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Mar 31, 2009

Old Bush vs New Obama: as the police state turns



Under the old guy:

"On Monday, March 21, at [a town hall meeting] billed as a "conversation on saving Social Security," I and two friends, Leslie Weise and Karen Bauer, decided to go down and participate in this dialogue. Unfortunately, we were evicted before the President arrived by an as yet unnamed man, because of the content on the bumper sticker of my friend’s car. That bumper sticker said, "No more blood for oil. ... We were parked in the parking lot, stood in line for a half an hour or so, went and sat down in the audience and then were forcibly ejected by a person who was posing as a secret service agent." - Alexander Young April, 2005

One of the latest incidents came when John Sachs, 18, a Johnston High School senior and Democrat, went to see Bush in Clive last week. Sachs got a ticket to the event from school and wanted to ask the president about whether there would be a draft, about the war in Iraq, Social Security and Medicare.. But when he got there, a campaign staffer pulled him aside and made him remove his button that said, "Bush-Cheney '04: Leave No Billionaire Behind." The staffer quizzed him about whether he was a Bush supporter, asked him why he was there and what questions he would be asking the president.. "Then he came back and said, 'If you protest, it won't be me taking you out. It will be a sniper,'" Sachs said. "He said it in such a serious tone it scared the crap out of me."

- Des Moines Register October, 2004

Under the new guy:

"We're going to take questions. All right...Just want to make sure my mike's working here. Here's the deal on questions. First of all, we didn't screen anybody. So there's some people who like me in the audience, some people that don't. Some people agree with me, some people who don't. It doesn't matter. We want to take questions from everybody."

- Pres. Obama, town hall meeting, Elkhart, Indiana Feb, 2009


A shout-out of thanks goes to my friend Alex D'Atria from Modern Astrology who sent along the above information.

Sen. Ted Kennedy returns to work Mar 31, 2009!

Having just heard the news, I want to share with you that cancer patient Senator Ted Kennedy is back in the Senate saddle today!

Chomsky video on the economy + Spitzer, Afghanistan, Wall Street, and Obama

Article Round-Up March 31, 2009:

"Graveyard of Empires. Welcome to Vietnam, Mr. President"

By Ray McGovern

The chickens are coming home to roost after eight years of Cheney and Bush, but there is no sign that President Obama is listening to anyone capable of fresh thinking on Afghanistan. Obama has apparently decided to stay in the chicken coop. And that can be called, well, chicken.

Putting A New Coat on a Failed Strategy

By Ron Jacobs

Washington and its NATO cohorts will stay in Afghanistan until the world is safe from Al-Qaeda. Left unsaid by Obama, just like it was unsaid by George Bush, is the reality that foreign troops killing Afghans and Pakistanis has done very little to end the supposed threat from Al-Qaeda.

It's a bird...It's a plane...No, it's Spitzer to the Rescue

By Mike Whitney

If Obama is serious about restoring confidence in the markets, he should replace current SEC chief Mary Schapiro with Eliot Spitzer. That would send a message to the world that the president is through messing around. Schapiro is another Wall Street today who believes the markets can regulate themselves.

Noam Chomsky on the Economy and Democracy: Video & Transcript

Chomsky: Plan is recycled recycled Bush-Paulson. We need nationalization and steps towards democratization.

Obama's Attack on the Middle Class

By Paul Craig Roberts

If the tax rate on a multi-million dollar annual income goes up by 5 percentage points, the cutbacks won't really affect the lifestyle.

The Absurdity of Spending US Tax Dollars on Israel


Paul J. Balles argues that if enough ordinary Americans "feel the pinch and connect the dots between their own financial losses and America's continued unbridled support of Israel's devastating war machine, Israel could be forced to make peace with the Palestinians.


During his second term, Pres. Ronald Reagan, laboring under many difficult transits to the US natal chart in the late 80s-early 90s, declared March 21, 1989 to be "Afghanistan Day" - more than a little imperialistic and insensitive of him, I'd say.

America had done many things to undermine the Soviet Union while their troops occupied Afghanistan including the CIA working with Osama bin Laden and approving of his setting up al Qaeda.

So I took a peek at a chart for March 21, 1989, noon, Washington, DC and saw the trio of Saturn, Neptune, and Uranus (4 - 14 Cap) opposing America's natal planets in Cancer - difficult transits for US authority, aims, relationships, and values.

And since the pair of Saturn-Uranus, (fresh from their Great Conjunction/s of 1988 - Feb 13, June 26, and Oct 18 in the 27 - 30 Sagittarius range) represent, on one level, the Middle East (particularly Israel-Palestine), you may wish to know the midpoint picture formed by the trio marking the idealistically named, 'Afghanistan Day'...with Neptune signifying oil, gas, water, ideals, dreams, drugs including poppies, and the veils of deception (including self-deception)...

Saturn-Uranus = Neptune: a new vision fighting to be understood; feeling lost; the inability to face emotional stress; falsehood or malice caused through weakness; resigning oneself to the inevitable; abandoning resistance; weakening strength; separation; bereavement.

With the Sun in a national chart signifying the nation's leader, we may assume one situation described by these transits was Reagan's weakening health and mind - his sleepiness was harder to hide from the public than FDR's wheel chair had been.

Another midpoint picture from that day involves the pair of Jupiter and Uranus, whose synthesized energies represent optimism, lucky breaks, far-sightedness, organizers and inventors, among other things (Ebertin.)

Jupiter-Uranus = Mercury: gathering of ample knowledge (intell?); a fortunate turn in one's occupation; a person with an abundance of thoughts; planning on success; a series of fortunate breaks. (All midpoint pics from Tyl and Ebertin.)

And so we are reminded that Astrology describes the complexity of life as positive transits occur simultaneously with more negative ones. Planets retrograde (seem to move backward), then turn direct and 'hit' or contact our planets more than once which extends the length of time the transits affect us...more time to get things right, to understand, to work it out better 'this time.'

Now thuggish Pluto is making his weight felt in opposition to America's natal planets in Cancer (the same ones mentioned above in the 3 - 14 degree range) - Pluto in Capricorn, sign of authority and control - and we face difficult times once again with a president whose job it is to deal with it.

Venus, Jupiter, and Sun...luxuries and values, money, ego, the things America holds dear, are under siege. But as with personal charts we may remember the one factor that Astrology brings to the table, the element of Time.

And the wisdom to know that all good things - and bad things - must come to an end.


Evening Update: I return to find that Juan Cole has written on Pres. Obama's apparent Domino Theory for Afghanistan as he uses the same old boogeyman rhetoric favored by his predecessor in the Oval Office.

Mar 30, 2009

Track volcanic clouds from Alaska's Mt Redoubt

Space Weather News for March 30, 2009

MT. REDOUBT: Alaska's Mt. Redoubt volcano has erupted at least 19 times since March 22, and several of the most powerful blasts have spewed clouds of ash and sulfurous gas into the lower stratosphere.

The last time an Alaskan volcano blew its top (Kasatochi in August 2008), similar clouds caused fantastic sunsets around the Northern Hemisphere.

Today's edition of SpaceWeather News features satellite maps of Mt. Redoubt's sulfur dioxide emissions. Using these maps, we can track the volcanic clouds as they drift around the globe and be alert for unusual sunsets and other phenomena when they pass nearby.

Visit for more information and updates.

Bill Maher on the American Empire: video link

Here's a link to a video of Bill Maher concerning America as empire - yes, removing US troops from Iraq would only be the tip of the iceberg.

Is America "stuck" with an empire? Some elements of our government purposefully built it, but let Mr. Bill tell you his quirky yet truth-telling ideas.

The US has military bases in 150 countries. And Chalmers Johnson, in his NYT bestseller, The Sorrows of Empire (2005) provides a list of 'sorrows' the last one of which we seem to be in process of experiencing since 2008...bankruptcy. This a permanent war economy has wrought - with corporate greed and political corruption as the sauce ladled on top.

And so the current financial crisis is intricately linked with Pres. Obama's plans to escalate the war in Afghanistan (which I have previously stated is 'a very bad idea') and will only make matters worse as it ramps up jihad recruiting against the west and, if you care about personal and national finances, negates the possibility of ever knowing fiscal responsibility or prosperity again.

George Bush and Dick Cheney tossed our economy into the dustbin with their upping of hawkish imperialism and I hope and pray that Barack Obama is as smart as he's said to be. It simply cannot make sense to continue our nation's global dream of running the world while being the most hated nation on the globe - and retain a sovereign nation with any resemblance to a United States of America that any sane, free person would like to live in.

To quote Chalmers Johnson:

"The economic consequences of imperialism and militarism are also transforming our value system by degrading "free enterprise," which many Americans cherish and identify with liberty. Our military is by far the largest bureaucracy in our government. Militarism removes capital and resources from the free market and allocates them arbitrarily, in accordance with bureaucratic decisions uninfluenced by market forces but often quite responsive to insider influence and crony capitalism."

He then goes on to detail how on March 10, 2003, the US government invited 5 engineering companies to submit bids for post-war building in Iraq. You know the main offenders: KBR, Cheney's old company as a subsidiary of Halliburton, and Bechtel, which Mr. Johnson says has "half-century-old connections to the CIA and to high-ranking Republican politicians."

No wonder Congress and the Republicans in charge were so gung ho for invading Iraq. One may imagine that several Democrats in Congress held portfolios full of Bechtel and KBR shares as well. And I had thought the Bush-Cheney war was illegally perpetrated in part to interrupt Hussein's oil black market that France and Germany had been profiting by. Two birds, one stone, and topple Poppy's old nemesis, too?

As Chalmers Johnson continues, "Virtually all contracts coming from the military reflect insider trading."

He then quotes Robert Higgs, a senior fellow in political economy at the Independent Institute, summarizing the military-industrial complex as: "a vast cesspool of mismanagement, waste, and transgressions not only bordering on but often entering deeply into criminal conduct...The great arms firms have managed to slough off much of the normal risks of doing business in a genuine market, passing on many of their excessive costs to the taxpayers while realizing extraordinary rates of return on investment."

Well, there we go! And if the military-industrial complex (as wielded by the one-world-government acolytes who have coup'd our nation) isn't reformed, or better yet stopped in its hoof-tracks, any tactics, legislation, and bailouts attempting to 'repair' our broken economy will be but a drop in the militarily-siphoned bucket.

So I want to sign off with two quotes on the subject from past presidents who warned us best they could in 1796 and again in 1961. But as it turns out, the power-hungry ones with black-hearts can read, too:

"Overgrown military establishments are under any form of government inauspicious to liberty, and are to be regarded as particularly hostile to Republican liberty."

President George Washington, Farewell Address, Sept 17, 1796

And here's the ignored advice you've read many times over:

"This conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry is new in the American experience...In the councils of government, we must guard against the unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic process. We should take nothing for granted."

President Dwight D. Eisenhower, Farewell Address, Jan 17, 1961

Misplaced power was sought. Disaster has risen. And unless the madness is curtailed, bankruptcy is on America's menu.

Mar 29, 2009

Astrology of the G20 Summit April 2, 2009

Not knowing the time that the G20 Summit begins in London on April 2, 2009, I decided to use the sunrise chart to see if anything of use might pop out for our consideration for the day may represent the Summit itself. (Click image to enlarge.)

Sunrise occurs during an Hour of Saturn which is intercepted in 6th house of Work, Service, Servants, and Health.

Here you see the chart with Sun 12Ari37 rising, Mercury 14Ari40 just behind. Mercury's position is important here but more about that in a minute.

Given the street protests against the Summit which are already underway in London, Paris, Berlin, and Rome, let's consider the Sun/ASC's Sabian Symbol for "13Ari" using *Dane Rudhyar's version of the Symbols and quoting:

"An Unexploded Bomb Reveals An Unsuccessful Social Protest"...

Keynote: An immature evaluation of the possibility of transforming suddenly the status quo.

The symbol pictures the result of a particular attempt to resolve the conflict between two concept-feelings of order. Resolution by violence fails because the ego-power at this stage of the process of indivdualization is far too strong.

"The State" thwarts attempts at popular revolution, because these are premature expressions of a consciousness which is not free, but only can react "wildly" to constraint and to a central ruling power. It is thus a symbol of immature refusal to conform, in the name of an over-idealistic desire for harmony and peace.

(This is a stage of) a negative attempt at reconciling the spiritual ideal and the very earthly reality, denying the validity of the latter. It suggests ADOLESCENT FRUSTRATION.#

(Rudyar's quotation marks and caps, my paragraph-splitting for easier reading online.)

The oriental planet (last to rise before the Sun) is Venus - Rx at 3Ari58 in 12th house of behind-the-scenes, the unconscious, large institutions, karmic conditions, and self-undoing. The avaricious lady is going over ground she passed over during the first half of February 2009.

Venus oriental indicates a work situation where items of value are dealt with but with a personal touch; evaluation of one's work is substituted for personal evaluation (which is hard to accept or believe); public figures often are born with Venus oriental where the public persona - the screen image - takes the place of the personal self. (Synthesis and Counseling in Astrology, Dr. Noel Tyl.)

Plus, Venus is near the UK's natal MIDAS 2Ari22, the King who's always busy counting his gold.

Lady Venus is the object or focal planet in two T-square patterns in the chart, and you see them notated, upper right...

Moon-Pluto = Venus: intense feelings.

Moon-MC = Venus: significant relationships are possible.

Moon-Pluto indicates public relations but also an enraged (Pluto) public (Moon.) And Venus is near the UK's natal MIDAS 2Ari22, the King who's always busy counting his gold.

On one level, Venus, lady of our Statue of Liberty made of her favorite metal, copper - represents the US so perhaps a 'significant relationship' points to the US-UK partnership of the golden kind.

Then another T-square is formed by the Summit's Mars-Saturn opposition releasing its difficult energy at US natal ASC...

Mars-Saturn = n ASC: struggling for every step of advancement; obstacles or difficulties caused by other people; the necessity to economize; separation (see US Nodal Half-Return mentioned below); possible health threat; bereavement.

Chart-ruler Mars, busy orchestrating and participating in protests, is in 12th house 14Pis10, a position conjunct Fixed Star Achernar, keywords: crisis (especially relating to water such as flooding, or possibly, water hoses) and
risk of rapid endings (Brady's Book of Fixed Stars.)

Mars is also ruler of the 8th house of Shared Resources, Debt, etc, bwo Scorpio, sign of big business and the underworld. Secret or shadow banking systems would also be under the sway of Scorpio and we see that America's natal ASC '13Sag' is in the 8th house as the Summit's calendar begins.

One thing we always look at is the applying aspects of a chart's ruler, and in this case Mars has two to describe how the G20 Summit will proceed...

1. Mars opposite Saturn 16Vir32 Rx in 6th house (2A22);

Mars opposing Saturn indicates resentment of those in authority, projects being abandoned in frustration, and delay turning into cancellation.

Will protesters (Mars) cause cancellation of authoritarian Saturn's plans for retaining the status quo? Demonstrations against the WTO in Seattle, Washington (1999) caused cancellation! Still, I'm sure the world's 'movers and shakers' have learned a thing or two in the last 10 years, aren't you?

2. Mars trine Moon 7Can45 in 4th house (conj IC) (6A25.)

Mars trine Moon may indicate a less troubled environment with actions well-guided by intuition, and may also show plenty of energy and help available for pursuing one's aims.

Rebellious, progressive, and revolutionary Uranus 23Pis45 is in 12th house as well along with Neptune 25AQ38 (conj - or almost so - US natal Moon, we-the-people. It depends on which US natal chart you prefer); wounded healer Chiron 24AQ33 is there, too, spiritualizing some people's ideals (Neptune.)

Five planets and Chiron in 12th house! So there's a lot going on behind the scenes as one would expect for this well-secured and weighty event.

One more note about the 12th house: the transiting midpoint between Mars and Neptune is triggering the UK's natal Pluto for this Summit. The midpoint concerns power and control issues and I don't want you to miss its implications - and because the UK's natal Sun in Capricorn is at MC, and natal Moon in Cancer is in the 4th house with the Summit being held in London:

Mars-Neptune = n Pluto: selfish pursuit of one's objectives; brutality; dissolution; possibly death.

And the UK's natal Sun 10Cap11 forms a picture with the Summit's Pluto 3Cap18 and its MC, a picture which is particularly enlightening given the circumstances...

n Sun-Pluto = MC: power games with important consequences; striving for power and control; leadership qualities; physical or violent interference with emotional consequences; consciousness of purpose; vocational crises and change to adopt new perspectives.

(UK's natal placements are highlighted in reddish orange, lower left of the chart. Natal ASC 7Lib10; MC 9Can20, taken from UK's national chart of Jan 1, 1801; 00:00 am LMT, London; Full Moon phase.)

Moneybags Jupiter 19AQ20 is conj 11th cusp of Groups, Associations, Friends, Hopes & Wishes...Jupiter in 11th house but still very much affecting the 12th house. Transiting Jupiter applies to conjunction with Chiron (5A13) and conj with Neptune (6A18) with the first of three Jup-Nep conjs coming May 27.

2009 is a Jupiter-Neptune (speculations; spendthrifts; grand plans; expanded spirituality) year, and fraud is on every one's minds if not their list of things to do.

North Node 6AQ55 in 11th house tells a story since this economic Summit marks America's Nodal Half-Return. We may expect strong associations and relationships to emerge stronger (assuming the US has any left!) while others fall by the wayside of disagreement.

This is also the time when the US must lean toward Aquarian ideals of equality and stop depending on her accustomed Leonine pride and her an assumed 'divine right' to always be top dog.

So perhaps the US dollar will see its downfall at 2009's
G20 Summit although propaganda (Moon-Pluto) will be used to kick down the road whatever can the power elite want kicked - powerful, secretive Pluto at Midheaven, the Aspiration Point of the chart, and Moon (the public) at Foundation Point, aka The Drain. Well, I'm certainly feeling drained, aren't you?

So! Plutocrats will still be stomping on and lording it over the common man and woman as the G20 meet in secret conference, and oaths of secrecy may be sworn. Public relations will be used to gloss over the negative.

And what of Mercury 14Ari50?

Ah, yes, Mercury is now opposing US natal Saturn in Libra, a period of time when US views, ideas, opinions, and positions are diametrically opposed by others.

In fact, American attendees at the G20, including Pres. Obama, may depend on other attendees not saying what we want to hear - bad news may be announced, and any organization or structures we have carefully built are squashed, perhaps flat as flitters.

This transit indicates dissent against US authority (which also applies to the protesters on the streets) so being as philosophical as possible is the only way to deal.

And if there is a fortunate factor in the entire situation, it's that we now have a president with a philosophical turn of mind, and one who can put more than two understandable words together to express it.

*An Astrological Mandala, Dane Rudhyar.
Midpoint pictures: Tyl and Ebertin.

Mar 28, 2009

Krugman and the too-small economic plan

Update 8:46 pm edt: seems Paul Krugman is fulfilling a useful role on behalf of the left and if economic and political improvements ensue, we can say, well played!

Plus, astrologers will notice references to 'ice breaking' and the old vs new order such as the ongoing Saturn (old) - Uranus (new) opposition has brought into everyone's lives. Saturn and Uranus began their present cycle in 1988 so it's 1988 to 2008...20 years from inception to culmination with those who prefer the status quo of Saturn (banking system) clinging to it for all it's worth...which may be nothing, as it turns out.

And which side is the president on? Paul Krugman is accusing him of being too status quo - and Mr. Obama does have Saturn Rx in its own sign of staid Capricorn.

Let's hope BHO's progress-loving Aquarian Jupiter pulls him forward in the monetary department so the weasels of Wall Street and in the musty dusty banking houses can be put out to pasture. They're way too anti-society for me!

Original post begins here:

Today I've been catching up with Paul Krugman's blog entries and wondering if he's been correct all along - Pres. Obama's economic plan in its current form is too small to be effective as more job loss woes plague us into 2010.

Actually my intuition on the subject agreed with Dr. Krugman from the start and I do wish the party-serving critics of Obama and the Democrats would hush up their pie holes and let America heal her wounds, many of which were inflicted or enabled by politicians such as themselves.

And in case you missed it, here's a video of the presentation Dr. Krugman gave to the World Affairs Council of Oregon on The Global Economy, given Jan 29, 2009, with audience questions following.

The video is 1 hour 34 minutes long with questions beginning at the last 30 minute mark.

Astrology of Mar 27 - 29, 2009 with Asteroids!

Astrologer Julie Demboski has done it again showing how the Big Picture informs the Little Picture of life on Earth!

Beginning Friday (3.27.09) and running through the weekend, she provides the astrological details on the love and power vibes permeating the air right now.

This weekend's energies have been distilled to their essences for you - and I love the way Julie includes the major asteroids (Juno, Ceres, Pallas, and Vesta) to help fill out the As Above, So Below picture for us mortals!

Mar 27, 2009

Rush and the GOP: Blaming Obama

From Rush Limbaugh to Republicans on Capitol Hill, they're falling all over themselves in a mad race to blame Pres. Obama for the current 'recession.'

And the worse their media lapdogs can make the economy sound, the more traction they think they're gaining against Democrats and a White House now placed in Dem paws.

Plus, the old 'divide and conquer' tactic keeps we-the-people at one another's throats, so they hope - and less attentive to their pocket-lining and other sins.

As Joe Conason points out, facts are inconvenient for propaganda and the cardboard cut-out of their idol Ronald Reagan doesn't stand up well in the light of economic reality as the Blame-Carter-Clinton-Obama ploy proceeds apace.

Of course it's all propaganda to you and me - the fantasy that the financial meltdown was 'unforeseeable' and the fact that it's a script that Washington has used before would be laughable if it weren't ruining our children's futures, our nation, and the rest of the world with it.

But that's their one-world-government aims peeking through and saying Gotcha, m'peops!

Yet a few people warned Washington and Wall Street years ago (they didn't really need warning, they were busy creating massive wealth from thin air) about the fancy financial 'instruments' undermining the entire capitalist system.

Well, if you missed this week's Fresh Air interview with former derivatives trader Frank Partnoy, author of FIASCO (a new edition now published), check out the text or audio concerning Derivatives Dangers.

And here's a smidge of Astrology info on Mr. Limbaugh, written during the days of his oxycontin fiasco which turned out quite dandily for the Unsexiest Man Alive...a well-deserved award, imho.

Besides, if you'd done all the druggie stuff he did, I'd still be sending care packages to your cell, now wouldn't I?

Mar 26, 2009

Robert Reich on Politics and the Top Tier

"During the last few years, politics has worked perversely: taxes on the wealthy have been cut, and so have programs directed at the poor. The reason isn't difficult to explain. Many Americans -- especially those who have been losing ground have given up on politics. As their incomes have shrunk,they've lost confidence that the "system" will work in their interest. That cynicism has generated a self-fulfilling prophecy. Politicians stop paying attention to people who don't vote, who don't work the phone banks or walk the precincts, who have opted out. And the political inattention seems to justify the cynicism.

Meanwhile, the top tier has experienced precisely the opposite -- a virtuous cycle in which campaign contributions have attracted the rapt attention of politicians, the attention has elicited even more money, which in turn has given the top tier even greater influence." Robert Reich - Former Secretary of Labor


The following is a small astrological snapshot of Mr. Reich:

Robert Reich (see his blog feed in sidebar) was born June 24, 1946, Scanton, PA - 12 days before George Bush. Therefore, he has the same Uranus-North Node conjunction in Gemini, the 'political reformers' pair (Ebertin.)

His natal Moon (reigning need) is in Aries or as late as 7Tau14 if born at midnight, with Sun in very early Cancer (conj US natal Venus.)

In politics, the emotionally volatile Moon in fiery Aries may say, 'I AM the people,' while Moon in Earthy Taurus is more laid back with an emotional need for financial security in order to feel emotional well-being (Bill Clinton has natal Moon in Taurus, one of the money signs.)

Since emotions are more stable in Taurus than in Aries, and because Reich works with finances, I vote for Sun Cancer-Moon Taurus for Mr. Reich's natal Sun-Moon personality blend.

The Images for Integration for the Can-Tau business and money oriented combo of shrewd perceptions are:

'A family photo album...A painter captures the taste and smell of a landscape...A flourishing family business.' (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Chas & Suzi Harvey.)

His closest applying aspect to natal Sun is a sextile (60 degr) to Mars which gives him a talent for purposeful action and a tendency toward micro-managing which may cause conflict. Yet he can surprise people with the swiftness and directness of his responses and I appreciate seeing him do this on TV's Sunday political shows.

I only wish he had time to update his blog more frequently!

Mar 25, 2009

Sleuthing into Dec 21, 2012 and the Shift

Well, I hemmed and hawed about posting this disturbing audio presentation of scientific findings relating to polar ice caps, Sunspot Cycle 24, the earth's already-changing magnetic pole measurements, ocean liners reporting larger tidal waves, and the mysterious 2012.

As you know, December 21, 2012 is the end date of the Mayan Calendar which some say marks the magnetic pole shift when north becomes south, east becomes west and all that cataclysmic jazz.

So if you're a nervous type you may wish to give this video (audio) a pass.

But since I returned today to reading Patrick Geryl's
The World Cataclysm in 2012 during a work break, I moseyed home and did a search on YouTube - and you see above the result of my nosy sleuthing.

Geryl's book is full of math demonstrating how he broke the Dresden Code and others, informs on Sunspot Cycle theory (on which modern scientists seem to be behind the ancients), and gives much info on Venus, the main culprit in the 2012 mystery. She's caused this sort of trouble before, you see, in eras past, and apparently her synodic cycle gives her the right.

Geryl gives Herodotus' description of The Labyrinth, too, so if you're interested in Atlantis, this book is for you.

(Speaking of labyrinths, did you know the entire 30 degrees of Capricorn is a labyrinth? Not sure where I heard that, but not from Geryl's book.)

Then synchronistically I ran across a new book on the subject of 2012 whilst visiting Amazon dot com this evening, one promoting hope over despair and written by Gregg Braden who has the technical background to write such a book on scientific subjects.

It's called Fractal Time: The Secret of 2012 and a New World Age and was published a week ago on March 17, 2009.

Perhaps Braden's book doesn't mention the role of Venus in 2012's coming melee (of whatever sort it may be - an imposed New World Order politically and economically or a physical pole shift causing the Sun to rise in the west, set in the east...a pole shift would make the NWO moot!) But considering the effects a pole shift could bring - worsening storms, flooding, major freezes, searing heat, etc - his book is more positive than any other with its 'crisis as opportunity' theme.

And being fresh off the press (as yet in Hardcover - my overflowing bookshelves tend to wait for paperback versions), Braden's take on a weighty, disturbing subject like 2012 may be just what the concerned New Ager ordered!


A big shout-out of thanks to bacalove who clued me into David Wilcock's work on 2012, polar shifting, political synchronicities, and much more...check out this page on earth and space changes from his website.

(I am not recommending his reincarnation info, however. Sorry, but that I simply cannot do as a Saturnian astrologer - and one Edgar Cayce was gracious plenty! Yet i do agree with Cayce that drinking milk in coffee is a very very bad combination for your tum tum.)

Hooray! Here's a second shout-out of thanks to Sherri D. for mentioning a book on the subject: The Mystery of 2012: Predictions, Prophecies, and Possibilities, a collection of essays from the world's greatest thinkers and futurists including Gregg Braden. Sherri highly recommends it!

Pres Obama's presser 3.24.09: full text link

Here's the full text of last evening's press conference, the second of Pres. Obama's presidency, which mostly concerned our economic issues.

Twitterers seemed to have gotten their feathers ruffled about 35 minutes in when CNN's Ed Henry asked why the president didn't express outrage over AIG bonus payments sooner than he did - why did he wait several days?

"Because I like to know what I'm talking about before I speak," says his nibs with a so-called 'icy stare.'

Sounds reasonable and mature to me, something Washington has become unaccustomed to in recent years. Yet I do think phony outrage was the order of the day relating to the AIG bonuses and that having 'who knew what when' become a huge and diverting story was Washington's main political problem with it.

No one likes to be blamed, especially when your re-election to a cushy pocket-lining job may depend upon it.

False outrage to fuel criticism of your opponent - how very tiresome (and predictable. If we-the-people get truth out of Washington, it's because it accidentally escapes at moments when someone's guard is down. Then everyone goes into 'damage control' mode....also tiresome.)

Astrologically, I see nothing unusual at 8:35 pm last evening to account for the question or the 'icy stare' although nebulous Neptune 26AQ moved from 5th house into 4th house appr one minute earlier. Neptune is one significator for mass media - and deception.

Most of the questions seemed to be set-ups to me - well-rehearsed, for the most part, so that the president could say what he wanted to say, and I'd have been just as happy, if not happier, if he'd simply spoken for the hour rather than for the 7 minutes of his opening statement.

When Pres. Obama ended the presser (8:57 pm edt), America's natal Pluto '28Cap' was at IC, the Foundation, or HOW? Point of the chart which aims directly at the transiting midpoint of Pluto-Chiron, the pair of plutocracy, now conjunct US natal Pluto - Pluto of power and vast riches fame.

And the Sabian Symbol for '28Cap'? "A Large Aviary"! Tweet tweet!!