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Jul 18, 2008

Are Biden's marbles lost?

Senator Joseph Biden has introduced a bill to send more billions to Pakistan to fight terrorism - since the billion dollar bribes have worked perfectly so far...

But what can you do with a Hill-full of irrepressible drunken sailors with major pocket-lining tendencies?

Send a decent one to join the Washington throng? It only ends up spoiling 'em as they are cautioned to vote as the party tells them if they want to keep their jobs, the little newbies, so wide-eyed and desperate to stay in sparkly Washington and rule the world alongside the (pompous) big dogs.

That's how it's done - maintain the elitist status quo while posing for the cameras, holding hearings, and 'serving' on committees whose main outcomes consist in making more noise than improvement.

Didn't I say here on SO'W that the November 2006 elections would show us the pudding's proof or be a song-and-dance wash out...or words to that effect? What would Dem control amount to?, I asked. Not much, as we see - but the mega-propagandized "WOT" has certainly been a terrific bottomless pit for pilfering taxpayers' money, hasn't it?

Oldie But Moldie:

Early in the Bush regime I proffered a Tar'n'Feather Fund with donations accepted...and it's still bubbling on the hob, m'peops!

Jul 17, 2008

Jupiter, the Moon, and ISS flybys

Space Weather News for July 16 and 17, 2008

PRETTY SKY ALERT: The brightest lights in the night sky are having a get-together. On July 16th and 17th, Jupiter and the nearly-full Moon will be side-by-side in the constellation Sagittarius. The pair rise in the southeast just after nightfall and remain visible all night long.

That's not all: The International Space Station is making a series of evening passes over Europe and North America and it will join Jupiter and the Moon over many towns and cities.

Check the Simple Satellite Tracker to find out when to look: Flybys!

COLLIDING STORM UPDATE: Earlier this month, Jupiter's Little Red Spot got caught between two larger storms (the Great Red Spot and Oval BA), and the Little Red Spot was destroyed. Or was it?

New amateur photos of Jupiter show that the Little Red Spot may be re-forming. Not only that, it seems to be drifting back toward the Great Red Spot for a second collision.

Updates will be posted on as the storms converge anew.

Jul 16, 2008

IndyMac Bank run: day two

Breaking News and Commentary from Citizens For Legitimate Government July 16, 2008

All items are here:

LegitGov Breaking News

Police to IndyMac customers: Remain calm or face arrest July 15, 2008:

Police ordered angry customers lined up outside an IndyMac Bank branch to remain calm or face arrest Tuesday as they tried to pull their money on the second day of the failed institution's federal takeover.

At least three police squad cars showed up early Tuesday as tensions rose outside the San Fernando Valley branch of Pasadena-based IndyMac. Federal regulators seized Pasadena-based IndyMac on Friday and reopened the bank Monday under the control of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

Jul 15, 2008

IndyMac Bank run of July 14, 2008

A previous post The Fed's Jupiter Return Dec 2008 has been updated concerning Monday's run on the IndyMac Bank of California and I thought you might be interested esp since there's been a major triggering by Saturn to the chart of Black Tuesday, Oct 29, 1929.

Jul 14, 2008

George Galloway on attacking Iran

British MP George Galloway Telling It Like It Is

This Is Must Listen - Audio

Listen to George Galloway talking about the consequences of an attack on Iran. #

(And we think things are bad now.)

Week of July 14 in Financial Astrology

Financial Astrology: Week of July 14 has been published with links to Ray Merriman's excellent articles if you're interested in tracking or learning more about financial cycles and the upcoming mash up.

Mr. Merriman relates the now forming Saturn/Uranus opposition to financial cycles which are highly unstable now, to the Fed, and to the possible presidencies of a D or an R president so check out the work of an excellent financial astrologer who has his finger in the pulse of our falling dollar.

There's still a pulse? you say...barely!

Jul 13, 2008

Declaration of Independence: fates of its signers

Do you know what happened to the signers of the Declaration of Independence who put themselves - their lives, futures, fortunes, loved ones - on the line to create this nation?

Jul 12, 2008

Cheney's heart tune-up 7.12.08

Here are Dick Cheney's natal chart (center) and the transits for this morning when Cheney was reported to have a check-up or, as I'm calling it, a heart tune-up.

Time is set for 9:30:10 am edt, Washington DC, when the transiting cusps are same as his natal cusps since I don't know what time he arrived or the hour of treatment or procedure. It's a Mars Hour (fevers; attacks; surgical procedures; sharp instruments.)

What I do know is that the secretive vp was on board Nov 26, 2007 for what was reported as a 'heart shock'...and if you click to enlarge the current chart, you'll see my notation for Uranus to natal Moon (physical body; emotions - marked in green) as possible emotional changes - or a 'shock' of some kind.

Anxiety is present which may be in part from the threat of legal walls closing in on his political and world domination activities for even Mr. Darkside must have some emotions and feelings rumbling around inside that barrel chest.

Yet our congressional overseers' legal efforts have so far yielded little fair justice for Cheney's actions and duplicities that I can see. But perhaps legal threats are enough to stress a man with a weak heart (but a man with state-of-the-art medical care, as we know.) Or perhaps it's nearing time for the piper's paying.

~:~The outstanding signature between today's chart and his natal ASC ('physical body' as well) is marked in green - and from this we get a midpoint picture with Mars (energy) and Saturn (restriction) full it's...

Mars/ASC = Saturn: anxiety comes from feeling controlled somehow; defeat or dispute; sharing of worries; frustration and rebellion; others don't cooperate as they should; inhibitions; suffering; mourning with others (Tyl; Ebertin.)

You see I've marked his natal Pluto/Chiron in Leo with "wounded heart?" by which I mean the possibility of an inherited heart condition. Venus has recently plowed through this conj and she is today at a crisis/critical 29th degree (clarification: Pluto in Leo, Chiron in Cancer.)

Two asteroids (besides Chiron) which relate to health, Aesculapia and Hygeia, are near Midheaven (The Goal or Objective) and the Aquarian trio of North Node (meetings; encounters; destiny), Chiron (the wound or blindspot), and nebulous Neptune are in his natal 6th house of Health, Work, Service, and Daily Rounds, so Neptune has been causing dissolution in these areas of Cheney's life for some time.

Neptune traveling through 6th house also indicates secretive work and activities which cause people to wonder just what it is you do for a living - which is one expression of this transit. However, healthwise, diagnoses and treatment may be difficult when Neptune is in 6th house.

Also mysterious Neptune is in orb of natal Mercury, a time of confusion, deception, and lack of clear thinking. Higher inspirations are possible but more likely Neptune to Mercury inspires misunderstandings, obsessiveness, paranoia, and a fuzzy grasp of reality.

Pluto, also at a 29th degree, is focal planet in a T-square formed by Cheney's natal Moon/Neptune/NN opposition so we have a few pictures to consider...

Moon/Neptune = Pluto: high sensitivity; an emotional shock (physical shock?) or upheaval.

Moon/NN = Pluto: separation through a higher power; powerful forces affect interpersonal relationships.

And replacing natal Moon with transiting Uranus...

Uranus/Neptune = Pluto: abandonment of resistance; remaining at the mercy of external conditions and circumstances; the necessity to give in; losses; calamities; the big picture demands a certain course of action which must be followed- very little option to do otherwise.

Uranus/NN = Pluto: the need to be influential; rocking the boat and people approving the motion; coming under the spell of other people (like doctors or surgeons?); upsetting experiences shared with others.

Well, Blogger is about to poop out on me so I'll mosey while the moseying's good.

Perhaps this astrological blurb spotlights Dick Cheney's current health climate for you - in case you should care a fig about this mountebank/scalliwag/varmint/wheeler dealer of a political thespian.

Sunday Update: the story they've put out is that all went well, Cheney is simply peachy keen, so it seems I fretted for no good reason. And yet, as they say, every puppy has his day - no matter how snarly he may be!

Jul 11, 2008

Carol Shepp McCain's Wedding Day 1965

A Wedding Day Astrology article is now published if you've been wondering about the starry portents of the McCain - Shepp Wedding Day of July 3, 1965.

Using the Sun (male) and Moon (female) positions for the day, we may finagle a few details concerning this marriage which was so rudely interrupted by...McCain's next marriage to Cindy Hensley - his current wife, if you're counting!

Rove the no-show

As you know, Karl Rove defied Congress yesterday and failed to show up for testifying purposes concerning his role in the politicization of the Justice Department and other such unsavory things. They say he left the country!

Should we have taken Congress' subpoena to Rove seriously? Puh! Capitol Hill Theater, dahlink! 'Twas meant to keep the unwashed masses at bay.

Now this unsurprising lack of occurrance has inspired a brief poem if you'd care to mosey over to Lim's Limericks so say Hi to Lim for me...his lovely snoot is to be seen there - but Karl Rove's lovely snoot isn't to be seen anywhere which, when you think about it, isn't such a bad deal after all.


A sheepishly admitted Update 7.11.08: above link is now repaired--apologies!

Jul 10, 2008

Jupiter's closest approach to Earth now!

Heads up, skywatchers!

Space Weather News for July 9, 2008

JUPITER AT ITS BRIGHTEST: Jupiter reaches maximum brilliance this week, on July 9th, when it makes its closest approach to Earth for all of 2008.

At sunset, look low and southeast for a beacon of light brighter than any star. That is Jupiter rising for an all-night transit across the southern sky. During this time of closest approach, Jupiter makes a wonderful target for backyard telescopes.

Even small telescopes reveal the planet's cloud belts, its four largest moons, and the Great Red Spot, an anti-cyclone twice as wide as Earth. Just a few days ago, the Great Red Spot ran over a sibling, the Little Red Spot, and may have destroyed the smaller storm.

Amateur images of the collision are featured on today's edition of SpaceWeather News!


With Jupiter now Rx in Capricorn (sign of law, business, and politics), I thought you'd like to know that now's the best time of 2008 to see the big fella!

Jul 9, 2008

Astrology of the 2008 Democratic National Convention

An article on the Democratic National Convention is now published at Jude's Threshold with images of the horoscopes for August 25 (sunrise) and August 28 (midnight) to represent the beginning and completion of the 2008 Dem Convention.

You may wish to check it out esp since I will be updating the Page with astrologically-based observations as August comes upon us and the Democrats switch into high gear.

~And this in from NPR: the Senate passed the bill for telecom immunity and other Orwellian progress for Washington passed 60 to 28 to increase political spying on innocent Americans.