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Oct 18, 2008

Is 'spread the wealth' same as socialism?

Charges are mulitplying by McCain and his surrogates that Barack Obama's tax proposals and other economic ideas are 'socialist' in nature.

Well, it's true that the phrase "spread the wealth" never goes over well with the richest class, and I can think of no better reason than this: if spreading or sharing actually occurred, half a million or so of their dollars might be used to feed the hungry, bind the wounds of the ill and dying, and comfort an orphan or a foster child or two.

Why, a factory might be built and a few jobs created - and after the corporate elite worked so hard to ship our jobs overseas, too!

So apparently, if there's one thing a rich man can't stand, it's being his brother's keeper by giving back a little of the largesse he receives through the laws of this great nation and from the sweat of the common worker's brow.

Never mind that a rich man has money and legal reps to avoid paying taxes which he rightly should have been paying all along. Plus, they didn't invent offshore or Swiss bank accounts for nuthin'!

As you know, it was King Midas who turned everything he touched into gold which became a major problem to him because gold isn't everything and people turned into golden statues make poor companions.

Now, lest a rich man think this gnat of a blogger covets his gold, let him rest at ease, for temporary values don't trump (Trump!) eternal values with me - for it's easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God, says Scripture.

And you know that rich men probably think they have that circumvented just as they do with creative accounting tricks, triple sets of books, laws skewed on their behalf against the individual, world banks in cahoots, and Wall Street schemes galore.

But one day when All accounts are settled, we'll have to see about that. We'll all just have to see, won't we?

Wall Street loves a good scam

Professor Thayer Watkins of San Jose University Department of Economics recounts the tale of Equity Funding whose fake insurance policy scams were uncovered by auditors in 1973 causing the company to collapse. And since Wall Street's high assessment of Equity Funding had allowed buyouts of other profitable firms, the dominoes fell.

Yes, Equity Funding became a major success on Wall Street which shows you the company the scalliwags were keeping on both sides. Equity Funding created fake insurance policies early on - no one seems to know exactly when - to inflate their profits for Wall Street's admiration, then they sold them through the reinsurance market.

Stop me if any of this sounds familiar, because it should.

Prof Watkins uses Dirk's and Gross' book, The Great Wall Street Scandal as his source. A quick foray to Amazon shows that this book seems to be available from sellers but is out of print.

The Equity Funding section by Prof Watkins is part of his "Episodes of Financial Fraud and Speculation" which includes an article on the 1924 scandal of counterfeiting in Portugal by Alves Reis, a Keynesian scheme which turned out to have been better for the Portugese economy than the policies of former economics professor, Salazar, who became dictator of the country in 1932.

Another fraudulent epic included is the saga of the Penn State Bank of Oklahoma City and Bill 'Monkeybrains' Patterson which involved the oil and gas industries of OK and TX. Now I know that we're not supposed to mess with Texas (and as a rule, I don't), but apparently certain folks in Texas were cleared to mess with us a long time ago.

In summary, Prof Watkins provides some interesting reading here if you're in the mood for how fraud is perpetrated by the 'experts' which makes a perfect companion to the Fed's slight-of-hand today, esp if you click on some of the other links in the History category on the Home Page - ex: I highly recommend his article on the causes of the Great Depression and the Fed's blame due to their actions which precipitated the decline in money supply, along with banks hoarding the money, the general populace holding on to cash (sound familiar?), and the liquidationist policy of Treasury secretary Andrew Mellon.

Mellon and his pals thought that the liquidation of 'weak' banks was necessary for the recovery of the banking system.

Now I know we've all heard that before!


You may also be interested in reading a previous post of 10.8.08, your money is no good here which contains a link to James Cumes' article on the systemic financial collapse we are witnessing.

Oct 17, 2008

George Bush + Oliver Stone natal charts

Lower left chart, George W. Bush (July 6, 1946), upper right chart Oliver Stone (Sep 15, 1946, rating B.)

From what I'm hearing about director Oliver Stone's new film W, he and George W. Bush share something - each has a father complex.

Yet from the looks of their close-in-time natal charts, they share more than that.

Both men were born within the same Pre-Natal Eclipse Series, 2 New North, the Series that concerns collapse of plans and lifestyles with long-term effects of rebuilding and transformation. If you relate this Series to the Tarot deck's #16 - The Tower card, you have it in a nutshell.

Brady's Predictive Astrology adds that after the dust settles and the rebuilding starts, the consequences of the re-shaping will have far-reaching effects; this Eclipse Series tends to change people's directions through a sudden collapse of an existing structure.

Now we know that Solar Eclipses can leave their marks for years by sensitizing the degrees at which they manifest, and this particular Series is still having, imo, far-reaching effects (along with the 'King of Terror' - or 'Alarm' - Eclipse of August 11, 1999; 18Leo+, the position of Venus on 9/11/01.)

Both Eclipses are part of the ongoing financial crisis and collapse of our world economy which I have previously stated stems from the ripples issuing from the attacks of 9/11 ("The Tower" x 2.)

That I believe the economic collapse has been on the drawing board for years in order to usher in a new financial world order is beside the point - the point is, you're feeling these effects and so is everyone you know. Fear is what they want us to feel. Notice Warren Buffett's comments about when he buys up stocks.

So the media is helping to prepare us now with "our financial system will never be the same" - things will be 'different', and questions like, Is capitalism dead? You've heard it all, I know you have, as Pluto's transformative power moves into the business-politics-law sign of Capricorn, sign of The Father.

Synchronistically, another 'heralding' event occurred within the 2NN Series: the bombing of the USS Cole (Oct 12, 2000.) And I believe that much of the final plans for the 'New Millennium' switch toward totalitarianism were laid under the auspices of this difficult Eclipse Series along with that of the August '99 Eclipse. The secret hand of Pluto has an ephemeris and Astrology software, too, oh yes it does.

So July 31, 2000's 2NN Eclipse occurred at '7Cancer' which, as you see if you click the image to enlarge, is conj Bush's 12th cusp, and teh Unconscious 12th house is the house of Karma and Self-Undoing, while in Stone's chart '7Can' falls in his 9th house of Philosophy, Higher Education, and the Higher Mind.

The degree of George Bush's natal Ascendant - and the Midheaven of Oliver Stone - WHAT? in Bush's chart, WHY? in Stone's is '8Leo.' This is also the natal degree of Mercury for Bush, the GOP, and for Alberto Gonzales.

So Bush thinks (Mercury) like a Leo, while Stone thinks like a more somber Virgo. Bush's essence (Sun) is self-protective, crabby Cancer (sorry Cancers, but you know Bush!) while Stone's essence is dedicated worker, Virgo...Stone thinks as he is with Sun and Mercury in the same sign.

This is because by Sept 15, Mercury had moved on to 22Vir41 conj Stone's natal Sun, both of which are conj US n Neptune (film; photography; subterfuge; camera tricks; the masses, including mass delusions) - all of which are conj Barack Obama's natal Mars. That's quite a pile-up of planets at 22Vir+ - esp for transiting Saturn to stomp upon at the end of August, 2009.

And both Bush and Stone have the ruthless pair, Saturn and Pluto snugged around this Bush's Asc, Stone's Mc...'8Leo' = "A Bolshevik Propagandist."

Now Oliver Stone was born during a Moon (publicity) Hour in a Disseminating phase of the Moon (communicator; teacher; propagandist), and Bush was born during an expansive Jupiter Hour during a 1st quarter Moon (which I neglected to note on his chart - 92 degr 56 mins - the 'crisis in action' phase); Bush was born when Pluto was out-of-bounds (oobs), Stone in September when Pluto was back in bounds of the earthly plane and cooperating with the chart's other energies (planets.)

Well, I just wanted to peek at their natal charts since the two men are being compared now because of Stone's bio-pic of Bush (I guess you'd call it a 'bio-pic')'ll see their midpoint pictures listed with quite a bit of 'pile-up' to them, too, and I can type them out for you later if you want, just let me know if you don't have another source for them, okay? I don't mind, but I'm just a wumped-out puppy at the moment.

Perhaps I'll add the rest of their *Sun-Moon Images for Integration later as well since, as you see, I put brief but telling descriptions...thumbnails, if you will...

Oliver Stone: "A sculpture of still life..."

George Bush: "Mother Goose recites a poem..."


* Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Chas & Suzy Harvey

Bush regime transfers wealth: Bailout Bill

Additional Thoughts on the Bailout

"We hang the petty thieves and appoint the great ones to public office" - Aesop

By Paul Craig Roberts

Just as the Bush regime's wars have been used to pour billions of dollars into the pockets of its military-security donor base, the Paulson bailout looks like a Bush regime scheme to incur $700 billion in new public debt in order to transfer the money into the coffers of its financial donor base. #


See, that's what I've been trying to say! Congress - the enablers.

Oct 16, 2008

Lest you doubt: Bush Doctrine defines tyranny

There's been a small update concerning the tyranny-defining Bush Doctrine, chart image included.

There are so many versions of the thing, who's not to be confused?

But never fear (or always fear) George Bush is here to define tyranny for you and promote all that stuff he likes to promote while leaving the (nazi-sounding) "homeland" pretty much unprotected...most of our brave soldiers are somewhere else with precious few to protect us from the tyranny of plutocracy.

Oct 15, 2008

Obama-McCain debate ends 10.15.08

Well, tonight's presidential debate between Senators Obama and McCain was the final one of the trio and was held about 5 hours after orator Mercury turned Direct.

If you're interested, I've made some comments and added a bit of the dialogue from the Tavis Smiley Program which went on air just after the debate ended at 10:31 pm edt. You'll find a reference to my previous post on tongiht's debate which has more astrological comments to it so when you arrive, just scroll down a smidge if you like.

Then there's the political excitement tomorrow night - will John McCain show up to be on Dave Letterman's Show as promised after blowing Dave off two weeks ago for Katie Couric? Dave's discussing it as I type so the excitement is palpable, and you know I'll be watching.

"He'll be here tomorrow and he's got a lot of explaining to do," quips Dave. But now Dave's not expecting McCain to bring Sarah Palin. Dave doesn't think Miss Alaska will be there.

Yes, the road to the White House goes right through Dave, as he's fond of saying, since McCain announced his candidacy (this one) on Dave's show.

Oh funny Dave! He just had a split screen between himself and Hank Paulson to "ask questions" of Secretary Paulson...who keeps blinking in that trance-like way he has. Of course, they're looping the tape - and Hank isn't "answering" any of Dave's "questions" as if he doesn't hear him.

But Paulson's droopy frown stays perfectly in place, so there is that. Even when he's unlooped he looks to be in some kind of trance. Perhaps he should get looped more often.

Moon buckets and Saturn bowls

John Townley over at AstroCocktail has some interesting insights on that rollercoaster feeling of two-week shifts we're all experiencing between the economy, the campaign, and more.

Naturally, if you say the words two-week cycle it reminds any astrologer of the Moon's orbit.

Well, expert astrologer John Townley knows much about celestial bowl patterns and how they affect the environment, so check it out because the world's current 'groundswell' feeling is part of the celestial 'As Above, So Below' action now as the Moon moves within the bowl - the edges of which are created by the Saturn-Uranus opposition - and then spills out of the bowl...slosh!

As you know, the Saturn-Uranus opposition perfects on November 4.

All this sloshing reminds me of the ocean's tides which are controlled by the Moon, and one of the words associated with the Moon in an Astrology chart is: fluctuation, a term we hear a lot in financial markets. Mmm-hmm...cycles.

So we may be feeling a bit seasick with half the sky full of planets sloshing about during the weekend of Oct 25-26, and John says it will remain that way until after the Nov 4 elections.

On into 2009 things will be sloshing off and on so hold onto your lifejacket, if you have one. And if you don't, at least Astrology can give you the timing to be aware of for best results!

America's Money Power

"The principal power in Washington is no longer the government for the people it represents. It is the Money Power. Under the deceptive cloak of campaign contributions, access and influence, votes and amendments are bought and sold.

Money establishes priorities of action, holds down federal revenues, revises federal legislation, shifts income from the middle class to the very rich.

Money restrains the enforcement of laws written to protect the country from abuses of wealth--laws that mandate environmental protection, antitrust laws, laws to protect the consumer against fraud, laws that safeguard the securities markets, and many more."

Richard N. Goodwin, speechwriter for John F. Kennedy


Thanks to Information Clearing House for the above quote.

And here's a quote from Adlai Stevenson (Sun AQ-Moon Tau) who tried to be US president once upon a time (1952):

"A hungry man is not a free man."

I'll say!

So with the NYSE plummeting again today, let's give a man a job
especially since the billions of taxpayers' hard earned bucks that were gifted to uncooperative bankers are not being passed on to the ones whose spending would actually make a difference in our society
and for our economy.

Someone build some factories, for cryin' out loud! Is it rocket science?


Update Oct 16: here's a link to an article by Maria Cocco, It's the Jobs, Stupid - which is my point entirely.

McCain in the headwinds

Matt Taibbi and Byron York Butt Heads on whether John McCain deserves blame for the Wall Street meltdown.

Instant messenging about the campaign between two political writers - if you haven't seen this yet, you GOTTA read it!

The Inappropriate George Bush

Well, this is simply unacceptable, Mr. Bush, that you should act so inappropriately.

Oct 14, 2008

Time to Liquidate the Empire?

Liquidating the Empire

By Patrick J. Buchanan

With U.S. markets crashing and wealth vanishing, what are we doing with 750 bases and troops in over 100 countries?


US Secondary Progressed Full Moon...December 2008 4Vir/Pis10...end of an expansion cycle, lessening light.

Chalmers Johnson's book, The Sorrows of Empire gives a lot of information on America's military bases - and it's stunning how the octopus has encircled the globe.

Yet it is, after all, only a natural law, a cycle...what goes up comes down again and it doesn't have to be a bad thing. But the jokers in Washington - including 99% of the ones who about to sweep in for their turn at the trough - aren't up to the task of humility and that is what will make the process of lowering our expectations and simplifying our wants even more painful than it has to be.


You're lost on a shadowy trail through thick, brambly woods on a dark, moonless night. On every side wild animal calls raise goosebumps on the back of your neck and you've been warned that a bottomless pit of quicksand awaits the hapless.

As you creep down the path not knowing which way will lead you to oblivion, gentle wings flutter as a white dove alights near you with a message tied around its neck.

Striking your one remaining match, you take the hopeful message from the timely messenger and read the words: you're going in the wrong direction...turn back NOW.

What would George Bush do?

The Shadow Factory by James Bamford

At the moment I'm listening to Terry Gross interviewing James Bamford about his new book, The Shadow Factory which chronicles the NSA and the Bush-Cheney administration's circumventing the lawful FISA to spy on American citizens without warrants, so I searched this blog for previous Michael Hayden posts.

One entry on Hayden is from Dec 11, 2007 - the day of the Great Conjunction of Jupiter (the Republican) and Pluto (the spy) when Hayden took a meeting on Capitol Hill. Plus, the post contains a link to Hayden's natal chart (sunrise - birth time unknown) and was written within echo of the mysterious gunshots in the Rayburn Building where William Jefferson's FBI freezer raid was conducted a few nights prior.

You'll find that Hayden's natal planets are placed around the chart of his confirmation to the directorship of the NSA in 2006.

Journalist James Bamford has been writing about the NSA for 30 years (his first book about the agency was published in 1982) and he has some interesting new info about the subject.

And you've heard recently of two whistleblowers who worked at the NSA center in Augusta, GA spying on Americans' pillowtalk conversations and more.

The Shadow Factory covers these whistleblowers' accusations as well as giving us pre-9/11 facts about FISA, al-Qaeda, and the invasions of privacy we've all become accustomed to thanks to the cooperation of telecoms everywhere and their complicity in political spying on journalists, members of our military, and others. That there does not exist a 'political enemies' list a la J. Edgar Hoover, Nixon, and others is impossible for me to believe considering this White House.

In today's interview, however, Bamford gives props again to Quest who refused from the start to spy on its customers.

The upshot is that collecting everything makes finding real intell more difficult due to the sheer volume of communications....makes it more expensive and a waste of time. And US analysts don't even speak al-Qaeda's language!

Bamford says that the government has software that can ignore your Aunt Granny Fanny's calls to her bookie - but Cheney doesn't want to. (I'm the one saying 'Cheney' but why he's so interested in your Aunt Granny Fanny, I do not know.)

So if you missed Fresh Air today, you can read an excerpt from The Shadow Factory and download a podcast of Terry's interview with author Bamford.

The interview's audio version will be available on the site at approximately 3:00 pm et today.