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Jul 4, 2011

USA: the Blessings of Saturn in Libra 7.4.11

Happy 235th birthday, America!

America was founded with planet Saturn exalted in Libra, and Julie Demboski's post for today concerns authority and perspectives, Celebrating and Reacting, with asteroid Ceres' activity reminding us of our nurturing and security needs on this, Independence Day 2011.

Using the degree-for-a-year method, 235 years converts to 235 degrees (2011 - 1776) which then tallies on the zodiacal wheel to: 235 - 210 (Libra) = 25 Scorpio, making 2011 America's '25 Scorpio year' of existence upon the evolutionary scale of life on Earth.

Dane Rudhyar gives '25Sco' as "An X-Ray Photograph"...STRUCTURAL KNOWLEDGE...

"Keynote: The capacity to acquire a knowledge of the structural factors of existence."

Everything about this degree mentions various levels of Saturn's form, function, control, systemic, and structural influences. Ex: "Thus if the structure is weak, deformed by persistent strain, or unbalanced, the basic causes of outer disturbances and dis-ease can be discovered.' (DR.)

Basic causes of our dis-ease discovered! Well, that would make a fabulous birthday gift for our creaky 235-year-old nation, wouldn't it? Perhaps the July 1, 2011 Solar Eclipse @9Can12 (between US n Sun and Jupiter) will highlight such discoveries and allow them to be addressed!

In The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Marc Edmund Jones adds for '25Sco': INVESTIGATION...

positive expression: 'an exceptional power of analysis';

negative/unconscious/shadow side: 'uncritical oversensitiveness to both the condition of self and the state of society'. (My italics, my 'unconscious/shadow side' added.)

Ah yes, the 'state of society'...Saturn, the state, in partnership with Jupiter = the societal planets, the balance between contraction (Saturn) and the expansion of Jupiter, the yin-yang, positive-negative, black-white, up-down dualism of our Universe.

And America was founded with both the societal planets exalted in their signs: Jupiter in home-loving yet business-savvy Cancer, Saturn in Scales-of-Balance Libra, sign of Relationships, ruled by The Attractor, Venus.

As expansion-contraction issues are discussed on Capitol Hill, it is important as well to consider the Jupiter-Saturn phasal relationship in America's natal horoscope. After all, their cycle of contraction-expansion relates closely to financial cycles - and last week the NYSE broke a two-year record for giddiness.

US natal Jupiter 98 degr 52 mins n Saturn, so they're almost 99 degrees apart and square one another by sign. A square (90 degr) aspect denotes frustration, delay, blockage, and obstacles, and a Cancer-Libra square shows a basic structural problem which can cause financial and business reversals if ill-managed. And I might add 'if dishonorably managed' since both Saturn and Jupiter prefer to reward according to our level of upstanding, righteous behavior.

The thing about a square (or 'squarish') relationship between the societal planets is that judgments concerning long-term planning may be faulty especially in the realm of Finances. Plus, there are problems caused by bad timing. Famously, the Sabian Symbol for US natal Jupiter ('6Can') from 1776 is: "Game Birds Feathering Their Nests"! And as I always quickly mention: they still do.

Most of them have become experts at pocket-lining, in fact.

Recently the phasal relationship between tr Jupiter and Saturn has clocked in around 150 degr off and on, a quincunx, or inconjunct aspect of disjunction and adjustment (Rs v Ds: in American Mundane Astrology, Saturn = Democrats, Jupiter = Republicans though naturally each party exhibits traits belonging to both planets.)

Jupiter inconj Saturn shows difficulty with justifying why we feel burdened by responsibilities as past incidents where duty was avoided come home to roost. There are few options or choices, and further disturbance is felt through not knowing how long the condition will last. Bitter resentment results but it's really a disguised self-disgust for allowing others to use and abuse us.

Step Back!

Because honest, objective perspectives are required along with the aid of trusted advisers...if we can, at this momentous time, find any of those critters that politicians will listen to. Personally I believe that America's true worth is unquantifiable...even without retaining our previous financial dominance in the world!

Now it's Independence Day 2011, and we-the-people remain almost wholly unimpressed with the US government and its Congress grumpily meeting tomorrow (Tuesday July 5, 2011) as the Senate forgoes its July 4th vacation to 'debate' the US debt ceiling question, with August 2 still the much-touted 'deadline' for raising it so as not to splash egg upon the face of our deeply indebted, yet still-rich nation. It has become clear that current Republicans are determined to undermine to the point of collapse FDR's New Deal programs thereby taking the US back to the 1920s and 30s - before my time and I have no desire for the US to revisit those decades, do you?

So does America's weakened budgetary condition provide fodder for our 'faulty judgments in long-term planning' canon of neglectful, non-regulating congressional actions taken in timely or belated fashion?

President Obama has mentioned 'July 22' as a date for Congress to take action on economic matters (do your homework early - ya know ya gotta do it!) Well, August 2 falls between our US Mars Return (July 21, 2011, a 2-year cycle of new activity) and the 3rd of 3 returns of Saturn to his natal position in 1776 @14Lib48 on August 28, 2011, thus the universal cosmic clock 'starts over' for our natal Mars and Saturn.

Mars Trine Saturn to the Rescue?

Happily, America's natal Mars ('22Gem') and Saturn are trine (talent; good fortune) by Air signs Gemini and Libra so therein lurks my grand hope (Jupiter) that the regular responsibilities, accounts, and natural authority of our exalted Saturn in Libra will take the lead as Saturnian 'lawmakers' rise to the occasion and place their sworn duty above certain economy-crashing, chaotic ideologies of Utopianism in spite of Uranus now transiting Mars-ruled *Aries, an historical signature of Utopian radicalism!

Saturnian Devil in the Details

And of course, whenever tr Pluto traverses the structural sign of Capricorn (business, law, government, as it did in 1776 @ 27Cap33 Rx), the global power elite ramp up their concentration of money and power into fewer and fewer select hands (aka, raptor's claws.) The devil is that their Plan leans toward a global financial collapse if carried too far (as they well know), so it must be balanced by more mature, stable, commons-favoring energies which strive for social improvements rather than for a hyped-up inequality on steroids.

Meanwhile in 2011, the income inequality gap is outrageously wide in America and so I ask you on this Independence Day: in whose favor will our ruling plutocrats, the US Senate and House, decide?

If Washington's political-ideological stand-off manages to collapse the US economy, I for one say it was done on purpose and according to a long-term plan whose faultiness seems obvious to most anyone who desires the continuance of America as a sovereign nation-state and as a symbol for the entire planet of Freedom, Independence, and Equality.


Uranus in Aries = Utopians (The Combination of Stellar Influences, Reinhold Ebertin.

Jul 3, 2011

Where Is Leuren Moret? 7.3.11

Geoscience watchdog Leuren Moret always reports in depth and with minute detail even if or when compared to other researchers and cyber-sleuths into governmental, official, and globalist hanky panky.

This evening I find that a Comment has been left here @ SO'W asking,

Where is Leuren Moret? Given her 'independent scientist' status and the criminal acts being perpetrated within every institution, we may well ask if she is okay.

'After the first week of June" (2011) seems to be the last sighting of the doctor so I shall keep my antennae revolving in case some word of the scientific whistle blower's whereabouts wafts by upon the wind. Will you as well? Hopefully she is safe, perhaps On Vacation, or in hiding and no one who has read her reports would fail to understand the reason for discretion.

For you, a snippet from the above-linked article which you may think curious:
National Security Memo 200, dated April 24, 1974, and titled “Implications of world wide population growth for U.S. security & overseas interests,” says:

“Dr. Henry Kissinger proposed in his memorandum to the NSC that ‘depopulation should be the highest priority of U.S. foreign policy towards the Third World.’ He quoted reasons of national security, and because (t)he U.S. economy will require large and increasing amounts of minerals from abroad, especially from less-developed countries...Wherever a lessening of population can increase the prospects for such stability, population policy becomes relevant to resources, supplies and to the economic interests of U.S.”

Recently Leuren Moret has become known for her assertions about the Fukushima Japan Nuclear Meltdown. In March 2011, she was interviewed saying that the nuclear catastrophe in Japan 'was no accident'.

And Moret has stated that most of the world's uranium is owned by Jacob Rothschild, of international banking fame.

Then from 2004, you may wish to read a published report with Leuren Moret quoted on the topic of depleted uranium (DU) which the US has spewed all over Iraq and beyond: Washington's secret nuclear war. Guess it's dirty but no secret, right?

As you know, the 'half life' (length of time it takes for a mere half of the atoms to decay) of DU is 4.5 billion years. Guess the globally powerful, syndicated social engineers and 'imagineers' of that bet-on-both-sides (like Eric Cantor against the US dollar) speculation persuasion bethink themselves to have somehow cheated death since their destructive handiwork, for all intents and purposes, never degrades into perpetuity.

Well, I do hope you caught Amy Goodman interviewing Julian Assange in London, UK earlier on Saturday (7.2.11) but if not, it's available to you on video @ Democracy Now!

Maybe the quote noted below applies to much that's going on in our nation and across the globe, circa 2011, and with Independence Day 2011 this Monday, it reminds me of that vague sense of integrity we once imagined ourselves to possess as it was often expressed in the world by US politicians and public officials.

Nowadays, Washington's political, financial, and ideological demons lounge about the Halls of Power so fiercely and finally and do enormous amounts of harm to The Commons that they show themselves to be sorely in need of exorcism every day and twice at night, apparently - and I'm not even Catholic.

Have you read this one before from another era's whistle blower?

"When the President starts lying, he begins to need evidence to back up his lies because in this democracy he is questioned on his statements. It then percolates down through the bureaucracy that you are helping the Boss if you come up with evidence that is supportive of our public position and you are distinctly unhelpful if you commit to paper statements that might leak to the wrong people.

The effect of that is to poison the flow of information to the President himself and to create a situation where a President can be almost, to use a metaphor, psychotically divorced from the realities in which he is acting...."

- Daniel Ellsburg to the US Senate on Foreign Relations, May 13, 1970

That's 41 years ago this past May 13th. And still we learn nothing.

Astro-Peeks at DC Freaks

At noon in DC on May 13, 1970, Sun was in Aries, Moon in Cancer, a Fire-Water blend of steamy energies. It's a self-protective, temperamental, clannish, yet highly artistic combo which is shared natally by poet Robert Frost who thought that,

"Americans are like a rich father who wishes he knew how to give his son the hardships that made him rich."

Don't look now, but since Bush-Cheney Heist 2008, I do believe many Americans have figured out that Corporate America is in process of happily taking care of that wish in the Hardships Department.

Now! Please leave links to articles in a Comment concerning recent news about Leuren Moret if you have any. If possible, I really would like to know that the lady is safe and sound even if she's keeping quiet or gone into hiding for personal safety's sake. For those are the sorts of times in which we live. jc

Jul 1, 2011

Ode to Independence Day 2011 w Uranus in Gemini

Ode to Independence Day 2011

by Jude Cowell

"Perhaps it's time to shut down $17 billion worth of money going for reconstruction projects, when our track record really stinks," Senator Claire McCaskill (D-Missouri) asserted on Thursday.

And if I'd found a visual of the June 30, 2011 hearing already posted in the
C-SPAN Video Library in case you missed appreciating Senator Claire McCaskill's justified performance on the subcommittee (one of many chaired by McCaskill on the topic of waste), the video would be added here but I may have tried too soon.

The formidable lady once again is not hearing the answers she wants and seems to be unimpressed with the unaccountability factor so rampant whenever Pentagon and private contractors toss in their lots with the US Department of Defense, the big-daddy bank roller in our messy Mesopotamian Occupations.

Among those called upon this week to testify as to who's in charge of our financial fiasco overseas, an Oath of Un-Accountability seems to have been taken yet perhaps McCaskill's pointed questioning will cause a majority of the American people to insist that Saturn's lessons of accountability and frugality be honored as August 28, 2011 nears. This date brings orbiting Saturn's return to sign and degree in America's natal chart of July 4, 1776 (14Lib48) and is under girding the current Debt Ceiling 'crisis' on Capitol Hill and the global financial results if the US defaults on her debts for the first time in our nation's history.

Can you imagine that the ones now driving the Washington jalopy of government want that little item of default to appear on their precious political resumes? They're total dolts, if they do.

Electric Uranus, the Brilliant Awakener

As you know, INDEPENDENCE and FREEDOM are words and concepts from the realm of planet Uranus, discovered by William Herschel in 1781 at a time betwixt the American and the French Revolutions, with US natal Uranus @ 8Gemini55 and ruled by Mercury.

(Q: can lower octave Mercury be said to 'rule' a sign of higher octave Uranus' placement? Hmm. Perhaps. As a pair, the combo of tech-savvy Mercury/Uranus = Thesis: business groups formed for purposes of initiating policies; labor coalitions or unions at work; modernization in transportation networks; Antithesis: riots, protests, strikes, or rebellions start due to ambitious goals that are ill-explained or undefined; reforms cause disruptions in transportation systems; use of propaganda in emergency situations. - M. Munkasey.)

Actually, I often think of Uranus as America's 'totem planet' or 'cosmic mascot' due in part to the centuries-long use of such slogans as the iconoclast and reformer inspires (exs: "Give me liberty, or give me death!" - Patrick Henry; our beloved 'freedom documents', etc.)

As in any horoscope, the sign of Uranus describes basic behavior, and we, as a nation and a populace, generally behave as if we're merely a bunch of youth-idolizing, never-grow-old, communicating, sometimes duplicitous, of-two-minds, quick-witted yet superficial Geminis, sign of the Jack of All Trades, and The Trickster. Meanwhile, our Saturn Return demands maturity!

Interestingly, transiting Hermes, aka, the trickster, magician, and alchemist, now sojourns beside traveler Uranus in early Aries! And Ebertin gives Uranus in Aries as, Utopians, which may well describe the sectarians who now force their slight-of-hand ideology upon congressional legislation on Capitol Hill in order to gum up the wheels of government. As you know, neocon Utopians want to drown all government (except for their own brand of anarchy) in a big'ole bath tub.

Uranus brings the chaos!

So this post is meant to be my Ode to Independence Day 2011 and I hope that if you've not yet witnessed or read Senator McCaskill's questions and remarks to certain contractors and others associated with construction projects in Afghanistan, you'll check it out with a sense of the true "Spirit of '76" as we may express it in 2011.

And I'm sending out a prayer for the future of our nation on this Fourth of July, a future without the throttling of life and the thievery of our treasury by the military industrial complex and their in-cahoots operatives and bankers, parasites as they be.

For your convenience, here's an image of the chart...

America's Scorpio Rising horoscope July 4, 1776 2:21 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA

As noted, this chart is useful as a natal horoscope for America (visit Michael O'Reilly's Neptune Cafe for more info - he champions this chart), or as a Spying Agencies horoscope timed by our first postmaster - aka, spymaster - Benjamin Franklin smiling enigmatically upon the US 100-dollar-bill as the Hour is shown upon the face of Independence Hall Clock, Philadelphia, just behind Old Ben, the Uranian genius.

As for the exact time for setting up a Scorpio Rising horoscope, I'd use 2:21, or 2:22, if you wish; however, adding up the digits, '6' was not, as far as I know, considered an auspicious number in the 18th century whereas '5' possesses different vibes all together, then as now. For '5' is in the quintile family of aspects - 72/144 degrees (talent.) The amiable Ben Franklin was an astrologer, Freemason, Rosicrucian, doctor, scientist, inventor, money printer, almanac publisher, and who knows what else, really.)

Plus, my point is that Dr. Franklin organized our early gaggle of scouts and spies into a more cohesive network of surveillance operatives. And my, how their web has grown.

No chart details are given today (for our holiday weekend is here!) But if you wish to read a few brief notes previously published concerning the US Scorpio Rising chart (the above image is shown there as well), then of course you freely may.

You'll find that the post focuses on the hidden square which appears in any version of the US natal chart you choose to use: 256 degrees between Uranus and Neptune, the enlightened ones. This aspect has an unconscious flavor which is why it's "hidden" so at first, some Americans may experience a 'that's not me!' or 'that's not us!" reaction. But if you will, let its implications and assertions sink in especially considering the dire circumstances our society is dealing with for Independence Day 2011 - and considering that it's the citizens of GREECE protesting Saturn's austerity cuts in the streets while we-the-people lounge next to our hamburger grills, freedom fries supposedly on our menus.

Do enlarge the image if you like, by clicking to read a few basic chart details though additional magnification may be necessary.

As a sample, here's one sentence from the Uranus/Neptune aspect's 'hidden square' traits which amounts to good advice and is just in time for our Fourth of July 2011 celebration since it relates to many of the ongoing and upcoming kerfuffles at the top of Washington's one-upsmanship political agenda which so often leaves the American people hanging by a thread:

If freedom is truly important to you, then you must have the courage to fight for it. (Planets in Aspect, R. Pelletier.)

Now with that Uranian message, I wish us all a Happy 235th Birthday, America!
Though foes undermine you at every turn, you remain my only nag in the race.

Yet it's only fair to say that for individuals and for nations, troubles are often self-created - especially when Congress continually neglects its oversight duties - what Senator McCaskill tries to improve upon - while leaders lie us into ill-advised wars begun with Jupiter the General retrograde, a sure signal of a war with a bottomless money pit, and no clear victor left standing.

Now either America is a government of-by-for The People, or she isn't.

The decision as to which one we'll have "going forward" has now plopped upon our national plate like a slice of birthday cake baked by the universal law of karma for everyone must reap what they sow. Even politicians and their chaos-mongering sponsors are not outside natural law as they grandly imagine themselves to be.

So in the Spirit of '76, I'll close with a paraphrase of what progressive broadcaster Thom Hartmann says at the end of each of his shows, and let that 'do':

Democracy begins when you show up...tag, you're it!

Jun 30, 2011

Jon Stewart on the US Debt Ceiling Crisis (video)

Wednesday June 29, 2011: Thank goodness! Someone without an election campaign to finance, The Daily Show's Jon Stewart, deals with the tiresomely political stalemate and one-upsmanship between Ds and Rs concerning the US economy and the August 2nd debt ceiling deadline.

Here in Athens, Georgia I suspect it's proving difficult for some of my aquaintances to take much of it very seriously since in Washington DC the issues are being treated as an opportunity to hold a 3-ring circus and score points against a Democratic White House. And did you hear that Treasure Secretary Timothy Geithner may be stepping down (or absconding) later in the year?

Actually, Secretary Geithner is denying it.

Personally I can't help but feel that if the GOP delights in making Capitol Hill look so completely idiotic and childish to the rest of the world because 'lawmakers' can't leave the golf course and come together long enough do their jobs and raise the debt ceiling without all the ideological crap piled in, then the Rs' campaign to 'make Obama fail' at the expense of all but the topmost tier of Americans is merely par for their cynical, zealous, corporate-worshipping course.

And if they don't shape up soon, may gophers and ferrets purloin every one of their balls.

Jun 29, 2011

US Solar Return 2011's YOD: Pluto/Chiron = Mercury

It's time for the second part of Horoscope: US Solar Return 2011 detailing the factors not yet mentioned. Click to view the chart which may be enlarged for better reading, if you wish; chart details are included in addition to those listed below.

Basic details: US Solar Return July 5, 2011 12:28:09 pm edt Washington DC ASC 2Lib41; MC 3Can03 with US natal Venus; Hour Saturn; Sun 13 Can19 in 10th house; Moon 8Vir59 in 12th H; chart-ruler Venus 1Can51 out-of-bounds at MC.

Planetary Patterns in Effect July 5, 2011 - July 4, 2012

As noted, and highlighted with dotted lines, there is a YOD pattern (Finger of God denoting a special task, crossroads, turning point, or crisis) with a Pluto/Chiron sextile at its base and pointing toward Mercury 5Leo35, just barely entered into 10th house of Public Status.

Communicating, trading Mercury as apex (focal) planet in a YOD configuration indicates those who appear to be out of tune with their environment, mental loose ends flapping about, and describes those who have difficulty expressing themselves directly.

Mercury's condition here is similar to Mercury retrograde phases. Productively acting upon thoughts isn't easy for there may be too much attention paid to redefining of concepts and a lack of cohesion within a myriad of ideas and plans devised or presented. Superfluous factors must be jettisoned (such as passing a debt ceiling raise without cluttering it with ideological issues? jc) which results in a meaningful simplicity; unnecessary tangent chasing should be avoided, and gathering information and facts must at some point cease so that things can move forward in the real world.

If properly handled, this energy may yield new avenues for communication, a greater educational impact on others, and/or a destined role as a master communicator or enlightened social activist or leader.

Knowing that inconjuncts are aspects of adjustment (that 'square peg in a round hole' feeling), we may wish to consider the Mercury/Pluto inconjunct (or, quincunx; 150 degrees) which denotes unconscious energies that work against smooth mental functioning; lack of discipline and a drive to keep control over all communications is indicated, and the mistrust created may include a sense of self-mistrust and lack of confidence (B. Lundsted.)

Mercury inconjunct Chiron is the aspect of the server with a strong sense of destiny; broad thinking is an asset, and the key to balancing this energy is using the discipline which is hopefully supplied by Saturn. (Clow.) A trine from Uranus to Mercury gives ideas wings.

Cardinal Grand Cross (aka, Grand Square) if ASC is included:

Technically a Grand Cross is formed when two or more planetary oppositions square one another but here, one point in the pattern has only the Ascendant (and Sun/NN midpoint) to complete the square. Ordinarily a GC indicates restriction and self-limitation with little capacity for moderation and self-discipline. Scattered energies may drain out so perhaps the US SR 2011 ASC shows where energy will drain away or be expressed.

A positive outcome for this pattern is increased social awareness though discord and antagonism may be in evidence, and a crucial karmic lesson may be involved which, if well-managed, brings improvement in the areas of the houses involved.

Perhaps the several midpoint pictures created by this pattern will provide further clues; any, all, or none may apply; in no particular order they are:

Uranus/ASC = Venus: taking the line of least resistance; softening the impact one's harsher, disruptive side; appreciating the inivduality of others.

(Note: we see financial instability and spending issues with Venus/Uranus; Venus/Pluto has a bankruptcy undertone, or of working with large amounts of money; as you know, the SAturn/Pluto square brings hardship, hard work, and brutality, while the Uranus/Pluto square relates to protests, revolts, and revolutions now affecting the world.)

Uranus/ASC = MC: fulfillment of aims even though unexpected changes occur; experience prevails over disruption (on Capitol Hill? that would be good - jc.)

Uranus/ASC = Pluto: unconventionality lowers others' opinions; extreme behavioral peculiarities; changes with morbid outcomes (austerity measures for those who can ill afford them? Thanks, Pluto, planet of the criminal underworld jc); a desire for success even under the most difficult circumstances; the use of force.

Venus/Pluto = Uranus: fanatic attachments; indifference to the destructive powers available for political uses; compromises involving extreme uses of power.

Venus/Pluto = ASC: a polite response to those with a punishing intent; wielding a great influence upon others (if America falls under the bankruptcy bus, is the whole world next? NWO freaks would love to 'build anew upon ruins' - jc)

Pluto/MC = Uranus: organizing talent; prudence and endurance; sudden attainment of aims with irresistable power; sudden occupational changes; sudden or drastic changes affect stature or reputation; coping with the unusual; publicity; using Astrology.

Pluto/MC = ASC: seeking practical ways of meeting with success; persuasion ability; intensity and power when addressing others; personal power; procuring an important position; a famous person.

Plus, Sun/NN = ASC: seeking contacts; establishing ties to helpful groups; rituals which occur at meetings.

Also of note is a Kite pattern which is a Grand Trine with a 'tail' and the tail here is the SR Moon in Virgo which is the focal planet of the serious-minded Mercury/Saturn midpoint:

Mercury/Saturn = Moon: intuition about released data; sensitive communications; inconstancy; retarded development; the opportunity to gain experience; absorbing mnay different impressions; a love of variety; emotional indecision due to a fear of losing; a taxing learning process.

A Solar Return Moon in Virgo shows that fore the next year we-the-people are involved primarily with the intricate details of our lives, hygiene and health matters, the running of our households, the performance of services, and possibly with volunteer work.

Virgo's Mutable quality gives a sense of preparation to the atmosphere and taking on extra duties at work is possible; this SR Moon is trined by Pluto (public relations; propaganda), trined by Jupiter (grand imaginings; fortunate associations), yet is squared by Mars in 9th house of Foreign Lands which conjoins tr MIDA$ and Pan, two bodies with financial implications (anger, quarrels - over money? - and a potential for violence or accidents.

The good news is that US natal Moon and Mars are trine which will lessen the difficulties of this SR Moon/Mars square and aid us in dealing with its blocking, frustrating, grumpy energies over the solar year.

SR Moon in 12th house (Karma; Self-Undoing; Hospitals; Politics; Behind-the-Scenes) adds to our preparatory sense and indicates deep levels of self-reflection; seclusion brings productivity and feelings of obscurity or inferiority may abound. Taking time over the next year to emotionally recharge is the best way to counter a 12th house SR Moon, along with judiciously meted out volunteerism which brings spiritual rewards through aiding the collective.

The house of the Sun in a Solar Return is naturally prominent and here our SR 2011 Sun is in 10th house of Public Standing so there's not much hidden from the world concerning our natal Sun's qualities of leadership and our government's objectives. Yes, our sorry trajectory of overreach is 'out there' for all the world to see so big changes to America's reputation are on the agenda, positively, negatively, or a little of both.

Aspects to SR Sun are important as well and include a sesqui-square (135 degr; interlaced squares; can be positive or negative energy) from nebulous Neptune its favorite sign @ 00Pis39 Rx in 5th H of Risk-taking, Gambling, and Creativity ('1Pis' = "A Public Market"), and a pesky, limiting, conflict-riddled square from the 1st house SR Saturn 10Lib52.

This solar condition echoes America's natal Sun/Saturn square and its restrictive energy will again be emphasized strongly on August 28, 2011, when the 3rd of 3 hits occur in our ongoing Saturn Return which marks the start of a new cycle of responsibility, accountability, authority, and lessons that need to be learned relating to our nation's Saturn exalted-in-Libra, sign of the Scales of Justice which have so currently become unbalanced by excessive greed and a lusting quest for global power.


Midpoint pictures from Ebertin, Munkasey, and Tyl; no midpoint pictures or aspects were harmed in the typing of this post; the title of Betty Lundsted's excellent book is Astrological Insights Into Personality. jc

Is Rick Perry the Prez Pick of the Bilderbergs?

My friend Alex D'Atria over at Political Astrology 2010 ~ 2012 is seeing Rick Perry as the presidential nomination choice of the social tinkering power elite known as the Bilderberg Group. One thing about: if he's the one they want, he's the one we'll get (remember that Barack Obama slipped away from his campaign plane in June 2008 to meet with the group in Chantilly, VA, with candidate Hillary Clinton in attendance as well. Was their choice for US president then declared?)

Now wouldn't a Perry-Bachmann ticket be yet another kick in the head to America's under-siege working class? And that's not counting the importance of who controls the White House in 2013 by which time Supreme Court Justices may retire and SCOTUS's already overly autocratic, monarchist traits will only be expanded by a Republican administration's appointments.

So if you'd like to read my astrological considerations concerning these two Republican specimens, try my Rick Perry and Michele Bachmann posts. Compare and contrast!

As for astro-peeks at the zealous, democracy-perverting Bilderberg Group of elitists (many of whom you know), simply scroll the sidebar a short way to SO'W's search field, type them in, and I promise you'll hit pay dirt.


'You Need to Know This' says Thom Hartmann, who just reported on his TV show that Goldman-Sachs has announced the layoff of 1,000 US workers so that the bailed-out-by-US-taxpayers firm can send the jobs to Singapore. So tell me: will you vote Corporate GOP in 2012?

Thom also correctly points out today that Michele Bachmann's 'John Quincy Adams was a Founding Father' misconception means that John Q. helped found this nation at the age of nine! Perhaps she meant to say, second president John Adams, his father. But apparently, John Q.'s Wikipedia page has been edited to reflect Bachmann's ridiculous revisionist history as was the page on Paul Revere! You know, Wikipedia, this is the sort of crud that causes me to use your links in my articles less and less.

And I agree with Mr. Hartmann when he says, Nationalize the Federal Reserve which is neither federal nor does it have reserves! jc

Obama presser 6.29.11: Saturn rising

June 29, 2011 White House 11:30 am edt: President Obama holds a news conference to discuss US actions in Libya and the US economy; expected to call for bipartisanship from congressional Republicans and Tea Partisans intent on causing a Democratic president's failure.

With 16 Virgo 09 rising, US natal Neptune 22:25 is first natal planet to rise and as you know, this brings up the president's natal Mars as well. This is the link between the US natal horoscope and President Obama's natal planets which has been previously described on this blog and elsewhere as the 'rock star' effect he enjoyed early on and as a Neptunian veil which prevents the public from seeing his actions and motivations (Mars) in a clear light and creates an aura of glamour (Neptune) to his personality.

With nebulous Neptune, planet of the masses, the media, secrets, compassion, falsehood, and fraud, rising we may not find much relief from the answers heard this morning though some may feel inspired. In Virgo, sign of Work, Employment, and Health, the unemployment rate may be discussed with a potential for fudging the numbers or the solution.

Next to rise from the US chart is Saturn 14Lib48 and at 11:30 am, transiting Saturn 10Lib40 is in 1st house (delays, restriction, contraction, potential for loss - a good description of what's threatened if the US defaults on financial responsibilities, August 2, 2011 being the proposed deadline for compromise on raising of the debt ceiling), the ongoing US Saturn Return (# 3 of 3 hits on August 28, 2011) shows its influence of accountability in the financial life of our nation.

Chart-ruler Mercury 25Can32 (in 11th house of Groups, Associations, Hopes, and Wishes) makes no applying aspects in the 11:30 am chart for the planet of Communications, Trade, and Commerce is entirely unaspected (even to chart angles.)

The unaspected condition makes Mercury's sign, degree, and house position especially important this morning, plus, there's another factor to consider about this Mercury position: a national Mercury Return occurred yesterday (June 28, 2011 @ 5:32 pm edt, ASC 28Sco08 which rises with Fixed Star Ras Alhague: the desire to heal a wound or to create balance. This is President Obama's natal Midheaven, The Goal.)

Now tr SN of the Moon (23Gem28, the Tail of the Dragon) is poised to swipe US natal Mars (22Gem) and here conjoined by tr Venus. Venus to US n Mars indicates people who are highly motivated toward attainment. But what does Washington wish to attain? is always my question.

Money planet (and significator of the GOP) Jupiter 4Tau42 is posited in the 8th house of Credit, Debt, and Shared Resources. Hopefully, its province of The Occult is not involved in these practical, financial considerations but who knows what goes on behind closed doors in our Masonic Capitol Building and White Lodge we popularly call, the White House?

Well, expansive Jupiter is trined by a 4th H Pluto 5Cap10 Rx (1A28) so international bankers may be seen to be at the base of US economic problems including Real Estate
(4th H), as Pluto continues his destructuring and breakdown of Capricornian institutions (law, government, and business.)

Concerning The Occult vibe, it may be interesting to consider here that the enlightened, insightful New World Order planets, Uranus and Neptune, have their powerful midpoint upon the Descendant of the 11:30 am chart (setting) which gives a midpoint picture of Uranus/Neptune = ASC: instability; heightened sensitivity; being sad or depressed with others; wrong ideas. This is the planetary pair whose Great Conjunction/s of 1993 emphasized the Sabian Symbol for '18Cap' = 'The Union Jack': smug or strong-armed paternalism. (Jones.)

Plus, at 17 Pisces, the Uranus/Neptune midpoint at is at a critical or crisis degree. So perhaps it would be instructive to paraphrase the Thesis and Antithesis implications of Uranus/Neptune from Michael Munkasey's Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets:

Thesis: changes in social and political structure because of new ideals and futuristic dreams; strikes or revolutions focused on new ways of thinking; groups formed to exploit oil or chemical resources.

Antithesis: subversion using new methods of acquiring information; sudden upsurge in illegal drug availability; movements that diminish the power of authority or of police systems.

(With the current upsurge of strong-arm police tactics arresting US citizens exercising their right to free speech and catching police arrests or brutality on cell phone cameras from their front yards, it's difficult to believe that 'police systems' are diminished. Diminished by a lack of moral authority, however, is on display in America along with the subversive spying by the US government on all citizens. The more laws on the books, the more crooked the country. We-the-people have been couped. Plus, 2011's Uranus in Aries is given by Ebertin as: Utopians, relating to that Great Plan for America, Sir Francis Bacon's New Atlantis-world-democracy vision, now being expressed, at least in part, by NWO freaks, totalitarians, and sectarians.)

Other chart factors for today's news conference include:

US natal Sun/Saturn square is echoed in transits for Sun 7Can34 in 10th house of Public Status, is squared by tr Saturn in 1st house, as mentioned. Are Democrats (Saturn) blocking (square) the president's (Sun) initiatives on today's financial and war waging topics? It looks that way though I'll leave it to you to be aware of it or to search for related news links.

So with SN, a separative, Saturnian point, at Mc 14Gem10, we see the 1st house Saturnian issues underscored along with the above mentioned Mars to US n Venus, planet of relationships and evaluations. Mars in 9th H @ 6Gem04 nears the degree of the June 1, 2011 Solar Eclipse 11Gem02 and will trigger its influence. This eclipse falls in the 13 South Saros Series and though I've covered it on this blog previously, I will paraphrase here its flavor from Brady's Predictive Astrology:

13S: expansive, yet sinister energy; frustration, inhibitions, loss, and separation. An element of constitutional crisis may be in evidence and this may describe the current presidential v congressional war powers issues being debate concerning the president's NATO alliance now bombing Libya in an attempt to dislodge dictator Gaddafi.

And what about the Moon (the public)? At 16Gem38 (Gemini: of two minds?) and at 11:30 am, about to cross Midheaven, this Moon conjoins Fixed Star Rigel (ree' gal; a lovely star in the right foot of Orion) whose keyphrase is: to bring knowledge, to teach, and Anthony Louis includes: ambition and luck. (Horary Astrology Plain and Simple.)

Well, the American people could use a boatload of luck just now under the yoke of a divisive, partisan, warmongering, gridlocked Congress. Must we be brought further down economically and socially by selfish politicians intent on recapturing the White House in 2012?

At this point it would seem so and yet I would prefer to think that things can move forward in a more balanced way (rich folk paying their fair share in taxes toward the nation's finances - they who have much being called upon to share - oh my!) if not now, then around the time of tr Mars' return to its position in America's natal horoscope on July 21, 2011 (a new 2-year cycle of activity, including war.)

But with Saturn rising in our Mars Return 2011 chart, Mars and SN conjoined in 9th H (foreign wars and violence), today's Sun position at MC (conj Fixed Star Mirzam, to have one's say, and Mars in semisquare (irritation) to Jupiter (again posited in 8th H of Shared Resources, in DC), what are the odds that our erstwhile denizens of Capitol Hill will cease kicking around the American people's needs like a political football while tarnishing our nation's reputation like its theirs alone to ruin - and all based on a Utopian dream?


Please check out Democracy Now!'s coverage of protests now shutting down Athens Greece occurring today at the barricades of the Greek parliament (about to vote) concerning the extreme, forced austerity measures as the world banking cartel enforces its take-over of the birthplace of democracy. These financial reptiles won't be satisfied until the whole world's citizens are on the streets to be assailed by strong-arm police forces spawned by their misguided vision of a chaotic, redesigned "Utopia."

Further reading: Debt Ceiling Deadline August 2: Jupiter/Neptune active with the planetary pair relating to inflation and speculative financial schemes.

Jun 28, 2011

Amazing Facts about Michele Bachmann

Must the Evangelical Right Shove Bachmann into the White House?

by Jude Cowell

Apparently that's their plan, if we let 'em. But today I have learned more amazing facts than is good for one person about ring wing candidate, Tea Party opportunist, and Christian Right promoter Michele Bachmann so I thought: why keep the craziness all to myself? Since I have a blog where I recently posted briefly concerning her natal horoscope while looking for that certain 'out-there' quality that some people think the Oral Roberts University law student possesses, why not share the linky love?

Because it isn't as if the MSM are covering much more than her gaffes and good-for-a-guffaw historical revisionism, is it? At least not yet though perhaps you've already noticed that the crazy train has arrived at the station right on time.

Some examples of what I'm finding:

Today's edition of Democracy Now! has Amy Goodman's informative interview with *Michelle Goldberg of The Daily Beast and Karl Bremer whose award-winning blog Ripple in Stillwater (the town where Rep. Bachmann currently lives) recounts her career exploits and dubious connection with a money laundering cocaine dealer who's about to go on trial for participation in a major Ponzi scheme, her falsehoods about profiting from farm subsidies, ethics violations, and more.

Then there's Mother Jones' Michele Bachmann: Greatest Hits, a list of her wackier statements and spouted misconceptions, a not-to-be-missed regaling of her unusual remarks worth reviewing before you decide to vote for Bachmann's brand of out-there, zealous, steam-rolling political and social reforms. (Be careful what you wish for!)

Quite a pile-up of amazing facts for someone who just announced her candidacy for president on Monday June 27, 2011...aka, yesterday!


*Yep! Ronald Reagan may be rolling over in his grave as the power of the Evangelical Right rears its double heads again in American Politics (after a period of hibernation.) On topic is Michelle Goldberg's latest book Kingdom Coming: The Rise of Christian Nationalism which I haven't read (just heard of it for the first time today during her Democracy Now! interview) but to me it sounds like Pluto/Chiron's Zionism of violent zealotry focused on the setting up of a one-world-government seat of power in Jerusalem.

For further reading on such topics also try Political Astrology 2010 ~ 2012 by Alex D'Atria.

In Washington DC

Tomorrow, Wednesday June 29, 2011, President Obama will hold a suddenly announced news conference on his refusal to seek congressional approval for actions in Libya (which has been made out to be 'the story' by the MSM so perhaps it's been set up that way as cover for US interference in yet another Middle Eastern country), and on the performance of the US economy, or the lack thereof.

Blog Note: if all goes well here on Wednesday morning and there are no further thunderstorm interruptions, I'll be posting on the president's news conference through the lens of Astrology; plus, my recent column on the US Solar Return 2011 horoscope will be completed as a fresh post, or simply added to my original entry. For as you may imagine from current events, America's Solar Return 2011 is quite a doozy so please stay tuned if you can. jc

Bachmann Gacy Gaffe Goes Viral

Missing her aim at The Duke by over a hundred miles, newly minted Republican slash Tea Party candidate Michele Bachmann rushed from the starting gate only to compare her campaign 'spirit' to that of rapist and serial killer, John Wayne Gacy.

Yes, the GOP-esque crew of Gingrich, Cain, and Bachmann already seem to be having trouble keeping their political pushcarts on track for a win! But their antics and off-the-cuff remarks do make great distractions for the press, don't they pardner?

Well, here's a brief peek at Bachmann's natal chart placements if you're interested in a fathom.

Then perhaps a comparison with Gacy's natal chart? The murky, obsessed fellow was born on March 17, 1942 in Chicago Illinois with a Sun Pisces-Moon Pisces personality blend and definitely demonstrated to the world the downright lowest of the lower side of the sign of the Two Fishes.

You may even wish to snag a view of John Wayne's May 26, 1907 natal horoscope, as you wish, with his Air-Water Sun Gemini-Moon Scorpio blend.

And funny thing, on Monday, as Michele Bachmann fit her foot squarely in her mouth over the wrong 'spirit', transiting Mars conjoined movie icon John Wayne's natal Sun 4Gem19 which brought The Duke more public attention than he's received in quite a while!

Ain't Astrology grand?

Above image from my Dreamyfish Art collection of very fishy botanical drawings: Pisces.

Jun 27, 2011

Fort Calhoun Nuclear Plant Breach: Neptune to US n Moon?

Waters of Neptune and Power of Pluto 6.27.11

by Jude Cowell

Can it be that our recent transit of Neptune to US natal Moon in Aquarius (we-the-people) is still operative? With tr Neptune dipping a mystical toe in the waters of Pisces (but Rx and preparing to lumber back into Aquarius for a while), it seems that dissolving Neptune is reflecting the massive water damage to properties from the Mississippi River and now the Missouri River. And of course, Earth's Moon rules the tides.

Should we fret? ABC News reports officials saying that the public 'is not in danger' even though the Fort Calhoun Nuclear Station has been breached. Click to see a horrific looking photo of the flooded plant which has been shut down since April.

And you may have heard that wildfire is threatening the Los Alamos Nuclear Plant within One Mile, which is also being reported by Amy Goodman of the excellent Democracy Now! so it seems that watery Neptune is riling both Uranus (electricity shut off in nuclear plants, back up generators in service, plus storm systems) and Pluto, whose link to nuclear power is well-known bwo Pluto's discovery in 1930.

(If you're interested in Enron news, click to read or hear what Amy Goodman just reported about it.)

Or perhaps I should say that our three outer, transpersonal, generational planets, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, are showing their power to affect on the deepest levels The Collective in which we all must live, breached berms notwithstanding.

So where was Mars, the fire starter and instigator, in all of this when the Fort Calhoun Plant was breached by the Missouri River, a situation with the potential for being 'another Fukushima'? Testy Mars is in early Gemini (nearing US natal Uranus - danger) and about to trigger the June 1, 2011 Solar Eclipse @11Gem02.

As you know, we're inside an eclipse window just now with a brand new Saros Series about to start with the July 1, 2011 Solar Eclipse @9Can12 which falls precisely between US natal Sun and Jupiter.

When we look for resonance with this synchronicity to America's natal chart, we find that at the moment, a transiting midpoint picture brings these same planets together as the US approaches her 235th birthday: tr Sun/Jupiter = tr Mars: zeal and courage - two things the people of the Midwest and those who fight against the effects of such disasters need to possess in Jupiterian abundance.

Underneath that energy is another of sinister proportions with two midpoint pictures now formed and pointing to the ongoing Saturn/Uranus opposition (though it's not as exact in orb as it's been, Saturn and Uranus are subject to transits and progressions.) Any, all, or none may apply and are from Ebertin:

Sun/Pluto = Saturn: restrictions; physical impediments; ruthless overcoming of obstacles and difficulties; separation by a Higher Power; imprisonment.

Sun/Pluto = Uranus: carrying out fanatic reforms without regard for oneself (valiant nuclear plant workers? jc); sudden adjustment to new circumstances; danger to life.

Difficult pictures, are they not?

Plus, for some months now, the transiting Pluto/Chiron midpoint has been hitting US natal South Node off and on (6AQ.) As you know, Pluto/Chiron is one of the primary signatures for oppression, disenfranchisement, racism and other -isms including corporatism...and primal violence. Both bodies relate closely to nuclear power, separately and together, and with SN representing past behavior, Neptune's massive amounts of water now activate nuclear mistakes from America's past.

Yes, the homelessness of Neptune to US natal Moon is continuing on a different level of expression than the foreclosure fiasco which is also ongoing.

Hmmm...wonder what the Nuclear Energy Institute is up to this morning? Makin' policy, I imagine. They seem to be up to date on the Fukushima Meltdown but are not so up-to-speed when it comes to what's going on with the current threats to nuclear plants in the US, as near as I can tell from their website.


Thanks to a reader who asked me to look at the Astrology of the Fort Calhoun Nebraska situation in a comment left after yesterday's post on US Solar Return 2011. No time right now to provide links to eclipse posts and other related topics (though they may show up after this entry is published bwo LinkedWithin thumbnails - look below) because I must motor and deal w lightening damage to some tech equipment here (Uranus!) and other storm-related issues.

More reading on such topics is available to you at the blog of Alexander Higgins, if you wish to check it out. jc