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Showing posts with label New Millennium. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New Millennium. Show all posts

Dec 8, 2011

John Corzine's YOD: Pluto/NN = Sun = Mars

John Corzine resigned from MF Global on November 4, 2011 after the company filed for bankruptcy and Democrat Corzine's testimony on Capitol Hill today probably won't clue anyone in on where all the money went, as this Big Player CEO admits to not knowing much about his business.

This will be Mr. Corzine's first public testimony since the MF Global collapse over which he presided.

Astrologically speaking, crisis is shown in his natal horoscope through a YOD pattern (aka, a 'Finger of God' with potential for: a turning point; crossroads; special task; spiritual opportunity) which involves very dynamic planetary energies of power (Pluto) along with the North Node of the Moon (NN) indicating contact with the public and with groups.

Born January 1, 1947 near Taylorville, Illinois, Mr. Corzine's natal Sun conjoins energetic Mars, planet of action and desire. The YOD creates midpoint pictures which you may wish to consider as the turmoil and scandal swirl around him with fallout possibly affecting the White House. His natal Sun and Mars are in Capricorn, Pluto is Rx in Leo (12:53, conjunct Saturn 7:20 Rx) and NN is at 11Gem24, near Uranus 18Gem55 Rx.

Eclipse watchers may be interested to note that Corzine's NN was eclipsed by the June 1, 2011 Solar Eclipse and his Uranus will be eclipsed tomorrow, December 10, by a Lunar Eclipse @ 18Gem11--and eclipses do tend to uncover secrets especially from the past (where many of them lurk.)

Plus, the current 'peculiar turn of events' Solar Eclipse of November 25, 2011 opposes his natal Sun and Mars--ouch! That's a lot of karmic energy from the cosmos hitting Mr. Corzine's natal planets and its reap-what-you-sow vibes seem to have caught up with him.

YOD midpoint pictures:

Pluto/NN = Sun: ruthlessly imposing one's will on others; making use of people; gained respect.

Pluto/NN = Mars: influential people met through groups or contacts; force or invective emphasis during meetings; violence or brutality used in the presence of others; a desire to make others amenable to one's wishes; being placed in somebody else's hand or power.

(Ebertin; Munkasey; all, any, or none may apply and are subject to transits and progressions.)

Now Michael Munkasey in his Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets gives some interesting potentials in Politics and Business for the Pluto/NN combination though not all may apply to Mr. Corzine's situation at the present time--

Thesis: violent or criminal people who secretly enter the country at any given opportunity; sewage or waste compacts; agreements over reciprocal rights for info obtained under clandestine methods.

Antithesis: people who may not have the best interests of the country or business in mind; treaties involving the exchange of secretive or clandestine data; security or treaty breakdowns due to the actions of others.

Group Activities of John Corzine

As you know, only a birth date is needed to look at the Solar Eclipse Series into which John Corzine, former governor of New Jersey, was born--the 2 South--which last manifested @ 4Cap14 on December 25, 2000. By the Sun's degree (4Cap14), his PE (Pre-Natal Eclipse) is being triggered on Christmas Day 2011 and perhaps some of the 'uncovering' will include his involvement with certain 'groups' due to the flavor of the 2S Series:

'involvement in groups and feeling that one will gain a great deal through the association.' (Paraphrasing Predictive Astrology, Bernadette Brady.)

The 2S Series is shared natally by Ronald Reagan and Noam Chomsky (I know!), and is the PE of the Bush-Cheney administration--and of the New Millennium we all held out such grand hopes for until the White House was usurped with the help of the SCOTUS in December 2000, when the eclipse occurred in Saturn-ruled Capricorn opposite US natal Venus in Cancer.

The next Solar Eclipse in the 2S Series will occur on January 6, 2019 @ 15Cap.

(Don't know about you, but the Bush-Cheney coup was the moment I knew for certain that America was in deep poo feathers and Washington DC has done nothing in the meantime to totally relieve such foreboding from my troubled brow. Thus I blog.)

Well, Mr. Corzine obviously gained a great deal as his PE suggests he might. Now what sort of 'deal' will be presented by the US Congress to one of their own?


Newt Watchers! Today's Fresh Air concerns an interview with Washington Post reporter Karen Tumulty about her decades' long coverage of the career of Newt Gingrich. Apparently Newtish secrets may be revealed in this look-back at Newt's years as Speaker of the House, "changing the power structure" on Capitol Hill. And of course, Newt's serious ethics charges cut short his congressional 'brilliance'.

The broadcast is about to air momentarily (est) and audio will be available later this afternoon.

Funny, but I'd forgotten that once Newt Gingrich was TIME's 'Man of the Year'! Here's his natal horoscope if you've managed to miss it so far.

Aug 3, 2010

Agenda 21, Climate Change, & David de Rothschild (video)

Plus, the word I left out of the title of this post: plastics.

Remember the (de) Rothschild Family has helped fund and stir up most if not all of the wars and revolutions the world has seen for centuries (whatever costs weren't charged to the American taxpayer.) And that's not counting the plastics coup or periodically engineered financial collapses that benefit those in the know and beggar the rest.

Now Agenda 21, the UN global initiative? If you're unfamiliar with it since the New Millennium, you shouldn't be - just look around you!

Let us remember Seattle November 20, 1999 when people from many nations joined the protesters against Stealth Government creating a global constitution (WHO, IMF, and the World Bank.) Their Seattle cabal was successfully disrupted by 3 days of protests but the power elite have learned how to secrete their planning shenanigans better since then.

Within recent memory are the protests at the G20 in Toronto in June, 2010 which showed the Canadian police acting in even more of a strong-armed way as Seattle police toward protesters (who are always seeded with false flag operatives who smash windows, etc, to confuse public opinion and divide the protesters' solidarity.)

Now a thunderboomer has arrived, shutting down for now because I possess a healthy respect for lightening.

Mar 23, 2009

Midpoint pictures of the New Millennium Chart 2001

Horoscope of the New Millennium has been published if you care to have a peek at the chart (Jan 1, 2001 12:00 am est, Washington DC) and its details.

But here are a few more New Millennium details since the post there was getting mighty long - here are the midpoint pictures from the chart and the houses in which they fall, but they won't mean much to ya unless you view the chart itself...

6th house - Sun-Jupiter = Moon: harmonious feelings; wealthy people; fine relationships; good health.

5th house - Moon-Mercury = Uranus: sudden innovative thoughts and plans; irritability about progress; getting on with things hastily; independent thinking; nervousness; acting rashly; a constructional fault.

4th house - Mercury-Venus = Neptune (and US natal South Node): a lack of tact; undermining of relationships; fantasy; seeing everything in clear pictures or through a special dimension; delusions about reality. (With SN's Saturnian influence = adjusting to realism.)

3rd house - Uranus-ASC = Pluto: use of force; commanding success even under the most difficult circumstances.

And last but definitely not Air Grand Trine with the Ascendant as one of the trine's points for manifestation - this gives three pictures for your consideration:

Jupiter-Neptune = ASC: speculations; appearing to live in a world lighted by personal imagination and an emotionally rationalized agenda; sharing great hopes with others.

Jupiter-ASC = Neptune: living with hope and expectation; disappointments; losses; speculations.

Neptune-ASC = Jupiter: losing one's good name, fortune, and/or possessions through others; the urge to cheat others or to be cheated; one's good fortune is assumed. (Tyl; Ebertin.)

The Pre-Natal Eclipse Series of the New Millennium is the 2 South which manifested at 4Cap15 on Dec 25, 2000. This Series has a flavor of becoming involved with unusual groups and feeling that one will gain a great deal through such involvement. (Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

2S will next manifest on Jan 6, 2019 at '15Cap.'

In her book, 'Your Prenatal Eclipse', Rose Lineman gives a Solar Eclipse in Capricorn as advising a serious approach that stresses conservative, conscientious expression. In order to achieve karmic progress, we must overcome self-indulgence and master the self-discipline of the sign and its ruler, Saturn.

Ms. Lineman states that an Eclipse in Capricorn should be regarded as an opportunity to gain substantial karmic advances but the price is hard work and dedication at the expense of personal pleasure and worldly prestige.

People who share a Prenatal Eclipse in Cap tend to join business and professional organizations and show interest in political affairs. This obviously refers to mankind in general.

You may find of interest the Sun Capricorn-Moon Pisces blend of the New Millennium especially since this chart is 'good' for a hundred years!

Sun Cap-Moon Pisc is an Earth-Water blend of two Yin elements. This is one of the most nourishing and supportive combinations to have, and it mixes a capacity for sympathy for others with practical considerations.

There is an innate wisdom to know what's important and what is not; practical and emotional needs are well-balanced in this blend. Both material and emotional security needs are wanted and possible to achieve as long as one doesn't become a stick-in-the-mud and swamped by duty.

Yet a limited viewpoint is a caution and may interfere with goals, so we must watch for that.

This is a tough-tender humanitarian combo of energies - a scientist and poet, a practical dreamer. Personal courage results from self-reflection and moral precepts and there's a gift for quietly bringing order out of chaos. (Good! We could all use that.)

On the shadow side there is a tendency to fear the unknown and carry the burdens of others - even to the breaking point; negative thinking may cause loss of confidence.

Images for Integration: A child builds a sandcastle of reinforced concrete...A wine collector uncorks a rare vintage to celebrate a success...'Bilbo' in Tolkien's Lord of the Rings...Bathers in a Landscape by Paul Cezanne...Elvis Presley's Blue Suede Shoes. ('Sun Sign-Moon Sign' by Chas & Suzi Harvey.)

Mar 19, 2009

Destructuring America

Here's Joe Brewer explaining How to Destroy the Government in 3 Easy Steps but with some good ideas for how we can rescue our nation.

It took years for America to come to this pass - purposefully done by a certain few, as I always grouse - and Brewer lays it out clearly for those who don't believe that there is a larger agenda being followed.

You, lone reader, may be someone who doesn't believe there's a one-world-government plan but you can't deny the events of the last several years - and the results we must now endure because of our past apathy toward the power elite's totalitarian designs which have been greatly 'upped' since the New Millennium.

So do you still want your MTV?

Jun 7, 2008

baby by by: Hillary bows to superior mojo

Hillary backs out at noon June 7 is a Page I've set up with astrological notes on Hillary Clinton's failure to capture the collective imagination enough to be the next globalist New Millennialist shill.

Now you'll find a smidge of Obama Astrology in the article yet with no direct mention of that skewed view of the New Millennium (on their side or ours)--but you know I'm thinkin' it.

Sheesh! hearing her noon rally's audience's cheers makes me miss living in DC!

The article is mainly concerned with today's transit of restrictive Saturn and Neptune's eventual conjunction with her n MC, so I hope you'll get some kind of info out of it, but first...

you must click!

Jan 9, 2008

Paradox in New Hampshire

Assuming the primary count was honest last evening, it seems a paradox that proudly independent New Hampshire went for Hillary Clinton who stood beside her husband on the Mall in Washington DC for the New Millennium Gala on Dec 31, 1999 knowing what they had in store for America.

The promotion of one world government requires world wars and a world economy for their plans. As George Bush spreads his fly weight around the Middle East this week speaking on behalf of peace, he promotes the globalists' one world government--and Israel is in on it.

"For us or against us?" If against, you will be invaded and destroyed.

Has Bush actually brought peace to the world so far? Didn't our real troubles surface at his Oval Office installation? And yet his residency is only part of a years-long process.

Hillary Rodham Clinton knows. She knows and is part of the grand plan. Would New Hampshire support her if they knew her real voice? Tears and vulnerability? Puh-lease! Well, it seems to have worked.

And listen carefully to Bush's words as he combs the Middle East--especially for Oslo Peace Plan. Peace and security, they shout! for the world must be induced to put world citizenship above national citizenship.

The UN has been mum for some time--it won't continue to be, then watch what they say.

And as John McCain achieves his miraculous "comeback" in New Hampshire, he envisions 100 hundred years in Iraq. Big honkin' clue there. The globalists are covered D or R...whoever they vote for, they vote for us. How much clearer could it be?

New Hampshire, the granite state? Perhaps you supplied the stone for the Washington Monument where the thousand points of light shot into the dark night at Bill Clinton's command, Hillary standing by for her chance to take the baton.

Now, at last, she has stepped up to the plate...and the NWO steamrolls along. But now it's "smug and strong-armed maternalism." That must be what Hillary means by "change."

Jul 30, 2007

Jupiter conjunct Saturn, May 2000

"Our only political party has two right wings, one called Republican, the other Democratic. But Henry Adams figured all that out back in the 1890s. 'We have a single system,' he wrote, and 'in that system the only question is the price at which the proletariat is to be bought and sold, the bread and circuses.'"

Gore Vidal, The Decline and Fall of the American Empire

You gotta love it when you find someone agreeing with you!

The above quote from Gore Vidal has inspired me to look yet again at the chart for the Jupiter (R-Party)--Saturn (D-Party) conjunction of May 28, 2000 through which the world is now slogging (Jup/Sat = 20 year cycle)--and what a pretty picture it is when the Rs and Ds coordinated yet again to bolster joint plans and make arrangements to sock it to The People.

Jupiter conj Saturn:

Using May 28, 2000, 12:02 pm edt, White House, the Great Conjunction of Jupiter (expansion principle) and Saturn (restriction principle) took place at Midheaven, the WHY? or Goal/Aspirations Point of the chart.

With MC 22Tau22, this gives three midpoint pictures to consider:

Jup/Sat = MC: thinking with grandeur; the philosopher; fluctuating success; changes; losses.

Jup/MC = Saturn: discontent; a happy change; non-utilization of opportunities; a missing of the right moment; cautious pursuit of opportunities; respect for the rules; long-lasting endeavors pay off with long-lasting rewards.

Sat/MC = Jupiter: changing fortunes; clinging to hopes or trying to look at the good side of things; simplicity; modesty (!); contentment; doing things right or how they are expected to be done; keeping things as they are or changing things to how they should be done for maximum security.

Pallas, an asteroid whose keywords include strategy, is at the Aug 11, 1999 Solar Eclipse degree of 18Leo+ (that's Nostradamus' King of Alarm Eclipse), which is also vengeful Venus' degree on the morning of 9/11/01.

Opposite Pallas is asteroid, Cupido, from which we get the word, cupidity, meaning, desire for wealth. Asteroid, Cupido also relates to the community or family groups (which would include the Syndicate and the mafia.)

The chart's 8th cusp (money of others, debt, insurance, legacies, credit, transformations; death; the occult/"hidden") has secretive, obfuscating, dissolving Pisces upon it (using Placidus House system which I tend to stick with unless looking at charts from centuries ago--then Regiomantanus--that's just how I roll.)

Within 8th house we see the Moon (The People; the public; publicity; changes and fluctuations) at 3Aries14. Whenever I see an Aries Moon, I always think of terror-promoter Robespierre and his love of saying, I AM the people.

But back to the 2000 conjunction--and here's where it gets really icky...

Also at MC (Goals; Aspirations; WHY?) with Jupiter and Saturn are two asteroids of archetypal importance esp when you consider what's go on since 2000.

Sigma: keyphrases: good judgement, moral sanity leading to moderation, temperance, and self-control; restraint. 'Sigma' stands for Greek goddess, Sophrosyne, and is of philosophical significance (as are the Jupiter-Saturn combo.)

Wonder what happened there? Moral sanity and moderation were their Goals? Puh! More like their goals to destroy.

Perhaps the addition of this particular and difficult 2nd asteroid understandably complicates the picture for that it's more like:

Nemesis: keyphrases: to give what is due; one who brings justice or revenge; a source of harm or ruin; a fatal divinity; retributive justice in its outcome or execution; an inescapable punishment for human presumption; an unbeatable opponent (Bush's 'election'? al Qaeda's rise? Jupiter conjuncted Saturn for al Qaeda, too.)

So this is what the 'New Millennium' has brought us so far, in good part thanks to our illusory, deceptive "two-party system" which royally s*cks. And they have the audacity and presumption to call themselves the elite !

Stewardship - or major pocket-lining?

Either way, fear-mongering and terror-touting are the order of the day while the Rs and Ds still rule the roost ad nauseum...and final dispositor Mercury in the 2000 Conjunction chart is at "28Gemini", the "Bankruptcy" degree...and all sides are proving masterfully that they know exactly how to bankrupt America.