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Feb 3, 2020

SOTU 2020 and Trump's SOTUs since 2017

February 3, 2020: Well friends, another State of the Union Address is upon us for on Tuesday evening February 4th Trump is to deliver SOTU 2020 to a Joint Session of Congress while taking plenty of time for gloating, boasting, and complaining.

This annual oration is scheduled for 9:00 pm est last I heard although he could begin his utterances a few minutes after the hour, of course, or even a bit before the hour with unpredictable Uranus in Gemini as his guiding planet.

Now Trump's first natal planet to rise during SOTU 2020 will be his 2nd hou$e Neptune @5libra which always brings along natal Chiron (which conjuncts US natal Saturn in mid-Libra: his Jupiter-Neptune = US Saturn: combining the real with the unreal; false hopes) and Trump's stationary Jupiter @17lib27 which turned Direct 3 hours 11 minutes after his 10:54 am edt birth (June 14, 1946 Queens, NY) = the boundary breaker. And as you know, a frequent refrain of folks born under the influence of a Libran Jupiter is, It's not fair! so he may be induced to whine about being impeached and about the ongoing trial in the Senate (Acquittal Vote scheduled for February 5, 2020 at 4:00 pm)--plus, bubbly Jupiter-Neptune's fantasy, grand schemes, speculation, and political conflict qualities will be on display. Also on tap for SOTU 2020 is contentious fighter Mars, the warrior and fire-starter planet, @22Sagittarius conjunct his natal Moon so Trump's anger is in the house. And whenever a planet conjoins his natal Moon, it opposes natal Sun which suggests his bruised ego from recent events and opinions and actions of others not supporting his leadership. Plus, karma is involved for his Nodal axis is activated by Mars which may include a measure of violence or violent reactions via Mars-South-Node. Certainly his grudges are on the scene!

So! Astro-notes concerning Trump's previous SOTU Addresses have been previously published here on SO'W if you care to compare them or to read my previous snarky comments. (I fuss because I care. And as a Capricorn, I happen to be fond of the word fuss.)

SOTUs 2017, 2018, 2019 and more on SOTU 2020:

First we were battered by Trump's Pseudo-SOTU of February 28, 2017, so freakishly memorable for he assailed us about 39 days after the 2017 Inauguration which you'll remember he and Sean Spicer tried to palm off as well-attended. In comparison to other presidential inaugurations prior, it was not. What a fantasist. And hothead when things don't go his way. Pouty and broody. Endlessly needy. One reason is his Moon-South-Node conjunction--a bottomless emotional pit that he can fall into and soon instigate a pity party. But then his opposing Sun-North-Node in the public 10th house boosts him forward, at least when he's in public view and a camera is on.

Then SOTU 2018 careened onto the world stage, it fell into the 1 North Saros Series of The Great American Eclipse of August 21, 2017 @29Leo which landed upon Trump's natal Ascendant and his Mars Rising with royal Regulus, the kingmaker star. (As you know, the year 2024 contains another Great American Eclipse but more on that later. This post is trying to be all about Trump SOTUs.) Additionally, I posted a follow-up fuss about SOTU 2018's aftermath and the necessary abundance of fact-checking that went on just to deal with what we as a nation had been through from listening to him. Reagan was The Gipper. Jack was the Ripper. Trump is The Riffer. But sometimes garbling occurs when too many syllables get in a speedy tongue's way.

Anyway, by the time SOTU 2019 rolled around, I had grown weary publishing Herr Spanky's SOTU horoscopes (and tired of listening to his insufferable voice) so I fussed here by text only last year. And for some reason the post is entitled SOTU 2019: Trump Cries Wolf! and you'll soon see why.

So if you're one of those hardy Americans we sometimes hear about who plans to sit through his oration tomorrow night, I salute you. But I can tell you that with 28Vir06 rising (asteroid Nemesis Rx @26Vir15 just having risen), orating Mercury is chart-ruler and Midheaven ruler (MC @27Gem51--'28Gemini' = "Bankruptcy": money matters?), is in confused and secretive Pisces (2:27), and makes only one Ptolemaic aspect to a planet in the chart, a sextile to erratic Uranus (0A28), which denotes some rapid speech (tongue tripping over dentures?) with Uranus @2Taurus in SOTU's corporate 8th hou$e, criticism of others will be on his menu (as always--nothing is ever his fault), and he may express heretical views that create controversy.

So what else is new, am I right?

Trump may face Michael Bloomberg in the 2020 race

February 3, 2020: First, in case you missed it, Mary Ann of Revealing Light Tarot has posted a very interesting reading on Michael Bloomberg, former NYC mayor, media mogul, billionaire, and 2020 Democratic candidate for the presidency who really wants Trump out of the White House. Perhaps you've seen Mr. Bloomberg's hard-to-miss campaign ads because they're blanketing the land, and he promises to continue spending against Trump even if he (Bloomberg) is not the Democratic nominee. Now I must say that that's the right spirit!

But then again I'm one of those anyone but Trump kind of American patriots and I suspect that my Revolutionary ancestors wouldn't have it any other way. Trump has no Revolutionary ancestors that I can find and I continue to assert that it shows in his lack of preference for America's founding principles. Disagree if you must but there it is.

Then there's this morning's Morning Joe (MSNBC) with a segment about how Trump attacked Bloomberg and Bloomberg Hit Back and it appears that Trump is concerned about having to run against the much wealthier Mr. Bloomberg who, in his days as NYC mayor, must have run across quite a few of Trump's unsavory secrets!

And speaking of campaign promises, here's a sample of Bloomberg News from February 1, 2020 which has a promising ring to it: Bloomberg Proposes Tax Plan to Raise $5 Trillion for Policies.

So for a peek at the natal horoscope of Michael Bloomberg, son of a bookkeeper, here's a previous post from June 2007 which was updated in 2019 before his announced presidential run (2020). You'll see his double Aquarian Sun-Moon blend with its Image for Integration--interesting considering that so far, large-boned Trump has made their potential 2020 match-up about Bloomberg's physical size--the Image is "The Jolly Green Giant"! Well, "jolly" is one of moneybags Jupiter's words and along with "green" refers to the much larger fortune enjoyed by Michael Bloomberg, larger than the mysterious wealth (sources unknown) of money-laundering con man Donald Trump who refuses to show his tax returns.

You'll also see that Mike Bloomberg's natal Sun @25AQ30 conjoins US natal Moon (We The People), a traditional indicator of a US president which makes me wonder: is the Democratic nomination his if he wants it?

Meanwhile, we should also note that Mike Bloomberg's natal Saturn-Uranus conjunction in Taurus sits upon the natal Midheaven ('MC') of Trump, causing his nibs a measure of nervousness perhaps, and denoting Bloomberg's potentials for a powder-keg temper and yet the conjunction positively supplies "tremendous latent power which can be used for progressive social movements if the ability is present to work progressive ideas into the existing social order" (A. Oken).

This sounds to me like Bloomberg's proposal for a 'tax plan to raise $5 trillion for policies'! What do you think?

Feb 1, 2020

2020 vs 1789: Senate "Acquittal" Vote and Congress

February 1, 2020: Yes, changes are certain to occur between today and the proposed Senate Vote to "acquit" Donald Trump scheduled for Wednesday February 5, 2020 at 4:00 pm est, last I heard. Below is a bi-wheel horoscope set for that date, Capitol Building (symbolic location), but for 4:56:10 pm est in case the vote isn't taken at precisely 4:00 pm--and because it is the moment that scofflaw Trump's natal 12th house Pluto (10Leo02) rises over Capitol Hill on February 5, 2020 (see 4th house). And wherever goes his Pluto of the Underworld goes his destructive Mars-Saturn midpoint, a picture of brutality, fury, destruction--and intervention of a higher power (Ebertin). Michael Munkasey adds potentials for, 'extreme measures against those who cannot defend themselves adequately, intense energy toward goals, and/or respected activities are corrupted'.

Bi-wheel: Congress 1789 in center with outer Senate "Acquittal" Vote February 5, 2020. Some of Trump's natal placements are penned on and highlighted in green, and a few US natal placements are added as well--but there's not enough space on the page for all of them!

Now one consideration on the possibility of a date change is that Trump is said to be none too pleased (aka, angry) that his fake acquittal vote will come after his February 4th SOTU 2020 address so he may demand a change of date to make his boasts and gloating more timely--and he'll call his deceptive utterances "the state of the union"! Of interest in the SOTU 2020 chart and the Senate Vote chart is that contentious Mars @22Sag11/45 conjoins Trump's natal Moon (and South Node) suggesting heated feelings close to the surface, a fast pace of life, hasty actions, and the potential for temper tantrums.

The Mars-South-Node connection adds more antagonism and conflict to the picture, plus, not caring what others think or do, questioning society's militaristic values or group actions, and conduct that's out of harmony with societal norms. What else is new from Trump, right?

Well, we expect that the level of Trumpian revenge will rise as he expresses his Mars Rising energies bolstered by royal Regulus rising - he'll think he has a right to take revenge on all who've opposed him and dared to air his crimes and low character which includes anyone of either party who voted or spoke against him. However, he is not The State whether he chooses to believe it or not! And this, in spite of the caution of Regulus we've discussed many times before: 'success if revenge is avoided, otherwise all that has been gained will be taken away'. But as you know, so far Moscow Mitch has managed to protect Trump from the consequences of his actions. Yet maybe the time approaches that the "intervention of a higher force" will bring in Trump's karmic harvest and he will finally reap what he's sown. Yet if censure of Trump is all the Senate can muster, so be it, for censure will fit quite nicely with Trump's perpetually impeached condition.

After all, you see transit Saturn @25Cap36 (demand for accountability, legalities) conjunct Congress' natal Midheaven ('MC'--the goal) suggesting conservative politics but also the possibility of a fall from grace. If the latter, the US Senate's deceptive actions and subsequent failure to hold a criminal president accountable should rightly haunt them at 2020 ballot boxes across the land (Iowa votes tomorrow via caucus!). Still, Mars (conjunct-Trump's natal Moon-SN) in Congress' 8th house leads a ruthless Locomotive shape of planets, suggestive of Trump, and his determination to succeed (and retaliate).

Then as you see, Congress' 9th house of Legal Affairs (and of Foreign Lands: manipulation from a distance?) holds the powerhouse trio of Saturn, Pluto, and Jupiter with 2020 South Node nearby. And the 10th house Sun @16AQ33 nears 1789 Pluto, always a combination of energies seeking and wielding power and control. Thing is, 2020 Saturn and Pluto have already opposed 1789 Jupiter Rx (@19Can57 in 3rd house) and 2020 Jupiter soon will--exact when Jupiter reaches 19Cap57 on or about March 3, 2020, marking a peak of expansive or exaggerated energies when no one is impressed with congressional efforts--and ideals clash. Actually, I already feel unimpressed, don't you? Perhaps in part because in January I had a Jupiter Return! Or more likely because Congress is particularly missing their We the People marks these days, mostly or fully due to Republican obstructionism. Yet November 3rd approaches and a massive Blue Wave is needed for best results because GOP election rigging must be overcome!

For some levity and mockery concerning these dire topics and more check out last evening's Real Time with Bill Mahrer in a segment called New Rule: Do the Wrong Thing with Bill's advice for Democrats (some of which is on the racy side).

So as you see, there are a zillion more factors to discuss in both charts but since this is a post not a book, I'll stop fussing for now and hope that you, dear reader, might discover them for yourself, keeping in mind the 3 South Prenatal Solar Eclipse of the Senate "Acquittal" Vote and the eclipse's traumatic transformation and sudden endings of relationships themes.

And as always, please enlarge the image if you wish to read my study notes and do leave your on-topic insights and comments with this post as you wish! jc

Jan 26, 2020

DC Horoscope: Vernal Equinox 2020

January 26, 2020: Spring 2020 approaches in the Northern Hemisphere and in case you've missed it, an excellent video from Secrets of the Universe is Astronomy Calendar 2020 which provides a Timeline of 2020 astronomical events including supermoons (a term coined by master astrologer Richard Nolle of AstroPro fame), the Halloween 'blue moon', the year's meteor showers, equinoxes, solstices, and 2020's Solar and Lunar Eclipses (those disruptive 'wild card' 'cosmic blinks' earthlings feared in ancient times).

DC Horoscope: Vernal Equinox 2020 Washington DC USA

As you know, a Vernal or Spring, (aka, Aries Ingress) Equinox Horoscope is 'good for' an entire year so let's briefly consider the upcoming season and its horoscope set for Washington DC in an attempt to glean via a 'common good lens' any Political Astrology clues concerning the year. However, we should note that until March 19, 2020 at 11:49:35 am edt, the Spring Equinox 2019 Horoscope remains in force with its Virgo Moon rising.

March 19, 2020 11:49:35 am est Washington DC is an Hour of the Sun; Sun conjunct Aries Point in 4th house of the Homeland, Real Estate, Domestic Scene with the Sun posited on one side of the 4/10 Security axis. Voicing We the People's desire for freedom and equality, Moon @13AQ32 in 3rd house of Communications conjoins transiting Icarus, an asteroid/archetype which is sometimes associated with assassination and always with 'flying too high'. And as always, the Aries Point is a Cardinal World Point of manifestation so global influences are involved which include potential conditions of anarchy, rebellion, and resistance.

Rising, yet possibly of no influence in Washington DC, is a Southern Hemisphere star Agena (Beta Centauri: 'the pain of learning'; 'sacrifices'). I mention because the star is rising.

Curiously, ASC 24Sco46 = Trump's natal IC (Endings--will he 'go back where he came from'? "25Scorpio" = "An X-Ray"). As you know, intense, brooding Scorpio is ruled by Mars and co-ruled by the power-craving planet of stealth, Pluto, 'god' of the Underworld, hidden wealth, and string-pulling. Therefore, the criminal underworld/syndicate, gangsterism, and battles for control and supremacy are suggested. Meanwhile, secrets will continue to be revealed, sometimes for the sake of revenge. In 2nd house, the 3 South Prenatal Solar Eclipse of December 26, 2019 ('traumatic transformation; and/or ending relationships'--Brady) continues to haunt society for here we see 3 South @4Cap06 entering the 2020 cosmic picture by way of the separative South Node @4Cap30. Opposite are North Node conjunct America's Venus-Jupiter-Sun Cancer trio in the Corporate 8th house which implicates matters of finance, investments, debt and credit, corporate power, and our POTUS Sun of leadership (July 4, 1776).

Suggestive of how things will proceed during Spring 2020

Chart-ruler Mars (in 2nd house of the National Treasury, Earning Ability, and Values including currency issues) applies three times: 1. conjunct Jupiter 0A10 (expansive or exaggerated conditions, large plans and projects); 2. conjunct Pluto 2A04 (a fated task, jealousy, revenge, a large project, forging weapons of war); 3. conjunct Saturn 7A15 (obstacles limit progress, timing issues, work associated with authority, giving more credit than is due, and positively--improvements in finances and/or social status). These are some of the potential outcomes in relation to 2nd house Mars as chart-ruler of the Spring Equinox 2020 Horoscope set for Washington DC.

Well, this is my brief consideration of the horoscope with its sparseness most likely necessitating a future update or second post. You'll spy other factors in the chart so please leave your on-topic comments with this post and Share if you care to encourage more such SO'W efforts! jc

Jan 25, 2020

January 25, 2020: Republicans Rebut for Trump

So this morning at 10:00 am est in Washington DC, Trump's Senate impeachment Trial continues and it's the turn of the Republicans to rebut charges against their dear leader made by senators of the Democratic persuasion for three days this week. Not that all Republicans in the chamber have listened to the arguments for Trump's conviction and removal from office, nor even remained silent in their seats as the rules dictate.

But today is a new day and I'm looking at today's 10:00 am horoscope on Capitol Hill with its Ascendant @3Ari56 and wounded Chiron rising @2Ari16. Apparently some measure of wounding has been suffered from the Democrats' arguments if only to Trump's massive yet oversensitive ego.

Yet Trump's Republican lackeys are up for the expected task of playing to an audience of One who is, I have heard, in 'The Residence' today and will be watching with great interest, no doubt, to see if any of his compromised minions in the Senate are destined to have their heads (symbolically, I'm sure!) on pikes, thanks to their vengeful boss and his mob leanings.

Of course, another implication of Chiron rising is a defense full of 'poor brave president' sentiments of persecution and martyr-like tendencies. Behind-the-scenes in the 12th house of Politics and Karma are the Venus-Neptune pair in sacrificial Pisces suggesting to me, if not to you, that a form of adoration is running in the background, at least for some of the participants. How genuine is up to the owners of such ill-placed slavishness yet I wonder--how would you or I fare under direct, real-time threat of a vicious Trump?

Meanwhile, in the 11th house of Groups and Associations are the recently separating Sun and Moon after their New Moon rendezvous of January 24th @4AQ22 (4:42 pm est). Now it's Sun 5AQ05 and Moon 13AQ18 with Luna applying to arguing Mercury 15AQ07, the Angel Point. However, I must doubt that the 'better angels of our natures' will make cameos in the Senate Hart Building today if indeed they ever have in support of America's finest aspirations. No, today is about defending the indefensible, the impeached criminal watching from the White House as a 10th house overflows with the heavyweight trio in Saturn-ruled Capricorn, Jupiter (12:16), Pluto (23:12), and Saturn (24:18). South Node @8Cap17 joins in as well suggesting a dependence upon past behavior and conduct that solved problems at that time but are no longer suitable for present circumstances. Opposite in 4th house, North Node continues to point toward Donald Trump's natal Mercury (8Can51) with its trade, commerce, lies, schemes, gossip, insults, and theft sensibilities and denoting Trump's location in 'The Residence' of the White House and fully expecting to be rhetorically defended by his cowed team players with fireworks, brilliance, and whatever it takes to 'win' the day and give him an appearance of exoneration.

Yet with erratic Uranus @2Tau44 first to rise in 1st house, some disruption or unexpected event may occur of a whimsical Trumpian quality for his 10th house Uranus in Gemini is Uranian Trump's guiding planet and we know how he prefers to rule by chaos--to shake things up. This suggests the pressure cooker his Republican defenders are simmering in and never more visibly than today and over the next few days as Mr. Indefensible pulls their strings upon pain of retaliation.

Primarily it will be chart-ruler Mars @15Sag02 in the 9th house of Legal Affairs leading the happy fight and the BOWL shape of planets tilting across the Public Status-Career Point of the Midheaven (2Cap09) and applying once to a square with watery Neptune (rationalizations over logic).

Rounding up for Mars's Sabian Symbol we have "16Sag": "Sea Gulls Watching a Ship" and I suspect that ship is Donald Trump being anxiously watched by his minions for signs of approval!

Trump's Impeachment Will End in One of Two Ways - Thom Hartmann

January 25, 2020: Thom Hartmann says that, based on Trump's many tweets coming back from Davos, Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid are now "officially in the cross hairs of the Trump administration," the lousy kleptocrats (I added the lousy kleptocrats to what Thom said--SO'W is my grousing place):

Jan 24, 2020

Horoscopes: Schiff's Final Argument Start and End

January 24, 2020: below is a bi-wheel of the start of House Manager Adam Schiff's final argument this evening at 7:48 pm est and the end of his rhetoric at 8:55 pm est by my pc's time stamps. There are many factors of interest in both charts but like Rep. Schiff, I'm tired. No, really. So please enlarge the image if you wish to read a few of my study notes which are not complete by any means because I wanted to post these charts to Stars Over Washington asap--only the Moon changes degrees and Sabian Symbols (see lower right).

And yes, I plan to check out what the Republicans have to say for themselves, petulance and all, which begins tomorrow, Saturday January 25, 2020 at 10:00 am, as announced. Yet one must suppose it will take the Republican orators, lawyers, politicians, and whatevs, a while to get situated to the task at hand. Covering Trump's wide patootie will be a mighty huge job, I just hope the 'lawyer lawsuits' crowd is up to it for their sakes, or it is to be feared that America's bridges will be full of Trump's wrathful revenge:

Note: the symbol of the final degree "7AQ" = "A Child Born of an Eggshell" which I mused could refer to the fellow in the Oval Office (the Venusian egg-shaped office.)

Jan 23, 2020

Adam Schiff natal w "Trump is dangerous" transits

January 23, 2020: Tonight near the end of House manager Adam Schiff's argument, he spoke passionately including the idea that "Trump is dangerous" and that "right" has to matter. Below is a bi-wheel with Mr. Schiff's natal horoscope in center and tonight's transits for the time I heard him say these things (10:29 pm ET, give or take a minute). Messily marked upon the image are the planetary contacts that pop out most obviously: Uranus to natal Mars, Mars opposite natal Moon, Moon opposite natal Mercury, Saturn opposite natal Mercury. Eagle-eyed readers will find more contacts I'm quite certain and those who missed Schiff's speech may locate it on video, perhaps tomorrow which is the Democrats' last day to present their arguments:

Jan 22, 2020

Impeachment Recap: Everything You Need To Know - Thom Hartmann

January 22, 2020: For those who have been living their lives instead of paying attention to the degrading turmoil on Capitol Hill with America's future as a constitutional Republic at stake, here's an insightful recap so far of Trump's Senate Impeachment Trial from progressive broadcaster and author Thom Hartmann:

America, Neptune-Pluto, and Organized Crime

January 22, 2020: Ordinarily the topic of the transpersonal Neptune-Pluto pairing here on Stars Over Washington has had most to do with the Robber Baron Class of the late 1800s and its biological and ideological spawn who continue to bedevil society. But now that organized crime in the form of global and domestic criminal networks and syndicates are running America from the White House, let's consider in this post the planetary pair in its criminal underworld capacities which include drugs (use/abuse, trafficking, etc) and occult practices.

(As implied by the image, the US Federal Reserve as part of the world banking system falls into the syndicate category as well and some would call the big banksters and their operatives a criminal enterprise, perhaps of the fox-guarding-the-hen-house variety and worse. Perhaps you disagree, but there it is. And note that in Astrology, Cupido can signify The Syndicate, The Family, and/or Corporatism with 'The Family' suggesting the Mafia and/or the 'religious' group that focuses on gaining political and worldly power as detailed in Jeff Sharlet's book, The Family and dramatized on Netflix. This group holds the annual 'National Prayer Breakfasts' on Capitol Hill, you know.)

Neptune-Pluto: Mired within Their 492-Year Cycle

Now as you know the current cycle of Neptune and Pluto began with their triple conjunctions of 1891 and 1892--specifically on August 2, 1891 @8Gem38, November 5, 1891 @8Gem19, and April 30, 1892 @7Gem42. As you see, these degrees are within orb of America's natal Uranus (8:55) of July 4, 1776 so a midpoint picture of potentials (any, all or none may apply) is worth our consideration using Ebertin, Munkasey, and Tyl as our sources:

Neptune-Pluto = Uranus: peculiar discoveries; flair for the unusual, mystical, supernatural, and/or adventurous; hyper-sensitive nerves; disruption to gain recognition; adventurous ego thrust; making waves to get to shore; possibly aberrant behavior; courage; adds to impersonal attitudes about any destructive or antisocial activities; emphasizes unusual means to escape from or change reality; rebellion against artificial supports or pursuits; tendency to go to extremes with drugs.

More Neptune-Pluto information can be found in Michael Munkasey's Hegelian Dialectic analysis of the pair (create the chaos then solve it the way you intended in the first place):

"Thesis: creating new ideals for power bases within any enterprise; calls for new measures for protection from natural disasters" (the Green New Deal? jc); "new ideas in waste processing, pollution control, mass medical care, or psychiatry.

Antithesis: controls over centers of political power; organized crime; activities involving plans for mutual destruction; subversion within security agencies; breakdowns in health, medical, or social care."

Other inferences can be made about the pair working together as well: idealism, laxity, merging, vagueness, disappearance, disguise, thievery, loss of Neptune combines with Underworld 'god' of Hades Pluto's tendencies toward extreme wealth, stealth, and death (hidden hand Pluto, the Secret Assassin, the dragon, etc). Both planets are slow-moving and thus karmic in that reap what's been sown kind of way.

Now my suspicion is that you recognize Trump and Co. and his foreign pals snuggled within many of these potential descriptions and possibilities. And we should note the Solar Eclipse Saros Series containing the last conjunction of Neptune and Pluto on April 30, 1892, for their conjunction occurred a mere 4 days after the Total Eclipse of April 26, 1892 in the 2 Old North series. And curiously, 2 Old North happens to be the Prenatal Eclipse series of Donald Trump which repeated on July 12, 2018 @21Cancer near his natal Saturn and Castor, a star with potentials for fame, loss, crippling of limbs, mental illness, and/or murder (A. Louis). See what Donald was up to and where he was on July 12, 2018 in this handy Timeline and note that also on that date, Robert Mueller indicted 12 Russians for hacking Democrats (to help 'elect' Donald).

And of course you know that Trump's natal Saturn @23Cancer is under stress now from transiting Saturn in Capricorn--opposes his Saturn, in fact, which Saturn, planet of accountability, precisely did on the morning of January 21, 2020--the day his Senate Impeachment Trial got underway. Now so far I haven't heard any obvious mention during senate proceedings of organized crime but my suspicion is that many if not all of our senators have had dealings of one sort or another with underworld figures, foreign and/or domestic--other than dealings with Trump and Co. Oppressive dealings such as blackmail and physical threats, it appears to me.

But what say you--any thoughts come to mind regarding Neptune-Pluto concerns?

Related from 2009 is Robert Scheer's article Wall Street Robber Barons Ride Again included here under the auspices of 'the new boss same as the old boss' adage although admittedly, Trump and Co. have taken the fraud level to a whole new and sinister depth while splashing it in our faces. Also related: The Natal Horoscopes of Capone-Manafort-Trump.

Sources used but relatively unharmed in the creation of this post: Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Michael Munkasey, Solar Arcs, Noel Tyl, The Combination of Stellar Influences, Reinhold Ebertin, and for Castor: Horary Plain and Simple, Anthony Louis.

Jan 21, 2020

Jan 21, 2020: it's Saturn vs Natal Saturn Day for Trump!

January 21, 2020: As you see from the new colors, Stars Over Washington is in mourning today and until further notice. Not so much for Donald Trump but for America for We The People are mired within a Saturn-opposite-Saturn phase with him. As you know, the Republican-held Senate has a yacht-load of Trump's misconduct to hide from the public on behalf of their compromised mob-boss-in-chief and his Impeachment Trial gets underway today at 1:00 pm ET on Capitol Hill. Whatever the trial's outcome, foreign operatives have, in a sense, already won against our once proud nation with all three branches of the US government infiltrated and in process of being sabotaged.

Now obviously, the Republican Party is under sway of foreign powers, completely 'bought and paid for' and blackmailed with their own crimes and secrets, so all we have to defend and salvage what's left of our democratic Republic is the Democratic Party. Now Saturn, planet of accountability, is strong in its own sign of Capricorn and is attended by powerful Pluto, also a karmic planet. Both planets are challenging the watery Saturn in tribal Cancer of Donald Trump--and the Saturn opposition is exact this very day. Fated undercurrents swirl beneath us and a titanic power struggle is engaged between global and domestic crime syndicates vs the political class of Washington DC, my former city of residence. Will a few GOP senators heed Saturn's message of accountability and leave the dark side for the light?

In the nearly 15 years of writing SO'W, several times I've typed how I don't appreciate what 'they've' done to the place--meaning politicians, their corporate donors and enablers. And my lack of appreciation was never more true than the authoritarian change of direction figurehead Trump has instigated upon our nation since 2017 and will continue to instigate if he sleazes out of his current pickle and manages to finagle the November 2020 Election into handing him four more years--with lots of help from the usual GOP cheating. After all, he can't "win" without lots of funny business. Yet reluctantly I must admit that Election Day planets look 'good' for Trump which to me means bad for our country--for the entire world, in fact.

So yes, yours truly is one of those Vote Blue No Matter Who types, SO'W is in mourning today, and I pray that fairness triumphs during the Senate Trial so that Donald Trump may finally reap what's he's sown as the natural law of karma requires of everyone born upon this Earth. Plus, timekeeper Saturn says the hour has arrived for glass-chinned Trump to step up and take what's coming to him.

Jan 18, 2020

A Fake Impeachment Trial for Donald Trump?

January 18, 2020: Next week's Senate Impeachment Trial of Donald Trump has the partisan, compromised thumb of Senate Leader Mitch McConnell heavily upon it.

As you know, if witnesses and documents can be kept in McConnell's lock box he'll do it--he'll do anything to keep a lid on the public's knowledge of the crimes of Trump and in effect, Mitch will mastermind a cover-up of his crook-in-arms.

What if anything my previous post concerning the Astrology of the Senate Trial does to address these shady circumstances I don't know. It probably doesn't.

But a January 17th article in The Nation penned by Elie Mystal does address such issues concerning the trial and McConnell's role in the proceedings and I highly recommend his article to readers who have yet to encounter it!

And for details on new evidence see The 11th Hour's report of January 17th, Dems Drop New Evidence Tightening Trump's Link to Lev Parnas. Expectably, prevaricator Trump has denied knowing Lev Parnas!

Yes, astrologers know that deceit, corruption, fraud, fear, and paranoia are busy factors in modern society particularly when Neptune is in Pisces (and the Republican Party's natal Neptune from 1854 is in Pisces as well, hence the party's recent Neptune Return(s) and their corruption and criminality which have floated to the surface of public awareness).

Shall We Say Fare Well to America's Enlightenment Ideals?

Meanwhile, the fact that truth--Truth--in the form of evidence will be avoided by Senate Republicans next week is a certainty to the extent that our public outcry is too weak to force McConnell to allow witnesses to testify. However, if a real trial turns out to be the case, previously hidden documents, obstructed from view by Trump, should also see the light of the Senate chamber. This is on us! For crying out we must for the sake of our country--against those who attempt to throttle and sabotage America and transform her traditional principles embedded within our Freedom Documents into a pile of rubbish fit for tyrants and a neutered We the People. Did America's Founding Fathers plan this perverted outcome? I seriously doubt it. That old orders must pass so that new orders can emerge is a natural process but the dystopian Republican 'vision' is devilish, harsh, and way too draconian for me.

Therefore, without robust public demands, Republicans will go merrily on perverting justice and undermining democracy for the sake of a corrupt Donald Trump who considers the US Constitution a mere roadblock on his way to monarchical tyranny. But from here, Trump's 'roadblock' looks more like a piece of paper stuck to the bottom of his shoe as he laboriously ascends the stairs to Air Force One.

Related Posts include: The Conspiracy Party and Its Neptune Return (horoscope shown). And Horoscope: US Congress First Session 1789 where we find the January 12, 2020 Great Conjunction of karmic Saturn and Pluto in Congress' 9th house conjunct its Midheaven.