality! Bubbles everywhere. Except for one thing--'the elite' know full well what they're doing to America. Others don't always cooperate as they wish, but the rich have "options" the rest of us don't have, so to them it's all good.

Here are some previous Fed-Bernanke-NYSE posts:

Hylan, Bernanke, and the Fed in which US presidential candidates, cat's paws, and the octopus are well explained by a voice from the past.

NYSE's 2008 Eclipse

Bernanke's first Fed head shout-out

And be sure to visit, if you haven't, Patrick Wood's excellent The August Review where the good fight for America's sake is being fought.

With Bernanke's natal Sun/Jupiter ($) opposition, the Fed head is prone to taking risks and is afraid of competition--he tends to takes great chances when he should be more careful. There's self-deception with Sun oppo Jupiter and others sense it...

...not that the Bush administration couldn't use such a tool.

The undermining of America rolls along and the failure of the US dollar is part of the game, m'peops! "Performer of a mystery play" ("6AQ") is the US natal South Node--aka the 'Medina degree' (Neptune's position when Mohammed entered Medina--the beginning of Islam. Old connections came to call on 9/11/01.)

So read as much as you can about PROMIS software, backdoors, and the selling of the PROMIS software to bin Laden.

In fact, From the Wilderness is a good resource for that sort of info.

It isn't pretty (and connects the Bush-Clinton juggernaut as previously mentioned with the underworld, BCCI, the worldwide terroist network, etc) but we must face reality if any improvements are to be expected and if We-the-American-People have any hope of taking back our government from the radical fascists who now plague and control it.

Their dismantling of the Constitution was/is a must meant to neutralize the people's power--with terror-fighting the excuse, and fear as propaganda's ploy.

And please please forget the R vs D crap (pardon my French)--the divide-and-conquer ploy of selfish war-profiteers who have lied us into war once again and brought the world such misery and woe.

So--is PROMIS' ability to manipulate financial markets in play within today's volatility? How could it not be? I believe that the Y2K smokescreen was part of the game as well.

1999: ahhh, I remember it well:

You don't want an oilman in the White House, said I...but others had different ideas.

Aug 17, 2007

NYSE and its Solar Eclipse Series 2008

An hour before the opening bell of the New York Stock Exchange this morning, Fed chairman Ben Bernanke made his well-timed move to lower the discount interest rate that banks use when loaning each other monies and he extended the lending time from the traditional overnight to 30 days.

The DOW moved up by closing bell to 13,079 but was down 1.2% for the week.

Owning a 1972 copy of Sybil Leek's The Astrological Guide to Financial Success, I give here her 2 cents' worth on the illusion of credit and the daftness (my word) of living beyond one's means.

The unstable illusions begin with nebulous Neptune's entry into Scorpio, sign of Big Business, which occurred approximately March 1956 until 1970 while making some reconnaisance back into Libra (appr Oct '56--June '57.)

Here is Ms. Leek in her own words from 1972:

If any planet has an affinity toward inflation it is Neptune, and those who associate it with dreamlike qualities may wake up to find they have had nightmares.

Neptune in Scorpio is concerned with the mass of people being encouraged to live beyond their means. (Neptune) is a most insidious planet, tempting and then mocking those who fall for its whimsical ways. I regard it as a symbol of a false economic situation which has rapidly become a way of life for many Americans since it began to transit the dark, turgid starfield of Scorpio.

Inflation (has had) its heyday during the transitting of Neptune in Scorpio since 1956. This plus heavy governmental deficits point to the possibility of a serious financial panic between now and 1973 unless some ingenious brains begin to plan toward establishing a balance between wages and buying power (she must be rolling over in her grave during Bush's unending, drunken-sailor term in office.) #

Guess this means that the ingenious brain of Bernanke and his compadres are planning to establish a balance yet today it proved to be between banks and their use of their customers' money. We'll see if it amounts to anything of value to anyone but the elite private bankers of the world--or just another example of who-do-that-voo-doo? you do.

So I searched the natal and progressed charts with transits today of the NYSE (May 17, 1792; 7:52 am LMT; NYC) and the most 'action' I found was:

*Solar Arc Directions (SA)...Mars to natal Moon 18Ari39 in 10th house: strong drive to fulfill needs, to "let it fly"; disruption; hyperactivity.

SA Jupiter to natal Mercury 23Tau50: legal issues; travel; intellect.

SA Neptune to n Sun (actually in effect for almost one year now): hypersensitivity; deception; illegality; inspiration; possible spiritual rationalizations.

SA Mc to n Jupiter/Neptune (in conj natally, 4th house): a visionary; a fortune hunter; a speculator, philanthropist, spendthrift, or a squanderer; harm or damage through thoughtlessness.

SA Pluto to n Ic/Mc: professional developments are life-significant; dramatic changes of perspective are practically assured; separations; a life-milestone.

The midpoint of natal Mars (18Vir43--which the Sept 11, 2007 Eclipse will trigger) and natal NN = SA Pluto...

Mars/NN = Pluto: others must "get on the train" or be left behind; the performance of joint record achievements; an enforced separation in a partnership or union. This picture will be exact in about 2--3 years.

Then there's the loss, cruelty, and hardship of natal Saturn/Pluto midpoint which is being stimulated by transiting, disruptive, tech-savvy Uranus.

Sat/Pluto = Uranus: ability to make sudden decisions in the most difficult circumstances; sudden acts of violence; an attack regardless of potential losses; brutal efforts to start a new order.

Is the market's recent volatility and subsequent liquidity infusions--plus today's bank reacharound--part of the globalist NWO plans? Or are their financial systems being hacked to death by tech-savvy robbers? How about some of all of the above?

(UPDATE 2.2.08: think France!)

On August 1, 2008 the Solar Eclipse Series in which the NYSE was 'born' manifests once again at 9Leo32...we find that degree in at least three places, the natal charts of: George W. Bush, Alberto Gonzales, and the Republican Party.

Here are some interpretations of the degrees of 8, 9, and 10 Leo from Adriano Carelli.

NYSE's Prenatal Eclipse (PE) is in the 10South (10S) Series which Brady's Predictive Astrology gives as: breaking out of a very negative situation in which no options or hope can be seen; a worry that has been plaguing may suddenly clear and the solution must be taken up without too much delay.

Rose Lineman's Your Prenatal Eclipse says that a Leo
Solar Eclipse indicates a need for vigorous resolve in tackling problems--halfway measures will not succeed. Vainglory, pomposity, and other negative Leonine traits are stumbling blocks to correction of karmic issues.

I might add that the Prodigal Son which is associated with the sign Leo may have some connection with the issues in this Series which will be surfacing in 2008. This Eclipse will fall in NYSE's natal 2nd house of money, values, and earning of the 'money houses'...and last occurred on July 22, 1990.

The Initial Eclipse of any Series is telling...this one: March 10, 1179 (Old Style) at 26Pis01. Some flavors from that Eclipse are angry quarrelling; a demanding nature; outbursts; quick mood changes; valid instincts; and/or: any alternative seems inappropriate; thoughts don't know where to go; separating from the issues.

Sounds like a mixed bag, doesn't it? Such is life.

So with NYSE's natal Pluto 23AQ31 having been recently opposed by tr Saturn (control and restriction) there's been an air of embattlement in which past control is threatened by future--or current--takeovers...authority challenges power.

Hmmm...perhaps I should take a closer look at Rupert Murdoch's natal chart.

Okay, here is my chance to close with a favorite quote from financier and robber baron extraordinaire, J.P. Morgan:

Millionaires don't use astrology, billionaires do.

Oh yeah? Then they've seen the crap coming for a long long time.

*Solar Arc Directory, Noel Tyl; other midpoint pictures, Ebertin.

Aug 6, 2007

Hylan, Bernanke, and The Fed

"The real menace of our Republic is the invisible government which like a giant octopus sprawls its slimy legs over our cities, states and nation. At the head is a small group of banking houses... This little our government for their own selfish ends. It operates under cover of a self-created its long and powerful tentacles it seizes...our executive officers...legislative bodies...schools...courts...newspapers and every agency created for the public protection.”

N.Y. Mayor, John Hylan

Side Note: I italicized 'tentacles' because murdered writer, Danny Casolaro, had named the organisation he was researching The Octopus, and spoke of its 'tentacles.' He gave his life for that one--and his notes magically disappeared after his suspicious death. That weekend there was a New Moon 17Leo aka the heart of the Scorpion degree. A very interesting case relating to the software program, Promis, which can track you wherever you roam.

And all this went on during the Great Conjunction/s of Uranus and Neptune circa 1992-93.

Here's Mayor John Hylan railing against international bankers, John D. Rockerfeller-Standard Oil and our not-just-a-conspiracy-theory secret/shadow government from Feb 17, 1933. This link takes you to a newspaper article which hopefully is legible in your browser (I use--and this blog appears best in--IE, btw.)

Any politicians who want to be seriously in-the-running for the US presidency must agree with the small coterie who use them as "cats' paws," Hylan said, to be "amenable to the dictates of corrupt big business."

Candidates are screened (the one I read about earlier this year...wish I had saved the link to the article...was Barak Obama meeting with the coterie in NY, and the big question to him was along the lines of: can you make decisions without facts?

In other words, will you follow our dictates without question, you little Cats' Paw, you? Obama said, yes! and hence his candidacy continues. So anyone who is a 'candidate' has given them the correct answer. And anyone who "wins" is their shill with plenty of Meow Mix as a deal-sweetener...ocean fishy flavor probably.)

Now as you know, the US natal chart (Sibly, 7.4.1776, 5:10 pm LMT, although it's really more of a Dane Rudhyar chart than Sibly's antique version) has Venus (values; money; relationships) at "4Cancer": "A cat arguing with a mouse."

Nearby is n Jupiter (rich men; gurus; professors; Zeus-like figures) at "6Can": "Gamebirds feathering their nests." Well yes, that they continue to do.

In US' 8th house of other peoples' money, credit, banking, insurance, debt, legacies, and such, is Rx Mercury at "25Can": "A leader of men wrapped in an invisible mantle of power." Seems the privately-owned Fed along with international bankers and energy barons control our government so I guess that makes mild-mannered Ben Bernanke the cat's meow. But you knew all that.

So how does any of this fit in with the strong-armed Trilateral Commission which will be having its 35th birthday soon? Read Patrick Wood's excellent The August Review to find out more.

And have you checked out Mr.A.Cat's Karl Rove rhyminess? Lim's Limericks has it for you, but BYOMM...bring your own Meow Mix!

Feb 14, 2006

Ben's 1st Fedhead Shout Out

Tomorrow, 9:30 am, as Ben Bernanke straightens his tie for his first statement as head of the Federal Reserve Bank, the midpoint between the Sun and Midheaven (Sun/Mc = "the goal or objective") has Chiron at their midpoint, at 5AQ41, in 10th house of Career/Public Status/Aspirations.

"6AQ": "A masked figure performs ritualistic acts in a mystery play." (DR)

Keynote: The individual's involvement in long-established patterns of activity aiming at the release of collective power. The individual is seen to have assumed TRANSPERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY.

(This is also the Medina Degree--so-named because spiritual Neptune was upon it when Islam began.)

Or, if you prefer the almost passed, unconscious or shadowed degree of "5AQ" (= US natal SN--business and entanglements from the past; old issues; mastered talents):

"A council of ancestors is seen implementing the efforts of a young leader."

Keynote: The Root foundation of past performances which power and sustain whatever decision is made in a crisis by an individual. This degree suggests that in many situations RELIANCE UPON PRECEDENTS will enable the aspirant to greatness to tap the power of his deepest roots.

And while he's tappin' those roots, Venus, associated with money and with values, is sitting niftily upon the Uranus/Neptune conjunction degree of the NWO Chart...

Ura/Neptune = Venus: peculiar relationships; an extremely high sensitivity; fantasy life.

Uran/Nep>"18Cap": "The Union Jack flag flies from a British warship."

Keynote: The protection afforded to individuals and groups by powerful institutions in charge of maintaining order.

This degree brings us the realization of the ambivalence of POLITICAL POWER, its values, and its dangers. The need for protection may be in evidence--or it may be a warning against using power for selfish advantage.

When used negatively this degree is "smug or strong-armed paternalism."

Well, it'd be great to believe the horse isn't outta the barn on THAT one, but sadly, I don't think so (see my NWO post.)

And in 4th house--the base or foundation of the chart for this Congressional and Senatorial Rx Saturn 6 Leo 23..still within orb of Bush's natal Ascendant.

Well, George did the nominating, but of course he was just following orders.

Have you heard that Dick Cheney is a real wheeler-dealer on Wall St? At 9:30 am tomorrow, Mars 28Tau51 is in 1st house, and will rise as chart-ruler, applying to a square with Pluto, then a trine with the Moon. Mars has Cheney's natal Mc in tow, y'might say. So after some blockage--Mars square's onto a lovely trine with the Moon. So I would expect the publicity to be helpful to Mr Bernanke's chairmanship, at least for now.

Yep, Bernanke's sure to be affable and obliging, and he certainly shares objectives in this 'mystery play', for secret arrangements have been made before they begin.

Yet there's a "ruthless" influence to the day, as well as vocational success for someone--Bernanke well fits this description. Actually there's deception afoot, too, and the "mystery play" sounds like a veiling tactic or perhaps just the usual and secretive who's-really-in-charge pile o'merde by a secret society or two that pull the strings...

...and so some are marionettes, and some are behind the curtain.

And for Ben Bernanke, Feb 15th is Showtime.

2.14.06 8:48 pm est