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Dec 26, 2007

my year of blogging dangerously

Blogging in 2007 has brought everything from electronic tagging to frisky hackers to a few of my favorite posts. Not favorites because of my writing or lack thereof, but because of the subjects themselves blended with Astrology's ability to look under the hood.

In no particular order, here's my Top Seven List ranging from Political Astrology to a snarlyrhyme about a certain politician whose deeds bring cries for Impeachment upon his bald pate:

Spotlight on Mercury: John Edwards (has link to Spotlight on Mercury: Barack Obama--hope to add candidates to this Mercury series in the next week or so, schedule willing.)

Sept 11 2007 Solar Eclipse chart with details--special for its date and Sun's degree from 9/11.

Eugene Debs still speaks convincingly (Debs' life and times remind me of the old film on TV yesterday, Meet John Doe (1941) where Gary Cooper's character begins as the pawn of the Hearst-esque robber baron media and ends by giving them what-for. Yay. Now where's my 2007 John Doe Club?)

America's Winter Solstice 2007 (this post-with-chart is good until Dec 2008--a year's shelf life--and has the Winter Solstice 2006 chart along with a link to Dec 11's Great Conjunction of Jupiter conjunct Pluto post.)

America's 2007 Solar Return (details and comments with link to chart's image published on one of my Gather Pages.)

Using the Moon in Electional Astrology (published at Jude's Threshold--not about political elections but about choosing propitious times to begin things.)

And then-n-n? a few snarlyrhymes were written this year and my fave might have to be Ode to Cheney for its impeachy flavor.

News, whatever that means: my favorite info sources in 2007--again in no particular order--continue to be:

NPR, The August Review, and Huffington Post, with fave political blog: George Washington's Blog for quite obvious reasons (contains much 9/11 info.)

So as 2007 closes up its tattered suitcase, my hope for 2008 is that people like Mike Gravel, with his refreshing honesty, will find themselves ruling the roost in Washington. I know...fat chance, as the pocket lining of Capitol Hill's fatcats continues apace, America's commerical and residential real estate goes to the highest foreign bidder, and the imperialist empire's military industrial complex bankrupts America down to her last penny.

Well, thanks for moseying down memory lane with me, Lone Reader, and wishing a Happy New Year to waylaid America and to the rest of the disappointed World

This blog written, as always, in honor of and hope for:

Dec 24, 2007

A speculative birth chart for Jesus: Apr 17, 6 BC

If I have told you earthly things, and ye believe me not, how shall ye believe, if I tell you of heavenly things? John 3:12

Pictured here is the chart I use as the natal chart of Jesus of Nazareth, based on the date that Jupiter (royalty) arose as the Morning Star and was occulted by the Moon in Aries, sign of Israel and Palestine. Thanks to calendar changes being slightly off, we have "6 BC" instead of the year zero.

Since we know that Jesus was born during the reign of Herod the Great (is he Jupiter in this chart being occulted by the Moon?), the year we call "6 BC" contained this rare occultation, "7 BC" is known to be when a Great Jupiter-Saturn conjunction occurred in Pisces--and since lambs are born in the Spring, not mid-winter--it's one reason I use this chart.

Moon and Jupiter conjoined at 12:08:22 pm in 9th house (Bethlehem) yet this Jupiter rising chart is the one I prefer with asteroid, Morya at MC (the Goal or Objective) and Morya having connection with death, and fate or destiny.

And as you see, there is a YOD pattern (Finger of God: special task or purpose; crisis) pointing to the rising Moon, Ascendant (Jesus Himself if we accept this chart as His birth chart), and by extension, pointing to Jupiter as well.

But can modern day midpoint pictures possibly apply to an event from such ancient days?

Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto were there although not within people's consciousness, of course. Accordingly, our modern perspectives are naturally different--and time should bring insight, don't you think?

Click to enlarge the chart for a few scribbled notes, but I'll type in the midpoint pictures for the YOD (including Jupiter which certainly seems to apply to the situation.) The combo of Neptune-Pluto = unseen forces; the supernatural; other realms:

Neptune-Pluto = Moon: supernatural experiences; strange states of soul experiences; anxiety about being appreciated (well-founded!);

Neptune-Pluto = ASC: surrounded by an air of mysticism (a halo?!); placed in a peculiar environment (what a major culture shock--from heaven to earth!);

Neptune-Pluto = Jupiter: religiousness; in love with life; "Thank God"; universal love; love of humanity (I'll say!); high degree of perception; a peace-loving disposition.

Mercury trine Pluto creates a Grand Trine of sorts with MC; Mercury-Pluto = powerful words that persuade; creating or demanding new perspectives...

Mercury-Pluto = MC: great perception of any situation; leadership (why King Herod was so worried--sucky, cruel leaders should be); coping ability; keen powers of judgment; foresight.

Sun and Moon were in Balsamic phase of the prophet--a phase of partings and endings. His death was a sad parting, and He brought an end to the Age of Aries as well. People born during the Balsamic phase of the Moon (prior to a New Moon) are future-oriented folk who often arrive when something or someone is ending.

Progressive, futuristic, and rebellious Uranus is in sacrificial Pisces, sign of the Mystic, and love-filled Venus is also in Pisces, sign of her exaltation (universal love.) Jesus certainly disrupted things but from motives of pure Love, the Foundation of the Universe.

The birth of Christ marked the beginning of the Age of Pisces, sign of the Fish and the secret sign of Christianity in Roman times (used today) as the Age of Aries, the Ram, symbol of Israel and Palestine, passed away--Old Testament times into the New Testament era. On one level, His birth, life, and crucifixion on Earth symbolize death of the ego so that Man can be liberated and born again in Spirit (if he so chooses.)

The Magi, Persian astronomers/astrologers (probably from Babylonia), shared the Aramaic language with the Jews and so they knew of the Prophecy of the Messiah and would have been well able to predict His birth in time to make the journey to the Land of Judah while following the Star of Bethlehem.

The Star of Bethlehem has been thought to be the triple conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn during the year 7 BC: in May, September, and October. This occurred in Pisces, and it is my belief that the Magi realized the significance of this Great Conjunction in Pisces--a King of Kings to be born in the East--and made their preparations for the journey to find the Babe...and to honor Him with gifts of gold (for a king), frankincense (for divinity), and myrrh (for death and healing.)

I write this post with the wonderful aroma of frankincense surrounding me. Try it if you haven't--it's lovely.

The unusual occurrence of Jupiter as Morning Star in Aries being occulted by the Moon--in April (Spring, when lambs are born, not Dec 25, a date chosen by the Catholic Church in Rome to coincide with the pagan Saturnalia festival and thus bringing goddess worhip into the fold bwo the church's elevation of Mary) is possibly the Star followed by the Magi.

My own thought is that the Great Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction/s may have been the Star itself, with the Moon-Jupiter-Morning Star phenomena as a timing device for the birth of the Prince of Peace.

Jupiter and Saturn Principles and Faith:

Jupiter represents the generous side of God (His staff), while Saturn represents God's disciplinarian side (His rod.) On one level, we may relate "Thy rod and Thy staff, they comfort me..." directly to the natural law of Jupiter (expansion) and Saturn (restriction) being the fly-wheel of the universe--the tension between them keeping the planets in their courses. Yin-yang, positive-negative...a constant comfort to me and I hope to you as well!

It's been a treat to give earthly halls of power--politics--the slip as I contemplate the heavenly things of true value. If you came to Stars Over Washington today expecting politics as usual, I assert that Stars are all around us, and the Star of Bethlehem, still shining brightly, may lead us yet to the golden stardust within each of us, and to greater truths than those generally found lurking about in the halls of our nation's capital--Saturnian Capitol Hill.

Dec 23, 2007

Is your North Node in Taurus?

Some of us, this reluctant astrologer included, were born with a Taurean North Node, so if your NN is in Taurus, have I got a blog for you:

North Node Astrology is written by Jungian astrologer, Elizabeth Spring, and has great info on NN in Taurus as well as on others. South Node details are, of course, included so take a peek if you haven't found Elizabeth's blog before this moment!

As previously stated here, I see heredity and ancestry where many others see past lives which means that to me, SN issues come through the generations of my ancestry...which includes family shadows and family myths. It's the unfinished business of our ancestors and we may feel compelled to 'tidy up' in our lifetimes.

Yet I find Elizabeth's writing on the Nodal Axis illuminating and useful all the same and you will, too.

In fact, many astrologers consider the NN to be the most important point in the natal chart, and much about one's life mission may be gleaned from NN, SN, and Sun positions when taken together.

And with the recent move from Pisces into Aquarius of the transiting NN, our collective path has now switched from the victim-savior/pragmatist-mystic axis of Pisces into the Aquarian humanitarian-egoist influence where it will remain through the 2008 campaign, and will reach 9AQ20 by Inauguration Day 2009.

This tells us that America will be experiencing her Nodal Half-Return (NN to SN, SN to NN) in April 2009 (True Node) which is a time of separation in relationships and associations--at least in those that are not strong enough to withstand the separative influence of the Saturnian SN.

If associations do withstand the Half-Return they are strengthened in some way, but since Bush & Co already have the US virtually standing alone in the world, keep your eye peeled for April 2009 and thereafter.

Therefore, 9Leo20 puts tr SN conjunct the natal Mercuries of George Bush and the GOP (which are conj at 9Leo+, along with Al Gonzales' Mercury) on Jan 20, 2009 and is part of the reason why I must wonder if a Republican will be ensconced once again in the White House come Jan 20, 2009 (surely not a Bush again.)

But more more on that another day...we're in for a long siege, dear voters.

Mars and Dec 23's Full Moon

Space Weather News for Dec 23, 2007:

MOON AND MARS: Please don't miss this: At sunset on Sunday, Dec 23, the full Moon and Mars will rise in the east less than two degrees apart. So close together, the two brightest objects in the evening sky look absolutely dynamite. The display will be visible all night long, even from brightly lit cities, and requires no telescope to enjoy.

URSID UPDATE: Observers in Europe report a modest outburst of Ursid meteors last night. The intensity and timing of the flurry is in good accord with predictions that Earth would run into a stream of dust from Comet 8P/Tuttle on Dec 22.

Now that the meteor shower is over, attention turns to the comet itself. After a 13.6 year absence, 8P/Tuttle is once again traveling through the inner solar system. At closest approach to Earth on Jan 1 and 2, 2008, the comet will brighten to 5th or 6th magnitude--a fine target for backyard telescopes and digital cameras.

Visit for sky maps, photos and more information.#

Astronomically this sounds lovely, but astrologically speaking--not so much with testy Mars, god of war, in the security-minded Cancer-Capricorn mix.

See previous post Full Moon in Cancer Dec 23, 2007 for more details.

Here's a Rhymery Alert:

A political limerick has just been perpetrated on the subject of campaign "debates" at Lim's Limericks, if you're game.

NH paper: don't vote for Romney

The New Hampshire paper, The Concord Monitor, has an editorial Romney should not be the next president for although he "looks" like him, he shouldn't be him.

From Romney's "chilling" rhetoric on doubling the US prison at Gitmo (its size, I assume he means) to his refusal to classify waterboarding as torture--or to say that the US won't use it--the Monitor's editorial team has put things in perspective at a time when New Hampshirites may be leaning toward Reaganesque hair styles, adman smoothness, and crisp dark suits.

Well, I'm glad they published this editorial which reminds everyone that the old GOP bromides of spending cuts and lower taxes won't be enough in 2008 to carry a former management consultant (whose experience consists of advising corporations on how to reinvent themselves) into the Venusian Oval Office.

"Looking presidential" and in Romney's case, "like Ronald Reagan" shouldn't be enough either. So are Americans that superficial? Some say we are, yet few citizens would disagree that America is loitering at the crossroads thanks to neocon dreams of dominating and policing the world.

Andrew Sullivan, speaking on America's torturing of prisoners, said today on The Chris Matthews Show that historically 2007 will go down as the year we realized that "America has lost its soul." Meanwhile, showing their own superficiality, most of the mainstream media keep passing the hairspray can to Edwards and on to Romney.

Restore America's moral leadership in the world? Not with Romney who seems perfectly happy with the status quo on that issue (as does Guiliani--a Bushesque braggart to watch out for if there ever was one. And his health is fine, says Rudy.)

And how Mitt Romney's repackaging of his own image has succeeded in the faith department is questionable--there must have been many intense, late-night meetings on that issue with family values appearing as the obvious rock to hide behind. As the Monitor editorial emphasizes, Romney's "turnarounds" are based on his own ambitions.

Come to think of it, Reagan used the family values card as well--I remember how his divorced status was a big issue--seems a rather quaint concern in retrospect.

Yes, New Hampshire folk have always prided themselves on being able to see through phony candidates, and in the case of Mitt Romney, I heartily agree with the Concord Monitor's conclusions on this candidate and hope you will read their editorial if you haven't already.

It seems to me the NH primary voters' decision concerning Mitt Romney should be easy as Double Fudge Pie with airy whipped cream on top.

DC's mysterious dumpster fires

Washington City Paper has an article on the series of fires in the District which seem to have begun with the unfortunate fire which detroyed the beloved Eastern Market on April 30.

April 30, 2007 was a Moon Return day for George Bush (3:43 am edt, White House) with his Moon involved in a crisis-ridden YOD--sextiling Saturn 18Leo15 (conj Venus' degree of 9/11/01.)

Their sextile pointed to the Pisces line-up of the day: NN, Uranus, and Mars. Mars with Uranus is explosive or fiery at least, and Pisces is the sign of oil and gas.

Witnessed was a 'homeless' man seen tossing fabric bits into windows, and burned out dumpsters are said to be involved as well.

His nibs' Moon Return's YOD: Moon/Saturn = NN: lack of adaptation and confidence; associations with uncommunicative or depressed people; shunning others.

Moon/Saturn = Uranus: impulsive release of inner tensions; desire to free oneself from inhibitions; nervousness; reaching for emotional freedom (Moon in Libra); exploding out of frustration.

Moon/Saturn = Mars: sense of real problems; difficulty getting off the ground except by careful, strategically planned exertion of energy; self-control to the point of torment.

Wonder if a similar 'homeless' man was around the Eisenhower Building the other day for the fire "next door" to Dick Cheney's office on the second floor? If not there are plenty of other real homeless men and women--plus uncounted un- or under-employed Americans--who might be interested in a collaboration.

Mars/NN = Uranus:upsets within a community; active cooperation; an organizing activity.

Some officials seem to he having trouble accepting the theory that the fires are part of a pattern of arson--me, not so much.

More midpoint pics from April 30 which emphasize America's natal Mc (Sibly):

Sun/Neptune = US natal Mc: emotional stress in the profession; a negative outlook; being ill, weak, or impressionable; aesthetics taking over presentation.

(Image is everything at the Capitol Hill Theater! And nevewr mind the truth.)

Mercury/Neptune = US n Mc: far-reaching plans; self-deception; a lie.

There are more factors of interest for April 30, 2007, but the yawning chickens need to roost, m'peops--it's 1:10 am!

Dec 22, 2007

The Moon as Timer in Electional Astrology

Jude's Treshold has been favored this evening with a new entry on nine rules for using the Moon in Electional Astrology which is a way of choosing the most propitious times to begin projects or events.

Oh--I did the favoring.

Dec 21, 2007

Spotlight on Mercury: John Edwards

John Edwards (June 10, 1953; 7:02 am est; Seneca, SC; rated A: astrodatabank) is proud possessor of an out-of-bounds Mercury in his natal chart.

Out-of-bounds (oobs) planets accept no limits and may indicate boundless success and creativity--in the case of John Edwards, Mercury's territories of communications, oration, intellectual pursuits, and commerce seem to have benefited him greatly when he was trying medical malpractice suits and making millions.

You see in his natal chart that Mercury had just risen as he was being born, yet the Moon is chart-ruler (ASC 12Can01--conjunct US n Sun = the leader in a national chart. He has already expressed this connection, of course, in the Senate and in running for president 2004.)

Moon is in Gemini near Jupiter and all in all there are many factors showing money-making ability, and links to medical issues (including wounded Chiron in 7th house of marriage partner and legal affairs (lawsuits.) And Edwards isn't the only Washington politician with a Moon-Jupiter conjunction...expansive emotional desires used in public relations...Dubya is one such...the glass is supposedly always half-full.)

Tonight I'm looking at Edwards' Mercury in Cancer, 12th house, yet perhaps should mention that also in 12th house are Sun (politician; unconscious arrogance); and Mars 27Gem33..."28Gem" = "A man declared bankrupt"--DELIVERANCE...

pos: an effective and overall effectiveness even in the worst of situations;

neg/shadow side: a willingness to dodge every responsibility and betray the very core of self. (This "Bankruptcy" degree refers to court cases and to "enter(ing) new paths of opportunity) (The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Jones.)

Mercury in 12th house is very creative--as is the sign of Cancer, which is also connected to business and commerce) yet a 12th house Mercury, says Tracy Marks in her marvelous book, Your Secret Self, gives a constantly active mind, always seeking to organize vast amounts of stimulation and information; plus, a tendency toward nervousness.

Frequently there are negative messages from childhood which must be overcome--"don't be stupid" or "be quiet", etc. Then much can be achieved. 12th house Mercuries study many in-depth subjects behind the scenes--more than anyone knows.

In Washington, Sen Edwards was known to be a fast-talker, fast-walker, with little regard for protocol--Mercury in 12th house seldom develops an ability for small talk and makes compulsive lists of details for organizing and planning life.

An undervalued or overvalued intellect may result from having a 12th house Mercury and refuge may be sought in their intellectual capacities. Yet the Scarecrow's "If only I had a brain" mantra may sometimes prevail, esp during school days.

As you know, Edwards was first in his family to attend and graduate from college--AQ on 9th cusp of higher learning would've wanted that bwo Saturn's influence in 9th house. And Uranus' higher vibrations (AQ) would have wanted progress bwo higher education.

Basically this is a non-verbal thinker who perceives the world in terms of images, feelings, and sensations. His active Moon in combination with Mercury supports this, for Moon-Mercury is intuitive and thinks with the feelings (Tyl.) Moon is oobs, along with Mars and Mercury--and Edwards was born during a Moon hour--good for public dealings and publicity--an extraordinary amount of it thanks in part to an oobs Moon.

Although Gemini is the sign of a social butterfly, Moon-Mercury folks are usually very involved with their families. In fact, Edwards' Moon and Mercury are in mutual reception with one another, describing his family's strong support of his ideas and plans.

Mercury's only aspect is 'minor'...a semi-square with powerful Pluto. Semi-squares are in the octile family (8) and are weak but difficult; a separating semi-square = the release of self through creative interchange (The Astrology of Relationship, Michael R. Myer.) They show a tendency toward dynamic connections with others which manifest in either an exciting and constructive way or in a conflicting and difficult way.

And the combo of Mercury-Pluto = communicating or demanding new perspectives; persuasion ability (which attorneys need for success), and propaganda promotion--admittedly helpful in the political realm.

It may as well be for we sure are stuck with a gracious helping of it from every direction.

Mercury rules natal 4th (Virgo) and 12th (Gemini); Saturn is square Uranus--the two old vs new , tradition vs progress planets will be in opposition for the 2008 election and for Inauguration 2009. This re-contact may support his win along with this:

John Edwards--as you can see for yourself--has North Node (NN = connections with the public) conj his 8th cusp 3AQ13...and this is where tr Jupiter (3AQ32) will be at Inauguration Jan 20, 2009; noon; DC.

And while this one factor may not be enough to propel Edwards into the Oval Office, I've not found any other candidate with such an exact, or perhaps I should say, obvious--connection with Jupiter 2009, in 10th house of the Inauguration chart. Perhaps I will but haven't *as of yet.

*UPDATE 12.22: Barack Obama's natal Saturn 25Cap22 Rx and Jupiter 00AQ56 Rx are tucked next to the Inaugural 2009's MC (noon 26Cap11, conj US n Pluto) and Mercury 00AQ41Rx, and Sun 00AQ47. Obama-Edwards ticket?)

Yet Jupiter = Republican...though jolly Jupe is also the rich man (Edwards or Romney or---Bloomberg!), judge, preacher (Huckabee? don't even joke--more Bushesque Armageddon there; besides, church + state is unconstitutional), professor, guru...and attorney--which again could be...John Edwards and his out-of-bounds Mercury as prez or VP!

general notes on Mercury and the natal Mercury of Barack Obama here.

Iraq War affects US dollar

Amy Quinn has sent me a link to which has a list of 20 hidden ways in which the Iraq War is affecting the value of the US dollar.

Be sure to read the 20th one--that popular presidents tend to inspire popularity for the dollar. After the disaster-filled Bush residency, it's surprising to me that the world hasn't switched back to using shells and beads.

Or perhaps we will by the time these global elitists get done with us.

Dec 20, 2007

Ursid meteors from Ursa Minor

Space Weather News for Dec. 20, 2007

URSID METEORS: Earth is heading for a stream of comet dust that could produce a pleasing outburst of "shooting stars" this weekend. Forecasters say dozens of meteors per hour could emerge from a spot in the sky near the North Star (Polaris) when Earth encounters the dust on Saturday evening, Dec 22. These meteors are called "Ursids" after Ursa Minor, the constellation where the North Star is located.

If forecasting models are correct, the shower's peak will occur between 2100 and 2200UT (4-5 pm EST) with meteors visible as much as four hours before and after that time.

The source of the dust is Comet 8P/Tuttle, which is traveling through the inner solar system this month and next. The comet itself can be seen through binoculars not far from the radiant of the shower. This gives sky watchers a rare opportunity to see a comet and its meteors in the same observing session.

Ursid meteors, which appear in small numbers annually, have a reputation for faintness and delicacy. Dark skies are usually required to see them; bright moonlight on Dec. 22 will only exacerbate the problem of visibility. However, say forecasters, during an outburst of Ursids there may be a fair number of bright meteors. No one knows what will happen--all the more reason to look!

Visit for sky maps and more information.#

Polaris is named for its current position as the closest star to the North Pole, keyphrases: the pathfinder; a nurturing mission. Polaris is always at culmination and is the point of stillness--the celestial pole. Visible from the equator to the North Pole, it never sets in the northern hemisphere; in the southern hemisphere, Polaris is never visible, but that's just the way it goes.

Polaris is the brightest of the seven main stars of the constellation Ursa Minor, the Little Bear, but it hasn't always been the pole star, you know, for in ancient times Ursa Minor was surrounded on three sides by the constellation, Draco, the Dragon.

When the brightest star in Draco, Thuban, was the pole star in 3,000 B.C.E., Ursa Minor was considered to be the wings of Draco.

Personally I always called Ursa Minor the Little Dipper--a rather faint and small group of stars but easy to find especially when you know the trick of following the line created in the Big Dipper by Merak and Dubhe (the pointers) which lead the eye north to Polaris and there you are!

Growing up in Georgia (the drought-riddled Georgia of 2007) our water bubbled up from an artesian well, and in my fertile little noggin I linked the Little Dipper with the delicious, naturally cool water from the tap. Wish I had some now, but the Little Dipper is all spilled out.

For more on Fixed Stars, here's an article, Fixed Stars, why bother? from Bernadette Brady herself. Enjoy! And keep an eye out for the Ursids!