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May 7, 2017

August 2017 full of Mr. Trump's Karmic Returns

Image: The August 30, 2017 Lunar Return of Donald Trump set for the White House (although who stays in DC in any given August?) showing transit Saturn, a planet of karma (reaping what's been sown) hitting his natal Moon for the third and final time @21Sag12 in Return 2nd house of Money, Values, and Self-Worth; in Mundane Astrology 2nd house represents the National Treasury. Note also that Saturn is within range of conjoining his natal South Node, a separative point, and has opposed Mr. Trump's natal Sun (22Gem55) on July 7, 2017.

During this transit, Saturn has conjoined natal Moon twice before: December 30, 2016 and August 3, 2017. Considering Saturn's 28-30-year cycle, the last (previous) Saturn transit to natal Moon occurred once on November 25, 1987, a year when transit Jupiter opposed his natal Jupiter in Libra, a period of overblown enterprises and unflattering comparisons when resources may be lacking.

Rolling Stone's Timeline of Donald Trump's life and career replete with Saturnian events. Exs: 1987 publication The Art of the Deal via a ghost writer to do the actual work of putting Trump's ideas into Saturnian form; January 1989 - first appears on the cover of TIME--and Saturn rules Time; separation from wife Ivana in 1990, divorce (official ending of relationship) in 1992; also in 1990 - Trump is deleted from the Forbes 400 list; 1991 losses result in first bankruptcy filing; March 2000 The Simpsons airs 'Bart to the Future' in which Donald Trump takes on the job of US president (age 53), etc.

Now as you know, when transit Saturn hits natal Moon, it tends to bring feelings of loneliness, rejection, privation and denial of the usual comforts, and family/relationship issues so now that Mr. Trump is somewhat isolated in the White House with weightier responsibilities on his menu (and more open to hurtful criticism), such lowering feelings may be more difficult to handle to the point of his physical and/or mental health being affected (as some have noted--other astro-charts show an erosion of thought processes and disrupted communications but that's a brainy topic beyond the scope of this meager post). Plus, he is, after all, no spring chicken--and was a mere 41 years old in 1987, wasn't noticeably forgetful, and spoke more clearly in complete sentences.

But he just had to play president and thought it would be easier! (He expected the easy Jupiterian side of the White House, not the hard Saturnian side). So with curious synchronicity, the Universe sees fit to pile a Lunar Return onto his noggin on the same day that transit Saturn stomps upon that very Moon position--and in a calendar month when two Saturn-infused Lunar Returns occur (August 3rd and 30th). Will Saturn's imperative lessons of maturity, accountability, soberness, authenticity, honesty, concentration on tasks at hand, and serious efforts 'get through' to Mr. Trump in his role as leader of the 'free world'? Or will he continue to brood and chafe under the presidential work load that universal task master and lesson bringer, Saturn, demands?

Well, we know that he and the American people must make it through a long hot summer and navigate whatever comes via The Great American Eclipse of August 21, 2017 @28Leo52, visible from West Coast to East. Its degree conjoins Mr. Trump's natal Ascendant, as we've discussed previously, and affects his natal Mars as well (26Leo46). In fact, on August 31, the day after this Lunar Return, Mr. Trump has a Mars Return, signifying the start of an energizing two-year cycle of new activities and projects. Yet even a Mars Return can have some negativity attached because fever, inflammation, infection, or even surgery may follow if other planetary and health factors agree.

And yet 2017 is, on some levels, a year of Jupiterian protection for Mr. Trump via the third of his current Jupiter Return, a three-fer which perfects for a final conjunction on August 4, 2017 (@17Lib27). But even this rewarding Return chart shows an ongoing difficulty in effect all year--transit Pluto squares natal Jupiter (0A04 on August 4th!) denoting a time when over exaggeration, bombast, and the overestimation of self-importance is unacceptable to the powers-behind-the-throne. Frustration mars politics, diplomacy, financial projects, and other Jupiterian expansion areas which must on some level include the granting of funds for the building of a Saturnian border wall.

May 6, 2017

The Attempt on Andrew Jackson's Life: Does Trump Know?

Since Mr. Trump purports to idolize President Andrew Jackson whose portrait now looms over Donald Trump as he sits at the desk shuffling papers in the Oval Office, here's an excerpt concerning the 1835 attempt on the life of President Jackson which some readers may find of interest:

1835: On January 30, an assassin tries to shoot President Jackson, but miraculously both of the assassin's pistols misfired. President Jackson would later claim that he knew the Rothschilds were responsible for that attempted assassination. He is not the only one, the assassin, Richard Lawrence, who was found not guilty by reason of insanity, later bragged that powerful people in Europe had hired him and promised to protect him if he were caught.

(Source: History of the House of Rothschild).

As Mr. Trump may or may not have been told, the assassination attempt against Jackson was in retaliation for his fight against the central banking system that now strangles the globe and struggles to take over remaining hold-outs such as Syria and North Korea. Through the decades, many people have become aware of the connection between the global banking system and the assassinations of Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy (and others?), as I imagine you have. After all, what's a presidential death or three among thieving knaves who follow a demonic success-at-all-costs political and financial agenda?

So as Politico has previously reported, January 30, 1835 marks the first-ever assassination attempt on the life of a US president so perhaps in accordance with Mr. Trump's way of ranking people, Andrew Jackson's successful escape makes him a winner. And this would be in spite of the bullet lodged in his body which pained him for the rest of his life.

Related posts include: a brief comparison between the natal planets of Misters Trump and Jackson and from 2009: Andrew Jackson 1829/1833: Banks Take Over US which contains a link to Mr. Jackson's first Inaugural Address, among other things.

2018 Lunar and Solar Eclipses with Themes

Re: Cosmic Blinks! 'Wild Card' Eclipses Affect History

For better viewing, please enlarge the image of the 2018 list of Solar Eclipses (with themes) and Lunar Eclipses.

Occurring after what's being called The Great American Eclipse of August 2017 which 'splits' our nation from coast to coast, the 2018 Solar Eclipses fall into the 1 South, 2 (New) North, and 2 Old North Saros Series and, based on the Nodal cycle of 18.6 years, are repeats of the eclipses of year 2000 in the same signs (AQ, Cancer, Leo) but at different degrees. In addition, the year 2000 brought a fourth Solar Eclipse in the 2 South Series which manifested on Christmas Day @4Capricorn. This go-round, 2 South will repeat on January 6, 2019 @15Capricorn with themes of suddenly finding a new group to join and expecting great gains from such group involvement (Brady).

Since history tends to rhyme if not repeat, deeper insights into the 2018 Solar Eclipses may be attained by considering the historical events that occurred in the years that their initial eclipses began:

1 South occurred @1Vir15 on August 24, 1729 (ends September 22, 2973); 2 (Old) North began @5Can49 on June 24, 792 (OS) (ends July 23, 2036); 2 New North began June 17, 1928 @26Gem21 (ends July 16, 3172) and not only relates to the NYSE and finances but through the influence of its theme of collapse is understandably called, The Tower. Of course, the WTC Twin Towers were already brought down on September 11, 2001 but we now have NYC's Trump Tower (and various other Trumpish structures across the globe) to concern us in more ways than one. Significantly, 2 Old North is the Prenatal Eclipse series of Mr. Donald Trump and in 1946, his year of birth, eclipsed America's natal Uranus @9Gemini--our totem planet of war and revolt.

However, please note that "The Tower" Solar Eclipse of July 31, 2000 (which repeats on August 11, 2018 @18Leo41) was actually not the Prenatal Eclipse (PE) of the 9/11 attacks as we might expect. The PE of 9/11/01 was the 3 North which manifested prominently at Summer Solstice 2001 (June 21) upon the Cardinal World Point of 00Cancer, the stargate degree. And with glaring synchronicity as humanity entered the New Millennium, the winds of war and strife had already been let loose as described by the August 11, 1999 Solar Eclipse in the 1 North series, the 'Mother of All Eclipses' that Nostradamus warned us about so many moons ago with its Fixed Grand Cross of Oxen-Lion-Eagle-Angel (mid-degrees of Taurus-Leo-Scorpio-Aquarius) which may be found prophetically described in the Book of Revelation.

Related: Signs in the Sky: Opening the Stargate, an intriguing book by Adrian Gilbert.

And speaking of Mr. Trump, US Uranus, and wild cards, here's a related not-to-miss 10-minute video Anonymous: The Truth About Donald Trump for those who dare.

May 4, 2017

Trumpcare Passes House under Taurus-Virgo Vibes

May 4, 2017 saw the passage through the House of Trumpcare, the GOP health insurance plan that redistributes wealth to the wealthy while deleting medical insurance from thousands of Americans. As they voted, one of today's double-Earth Sun Taurus-Moon Virgo 'Images for Integration' (combining conscious + unconscious energies) seems completely appropriate to what GOP politicians perpetrated today upon the American people on behalf of Congress' corporate and Wall Street donors--and probably to boost congress members' own stock portfolios (which should be investigated). See if you agree:

"The treasurer for the Association for Social Reform invests proceeds of a jumble sale into gilt-edge securities."

Photo: Speaker of the House Paul 'Ron' Ryan (R-WI) Trumpcare promoter

Here's a view with a brief bio of Paul Ryan's natal chart, born January 29, 1970 at 2:37 am CST Janesville, Wisconsin (RR: AA; BC/BR in hand). You've probably noted before his exact conjunction of Neptune and Ascendant @00Sag which makes Jupiter (at 6Scorpio = "A Gold Rush") his chart-ruler with the moneybags planet's only aspect an inconjunct to Mars, strong in its own sign of Aries--and conjoining healing Chiron (0A01) at 3Aries (4th house). Mars-Chiron gives the Speaker an heroic quest or mission to aim for and it's filled with Martian fervor. For besides Trumpcare, we must not forget Ryan's previous budget plan of draconian measures, another GOP scheme of heisting proportions!

So Speaker Ryan is a crusader, we might say, and he's aided in his quest by an ambitious Locomotive shape that's lead by powerful, wealthy Pluto Rx in late Virgo, sign of Health, in his natal 10th house of Career and Public Status along with a most fortuitous placement for any politician's Moon--at 23Libra conjunct starry Spica and Arcturus. Spica in the original plan for the District's Federal Triangle represents the Washington Monument and thus, the presidency, while Arcturus signifies the White House (As Above, So Below).

How interesting since, as Speaker of the House, Mr. Ryan is third in the line of succession for the presidency should Mr. Trump and Mr. Pence somehow fall by the wayside.

Then we'd have ourselves a President Ron Ryan!


Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey.

Trumpcare: The Most Cynical Tax Cut Scheme In American History

May 4, 2017: Predictably the GOP 'health care plan', aka, Trumpcare which passed the House today, robs the poor to give to the rich so the entire 'plan' is a wealth redistribution scheme. You expected something different?

Here's Thom Hartmann and guests:

And since I believe in acting for the common good, I do hope the US Senate retains enough members with decent moral fiber to stand up for the American people and stop this heartless corporate scheme.

Trump, Venus, a Pagan Egg, and the 2020 Election Cycle

Are We All Pagans Now?

by Jude Cowell

Over at The Maddow Blog a headline appeared May 2nd saying that the Trump Team flubs the first ad of the 2020 election cycle so, on the topic of a 2020 Trump campaign for a second term, it behooves interested astrologers to discover the position of planet Venus on Election Day November 10, 2020 since goddess planet Venus links to our every-four-year election cycle (eight if a president is re-(s)elected).

For as you know, the White House's 'Oval Office' is a not-so-subtle shout-out to Venus and the World Egg, aka, the Orphic Egg, and America's Founding Fathers, mostly members of secret societies of a pagan persuasion, honored the goddess with statues and symbols all over the District of Columbia--including the feminine statue atop the Capitol Dome, and by their descendants' acceptance from French Freemasons of Lady Liberty with her Illuminati torch held aloft in New York Harbor.

And perhaps you're aware of the many Zodiacs the Founders sprinkled around Washington DC and certain Egyptian obelisks positioned in certain high places?

According to the Venus Cycle of US presidential elections, the outcome can be ascertained by the position of planet Venus on election day (with only two exceptions involving FDR and Reagan) that if Venus is Morning Star and in the sign of Libra, the current party occupying the White House will retain the presidency for a second term. If Venus is Evening Star and in the sign of Sagittarius on that date, a rival party candidate will be the victor as was the happenstance on November 8, 2016 with Venus in Sagittarius, sign of the foreigner. And I know you heard the words "an outsider" touted often during the lead up to November 8th and that's what we got--a businessman, real estate mogul, and beauty pageant/wrestling promoter all bundled into one regressive Republican named Donald Trump (his mobster ties notwithstanding).

Although it's difficult now to see how Mr. Trump can 'grow' into a state of suitability for the presidency enough to warrant a second term, and barring more scandals that reach the impeachment standard, the disturbing news is that on November 3, 2020, Venus will be @15Libra and bright and shiny in her Morning Star capacity which presages a retaining of the White House for the incumbent party (whether it's Trump, Pence, or Paul 'Ron' Ryan). Oddly enough, 15Libra is the exact position of planet Jupiter as I type today and Mr. Trump, the Uranian CEO and broadcaster, is also very much a huge Jupiterian!

What will transpire over the first term of Mr. Trump is unpredictable with his quirky oriental Uranus in Gemini leading all his natal planets from natal 10th house of Career and Public Status. Is there a scandal serious enough to take him down and leave the American people with a Puritan Mr. Pence who left his state of Indiana in turmoil? It would seem America's days as a sovereign nation are numbered and the political class's blending of church and state now in process may lead to revolt among our Puritans who are originally more pagan than they seem to know. Of course, Pagans vs Christians is exactly what Utopians have wanted for centuries along with East vs West and global turmoil.

For more on such topics, you may wish to see Prince Charles: "I Am a Descendant of Dracula" (w/ video and more). For as you know, Founder John Adams and his ancestors such as Henry Adams were members of the Order of the Dragon who immigrated to America under the Puritan guise to escape England's persecution of their paganism, a form of 'founding America for the sake of religious freedom' that current day Christians are convinced describes only them!

Note the (dragon) snake wrapped around the Orphic Egg:

By Jacob Bryant (A New System or Analysis of Ancient Mythology) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Related posts: a modern-day natal horoscope of the 'New World Order' and A Question about American Utopianism.

May 3, 2017

The August 2017 Jupiter Return of Donald Trump

Two Horoscopes: Donald J. Trump natal (inner) with his Jupiter Return (August 4, 2017--number 3 of 3) around the outside. As you see (marked in red), his Jupiter Return chart shows major transits affecting Mr. Trump's natal Sun, Moon, and Jupiter--and as he goes, so goes America.

Please enlarge the image for more chart details:

Transit Saturn Rx @21Sag32 in his 4th house precisely (again) conjoins natal Moon while opposing natal Sun. We've discussed this cosmic condition in previous posts with its depressive tendencies, family, relationship, and/or health issues, and ego deflation. This August 2017 Jupiter Return chart suggests a decrease of popularity and lack of cooperation from others who may feel suspicious of his motives (Venus in Cancer rising opposite Moon in Capricorn which conjoins transit Juno and Hygeia Rx).

(I don't blame them--is he being a stupid know-nothing on purpose?! He is a performance artist! See Neptune-MC = Sun and Moon, lower right, where his discontent with the difficulty of the job is shown along with a tendency to become lost in his own world--and transit Neptune now conjoins, veils and provides cover for US Progressed Sun @14Pisces!)

But the Clincher for Mr. Trump's Very Expansive Jupiter Is That...

From natal 5th house of Risk-Taking to natal 2nd house of Money and Values: transit Pluto @17Cap31 (18Cap = the NWO-Uranus-Neptune degree of POLITICAL POWER and smug or strong-armed paternalism - Jones) squares natal Jupiter very closely (0A04) denoting a period when old habits of taking himself too seriously and exaggerating his own importance can be crushed by others who have more power, influence, and, of course, wealth. In a Jupiter Return chart, this transit by heavy weight Pluto--the only aspect to or by his Jupiter in the return chart--indicates a time when revision of what had appeared to be permanent becomes necessary (ex: his luxurious former life of ease, comfort, and gilt). Something must be eliminated from his life in order for genuine growth to occur.

Of course, this assumes that our political belly-button-gazer wants such growth and change since he may be feeling squeezed or suffocated by his new duties. But until and unless Mr. Trump comes to terms with what's now required of him, he'll be blocked by powerful, manipulative forces (Pluto) and hoped-for outcomes will be mixed at best.

(But perhaps that's the goal of those who put Trump in the White House--the failure of our nation as the undermining of our three branches of government proceeds very quickly now until 'global government' seems the only 'solution'--puh!)

And although the relationship may be temporary, someone comes or has come into his life to act as an 'agent of change' to help him 'see' what needs to be eliminated and this may result in separation from those who keep him from progressing in his new role. And as we've seen, new opportunities arise if Mr. Trump can handle this Pluto transit well but as always, (his) true motives and unconscious desires must also support his (and our nation's) success with the large scale endeavors often identified by Jupiter-Pluto, a plutocracy pair of planets.

Now, thanks to Jupiter's periods of retrogradation, Donald Trump's 2016/17 Jupiter Return/s are a three-fer, exact on December 4, 2016, April 13, 2017, and on the date you see above. His natal Jupiter is prominent and Station Direct in 2nd hou$e conjunct Chiron and Neptune indicating a man with bubbly dreams and a distorted sense of himself (especially with blindspot Chiron) which is supported by an indiscreet, fantasy-prone, reality-challenged Mercury-Neptune square--underscored in the Jupiter Return chart by a Mercury-Neptune opposition with potentials for intentional deception (by and/or against him), lack of clarity or logic, elusive truths, and dangerous ideas. As noted above, in the return chart and rising is a Moon-Venus opposition which affects public perception of him and reflects a tendency toward self-pity, overindulgence, and empty gestures that masquerade as diplomacy.

Now of course, there are many other chart factors of importance contained in both horoscopes, some of which are penned sneakily upon the charts if you look closely but it's time for me to slink away and allow you to find them and more when and as you may!

May 1, 2017

More Astro-Notes: Sean Hannity Part 2

In Part One of my astro-peek at FOX News anchor Sean Hannity we discussed a few basic chart factors and I linked you to a view of his natal horoscope. Today let's consider his Sun-Moon blend and the personality these conscious-unconscious energies describe along with his Prenatal Solar Eclipse Saros Series and its themes.

Born December 30, 1961 (see Part One for more details), Mr. Hannity's natal Sun is in Saturn-ruled Capricorn and his Moon is in Venus-ruled Libra, an Earth-Air blend which provides the capacity to be down-to-earth yet up-in-the-air simultaneously as rationality and abstract ideas combine. Here is a practical idealist who plans, then acts. However, losing touch with emotions is a caution for this liberal + conservative personality.

A fighter for causes, Mr. Hannity is courageous, socially aware, clear headed, opportunistic, and 'cunningly capable'. His dry wit can win friends and influence others with his gift for communication yet ignorance can unsettle him. A crusading temperament is in evidence along with a tendency to search for truth which no doubt aids his career in the news business. He does not hesitate to join battles he deems worthy, and a leaning toward always doing what's expected of him suggests that an occasional impulsive act could ease that 'stiff upper lip' of his and perhaps soften the edge of his considerable intellect.

In their book Sun Sign-Moon Sign, the Harveys give three Images for Integration to describe the Sun Cap-Moon Libra blend, any or all of which may be appropriate for Sean Hannity:

"In time an oyster turns irritating grit into a beautiful pearl...A beautiful walled garden...A visionary statesman fights a duel to see justice done."

Sean Hannity's Prenatal Solar Eclipse Series is the 18 North. Prior to Sean Patrick's birth, 18N manifested on August 11, 1961 @19Leo, solar sign of leadership, ego, and pride. But his life isn't all sunflowers because 18N themes include: a high stress level; a taxing of strength; a large expenditure of effort; physical concern such as an illness or accident (Brady). 18N has also occurred in the years 1907, 1925, 1943, (1961), 1979, 1997, and last occurred on September 13, 2015 @20Vir10--conjunct fixed star Denebola (keywords: to go against society; out of the mainstream). 18N's initial eclipse manifested on February 4, 1060 (OS) @21AQ34 so its modern-day influence should be viewed through an Aquarian lens.

Apr 29, 2017

Trump's First 100 Days: The Real Story - The Young Turks report

Today April 28, 2017 marks the end of Mr. Trump's 100 days acting the role of US president. If you prefer a different view than the usual Neptunian mainstream news and punditry of the corporate persuasion, check out the following foray into Saturnian reality:

Brought to us by The Young Turks Network.

Astro-Notes: FOX News anchor Sean Hannity

A Brief Peek at Sean Hannity Through an Astrological Lens

by Jude Cowell

Now that Roger Ailes, Megyn Kelly, and Bill O'Reilly have left FOX News, news reader Sean Hannity broadcasts his political views from atop the highest perch in conservative cable news. Some even say that Mr. Hannity is experiencing a renaissance and that the network now 'belongs' to him.

If you wish a view of Sean Hannity's natal chart you'll find his Sun @8Cap43, Moon @14Lib01, and Ascendant (Self; Physical Body) @8Pis53. As you see, his natal ASC and life are now under positive influences of the current 19 South Solar Eclipse of February 26, 2017 with its themes of: lucky breaks or wins, joyful events, pleasant surprises, and positive changes (Brady). Of course, these benefits are primarily for Mr. Hannity, not for the other guys and gal.

By Modified by CrazyLegsKC, original taken by Hello32020 [Public domain or Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Born on December 30, 1961 at 10:30 am est (Rodden Rating: A from memory) in Franklin Square, New York, Sean Patrick Hannity is of the Roman Catholic persuasion. His Sun squares natal Moon (Cap to Libra) and his Sun-Moon midpoint falls at 26Sco21. Mercury, planet of journalists and reporters, is in Saturn-ruled Capricorn as are Venus, Mars, and Saturn. In fact, Saturn (ruler of his Sun) is at a critical degree: 29Cap31 (in 11th house with communicator Mercury @17Cap00) with '30Cap' = "A Secret Business Conference" (Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Jones).

Notable is his natal Mercury with transit Pluto now in the Mercurial neighborhood and marking a period of increased power and control while his concerns over what's relevant and most efficient intensify. Secrets may be part of his daily environment as well.

As for the shape of Hannity's chart, we find a BOWL shape with radical Uranus leading the rest of his planets from the 6th house. At 00Virgo, natal Uranus also conjoins royal Regulus, the king or the kingmaker star (key phrase: success if revenge is avoided). Does any of this sound familiar? If so, it's most likely because Mr. Trump's natal Uranus in Gemini also leads a BOWL shape but from his 10th house, and Regulus conjoins Trump's natal Ascendant in late Leo (with warrior Mars @26Leo and rising). There are other correspondences between their planets as well, but it's now after midnight so this must be a two-part effort. I should never type after midnight!

May 1, 2017 Update: here's Part Two which includes Mr. Hannity's natal Sun-Moon personality blend and the themes of his Prenatal Solar Eclipse in the sign of the showman and entertainer, dramatic Leo.