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Feb 23, 2008

Obama in Dallas + Mars out-of-bounds

Belfast Telegraph has an article concerning the security "lapse" in Dallas last Wednesday, Feb 20, when a higher order was handed down to stop scanning and searching bags of people entering the Reunion Arena for Senator Obama's rally.

Looking at the horoscope for the time the order was given I saw that America's natal South Node (SN) was at Midheaven 6AQ and as you know, SN is a point of separation which relates to past behavior.

And as you also know, the past behavior to be concerned about here is the assassination of duly and popularly elected Pres. John Kennedy in Dallas on Nov 22, 1963.

Scroll down a couple of entries to read my original post on the matter and keep your ear to the ground--for our Secret Service has has been known to fail us before.

Of note is a YOD (crisis or special task) which the chart for *11:00 am cst Dallas (Feb 20) forms with the US n Pluto as focal planet, and the base a sextile between Moon 26Leo04 and out-of-bounds Mars 26Gem33 pointing to Pluto so that we have this picture:

Moon/Mars = Pluto: powerful opinionation; demanding nature; one-sided outlook; fanaticism.

The Moon/Mars combo represents quarreling, vigorous enterprises, and/or willpower imbued with a fighting spirit (Ebertin.) Pluto is the assassin, saboteur, or spy.

I'm not as much attempting to imply anything as it relates to Obama's safety on Wednesday or on his future safety as to create a record of this tidbit of information in case it should become pertinent at a future time.

If it should apply to any similar situations, details will be updated for there are more factors of note in the Feb 20 chart esp as it relates to the JFK assassination chart for Nov 22, 1963.

*A Shout-Out of Thanks go to Alex for ferreting out the time of the order (11:00 am cst) and the time the Arena's gates opened to the public (10:00 am.)

Clinton borrows from John Edwards

So I'm guessing she had Edwards' permission to use his line about what this campaign is about:

Feb 22, 2008

Astrology of the Oscars

In a vain attempt to escape the vermin-infested world o'politics for a little while, I've composed an article on the Astrology of the Oscars, if you're interested, added to a listing of 2008's nominated films, with a nod to 2007's top grossers (she said grossers!)

Hint: the first on the 2007 list has to do with Scorpionic Pluto you know who that is.)

Well, vain vanity and escapism are what Hollywood banks on, so why not take a break?

Hannah Hollywood will be in attendance, as well as some chart details set for the ceremony in California, Sunday evening, 8:00 pm pst, popcorn optional (I prefer plain please--and hold the genetically modified corn while you're at it.)

So...will you be joining us? ;p

Obama: it happened in Dallas

News Updates from Citizens For Legitimate Government Feb 21, 2008

LegitGov Breaking News

Secret Service Gave Order to Stop Screening Obama Crowd In Dallas

Police concerned about order to stop screening for weapons Feb 21, 2008:

Security details at Barack Obama's rally Wednesday stopped screening people for weapons at the front gates more than an hour before the Democratic presidential candidate took the stage at Reunion Arena. The order to put down the metal detectors and stop checking purses and laptop bags came as a surprise to several Dallas police officers who said they believed it was a lapse in security. Dallas Deputy Police Chief T.W. Lawrence, head of the Police Department's homeland security and special operations divisions, said the order--apparently made by the US Secret Service--was meant to speed up the long lines outside and fill the arena's vacant seats before Obama came on.#

Oh yeah, of course that's the explanation. Or was it to send a message to someone to be ready to 'have at it' another time? And...this happened in DALLAS? As if anyone trusts them after JFK's 1963 assassination in Dallas when Bush Sr was CIA director!

Bit of a lapse from old Poppy there and he was in his 30s at the time. Whenever I look at national or mundane charts I pay attention to 11Vir+ primarily because it's Poppy's natal Ascendant (his nibs himself.) And old Saturn will be visiting there soon...

Well, if anyone knows the time the Dallas rally began, please let me know--I'd like to take a close look at the chart/s...see who was afoot and behind!

Feb 21, 2008

Were John and Vicki sittin' in a tree ?

Breaking: McCain linked romantically to lobbyist during first presidential run: NYT 21 Feb 2008:

Early in Senator John McCain’s first run for the White House eight years ago, waves of anxiety swept through his small circle of advisers. A female lobbyist had been turning up with him at fund-raisers, in his offices and aboard a client’s corporate jet.

Convinced the relationship had become romantic, some of his top advisers intervened to protect the candidate from himself-- instructing staff members to block the woman's access, privately warning her away and repeatedly confronting him, several people involved in the campaign said on the condition of anonymity.

When news organizations reported that Mr. McCain had written letters to government regulators on behalf of the lobbyist's clients, the former campaign associates said, some aides feared for a time that attention would fall on her involvement. Mr. McCain, 71, and lobbyist Vicki Iseman, 40, both say they never had a romantic relationship.

LegitGov Breaking News#

McCain says "it just isn't true." Well, I for one believe him. Maybe. And it's his showing legislative favoratism to her clients that's the greater story. Are her motives revealed?

Yet McCain's natal Mars (desire nature) is in Leo, sign of Romance and this placement is arrogant and conceited--which I assume accounts in large part for his being described as a narcissist. A passionate Leonine Mars has a great need to be appreciated a lover.

Now I don't know Vicki Iseman but one must imagine that she had romantic options other than John McCain--but perhaps his mojo mystique eludes me. The scent of power is THE aphrodesiac, they say...and the aroma of the money that comes with it. (If this wasn't the case for you, Vicki Iseman, all apologies!)

Now it's 2008, and Saturn is conjunct his natal Sun 6Vir02, a restrictive and inhibiting period when past (Saturn) mistakes may come to light...McCain's past is clamoring for attention.

And Saturn will be conjuncting natal Neptune 16Vir07--not such a good portent for leading the country for he will have difficulty comprehending the reality of situations, esp regarding money matters--shades of the current denizen.

(After that, it'll be Saturn conj US n Neptune, exact by the end of 2009, which is a time of disillusionment, no matter who inhabits the White House.)

Plus, last evening's Lunar Eclipse on the Vir/Pis-victim/savior axis occurred near enough to his Sun to cause an eclipse of ego recognition. Then there's the fact that the tr SN, a Saturnian and separative point which reeks of the past, has now moseyed just beyond McCain's natal Sun (ego; adult personality; life purpose), so it looks like troubles are upon him en masse.

In politics, that system of organized hatreds, it's the appearance of naughtiness which makes or breaks a politician and things are seldom how they seem. McCain was broken in SC in the 2000 campaign by the "black baby" illusion a la Bush-Rove, so is this romantic indiscretion of that same ilk or was it true dalliance?

In politics it doesn't really matter as long as the damage is done.

Anyway, the fix seems to be in for Barack Obama so all McCain's trials may be moot come January 2009.

Obama's Jupiter Return on or about Jan 9, 2009--conj the Inaugural Sun-Mercury conjunction 00AQ+ AND his natal Saturn in Cap conj Inaugural Mc (I KNOW!!!)--may be enough to gain him the scepter but he'll be under the sway of forces which will mercilessly use him as a tool for their purposes. He may not know this now and will discover it as he moves into the Oval Office.

And that's just the kind of president the powers-behind want!

Hillary is, however, playing for keeps and has waited years for the opportunity to take over the White House. It simply remains to be seen who the powers-behind want for their next shill.

Image: White Collar Affair, drawing by jude cowell from cosmic persona designs--hopefully my posting this illustration of a romantic triangle is the naughtiest thing I'll perpetrate all day! Use by express permission only.

Heads Up: John McCain's natal chart has been published with article in progress at Jude's Threshold if you're interested.

Feb 20, 2008

Funders of the candidates

OpenSecrets has the info on which industries are funding each candidate. Have a peek into their big fat piggybanks if you haven't put your camel's snoot under their tents as of yet.

Amusing that Ron Paul is being propped up by Google, Microsoft, and all branches of the US armed forces. Hmm.m.m...

A big Shout-Out of Thanks goes to Jilly for the link--she says that Barack Obama's donors are no surprise. Agreed, and it's also no surprise at how many funders remain the same. Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, all the usual suspects are there, buying Washington to use against the common good.

Still, if campaigns were publicly funded by taxpayers can we trust these political varmints to do right? (That'd be a disbelieving puh! from me.)

~note: once again Blogger is refusing to open a comment window for me (go figure) so although I've received some interesting responses of late, I will have to try again later to remark. It has me in quite a snit, I assure you. ;p

Total Lunar Eclipse Feb 20 2008

Space Weather News for Feb. 19, 2008

LUNAR ECLIPSE: On Wednesday night, February 20, the Full Moon will turn a delightful shade of red and possibly turquoise, too. It's a total lunar eclipse—the last one until Dec 2010.

Sky watchers in Europe, the Americas, parts of the Middle East and Africa are favored for good views of the two-hour event. Visit for full coverage including maps and timetables, live webcasts and discussion.

SPY SATELLITE UPDATE: The US Navy's first attempt to hit malfunctioning spy satellite USA 193 with a missile could come on Wednesday night during the lunar eclipse.

This is based on an air traffic advisory warning pilots to steer clear of a patch of Pacific Ocean near Hawaii just when USA 193 is due to pass overhead. Until the satellite is shot down, it remains visible to casual sky watchers during evening passes over US and Canadian towns and cities; experienced observers say the decaying satellite is sometimes as bright as the stars of Orion, making it an easy target for unaided eyes and off-the-shelf digital cameras.

Details, photos and more information are available at SpaceWeather and subscribers to SpaceWeatherPhone will receive email and telephone alerts when the spy-sat is about to appear over their backyards.#

During the Lunar Eclipse! That sounds appropriate for the Pentagon's spysat destruction which some folk think is more than it seems...and the dark of a Total Eclipse should be just dark enough to suit Cheney's walk on the Dark Side.

Near Hawaii, huh? This touted 'shoot down' isn't a metaphor for Obama, we hope.

Scroll to last post for the Astrology chart of this Total Eclipse over the White House...

Lunar Eclipse in Virgo Feb 20, 2008

Bethinking myself to publish this Lunar Eclipse chart set for the White House, I now find the hour grows late.

Still I must point out a few basics for 10:30:27 pm est Wednesday comes all too soon and a looming Lunar Eclipse may reflect deep issues which have been simmering under the surface and now float to the top of everyone's consciousness.

Hillary and Bill seem to be involved with this Eclipse--her Secondary Progr'd Venus is now at *3AQ so you see transiting Venus, the Eclipse's chart-ruler and 8th house ruler, at IC which happens to be conj a personal name asteroid called "Bill." No, I'm not kiddin'.

Tr NN is sitting upon US natal Moon (the Public) and Chiron the Wounded is conj the most recent Solar Eclipse at the "A man Unmasked" degree. Chiron may wound but may also spiritualize---we'll have to see about that.

One midpoint picture concerning World Point 00Cap must be mentioned in case I don't get to finish this post upon the morrow...

Sun/ASC = Pluto: power play through personal persuasion; a turn of destiny; fated events; the desire to gain influence.

The chaos-creating Uranus/Chiron midpoint is conj the Sun 1Pis53, and asteroid Siva (destroyer or creator) is conj Ic and lady Venus who is inconjunct the Moon so adjustments must be made.

Mars, still out-of-bounds and working on his own to cause problems, is the tail of a Kite pattern if you don't mind including the ASc 28Lib57. Kites favor...kites, and I've marked this one in green. More on them later, if I get a chance.

Activist Mars has just crossed the 9th cusp which is conj Hillary Clinton's natal ASC (the 8:00 pm version of her chart) at the moment of the Lunar Eclipse.

~Tr Mercury is opposite Bush's natal Mercury so it's hard to believe that all has gone so peachily for him in Africa--at the least his ideas have met with resistance and travel plans may have had to be changed due to delays. But I've been blessedly without much news of him and have used his being off the continent as a much-needed relief from His Most Heavy Presence.~

You see the Moon heading for Saturn, whose traditional authority may be gained by the Moon but there's an equally good chance of gaining depression as well or instead.

Actually Moon-Saturn is often an indicator of fame due to one's insatiable need for attention and validation which were not forthcoming in childhood.

Then there's the unaspected Uranus in 5th house of risk-taking which probably has tech connotations, being Uranus and all.

And Sun and Neptune are snugging up closely against NN so we have a picture...

Sun/Neptune = NN: support of the needy; deception within relationships.

We may hear more rhetoric concerning the needy, and Washington is nothing if not deceptive in relationships. Why, even blackmail is not unheard of!

Sun/Neptune is also pointing to the US natal Moon (Sibly): high impressionability; moodiness; emergence of the unconscious; external influences affect moods or feelings.

Well, there's a lot more info in this chart but the sandman has been whispering my name for hours--it's 2:27 how did that happen?

*3AQ is Jupiter's 10th house position on Inauguration Day 2008...Lady President and Bill the consort?

Feb 19, 2008

Neptune or Pisces on Midheaven

Having dreamy Neptune, that planet of nebulous illusions, veils, and insecurities upon one's Midheaven (Mc--the Career/Public Status Point) or the sign Pisces at Mc (as does Hillary Clinton if you use 8:00 pm for her seemingly unverified time of birth) you get...well, let astrologer Elsa P of ElsaElsa fame tell you what it's like!

You know, this could nail down the 8:00 pm time for me as far as Sen. Clinton's natal chart is concerned even though I have questioned its validity before for her Pisces Mc could explain why people often say they don't really "know her."

Because with a Neptunian Mc, the most public point in any chart, it would be easier to catch hold of a squirming flounder flip flopping about the deck than to get a true bead on Hillary Clinton!

Let Elsa explain...

A man unmasked?

Breaking News and Commentary from Citizens For Legitimate Government Feb 18,2008

All items are here: LegitGov Breaking News

'Dodgy dossier' was 'wrong', its author says Feb 17, 2008:

The government official who wrote the first draft of the "dodgy dossier" that helped propel Britain into war in Iraq today admits, "We were wrong." John Williams, a former Foreign Office aide, said last night that publication of his document would expose how members of Tony Blair's team were locked in a mindset that made military action inevitable.#

Perhaps this (oily) charade revealed is part of the influence of our current Unmasking Eclipse of Feb 6 when true motives are revealed...with more to come, no doubt.

Then there's the recent Saturn-South Node transit which may be underpinning Musharraf's separation from authority--and Castro's? The Saturn-SN conjunction perfected in October 2007 and now SN has moved into Aquarius, a sign associated with the collective.

The language of Mundane Astrology is a fascinating and helpful way of translating world events, isn't it?

Feb 18, 2008

George Washington Feb 22, 1732

"Associate yourself with men of good quality if you esteem your own reputation; for 'tis better to be alone than in bad company."

So said the Father of Our Country, the only US president never to have lived (or slept) in the White House.

Here you see Washington's natal chart (Rodden Rating AA from family Bible) in honor of today's being Presidents Day which Congress created in 1971 as the 3rd Monday in February in order to blend Abe Lincoln into the celebration.

The chart you see is set for Feb 22 although GW was born on Feb 11 and so the chart says, "NS" for New Style/Gregorian which adds 10 days from the Julian calendar.

Translating GW's 18th century birth data correctly contains other quirkiness such as the fact that Britain didn't adopt Jan 1 as the start of the new year until 1752, so often you will see Washington's birth year written 1731/32, and if you do a straight conversion to LMT from the 18th century's LAT, you actually get 10:14 am as his time of birth.

The chart published here is from Rodden's with Solar Fire software, and it's the chart I've used for his Solar Return 2008 which occurs Feb 22, 2008 at 8:48:50 am LMT, Wakefield, VA.

And there again--the Wakefield area was known as Popels Creek when Numero Uno first saw the light of day.

As we infer from the above quote, Washington's associations, which included Freemasonry membership, were important for social acendancy all through his life. And if you click to enlarge the chart you'll see five midpoint pictures which include the associative/joining point of the North Node (NN.)

Please pardon my usual chicken scratch and tiresome tendency to schmoosh a bunch of details onto a chart--to make amends I'll type out the pictures for you from the Tyl and Ebertin directories:

Sun/NN = Mc: becoming prominent through associations; friendship based on soul kinship; a spiritual attitude to associations.

Mars/Mc = NN: leadership qualities; success potential; imposing one's will upon others.

Mars/NN = Uranus: stirring up others; events that affect a great many people; upsets; active cooperation; an organizing activity; sudden experiences shared with others.

Pluto/NN = Mars: demonstrating violence in the presence of others; tyranny; desire to control others; exhibition of personal power; the misfortune to be placed in someone else's hand or power. (Pluto/NN = powerful groups, Mars = activity; initiation.--jc)

Jupiter/NN opposite ASC: harmony; friendliness. (Jupiter/NN = wealthy groups conj DESC = partnerships; marriage; other people--jc)

There are two more natal pictures to be considered:

Mercury/Venus = Sun: conceit; vanity; recognition (yes, he's known for modesty but either it was faked, or only the 'recognition' part of this picture was activated--his choice. There's also such a thing as unconscious conceit, something most people suffer from--politicians in particular.)

And not all midpoint pictures are applicable in any chart--some never play out at all. My suspicion here is that this one did--plus, we-the-people have had GW's character spruced up through the years by idol-makers to make him appear larger than life. What do you think?

(Perhaps George Washington didn't so much sleep here as spend quite a few restless nights.)

Plus: Saturn/Uranus = Mercury: ability to hit back hard under provocation; organizing resistance; making great demands upon one's nervous energy; separating oneself from others; making necessary changes.

There are two interesting pictures when you add America's natal Saturn and Pluto--the one made by GW's natal Mars/Saturn with America's natal Pluto...

Mars/Saturn: Pluto: anger; death of a great many people; Higher Power; brutality; the need to take control.

And the one made by America's n Saturn with GW's n Jupiter/Pluto (Jupiter/Pluto = plutocrats)...

Jupiter/Pluto = Saturn: adjusting the big picture to meet with more convention; strategy becomes necessary; difficulties; separation.

Washington's natal (Water-Earth) Sun Pisces-Moon Capricorn blend is instructive as well for it is humane, charitable, cautious, and discreetly ambitious. There is high moral integrity here, and a dutiful nature with a deep sense of justice. (Would that America can find such a one again!)

This is the "pillar of strength" combo--reservedly romantic with a philosophical sense of humor. Dependable with a talent for strategy and blessed with shrewd perceptive capacity, Washington was both practical and mystical simultaneously.

Negatively, there is a moralistic and judgmental approach to relationships, a proneness toward worry and pessimism, timidity, defensiveness, and a leaning toward secretiveness.

The claylike Water-Earth combination's shadow side traits are a tendency to get stuck in the mud, 'swamped' by the sense of duty, and to hold a subjective and narrow viewpoint.

Images for Integration: An old freighter chugs towards the port, bringing in the goods...A famous actress leaves her estate to the Actors' Pension Fund. (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Chas & Suzi Harvey.)

And in Synthesis and Counseling in Astrology, master astrologer Noel Tyl gives a slightly different flavor to the Sun Pisces-Moon Cap blend, and I quote so as not to miss a drop:

"In this blend, sensitivity seasons ambitious administration. We have the "feeling businessman," if you will. The abstract and the concrete, the ideal and the practical, the visionary and the actual are all blended together to put the personality forward."

Tellingly, we see that with the Placidus House System, the Sabian Symbol for GW's n Mc (Midheaven= Aspirations; Goals) is "30Cap"...

"Directors of a large firm meet in secret conference" and its opposite degree, "30Can", the Basis or Foundation of GW's natal chart is:

"Daughter of the American Revolution."

His n Mars/Uranus midpoint is at "1Sag", the "Grand Army of the Republic campfire" degree (Jones.)

The blend of Martian and Uranian energies bestows a self-willed urge for freedom, much courage and fighting spirit, and contains, of course, a dynamic explosive quality so prevalent during violent revolutions.

Mars/Uranus describes revolutionaries and freedom fighters, in fact (Ebertin) and is operative in the US natal chart by a wide conjunction in Gemini.

Washington's Solar Return 2008 has the Mars/Chiron (sacred warrior archetype) precisely on the SR ASC 22Ari34 (orb of 31 minutes.)

Jupiter 14Cap15 is at Mc 13Cap01, making the SR Ic the repository for the US and Bush natal Suns, with asteroid Apollo there as well...Apollo, the hero. Apollo is linked with the Sun as the life purpose, aka the hero's journey.

This is another indication of this time and this presidential election being an important make-or-break situation.

Within the hour (it's 2:35 pm est) on my "other blog", Jude's Threshold I am posting on the only planetary pattern in Washington's 2008 Solar Return chart--a YOD, or Finger of God pattern, the special task or crisis configuration which contains much spirtual opportunity within.

This continues my usual tendency to use national figure charts, their progressions, and Returns as indicators of current events in America, so do drop by in a few, if you can. And I'll update this SO'W post by perfecting the link to the new post asap.

UPDATE: Jude's Threshold now has the "talent" pattern which creates a midpoint picture which I neglected to include bad.

And here's the link to my article on Washington's 2008 Solar Return with its YOD pattern which may be affecting the 2008 campaign (as well as the People), and the transit of Saturn opposing GW's natal Sun, a difficult period now in progress.

Feb 17, 2008

Obama an agent of change--or baton passing?

Okay, the uplifting rhetoric is all very inspiring, and Clinton's critiques are doing their herding job and all, but here's an article by Bruce Marshall laying out the kind of crud I've been dreading yet didn't know how to put into words.

Marshall has done so concerning vetted-by-Wall-Street-Obama as part of the agenda's process with the Sheeple once again playing the dupes, and "the elite" in on the joke(my italics = my own two cents. Got change?)

Barak Obama Fronts Wall Street's Infrastructure

Swindle - What Change Really Means

By Bruce Marshall

Since 9/11 America has certainly turned into a top-down police state, but true post-modern fascism requires a popular movement to usher it into power. Bush has created a dictatorship out of the Presidency, now the next step towards fascism is being marketed to exploit the desire for change.

Information Clearing House has the article.#

Did you honestly think anything would be changed about the Iraq Occupation after November 2006?

Change of direction for political thespians--whether Illuminati-inspired, Mason-enobled, or other__?__--only means a change of script baa-a-a-a...

...matinee tickets still available, Germany's 1930s model to be mimicked and "improved upon."

As my forward-looking Kalorama Road friends and I sitting round DC parlors in the 70s used to pontificate: it can happen here. Look around...can is NOW.

Please, America, pour your bottle of Ambien down the drain and snap to attention, for the real foe is not what they tell us--it is them.