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Showing posts with label astrology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label astrology. Show all posts

Nov 17, 2009

33 weeks - an unusually long stay in Leo for Mars 2009

Since I just hooked up with astrologer Melody Scott Zindell on Twitter I moseyed over to see what subjects Melody has been writing on of late and found an informative post concerning the current 33-week stay of Mars in Leo.

Mars entered Leo on Oct 16, 2009 and his usual stay in a sign is about 7 weeks - zeeks!

Melody says It's Time to Take Action and of course, you don't have to have Mars (planet of initiative action, energy, and desire) in the sign of Leo the Lion in your natal chart to experience this transit personally since the feisty fellow traverses somewhere in our horoscopes all the time and since he resonates well with Sun-ruled Leo for getting things done.

In fact, as Melody mentions, any Leo planets in our natal charts are now being stimulated by the Leo transit of Mars (also stimulated are other planets and points that are in an aspect relationship to Mars' position - Tau/Sco squares, Gem/Sag sextiles/trines, Aquarius opposes, etc - so check out Melody's insights on Mars' 33 weeks in Leo for it's going to be a long and bumpy ride brought to us by a fiery planet traveling through a fiery sign - and many of us have transfomative Pluto in creative Leo!

Nov 16, 2009

View the Leonids Nov 17, 2009

Space Weather News for Nov 16, 2009

LEONID METEOR SHOWER: The Leonid meteor shower peaks on Tuesday, Nov 17, with a new Moon providing ideally-dark viewing conditions. Forecasters expect a relatively mild display (20 to 30 meteors per hour) over North America followed by a much stronger outburst (100 to 300 per hour) over Asia. No matter where you live, the best time to look is during the dark hours before sunrise on Tuesday morning.

Visit for full coverage of the Leonids, including live audio from a meteor radar, a live chat with a NASA meteor scientist, sky maps, photos and more. #


And you may wish to scroll to my previous post for astro-details on today's New Moon in Scorpio.

Oct 17, 2009

Astro-peek at a Boy in a Balloon - real or hoax?

Balloons, one level of Jupiter-Neptune floating up from the collective unconscious!

Expert astrologer Julie Demboski has taken a look at the charts of the boy-in-balloon controversy and gives her opinion on whether it was a hoax or not. (Scroll a bit to 'Oct 16' for the balloon story.)

Being involved of late with much artwork I'd had no time to have an astro-peek at the situation and was grateful to find Julie's insights into this odd matter.

Next time someone wants to lose their child in a helium balloon and call attention to it, may I suggest a real balloon, not a homemade one? Some lovely rainbow stripes would have been nice on camera. Can you tell on which side of the real vs hoax debate I stand?

Oct 7, 2009

A&E's 'Astrology: Secret in the Stars' video

This classic A&E program hosted and narrated by Leonard Nimoy has esteemed world class astrologer Rob Hand included, and is a 10 min 3 sec video of Part 1 of 5.

Part 1 touches on the 5,000 year cycle of the Mayans which ends Dec 21, 2012 - the Winter Solstice that only a few people await with confidence.

Sometimes I wonder if our modern 'new world order' types, who prefer rewards of an earthly kind, are using that already fear-infused date to bump up propaganda for their own agenda thereby causing whatever they have in store economically and governmentally to be more readily accepted than it otherwise would - by 2012.

Are massive world wide 'false flag ops' possibilities, too, in case the Mayans are wrong?

What do you think? You don't have to accept the legitimacy of Astrology to have an opinion, but it does help.


Here's a previous post with an image of the Winter Solstice 2012 chart showing its Saturn/Pluto = Jupiter in 'Finger of God' YOD formation.

Jul 14, 2009

Bastille Day 2009's riots in France + Dec 20, 2009

2009's Bastille Day has once again brought an annual round of chaos and violence to France with burning cars and street riots.

A horoscope of the storming of the Bastille on July 14, 1789 set for 5:30 pm lmt, the time the gates were thrown open by Governor de Launay and the mobs rushed in to liberate the fortress-prison, that symbol of royal tyranny, shows magician Hermes Rx rising with 17Sag39 on the horizon.

Chart-ruler Jupiter applies to a difficult sesqui-square with Saturn 23Pis10 Rx in 3rd house; then Jupiter applies to conjunction with Venus (1A58; Venus 4Leo44 in 8th house.) Lady Venus is vengeful when treated badly or scorned; she is an archetype of the Statue of Liberty and of other images and statuaries of liberty everywhere.

Revolutionary Times and Climes

France had some big economic woes: she had over-stretched her coffers by sending aid to America for our War of Independence, her nobility had refused to pay their taxes to King Louis XVI, and the National Assembly had made obsolete the monarchy in this four-in-one revolution of the poor against the rich. France in the late 1700s had the largest population in Europe and was struggling to feed herself (commodity price manipulations were at work behind the scenes even then.)

Why a four-in-one revolution? Going by Nicholas Hagger writing in his comprehensive book,The Secret History of the West, the first part was the Orleanist Revolution of 1789. Each of the four, Hagger states, had different goals and different leaders.

The Orleanist Revolution involved Adam Weishaupt and his Illuminati Society of Bavaria, a branch if not an acorn of a larger sect (if Weishaupt's group can be said to be connected to older versions in other regions of the world - debatable, but possible - if not physically, then perhaps inspirationally.)

That there was a conspiracy behind the French Revolution is mentioned in many sources so I will not cover them all here. But a shadowy man by the name of Choderlos de Laclos supposedly ran the conspiracy, and Weishaupt's front man was the Duc d'Orleans so you see where this phase of the chaos got its moniker.

Since the harvest of 1788 was a bust, things had gone from bad to worse for the people of France. The revolution started with the exploitation of a grain scarcity during the summer along with rumors of threats to the food supply (kind of like what we hear out of Washington these days - now it's honey worries in the US! And this after frightening us about honeybee hive collapse. There's that word again, collapse.)

Hagger continues, "The 'Orleanist Conspiracy' was an uprising of the bourgeoisie against the nobles, using popular mobs to do the bourgeoisie's dirty work."

Well, I won't go into more details now about how things went on in France in those dark days when terror stalked the earth, for we know it stalks still. Plus, you've already heard of the Jacobin Club in the events of those oppressive times, but did you know the Jacobins were organized by the Illuminist Templars and the Duc de Orleans, who came to be known as "Philippe-Egalite"? Magician and alchemist Hermes was undoubtedly on the scene - oh yeah - he's rising in the 'storming the Bastille' chart as mentioned above.

1789 - 2009: Has Mankind Learned Better?

My belief is that the Nostradamus-predicted Mother of All Eclipses, aka the King of Terror or King of Alarm Eclipse of August 11, 1999 with its Fixed Grand Cross of planets heralded a wave of ills across the planet that only the most directed group of selfless energies blended into one strand of harmony can hope to assuage them.

We need our Guardian Angels prayed close to us each one, m'peops, if that's a comfort to you. And if not, why on earth not? Forces are at work against the gentle, yet it is gentleness that persuades. Peace not war!

And when astrologically we think of revolution, we don't only think of rebellious awakener Uranus, we think of warrior Mars, Jupiter the General, Pluto the saboteur and death-dealer, perhaps Venus the avaricious, and of cloudy Neptune of the masses and of delusions, confusions, and fraud.

Timekeeper and boundary-guard Saturn usually will put a stop to out-of-control things, but not always in the ways we would want. The Old Man can be a little curt and sparse at times which you know if you've met him.

December 20, 2009

So as the Marseillaise planets, Mars, Jupiter, and Neptune, perform a stalemate tableaux on December 20, 2009 with Mars stationary at '20Leo' opposing the Jupiter/Neptune conjunction in Aquarius (#3 of 3), we may expect some pent-up actions to break out in various global hot spots, or at the least - financial upheavals in banking, trade, and global stock markets (Jupiter and Neptune are conjunct in the NYSE's natal chart but in Libra, an Air sign as is AQ.)

Government and the judiciary (Jupiter) will continue to be in the news if not in our hearts.

Other major planetary configurations add to a volatile mix for society in general by the end of 2009 and into 2010, and ecological balances are much in peril with a variety of these issues coming to a must-be-dealt-with climax. Neptune is linked with the oceans, as you know, and corals are dying fast, while drinkable water is disappearing - or is being cornered as a 'market.'

Yes, on Dec 20, 2009 there is a midpoint picture formed and you already know that the Jupiter/Neptune conjunctions of 2009 are all occurring upon the US natal Moon (the people; the public) which results in a 'becoming involved in speculation; going with the wind; instability; losing oneself in plans' vibe.

Well, in December, stationary Mars in Leo comes along to plump up the pillows and add a jolt of testosterone to the mystic brew...

Jup/Nep = Mars: strong idealism; the need for practical focus; unreliability; prone to irresponsible actions; relying on others and consequently being let down; a desire to realize plans without prospect; the act of speculating.

Plus, Mars is stationing in the sign of royalty and nobility - Leo, the natural leader who tends to roar.

So this means that transiting Mars in Leo opposes US natal Moon in AQ - or will, depending on which US birth chart you use. So even without the inflationary, fraudulent, and/or mystical Jupiter/Neptune cycle beginning all over again, the addition of Mars indicates a testy time period when raising antagonism in others is ill-advised. Anger, passion, and violence can appear in various forms during this transit, and of course 'home' and 'security needs' are involved since the effects are upon the US Moon.

Equipment breakdowns may be on the menu, and driving is somehow affected for many people (get that car maintenance done asap just in case!); traffic jams may be on our radars for a while (a stationary planet is a strong planet pausing to make a cosmic point - so its influence lingers a while.)

Pay close attention to whatever you do, including chores in the kitchen where hot things and sharp knives (Mars) are kept. Oh! and stock some tummy meds about the place for you may be needing a dose with all the emotional drama going on.

And above all: be aware that this irritability too shall pass!


Mars, Jupiter, and Neptune are the 'Marsellaise planets' because the three were conjunct in late degrees of Libra on the day the French people captured the Tuileries palace and dethroned King Louis XVI.

Various combinations of their energies are kept a close if squinty eye upon by this particular reluctant astrologer especially since the US natal chart has Geminian Mars square Virgoan Neptune, and Mars is 14 degrees from Jupiter in Cancer.

A Mars/Neptune square makes for confused motivations with an occasional lapse into inspirational activities.

Midpoint pictures: Tyl; Ebertin.

UPDATE 7.15.09: here's someone writing on Weishaupt and the Iluminati's role in the French Revolution, on Freemasonry in early America, and on how 'papacy vs Protestants' affected events - and why it still matters in the 21st century.

Jun 17, 2009

More notes on the New Moon 1Can30: June 22, 2009

Astrologer Julie Demboski's fresh column Spooning by the Moon in June is a must-read to get you ready for June 22's New Moon 1Can30 with asteroids included, so you'll want to check out Julie's notes and advice before you even think of spooning!

Jun 4, 2009

Full Moon June 7, 2009's Fist of God patterns

Astrologer Julie Demboski's When God Insists ably covers the details of the Fist of God patterns in June 7, 2009's Full Moon in Sagittarius horoscope so check out Julie's informative column with the Full Moon's chart image included (PDT) because big things are brewing!

May 2, 2009

New Scientist photo of Mercury's mysterious Rembrandt crator

Woo hoo! Not sure how I've missed the New Scientist website before but it has such a plethora of interesting articles you'll want to discover them for yourself.

From H1N1 (Swine) Flu's genetic analysis to a near-Earth asteroid 2009HC82 recently found orbiting our Sun in retrograde orbit (rare, and should have already been seen) to an article about NASA's possibly abandoning its plans for a Moon base, this site really rocks!

And if you're in a jurassic mood, you may wish to check out "First dino 'blood' extracted from ancient bone" while you're visiting.

Oh, and my personal favorite, "Mysterious spokes found in crator on Mercury" in a fly-by photo from Oct 2008 courtesy of NASA's Messenger spacecraft - click to view an Astrology chart-with-details of Jan 14, 2008, the day of Messenger's launch.

The strange spokes and troughs are seen in a photo (included) of Mercury's Rembrandt crator so fly-by the New Scientist when you can!

Apr 25, 2009

Crescent Moon-Mercury-Pleiades stars conjoin at Sunset 4.26.09

Sunday, April 26, 2009 at Sunset, we will witness a conjunction of a silvery Crescent Moon, Mercury, and the stars of the Pleiades cluster.

For astrological details, and for SpaceWeather's information on this lovely celestial event, please click the above link where you'll also find a chance to sign the petition to release Roxanna Saberi from Iranian captivity, if you wish to but haven't signed as yet.

Perhaps the 'Images for Integration' for Sunday's Sun Taurus-Moon Gemini Earth-Air blend may be of interest since they possibly relate to current issues, events, and/or people...

'A wealthy publisher launches another new project...A scientist brilliantly discourses on the mysteries of nature (or the mysteries of swine flu and how it spreads? jc)...A sculptor carves the figure of a dancer (wonder if he's 'Dancing with the Stars'? jc)...A restaurateur earns a reputation for delicious souffles and meringues.'

Make mine chocolate!

('Sun Sign-Moon Sign' by Charles & Suzy Harvey.)

And here's a representation of a Crescent Moon for you...

Blue Trumpet Flower Under Crescent Moon drawing by Jude Cowell 2009+.

Apr 6, 2009

Mustafa Kemal Ataturk May 19, 1881

Update Monday, Apr 6: a video of Pres. Obama honoring Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, April, 2009.

Original post begins here:

Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, born May 19, 1881 in Salonika (now Greece), the present-day Thessaloniki, is famous as the Founder of Modern Turkey, and US Pres. Obama is visiting Ataturk's memorial site while visiting Ankara on his weeklong European tour soon ending. Mr. Obama flies to Istanbul Monday evening.

Fond of the Age of Enlightenment (code for an Illuminati adherent? A Rosicrucian perhaps?), Mustafa Kemal, often called Ataturk, is the fellow who transformed Turkey into a modern, secular, and democratic nation-state.

(A nation-state is an idea whose time has seemingly passed, 'they' say. Politicians may talk floweringly of sovereignty but spend most of their time undermining it in one way or another.)

Ataturk became Turkey's first president and served from Oct 29, 1923 to Nov 10, 1938, and for the entire 24-hour period of May 19, 1881, Luna was in Aquarius which gives him Sun Taurus-Moon AQ, an Earth-Air blend of the innovative pragmatist who is gregarious, objective, independent, confident, and sensible.

High ideals can be backed up by this combination through broad vision, hard work, and perseverance while humanitarian values are brought down to earth and productively put to use.

Communications tend to be forthright, clear-headed, and honest which cause people to trust Sun Tau-Moon AQ types; there's a talent for inspiring others.

This is an amiable and pleasant personality who feels itself to be above conflict - 'civilized' resolutions will be found.

Weaknesses include a tendency to become inert with stubbornness when things don't go as expected, and there may be an overconfidence that comes across as conceit.

Image for Integration: A country squire holds the summer fete in his garden; all monies raised are divided equally between the three charities in the village - the Friendly Farmers' Trust, the Local Artists' Guild, and the Quakers' Orphanage.' (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Chas & Suzi Harvey.)

The Sun Tau-Moon AQ blend is shared natally by Charlotte Bronte, Michelle Pfeiffer, Burt Bacharach, Nicolo Machiavelli, and America's Democratic Party (May 13, 1792.)

And by two other notables who shall be quoted:

"When you're down and out, something always turns up -- and it's usually the noses of your friends." - Orson Welles

(Wonder if that's how Pres. Obama felt abroad the last several days as he asked Europe for troops for Afghanistan deployment - and maybe for some of their EU brand of loose change...?)

Plus, the following words may have merit in these days of control and our dread of its misuse and abuse:

"May the Force be with you." - George Lucas, Star Wars

Be with whom?


Are you hankering for a silly limerick written in early November 2007 upon the occasion of then-Secretary-of-State Condi Rice's visit to Turkey? Then hanker no longer for the Kittens from Turkey are here.

Mar 28, 2009

Astrology of Mar 27 - 29, 2009 with Asteroids!

Astrologer Julie Demboski has done it again showing how the Big Picture informs the Little Picture of life on Earth!

Beginning Friday (3.27.09) and running through the weekend, she provides the astrological details on the love and power vibes permeating the air right now.

This weekend's energies have been distilled to their essences for you - and I love the way Julie includes the major asteroids (Juno, Ceres, Pallas, and Vesta) to help fill out the As Above, So Below picture for us mortals!

Mar 25, 2009

Pres Obama's presser 3.24.09: full text link

Here's the full text of last evening's press conference, the second of Pres. Obama's presidency, which mostly concerned our economic issues.

Twitterers seemed to have gotten their feathers ruffled about 35 minutes in when CNN's Ed Henry asked why the president didn't express outrage over AIG bonus payments sooner than he did - why did he wait several days?

"Because I like to know what I'm talking about before I speak," says his nibs with a so-called 'icy stare.'

Sounds reasonable and mature to me, something Washington has become unaccustomed to in recent years. Yet I do think phony outrage was the order of the day relating to the AIG bonuses and that having 'who knew what when' become a huge and diverting story was Washington's main political problem with it.

No one likes to be blamed, especially when your re-election to a cushy pocket-lining job may depend upon it.

False outrage to fuel criticism of your opponent - how very tiresome (and predictable. If we-the-people get truth out of Washington, it's because it accidentally escapes at moments when someone's guard is down. Then everyone goes into 'damage control' mode....also tiresome.)

Astrologically, I see nothing unusual at 8:35 pm last evening to account for the question or the 'icy stare' although nebulous Neptune 26AQ moved from 5th house into 4th house appr one minute earlier. Neptune is one significator for mass media - and deception.

Most of the questions seemed to be set-ups to me - well-rehearsed, for the most part, so that the president could say what he wanted to say, and I'd have been just as happy, if not happier, if he'd simply spoken for the hour rather than for the 7 minutes of his opening statement.

When Pres. Obama ended the presser (8:57 pm edt), America's natal Pluto '28Cap' was at IC, the Foundation, or HOW? Point of the chart which aims directly at the transiting midpoint of Pluto-Chiron, the pair of plutocracy, now conjunct US natal Pluto - Pluto of power and vast riches fame.

And the Sabian Symbol for '28Cap'? "A Large Aviary"! Tweet tweet!!

Mar 23, 2009

Midpoint pictures of the New Millennium Chart 2001

Horoscope of the New Millennium has been published if you care to have a peek at the chart (Jan 1, 2001 12:00 am est, Washington DC) and its details.

But here are a few more New Millennium details since the post there was getting mighty long - here are the midpoint pictures from the chart and the houses in which they fall, but they won't mean much to ya unless you view the chart itself...

6th house - Sun-Jupiter = Moon: harmonious feelings; wealthy people; fine relationships; good health.

5th house - Moon-Mercury = Uranus: sudden innovative thoughts and plans; irritability about progress; getting on with things hastily; independent thinking; nervousness; acting rashly; a constructional fault.

4th house - Mercury-Venus = Neptune (and US natal South Node): a lack of tact; undermining of relationships; fantasy; seeing everything in clear pictures or through a special dimension; delusions about reality. (With SN's Saturnian influence = adjusting to realism.)

3rd house - Uranus-ASC = Pluto: use of force; commanding success even under the most difficult circumstances.

And last but definitely not Air Grand Trine with the Ascendant as one of the trine's points for manifestation - this gives three pictures for your consideration:

Jupiter-Neptune = ASC: speculations; appearing to live in a world lighted by personal imagination and an emotionally rationalized agenda; sharing great hopes with others.

Jupiter-ASC = Neptune: living with hope and expectation; disappointments; losses; speculations.

Neptune-ASC = Jupiter: losing one's good name, fortune, and/or possessions through others; the urge to cheat others or to be cheated; one's good fortune is assumed. (Tyl; Ebertin.)

The Pre-Natal Eclipse Series of the New Millennium is the 2 South which manifested at 4Cap15 on Dec 25, 2000. This Series has a flavor of becoming involved with unusual groups and feeling that one will gain a great deal through such involvement. (Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

2S will next manifest on Jan 6, 2019 at '15Cap.'

In her book, 'Your Prenatal Eclipse', Rose Lineman gives a Solar Eclipse in Capricorn as advising a serious approach that stresses conservative, conscientious expression. In order to achieve karmic progress, we must overcome self-indulgence and master the self-discipline of the sign and its ruler, Saturn.

Ms. Lineman states that an Eclipse in Capricorn should be regarded as an opportunity to gain substantial karmic advances but the price is hard work and dedication at the expense of personal pleasure and worldly prestige.

People who share a Prenatal Eclipse in Cap tend to join business and professional organizations and show interest in political affairs. This obviously refers to mankind in general.

You may find of interest the Sun Capricorn-Moon Pisces blend of the New Millennium especially since this chart is 'good' for a hundred years!

Sun Cap-Moon Pisc is an Earth-Water blend of two Yin elements. This is one of the most nourishing and supportive combinations to have, and it mixes a capacity for sympathy for others with practical considerations.

There is an innate wisdom to know what's important and what is not; practical and emotional needs are well-balanced in this blend. Both material and emotional security needs are wanted and possible to achieve as long as one doesn't become a stick-in-the-mud and swamped by duty.

Yet a limited viewpoint is a caution and may interfere with goals, so we must watch for that.

This is a tough-tender humanitarian combo of energies - a scientist and poet, a practical dreamer. Personal courage results from self-reflection and moral precepts and there's a gift for quietly bringing order out of chaos. (Good! We could all use that.)

On the shadow side there is a tendency to fear the unknown and carry the burdens of others - even to the breaking point; negative thinking may cause loss of confidence.

Images for Integration: A child builds a sandcastle of reinforced concrete...A wine collector uncorks a rare vintage to celebrate a success...'Bilbo' in Tolkien's Lord of the Rings...Bathers in a Landscape by Paul Cezanne...Elvis Presley's Blue Suede Shoes. ('Sun Sign-Moon Sign' by Chas & Suzi Harvey.)

Mar 16, 2009

In This Corner: the stars of Jon Stewart and Jim Cramer

Master astrologer Mary Plumb has written an enlightening article on the natal charts and personalities of The Daily Show's Jon Stewart and on his recent TV interview meal, financial commentator Jim Cramer.

The article is published exactly where you'll usually find Ms. Plumb: on the website of America's premiere Astrology magazine, The Mountain Astrologer.

Read Two Free Spirits for more details on the Sagittarian Mr. Stewart and the Aquarian Mr. Cramer.

Jon Stewart
Nov 28, 1962 NY
(time unknown)

Jim Cramer
Feb 10, 1955
Wyndmoor, PA
(time unknown)

Sunrise is used for both natal charts, aka a Solar chart.

Mar 12, 2009

Bernie Madoff to court: Uranus rises with Sun 3.12.09

Noon Update: NPR is reporting that Madoff's cushy penthouse arrangement has ended, he pled guilty to 11 charges as expected and has been led away to jail to await his June 16 sentencing.

Original post begins here:

Madoff in court - Uranus rising has just been published at Jude's Threshold, if you're interested in taking a peek.

You'll find a link there to my brief post on Madoff's natal chart.

Sun-conjunct-Uranus indicates one who is difficult to control and who is intolerant of tradition and the social limitations arising from it. (He seems to have tossed those off years ago!)

Enduring restraints is a particular challenge to Sun-Uranus blends and it will be interesting to hear what results from the Bernie Madoff court proceedings.

Feb 28, 2009

Quotes from 1929 - 1931 and a little Astrology

Great Depression Quotes 1929 vs 2008: Have We Learned Anything? is a fascinating list of headlines and quotes from 1929 to 1931 replete with parallels to the 2008 Bail Out Bill of Hank Paulson and his political enabler, George Bush.

The information contained here makes tarring George Bush with the Herbert Hoover brush a natural thing to do, and you'll especially love the full spectrum of optimistic 'expert' remarks with mainstream media's well-timed cheer leading attempts to manufacture consent for bailing out...wait for it...Wall Street.

So have I personally learned anything from the list of quotes?

Oh Yes. I learned that the culprits and heisters of 2008 lifted their scripts almost word-for-word and their stage directions from what their predecessors said and did in Hoover's day even while propagandizing that the current meltdown "isn't the Great Depression"!

And of course they knew what they were doing, all wide-eyed and innocent - with Bernanke an admitted student - 'expert' - of the Great Depression.

So if you read, read to the last entry where the New World Cooperation propaganda rears its Gorgon head...July 12, 1931.

We now know the monster as the New World Economic Order, or NWO for short.

After all, it's been the knitting together of national economies in the last decades that has made a world economic crash possible.

Bwa ha ha...the better to rule you with, m'dear.

Now For A Little Astrology:

Checking the chart for July 31, 1931, noon, Manhattan, NYC, NY to get a little flavor of the times, we see Sun 19Can20 conj Pluto 20Can24 (critical degree '20Can' is Pluto's heliocentric North Node degree, an excessively powerful point in the zodiac and often involved when power plays are afoot.)

Opposite, also at critical degree, is Saturn 20Cap01 Rx which forms two Cardinal T-square patterns with Uranus 19Ari18 at apex, the outlet for this enormous energy.

Here are their midpoint pictures with the usual 'all, any, or none' limitation:

Sun-Saturn = Uranus: fluctuations; unusual circumstances; crises; imprisonment; separation; mourning; nervousness; inhibitions; a clash between the old, established ways of doing things and the new.

Saturn-Pluto = Uranus: brutal efforts to start a new order; an attack, regardless of potential losses; an ability to make sudden decisions in the most difficult circumstances; sudden acts of violence. (Tyl; Ebertin.)

As apex (focal) planet in a Cardinal T-square, Uranus acts as social catalyst, a role 'it' was born to play. (Uranus, or Ouronos, = a place, not a 'he' at all, but the sky.)

This catalyzing action is on behalf of collective reform and general social progress with radical disruption of Saturn's status quo the goal. (And Saturn is strong in his own sign of Capricorn.)

There is a strong urge to break down and shatter whatever impedes this 'progress' toward new ideals. This can be the social misfit that is purposefully out-of-tune with the established order of the environment.

Or, acting as radical reformer political groups, this is the law-unto-oneself type of entity where the will is defensively detached from all outer considerations. (How else can they cause misery of the masses and still look at themselves in the mirror?)

Highly intuitive, this apex Uranus uses insights with others to expose human frailties to themselves in a manner that compels them to radically alter their lifestyles. (Now there's a pretty good description of the effects of a staged economic meltdown - and with much media assistance ad nauseum.)

Positively, an apex Uranus can represent a social visionary with a charismatic power able to liberate mass consciousness from obsolete collective patterns of expression. (It took FDR's charisma for that. Hoover had none.)

The Cardinal (outgoing, initiating energy) quality of the T-square refines the apex Uranus to the role of a self-proclaimed social activist and head crusader for some current group cause or mass movement.

Abruptness may tend to alienate or intimidate those upon whom reforms fall. This reformer is prone toward excitement, vigor, and a straightforward approach yet too-sudden moves may appear illogically inconsistent and contrary to plans that are already set in motion.

Yet with staid Saturn involved, a measure of restraint and self-control is evident - yet there is danger of a build-up of active, compressed pressure which eventually must vent itself with an authoritarian flavor.

Inaugurating sweeping social changes was on the agenda in 1931, but within existing social structures. And the radicals' need for ultimate power and control are marked by the presence of both Saturn and Pluto.

The New Millennium has timed the breakdown of 'existing social structures' with 9/11's Saturn-Pluto opposition conjunct America's ASC/DESC axis (16 The Tower in the Tarot deck), and now with the manufactured meltdown of the economic crisis of 2008+.

Plus, on May 28, 2000, the Great Conjunction of Jupiter (expansion) and Saturn (restriction), the two social planets that affect financial cycles at their core, was very important in the scheme of things, so naturally I noticed that wounded and wounding Chiron on July 12, 1931 was conj the Jupiter-Saturn 2000 Conj degree...

'23Taurus'..."A Jewelry Shop Filled with the Most Magnificent Jewels" which has associations with greed, theft, loot, and rewards.

Yes, Republicans (Jupiter) and Democrats (Saturn) had a big planning session in May-June 2000 as they looked toward their shared millennial goals.

And now, by the trillions, jewels of wealth and ultimate power are falling into certain elite laps - just as they envisioned so long ago. Quite a pay-off!


Apex Uranus details: Dynamics of Aspect Analysis, Bil Tierney.

Feb 20, 2009

Decapitation, Venus, and Fixed Star Algol

An excellent article, Decapitation and the Muslim World, by Nina Shen Rastogi, concerns the historical significance of the practice of beheading one's enemies.

Did you know that France guillotined its last criminal (hopefully it was a fair trial...?) in 1977?

And Christian Crusaders beheaded 10,000 Jews and Arabs in the Temple of Solomon during the capture of Jerusalem in 1099.

Now that's the sort of outrage that's difficult for anyone to forgive or forget - and thus the devouring spirit of revenge, the dark side of Venus, moves across the globe through the centuries.

Islam's symbol of the Crescent Moon and a Star intrigues me yet it actually pre-dates Islam. The most I've found on it so far is that the Star may represent Venus which often appears shortly after sunset along with the thin Crescent Moon which marks the first day of the month in the Islamic Calendar.

This makes sense, yet the association of neck and throat with the sign Taurus has me considering the meaning of the malevolent Fixed Star, Algol, which signifies intense female passion and rage.

As you know, the shadow side of the sign Taurus includes intolerance which Muslims, Christians, Jews, and others have deep trouble containing to the world's detriment.

Algol, according to Bernadette Brady, signifies female kundalini energy, and a consuming passion that devours with anger and outrage with an unconscious compulsion to take revenge. (Brady's Fixed Stars.)

Plus, the waxing Crescent phase of the Moon is the 'crisis in action' stage.

Even in the Old Testament, we find one mention of a beheading when David slew Goliath with a stone, then cut off his head. I assume the extra violence was symbolic, especially with Algol being the brightest star in the Gorgon's head (Ptolemy.)

Here are the keywords for Algol (Beta Perseus; 26Tau10) from Brady's book mentioned above:

to lose one's head; decapitation; damage to throat and neck; sickness; violence; criminality; murder; horror.

And Diana Rosenberg noticed that Algol is active in charts of harmful fires.

Also known as Caput Algol, this binary star appears to 'blink' every 2.86 days for about 10 hours: Algol is at its worst influence when dark.

Its partner 'star', actually a cluster in Perseus, is Capulus (cap = head) which is the male intense passion of ruthlessness, savagery, and rash anger. Male kundalini energy!

Nice couple, eh?

So although I can find no online reference to Algol as the star with the Crescent Moon which is found on various Muslim countries' flags, it's difficult for me to ignore the connection between Taurus (throat/neck) and decapitation which implicates Algol as that star.

Or perhaps it is 'only' Venus as the star in the Islamic symbol of Crescent Moon and Star - Venus, who becomes vicious and takes ruthless revenge when scorned.

After all, on 9/11/01 it was transit Venus 18Leo24 triggering the Eclipse degree of Nostradamus' 'King of Terror Eclipse' of Aug 11,, Venus is implicated as the heavy in the Mayan Calendar puzzle of Dec 21, 2012.

Any thoughts one way or the other?

Feb 19, 2009

New Moon in Pisces 2.24.09

If you'd like to check out the chart of Feb 24, 2009's New Moon 6Pis35, please do so.

You'll find midpoint pictures and a few pertinent asteroids mentioned; plus, Uranian planet Cupido is Rx in Libra and rising in the chart which I have set for the Capitol Building, Washington DC.

Now here's the Sabian Symbol of Feb 24's New Moon - I'm rounding up to '7Pisces' and using Dane Rudhyar's An Astrological Mandala:

"Illumined by a shaft of light, a large cross lies on rocks surrounded by sea mist."

"Keynote: The spiritual blessing which strengthens individuals who, happen what may, stand uncompromisingly for their own truth."

Hopefully, with the dire conditions in our nation and the world today, the Rudhyar estate will pardon me for quoting the rest because we could all use its wisdom now, imho:

Men who do not depend upon collective values, traditions, or support but seek at any cost to be true to their individual self and destiny almost inevitably face some kind of crucifixion.

They are sustained only by the power within them, to which light above answers. The symbol tells us: 'Be true to thine own self, and in the midst of the outer confusion displayed by those surrounding you, you will realize what you really are as an individual--a son of God.'

Happen what may, everyone!

Feb 18, 2009

Planets this week: the power of 10!

This week several planets have resided at 10th degrees: Venus in Aries, Mars and Jupiter in Aquarius - and by the pre-dawn hours of Feb 22, the Moon will join in to spark a lovely line-up of Mercury, Jupiter, and Mars in Aquarius.

'10' relates, of course, to 10th sign, Capricorn, and thus to its natural house (the 10th) which links with Career, Public Status, and World Events.

Astrologer Monica Starr, author of the excellent Astrology Mundo blog, is relating the power of the number 10 with Pres. Obama's signing of the Stimulus Bill this week; plus, Monica gives her expert advice on how we may use the power of 10 within our own lives!

As an Astrology novice with four natal planets in Capricorn, I appreciate this very much from one of my favorite astrologers and I hope you'll check out her blog whenever you fact, bookmarking Astrology Mundo would be highly efficacious for you, imo.

Feb 9, 2009

Astrology of the Fed and 2009

This morning I've been attempting a mild catch-up on Astrology articles concerning 2009 - especially those relating to the economic crisis. I've just read one by Boots Hart, The Recessionary Reserve, where the Fed's Scorpionic Midheaven and natal chart are discussed in useful detail including the Fed's Solar Returns 2007/08, and more. Not to be missed!

Hart says that the Fed's Scorpionic balance is "out of whack" while everyone has gone into 'me first' mode due to fear, one of the more negative traits of Scorpio.

If you haven't checked out this article yet, please do.

And while at Daykeeper Journal, you may also wish to visit Crystal Pomeroy, who gives her overview of 2009 which, Crystal says, is "a portal of great challenge and equally substantial opportunity."

Crystal covers 2009 as a year of '11' which is a master number of potential transcendence allowing us to "transmute obstacles and limitations into a higher good."

Thanks, Crystal! A higher good is exactly what a saddened and beggared world could use and, as you say, each of us can contribute in our own way even while highly paid Washington politicians continue fiddling their fearful tune.


A Note from Georgia: three more banks were shut down here over the weekend. My own has morphed into Wells Fargo which seems to be working okay so far. And Gov. Purdue has ordered state workers to take every other Friday off as a furlough - without pay.