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Nov 18, 2017

What's About to Happen - Max Igan

November 17, 2017: Max is back with episode 314 of his Surviving the Matrix series of broadcasts via American Voice Radio:

Consider supporting the independent work of Max Igan at patreon and visit The Crowhouse for more of Max's discussions concerning various topics.

Nov 16, 2017

The Mars-Pluto Opposition of Judge Roy Moore

If you've ever dealt with a person born during a Mars-Pluto opposition phase you probably felt the extremity of this difficult aspect in that person's psyche. The man in the news at the moment for alleged sexual misconduct is Alabama's Roy Moore who may become a Capitol Hill senator thanks to an empty seat left when Mr. Trump tapped Jeff Sessions as Attorney General of the United States.

Now we've already discussed the 'noon' natal chart of Roy Moore with Mars and Pluto across the Leo-AQ self-will axis but since his alleged unfit condition for the US Senate is much in the news along with the past aggressive sexual encounters reported by several women who were then in their teens, let's consider more closely what it means to be born with testosterone-driven Mars opposing powerful sex fiend Pluto, the abductor. As always, the potentials for this aspect in a natal chart are not written in stone and may be transcended by the mature individual if he or she so desires (a Mars word!) Yet this Scorpionic opposition may be one of the most difficult to control. (Alan Oken calls it a 'win at any cost' aspect that tends to use more force than is necessary and is often brusque or irritable when dealing with others.)

First, the Mars-Pluto pair when energies are combined indicates potentials for brutality, aggression, and 'superhuman power' along with the negative connotation of 'violent assaults, injuries' (Ebertin). Now such strength could have remained within Moore's chosen career field expressing much control and power within law enforcement and/or military service, but the Mars-Pluto duo on a personal level is problematic unless its primal energies are successfully channeled into positive pursuits. Yet the possibility of sexual deviancy and/or addiction, or even a rapist mentality, cannot be ruled out (Pelletier).

Mars opposing Pluto denotes one with a defiant attitude toward the results of his own aggression. Others don't feel as strongly and he may actually be surprised by the reactions of others to his aggression. This week we see Mr. Moore's defiance reported in the news and in fact, his personal lawyer, Trenton Garmon (see TYT video, below) is now attempting to defend Moore on CNN with Don Lemon and in other interviews. So far not so good.

With Mars-Pluto, an intense, strong sexual nature is apparent and can cause rifts in personal relationships; personal magnetism is indicated and may be used to gain control over others. Personal affairs are certain to be impacted by an incorrect use of Mars-Pluto's destructive energies when they could instead be used to better the lives of others via social concerns while acting within a broader religious context. He does purport himself to be religious in an Old Testament way, doesn't he? Does he fancy himself a preacher? Sometimes in speeches he sounds like it although no one religious that this particular Christian knows would ever try to blend Politics with Religion for they're like oil and water. Then again, I'm a Georgia native with Virginia roots and have never had a reason to visit the state of Alabama in my life! (It's probably a personal failing on my part though.)

So naturally, Judge Roy Moore's career has involved themes such as violence and criminality and his Mars-Pluto opposition fits in perfectly with these themes and probably helped inspire him to go into crime-related fields--impelled him, I suspect. Yet how this destructive energy with its Scorpionic 'Underworld' vibes will be used and felt on Capitol Hill and across the nation if Roy Moore attains a seat in the US Senate will be a tale for another post that I will not be looking forward to typing.

Perhaps the transiting square between Mars and Pluto which perfects on Sunday November 19th will increase pressure on the Republican candidate and some sort of resolution will occur, forced though it will most likely be.

Now you may wish to check out a TYT segment: Roy Moore Got the Most Racist Lawyer He Could Find:

Video link via The Young Turks Network, an independent news source.

Plus, Salon's Matthew Sheffield has posted GOP's Roy Moore dilemma reflects a much bigger crisis for conservative politics (article with video).

Nov 14, 2017

Abby Martin Exposes Untold History of U.S. Empire

Video: here Jimmy Dore speaks with Abby Martin concerning the American Empire, news media, propaganda, Russia, the RT network, global conspiracy, war criminals walking free, and the false R vs D narrative that you and I have discussed here on SO'W for years:

Video link.

Nov 13, 2017

Horoscope: Roy Moore Feb 11, 1947

Image: A speculative ('noon') horoscope of Judge Roy Moore of Alabama, born Roy Stewart Moore in Gadsen, AL on February 11, 1947 (after Trump's June 14, 1946) with Sun in Aquarius and Moon in Scorpio, a steamy Air-Water combination of energies.

As you see, this chart is set for noon because we don't actually know the sign or degree of his natal Ascendant without an accurate birth time. At noon, North Node @8Gem36 rises (conjunct Mr. Trump's Prenatal Solar Eclipse degree which conjoins US natal Uranus @8Gem55) as does Moore's quirky maverick Uranus Rx @17Gem49. No matter where The Witness planet of revolution and independence is in his chart, Moore's natal Uranus and that of Mr. Trump are positioned in the same degree of the same sign. A difference between the two Uranians is that Trump's is his guiding oriental planet while Moore's oriental planet is Mars @13AQ30--conjunct asteroid Pallas ('the daughter') and Lilith ('the fallen woman'), with both representing feminine archetypes that are strong in the Judge's life due to their contact with a very intense Mars (made more so in its oriental condition).

When Mars is oriental (last to rise before the Sun), we see an individual for whom self-promotion is constant and with a sense of always being ';on the stump' or beating a drum (Tyl); Mars oriental is shared natally by P.T. Barnum, Evel Knievel, and Liberace. Mars in Aquarius can be unreliable, contradictory, and superficial. Yes, his is a very busy Mars--oriental, one side of a T-Square (Mars opposite Pluto = Moon: an injury caused to a woman, according to Ebertin (see lower right of chart), plus, Mars is also is the tail of a Kite pattern with Neptune and North Node sextiling stealthy wealthy Pluto @11Leo57 Rx. A Kite suggests high-flying success and, for Moore, publicity (Moon-NN)--or perhaps I should type, notoriety.

Now if you enlarge the horoscope you can probably read (upper right) a few details concerning his Sun SQ-Moon Scorpio personality blend with "stern judge" part of the picture. Sexual deviant Pluto is out-of-bounds of the earthly plane and doesn't like to 'share' only manipulate and control, while Saturn Rx is fairly near Pluto Rx in royal Leo, the 'cruel duo' of planets. Actually, any contact between Mars and Pluto (ruler and co-ruler of Scorpio) can result in ruthlessness and brutality, and Saturn-Pluto is always 'an extremist' combination that judges harshly.

Natal Jupiter @26Sco07 (materialistic and ruthless) will soon receive a Jupiter Return. Then there is Moore's PE @00Sag49 which conjoins his natal Eros (sex; the piercing) and is in the 2 South Saros Series which contains a theme of 'joining unusual groups and gaining a great deal from them' (Brady) which could refer to his current group membership/s (we're talking Alabama) and/or to a new group he intends to join soon--one imagines it's the US Senate.

Meanwhile, his Mars-Chiron square denotes a need to deal directly with issues of sex and aggression(Nolle) yet something tells me that Judge Moore has yet to do this and is being compelled by a variety of forces to do so now.

Here I'll stop typing at you in order to keep things brief. However, other natal chart factors are worthy of attention, of course, so you may want to get started immediately! jc

Upcoming: 2 South repeats on January 6, 2019 @15Capricorn and the series began on April 17, 991 (OS) @1Taurus47 which gives something of a beastly vibe to the solar picture.

More info available from: Predictive Astrology, B. Brady; The Combination of Stellar Influences, R. Ebertin; Solar Arcs, Noel Tyl.

Nov 11, 2017

DC Horoscope: Scorpio New Moon Nov 18, 2017

Here you see the Scorpio New Moon Horoscope of November 18, 2017 set for the White House. At 26Sco19, the New Moon rises and its ruler and co-ruler, Mars and Pluto, are also the ruler and co-ruler of the chart itself.

Fretfully, chart-ruler Mars applies to only one planet: co-ruler Pluto (0A37) suggesting distinct possibilities for destructive anger, power struggles, and revenge to manifest along with a potential for violence. This is an extremely karmic aspect hinting that past actions now bring obstacles and blockages (square) to current endeavors and it's easy to associate this with Mr. Trump's current political and familial predicaments and worries. And yet he may be feeling quite expansive and optimistic about now with transit Mars conjoining his natal 2nd house Jupiter (17Lib27) which is strong and Station Direct in his natal chart.

Still, this New Moon perfects during an Hour of the Moon (fluctuations, changes) and with Mercury in 1st house @17Sag25 and out-of-bounds, secret communications are occurring since Mercury is off on its own thinking and saying who-knows-what to whomever while ruling the Midheaven (Public Status; Career) of this chart. Curiously, the Mercurial MC-IC axis points toward America's Secondary Progressed (SP) Full Moon of December 2008 (4Vir10/4Pis10), a cosmic timing device that should have shown Washington DC that as a nation we had expanded into the world as far as we could safely reach--any more and we're overextended, a fact that many of us have been feeling in our bones ever since or before. It seems starkly obvious that military costs are sinking the US ship of state, as you may or may not agree.

Now in 9th house is this New Moon's Prenatal Eclipse (PE), The Great American Eclipse @28Leo52, the Total Solar Eclipse of August 21, 2017 that 'split' our nation into North and South halves and I continue to think that the primary theme of that manifestation of a 1 North eclipse is: information is distorted and possibly false (Brady). We now remain under its influence. Of course, when it comes to Politics and politicians (and the financiers they swear allegiance to) we should always keep that advisory in mind.

New Moon '27Scorpio': "A Military Band on the March"...keynote: POMP (Rudhyar). To this degree Adriano Carelli adds no word picture but he says that "political skill" can "sheer off" into "double-dealing." And here I was thinking that that was always a given in Politics!

So we plant seeds of our intentions at the New Moon and they blossom at the next Full Moon which will perfect on December 3, 2017 @11Gem40 with Gemini ruler Mercury Rx at a critical 29th degree of Sagittarius. This Full Moon will conjoin the Descendant (Partnerships and Alliances) in the July 4, 1776 late afternoon natal chart hinting at a culmination of some kind in the realms of US relationships. Yet we must avoid spreading ourselves too thin under the sway of the December Full Moon although the temptation to do so will be strong.

Now here are the two 'Images for Integration' for the Sun Scorpio-Moon Scorpio blend of double-Water energies in force at the November 18th New Moon:

A pile of manure slowly permeates the deeper soil as the November rains soak the still, dark garden...A millionaire businessman establishes a foundation for medical research." (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey.)

Image: self-portrait after writing this post.

Nov 10, 2017

Hidden History: the Eugenics Record Office Is for Sale

Few people now realize that Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory in Laurel Hollow, NY was once the 'seat of eugenics in America' and its Wikipedia page gives its date of establishment as 1890 which times the budding of the endeavor near the *Great Conjunction/s of Neptune and Pluto in early Gemini. In more recent decades it has been an award-winning research facility in genetics, cancer research, etc, though some people may claim that 'genetics' is eugenics lurking under another name.

The following video concerns a tour that Doug and Melissa of Truthstream Media enjoyed in August 2015 which means that you and I have probably missed the sale of this secretive property:

Of course, eugenics relates to Nazi Germany and the white man's superiority complex so for more information see Who Would Really Want to Live in the Eugenics Record Office?.


*As you know, the current cycle of Neptune-Pluto began with their precise meetings on August 2, 1891, November 5, 1891, and April 30, 1892 at 8Gem38, 8Gem19, and 7Gem42, respectively. These degrees activated America's natal Uranus (8Gem55), quirky planet of novelty and progress. This trio created a midpoint picture: Neptune-Pluto = Uranus: flair for the unusual, adventurous, mystical, and supernatural; hyper-sensitive nerves...and, most tellingly--peculiar discoveries (Ebertin). The pair's cycle is approximately 492 years long so we're only 126 years into it and good-to-go.

Michael Munkasey gives the pair when activated by Uranus (a permanent condition for America) as exhibiting potentials for: unusual means to escape from or change reality; additions to impersonal attitudes about any destructive or antisocial activities; going to extremes with drugs.

For the Neptune-Pluto pair itself, Munkasey adds psychiatry, mass medical care, organized crime, pollution control (what they probably thought eugenics would achieve), and breakdowns in health.

And for a bit concerning the more modern-day influence of Neptune-Pluto in transit see Karma: the Neptune-Pluto Septile.

Recommended: The Combination of Stellar Influences, Reinhold Ebertin; Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Michael Munkasey.

Nov 9, 2017

London, Trump, and the Temple of Golden Mithras

The Cosmic Mysteries of Mithras provides readers with details on this ancient super-secretive Roman cult but today Mithraic influences are found all over the world. Know any gold worshipers? How about Donald Trump's golden penthouse atop Trump Tower? Or the Bull of Wall Street, an obvious example?

Yet for all his love of gold, the boasting Donald Trump is really, really proud to be the "King of Debt"!

Then as a gold significator in Western Astrology, we have Midas (#1981) named for the fabled King Midas of the 'golden touch' whose love of gold caused suffering and loss with loss being the dark side of the Mithraic-Midas picture, an ensnaring fate that no one ultimately escapes no matter how much gold and treasure they hide away. See the Washington Posts' The Paradise Papers Expose Trump's Fake Populism.

Image: By Walter Crane (1845-1915) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

More gold-plated details are available on the Wikipedia page of the London Mithraeum.

Nov 8, 2017

Eclipses and a few other Cosmic Events of 2018

Please note that the following list of Cosmic Events of 2018 is incomplete and does not cover the entire year because not all 2018 events have been written about and published yet!

As you know, each year begins under the influence of the Winter Solstice planets of the prior year which in this case is the Winter Solstice of 2017. Its solar influences extend at least until Spring Equinox 2018 in March.

Astrologically, year 2018 itself opens with a Cancer Full Moon at '12 Cancer' which is the "A Chinese Woman Nursing a Baby with a Message" degree suggesting an "occult potential of being, one that requires a deeper or higher 'vision', a holistic perception...; Keynote: The revelation of latent worth in an experience once it is seen in its deeper meaning." REVELATION."

The symbol for the January Full Moon's prior degree of karmic confrontation is '11 Cancer' = "A Clown Caricaturing Well-Known Personalities"; "Keynote: The value of humor in developing objectivity and independence of mind. DECONDITIONING." Mr. Trump pontificating from the White House has been a comedy bonanza for our erstwhile late night funny men and stand-up comics and a safety valve for Americans and others who appreciate their efforts to make us laugh to keep from crying.

Then, after a very long year 2017, the Trump (excuse for an) administration has its Inauguration 2018 Solar Return (horoscope shown with POTUS Sun in 6th house, quirky Uranus at Midheaven--is this Return chart showing a change of occupation or residence? Poor health due to too much fast-food eatin'? Use of military and police forces? Any, all, or none of these?) All bets are off on whether insulter-in-chief Trump remains in the White House into 2018 and/or beyond. After all, last evening's election results in Virginia, New Jersey, and elsewhere favored Democrats over Republicans as a rebuke to Peckerwood Trump and his party of billionaires and racists!

Now three Solar Eclipses occur in 2018 and are repeats of year 2000 (there was a fourth solar eclipse on Christmas Day 2000 @4Capricorn, the repeat of which manifests in the 2 South series on January 6, 2019 @15Capricorn.) Obviously these solar eclipses of 2000 occurred before the 'New Millennium' dawned and prior to the attacks of 9/11. Currently we are under the auspices of a 1 North Solar Eclipse which manifested as The Great American Eclipse of August 21, 2017 @29Leo--conjunct Mr. Trump's natal Ascendant (his nibs himself).

Next up is the 1 South Solar Eclipse or what I'm calling The 'We The People Eclipse' of February 15, 2018 @27AQ (conjunct US natal Moon of July 4, 1776). We receive a 'cosmic blink' from this 'wild card of the Universe' as more secrets are starkly revealed by eclipse light.

And on May 15, 2018 rebellious, disruptive Uranus Enters Taurus, a money sign ruled by comfort-loving Venus and signaling a period of risking everything in one toss, speculation, and/or seeking individual methods of financing (Ebertin).

Then on July 13, 2018 it's a Solar Eclipse @21Cancer in the 2 Old North series which is the Prenatal Eclipse (PE) series of quixotic Donald J. Trump, swamp-drainer extraordinaire (not!) His 2 Old North PE occurred on June May 30, 1946 @8Gemini conjunct US natal Uranus which suggest potentials for revolution, resistance, protests, unrest of the people due to his actions and rhetoric, upsets in the nation, a break for freedom, and/or violence.

Note that one of the historical events of early 1946 include President Truman setting up the CIG (Central Intelligence Group) but he signed the National Security Act on July 26, 1947 and you may wish to view the CIA's Neptune Rising natal horoscope here. The secretive organization is a Saturn-Pluto/Mars-Uranus/Moon-Jupiter affair and will experience a three-fer Jupiter Return (17Sco52) on January 6, May 12, and September 5--all in 2018. See The History of the CIA for copious historic details.

The third and final Solar Eclipse of 2018 is The 'Tower Eclipse' of August 11th in the 2 New North series with its 'collapse of an existing structure' theme that resonates closely with Tarot card 16. This eclipse also resonates by degree (19Leo) with the 18 North Solar Eclipse of August 11, 1961, the PE of FOX News personality Sean Hannity (in case you're a fan). Current-day, 18 North manifested on September 13, 2015 @20Virgo with themes of 'high stress level, taxing of strength, physical concern' (Brady).

And on November 5, 2018--around the time of the 2018 Midterm Elections--it so happens that US Constitution's Progressed New Moon perfects at 16Tau03 (chart shown). '17 Taurus' = "A POLARIZATION OF VALUES" (symbol: "Swords vs Torches"). This Sabian Symbol is so full of esoteric meaning concerning the founding of America that a book would have to be written!

Then beginning in December 2017, Ronald Reagan and his policies and political legacy of 'trickle down' economics has a three-fer Jupiter Return to his natal Jupiter position (13Scorpio) which extends into 2018 as transit Jupiter, banking planet of jackpots and lotteries, expands himself along through the secretive and ruthless business sign of Scorpio.

Well, there is my partial list of previously published posts concerning 2018. Knowing myself as well as I do, updates to this list as posts are published probably won't be happening but a reader can always plug '2018' into the sidebar Search Box and see what appears!


Sabian Symbols from An Astrological Mandala, Dane Rudhyar; eclipse dates and themes from Brady's Predictive Astrology.