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May 8, 2018

A ginger step into Donald Trump's 12th house

Trump: A Man Overshadowed by Shadows

by Jude Cowell

The partial horoscope you see below centers on the 12th house of Donald J. Trump born June 14, 1946 in Queens, New York. Assuming that his birth time of 10:54 am edt is accurate, we find a Leo cusp making the Sun ruler of his 12th house with karmic Pluto and warrior Mars posited there in the house of the Unconscious. In a different house system, there may even be a bit of the Moon there as well through the last degree/s of Cancer, so I'll include that just in case and you can see what you think of its potentials. Of course, mundanely speaking, the 12th is also the house (department) of Politics, Self-Undoing, Karma, Behind-the-Scenes, and Large Institutions.

So now, if we all hold hands and tip toe, it may be safe to take a ginger step even deeper into the 12th house of the secretive Donald Trump by considering the 12th house influence of the Sun and Moon along with his Mars and Pluto posited there; and please note that all of these planetary energies are often displaced onto other people via Trump's transparent attempts to deflect accusations away from his nibs himself:

In his book Houses of the Horoscope: An introduction, Alan Oken names the micro-cosmic 12th the "I Am the Universe" house and says that it is "the custodian of the truth" which contains both hidden treasures and weaknesses. Plus, Oken notes that the 12th house is the place of hospitals, prisons, monasteries, dungeons, and insane asylums. One assumes that the US Congress must be included along with zoos. And since primal Pluto is the planet of Psychology, we should also note that Trump's natal Pluto in prideful Leo is unaspected and thus its influence is detached from the rest of his psyche and cannot moderate other components of his nature--neither can Pluto regenerate them. So manipulative wealth-hoarder Pluto, an 'ivory tower' isolationist, stands alone in Trump's Unconscious and suggests that he is a man "overshadowed by shadows" (Tierney), a condition which renders him consciously unaware of his most primal urges, desires, and motivations, and therefore leaves his darker nature intact and in charge.

Distorted by years of repression, Pluto in 12th house denotes intense passions, primal fears, and obsessions that for Donald Trump are unevolved because his Pluto is unaspected and detached from his other planets. He may often feel that his ego will be overpowered by others unless he fights 'tooth and nail' for he must win at any cost just to survive. Compulsively he tries one defense then another in an effort to defend himself from attack even though the gained relief may be only temporary and such 'solutions' usually lead to bigger problems later on. Is Trump a bearer of our Collective Shadow? Pluto in 12th says so, and reveals the presence of demonic forces of the unresolved 'sewage' of mankind. Tragically, this supports the theory now being heard in our public discourse that we Americans have the president we deserve.

That his natal Pluto has no regenerative function with his other planets says that shadowy facets of his personality are never confronted in meaningful ways, therefore, Trump is as he has been and will be. "Let Trump be Trump," say his fans. But unfortunately this gives Underworld Pluto even more power to sabotage and manipulate in dark and hate-filled ways.

As for Pluto (or Scorpio) associated with the 12th house, a famous bard said it best for he 'enjoyed' such a placement himself: "Hell is empty! And all the devils are here." - William Shakespeare.

And this American suggests that many of them have infiltrated Washington DC, led by Donald Trump.

As ruler of his 12th house, a 12th house Sun influence is a placement suggesting unconscious arrogance and egotism. A private sanctuary is needed since a sensitive and vulnerable nature is implied. This placement hints at Trump's private world of his own, a fantasy world where everything goes 'right' for Donald. Feelings of inferiority and poor self esteem were created by narcissistic parents who (one or both) belittled him in childhood. Yet his inner resources are vast and they must have been since he overcame negative conditioning enough to rise to the top position of leadership in the US--with Politics being an interest of a 12th house Sun. And as we've noticed, tolerating failure is not an option for Mr. Trump with a 12th house Sun influence for he only admires 'winners', an attitude his father may have expressed.

Of course, poor self esteem tends to inspire self-defeating behaviors and spark the images of martyrdom playing in his head as he reacts to current criticism as if his (shaming) parents are on his case. For on an unconscious level, they are--and these are life-and-death matters to Mr. Trump whose fight for survival goes on via the difficult situations that he himself creates from a deep-seated sense of guilt for being born. And this solar placement indicates feelings of being 'squashed' by his father who probably treated Donald's existence as insignificant. Note that Trump's natal Saturn (father; authority figures; restriction) in detriment in Moon-ruled, shell-building Cancer (mother; family; self-protection) supports this with tendencies toward difficult family contacts, depressing conditions within the family, emotional hypersensitivity, lack of personal security, neurotic reactions, materialism, and weight gain (Sakoian).

Moon and the 12th house: Maybe?

With very early degrees of Leo on the 12th cusp in the Placidus System, a possible Lunar association with the Unconscious 12th house in a different house system suggests a very private person though you'd hardly know this from Trump's long-held desire to be in the public spotlight. Actually, I've wondered of late how he could possibly have expected that gaining the White House with its resulting brighter spotlight would keep hidden certain of his actions and relationships secret. Oh well, that's another of the many paradoxes of Donald Trump and of course, the Moon is associated with publicity, good and bad! As for a possible 12th house Lunar influence, it indicates that feelings are often blocked and he tends to seek refuge in habitual activities performed automatically. One thinks of buckets of fried chicken eaten in bed as he watches TV personalities who support rather than criticize him. "Be strong, don't cry!" may have been heard from mother back in the day and any dependency on others probably frightens him on an emotional level.

And so it seems that little Donald may have been forced to care for himself in various ways due to an unavailable or distant mother and thus has learned substitution behaviors and activities for the nurturing he did not receive (his natal Moon conjunct the Saturnian South Node speaks to early separation from or rejection by mother--or the fear of it, resulting in rejection issues that may include feelings of physical inadequacy).

It has been reported that Mr. Trump spends hours with his mirror every morning tending to his personal toilette which includes a hair routine and Moon influencing 12th house denotes one who is compulsive about maintaining his caring-for-self rituals. To me, he favors someone who cuts their own hair because he doesn't trust anyone else to do it his way!

Now on a more positive note, Moon associated with the 12th house reveals a person with exceptional intuitive ability ('reading people') which is very useful in Politics and in public relations as he uses rhetoric to sway the masses ('the public' - also represented by the Moon). In fact, he used this ability to read public sentiment and got himself elected with it through reading emotional undercurrents. This intuitive ability is the primary reason I include a 12th house Moon here, that and Trump's deep emotional need for constant publicity and his issues with women.

Yet also, Mr. Trump seems to be confused over his relationship to women and has distorted ideas about them and about motherhood. Multiple homes and restlessness are suggested here due to a fear of 'settling down' and a deep distrust of others is also shown by a 12th house Lunar placement--distrust which was probably engendered by early emotional insecurities and strains.

Mars in 12th House: Anger Issues

Besides having Pleiadean stars of rage and passion at his Taurus Midheaven, motivational Mars, planet of action and energy, is in 12th house indicating that secret plots and hidden enemies are involved in his life and much work is carried on behind the scenes (including the hiring of 'private eyes'). Unconscious anger can be misdirected or displaced onto others while secret relationships, compulsive romantic affairs, and/or unacknowledged infatuations and fantasies may be prevalent. Passive-aggressive behavior and acts of revenge are implied as are hidden fears and paranoia--often concerning secrets or scandals which may become public and embarrass or humiliate. This "plumb the depths of the psyche" placement of Mars would be advantageous except for the non-involvement of his detached Pluto mentioned above. Still, Donald Trump is capable of plumbing the depths of other people's psyches although he keeps this handy skill as hidden as possible while using it to avenge himself against those he considers his 'enemies' (real or imagined). Note that the indications of the Moon possibly associated with his 12th house concurs via her intuitive ability.

Mars in 12th house also describes Trump's temper tantrums and enraged overreactions to outside events that don't go his way and to people who get in his way, and yes, again this placement points toward parental complexes instilled in Donald during childhood and adolescence when he probably heard such things as, Be a Man! or, You have no right to be angry! Of course, with his Mars rising in egotistical Leo, plus, the chaotic behavior of his natal Uranus in duplicitous Gemini, we know that angry is exactly what he was and is almost constantly. Yet 12th house Mars prefers to avoid open conflict, thus his squishy way of firing people such as former FBI Director James Comey--because Trump fears being challenged and feels inadequate to successfully defend himself. This placement also indicates one who sends others out to defend and/or speak for him, such as his old pal Rudy Guiliani and press secretary Sarah Sanders (often kept 'out of the loop' so that lies can be told with a more-or-less straight face).

As for acts of revenge, Donald Trump was apparently born with royal Regulus rising, a star with a caution to avoid taking revenge, otherwise all that has been gained will be taken away. This caution isn't proving to be one the retaliating Mr. Trump seems able to observe and we'll see at some point whether its dire warning comes to pass. After all, it's a natural law that what goes up must come down.

Now without going into too much detail, we should mention that a 12th house Mars also indicates a potential for sexual trauma in childhood leading to sexuality issues aggravated by the Be a Man! damage he may have internalized. In other words, his aggressive desire nature was squelched but has run rampant every chance it got. Now I have previously stated that the recent 'raid' of Dr. Bornstein's office of Trump's medical records came once the doctor publicly mentioned that Trump takes a hair loss drug, Propecia, with its known side effect of causing impotence, a 12th house fear of lusty Mars. His rising 12th house Mars in romantic, proud Leo must have been enraged by this anti-macho disclosure!

Plus, the Martian placement also suggests that Trump may suffer from disturbing nightmares (is this why he's said to sleep very little?) which range from aggression to acts of violence (undoubtedly intensified by his 12th house Pluto, planet of rape and the Underworld). He certainly has suggested that acts of violence be committed by others during Campaign 2016 and has identified with them himself from the bully pulpit of the White House.

Still, Mr. Trump may not consciously know what he wants until his desires are frustrated and he may be disappointed once he achieves them. That this may include his long-held obsession with occupying the Oval Office I shall leave up to you to decide.

May 7, 2018

Rudy Guiliani: Sun Gemini-Moon Leo plus Eclipses

A Brief Astro-Sketch of Rudy Guiiliani

by Jude Cowell

The natal data and horoscope of former NY mayor Rudy Guliani is rated A (from memory) if you'd care to take a look. Ascending is 29Vir47 with 29Gem06 at Midheaven, the Career and Public Status Point--which makes Mercury ruler of his chart and public status. His Mercury @12Tau50 (8th house) is unaspected (see details, below) and has an interesting Sabian Symbol:

'13Taurus' = "A Man Handling Baggage." That he does! Dane Rudhyar gives this degree a Keynote of: "Self-mobilization for social advantage"...COMPULSION FOR GAIN." This identifies Guiliani as "a man of ambition" (not that we need Astrology to determine that).

Yet with the task master planet of authority and authenticity, Saturn, at Midheaven, one must wonder if the placement's usual 'fall from grace' caution applies to Guiliani or will at some point apply. For as you know, Mr. Guiliani is Donald Trump's current 'face' on national TV and his recent appearances have stirred more turbulent storms rather than quelled them (perhaps purposefully!). For more Rudy info, I highly recommend last night's not-to-be-missed 15-minute segment by HBO's John Oliver on Rudy Guiliani.

And from Stephen A. Crockett a few minutes ago: Rudy Guiliani is Either a Spy for the Left, an Idiot, or Both Because He's Destroying the President With Every Interview.

Additional Rudy Astro-Notes

Born May 28, 1944 at 2:30 pm EWT in Brooklyn, New York (King's County), Mr. Guiliani's Air-Fire 'live wire' personality blend of Sun Gemini-Moon Leo resonates strongly with Trump's Gemini and Leo planets. Rudy's high-frequency, erratic Sun @7Gem16 and Uranus @8Gem49 conjoin at the degree of Trump's Prenatal Solar Eclipse degree in the 2 Old North Saros Series which repeats on July 13, 2018 @21Cancer (among the twin stars Castor and Pollux!) 2 Old North themes are: unfortunate news and separations though fast action can bring good results (Brady). Both Guiliani and Trump have quirky Sun-Uranus conjunctions though Trump's conjunction has North Node in between. So how long will Uranian Trump keep Uranian Guiliani as adviser when they both love to hog center stage? One must wonder. We should also note that this degree range of Gemini is that of America's natal Uranus of 1776--our nation's totem planet of independence, freedom, revolt, disruption, and separation.

Yes, Sun Gemini-Moon Leo personalities prefer center stage, thanks, and can become haughty when feeling unappreciated. It's a colorful combination of conscious and unconscious energies with its eye to the main chance and although Rudy was disappointed not to be chosen for White House service in 2016, he's there now, as improviser and shill for the braggart--in-chief. Fantasies of royal blood sustain his efforts toward performing to impress and thereby to improve his own social position yet a Saturn-Neptune square--angular in his chart--suggests tendencies toward fear, paranoia, confusion, and involvement in scandals and intrigue. Well, scandals and intrigue are givens under Donald Trump (who also has royal ambitions with kingly Regulus rising) so Rudy must feel quite at home now--assuming he still works for 'kingpin' Trump by the time I complete this typing!

We should also consider that Guiliani's natal Moon @23Leo49 conjoins ego-expanding Jupiter in Leo (20:02) and his Moon is close enough to Trump's natal Mars rising to add vigor and perhaps emotional upsets to their association. As for taking center stage, a Leo Moon's reigning need for constant approval, applause, and public performance is well known. So Rudy's emotional need for attention is bottomless but so is Donald Trump's so they have that not going for them.

Plus, Trump's problematic Mercury-Neptune square of fantasy and dishonesty is supported by Neptune Rising Rudy who was born under a highly imaginative Mars-Neptune sextile (2S02) and preference for fantasy over reality. Rudy's powerful out-of-bounds Pluto in Leo conjunct his natal Mars suggests involvement with weaponry, the military, violence, and/or underworld crime and of course his Mars-Pluto duo was busy while he was a mayor instituting draconian policing policies against certain New Yorkers. Born less than two years prior to Donald Trump, these men share Mars and Pluto in romantic Leo placements though not conjunct by degree--both have had three wives, and both are associated with violence.

Changeable Mercury in Stubborn Taurus in Charge!

Leader of a BOWL shape tipping across his Career axis, Rudy's 8th house Mercury in Taurus rules his chart (physical body; Virgo ASC) and Gemini Midheaven (Career; Public Status--both angles at 29th critical degrees) yet these degrees conjoin Cardinal World Points of Fame and Fortune (00Libra-00Cancer). Yet little Mercury, planet of communications and negotiations, is unaspected in his chart which emphasizes his corporate/big-business and occult 8th house and inclines him toward inflexibility and a lack of adaptation to change. Unaspected Mercury (which I've called the 'tofu planet' for soaking up the planetary energies it touches) benefits from contacts with other planets but here, alas, Mercury cannot. This indicates that Rudy is not inclined to weigh all sides of an issue and has difficulty recognizing alternative theories, ideas, and opinions. His communications occur in a spurt-like manner, he appears to be hyperactive, and his interests are limited. Plus, some threat of eventual mental deterioration may be present which is something that Geminis tend to worry about anyway via their "am I going crazy?" anxiety (a dual mind: Castor vs Pollux, light vs dark, etc.) One look at Rudy's wild eyes and we may wonder about his mental capacity, too, along with his 'colorful' rhetoric, questionable logic, and obsessive topics.

Rudy Guiliani's Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE')

Prior to his birth, Rudy's PE in the 18 South Saros Series perfected on January 25, 1944 @4AQ32 in his 5th house and at birth was opposed by his natal Mars (3Leo34--and by extension, his n Pluto 6:44). 18 South themes echo those of Donald Trump's 2 Old North PE: endings, partings, separations, anguish, grief--but new situations can bring positive results' (Brady). Cynically, this can be said to describe Guiliani's profiteering on the WTC attacks of 9/11/01. Plus, a PE in Aquarius denotes one who doesn't see past events as a burden but as karmic opportunities and a guide for future development. And when I mention 'karmic' I always mean reaping what's been sown, a natural law of the Universe (which effects even Donald Trump whose karmic overload must be huge--but we each have our own). In Aquarius, Rudy's PE indicates that "whimsical changes and contradictory efforts interrupt karmic progress and add to the accumulation of karmic debts." (Rose Lineman; my italics).

Well! Perhaps I should leave SO'W now and see if Rudy is still 'the face' of Team Trump!

May 6, 2018

On Donald Trump as Clumsy Liar

Well, planet Neptune flowing through its own sign of Pisces is busy veiling the truth on a daily basis! And now that the tally of Donald Trump's lies has surpassed 3,000 since January 20, 2017, the serial lies of the demagogue-in-chief are, at times, unbelievable and sometimes only petty yet his fans can't seem to muster a care. Linked below is a May 5th segment from CNN's Anderson Cooper which asks, does anyone care when Trump lies?

And an accompanying analysis by CNN's Gregory Krieg chimes in with How can Trump lie so much and be 'authentic' at the same time? Here's an explanation which in title alone attempts to mush together two antithetical elements for any astrologer: Saturnian authenticity with Neptunian deception. Meanwhile, I've always been told that truth mixed with a little falsehood is a lie, not a truth, yet we know that in the practice of Politics, a half-truth is very often a useful tool, even before Mr. Trump grabbed the Oval Office spotlight and coup'd the bully pulpit.

Well, all this fact vs fiction turmoil has brought on a quote from my all-time favorite journalist and one of my favorite writers, Mark Twain, whose following words are from his On The Decay of the Art of Lying, a tongue-in-cheek affair...or is it? In it Mr. Twain bemoans "the growing prevalence of the brutal truth" so see what you think but do not fret--for we may safely assume that Mr. Trump has never bothered to read such words as these, and besides--he never needed to since he comes by his lying talent naturally as seen by the square (blockage) between his natal Mercury (communications; thinking processes; news) and natal Neptune (lies, deceit; obfuscation; cheating; fakery). Yes, his 'carnival barker' and 'snake oil salesman' personas come from deep within, are applauded by his brash and rising Mars in dramatic Leo, sign of the showman, and are cheerfully supported by his bright Sun-NN-Uranus trio in duplicitous Gemini, Mercurial sign of the trickster.

Now here's Samuel Clemons, aka, Mark Twain:

Lying is universal--we all do it. Therefore, the wise thing is for us diligently to train ourselves to lie thoughtfully, judiciously; to lie with a good object, and not an evil one; to lie for others' advantage, and not our own; to lie healingly, charitably, humanely, not cruelly, hurtfully, maliciously; to lie gracefully and graciously, not awkwardly and clumsily; to lie firmly, frankly, squarely, with head erect, not haltingly, tortuously, with pusillanimous mien, as being ashamed of our high calling. Then shall we be rid of the rank and pestilent truth that is rotting the land; then shall we be great and good and beautiful, and worthy dwellers in a world where even benign Nature habitually lies, except when she promises execrable weather. (My italics.)

Rotting the land? Then maybe Donald Trump has read Twain's words and internalized them as 'authentic' with a spirit of Saturnian seriousness for rotting the land of America seems to be part of Trump's mission--with a lot of help from complicit, overly compromised Republicans.

Related: do you know that 'Mark Twain' shares a double Fire personality blend with recent Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Ronan Farrow? And if you've never seen it, here's a view of Samuel Clemons' C-Rated natal horoscope for the curious.

May 2, 2018

The Syzygy Moon of the 2018 Midterm Elections

Prior to the November 6, 2018 Midterm Elections comes a Full Moon, the last lunation or 'Syzygy Moon', @1Tau13 which perfects on October 24, 2018 at 12:45:05 pm edt in Washington DC. This Full Moon Horoscope is titled, "Stormy Proceedings" (ASC = Mercury-Mars) and "(A) Military Band(s) on the March" (Jupiter the General--and expansive Politician--@27Scorpio):

Of course the intensity, delving, monetary, and other qualities within the Taurus-Scorpio polarity are well known so let's not belabor such basics. We must look to the restrictive yet stabilizing Saturn rising for The Lesson-Bringer drags with him his usual karmic implications, and a serious tone of austerity, authority, and accountability is cast over proceedings as the Midterm Elections approach with Saturn the planet of lawmakers whose seats are up for grabs in November. Yet Saturn is also the status quo planet of The Establishment so it seems somewhat doubtful that all Republicans in office will be tossed out on their wide tushies even with the expected 'Blue Wave' of Democrats welling up across the land and spoiling for a cleansing flood.

A mix of election results sounds more reasonable--yet this Syzygy Moon chart's MC-IC axis is at a critical-crisis 29th-degrees just as the Full Moon perfects. Matters are serious and strained and pressures must be released, perhaps partially in the T-Square between the Sun-Moon opposition squaring the 7th house North Node in dramatic Leo and suggesting new contacts and associations. Yet necessarily the separative South Node, the Tail of the Dragon rises in 1st house, not the happiest indicator in any chart, along with wealthy manipulator and saboteur Pluto at that problematic degree of '18Capricorn' of POLITICAL POWER and 'smug or strong-armed paternalism' (Jones). Authoritarianism with its draconian measures are on the rise unless We The People stop it in its tracks soon.


A values-laden 2nd house barely holds activist Mars desirous of reforms when in Aquarius while voting Mercury @21Sco29 has just entered the public 10th house at '22Scorpio' = "Hunters Starting Out For Ducks"...ENTERPRISE (Jones). This degree places transit Mercury nearing Mr. Trump's natal IC (24Sco18) from the 3rd house side with tr Jupiter in Scorpio, as noted above, on the 4th house side. Mercury-Jupiter opposite n MC may provide Jupiterian Trump a sense of optimism yet there are negative potentials involved with the planetary pair as well: failures through dishonesty; negligence or clumsiness; and fraud (Ebertin). Sadly, any or all of these possibilities may apply and I must also add grandiose thinking to this picture.

Will an 'October Surprise' occur intended to sway the Midterms?

Well, it's been years since one or more political 'surprises' (aka, dirty tricks) have not caused disruption of our elections or at least the fear of it--see disruptive chaos-creator Uranus at IC, the Basis of the Matter--which also suggests a sudden change of residence for someone! So let us agree that surprising events if not trickery will happen as 2018 rolls on toward November along with campaign promises--especially since at the 2018 Midterms, Jupiter will reach 29Scorpio which, rounded up, is "The Halloween Jester". And of course we can depend on tactics such as gerrymandering, voter suppression, foreign and domestic interference via hacking, and social networking illusions to haunt and muss with ballot boxes across the nation. And it isn't as if Trickster Trump the Gemini has supported any efforts to improve the 'integrity' of our voting system--things worked for him in 2016 so sly dog that he is, his 'Sneaky Mind' (Mercury-Neptune square--Oken) wouldn't willingly change a thing.

Of interest as well is the separative South Node of the Moon @1AQ21 nearing POTUS Sun (Trump 2017 = 00AQ49) so endings of relationships and separations from the White House continue as will further unpopularity with the public (Nodes) for Mr. Trump which supports the theme of a culminating Full Moon and its Venus-Uranus/Sun-Uranus oppositions, plus, the Moon-Uranus separation issues and excitement that nestle at the IC.

Eroding Neptune on Election Day 2018

A quick glance at two horoscopes set for November 6, 2018 Washington DC show deceptive loss-leader Neptune of media, propaganda, falsehood, and the masses fame at IC (the Basis of the Matter; The Drain) at 8:00 am est and again at MC (The Goal) at 8:00 pm est. In the chart above we see Neptune @13Pi57 Rx in Money House (2nd) with the Sabian Symbol for '14Pisces' = "A Lady in FOX Fur" (my bold, for obvious political and broadcasting reasons).

Underneath all this, the Republican Party's first-ever Neptune Return continues apace this year with the 4th of 5 'hits' perfecting on October 20, 2018, and the final conjunction perfecting on December 29, 2018. Strong in its own secretive scandal-plagued sign of Pisces, masking Neptune covers for Donald Trump as Republicans do while he play-acts the presidency of the United States and distracts the public from real issues which include the hollowing out of the US government by anti-government politicians and their wealthy backers. We may even find some evidence of his thespianism penned on the Syzygy Moon chart, lower left, in a midpoint picture:

Neptune-MC = Ascendant: acting and pretending which also carries potentials for an inability to get over losses and/or insecurity (Ebertin). Sorry Trump fans but I see no "stable genius" acting under the spotlight of this particular Full Moon--and that doesn't take into consideration The Tower Solar Eclipse of August 11, 2018 @19Leo which is the Prenatal Eclipse of the November 2018 Midterms as previously discussed, and falls into the corporate and Scorpionic 8th house of this Full Moon chart.

And one major caution exists within the Earth-Water Taurus-Scorpio energies here--that blindness to the motives of others is possible and this could affect the decisions of voters in November, especially those who tend to take the theatrical, superficial utterances of a man like Trump at face value as if he's serious and actually concerned about their issues. Will he be in office by November? Probably but who can say at this point? As you see listed on the chart, upper right, one of the Images for Integration as detailed in the Harveys' Sun Sign-Moon Sign book:

"Pluto takes Persephone into the Underworld" which may refer to the mobster/gangster atmosphere and dealings of Donald Trump and his thuggish minions such as Michael Cohen. Of course, the Persephone myth also relates to sexual relationships and abuse so there's that--and asteroids Persephone @17Scorpio (transition) and Atlantis (where we feel doomed; abuse of power) conjoin in the visible 10th house, while wounded healer Chiron, still in mystical if shady Pisces, is about to leave the 3rd house of Communications along with difficult Scheat @29Pisces, a star of misfortune. Is someone tweet-plaining their troubles? Still? Tiresome!

Quirky Quixotic Uranus--Trump's Erratic 'Guiding Planet'

Now I shall leave you to read the chart yourself or to check out my scribbled notes on the chart if you can or wish but I must note the relationship and culmination aspect of any Full Moon, shining its rays here upon the security-minded MC-IC axis of Career and Home, plus, the implications of a Venus-Uranus opposition of eccentricity, obstinacy, moodiness, separation in relationship, peculiarities, and/or someone's frayed nerves on display will add its excited energies to the sudden changes that are in store for America and Congress as we careen toward another Midterm Election Day.

Related: from January 20, 2018 here's a brief FOX News interview concerning the 2018 Midterms with Michael Dukakis who was born in 1933 under the auspices of the Sun Scorpio-Moon Taurus blend of energies which will cosmically replay in the heavens via the 2018 Midterms' Syzygy Moon.

May 1, 2018

May 2018: Mars SQ Uranus hits US POTUS Sun

On May 16, 2018 at 3:03 am edt with veiling Neptune in mid-Pisces rising in DC, a transiting square perfects between testy warrior Mars and shocking planet of chaos, Uranus, an explosive combination that tends to bring unexpected and unpredictable results which are often not what perpetrators or instigators had intended. And with tr Mars @00AQ02 SQ Uranus @00Tau02, I regret to inform you that the US POTUS Sun (the president, a role now played by Donald Trump since January 20, 2017) will be precisely unsettled by this double transit so let's take a general look at its portents while keeping Trump's current condition (Mueller probe into Russia contacts and possible conspiracy, to testify or not to testify, possible Trump campaign irregularities, Cohen's hot mess, etc) in the back of our minds and knowing that the POTUS Sun is representative of Mr. Trump whose Oval Office goals (aka, the 'mission' he was placed in the Oval Office to accomplish as they all are) are being seriously delayed if not thwarted by his own karmic actions and by being held accountable for them; and of course by extension, Mr. Trump = the American people.

Also note that the Sabian Symbol for the US POTUS Sun @00AQ49 (January 20, 2017 noon est Capitol Building Washington DC) rounded up is: '1AQ' = "An Old Adobe Mission" ever since US Inauguration ceremonies were switched from March to January 20th by Freemason President Franklin D. Roosevelt.

So when activist Mars conjoins the Sun a surge of vitality can be expected along with macho vibes that demand ego gratification--nothing new for Mr. Trump born with brash Mars rising in ego-driven Leo. But in May it may be a question of more explosive challenges and even testier confrontations when tr Mars hits POTUS Sun even though he's very much accustomed to being in tune with Martian energies and also with Uranian energies since his natal 10th house Uranus is his 'guiding planet' for it rises last before his Gemini Sun, leads the rest of the planets in his natal chart, and inspires his chaotic, free-style of 'intuitive' leadership. Never be prepared, advises Uranus!

Simultaneously, transit Uranus squares US POTUS Sun which denotes several potentials none of which are predictable. However, a testing quality is attached to this combination which includes issues of will power and determination toward success. But with quirky Uranus involved there's an inability to control situations and the decisions of others hold sway and determine direction so that it's difficult if not impossible to be prepared ahead of time--perfect for the ill-prepared Mr. Trump. Yet he'll be upset that maintaining a leadership role, status, and/or authority may be even more difficult now and yet standing up for one's principles--assuming he has any to begin with--will be necessary even as his decisions are questioned and integrity is placed under a stronger microscope. Of course, these fiery, unsettled conditions are already in play for Mr. Trump so perhaps the Mars-Uranus Square affecting POTUS Sun will only sharpen public scrutiny or may mark a crisis point within ongoing proceedings. Yet we know that sudden events and revelations are quite certain to occur during Mars-Uranus periods in similar fashion to the uncovering effects of an eclipse when inconvenient truths may become widely known and surface for review and critiques.

Besides the political possibilities of the Mars-Uranus square, an increase in wildfires or purposeful arson, lightening strikes, storms, quakes, floods, or other natural disasters may be on Earth's agenda as May 2018 proceeds on toward the August 11, 2018 Solar Eclipse @18Leo41 that I'm calling "The Tower Eclipse" for its collapsing potential (Brady). And curiously, there's a related midpoint picture within the August eclipse horoscope that closely involves the secretive planet of veils, cover-ups, scandals, lies, fantasies, and fraud: Mars-Uranus = Neptune! Any, all, or none of its potentials may apply.

Plus, as previously discussed here, May 2018 includes a prophetic New Moon @24Tau36 on May 15th (the 70th Solar Return of the State of Israel and the day that transit Uranus enters Taurus). This cosmic pile-up conjoins the natal Midheaven (The Goal) of Donald Trump with the unpredictable Mars-Uranus square perfecting only a day later. Another quirk is that the May 15th New Moon also sparks the position of tr Mercury during Trump Jr's infamous June 9, 2016 Trump Tower meeting with Russians and lawyers and Trump Campaign staff such as Kushner and Manafort, so eager to get 'the dirt' on 2016 opponent Hillary Clinton.

Then on May 29th is the revealing Full Moon @8Sag10 which happens to conjoin the New Moon of the Fed which perfected on December 1, 1910 during the financial conspirators' secret meeting on Jekyll Island, Georgia resulting in betrayal of the American people via passage of the Federal Reserve Act on December 23, 1913 so that America's financial resources were firmly placed within the grasp and control of transnational banking houses and our debts became unpayable. And those 'economic royalists' of 1910 (as famously described later on by FDR) are the biological and/or spiritual ancestors of the current crop of crooks, knaves, and traitors who infest our nation as I type.

Now if you wish a fuller picture of May 2018 and the "Mars Max" period we've entered don't miss Richard Nolle's May 2018 Forecast.

Above image: Mars as seen from The Hubble Space Telescope

Apr 30, 2018

A Portrait of Donald Trump's forceful Mars in Leo

Some of the books authored by the brilliant Dane Rudhyar languish upon my library shelves while others have yet to be captured. One yet to be captured volume is The Zodiac as The Universal Matrix--A Study of The Zodiac and of Planetary Activity (The Lost Writings of Dane Rudhyar) available in paperback or on Kindle.

From this book comes the following excerpt explaining the placement of Mars in Leo which Mr. Trump enjoys--and if his birth time is accurate--has rising at the moment of his birth on June 14, 1946. Plus, Trump's Mars is made more significant and event-producing by the warrior planet's conjunction with royal Regulus, the kingmaker star. Naturally his red face and brash, boastful aggression may be attributed to Mars in proud Leo and its rising position lends an Aries-style me-first quality to his character, thoughts, actions, and communications which often include insults and combative adolescent name-calling.

And as you know, astrological Mars rules arson and fire so even his famous if tiresome You're Fired! line may be placed on the doorstep of Mars rising which sparks his formidable sense of will power. Similar to a Sun-Mars conjunction, Mars rising types are interested in sports, the military, policing, and romance and tend to feel that anyone who disagrees with them is directly attacking their personal credibility and so they immediately counterattack. Having no real interest in compromising or in thinking before acting, it's always competition time in the Fantastic World of Trump.

We could even say that on many levels Donald Trump ~is~ Mars in Leo. So without further fuss, here's Dane Rudhyar on the topic:


"When the Leo-type of energies...are activated by the forceful and outgoing planet Mars, fireworks may be expected. This produces a colorful personality, or at least a strong will to dominate...There is an intense urge toward dramatic self-expression; and, when concrete materials for self-expression or for personal show are not available, the person is likely to use imaginary materials."

And those 'imaginary materials' are always on steroids due to Donald Trump's fantasy-prone, listen-to-no-one, indiscreet Mercury-Neptune square of The Sneaky Mind (A.Oken)!

Above image: Donald Trump displaying his 'intense urge toward dramatic self-expression'...he's only acting, folks.

Apr 28, 2018

DC Horoscope: a Starry Autumn Equinox 2018

Image: Autumn Equinox 2018 (aka, Libra Ingress with Sun @00Lib00:00); Saturday September 22 9:54:16 pm edt White House Washington DC; Gibbous +156:46; Hour of Saturn (8th house), Mars out-of-bounds (OOBs) in 9th house and part of a disturbing midpoint picture: Mars-Saturn = Pluto (18Cap46 Rx) - brutality, violence, and murder. To these possibilities Noel Tyl adds potentials for 'the need to take control; forcing an issue'; and/or, 'strong anger'. This difficult midpoint picture is a natal echo for it appears in the birth chart of Donald J. Trump whose natal Pluto @10Leo02 sits at the Foundation Point (IC) of this chart, aka, The Drain.

Rain in the Forecast

Asteroids Eros (piercing) and Panacea (a soothing bromide) rise at Ascendant 3Gem17 just after starry Alcyone (something to cry about) of the Pleiades, then Mirfak (to have one's say), plus Menkar the Whale (victim of the unconscious; an imperative to say what must be said--or else). The rain stars of the Hyades (Prima Hyadum @6Gemini) soon rise bringing along their difficult implications such as scandal, disgrace, resentment, evil, imprisonment, violence, mental imbalance, extremism, shipwrecks, and/or murder (A. Louis). Yes, the world is in a sorry state (thanks compromised politicians!) and given that forceful Mars and Pluto are in the 9th house of Foreign Lands and karmic Saturn is in the 8th, this horoscope may be a foreboding picture of terrorism or an attempt at it--and of course false flag ops cannot be ruled out as we know from past experience of such pretexts being used to scam and emotionally manipulate the American people into yet another war. The Sorrows of Empire!

Sun-Mercury Conjunct US natal MC: public recognition, speeches, concerns about reputation

Chart-ruler Mercury applies twice (listed lower left): 1. square Saturn = info restricted, books/papers/emails lost; perfectionism; lack of time; sobering talk; and 2. trine Mars = too much talk not enough action; favorable for travel.

Applying aspects of the Sun (leader) are noteworthy and there are two (marked in pink, top of the chart): 1. square Saturn = a leader or leaders called to measure up and be accountable for past actions; somber times; and 2. trine Mars = vitality available but must avoid indolence and passivity.

Then there's the impressive Sun-Chiron opposition on the Cardinal World Axis--conjunct US natal MC-IC--and this is an aspect Richard Nolle has termed the psychopomp. Previously I have typed aloud whether Mr. Trump could be America's psychopomp, and of course the mundane Sun signifies the leader or the ruler of a nation. Well, some have called him psycho anyway.

Now transit Pluto @18Cap46 is also apex of the 1993 Uranus-Neptune conjunction degree (yet again) suggesting that 'the big picture must be followed, very little option to do otherwise' (Tyl) which relates, of course, to the collapsing of the old order of 1776 and the rebuilding of the new which is also shown in the Prenatal Solar Eclipse (PE) (here, in 4th house @18Leo42) with its themes of The Tower collapsing and the rebuilding that begins once the dust has settled. (Brady).

And this PE is the August 11, 2018 Solar Eclipse in the 2 New North Saros Series that no one is waiting for.

Apr 27, 2018

DC Horoscope: Scorpio Full Moon Apr 29, 2018

Image: Horoscope of the April 29, 2018 Full Moon @9Sco38 which perfects at 8:58:06 pm edt Washington DC; Hour of Mars @22Cap59 which pre-figures the Great Conjunction of Saturn and Pluto on January 12, 2019 (22Cap46). Expansive Jupiter @19Sco29 Rx, which turns Direct @13Sco20 on July 10, 2018, rises with two malevolent stars: Serpentis, aka, Unukalhai (tragedy; misfortune) and North Scale (hasty words cause problems--Mr. Trump!--; tragedy; violence (A. Louis). If you believe the Oval Office tenure of Donald Trump is bringing America tragedy and misfortune, then we're on the same page. If not, we'll see, as Mr. Trump likes to say, for there is more 'swamp-drainage' he and his minions intend to do as the hollowing out of the federal government continues. It's pretty much skeletal now.

Be that as it may or may not be, the April 2018 Full Moon in Scorpio is a snake-y sort of affair embedded with Scorpio issues of surveillance, betrayal, seeking control, lack of self-control, brooding, and with potentials for death and/or regeneration. Scorpio's Mars as chart-ruler makes no applying Ptolemaic aspects to other planets (emphasing his degree, sign, and house position) and neither does Pluto which conjoins Mars in the 2nd house of the National Treasury; the pair denotes potentials for brutal force; weaponry; violence; and people disabled in war (Ebertin)--the Veterans administration and its funding perhaps? However, Mars does apply to a sextile aspect with the Ascendant (22Sco18) (the fighting spirit) and thus, if we allow an angle, forms the base of a YOD-like pattern of crisis and/or a crossroad pointing toward to the Full Moon's corporate 8th cusp (in DC) where sits America's natal Mars and Trump's natal Sun, all @22Gemini. Mars-ASC = n Sun: a love of fighting and quarreling; focused will power. As you know, the willful Mr. 'Mars Rising' Trump often shows a natural tendency toward aggression, conflict, and stubborn will.

Now as you see, this Full Moon is the engine leading a Locomotive pattern of ruthless determination toward success and forms a T-Square with the 9th house North Node denoting where new alliances and partnerships may be sought (foreign lands such as North Korea?). However, adaptation is necessary for best results and this picture is supported by the fact that the transit North Node in Leo will soon meet with America's natal North Node (a Nodal Return, every 18.6 years) which also indicates the forming of new alliances, bonds, and a potential for the breaking of weakened relationships (SN).

Basically, in Politics and US society, we should expect further secrets, scandals, and facts to be revealed by the bright spotlight of the April 29, 2018 Full Moon with Scorpionic overtones--with similar uncovering, change of direction, and fulfillment energies as a disruptive 'wild card' Lunar Eclipse would have. This Full Moon degree of Scorpio perfects near Mr. Putin's natal Venus (11Scorpio) and in Mr. Trump's natal chart, the 9Sco38/9Tau38 axis falls within his 3/9 polarity of communications, foreign lands, and significant legal matters. Apparently the Cohen and Mueller problems for Mr. Trump and his alleged relationships to Putin, Russia, money laundering, and sexual affairs (Scorpio) alunder the Collective microscope seemingly figure into the timing and planetary indicators of the April 2018 Full Moon.

And curiously, the Full Moon's Midheaven (MC) @3Vir30 futuristically points toward the degree of the symbolic Progressed (SP) New Moon of Donald Trump (horoscope shown) which perfects on September 16, 2019..."A White Child Playing with Black Children" which in his case, may be only a shout-out to White Supremacists and Klan sentiments he favors and the SP New Moon's new cycle of activity for Trump who now operates in the dark of a Balsamic Moon phase and was nominated and inaugurated under its secretive influence of endings and partings.

Now let's close with two Carelli Degrees for '9Scorpio' (he doesn't round up as with Sabian Symbols) and also for '10Scorpio' along with the Sabian Symbols for both degrees (note that Carelli's Degrees do not always provide a word picture, only an explanation):

Paraphrasing Carelli: '9Scorpio': "A Child in a Tub"...a degree of childishness. An irregular development of mind and character in childhood, an inordinately developed ego, exaggerated reactions (form) a superiority complex; restless, hypercritical, irreverent and ingenuous. Does Carelli mean 'disingenuous' or perhaps 'ingenious'?

Carelli: '10Scorpio': malice ranging from witty joke to coarse treacherousness; a lightening-like presence of mind and intuition; in stupid natives, cunning. In lower beings, a scheming brain, a soul that can exploit to the utmost the sympathy it awakens in others. The greatest faculty of dissembling and surprise, a marked political talent. In contemptible beings, double-dealing. In all cases the character will be close, silent, sphinx-like, and fond of secrecy.

Additional info on Mr. Trump may be found in a previous post Carelli's Degrees: the Natal Mercury of Donald Trump. Warning: it's very descriptive!

Quoting Dane Rudhyar: "'9Scorpio': "A Dentist at Work" (or an investigator? jc); Keynote: Overcoming the negative results of social practices and ego-cravings...INVENTIVENESS." (Noted is age 7 when everyone's permanent teeth appear, including Trump's.) He adds that, "...society and civilization, which may indirectly cause tooth decay, then have to invent means to skillfully repair the damage."

'10Scorpio': "A Fellowship Supper Reunites Old Comrades" (Russian comrades? jc); "Keynote: The overtones of human relationships based on a community of work or experiences. COMRADESHIP. is emphasized." (He adds that this is a picture of, "a bond that unites individuals who have participated in some common activity." Well, allegedly so for Putin and Trump, plus, Cohen, Stormy Daniels and Donald Trump Trump. For as my favorite skunk Pepe Le Pew would say, it's so-o-o romantic!

Apr 25, 2018

POTUS Sun 2017 Conjunct Icarus

Speculative Horoscope: The Discovery of Icarus June 27, 1949; exact hour unknown; Palomar Observatory California discovered by *Walter Baade. Timing the chart for 10:03:19 pm pst shows asteroid Icarus @11Sag29 Rx precisely conjunct Midheaven (11:29), the Goal Point of any horoscope.

Listed are Carelli's symbol for '11 Sagittarius' (he doesn't round up as in Sabian Symbols) - "An Ape Riding a Wolf" and the Jones version of the Sabian Symbol for '12 Sagittarius' - "A Flag That Turns Into an Eagle That Crows" which of course is a possible picture of America's natal Ascendant in the late afternoon charts on July 4, 1776 Philadelphia, PA. Of course, an eagle is a typical symbol for America (on the Great Seal, etc) and we're accustomed to much crowing over the US flag.

A related post: Is Washington DC the "New Rome"? Altair the Eagle Says Yes! Post includes the FDR Inauguration horoscopes for 1933 and 1937 to show the switch of the ceremony from early March to January 20th.

The discovery horoscope of Icarus is currently signiffficant because during Inauguration 2017 as Trump took the Oath of Office, the POTUS Sun (00AQ49) was unaspected (which we have discussed previously as a self-interested leader focused on his own importance and holding himself in high regard--Tierney) but conjunct asteroid Icarus. Therefore, I am relating this horoscope of Icarus to the current occupant now sitting in the Oval Office and note that he is a Jupiterian figure blended with chaotic Uranian and Mercurial trickster-esque tendencies.

As you see, expansive planet Jupiter Rx (weakened) is at a critical 29th degree in 12th house of Politics and Karma and is the handle of a Sling shape which knits together two hemispheres of the chart. As handle, Jupiter's expansive energies are the focus although its expansive activities are partially held in check when in Saturn-ruled Capricorn, the sign of law, government, and business. A Moon-Jupiter opposition suggests emotional vulnerability, lack of a sense of self-worth, the need for expert advice (seldom taken), and a tendency to give others who may not deserve it the benefit of the doubt. Jupiter quincunx reforming Uranus suggests unrealistic expectations which Mr. Trump apparently possessed before stepping into the Oval Office--one example being how "easy" he thought presidentin' would be. Who knew chairing America could be so complicated?

Now I won't fuss on about the POTUS Sun-Icarus conjunction (in force as long as Trump's term goes on) but here are the comments I added to the Icarus horoscope when I first set it up. You may find this of interest now that Mr. Trump's administration has had time to show purposeful disfunction, the sabotage of various government agencies, and his tendency to act alone and seldom in accord with others (unaspected Sun, isolated in the 10th house of the Inauguration 2017 horoscope)--and noting that Icarus didn't listen to his father's admonition, flew too high, subsequently fell, and drowned in a Neptunian sea:

'New Insights into Astrology' page 196 by Nona Gwynn Press (see my Amazon review!); Icarus discovered by Walter Baade on June 27, 1949; in Greek Mythology, Icarus was the son of master craftsman Daedalus and Naucrate, a Cretan slave. Daedalus constructed the labyrinth on Crete where the Minotaur was kept. King Minos imprisoned Daedalus and Icarus in the labyrinth, Daedalus made wings of feathers and wax, and Icarus, ignoring his father's warning, flew too close to the sun, the wings melted, and predictable results occurred.

The orbit of Icarus is between the Sun and Jupiter and it crosses the orbits of Mercury, Venus, the Earth, and Mars. Only comets go closer to the Sun. Icarus (#1566) contains the restlessness of Mercury, the sensuousness of Venus, the earthiness of Earth, and the self-assertiveness of Mars. Zane Stein gives Icarus a feeling of restriction, unrestrained exhilaration at escape which may be followed by a fall. House position shows where risks are taken (10th), and the practice of Politics is associated with Icarus via its 'rise and fall' nature. Assassination is also related to Icarus including character assassination (of Trump, now underway).

*German astronomer Walter Baade (1893--1960) worked in the US from 1931 to 1960 and with fellow astronomer Fritz Zwicky coined the terms "supernova" and "neutron star." A total of ten asteroids were discovered including Icarus, as noted above, and Hidalgo (#944) which were known as minor planets but are now called Centaurs of which Chiron is most notable.

Apr 23, 2018

Uranus to Taurus = "Nature's Revolution"

Uranus: Revolution, Rebellion; Taurus: Growth, Greenery, Value, Preservation, the Environment

'1 Taurus' = "A Clear Mountain Stream." '2 Taurus' = "An Electrical Storm."

Note that the great Nikola Tesla was born with an unaspected Uranus in Taurus giving him flashes of genius and sparks of intuition--and a way with electricity never before or since seen. His Uranus @24Tau56 will be conjoined on May 15, 2018 by the New Moon @24Tau36 which also happens to perfect upon Donald Trump's natal Midheaven and the Sun of the State of Israel--and the effects will seem like Uranian 'wild cards' since both New and Full Moons can often act much as eclipses--revealing, spotlighting, disrupting, and timing a change of direction for those affected by its rays.

Horoscope 1:: lower left Uranus to 00Tau00:00 May 15, 2018 11:17 am edt Washington DC; 2. upper right Uranus to 00Tau00:00 November 6, 2018 1:58:24 pm est Washington DC:

Horoscope 3. Uranus to 00Tau00:00 March 6, 2019 3:27:17 am est Washington DC:

My question tonight: will Mother Earth rebel against corporate plundering and degradation of her resources? Or will we?

The phrase "Nature's Revolution" comes from Horoscope For The New Millennium by E. Alan Meece.

Here's a corner of a Hidden Garden for you!