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Oct 17, 2020

November 12, 2020 The Third Potency of Jupiter-Pluto

Jupiter-Pluto Energies Combine as November Nears and 2021 Looms Ahead

by Jude Cowell

This past April we discussed the November 12, 2020 Jupiter-Pluto Conjunction and considered its DC Horoscope reposted here:

Today let's add a few additional notes concerning Jupiter-Pluto indications in the Trump era with our focus on America using Washington DC as a symbolic representation of our nation. Few links to previous posts on related topics are included in this post so if a particular topic interests you, please type it into the sidebar Search widget by scrolling down a bit and see if a selection pops up.

So basically, the duo of Jupiter (increase; expansion; growth) and Pluto (power; wealth; manipulation) represent power-craving plutocrats and Plutocracy and most everyone knows that Trump is a plutocrat acting for his own profit and on behalf of wealthy donors and billionaires. Exploitation of the weaker is their 'claim to fame' by employing whatever means necessary with emphasis on manipulating the levers of power - financial, legal, political. In previous SO'W posts I have also related Jupiter-Pluto to the Fed and perhaps you'll agree that the US Federal Reserve System, our 'central bank', works for and with the global syndicate of international banking houses - and specifically with the House of Rothchild leading the pack of wolves and foxes from their lairs in Europe and the City of London. Their network of links and associations (many by marriage--keeping power and control within The Family) is what makes a global financial collapse totally possible!

Then with the installation in the White House of foxy Trump controlling the levers of the US financial system, we can see that The Family of banking houses has joined forces (if they weren't already joined!) with at least one global organized crime syndicate, namely, with mobsters and outlaws wielding political power and influence in the US - in league with Klanish thugs and zealots of the white supremacy/alt-right persuasion. And for strong-arming those who disagree with an authoritarian America as the 'new order', Trump's enforcers use and threaten to use one of Plutocracy's favorite tools: primal violence. The explosive Mars-Uranus Conjunction, exact on Inauguration Day 2021, suggests this.

The Jupiter-Pluto Cycle: Approximately 13 Years

Now as you know, all planetary conjunctions time a new beginning of their cycle and for Jupiter-Pluto, Year 2020 has in stages marked the completion of their previous cycle which began on December 11, 2007 @28Sag24. By degree, their conjunction created a cosmic time link with the current Saturn-Uranus Cycle for its three conjunctions in 1988 perfected in the degree range of 27-30 Sagittarius. Perahps we should note a couple of things: that the upcoming Saturn-Uranus square with Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus identifies a period of extreme resistance to authority--Fixed energies are rigid and stubborn; and, that on a basic level, the combination of Saturn and Uranus has to do with the overthrow of an 'old order' and the establishment of 'the new' which is also an underlying theme of the Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction coming at Winter Solstice 2020 (see a link to its midpoint potentials, below).

And so as noted, in 2020 Jupiter and Pluto conjunctions perfect three times: April 4, June 20, and the November 12, 2020 Conjunction you see in the chart, above. If we take the cycle's 13 years and divide by 3, we get approximately 4 years and about 4 months for each of the three horoscopes to represent (and leading up to their next conjunction on February 5, 2033 @14AQ50). Or, we can count all three conjunctions in 2020 as a process with a combination or variety of Jupiter-Pluto implications over the next 13 years, their influences alternating in strength. So the three conjunction horoscopes can be read in a variety of ways. How about another: Chart 1. problems present; Chart 2. denial and delay (Rx stage); Chart 3. solutions are found.

Of course, with the US Congress paralyzed by Republican Mitch "grim reaper" McConnell, implementation of pro-99% solutions is another matter best left to a president of the Democratic persuasion - so please Vote so we can get one!

You may also wish to see: December 21, 2020's Midpoint Pictures of the Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction with the caution that any, all, or none may apply and may be activated by future transits, progressions, and/or directions.

A Note to SO'W Patreon members: As you know, major societal changes are in progress and in case you haven't found it yet, a new post has been published for Patreon readers which concerns the December 21, 2020 Great Conjunction of societal planets Jupiter and Saturn! jc

Oct 12, 2020

DC Horoscope: Trump Lunar Return November 2020

DC Horoscope: November 16, 2020 9:00:59 pm est Trump Lunar Return 21Sag12 in Return 5th house of Speculation and Risk-Taking; Moon rules the chart and applies once--sextile Venus (see lower left); Venus @24Lib28 (in Return 4th house) leads a ruthless Locomotive shape of planets and is apex of a T-Square pattern: Pluto-ASC = Venus: wielding influence over others bwo an attractive personality (Ebertin).

Trump natals are penned around the outside of the horoscope and highlighted in pink.

Sabian Symbol for Trump's natal Moon rounded up to "22Sag" = "A Chinese Laundry" (Jones).

Note that Lunar (aka, Moon) Returns describe ordinary conditions, the emotional temperature, and the tempo of daily life for aproximately one month until the transiting Moon again returns to her natal degree. Trump's next Lunar Return (21Sag12) will perfect in mid-December 2020 slinkily near the Total December 14, 2020 Solar Return @23Sag08 in the turbulent 4 South Saros Series (strong emotions over money and relationships) which will affect Trump's natal Sun-Moon opposition conjunct his Nodal axis. Additionally, as you know, December 14th is the day the Electoral College is scheduled cast their votes.

Oct 11, 2020

Undermining SCOTUS? Who Else but Neptune!

Horoscopes: SCOTUS 1790 (inner) with a snapshot of the June 2020 Mars-Neptune Conjunction (outer); as you see, both transit Neptune and Mars were conjunct 1790 Saturn in June (Mars-Neptune = Saturn with potentials for: 'instability; misdirected energy; unfortunate consequences because of a weak will; lasting illness or weakness; an epidemic; toxins in the body'--R. Ebertin).

In Progress, a Significant Transit to SCOTUS Saturn: transit Neptune, now floating through its own sign of Pisces, is influencing and more than likely undermining Saturn in the SCOTUS First Session Horoscope (February 1, 1790 NYC--I use 9:00 am LMT). The slow-moving gas ball has been within orb of 1790 Saturn for some time, yes, but in February and March 2021, transit Neptune @20Pisces will directly conjunct SCOTUS Saturn, the legal-eagle planet of judges, The Law, attorneys, courts, government, authority, realism, facts, accountability, reliability, restriction, limits, and thereby will reveal a period when structures and traditions are being eroded and/or are disintegrating due to current conditions.

This erosion of our court and legal systems has already begun, of course, but early 2021 could be the period when such effects become stronger and thus more obvious to the general public, perhaps to the point of legal paralysis.

Other possibilities with Neptune-to-Saturn include contagion (Neptune) affecting judges or other court officials (Saturn) to a hobbling degree, there may be loss although it's impossible to say from what cause (it may be mysterious!), and/or there may be some combination of inspired ideals and misguided notions being argued during proceedings. Naturally, other court circuits may be affected as well (Saturn) with substandard judges attempting to adjudicate in positions they should not have taken due to inexperience, ill-preparedness, lack of education, and/or odd or strange ideas. Notably, conspiracy theories may crash against brick walls during this period.

Now as you know, much of the results of Neptune-to-Saturn for SCOTUS will depend on whether Trump manages to finagle four more years with sidekick Barr running interference for his scofflaw antics, or, whether Joe Biden takes the White House and brings with him a more professional team such as former prosecutor Glenn Kirschner who some see as imminently qualified for the position of US Attorney General to replace Billy Barr. Perhaps you've heard Mr. Kirschner's Justice Matters podcast or watched his videos, and as one born with four planets in Saturn-ruled Capricorn, I appreciate Mr. Kirschner's reality-based views and legal expertise!

A Closing Note: The above post was originally typed and included with a Thom Hartmann video (October 11, 2020) but Blogger wouldn't allow this text to be published with Thom's content as has been my usual habit these 15 years of writing Stars Over Washington. However, maybe I can share the link to Thom's video: Stacking the Supreme Court - History vs Fiction. Hopefully the link is Live but if not, you can always search YouTube (ex: Thom's channel) for it as you wish. jc

Stacking The Supreme Court: History vs. Fiction! - Thom Hartmann

Oct 9, 2020

DC Horoscope: US Ceres Return December 2020

October 9, 2020: Below is the DC Horoscope of America's Ceres Return of December 20, 2020. As you know, in Astrology asteroid-archetype Ceres is associated with food supplies, grains, milk, nurturing, The Mother (including Earth), and, as I often use it here, democracy. December 20, 2020 is actually the third of three exact returns to natal degree (8Pis41--see chart, upper, for the dates) of US Ceres which also happened (on July 4, 1776) to have been conjunct the transiting midoint of Plutocracy, Pluto-Chiron (8Pis20). Visions of control and exploitation come to mind, and as you see in the center of the horoscope, the forceful often brutal Mars-Pluto midpoint conjuncts our Ceres on December 20th suggesting toxins in our food supply. In the realms of biology and health, Mars-Pluto relates to potentials for organ replacement, toxemia, high fevers, an overactive pituitary gland, cell regeneration, and/or tumors (Ebertin). And to me it seems that food additives continue to be in the spotlight and democracy is under seige (Mars-Pluto = Ceres) as we already know that it is.

Ceres in 11th house suggests humanitarianism so food shortages and supply chain difficulties may continue to be in the news and cause trouble within the sphere of our country's social safety net. Childen go hungry in America yet as you know, Pisces is the sign of compassion but can also suggest shady goings-on and/or disapppointment.

To close, I'll paraphrase from Emma Belle Donath's book Asteroids in the Birth Chart (revised) concerning Chiron in Pisces and end with a quote:

Philosophical and religious issues are narrowed to the core of their meaning and applied to everyday lives. The essence of information is distilled, intuition is used in a practical way, and all experiences are analyzed impersonally. "This may esoterically be called the sorrow before the spring."

Image: US Ceres Return #3 of 3; December 20, 2020 @2:44:24 pm est Washington DC; Hour of an out-of-bounds Mercury at a critical 29th degree conjunct the Sun; Venus leads the tilt of a BOWL shape from 7th house and as chart-ruler (ASC: Taurus) makes only (irritating) minor applying aspects (health; money; relationships); Saturn-Pluto = Jupiter: 'difficulties caused by illness; religious and social fanaticism' (Ebertin):

Oct 8, 2020

October 2020 Mercury-Uranus and the White House

Horoscope: the KKK December 24, 1865 'noon' LMT Pulaski, Tennessee

An October Opposition: the Biden-Trump Debates and the Klan

by Jude Cowell

Thursday October 8, 2020: With the current transiting opposition between Mercury Rx in Scorpio and Uranus Rx in Taurus we see general tendencies in the Collective such as 2020 candidates jumping to erroneous conclusions about others, twisting others' ideas to suit one's purpose, and the possible involvement of people of influence who harbor bad intentions. Well, that sounds like any and all political debating, doesn't it? And pretty well describes the very practice of Politics itself. (But don't mind my opinion, I'm jaded--Stars Over Washington turns fifteen years old on October 16, 2020 with over 5,000 published posts!).

So to get to the point of this particular fuss I'm going to just go ahead and type it out loud: the Klan is in the White House and current transits to its 1865 planets (shown, above) reveal cosmic influences upon political conditions in the US and the excruciating Campaign 2020 ongoing as dictator-wanna-be Trump attempts to coup the Oval Office for 'four more years'. Meanwhile, CFR-er Joe Biden challenges the authority and pseudo-exalted standing of the Klan via Trump while, in what passes for political 'debates' these days, so much is left unsaid and many of the facts are distorted ad nauseum.

Now the data I have for the KKK is as follows: December 24, 1865 "12:00 pm LMT" (exact hour unknown) Pulaski, Tennessee: ASC 5Ari06; MC 2Cap59 (see chart, above). If you know of more accurate data, please let me know. Until then, this is the data I use to set up the organization's 'modern' chart for the group's origins go back further, of course, back to the Knights of the Golden Circle (of which John Wilkes Booth, Albert Pike, and Jesse James were members--Pike, a leader) and to the slave patrols of yesteryear which exist still via trigger-happy (racist) police officers on the hunt.

So what's being aggravated in the KKK horoscope of 1865 by the current Mercury-Uranus opposition is the Klan's dictatorial, willful, power-craving Saturn-Pluto opposition across the intense Taurus-Scorpio axis. Here are a few potentials of the transits which are most intense at the second Biden-Trump debate (October 15, 2020) so I'm comparing the chart of the predictive New Moon of October 16, 2020 with the 1865 Saturn-Pluto opposition of the Klan - also because the Libra New Moon @23Lib53 favors Joe Biden for the win.

CFR vs the Klan

2020 Mercury Rx @11Sco10 conjuncts 1865 Saturn @9Sco39: denotes restricted ideas and/or plans, serious thinking, and perhaps a tendency toward dullness of mind.

2020 Mercury opposes 1865 Pluto Rx: conditions of corruption and disintegration; opposing forces attempt to manipulate; information is withheld due to paranoia and a need for protection; wrong information is deliberatey provided in order to mislead; thoughts are strongly expressed but others refuse to listen; intense communications.

2020 Uranus opposes 1865 Saturn: authority is threatened (especially if it has been illegitimately gained); methods are challenged; opposing forces demand change and a new order.

2020 Uranus conjuncting 1865 Pluto: disrturbing conditions, disruption, upheaval; hidden fears surface; unsuccessful manipulation.

Addtionally, the basic energies within the Klan's Saturn-Pluto opposition are in process of being activated along with the January 12 2020 Saturn-Pluto Conjunction at 22Cap46 which continues to be ruffled by transiting Saturn and Pluto with transit Jupiter yet to actualy reach 22 Capricorn in mid-November 2020. We see this ruffling when Joe Biden presents new views of the future and adds a realistic interpretation to our current predicament, and when escapist Donald Trump is inspired by the use of drugs and employs illusion to gaslight us all.

A Previous Post: The Prenatal Eclipse of Inauguration 2021.

Oct 6, 2020

January 2021 Lunations and the Testing of America

October 6, 2020: As you know, too much is happening in 2020 to focus fully on year 2021's political and cosmic happenings and conditions but so far there's this: 117th Congress Scheduled to Open January 3, 2021 - depending, of course, on the medical status of DC politicians and their staff members by January. Of course, a virtual Congress may be an option but time will have to tell. So as it now stands, thanks to the superspreader-in-chief, mainly Republicans have been put in danger of the contagion, if Trump contracted the virus at all.

(Perhaps you agree that it's difficult to believe anything a pathological liar says and this one has major political, financial, and personal motivations for everything he says and does, so there we stew. As usual with Trump, nefarious schemes are afoot! And as Trump has said, What you see and hear isn't what's really happening. Yes, we know. That's one reason Astrology is a valuable lens for looking at Politics.)

But on to some basic info concerning the Lunations of January 2021:

January 13, 2021: New Moon @23Cap13 activates all the recent transits to this degree (and 2 or 3 degrees before and after) by Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto including the harsh, calcifying Saturn-Pluto Conjunction of January 12, 2020 (conjunct Trump's natal Vertex! Hardening of his arteries?). In fact, this New Moon may act in similar fashion to a solar eclipse as some new moons do and may activate the energies within the Saturn-Pluto combination, plus, the lunation may make signifcant contacts with the rest of the January 12, 2020 horoscope and planets. Note that this Capricorn New Moon also opposes US natal Mercury Rx which then ruffles America's natal Mercury-Pluto opposition (surveillance, propaganda, mind control, etc, etc). And of course, conditions within our national Mercury-Pluto opposition continue to be activated or revisited as America's Pluto Return perfects three times in 2022.

Sabian Symbol of the January 2021 New Moon rounded up to "24Capricorn": "A Woman Entering a Convent--CONSECRATION: positive expression: the irresistible power of a true inner vision; negative expression: abject surrender to weakness.

The culmination or fulfillment of something begun at the 2021 Capricorn New Moon arrives with the Full Moon of January 28, 2021 @9Leo06 so the Collective goes from the Cancer-Capricorn security axis to the Self-Will axis of Leo-Aquarius. Other realms are involved, of course, but those are the ones I tend to use here on SO'W for mundane charts and political indications. And naturally, since a Full Moon can act similarly to a Lunar Eclipse we can expect the leaking or unveiling of additional secrets, scandals, and/or inconvenient facts around or during the last week of January 2021 into February. Not that we wish for more but criminals always have a lot to hide, doncha think? Their lives depend on keeping secrets. Additionally, this Full Moon conjuncts the natal 12th house (hidden!) Pluto of Trump (10Leo02) and along with his natal Pluto of the Underworld always comes his natal midpoint of death, murder, bodily harm, fury, and destruction: Mars-Saturn = Pluto (Ebertin).

Despite this, the symbol for the January 28th Full Moon is bracing for the Collective for it's "Early Morning Dew"...REJUVENATION!

Even so, considering the lunations which open year 2021, plus, Trump's mishandling of the pandemic and other grievous Republican 'antics' against the American people, I'd say that there will be bright spots in 2021 (ex: 2021 solar eclipses bring less difficult themes) yet we'll continue to be mired within the difficult atmosphere of the cold-hearted, brutal Saturn-Pluto duo (with its 33-to-35-year cycle) into February 2021 and on to the first eclipse of 2021, a Lunar Eclipse @5Sagittarius on May 26, 2021.

May all who are able Stand Tall for the Testing of America continues!


The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Mard Edmund Jones.

Above Image: Phases of the Moon, a pencil drawing by Jude Cowell

Oct 2, 2020

Horoscopes: Trump natal with Trump Covid Tweet

October 2, 2020: Just a quick posting of the horoscope of Trump's 'tested Covid positive' tweet this morning (timestamped for 12:54 am edt) in the center of this bi-wheel with his natal horoscope around the outside. Significant cosmic contacts are circled (exs: Pollux rising ('poison and/or disgrace'), venal Venus conjunct natal Ascendant and Regulus, North Node conjunct natal Sun) although of course you may find additional factors of note. As you know, Trump's contraction of the virus, if true, deepens America's ongoing national security crisis as personified by Mr. Trump:

Dear Readers and Patreon Subscribers: As always, your on-topic comments and insights concerning these horoscopes are invited and will be published - as long as you don't comment as 'Anonymous' or 'Unknown'. After all, if you don't know who you are, I certainly don't. jc

Sep 30, 2020

But Is It Better Than a Dictator Trump?

"Shove America toward fascism and the American people will turn and run toward whatever 'new order' the corporate global syndicate has in store."

-Jude Cowell

September 30, 2020 10:45 am edt

In Astrology (as used here on SO'W):

Cupido = Corporatism; The Family; The Syndicate.

Neptune-Pluto = Organized Crime; The Underworld; criminal enterprises; the supernatural; illusory tricks; plans for mutual destruction; mass medical or social care.

Uranus-Neptune: the 'new world order' duo; Utopian zealotry; subversive political movements; changes in political and social structures; groups formed to exploit oil or chemical resources; contacts with foreign countries; peculiar psychic states; strange inclinations; elimination of the waking consciousness; mysticism; inner illumination and enlightenment; idealism; wrong ideas.

After some years of build up, with Trump in 2017 came transit Pluto activating the 1993 Great Conjunction/s of Uranus and Neptune @18Capricorn and completing a midpoint picture that describes figurehead Trump's and his fellow saboteurs' imperative to collapse America:

1993 Uranus-Neptune = 2017 Pluto: "The big picture commands a certain course of action which must be followed; very little option to do otherwise" (Tyl).

And when you owe millions of dollars to foreign countries and dictators as does serial bankrupt asset Donald Trump, your choice to follow treasonous orders against America is really no choice at all.

'18 Capricorn' in Sabian Symbols:

"The Union Jack Flies From a British Warship: Keynote: The protection afforded to individuals and groups by powerful institutions in charge of maintaining order. POLITICAL POWER, its values and its dangers" (Rudhyar).

"The Union Jack: SUPERVISION; positive expression: the self's ever-widening spread of interest in its insatiable desire to leave some permanent imprint of itself on everything it touches; negative expression (unconscious; shadow side--jc): smug or strong-armed paternalism (Jones).

Hmmm. Looks as if America's 'Mother Country' might know more than she's telling about our current predicament. Or should we say The City of London, the financial district founded by the Romans?

Related and in store: Davos 'Re-Set Agenda' Forum Moves to Summer 2021.

Above image: the Rothschild coat-of-arms