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Oct 12, 2007

have you heard? Gore wins Nobel Peace Prize

Even a homeless polar bear could find, read about, or listen to the news this morning that Al Gore will share the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize with the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Control.

Here you see Gore's natal chart with today's transiting planets scribbled around the what astrological influences may be involved with such a high honor for our former VP?

You can't miss power-behind-the-throne Pluto of the deep riches in touch with natal Jupiter. And Gore will soon have a Jupiter Return when tr Jupiter reaches 28Sag36 in Dec '07--and all the largesse is occurring in his natal 5th house of creative pursuits and risk-taking. Lucky breaks for Al.

Or I wish I could think that.

Mars is conj US n Jupiter at the "Gamebirds feathering their nests" degree in his behind-the-scenes 12th house, and the Scorpio Moon this morning at 5 am (when I heard NPR crowing the news) was conj the New World Order's natal 3 minutes.

Gore's natal Sun Aries/Moon Cap personality blend has two Images for Integration which I cannot forget--even though he seems likeable enough and I would probably vote for him if he decided to run (which 'they say' he won't because of Hillary's campaign--he thinks the 2008 election isn't for him--better to wait a few years until Pluto conjs natal Moon in Cap, I suppose)...

Sun Aries/Moon Cap: A young soldier is rewarded by the King for exceptional bravery in the cause of freedom...Columbus discovers America and a new world order is born.

Add to this the powerful-beyond-belief, hard-hitting, tough-minded, ambitious (plus a Cap Moon!) Pluto-Saturn-Mars conj in natal 1st house, and you see a driven man with natal Sun at the "President of the country" degree--and North Node (destiny) conj US Inaugural Ascendant (Jan 20, noon in Washington DC, public oath-taking time.)

Gore's natal Mercury in creative, soft, watery Pisces may make him seem wishy-washy and easy to mischaracterize yet everyone knows that water is the strongest element of all.

And so I admit I can't shake the intuition that the Nobel Prize/Oscar Award honors are another phase of the political theater brought to the masses by globalist puppetmasters with whom Al Gore must have associations especially since he's a member of the Trilateral Commission at the least.

Of two things I'm sure: nothing these days is what it's promoted to be--and nothing in politics happens by accident. It's all by design by those who have the power to manifest on the world stage which may be shown by Gore's natal Moon/Jupiter conj (though 'out of sign' it's too close to discount, isn't it?) which gives an interesting word picture with transiting Pluto these days:

Moon/Jupiter = Pluto: major plans for major triumph; the big picture and the power to make it appear.

But if I had a vote on the Nobel Committee, I would've given the Prize to the homeless polar bear.

Oct 11, 2007

Celestial Triangle!

My personal headline for today would have to be:

'Real World Takes Over Blogger Falls Behind' but I thought you might be interested in this week's sparkly Celestial Triangle of Venus, Saturn, and Regulus!

Space Weather News for Oct 10, 2007:

CELESTIAL TRIANGLE: Set your alarm. For the next five mornings, just before dawn banishes the night, you can see a compact celestial triangle rising in the eastern sky. The corners are dazzling Venus, Saturn and the bright star Regulus. This is worth waking up for--at least once.

Visit for sky maps and more.

AURORA WATCH: A solar wind stream is heading for Earth and it may spark a geomagnetic storm when it arrives on Oct 11th or 12th. High-latitude sky watchers should be alert for auroras.

Oct 10, 2007

Impeach for Wiretapping Americans

This in from

Bush's Wiretaps: Impeachment not Immunity

Two years ago, the NY Times revealed George Bush has been illegally wiretapping our phones and emails for years. Bush publicly admitted signing the authorizations for illegal wiretaps over 30 times.

Bush's warrantless wiretaps are a flagrant violation of the Fourth Amendment. And under the 1978 FISA law, the penalty for each of Bush's illegal wiretaps is up to $10,000 and 5 years in prison. Bush may have wiretapped millions of Americans, so he should not only be impeached, but he should spend the rest of his life behind bars.

Incredibly, "Bush Dog" Democrats led by House Majority Steny Hoyer not only refuse to impeach Bush - they want to immunize Bush and his co-conspirators, the telephone giants, so they never pay a penny or spend a day behind bars for their crimes.

Congress needs to hear from all of us today. Email your Representatives to demand impeachment, not immunity:

People's Mail Network

Oct 9, 2007

Draconid Meteor Shower peaks Oct 9

Space Weather News for Oct. 8, 2007

METEOR WATCH: The annual Draconid meteor shower peaks on Oct. 9th at 0430 UT--in other words, tonight at 9:30 pm PDT or 12:30 am EDT. Don't expect a big display. The source of the shower, comet 21P/Giacobini-Zinner, is far away and unlikely to produce more than a few slow meteors every hour. It should be noted, however, that unexpected Draconid outbursts have happened as recently as Oct. 2005 resulting in dozens to hundreds of meteors per hour. Could tonight be such a night? If you decide to look, keep an eye on the northern sky (Draco is not far from the north celestial pole) during the hours around the predicted peak.

PERUVIAN METEORITE UPDATE: Astronomers studying the Peruvian meteorite fall of Sept. 15, 2007, have analyzed infrasound records of the fireball's descent through Earth's atmosphere and estimated the impactor's kinetic energy: about 0.03 kton of TNT. So far more than 30 kg of the meteorite have been recovered by Peruvian authorities, but much more remains--indeed, says one researcher, there could be a "multi-ton monster" hiding at the bottom of the meteorite's curiously watery crater.

Check for more information.#

Did you see any meteors last night?

The constellation Draco the Dragon guards the greatest of treasures: the pivot-point of the world. Connected to myths of many cultures through the ages, the Celestial Dragon never slept because it never set. This is the hundred-eyed dragon which the Greeks had guarding the golden apples in the Garden of Hesperides, and is linked to the serpent in the Garden of Eden.

Thuban (Alpha Draco) is the primary star, keywords:to create or protect a treasure.

There may be a miserly influence with Thuban as seen in the life of Sir Isaac Newton, who jealously protected his intellectual treasures--his theories and ideas. Newton's natal Moon is connected with Thuban on his day of birth and is expressed as a terrific hoarding instinct.

Pablo Picasso's life shows a different flavor with his Sun (identity) connected to Thuban, for he created over 20,000 works of art which were valuable before his death as Thuban allowed his immense treasures to flow into the world and the rewards to flow back to the artist. (Yes, this artist has Thuban connected in her chart--guess that's why I toss out so many images into the world through my online galleries such as Dreamyfish Art--the spiritual rewards do flow back--the material rewards? not so much!)

So if you have a gift or talent, it is your treasure and if Thuban is linked to your natal planets you'll find that issues of giving and sharing are recurring themes in your life. Whether material or spiritual, this gift is unlimited so find joy in sharing it with the world...for perhaps the treasure truly belongs to Draco and you're merely the conduit!

(Brady's Book of Fixed Stars)

Oct 8, 2007

New Moon 18 Lib: "Two men placed under arrest"

New Moon 17Lib30, Oct 11, 1:00 am edt, Washington, DC:

As you know, the US secondary progressed (sec) Mars is now station Rx at 18Lib+, or depending on the US natal chart you use, about to be so.

The "Two men placed under arrest" of "18Lib" seems pertinent to what's going on in our newly-evolving police state as well as with Blackwater and other disasters and outrages of the Iraq occupation. Seems the ones who deserve arrest continue their skulking with little interference and under the protection of the DOS.

Rounding up there's the next degree, "19Lib", with its Symbol:

"A gang of robbers in hiding" which also seems tres descriptive of current events yet I confess to feeling a slight tinge of a a robber barons of 1892 flavor with this degree...puts me in mind of them and their descending spawns who now ravage the world's natural resources and enslave populations just as their pappies and grandpappies loved to do. They like the "we create jobs" excuse as well.

As in, we ruin your environment, your health, and your life, but hey! at least you have a low-paying job for which you should thank our exalted selves.

Actually, the Alaskan wilderness is about to be sullied with the open-pit Pebble Mine project--gold and copper abounds, they say. NPR mentioned it just today.

Now my custom is to use Dr. Marc Edmund Jones' version of the Symbols--The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, but recently I have glommed onto Lynda Hill's book, 360 Degrees of Wisdom: Charting Your Destiny With the Sabian Oracles so I thought you'd find Lynda's take on "18" and "19Lib" very informative especially with Thursday's New Moon upon the very spot of the US sec Mars (military; police; firefighters; operatives; men between ages 25--35, etc.)

This New Moon occurs during a Mars Hour and with Mars out-of-bounds...working on his own, and now conjunct US natal Jupiter at the "Gamebirds feathering their nests" degree. Expansion comes with a Mars-to-Jupiter transit and someone will be given more credit than is due (another "superb job"? or more credit woes?)

In its Fall in Cancer, Mars is very self-protective, defensive, and emotional and because of retrogradation, we have a long slog until November with this placement of Mars which can bring us anger, frustration, and discord in domestic relations.

Any planets transiting Cancer always highly affect America with her Venus, Jupiter, Sun, and Mercury in the sign of the side-stepping Crab.

Mars to George Bush's chart:

Mars will be conjuncting Bush' natal Sun (and US n Sun) giving a 'surge' of energy and aggression (ugh) and then Bush's natal Saturn before the transit ends, both in his behind-the-scenes, karmic 12th house of the Unconscious.

Mars to Saturn indicates more focus and careful planning yet may have a frustrating or blocking influence as well. And halfway through will be this picture for Bush:

Sun/Saturn = tr Mars: energies feel confined; running hot'n'cold; a sense of futility; seclusion; loneliness; mourning (Tyl; Ebertin.)

There may be a connection to hospitals involved (12th house.)

The Libran New Moon chart has a financial flavor (click-to-enlarge to read a few of my notes.) One monetary factor is that NYSE's natal Moon is conjunct MC, the Goals and Aspirations Point of the chart.

So check out Lynda's excellent article on the New Moon in Libra and simultaneously learn how Dr. Jones 'switched' the Symbols for "18" and "19" Libra when recording them for Elsie Wheeler here.

Milton Friedman's 'free market' legacy

Today I received a link from astrologer Alex D'Atria to Stephen Lendman's article concerning economist Milton Friedman, entitled "Capitalism and Freedom" Unmasked which gives an overview of the coups and destruction of nations going on in the world--including 9/11.

You may remember that Nobel Prize winner Friedman died Nov 16, 2006 and was glowingly eulogized in the Wall Street Journal and elsewhere saying that "few people in human history have contributed more to the achievement of human freedom."

That's how globalists propagandize the disasterous and destructive social engineering occurring in the US, Iraq, Haiti, and all over the world.

Gee, thanks, fellas--if this is good, I don't wanna see your idea of bad.


Milton Friedman born in Brooklyn, NY; July 31, 1912: Sun Leo, Moon in late Aquarius or Pisces. His Pre-natal Eclipse Series: 4 North which manifested last on June 10, 2002, Brady's Predictive Astrology gives 4N as:

A difficult Series with restrictions, restraints, inhibitions, and illusions as the hallmarks; events occur which seem to block the individual who is prone to misjudgement of strengths or of the situation; best advice is to wait until passing of Eclipse period before taking action. (April 17, 1912, 27 Aries.)

Oct 7, 2007

Homelessness Rising: Bush vs FDR

Now I know that Bush and cronies are allergic to social net programs that aid those who aren't as fortunate as 'the elite' but after years of their class warfare, homelessness is on the rise in America. Who didn't see that train coming? It's a no-brainer under George Bush.

Please read a few words from FDR's Inaugural speech of Jan 20, 1937:

FDR: a test of our progress which mocks the ridiculous compassionate conservatism swill the GOP used against the American people--well, at least against the gullible who like holding onto their holdings even if it means the return of soup lines across America!

On today's menu: Cold-Heart Soup which will be served...cold.

Oct 6, 2007

DDT and breast cancer links

Were you a young girl between the years of 1945 to 1965?

If you missed today's Living On Earth radio broadcast you can read the transcript or listen to the interview between host Steve Curwood and Dr.Barbara Cohn of the Public Health Institute, Berkeley, CA.

Here's an excerpt for which I personally have a reply:

Q: So how were the girls exposed to DDT?

A: We can't say for sure. We don't have that information.

My I-Was-There Answer: Since I am of that age group I hereby attest that every summer trucks were sent around our neighborhoods two or three times each year (and I always seemed to be playing outdoors--and learned to like the odor!) to spray for mosquitoes...Massive Spraying from which we could not escape.

Dr. Cohn should perhaps consider perusing 1945--1965 local governmental records for mosquito control programs.

Speaking of DDT:

Here's my post from May 2007 on the natal chart of Rachel Carson who sounded the alarm on DDT and on other chemicals with which the chem industry still poisons us today. This post contains a link to Living On Earth 's feature on Rachel Carson, her life and work, in honor of this year's 100th anniversary of her birth (May 27, 1907.)