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Showing posts with label CIA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CIA. Show all posts

Apr 24, 2008

CIA, FBI, and Moon to Pluto in Capricorn

Breaking News and Commentary from Citizens For Legitimate Government Apr 24, 2008

All items are here:LegitGov Breaking News

CIA Acknowledges it Has More Than 7000 Documents Relating to Secret Detention Program, Rendition, and Torture Apr 23, 2008:

The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) must stop stonewalling congressional oversight committees and release vital documents related to the program of secret detentions, renditions, and torture, three prominent human rights groups said today. Amnesty International USA (AIUSA), the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) and the International Human Rights Clinic at NYU School of Law (NYU IHRC) reiterated their call for information, following the CIA's filing of a summary judgment motion this week to end a lawsuit and avoid turning over more than 7000 documents related to its secret "ghost" detention and extraordinary rendition program.

CIA Foresaw Interrogation Issues --Agency Considered Investigations 'Virtually Inevitable' Apr 24, 2008:

The CIA concluded that criminal, administrative or civil investigations stemming from harsh interrogation tactics were "virtually inevitable," leading the agency to seek legal support from the Justice Department, according to a CIA official's statement in court documents filed yesterday.

The CIA said it had identified more than 7000 pages of classified memos, e-mails and other records relating to its secret prison and interrogation program, but maintained that the materials cannot be released because they relate to, in part, communications between CIA and Justice Department attorneys or discussions with the White House.

FBI: We Warned About Torture of Detainees Apr 24, 2008:

FBI Director Robert Mueller on Wednesday recalled warning the Justice Department and the Pentagon that some US interrogation methods used against terrorists might be inappropriate, if not illegal. Mueller's comments came under pointed questioning by House Democrats demanding to know if the Federal Bureau of Investigation tried to stop interrogations in 2002 that critics define as torture.

Mueller said the FBI does not use coercive techniques when questioning suspects or witnesses, and he reportedly pulled his agents out of CIA or military interrogations several years ago to protect them from legal consequences.

FBI chief testifies he warned DOJ, DOD harsh interrogation tactics may be illegal Apr 23, 2008:

FBI Director Robert Mueller testified before the US House Judiciary Committee Wednesday that he had advised officials at the Departments of Justice and Defense that some interrogation tactics employed against terror suspects might be illegal.

Mueller said that the FBI had first raised concerns about the use of harsh interrogation methods in 2002, when CIA interrogators used waterboarding with several alleged 'al Qaeda' leaders, but declined to say how other agencies had reacted to FBI concerns.

Israelis Claim Secret Agreement With US Apr 24, 2008:

A letter that President [sic] Bush personally delivered to then-Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon four years ago has emerged as a significant obstacle to the president's efforts to forge a peace deal between the Israelis and Palestinians during his last year in office. Ehud Olmert, the current Israeli prime minister, said this week that Bush's letter gave the Jewish state permission to expand the West Bank settlements that it hopes to retain in a final peace deal, even though Bush's peace plan officially calls for a freeze of Israeli settlements across Palestinian territories on the West Bank.#

Was the letter personally delivered by Bush a factor in Sharon's sudden health decline?

You know you can usually tell who wants peace by the way they don't bomb people. It's as if ants on the ground are simply objects--and the current Mars/Jupiter opposition has fallen within the 19 - 23 Can/Cap axis where the objectification of human beings often manifests.

Friday (4.25.08) at 7:50 am edt, at the White House, Moon conjoins Pluto 1Cap01. Mars 22Can30 opposes giant Jupiter 22Cap04 across the 3/9 axis. The Moon/Pluto conj occurs in 8th house, Mercury is chart-ruler 16Tau01 in 12th house.

Nemesis, the unbeatable foe, is at Mc 11AQ52, and Pan, a trickster element associated with Capricorn, is rising.

Abbas to the White House? This should be interesting.

Feb 22, 2008

Obama: it happened in Dallas

News Updates from Citizens For Legitimate Government Feb 21, 2008

LegitGov Breaking News

Secret Service Gave Order to Stop Screening Obama Crowd In Dallas

Police concerned about order to stop screening for weapons Feb 21, 2008:

Security details at Barack Obama's rally Wednesday stopped screening people for weapons at the front gates more than an hour before the Democratic presidential candidate took the stage at Reunion Arena. The order to put down the metal detectors and stop checking purses and laptop bags came as a surprise to several Dallas police officers who said they believed it was a lapse in security. Dallas Deputy Police Chief T.W. Lawrence, head of the Police Department's homeland security and special operations divisions, said the order--apparently made by the US Secret Service--was meant to speed up the long lines outside and fill the arena's vacant seats before Obama came on.#

Oh yeah, of course that's the explanation. Or was it to send a message to someone to be ready to 'have at it' another time? And...this happened in DALLAS? As if anyone trusts them after JFK's 1963 assassination in Dallas when Bush Sr was CIA director!

Bit of a lapse from old Poppy there and he was in his 30s at the time. Whenever I look at national or mundane charts I pay attention to 11Vir+ primarily because it's Poppy's natal Ascendant (his nibs himself.) And old Saturn will be visiting there soon...

Well, if anyone knows the time the Dallas rally began, please let me know--I'd like to take a close look at the chart/s...see who was afoot and behind!

Jan 6, 2008

CIA and Pentagon: Pluto into Pakistan?

News Updates from Citizens for Legitimate Government Jan 6, 2008:

Read the Breaking News at LegitGov

CIA to get broad powers to act inside Pakistan: Report Jan 6, 2008

The administration of President [sic] George W Bush is considering granting the Pentagon and CIA new authority to conduct covert operations in the tribal areas of Pakistan, The New York Times reported on its website late Saturday. Citing unnamed senior administration officials, the newspaper said the plan calls for giving Central Intelligence Agency agents broader powers to strike selected targets inside the country, in some cases using intelligence provided by Pakistani sources.#

Isn't this what Sen. Obama said he would do if/when president in the ABC-Facebook debates of last evening?

These forums were a little closer to being actual debates than we've seen in years which was...refreshing. Some actual testiness showed through, and the pile-ups on Romney by the Rs, and on Clinton by John Edwards and Barack Obama were predictable fodder for the Sunday morning pundits. Once again, Tim Russert and his tv colleagues managed to avoid any real discussion of issues in any meaningful way.

Change is as change does, says Hillary (I paraphrase liberally--accent on does.)

But she can't hide from the fact that she's been part of the establishment for several years now, female though she is. A woman president would be a major change--but not if it's imperialism and corporatism as usual. If selected, she won't be able to hide behind her own skirts (if she has any) for long if that's what's in store for America with a Hillary presidency.

John McCain seems to be preferred by the GOP...Mr. One Hundred Years in Iraq. Well, astrologically he has natal Pluto opposite US n Pluto, and natal Moon conjunct US Pluto. This speaks to his Vietnam experiences and now--to his attachment to US power which includes Pluto's nuclear connection.

This places McCain's ambitious Capricorn Moon at MC in the Inauguration 2009 chart along with US natal Pluto--and his natal NN (path; connections with the public)conjuncts Inaugural Pluto in the 8th house...Scorpio's natural house.

So on Inauguration Day it's tr Pluto 1Cap57 conj McCain's n NN 1Cap28 which links to the attacks of 9/11/01. His powerful connections (Pluto/NN) are also with those whose power-behind-the-throne has been in effect since America was born...US n Pluto is unaspected and works on his own as it suits. Our CIA and other intell agencies were formed in the early days and continue to work outside the realm of the American people's knowledge.

The nature of the beast? Sure. And this beast is a large part of present troubles created by perfidy, betrayal, unreliability, and meddling (to transform--Pluto the catalyst.) Overthrowing elected govenments, installing and propping up dictators, drug-running, assassinations (you know the list)--our unaspected Pluto has perpetrated it all.

And America's Pluto Return in 2021-22 may be the culmination of our nation's long march toward a fall from grace.

As mentioned in a previous post, switching prez Inaugurations from early March to Jan 20 (for one of FDR's installations) has put US natal Pluto at MC
(the Goal, Aspirations, and Objectives Point of the chart) ever since.

The date switch also had the obfuscating effect of removing US natal Pluto/Chiron midpoint from MC (8Pis+)--not that anyone was aware of Chiron at that time. But plutocratic oppression and class warfare certainly existed, didn't it?

Now Pluto is going into Pakistan bwo the CIA and Pentagon. History, and the planetary cycles that mirror them, repeat.

Dec 11, 2007

Michael Hayden infiltrates Capitol Hill backroom

Due to spychief Hayden's secret meeting with Congressional enablers today, here's the link to a previous post on Michael Hayden's natal chart with the transits for the day of the never adequately explained gunfire in the Rayburn Building.

Guess it was just another day in Washington.

Go to the end of the above-linked post to find a certain transit coming up for Hayden in 2008 which involves mysterious Neptune.

Today's meeting of invisible-helmet-wearing Pluto, the spy, with Jupiter, the judge, rich man, guru, and Republican is yet another obvious manifestation of today's Great Conjunction and Hayden's meeting with politicians on The Hill.

Oct 17, 2007

how the 'haves' got richer and you didn't

The Origins of the Overclass gives one of the fuller pictures starting in the mid-70s if you'd care to know how the rich-elite class have catapulted themselves into the stratosphere of wealth and privilege.

Author Steve Kangas says the origins of the overclass can be traced back to the CIA--this article spares no one's feelings, so watch your toes.

Between FDR's New Deal programs and LBJ's Great Society leveling, something had to be done to stop the redistribution of wealth!

Plutocratic Pluto-Chiron's oppression, racism, and class warfare have reached scandalous heights. Their conjunction of Dec 30, 1999 was at "11Sag" and there are interesting insights on this degree by Lynda Hill in her book, 360 Degrees of Wisdom which help to describe what I've been barkin' about with the Democratic-Republican melding from which we and the truth suffer--also described by the Great Conjunction of Jupiter (Rs) with Saturn (Ds) on May 28, 2000.

But here are some details from Lynda's book concerning "11Sag"...

Light workers; grounding reality (double Saturn); concentrating on physical needs; connecting the right and left sides (very descriptive.)

"Light workers" reminds me of The Fellowship, the secret 'Christian' society that Cheney, both Bushes, Rove, Condi Rice, and many others whose names you know, are associated with and which has squirelly relations with all manner of groups and people who aren't on the side of the common man or woman..and don't mind a little mayhem and murder for the cause. The ends justify the means crowd, a la Machiavelli.

And remember the much-touted Y2K flap at the end of the 90s and into 2000? It had such PROMIS, didn't it?

Shout-Out to Alex at Astrology Communications Media for the article link!

Sep 18, 2007

the Fed expected to cut rates today

With moneybags Jupiter conjunct America's natal Ascendant (Sibly, 5:10 pm lmt), the Fed may be announcing a rate cut at 2:15 pm edt in an attempt to bolster the soft US economy and give the worsening credit crunch room to improve.

Here are the midpoint pictures for 2:15 pm today in Washington, two of which have the Virgo Sun as focal point:

Mercury/Saturn = Sun: changes of residence (like when houses are foreclosed upon?); getting down to work; knowing what's got to be done; discipline pays off; making a go of it.

Mars/ASC = Sun: arguments or an inhospitable milieu; having to adjust things forcibly; excitability; intense teamwork.

Venus/Jupiter = MC: wonderment at feelings of success (really? Well, Venus and Jupiter are associated with money so perhaps this refers to the wheeler dealers who had to know this subprime market mess was coming--and who never really lose. It's true that the Venus/Jupiter duo is also linked to wastefulness yet maybe this midpoint picture refers to the rate cut--if Bernanke announces it--and that it will improve matters);

NN/MC = Pluto: organizing power; attaining success in partnerships by use of force; leadership; success; great achievements shared with others. (Tyl; Ebertin.)

Venus today has returned to her degree on 9/11/01 which is also the Sun/Moon degree of the Mother of All Eclipses of Aug 11, 1999...the one foretold by Nostradmus centuries ago.

Some have termed this the King of Terror Eclipse in their attempt to ferret out the seer's (astrologer's!) idiomatique phrases of olde, but Nicholas Campion calls it the King of Alarm Eclipse. All three titles describe what the world has seen since 1999.

Personally I believe that the 1999 Eclipse is described in Revelation as the time the angels let go the winds of war--which is also what the world has seen. Disagree if you like. But that's just the way I roll.

btw: our problematic CIA turns 60 years old today, and was 'born' with a Scorpio Moon--appropriate for spying and investigation (Scorpio.)

The CIA officially came about in the 3 North (3N) Pre-natal Eclipse Series (PE):

an overexcessive family of eclipses whose main theme is news concerning a young person or which transforms a situation; large plans and activities may wish to be undertaken and will have positive outcomes as long as they are kept modest. (Brady, Predictive Astrology.)

Where have we seen the 3N Series before? It's the PE of the attacks of 9/11.

May 5, 2007

The Day America Died: Nov 22, 1963

JFK Assassination Horoscope Nov 22, 1963 12:30 pm CST Dallas, Texas

And here is a Synastry Grid showing JFK natal (horizontal) with Assassination Planets (vertical); a few potentials of the transits-to-natal contacts are penned on the grid but represent a mere sampling of possibilities on The Day America Died:

Apr 30, 2007

things going well in Iraq

Bush Has Destroyed Iraq and America

By Paul Craig Roberts

The violence and killing that Bush brought to Iraq has spread antagonism between Sunni and Shiite throughout the Middle East with potentially draconian consequences. Bush's war has turned Muslim hearts and minds against America and made terrorism an acceptable means to resist American hegemony. With his mindless war, Bush has created more terrorism than the world has ever seen.

Information Clearing House


Sorry They've Been So Mean To You, George

By Ray McGovern

The role that Tenet, McLaughlin and their small coterie of malleable managers played as willing accomplices in the corruption of intelligence has made a mockery of the verse chiseled into the marble at the entrance to CIA headquarters: "You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."

Information Clearing House

Mar 20, 2007

Carol Lam's firing and the CIA

U.S. attorney's firing may be connected to CIA corruption probe 18 Mar 2007

Fired San Diego U.S. attorney Carol Lam notified the Justice Department that she intended to execute search warrants on a high-ranking CIA official as part of a corruption probe the day before a Justice Department official sent an e-mail that said Lam needed to be fired, U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) said Sunday.

Hmm.m.m.m.m....the plot thickens?

Feb 28, 2007

meet and greet: Washington's $8 Billion Shadow

My excellent friend, Alex, has sent me a heads-up on a Vanity Fair article concerning SAIC which employs 44,000 people and sells "brainpower" which includes much of the "expertise" that brought the world the Iraq War.

A collective Gee Thanks could be in order about now.

Although a mega-contractor based in San Diego, CA, SAIC (don't say saic, say S-A-I-C or else) is a shady--sorry, shadowy--organization that has other digs near the CIA building in VA--and oddly enough, the letters stand for Science (!) Applications International Corporation.

What's science got to do got to do with it?

Expertizing Iran is in process now, so let's turn on the light and watch the cockroaches scatter. Sadly, there are more infestations in Washington than the average American would believe.

So thanks for the heads-up, Alex!