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Jul 3, 2022

DC Horoscopes: July 2022 Lunations

DC Horoscopes of the Two July 2022 Lunations

by Jude Cowell

Dual Images: lower left is the July 13, 2022 Full Moon @21Cap21 (in the super-sensitized zone of Capricorn where Pluto lurks) and with the Moon out-of-bounds of the earthly plane (as is Mercury @17Can42; detached? estranged?). Yet Luna leads a BOWL shape of planets (having a mission to fulfill or a cause for which to advocate) and on a mundane level can represent women, families, the public, publicity, and fluctuations and changes. Her sign of Saturn-ruled Capricorn suggests that the public mood is sober, serious, and focused on business, law, and government. The July Full Moon represents the culmination phase issuing from the New Moon of June 28, 2022 @7Can23 (showing a continuance of the June 2022 hearings) and this spotlights the natal Mercury of Donald Trump @8Cancer (a gossip, who likes to "hide the hand that flings the stone").

Then upper right is a new cycle of activity when seeds are planted and plans are made at the New Moon of July 28, 2022 @5Leo38 (conjunct US 1776 North Node) to be harvested or fulfilled at the next Full Moon (August 12, 2022 @19AQ21; chart not shown):

Health asteroid Hygeia is prominent in both charts rising at both Ascendants in Scorpio, a sign associated with surgery such as abortions, and with death such as those predicted to be the fate of many women in the US thanks to the regressive loose cannon decision by Catholic Supreme Court 'justices' gone rogue.

Thing is, I'd intended to publish these two lunar charts for the month of July 2022 based on the announcement that additional J6 Public Hearings would be held in July after the July 4th holiday but as you see, Hygeia and other chart factors have more or less taken over the focus of this post. Still, there are several suggestive study notes penned on the images for those curious enough to check them out. We should note that both lunations fall under the auspices of the 6 North Solar Eclipse of April 19, 2022 @10Tau28 with themes of 'relationship to authority figures' and 'accepting commitments due to another person's unreliability or illness' (B. Brady), so all of July 2022 (until the 6 South Eclipse of October) remains under 6 North influences.

And of course, all solar eclipses in Venus-ruled Taurus bring issues of perseverance, patience, reliability, and endurance. And on a pragmatic level, Taurus suggests economic concerns and growth potential, plus, a need to avoid bullheadedness if karmic progress is to be made.

So with the cosmic blink emphasis on Taurus, planet Venus becomes important to these and other matters and problems arriving with the eclipse, and we might think of Cassidy Hutchinson (no birth date found so far!) and her recent "smoking gun" testimony to the J6 Committee Hearing that, if any fairness is left in our country and legal system, will result in an indictment of the first-ever US president to attempt to overturn the Electoral Vote Certification in Congress, with a willful determination to establish himself as a dictator in the White House, democracy be da*ned.

Now as you see, Venus is in talkative Gemini (Cassidy Hutchinson? surely not the reluctant Ginni Thomas!) at the July 13th Full Moon but by the New Moon of July 28th, Luna has floated well into Moon-ruled Cancer (reflecting America's 1776 planets in Cancer) where she prefers security, protection, home, and family. Expectably, the far right's undermining of Miss Hutchinson's reputation will probably continue, and she will continue to need defending on physical, legal, and other levels.

Then also in the New Moon chart, we might wonder about Mercury @18Leo22, planet of Communications, Testifying, and Commerce, but also of children and babies for The Messenger planet reminds us of The Tower Eclipse of August 11, 2018, back when Herr Trump's damage to democracy was in full swing, and a 'collapse and rebuild' theme was spotlighted by the 2 New North Solar Eclipse.

Suggestively, Mercury is atop the New Moon chart at the visible Midheaven, the Goal Point of any horoscope which relates to Career and Public Status. Speedy Mercury is traveling with Toro, an asteroid associated with power including nuclear power.

Meanwhile, in a flurry of cosmic synchronicity, a Solar Eclipse @21Cancer (conjunct the July 2022 Full Moon's Sun = a culmination of full awareness: more secrets revealed) in the 2 Old North series manifested on July 13, 2018. And 2 Old North happens to be the Prenatal Solar Eclipse series ('PE') of one Donald Trump (who was playing president then) with its difficult themes of 'unfortunate news concerning relationships or friendships; dealing with separations; things look glum but fast action can bring positive outcomes' (B. Brady). My assumption is that the July 13, 2022 Full Moon will uncover issues in relation to 2 Old North themes - specifically for Donald Trump since his PE is re-activated by the July 13th Full Moon, he's the primary focus of the J6 proceedings, and, in a starring role - is the scofflaw perpetrator of extremely bad presidentin'.

And incidentally, do you know that for America's first-ever Independence Day, the month of July 1777 was replete with both a Lunar and a Solar Eclipse? An example is the Lunar Eclipse of July 20, 1777 @27Cap59 conjunct then-Pluto's position and our 1776 Pluto. And of course, the intense Moon-Pluto combination of energies relates to multiple things, one being criminal activities such as those we must deal with now - during America's first-ever Pluto Return (3x in 2022). It's all totally karmic after all, is it not?

Meanwhile, we know that the sign of Taurus can also indicate intolerance and greed, yet it's capable of expressing a good measure of patience. However, most Americans are tired of waiting for karma to catch up with the orange saboteur. Still, I must continue to wonder: Will Regulus Assure the Destiny of Donald Trump? with the star's 'ruination if revenge is taken' caution. After all, the grudge-holder's violent coup attempt on January 6, 2021 was certainly a form of taking revenge, was it not?

So then, at the very end of July 2022, a Conjunction suggesting radical reactionary politics, Utopian zealotry, and reforms takes place when transit Uranus Meets North Node on July 31st, exact at 4:05 pm edt @18Tau41. Rounded up, we have "19Taurus": "A Newly Formed Continent" = ORIGINALITY; positive expression: "a revolutionary potentiality by which each individual is enabled to remodel the entire face of the universe"; negative expression (shadow side/unconscious - jc): "a genius for futile turmoil and persistent upset" (M. E. Jones).

In closing, I feel compelled to add that this is the sign and degree of George Washington's natal Ascendant, and that, whatever reforms social meddlers have scheduled for America, I pray that they're in keeping with the first principles and freedoms that President Washington and other Founders set up for us to follow instead of the 'futile turmoil and persistent upset' that seditionists and saboteurs of our nation have long-planned in their fevered and malevolent minds.

Jul 1, 2022

Inauguration 1953: A Prayer for America

Dwight D. Eisenhower, official photo, May 29, 1959; Public domain via Wikimedia Commons

July 1, 2022

Reaching Back for a Better America

by Jude Cowell

As my fellow Americans and I face Independence Day 2022 with less constitutionally granted independence and freedom than before due to an overreaching Supreme Court, a tribute to a certain American Republican president might actually be appropriate for the July 4th holiday:

On January 20, 1953, Dwight D. Eisenhower was sworn in as our 34th president. Instead of one Bible for his Oath of Office, two Bibles were used: George Washington's Masonic Bible from 1789, some say turned to II Chronicles 7:14 (disputed), and President Eisenhower's own "West Point Bible" turned to Psalms 33:12. Eisenhower then gave his own Prayer and delivered his Inaugural Address. At his 1953 Inauguration, 'Ike' sounds like an actual American, and a listen of his 1953 address is recommended, if you can spare a few minutes.

Then recently, progressive broadcaster-author Thom Hartmann commented that in his opinion, Dwight Eisenhower was the last Republican president who believed in democracy. In fact, Eisenhower's 1953 Inaugural Address is a bracing tonic for those of us determined to fight against the authoritarian wave of lies, deceit, cruelty, and strong-armed paternalism now sweeping across America (Vote Blue in 2022 - and 2024!) and gaining hoofholds around the globe. Among others, Eisenhower's mentions of concepts such as "moral stamina" and "love of liberty" remind us of the America that, struggling toward a perfect union, we want to keep. Yet if our country must regress, let it be to these and other higher concepts and principles, such as President Lincoln's "better angels of our nature" - while leaving behind the racism and hatred of by-gone eras for those are what degrade and doom our nation to the ashbin of History. And anyone who promotes such negativity are enemy saboteurs of America, many disguised as "patriots." Yet as you know, dear reader, using religion to gain and wield political power is precisely what America's Founders feared!

So for the astro-curious, here's a view of the natal horoscope of Dwight David Eisenhower, born October 14, 1890. His chart shows Sun, Moon, Mercury, and Uranus in Libra, warrior Mars @13Cap39 (directly opposing US Sun of July 4, 1776), Jupiter @2AQ44, Saturn @12Vir39, Virgo rising, Gemini at Midheaven, and of course, the Neptune-Pluto Conjunction in early degrees of Gemini - at Midheaven with his 10th house North Node @17Gemini. Yes, the Neptune-Pluto duo can be bad news in the criminality and occult realms but for evolved individuals receptive to such influences, their combined energies can provide self-knowledge and a refined spiritual understanding (A. Oken). Then notably, in the realms of Politics, Ike's Libran Uranus can express and behave as a troublemaker, and/or as one whose reforms are in the interests of the public. A WWII General, perhaps his Uranian behavior was a case of alternating expressions!

Now at the risk of seeming to be sympatico with the current evangelical, Family-run, Opus Dei, Dominionist, theocratic bizarros sticking their camel's nose under the tent of liberty, privacy and other rights (with whom I am non-sympatico) while they set about stirring a noxious brew of church and state, let's consider the Scriptural messages that President Eisenhower spotlighted that day in 1953 as he began his presidency and prayed for America:

II Chronicles 7:14, our Creator's promise to heal the land of His people who turn from wickedness and seek Him. And here I'll quote Psalms 33:12 (KJV): "Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord; and the people whom He hath chosen for His own."

Well, to me this means that genuine spiritual renewal is needed across our nation but I must suppose that the current batch of holier-than-thous think they're the people referred to here. Yet through willful blindness, or their lack of genuine spirtual understanding, they leave out empathy for humanity, and show cruelty which negates any claim to such a worthy status that they might have had. Why, they act, legislate, and pronounce from on high as if they've never read the New Testament at all! And yes, we're all on paths to greater understanding (ye olde "God's not through with me yet") but the paths that theocrats trod seem darker than one would hope for leaders of our country - and We The People are expected to follow! Instead, their riding roughshod over the majority's wishes feels more of a return to Benito's Fascism or Adolf's Nazism, and those would be very dark paths indeed.

Therefore, in honor of the recent revelation of ketchup dripping down a White House wall (so in the news these days), here's a brief video clip from Mary Trump in case you missed it: Why Donald Trump Throws Food: An Origin Story - It's All About the Mash Potatoes!

So hopefully we can agree that POTUS #34 is a major contrast to man-baby POTUS #45. And to me, the contrast represents a sad symbol of how America and the White House have come down in the world. How much President Biden can elevate the country and the White House remains to be seen. But undermining his efforts at improvment is not in our country's, or in democracy's, best interests.

A Closely Related Post: On April 20, 2023, the Solar Eclipse Series That Affects All US Presidential Elections returns. And all lovers of democracy will need all the support we can get.

History Of GOP Slide To Fascism: From Eisenhower To DeSantis - Thom Hartmann

July 1, 2022

Here's an important segment from a recent Thom Hartmann broadcast:

You know, on Aril 20, 2023 the 7 North Fascism Rising Solar Eclipse cycle repeats, and since eclipse cycles and historical cycles resonate one with the other (an eclipse often bringing around similar events - this, from 1933 to 2023) the disruptive Uranian 'cosmic blink' event repeating in our day is a major heads-up in the forewarned-is-forearmed department for those who prefer democracy.

So here's a view of the April 2023 Eclipse Horoscope at a critical 29th degree: 7 North and the Chained Woman. And I suspect we might all agree that with the Supreme Court's recent Handmaidish ruling, the chaining of the feminine half of the population has already begun.

Jun 27, 2022

DC Horoscope: Pluto Stations Oct 8, 2022

by Jude Cowell

Here's a quick posting of a DC Horoscope showing Pluto's Station @26Cap06 the moment that wealthy Mr. Subversive, the puppet master, pauses (as viewed from Earth) and begins moving forward. Zodiacally, transit Pluto has been creeping through old territory since turning retrograde in late April 2022 @28Cap35; as you see, many study notes are penned upon the chart including Pluto's rounded-up Sabian Symbol spotlighted by his Station: "A Mountain Pilgrimage" with its negative expressions of "superficial allegiances" and "false virtue."

Then as you see in Washington DC, Pluto Stations in 11th house, a position suggesting 'powerful political groups and organizations' but can also hint at the loss of a group member; also note that star of misfortune, Scheat, rises with two midpoints: fantasy-prone Moon-Neptune of mass delusion, and the grand-spirit, speculative, bubbly pair of Jupiter-Neptune, a duo that often can include religious ideals (fake or genuine). Then as you see, the Sabian Symbol in The Goal position (MC) of the chart is, "The Pope Blessing the Faithful". And note that these planets form a Seesaw pattern of pros vs cons (progressives vs conservatives) suggesting that tiresome political quarrels continue while the needs of the populace languish:

Worth a mention is the Mars-Pluto inconjunction indicating potentials for obsessive agendas and scorched earth competition, aka, cutthroat competition (Pluto, the assassin?). This inconjunction (quincunx) echoes America's 1776 Mars-Pluto relationship from Gemini to Capricorn along with a second cosmic echo: a foggy Mars-Neptune square of misdirected energy and misguided actions (see bottom right corner). Now not everyone will suffer under or use such difficult energies against humanity but we're talking Politics here so you know the ones who probably will.

Then for society in general, there's another highly significant factor - that rising Neptune Rx @23Pis26 continues to oppose US 1776 Neptune in the more fact-based sign of Virgo which describes major ideological clashes, some of a generational nature, plus, persecutions in the realms of civil and human rights, rascism included. And as you know, astrological Pluto (the dragon and The Pope) never minds benefiting from a heaping load of exploitation, you know. Money laundering, theft, and protecting his hidden wealth are his jams.

That this Neptunian transit of opposition proceeds in 2022, the year of America's first-ever Pluto Return, only adds to the complexities of conditions now operative in US society and makes clear that larger forces erode many of our institutions, systems, laws and traditions. Karmic in nature, these planetary transits show that the time has come for America to alter what needs altering but most of us hope for improvements, not dissolution! And we could have made such alterations without interference from bad faith meddlers, but this wasn't their plan.

And so these active Neptunian and Plutonian energies describe what I continue to assert are being purposefully taken advantage of by foreign and domestic saboteurs, working as agents of a global criminal network of mobsters and thugs, many of whom are, or are aligned with, international financiers and corporatists (a lucrative business arrangement for conscience-free opportunists, no doubt). In fact, the Neptune-Pluto duo of organized crime and misogynist paternalism is having its underhanded way just now, and America has congressional Democrats to deal with this global authoritarian movement raising its brutal head once again from the 1930s. To me this means that criticizing Democrats, well meaning as it may be, tends to undermine their efforts on our behalf and gives energy and support to America's enemies - my personal view but naturally you have yours.

October 9th a Full Moon @16Ari33, then a Solar Eclipse

Additionally, a major cosmic event arrives a mere 17 days after Pluto's Station, the October 25, 2022 Solar Eclipse @2Scorpio in the difficult 6 South Saros Series which I've labeled, A House Raising mainly due to its political implications, plus, it is the Prenatal Eclipse of Midterms 2022 (the very day of a Taurus Lunar Eclipse conjunct radical Uranus, planet of chaos). And to me it seems that the 6 South Solar Eclipse occurs close enough to Pluto's Station to have some measure of disruptive 'wild card' influence in relation to the horoscope you see, above (in 7th house).

So unless you, dear reader, are an out-and-out fascist with neo-nazi leanings (or vice versa), remember to Vote Blue in 2022 - and in 2024.

Because our democracy, our freedoms, and our lives literally depend upon it.

Blog Note: As of this Wednesday (6/29), this may be my last or next to the last post of the week due to an upcoming dental procedure. Thanks for reading and sharing! jc

DC Horoscope: Roe v Wade Overturned

Rampant Paternalism Off-The-Chain Chains Women

by Jude Cowell

Strange as it may seem, the SCOTUS decision overturning Roe v Wade was announced June 24, 2022 (approximate time 10:05 am edt) under the variable influences of an unaspected Mercury in its own sign of Gemini (10th house) with a rounded-up degree for Mercury's Sabian Symbol hinting at hidden meanings (such as wealthy Plutocrats' fear of reparation for past offenses - note that Mercury, planet of children and babies, conjuncts asteroid Hebe, the servant). Its unaspected condition means that none of the other energies and actors (ex: liberal Justices) in the chart received input from the planet of thought processes and decisions, nor gave it, and a maverick quality is evident. Obviously, the ideological split between the nine Justices is indicated. And symbolically, there's this:

Mercury at "12 Gemini" = "A Black Slave-Girl Demands Her Rights of Her Mistress" with 'tofu planet' Mercury conjunct asteroid MIDAS. This symbol refers, of course, to America's oldest flaw from the Jamestown Colony era and the importation of Africans into slavery and the fact that the 'white supremacy' argument still works as a wedge issue to keep us divided and conquered so that the power elite can continue to exploit at will. Turmoil in US economic systems, both then and now, are implied along with the old 'states rights' vs federal government quarrels and divisions.

Now there are other suggestions of financial issues in the chart as well: Sun-Jupiter = MC, The Goal; chart-ruler Sun applies once to square moneybags Jupiter in the 8th house of Corporatism, Big Business, Death, Taxes, and the Occult; the square suggests overblown or exaggerated intellect, the overvaluing of professionsal status and social position, trying to impress others - wonder who? - and financial implications such as increased wealth. Which share holders will benefit from the overturn decision I care not to consider at this early date, plus, polls indicate that a majority of Americans see the Dobbs decision as political and to this I would add, as part of the global authoritarian movement to sabotage American democracy via our Justice System (Neptune-Pluto = ASC):

As you see, with its typical timing potential, there's a YOD pattern of sorts (crisis; turning point) - or if we don't count this as a YOD, it's simply the energies of the Neptune-Pluto sextile expressing at the Leo Ascendant, the decision itself, which looks to be of an egotistical nature (Leo). Someone is being, or will be, used as a tool for other people's selfish interests--as is Donald Trump since his natal Mars @26Leo is also apex of the Neptune-Pluto sextile. I refer you to the Mercury-Hebe conjunction above. Rapists, pedophiles, and incestual family members must be rejoicing about now. And it only took a lawless 6-3 Supreme Court majority of "conservatives" to fulfill their degraded dream! Now they act off-the-chain, too.

It's Strong-Armed Paternalism in America

Previously, we've discussed on SO'W the Neptune-Pluto pair and its associations with paternalism, criminal elements, drug abuse, drug and sex trafficking, the supernatural, and/or unseen realms which suggests a bizarre spirituality such as Dominionism and religious cults, one of which has long been active in Washington DC: The Family ('The Family' is also described by 1st house Cupido conjunct royal Regulus; it's an organization that is all about seizing political power, Jesus Christ need not apply.

So I'd have to say that this particular American crisis may be described as paternalism and criminality at a turning point which was quickly grasped by dystopian-style authoritarians as their opportunity to enforce radical reforms (Uranus-NN = MC: sudden realization of a joint goal) through which they are determined to stop forward advancement of society - under cover of a "pro-life" stance (a principle honesty held by some folks, but not by these black-robed social meddlers).

As noted, the financial damage to society in America's early days of slavery and plantation life was a thorny financial issue, and so will be the damage to society now by the overturning of Roe v Wade, aka, the Dobbs decision. And that's not counting the civil rights mess and legal disruptions that SCOTUS has only made worse by turning back society's clock to vigilantism and citizens pitted against citizens - really? Can we expect horses and chuck wagons to appear next?

Then one might be tempted to think that potential reparation policies along with other social safety net spending (for abortion, contraception, medical care, to feed hungry children, among other things) have more than a little to do with the overturn of a settled law of almost 50 years' standing. Add to this the extreme turmoil and suffering about to result, societal harm that can be laid on the doorstep of the US Supreme Court, and which should scald the heads of the Republican presidents (from both Bushes to Trump) who shoved Thomas, Alito, Kavanaugh, Gorsuch, and Barrett onto The Bench from where they brazenly ignore the will of The People - not to except Chief Justice John Roberts who could do much better himself.

Previous Yet Related: Alito Draft Leak and a 1991 Eclipse (11 South = old methods fail, new systems are needed to deal with issues; blocks are violently or tragically removed - Brady). And note that the Roe v Wade overturn decision occurred under the 6 North Solar Eclipse of April 2022 @10Tau28 with themes of relationship to authority figures, and taking over another's commitments. Or the taking over autonomy and life choices of women, half the population?

Jun 25, 2022

Gunpowder Plot 1605 and SCOTUS 2022

History Rhymes If Not Repeats: Sabotage 1605/2022

by Jude Cowell

Based primarily on my personal opinion that the anti-societal June 24, 2022 SCOTUS decision to overturn Roe v Wade (6-3) is part of an ongoing coup attempt against America by foreign and domestic forces of sabotage and sedition, I'm considering the highhanded SCOTUS decision of June 2022 to be a Catholic usurpation of the established government of the United States (and of our justice system), and am linking it with the Gunpowder Plot of 1605, aka, the Jesuit Treason, intended to usurp Protestant (anti-Catholic, though a son of Mary Queen of Scots) King James I from the throne and destroy Parliament (tracks here with the US Congress).

Now as you know, this was a failed coup and assassination attempt against the King by Jesuits set to peak and blow up on the night of November 5, 1605, and famously 'remembered' through the centuries as Guy Fawkes Day, named for the conspirator found guarding the explosives. Of course, other plotters were involved including the soon-to-be-executed Robert Catesby and Thomas Percy; more details are found in a Timeline World History Documentary The Real Story of Guy Fawkes: Gunpowder and Treason. A major succession crisis was avoided by the failure of the assassination plot.

Curiously, an interesting cosmic link is that on June 19, 1566 (OS), King James I was born under the influence of a major T-square, unaware of its dynamic energies as he must have been - yet still affected by it. The cosmic echo occurred as this midpoint picture of 1566 was activated above our heads: 'The big picture demands a certain course of action which must be followed, very little option to do otherwise' (N. Tyl) of 1993 Uranus-Neptune = 2017 Pluto. Yes, in 2017 stealthy Pluto activated 'global government' potentials of the 1993 Uranus-Neptune Conjunction, the first year of the Trump regime - at '18 Capricorn': POLITICAL POWER and, negatively, "smug or strong-armed paternalism" (Jones). My belief is that the utterly immoral Trump, who fancies himself a great thespian, was chosen to 'act as Pluto' in this cosmic mystery play, this contrived political theater production. Then on June 24, 2022, Catholic Justices on the SCOTUS bench enforced their version of "strong-armed paternalism" upon the female population of America. Upon men such regressive reforms will affect them in ways they cannot yet appreciate except for the more misogynist, Neanderthal-esque among them, the ruffians, criminals, and experienced rapists and pedophiles.

(Please note that obviously, there are other historical parallels and cosmic links between the 1605 event and the authoritarian Trump coup attempt of January 6, 2021, his attempt to stay in power by subverting democracy in America, so you may wish to compare horoscopes of these and other similar events.)

Stacking the SCOTUS Bench with Catholic Justices

Important to today's topic is the fact that the 'maga mob' insurrection of January 2021 was preceded by the enforced placement of a Catholic trio of Justices Kavanaugh, Gorsuch, and Barrett on the Supreme Court bench during the Trump "administration" - in preparation - and thus tilting the Court toward the Vatican's traditional stance against abortion. Unfortunately, the overturning of Roe v Wade can now open the gates to even more regressive laws and the repeal of legal protections which will further undermine our nation and our long-established civil and other rights of women, minorities, and other citizens. However, Chief Justice Roberts is said to have dissent against yesterday's regressive decision and is apparently mindful of further changes which may overturn rights of the people, rights which offend Catholic sensibilities - and apparently offend the Justices' Vatican bosses. (How strong or effective Roberts' dissent will prove to be, I do not know - or was it only for effect?)

So in today's lingo, we find that hidden forces of regression and strong-armed paternalism are forcefully imposing handmaidism across America, the old 'barefoot in the kitchen' model for women from previous centuries, with rape-at-will privileges made legal for men. Therefore, a lack of karmic progress in America is now indicated so our struggle for rights must be re-engaged with equal, no, with increased, fervor. The financial implications of striking down Roe v Wade are vast and disruption in US household budgets will be encompassing coming atop the damage done to society by the ongoing pandemic, plus, the institution of vigilantism in various states will cause social upheaval and will raise levels of violence and crime - under cover of arresting those who commit, ask for, and/or enable abortions. Making crime 'legal' in order to "fight crime," how Orwellian of them! (Feeling targeted yet, you are?)

Meanwhile, most of these complex topics fall well beyond the scope of this post (which cannot become an e-book!) including the major sabotage we know as the Civil War, a fantasy-prone Mercury-Neptune affair of sedition.

Sabotage: 2022 Contacts Affecting 1605 Planets

And so I'll simply list the primary planetary contacts (aka, cosmic links) that I see between the planets of November 5, 1605 and June 24, 2022 and add a few of their basic implications. Feel free to find more planetary contacts and infer their influences as you wish based on current events and the biases of past and current participants:

2022 Sun trine 1605 Mercury: self-interest serves others' interests.

2022 Mercury semisquare 1605 Pluto: rigid opinions make matters worse.

2022 Mars trine 1605 Saturn: actions taken are rewarded by others.

2022 Saturn square 1605 Uranus: instability in society, disruption, upheaval (purposeful!).

2022 Neptune opposite 1605 Mars: secret or hidden actions; conflicting beliefs and ideologies; leakages (ex: Alito's draft!).

2022 Neptune sextile 1605 Uranus: activities that are spiritually based.

And last but not least:

2022 Pluto square 1605 Pluto: discarding outmoded traditions and habits to make way for future plans.

Now to close, here's Mary Ann of Revealing Light Tarot with her informed insights concerning Roe now and into the future.

And a Forewarned is Forearmed Post: The Civil War's Eclipse Repeats in 2023. Whatever We The People can do now to head off these disruptive dystopian influences must be done - and this means, Vote Blue in 2022 and 2024!

Jun 22, 2022

DC Horoscope: J6 Hearing June 23, 2022

Just a quick posting of what may turn out to be only a speculative Horoscope of tomorrow's J6 Public Hearing said to be opening at 2:30 pm edt Washington DC (. Please enlarge the image if you wish to read my study notes which include the fact that rising is Tr*mp's natal 2nd house Jupiter (@18Lib27 Stationary which brings along his deceptive Neptune and wounding Chiron - and opposing the natal Jupiter in Aries of Speaker Pelosi), Castor at Midheaven with the fighting Mars-Ascendant midpoint, and an unaspected Mercury, planet of communications such as testimonies, depositions, hearing/s, and investigations - in its own sign of chatty Gemini conjunct Aldebaran; meanwhile, chart-ruler Venus, highlighted in blue, makes no applying major aspects which makes her condition of house, sign, and degree prominent, along with a Venus-Alcyone conjunction:

2:45 pm edt: An UPDATE already! Thom Hartmann just mentioned that tomorrow's hearing is to open at 3:00 pm edt - see how difficult it is to post accurate horoscopes of the J6 hearings? If at 3:00 pm, the Trump-Pelosi Jupiters will already have risen and set (but eternally opposing one another!), and activist Mars @21Aries will have dropped into 6th house instead of being angular. And one of the 'Images for Integration' (The Harvies) of the day's Sun Cancer-Moon Taurus blend of energies remains: "A Flourishing Family Business." Wonder whose?