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Oct 14, 2022

Oct 2022: Trump target of Thor's Hammer

Is Goofy Face Politician in Trouble?

by Jude Cowell

With yesterday's resolution by the J6 Committee to subpoena Donald Trump, we find that a Thor's Hammer, with the Saturn-Uranus square at its base, now points to transit Mercury @5Libra and to Trump's natal 2nd house Neptune @5Libra. On an astrological level, this aspect pattern symbolizes the stress and pressure the orange insurrectionist is under from fighting against authority (Saturn-Uranus square) along with his natal Neptune's eroding effects, lawbreaking, thieving tendencies, lies, and fraudulent schemes perpetrated by a fellow who pretended to play president while acting as a foreign agent in the White House.

So let's break down conditions a bit more using the lens of Astrology:

Under the influence of a Saturn-Uranus square, actors of a certain rebellious mindset often act out as if they're a law unto themselves. Resistent to authority, they're emotionally volatile and may resort to violence. Their activist tendencies seldom if ever benefit society on a positive level. Troublemakers!

Reading the pattern (aka, a Fist of God) as midpoint pictures we have potentials for:

Saturn-Uranus = Mercury: 'necessary changes; separation; making great demands on nervous energy; ability to hit back under provocation and to organize resistance' (R. Ebertin); 'monotonous politicians' (M. Munkasey); 'necessary stages of rethinking' (N. Tyl).

Add Trump natal Neptune: 'inability to face emotional stress, falsehood or malice caused through weakness; resigning oneself to the inevitable, abandonment of resistance; weakening strength; mourning, bereavement (RE); 'the delusion that change will improve traditional methods' (MM); 'breakdown under pressure; feeling lost; a new vision fighting to be understood; sadness' (NT)

Plus, with communicating Mercury conjunct the orange menace's natal Neptune, papers, documents, and keys are misplaced or hidden (more documents secreted in other places), and investigations lead to more questions (they do). Confusion clouds issues, facts try to hide, and travel over water may be indicated. Significantly, both Mercury and Neptune relate to theft and gaslighting the public, while America continues to be assaulted by Trump's Mercury-Neptune square of deception, sneaky schemes, spying, and misperception.

And of course, there's Mercury's traditional role in commerce as a trader - of secrets? Then in Trump's case, it's traitor.

Previously on SO'W: America's initial Mercury-Neptune Cycle. Also see: Trump's natal Mercury in Cancer (note that gossipmongering coordinates well with blackmailing for the purpose of manipulating people).

Oct 13, 2022

3 North and 3 South Eclipses Link 1929, 2001, and 2019: PTSD

Every 18.6 Years Eclipse Themes Repeat within Historical Cycles: Events May Rhyme

by Jude Cowell

Significant events of 1929 include the 'Black Tuesday' Financial Crash on Wall Street which occurred under the influence of a 3 North Solar Eclipse (see eclipse themes listed on the chart, below). Yet the 3 South Solar Eclipse of November 1, 1929 was also of influence. Both 3N and 3S eclipse series contain "traumatic" and/or "transformative news" implications and both have heralded difficult events that continue to reverberate through society in our day.

Significant examples of their reverberations include the WTC Attacks of 9/11/01 (via 3 North) and the Electoral College Vote Eclipse of December 14, 2020 @23Sag08 triggering or activating the 3 South Eclipse of December 14, 2001 by degree (23Sag). This combines their themes which include 4 South's "very strong emotional feelings over money and/or relationships; frustration; suddenly ending relationships; a sense of fatedness." You'll recognize these themes via a sore loser politician and his followers acting out in a vain attempt to keep the orange blighter in power.

Then there's 2019 with a 3 North Eclipse @10Cancer landing among our July 4, 1776 planets of identity: Venus, Jupiter, and Sun - Total and arriving near Independence Day 2019 - and with faithless Tr*mp whining the White House, chewing, swallowing, and flushing documents.

And last but not least, is what I call The Covid Eclipse which led society into January 2020 and the coronavirus pandemic, under the influence of the December 2019 3 South Eclipse, and you know what trauma has been wrought within society - here and globally. So perhaps we can agree that 3 South's traumatic influence is ongoing, now with winter approaching and bad actors determined to make keeping warm more difficul for certain people. Abroad, some folks are buying pot bellied stoves with just such warm objectives in mind.

Note: 3 North and 3 South Solar Eclipses also occurred in the years 1911, (1929), 1947, 1965, 1983, (2001), (2019), and 2037/2038, and

Themes are paraphrased from Predictive Astrology by Bernadette Brady. #ad.

Oct 12, 2022

How Republicans Conspire with Churches for Political & Social Control - Thom Hartmann

Wednesday October 12, 2022

Here's a segment from Tuesday's Thom Hartmann broadcast that touches on the realms of politics, religion as theocracy, government, and societal conditions - all of which the Republican Party wants complete control over even though a majority of Americans disagree. 'Consent of the governed' has no place in their future plans for America. Instead, tyranny is their jam.

Translated astrologically, we might ascribe such societal topics to the realms of two karmic planets: Saturn (control; restriction; limitation; law; government; The State) and Neptune (spirit; divine source; the masses; churchiness; panacea; contagion; paranoia), while as a planetary pair, Saturn-Neptune relates to social safety net programs (which Republicans loathe), socialism (ditto), plus, the ill, weak, and poor among us - which they also loathe:

In fact, as the haughty GOP makes abundantly clear these days, the party much prefers to model our nation upon Mussolini's formula: Statism + Corporatism = Fascism. And with beastly Nazism waiting its turn in the wings. So I'll say it again, my fellow Americans:

Vote Blue in 2022 to save democracy in America.

Otherwise, degradation, loss, suffering, and brutality will be the fate of the American people. Because, yes. It really can happen here.

Oct 11, 2022

Moon-Tracking Midterm Elections 2022

November 8, 2022 Midterms: Sun Scorpio-Moon Taurus

by Jude Cowell

If you've looked at a horoscope set for November 8, 2022, the day of our Midterm Elections 2022, I suspect that one chart factor that popped out at you is the day's Sun Scorpio-Moon Taurus blend of conscious-unconscious energies. Notably, this happens to be the natal Sun-Moon personality blend of President Joe Biden. Hopefully, this suggests a positive influence toward Democrats in election outcomes of the day!

All Eclipses Are Uranian 'Wild Cards' of the Universe

And so we must face another factor: that a Midterms 2022 Lunar Eclipse Conjunct unpredictable Uranus in Taurus occurs on November 8, 2022 at 6:01:57 am est that very morning which emphasizes the eventfulness of the day. Now as you know, lunar eclipses often uncover in stark relief all manner of secrets and inconvenient facts that can lead to scandals and/or sudden understanding, and often reveal or leak information that has long remained hidden. At Midterms 2022, the close presence of rebellious Awakener planet Uranus intensifies, even electrifies, the situation and the day's results, plus, Uranus can also act as The Witness.

Obviously, with Uranian energies involved, technology issues may also be part of the cosmic picture for Midterms 2022, along with gun-toting threats from sore loser Republican zealots laboring under the 'Tr*mp flag' of sedition and insurrection, tactics resorted to when elections don't turn out to suit their degrading authoritarian dreams. Want to subsist like the Russian people? Then vote Republic*n!

Now at Midterms 2022, excited people will be prominent via the Moon-Uranus conjunction during the day, along with a measure of anti-societal attitudes revealed by the unpredictable energies of the Sun-Uranus opposition across the stubborn, fixed Taurus-Scorpio axis. Unusual, disruptive, novel (Uranus) goals (Sun) will be expressed by radical rebels - and possibly by others of a more enlightened and solution-based turn of mind.

Yet as you know, we saw sore losers in action on Tr*mp's behalf via the violent *MAGA Mob Attack on January 6, 2021, the day the US Congress was scheduled to certify the Electoral College Vote Count of 2020 - for Joe Biden. Yet after hours of delay, the certification was accomplished and its requirement in the US Constitution fulfilled despite Tr*mp's desperate attempt to remain in power by riding roughshod over the majority of We the People's votes against him. And yet it's notable to consider that Uranus can choose to behave as a planet of sudden attack and assault especially when acting in tandem with belligerent Mars - and Midterms 2022 Mars is Rx (frustrated) in changeable Gemini, a placement that prefers to be ready for action, but his condition by transit resonates with America's stymied Mars retrograde by progression (since 2006). Plus, planet Mars is very close to Earth right now (until March 2023) which heats things up.

The Cosmic Weather of Midterms 2022

On November 8, 2022 the degrees of Sun and Moon range from Sun @15Scorpio (12:00 am est) to 16Sco45 (11:59 pm est); the Moon will float from 12Tau47 to 25Tau29 (check the Sabian Symbols!), passing over Trump's natal Midheaven and (enraged) star of malevolence, Algol. (Obviously, the orange blighter will be steamed if his candidates don't win.) And as noted above, Sun and Moon will be in opposition in the form of a Lunar Eclipse early that morning. Significant is the sign of a mundane Moon for it reveals the public mood and societal trends (at Tr*mp's Midheaven: the goal; publicity; not running yet he haunts everyone's ballot). In Venus-ruled Taurus, Luna suggests potentials for firmness, steadfastness, constancy, and changing material circumstances (positively or negatively: bribes and pay-offs funding a love of luxury? Or, satifaction with rising employment numbers and more income?).

Yet with a Taurus Moon, it seems apparent that political views and votes will be decided prior to Election Day and have little, if any, chance of fluctuating from stubbornly held positions (Ds and Rs!). Perhaps absentee ballots will flood in across the land, a practical solution to sore loser threats against voters.

And significantly, karmic Saturn in Aquarius (practical ideals) squares Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, and Uranus making the old devil the apex planet of multiple T-squares. Of course, restrictive Saturn (his depiction shown, above) in mundane charts signifies the law, lawmakers, court proceedings, managers, serious conditions, and experienced seniors so perhaps a cautious Saturnian guard rail will keep the 2022 Midterms on a more even keel even though 'rebellion against authority' types (via Saturn-square-Uranus, but waning) continue to cause turmoil in society as they clamour for control. Best outcome for such Saturnian T-Squares: 'addressing problems and finding practical solutions.'

Meanwhile, Midterms 2022's Water-Earth Sun Scorpio-Moon Taurus blend of energies reveal a day and election of determination, pragmatism, concern for others, and control over a seething inner world of darker elements (paraphrasing The Harveys' Sun Sign-Moon Sign #ad). My hope is that this control will successfully deal with malcontents 'guarding' polls in various locations so that events won't spiral out of hand and our votes can be safely cast and honestly counted with an integrity the Republican Party has shown that it lacks.

Now here's a quote from a previous US president who shares with President Biden the Sun Scorpio-Moon Taurus blend, "Our nation needs not heroics but healing; not nostrums but normalcy; not revolution but restoration." - Warren G. Harding. Time to Build Back Better, and, thanks to President Joe Biden, we have a chance to do just that! And no, The Establishment isn't perfect but it's worlds better for humanity than fascism and nazism, systems of perversion, cruelty, brutality, and degradation.

So additionally for Midterms 2022, we may expect a mixture of enthusiatic optimism and brooding pessimism with hopefully a positive emphasis on the regeneration of our society, clearly the goal of those voting for fact-based candidates at Midterms 2022 rather than for candidates who dream of overthrowing the US government and tossing America backward into revolution, tyranny, dystopia, and the olden days of misogyny, perversion, violence, slavery, racism, and oppression. Such backward-leaning voters exhibit blindness to the motives of others which surely is part of their problem, and unfortunately, they make it ours when they vote against democracy.

Previously on SO'W: The Predictive New Moon Prior to Election 2024.

*MAGA: perhaps you've heard what "MAGA" now stands for: 'Making Attorneys Get Attorneys' thanks to Herr Tr*mp's intransigence, lies, and his anti-democratic refusal to get off the stage.

Oct 10, 2022

Maddow podcast Ultra Features Nazis in America 1940

Monday October 10, 2022

America Locked Again in a Battle of Wills with Nazism

by Jude Cowell

Although the catastrophe's Wikipedia page labels it as the Lovettsville Air Disaster, many folks know the event as the Trip 19 Plane Crash in which 25 passengers lost their lives during a lightening storm near Short Hill Mountain, Lovettsville, Virginia on August 31, 1940. Among the crash victims were Nazi sympathizer Senator Ernest Lundeen (R-Minn; born August 4, 1878 Dakota Territory) and (reputedly) a couple of FBI agents, along with other passengers and crew members on the ill-fated flight that left that afternoon from Washington DC heading for Detroit.

Nazis in America: FDR 1940 and the 'Trump Era'

So with the current anti-democracy campaign intended to Nazify America (and you know which orange figurehead and faithless political party this involves, as with Republican Senator Lundeen in 1940), Rachel Maddow's new podcast Ultra (which premiered today!) in Episode one, features Senator Lundeen, the plane crash, and more. Episode two, also available today (wherever you get your podcasts - I prefer TuneIn) is titled, The Brooklyn Boys. Now in this post I can't tell you all that ep 2 covers but it brings in religious involvement in the Nazi plot (dare I mention the word, Vatican?) via Father Coughlin, famous for anti-government bomb-making and for his radio broadcasts spewing anti-semitism. Note that Coughlin was for FDR's New Deal policies before he was against them.

Politics and Religion Always a Sinister Mix

So as Rachel Maddow ably reports, the FBI was watching and "decides to move on Coughlin's Christian Front," a group determined to overthrow the US government. 17 members of the Coughlin-founded Christian Front were arrested in New York and charged with sedition but unfortunately, the DOJ lost the case with J. Edgar Hoover, a known blackmailer and power abuser, then director of the FBI. Predictably, Coughlin claimed "patriotism" intended to "save" America. Sounds familiar, doesn't it?

Now of course, there are more details on such topics provided in the Ultra podcast, too numerous to repeat in a mere post by yours truly but I'd like to display an image of the August 31, 1940 horoscope, exact hour unknown so noon is used to set up the chart.

As the horoscope shows, there's lots of speech-writing Virgo energy contained therein with Mercury in Virgo the final dispositor, and one of the planets associated with air travel. Significantly, 1940 Mars in Virgo conjuncts Lundeen's natal Mercury indicating potentials for chaotic energies, verbal combat, aggressive meetings (a "scuffle" may have broken out on the plane, as Rachel notes), and physical injury. Well, certainly that.

But what really stands way out in the horoscope is Uranus in Taurus, considering that a lightening strike is the "probable" cause of the plane crash that killed Senator Lundeen (who was about to deliver a pro-Nazi speech written by a paid Nazi operative in Berlin, a copy of which was found at the crash site! See where you can read it, and more). Now radical, disruptive Uranus, the planet of lightening and bolts from the blue is prominent for as you see, Uranus @26Tau08 is at Direct Station, turning retrograde 11 hours later at the same degree, minute, and second.

And we know that a Stationing planet, here conjunct malevolent star Algol, binds and strengthens their energies, but there's more, for the pair conjuncts the asteroid of justice Astraea (law enforcement?), and conjuncts FDR's natal Pluto - and the natal Pluto of Senator Lundeen. The Uranus-to-Pluto transit suggests potentials for hidden fears, loss of control, and possible atomic concerns or activities; and as you know, FDR was soon taken out of public service and Harry Truman was installed in the White House with atomic bombing on the presidential agenda. Harry, as the saying of the day went, gave 'em h*ll.

Meanwhile, tenuous as they may or may not be, there are links between Nazi scientists and atomic research in Germany and in the US; one example: Why the US Government Brought Nazi Scientists to America After World War II in a desperate attempt to commandeer Germany's weapons research. But five years earlier, a question: was the 1940 plane crash and the death of Senator Lundeen linked to the creation of the atomic bomb? Perhaps Ultra will expound upon such a topic as its episodes go on. Certainly, the fact is mentioned that before, during, and after 1940, Herr H*tler ran Nazi operations on US soil. As his spawn and wanna-bes do today with many US politicians corrupted and disloyal to our country.

1940 Pluto in Taurus: Great Gain or Loss Influences Destiny

Curiously, a certain midpoint picture full of plutonian power seems significant to me, and in Ultra, Rachel Maddow mentions the FBI having a "tiger by the tail" in relation to the agency's investigation into the Trip 19 Plane Crash, for you see, Noel Tyl once mentioned to me that the Pluto-North-Node duo symbolizes, among other things, "tiger by the tail" conditions, so as many readers might expect, I looked for evidence of this combo in the horoscope. And here it is:

Pluto-NN = Mars: 'violence and brutality; the misfortune to be placed in somebody else's hand or power (ex: Lundeen); making someone amenable to one's wishes' (R. Ebertin); 'tyranny; exhibition of personal power' (N. Tyl); 'an urgent need for meetings; meeting with influential business people' (M. Munkasey). Wonder who Senator Lundeen expected to meet during his trip? Well, if we replace 1940 Mars in the equation with Lundeen's natal Mercury we have: 'feeling a shift of power or direction from others; conversing fluently with influential people' (M.M.); 'an ability to exercise a magnetic influence upon the public' (R.E.); 'thinking big' (N.T.). Add the Virgo Sun to Pluto-NN and we have a cosmic picture of ruthlessness and imposing one's will.

Plus, at its base, clandestine data or intel (Lundeen's speech?) is involved with the Pluto-NN duo as is a shared destiny such as a tragic plane crash. (If sabotage, I wonder if it was Lundeen's delivery of his Nazi-promoting speech that urgently had to be stopped - if so this seemingly does not implicate Nazis). Yet surely the copy of his speech wasn't planted at the scene!

So in closing, I'm interested to read what you think of the Plane Crash Horoscope (which may be an assassination horoscope) for there are multiple chart factors not mentioned in this text, so please leave your on-topic insights and comments here, if you wish (no trolls allowed) and it would be encouraging if you'd dare to share this post! You'll find 14 South solar eclipse info listed below the image:

The Trip 19 Plane Crash occurred during a 14 South manifestation (April 7, 1940 @17Ari51), a series that contains Mercury-Pluto content (secrets, spying, control of intel; and death by air travel?) issuing from its initial eclipse (August 29, 984 OS @10Sco59) with themes of:

'Obsessive ideas and methodologies are finally accepted, then a long-awaited breakthrough via the promised success of Jupiter' (paraphrasing B. Brady).

No Nazi ideas are acceptable in the US! Yet warningly, a 14 South Eclipse @20Taurus occurred in tandem with the Republican take-over of Congress in 1994, thanks to Republican Newt Gingrich who shares the same 'pied piper' personality blend as Herr Trump. Note that a 14 South last manifested on May 20, 2012 @00Gemini conjunct Alcyone; the next 14 South eclipse will occur June 1, 2030 @3Sagittarius.

Oct 7, 2022

The GOP Wants Confederacy 1861 Back

But Nationwide This Time Around as They Try Try Again

by Jude Cowell

Earlier this week Thom Hartmann began his broadcast discussing what must be described as the Republican Party wanting to re-establish The Confederacy, those who are determined to take America back to the period of the 1830s-1860s when there was no democracy in The South, only top-down oligarchy, Thom says. And as you know, war broke out in April 1861, and it was brother against brother, child against parent, cousin against cousin. Even so, disease was the primary killer in this war.

So to my ears, when I hear Republicans say things like, "take our country back," this is a large part of what they mean along with taking over power and control of the US Congress, and in 2024, the presidency (tragically, they have a majority of the 'Supreme' Court already). But such potentials are precisely what the October 25, 2022 6 South Solar Eclipse themes suggest: 'being forceful, taking power; huge efforts in group activities' (paraphrasing B. Brady). I mention this once again because forewarned is forearmed, as you know, and a massive turn out of voters for democracy will be necessary at the November Midterms in order to rescue America from the clutches of totalitarians with fascist-nazi leanings - saboteurs who are 100% unAmerican.

And so, because Thom the Historian mentioned the 1830s-1860s period of US history, and knowing a little about Southernism as I do as a native of Georgia with CSA ancestors, I took a peek at all the Solar Eclipses of that era to see if a power-grabbing 6 South Eclipse manifested therein. And I found it.

Shown below are dual charts of two 6 South Solar Eclipses, both Total: lower left = July 18, 1860 @26Can05 conjunct Venus Rx, and upper right = October 25, 2022 @2Scorpio - again conjunct Venus, but this time she's Direct in big-business Scorpio, a sign that can have issues with betrayal. And since the October 6 South is the 'Prenatal' Solar Eclipse ('PE') of our 2022 Midterms, its themes add extra significance to our country's future direction (even non-astrologers are admitting this about Midterms 2022) - and cosmically enough, the 1860 Eclipse (26Can05) lands upon the Midheaven (26:54) of the 2022 Eclipse Horoscope which is the Goal Point of the October 2022 chart when set for Washington DC. Therefore, forcefully grabbing power is the point.

Additionally, the 27Cancer Eclipse opposes US 1776 Pluto (wealthy, stealthy 'Mr. Hades' of the Underworld in process of returning to his 1776 degree, three times in 2022, with exploitation and primal violence in tow). This opposition to the eclipse suggests a reversion to animalism (aka, violence) while value$ planet Venus conjuncts both Eclipses and denotes materialism unless fairplay is the motivation.

Then in the 1860 Horoscope, Mars Rx is out-of-bounds (up to who-knows-what: like insurrection?), leads a ruthless, success-at-all-costs Locomotive shape of the planets, and opposes the 1860 Eclipse which indicates resentment and tug-of-war conditions (R. Lineman):

Meanwhile, if we round-up the 1860 degree of warrior planet Mars to 25Capricorn (a sensitized degree area) we have: "An Oriental Rug Dealer." Crazily, this symbol could refer to a future Herr T since he's associated with the concept of 'the deal', has shady links to regions like Saudi Arabia (MBS), and sports chaotic planet Uranus in Mercurial, duplicitous Gemini, the orator and trader, as his 'oriental planet' (last to rise before his Gemini Sun = his guiding planet, in the visible 10th house of Career and Public Status). For as we all know, chaos is Donald's jam, along with his Mars rising belligerence and aggression. These traits are partially why in 2016 he was installed in the White House by enemies of America (and perhaps we can agree that NBC has much to answer for, thanks to the deceptive public image created about him in The Apprentice; he's the dark lord's apprentice, more like.)

And now that transit Pluto has hit 1860 Mars, US society is experiencing intense karma via warriors focused on an aggressive male figure (of an orange hue) and thinking they have a 'special mission' to accomplish. Their aggression and seditious behavior reveals to me, if not to you, that the "oath" some of the sore loser malcontents take is not to the US Constitution but to the Constitution of the Confederacy.

The GOP: Chaos-Disruption-Deception-Brutality-R-Us

Now looking again at the 1860 Eclipse Horoscope during the lead-up to the separative Civil War, we find rebellious anarchist and Utopian zealot Uranus @10Gem33 conjunct the Eclipse's Midheaven during a contentious period of time when US 1776 Uranus returned to natal degree (8Gem46/55) and Uranus is, as always, America's totem planet of upheaval, war, revolution, freedom and independence. (Note that the next US Uranus Return won't occur until 2027-2028.)

And with a measure of cosmic synchronicity, the 1860 Eclipse = The Goal of 2022 and this makes the 1860 Eclipse's rounded-up Sabian Symbol highly instructive in light of current events being driven by the control freak orange Uranian fanatic and his rabid thugs and zealous comrades who, on January 6, 2021, "stormed" the US Capitol building and the congress folk working inside; deaths occurred. And we know that the seditionists and saboteurs of America mean business and are not done yet:

'27Cancer' = "A Furious Storm Rages Through a Residential Canyon", a symbol containing a negative potential for "fatuous enjoyment of turmoil" (M. E. Jones).

So! When did a 6 South Solar Eclipse occur in the 1930s era of fascism and hitlerism, you ask? On August 31, 1932 @8Virgo as what I tend to label the 'Nazis Rise to Power' Eclipse. And that, I'd have to say, qualifies as a brutal and furious storm of destruction that today's thuggish criminals, on-the-take politicians, and their corporate backers want to enforce upon America.

But hold on a minute! Their sinister plot failed in 1933 against FDR and, though corporate-backed and thus much better funded now, it must be made to fail again.

Oct 5, 2022

Right-Wing calls for Civil War grow louder

Recently seditious right-wing calls for another Civil War have been re-spotlighted during the current trial of J6 militia leader Stewart Rhodes who calls himself a patriot. In fact, he and his comrades are using his trial for the purpose of promoting the seditious idea.

So perhaps you remember that it was not so long ago we discussed such topics with a display of the 1861 Civil War Horoscope surrounded by transits emphasizing Neptune in Pisces conjunct the 1861 War's Ascendant (the War itself) with the deceptive Mercury-Neptune conjunction rising. Note that Mercury-Neptune with more Neptune = "added dreaminess to thinking and reasoning; contriving ideas and solutions--" (M. Munkasey).

And of course, Herr Trump, cult leader of Mr. Rhodes, would be lost if he couldn't constantly express and use his deceptive, gossip-loving, propagandizing, loose-lipped Mercury-Neptune square which resonates all too well with the 1861 War's Mercury-Neptune = ASC of exploitation.

Pluto in Capricorn: Ready For His Close-Up

So politically speaking, underneath it all the Republican Party's Neptune in Pisces (1854) is being masterfully used for its abilities to deceive, confuse, disguise, cloud, erode, undermine, gaslight, and sabotage what originally is America's Neptune in fact-based Virgo of 1776, and this opposition times a karmic, titanic transit of ideological and generational clashes, along with persecutions of various kinds including those fueled by racism and misogyny. And to make matters more complex and unstable, our Neptunian problems are occurring in tandem with America's first-ever Pluto Return/s ('Mr. Hades' shown above) occurring all through 2022 - and with a worldwide authoritarian political movement recognizing current conditions as a huge opportunity to overwhelm democracy and freedom - long-planned.

Same with the predicted global recession made worse by Fed head Jerome Powell's overdone interest rate increases. Instituting a windfall profits tax in the US would help economic matters but will Republicans agree? Since GOP-ers want societal conditions to worsen to weaken Democrats before the 2022 Midterms, of course not. The US could also freeze oil prices - but one glitch: which politicians hold oil and gas shares in their stock portfolios?

Meanwhile, a wider view shows that such negative societal conditions are being promoted, supported, and funded by the global totalitarianism movement (which tends to rise when the Earth heats up), and unfortunately America's power position in the world has been eroded while we watched.

No wonder America right now is like a kitten tangled in sinister string! My suspicion is that calls for world government will soon grow louder, too, with the nation-state concept thrown under the proverbial bus. Listen for it! And if you can, keep tabs on the transiting positions of Juno, the nation-state asteroid, and Ceres, asteroid of democracy.

Because, sad to say, the world is going to miss America when she's gone.

Three Related Posts: Oct 8, 2022: Pluto Turns Direct @26Capricorn (DC Horoscope shown) conjunct US Inaugural Midheaven, a milestone indicator. And, speaking of a second civil war, riots in the streets, and the long-planned sabotage of America see Who Is Albert Pike? (video included), a plotter of sedition in the 1800s along with his comrade, Guiseppe Mazzini, founder of the Sicilian mafia; plus, Mercury-Neptune and the Presidential Records Act.