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Oct 1, 2010

Green comet's close encounter w Earth Oct 20, 2010

Time to look up! And NASA is sending Deep Impact for a closer peek...

Space Weather News for Oct 1, 2010

APPROACHING COMET: Green comet 103P/Hartley 2 is approaching Earth for a close encounter on Oct 20th.

At that time, the comet will be only 11 million miles (0.12 AU) from our planet and should be dimly visible to the naked eye from dark sky sites. It already looks great through backyard telescopes, as shown by images featured on today's edition of SpaceWeather News.

NASA's Deep Impact/EPOXI spacecraft is en route to this comet for close-up studies and a daring flyby on Nov 4th.

UPSIDE-DOWN LIGHTNING OVER THE KENNEDY SPACE CENTER: An amateur photographer has photographed rare lightning-like discharges called "gigantic jets" shooting up from storm clouds near NASA's Kennedy Space Center. Visit for a movie and more information about the phenomenon.

SPACE WEATHER ALERTS: With the coming of northern autumn, aurora season is underway. Would you like a call when geomagnetic storms erupt at your latitude? Sign up for Space Weather Phone! #

Comet Skies, a cosmic art drawing by Jude Cowell.

Obama plugs Jon Stewart's Rally to Restore Sanity (video)

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
BBQ & A<a>
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical HumorRally to Restore Sanity

Check out Jon's report, if you missed it, because his optimistic Rally's title was changed by President Obama while he was speaking to some American school kids, says the erstwhile Sagittarian comedian and social commentator, Mr. Stewart.

Sep 30, 2010

March on Washington 10.2.10 w/ Sagittarius rising

Rally Update Saturday Oct 2, 2010; original post begins here:

One Nation Working Together plans a March on Washington on Saturday, October 2, 2010 to Demand the Changes We Voted For.

Beginning at 12:00 noon edt at the Lincoln Memorial (quite a busy location of late), the disgruntled event continues until 4:00 pm. You'll find there are local events to participant in if you wish to click the link above. People who voted for Barack Obama in 2008 are feeling that their confidence may have been misplaced and their generosity bestowed where it didn't belong.

During the 2008 campaign, I blogged ad nauseum that Mr. Obama's natal Mars upon US natal Neptune (the 'rock star' connection) would keep the American public from seeing him as he really was, from discerning his true motivations because the action, energy, and desires of his natal Mars are veiled by our national Neptune. This worked great for putting one over and getting elected but the honeymoon period ended months ago as more US jobs and homes are being lost with transit Neptune and wounding Chiron still sitting upon US natal Moon (the people) and bringing us loss, fraud, deception, confusion, gas leaks, rig blowouts, and flooding.

The time for platitudes, slogans, and cliches has ended.

With 7Sag26 rising (and bringing up US natal ASC 12Sag) at noon Oct 2, 2010 at the Lincoln Memorial (38N53:22 77W03:02), Jupiter 26Pis55 Rx is chart-ruler but makes no applying aspects (except to Ic 23Pis42.) Of course, tr Uranus 28Pis10 Rx is in tow and opposes the March on Washington's Mercury 28Vir18, planet of speeches, oration, and reporters. This makes Jupiter's sign and house placement (4th) prominent yet any improvements which may acrue from the March will be delayed (chart-ruler retrograde.)

Jupiter's ongoing team-up with progressive Uranus is at the base of October 2's March with the duo's 'new ideas' and 'lucky breaks' flavor. Yet we've been suffering from an abundance of fraudulent schemes and deceptions from the Jupiter opposing US natal Neptune transit - in tandem with tr Neptune to US natal Moon in Aquarius.

There are 'plants' in the crowd (Eros, the piercing, conjunct Venus 12Sco38 and Mars 12Sco01) with agents masquerading as marchers - beware. Sun 9Lib21 (the leader) conjoins Fixed Star Vindemiatrix (loss of partner - loss of the public?), fresh from a meet-up with restrictive (Democrat) Saturn 7Lib57. The Sun applies to a sesqui-square with the Neptune/Chiron conj, an aspect of dynamic activity, but which represents two entwined squares (blockages; obstacles.) Quite a disjointed relationship between leader (BHO) and we-the-people (Neptune = US natal Moon with Oct 2's Moon 28Can37 inconjunct both = adjustments are needed, and pronto! This chart's 3rd quarter Sun/Moon phase = crisis in consciousness. Oct 2's Moon at noon also opposes US natal Pluto, planet of power and control; together they have a propaganda and publicity vibe.)

At noon, the Midheaven in DC 23Vir42 places US natal Neptune (and thus, Mr. Obama's natal Mars) at the top of the chart, the Aspiration-Goal Point. Neptune also signifies the masses and Virgo is the sign of work. We may extrapolate a descriptive midpoint picture: Mars/Neptune = Mc: discontent; feeling inferior; a lack of energy; hopelessness (faded Hope!); failures; a state of weakness or illness.

That Mr. Obama could gain the Oval Office with the help of Wall Street, play his role in the mummery that was Financial Collapse 2008 and the subsequent bank bailouts to wealthy culprits and robbers, then leave Main Street in the lurch has brought the president a March on Washington to protest what seems like his half-hearted efforts on the people's behalf. Or at best, the president's efforts may help matters in the long-term when it's short-term problems that leave the kids' tummies unfed and the bills unpaid.

What I find difficult to believe is that the intelligent Mr. Obama couldn't have seen our disaffection coming from the beginning since he knew the power elite script ahead of time! Is he himself left in the lurch now - in the middle - by those who pull the strings? Was a Democrat installed in the White House as a salve to the people's Bush-ruffled feathers while the over-arching agenda of the one-world-government types awaits fuller implementation by the next president, a Republican? Are US presidents only bull-horning cheerleaders - mouthpieces - who tout the power-behind-the-throne's platform of chaos meant to lead to totalitarianism?

(Next thing we know, the old ploy of monarchs starting a war to divert their unhappy subjects may play out once again before our eyes: that's the tactic Bush-Cheney used after their disputed installation into the White House by SCOTUS! The terms "illegitimate presidency" and "usurpers" were on many people's lips in 2001 - until the attacks of 9/11 and the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq squelched them.)

As you know, Pluto 2Cap53 (about to conjoin tr North Node on Nov 9, 2010 with the Moon 3Cap36 @ 3:13 pm est, DC) has been focal planet of some difficult midpoint pictures of late even though the Cardinal T-Squares and Cross have separated. Now I won't type those pictures again but do want to mention a particular T-Square in play for October 2, 2010...the Mercury/Uranus pair indicates 'riots or rebellions which occur because info about goals are not well explained or defined' (Munkasey)...

Mercury/Uranus = Pluto: attracting sudden reverses or complications in life; a hasty realization of plans; over-strained or over-stimulated nerves; tremendous power for work, action, leadership; getting the biggest job done in a commanding way. (Ebertin; Tyl.)

And I don't mean to imply that a simple matter of 'miscommunication' is President Obama's problem here - I lean toward a belief that if he did divulge the truth of the larger global plan and the true condition of things, Washington would have mega- thousands of people marching upon it...enough to shut down The Swamp and start all over again. Plus, he has to follow the NWO's false-reality script or his presidency is aborted, and the pitchforks come out en masse. But that's me. Feel free to disagree.

So at noon on Saturday, there are two midpoints rising as the event gets underway; one is Venus/Pluto = 'extremes of wealth hidden in secret places' and 'attracting elements of organized crime'...

Venus/Pluto = ASC: meeting with those who delight in hearing about ghastly facts; creating a false sense of glamour; a fascinating personality wielding a great influence on others.

And the Mars/Pluto pair = 'a police state with rigid controls; chaos; suppression; clandestine operations'...

Mars/Pluto = ASC: showing the hero's image; aggression; a fighter who dares the impossible; daring and audacity; a coercive, intimidating demeanor; concentrating on whatever means of control you have in order to achieve your ends.

If riots or violence break out, I pre-call it as fomentation by provocative agents!

October 2, 2010's March on Washington begins during a Mercury Hour, good for mercurial concerns such as speeches, agreements, changes, and marching. It is scheduled to end at 4:00 pm edt during a Mars Hour so energy will be high (but under surveillance with Mars in secretive Scorpio, sign of spies; there may be lady spies, too, with Venus in Scorpio.) A Mercury Hour to a Mars Hour tally well with the March's slogans: "Demand the Changes We Voted For" and "One Nation Working Together."

Yes, 'One Nation Working Together' is just what Washington politicians fear! That's what the 'Ds vs Rs' and 'libs vs cons' claptrap are meant to prevent, so kudos to the marchers!

Yet we know that political slogans no longer suffice within the growing gap between rich and poor in America, so let's hope that Congress also gets the message along with President Obama: that their stalling tactics and political power games are old hat, a tiresome cliche that we-the-people, the most powerful force in the nation, are not going to wear anymore.

Sep 29, 2010

Glenn Beck shouts out 'global elites' (video)

Glenn Beck, as a national media figure, has never been consistent. While he has been seen on TV supporting big government bailouts, new taxes and unlimited war under the dubious banner of “conservative,” Beck has also made a name as a Libertarian of sorts, and now as a tax-revolting Patriot leader within the Tea Party.

But what Glenn Beck has never done, until now, is come so close to telling the truth. In recent episodes, as on September 22, Beck has highlighted the agenda of “global elites,” while digging up valid information on some very serious advocates of World Government, like Col. Edward Mandell House, the foreign affairs advisor to Woodrow Wilson who helped found the Federal Reserve and the Council on Foreign Relations. In the same episode, Glenn Beck exposed Eugenics as an American experiment that morphed into the Nazi Holocaust and linked Cass Sunstein with his intellectual ancestor, Edward Bernays, who refined the art of propaganda to facilitate covert social engineering and control. #

Check out the video from the Alex Jones Show:

Excerpt and video compliments of


Born on February 10, 1964 in Mount Vernon, Washington, Glenn Beck has the powerful, revolutionary Uranus/Pluto conjunction in Virgo in his natal chart which rebelliously opposes Chiron in Pisces. A Sun-Mars-Saturn conjunction in Aquarius adds strength toward goals, and though no birth time is known by this reluctant astrologer, there are a few details to be gleaned from a Noon chart which do not depend upon a specific time of birth.

Two midpoint pictures pop out (any, all, or none may apply):

Sun/Saturn = Mars: seclusion; abrupt, abrasive mannerisms within a stern demeanor; rigidity causes fights; an ability to endure in competitive activities; a desire to be in charge.

Neptune/NN = Pluto: exercising a bad influence upon the associations of other people; willingness to use strong destructive forces to protect ones privacy and isolation; increased needs to isolate oneself from societal influences; suffering depressions silently and alone. (Munkasey; Ebertin.)

Born into the 1 South Series of Solar Eclipses, Mr. Beck is concerned with ideas and their enthusiastic expression for he is flooded with new ideas and options. This Series holds an element of haste and of positive outcomes; it last manifested on Feb 5, 2000 - 5 days prior to his 36th birthday which must have been a fortunate year for him for it was a Jupiter Return year, too.) (Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

An interesting aspect was in force on Feb 10, 1964, a quindecile between Saturn and Uranus, the status quo vs progress duo which were in opposition in November 2008 during the presidential election of Barack Obama.

Saturn QD Uranus in a natal chart shows one who can disrupt governing systems because of being driven toward breaking old, outdated concepts by way of innovative ideas. There's a defiance of law and order vibe to this QD (165 degrees = obsession-compulsion) for this rule-breaking broadcaster. (The Quindecile, Ricki Reeves.)

Beck's Sun AQ-Moon Cap is an unemotional Air-Earth blend indicating a no-frills approach to social life which makes him a bit of an uptight and aloof spartan; there can be a shrewd honesty as well, and a rational attitude that likes to take calculated risks.

Images for Integration: A revolutionary is elected president...An alien comes to Earth to rescue man from imminent destruction. (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey.)

So how do you see Glenn Beck? As a revolutionary president (or one who helps elect one)...or an alien come to rescue Earth? ;p

Sep 28, 2010

US natal Sun Cancer-Moon Aquarius and Jupiter

Most natal horoscopes for America use July 4, 1776 as our nation's birth date, the day the Declaration of Independence was unveiled to the people, and which shows the United States to be a misty, ethereal, creative Sun Cancer-Moon Aquarius blend of energies. This Water-Air combination describes the synergy between leadership (Sun) and the people (Moon) and may be worthy of a brief investigation.

This is a 'thinking vs feeling' blend with a decided past and future vibe. Humanitarianism is indicated with its concern for the public welfare, and the generous spirit of this combo supports Jupiter as our probable US natal chart-ruler (Sagittarius rising.)

Sun Can-Moon AQ is a lover of symbols which relates well to our national personality as a people, but also to the mysterious symbols our leaders have placed through the years on US coins and paper money, our flag, the Great Seal's obverse and reverse sides, etc. In fact, the Great Seal's eye in the triangle and pyramid are opposites representing the transformation process which results in a whole and creates something new: "whole-brain knowing." (Founding Fathers, Secret Societies, Robert Hieronimus.)

This relates to a new paradigm, a phrase we've heard often lately. However, this topic goes a little beyond the scope of a brief post so let's mosey back to the visionary combo of Sun Can-Moon AQ.

Typically the American people act as cautious, self-protective, old-fashioned 'crabs' with a highly romanticized view of our nation's past; yet often we are (and are seen to be) focused on futuristic plans and trends with a quirky need for space, movement, independence, and freedom. We're quite a mish-mash of thinkers and feelers which I suspect the elite ruling class realized long ago with their 'liberal vs conservative' tactics to keep us divided and conquered.

(In my universe, thinkers are allowed to feel and feelers are allowed to think whenever necessary!)

When our conscious Sun traits of Cancer are melded into our unconscious Aquarian Moon traits, we can be friends to the world with an advantageous flair for traditional progressivism. This is what I suspect most Americans are and prefer to be, for we see things as working best that way, even as politics' divisive 'either/or' requirements and propagandistic slogans busy themselves with gumming up the efficient working of our society. Unfortunately for the good of our nation, most Capitol Hill Republicans and Democrats purposefully lost that thread decades ago and have no intention of gaining it back.

With Sun Cancer-Moon AQ, the typical clannishness of Cancer is universalized by the Aquarian Moon so that broad social issues are always on our country's agenda. Family is paramount with us, yet our friends and colleagues tend to be treated as 'family', too. So personal warmth combines with abstract thought and is communicated to the world with aplomb and conviction. The sign Cancer is shrewd in business, yet we prefer to match our sentiments with actions for the benefit of all.

A weakness of the Can-AQ blend is a tendency to 'mother the world' and take on too many burdens at once. We have only to look at our government's meddling and misadventures in foreign countries to see where this tendency has led us (an empty treasury being one of its dire results.)

Sun Can-Moon AQ's Images for Integration: A mother and child skip down the street, arm in arm, to attend the Vision for World Peace charity fete at the park...The world as family...A science museum inside a restored medieval castle...Carl Orff's Carmina Burana. (Sun Sign, Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey.)

Note that Carmina Burana relates to the turning Wheel of Fortune, a perfect symbol for a nation with Jupiter as chart-ruler and our traditional focus on the acquisition of wealth and the happiness that supposedly comes with it.

Sep 27, 2010

Ahmadinejad's '9/11' UN speech (video)

Sometimes even the devil speaks the truth. But does Ahmadinejad?

US being molded into a police state

Well, we're back from our weekend in Atlanta and the excellent Dali exhibition at the High Museum of Art. So what do I find as I return to politics and the blogosphere?

It's official: America is a police state, says Dr. Paul Craig Roberts with whom I heartily agree for I believe that the attacks of 9/11/01 have been a signpost along the way.

Look at the engineered Financial Crisis 2008: bankruptcy rates have greatly increased ever since with more home foreclosures lining up in the wings. And what is the Sabian Symbol for the Moon (the people) on the morning of 9/11/01?

'28 Gemini' = "BANKRUPTCY" with the astrological Moon describing a reigning need.

How much clearer could it be that these events are part of an over-arching process to weaken this nation financially and socially and cause we-the-people to plead for a new world order (aka, one-world-government) to 'rescue' us? Some rescue!

The current move to include 'home grown terrorism' on the US government's target and enforcement lists is part of the process toward totalitarianism and world government. Alas, some of us expected and dreaded it when neocon Zionist warhawks usurped the White House in December 2000 (not that Al Gore isn't one of the social engineers, too - perhaps a member of a different faction than Cheney and his ilk.)

And the government proceeds as if everyone trusts that terrorist acts are committed by culprits identified by the US government! Bosh!

So now in 2010, America's becoming a police state should be no surprise to anyone. Our resources have been, after all, used for decades to fund an international police force for the entire world with hundreds of global US military bases at-the-ready.

Besides, you weren't going to use that Social Security check, were you?

Sep 23, 2010

The true US poverty rate being disguised

As it turns out, the US Census Bureau, official counter of poverty stricken Americans everywwhere, uses an outdated method to determine poverty rates which dates back to 1955!

Well, that's one of the many good ways to skew the numbers - use criteria from 55 years ago for 2010 issues. As if anyone with eyes, ears, and a brain couldn't tell. The US government fudges numbers - doh!

Did you know that in the 1930s, a congressman filed a lawsuit against the Secretary of the Treasury and the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve Banks for fraud and treason, among other crimes? I believe the lawsuit still stands. He called them "predatory lenders".

Refreshing to think that there are some folk with enough moral courage to step up and call out a gaggle of crooks when they find one, isn't it?


Here's something on the Secondary Progressions of the Republican Party which reached its Sec Full Moon phase since 2005 when its light/power 'peaked'. Perhaps this culminating progressed phase describes a backround symptom of the party's split shown by the rise of the Tea Party. And their touted-in-time-for-midterms 'Pledge to America' announced this week is laughable!

Blog Note: we're off for the weekend at Stars Over Washington and headed to Atlanta to browse the Salvadore Dali exhibition at the High Museum of Art. See you soon, jc

Are you waffling on Net Neutrality?

Much waffling may be going on along with many back door dealings, but don't let the waffling be yours! Join Save the Internet and speak up for protecting democracy across the internet and the at-will surfing you depend upon.

Gerald Celente on the Gary Null Show (video)

Video: Gerald Celente speaking on September 20, 2010.

Yes, I'd say that as Bush and Cheney left town, they and Hank Paulson cleaned out the US Treasury quite well but apparently a few farthings were left behind for President Obama to use as chump change, with massive borrowing from China and elswhere continuing apace.

But you know me: they're all in this together and it's ruling class vs we-the-people. Besides, 'bad apples' aren't always found near the bottom of the barrel, you know. Sometimes they ferment on the top of the lot which ruins the rest of us.