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Showing posts with label America's Great Seal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label America's Great Seal. Show all posts

Jul 9, 2013

The People's Voice: David Icke's new TV station (video)

Though I haven't always agreed with David Icke on certain topics, his new 24-hour TV station The People's Voice sounds promising for bypassing the propaganda we hear from mainstream media:

But I suspect America's natal Mercury (sight)/Pluto (surveillance) opposition (which can be seen illustrated by the 'all-seeing eye' in the floating capstone over the pyramid of power on the Great Seal and on back of the dollar bill) won't appreciate such revealing broadcasts one little bit.

Jun 10, 2013

US Mercury '25Can': "A Man Wrapped in an Invisible Mantle of Power"

Given my real world schedule, it would be an impossible task to provide in this post a list of current links to articles, videos, and interviews concerning the NSA/PRISM/data-mining/Snowden issues now dominating the 24/7 cycle of the news, and I trust you may find them for yourself as you wish. In fact, such news would be difficult for anyone to miss these days unless they inhabit an underground cave with no Internet connection or phone signal.

And as I always wonder, what should we be attending to when the circus masters of the media say, Look Here, American public! What's going on in an opposite direction that the powers-that-be want us to ignore?

Leaving that question aside for the moment, I wish to further mention notes on America's natal Mercury Rx (July 4, 1776 @24Can11 = '25Cancer') and its Sabian Symbol as given by both Marc Edmund Jones and Dane Rudhyar. Their word pictures for '25 Cancer' vary slightly and does the Solar Fire symbol used in the title of this post.

"25Can" (MEJ): "A dark shadow or mantle thrown suddenly over the right shoulder"...DESTINY. Positive expression: some dramatic manifestation of genius vital to the general welfare of man; Negative (shadow side--jc): a tendency to unwarranted presumption if not outright megalomania."

(Note the use of "unwarranted presumption" similar to warrantless wiretaps.)

Here's Baraka!

Now let's consider the entire interpretation by Dane Rudhyar for '25Can' = "A Will-Full Man Is Overshadowed By a Descent of Superior Power."

"We are dealing here with a man who uses his will and positive imagination in facing life's problems. To him comes a pentecostal descent of power. He receives the "mantle of power," the grace (baraka in *Sufi philosophy) or the Providential assistance which can make him a true leader in his culture.

In this fifth symbol we witness a more transcendent expression of "success." It is not merely external success (as given by society to its prima donnas), but a spiritual response, a sign of inner and uncommon ENDOWMENT."

Naturally, with the symbol's "Providential assistance" we are reminded of the Founding Fathers' use of Illuminati symbols upon America's Great Seal, symbols which were placed on the dollar bill under the Franklin Roosevelt administration (he, a Freemason as were many Founding Fathers including numero uno President George Washington)--the pyramid with the floating capstone and the Eye of Providence (or of Horus) that we now know symbolizes total and complete surveillance of the American people and of the entire globe.

E pluribus unum indeed.

Though to be fair, similar symbols had been used by other secret societies besides the Illuminati (May 1, 1776) yet infiltration of other societies has been an oft-used tactic to direct and maintain control over events and outcomes. I believe we see that this is same tactic now used by anti-government types who've infiltrated the US Congress in order to collapse the US government and cull the people in Darwin-esque fashion.

Yes, America's natal Mercury (Rx: inward spying!) is opposed by powerful Pluto Rx in Capricorn, sign of government, law, business (and Saturnian control and restriction) and has been addressed here many times, plus, Pluto's legendary Cape of Invisibility is certainly a large part of our spying picture of manipulation, oppression, and secrecy. When born or founded with a Mercury-Pluto opposition dangerous secrets are dealt with and are sometimes used against opponents when blackmail is deemed a necessary tactic.

*Now Sufi philosophy's concept of the perfect man in some ways seems to tally with Adam Weishaupt's Illuminati theory that man can through reason perfect himself and is in no need of rules, government, religion, etc.

And of course, 'reason' points to The Enlightenment era (the 'Age of Reason') and its planetary significator, the Uranus-Neptune duo. And since I've typed much on SO'W about this combo and its effects that work against society's best interests--meeting in Great Conjunction @'18Cap' as they did three times in 1993 and creating what I at least use as a natal horoscope of the modern-day 'new world order' that now spies on us--I shall add little to the wordage today--except to remind us all of the Sabian Symbol for '18Cap' of Uranus-Neptune since it touches upon the topic of this post:

"The Union Jack Flies From a British Warship"...POLITICAL POWER, its values and its dangers. Keywords: The protection afforded to individuals and groups by powerful institutions in charge of maintaining order." (DR.)

Positive: the self's ever-widening spread of interest in its insatiable desire to leave some permanent imprint of itself on everything it touches; Negative" (shadow side--jc): "smug or strong-armed paternalism." (MEJ.)

Uranus (progress; technological advances; Science; genius) and Neptune (surveillance, masks, veils, secrecy; the masses; the media) joined forces in 1993 with presidents Bush Sr and Bill Clinton handing them the wrenches with which to destroy the American public's right to personal privacy and thereby fatally wounding our democracy.

Mar 20, 2013

Mystery of the Great Seal's Eye of Horus Reversed

America's Great Seal, reverse

Was the Great Seal's Eye of Horus Reversed for Propaganda Purposes?

by Jude Cowell

"What reaches the heart without going through the mind is likely to bounce back and put the mind out of business. Propaganda taken in that way is like a drug you do not know you are swallowing. The effect is mysterious; you do not know afterwards why you feel or think the way you do."

-Mortimer Jerome Adler

And this is one of my concerns over a mysterious change to a symbol and the increasing public interest in the reverse side America's Great Seal with its 13-step pyramid and floating capstone's All-Seeing Eye of Horus. Some suggest that we're in the midst of a paradigm shift of consciousness which relates to a more feminine perspective in the collective unconscious as we 'lean forward' ("Hillary in 2016"??) and this may be true.

But the left-right brain hemispheres figure in as well along with the control of right eye-left eye. Why is this significant to America's Great Seal symbolism?

On July 13, 1856, artist, historian, and contributor to Harper's New Monthly Magazine, Benson Lossing, illustrated the reverse of the Great Seal with the All-Seeing Eye (of Horus, or, as America's Founding Fathers tended to call it, the Eye of Providence) but instead of publishing the image with the usual right eye (controller of our left-brain rational functions such as critical thinking and logic), Lossing drew the symbol on the capstone as a left eye indicating right-brain intuitive, feminine, non-verbal functions. (See the quote, above.)

Cornell University keeps archives of Harper's so if you wish to view the Lossing image and page, click here.

The left eye represents what philosophers have long called The Window to the Soul for it reveals our true identities. In Astrology, the natal Moon sign signifies this along with childhood memories and the Unconscious. Of interest to those who appreciate Astrology's revealing capability is that the Sun (right eye, consciousness)--Moon (left eye, unconsciousness) blend which was in effect on July 13, 1856. Upon inspection, the Sun-Moon blend turns out to be Sun in ocean-related, Moon-ruled Cancer, and Moon in occult-loving, mystical Scorpio. Plus, in his book The Combination of Stellar Influences, Reinhold Ebertin gives the Sun-Moon combo as, The Eyes!

July 13, 1856: Sun Cancer-Moon Scorpio is a Water-Water blend which acts on the intuitive-feeling-imaginative level of consciousness which is misty-eyed, emotional, and nostalgic for the past. Was a subliminal signal being sent to the American people to subtly influence how we receive and process information? Well, we know we're one of the most propagandized populations in history, right? Or perhaps the signaled change was intended more for those who were involved in occult (hidden) activities? Was it time to change how the public was being fed information?

Or perhaps the switch was merely a slip or two of an artist's pen though for publication you'd think Mr. Lossing, who must have been quite detail-oriented, would have been much more careful with a national symbol, now wouldn't you?

Benson Lossing: February 12, 1813 Beekman, NY (Wikipedia); at noon LMT, his Sun = 23AQ40; Moon = 20Can59, and detail-oriented Mercury @6AQ51 conjunct his natal Pallas (wisdom; strategy) and US natal South Node; also, Lossing has a natal midpoint picture perfect for an artist...Venus-Pluto = Sun: great creativity; an unusual sense of form. (Ebertin.)

For more info on Astrology and Washington DC, check out our Nation's Capital Is Teeming with Astrological Symbols. Because it is.

Feb 6, 2013

Pluto Ascends! More than killer drones: ARGUS (video)

Peep-eye! Wave to the camera, everyone!

America's natal Mercury-Pluto opposition keeps on developing more and more accurate surveillance techniques and devices, doesn't it? Mercury's eyes with Pluto, associated with the sign Scorpio, of spies and surveillance fame, uses its eagle totem to soar thousands of feet above our heads and watch us like hawks.

And of course, the Mercury-Pluto duo falls across the Cancer (home; security)/Capricorn (control; management) axis as obsessive Pluto plods through Capricorn now on his way toward America's Pluto Return/s of 2022 so perhaps we should keep the Sabian Symbol for US natal Pluto (27Cap33) for '28Cap' in mind as we 'lean forward' into what appears to be morphing into a dystopian future:

From Marc Edmund Jones' The Sabian Symbols in Astrology:

'28Cap' = "A Large Aviary"...COMMUNITY.

Positive expression: exceptional success in making all personal concerns a matter of common welfare:

Negative (Unconscious/Shadow Side): loss of all character in sheer officiousness.

This symbol relates on one level to the Pentagon.

Then there's the karmic intent, the symbol for the prior degree--and a mention that these degrees appear at Midheaven (MC = The Goal) in US Inauguration Horoscopes along with US natal Pluto itself:

'27Cap' = "A Mountain Pilgrimage"...PERSEVERANCE.

Pos: total reconciliation of mind and heart in an unquestioned devotion to some worthwhile task at hand; (ex: "winning minds and hearts" by aggressive invasion? killer drones are making that ridiculous propaganda even more ludicrous. jc);

Neg: satisfaction in superficial allegiances and a parade of false virtue.

Apparently, the president's targeted killing list which can include Americans 'believed' to be linked with al Qaeda isn't illegal if we do it but how many of us want Richard Nixon's rationalization for breaking the law staining our national conscience in this way? Well, it already does, "collateral damage" and all. And who knows who will be the next drone-wielding president with his or her ability to play judge, jury, and executioner without even a shred of probable cause or due process?

And what entity will secretly direct said president? Opportunities for abuse of the drone program are multiple--imagine what another neocon war hawk Commander-in-Chief can do--or what another government or group with hacking power can do.

So I suspect the riddle of the transiting Pluto-Chiron midpoint conjoining US Inaugural Sun (the leader; the president) for recent Inauguration ceremonies is now at least partially solved. The combination of Pluto-Chiron and its primal violence, disenfranchisement, oppression, racism, capitalism, totalitarianism, and all manner of other -isms that plague mankind is now revealed in part as the president's killer drones. If you're a target or in the wrong place at the wrong time, can it get more oppressive than that?

Yes, the imperialists' global government plan grinds on and all is done under the auspices of "keeping America safe". Their thinly veiled ruse becomes more threadbare by the minute! Is seems that Inauguration 2013's 10th house Mars (strikes, attacks, violence, war) in detached Aquarius signifies on one level drone strikes ordered by the White House and perpetrated by remote (AQ) control. That the draconian issue is receiving more and more attention in the news is shown by the public 10th house status of Inaugural 2013 Mars.

In fact, The Nation's Greg Mitchell writes about a drone base in Saudi Arabia!

And interestingly, George W. Bush ordered drone strikes while in office beginning in 2004, the year that Pluto paralleled Chiron in mid-August (parallels are like strong conjunctions and are timing devices) after their Great Conjunction in late 1999--conjunct US natal Ascendant in the 'Sibly' '12Sag' = "A Flag Turns Into an Eagle That Crows." Now there's that plutonian eagle again with Dubya acting under the 'authority' of the US flag. And as you know, in late 1999 they were heralding the 'New Millennium' and scaring everyone with the Y2K scenario that was allegedly going to 'end the world as we know it'.

Trudging Up the Mountain...

For further reading on mountain and pyramid archetypes (which relate to America's Great Seal symbols, our nation's ultimate destiny (the 'Great Plan'), Mt. Meru, the center of the world, Atlantis, and more) you may wish to try Bibliotecapleyades.

And to view a variety of videos on a range of topics, visit Forbidden Knowledge TV.

Now here's Morning Joe's Joe Scarborough venting over, and guests discussing, presidential drone strikes (if you don't mind sitting through a brief ad):

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Feb 4, 2012

'Eye of the Phoenix--Secrets of the Dollar Bill' (film)

For years I've planned a SO'W column on America's Great Seal, both sides, with their Egyptian/Freemason symbols. A phoenix rising from the ashes--from a fire of its own making uncomfortably reminds me of the attacks of 9/11 and the US government's misdirected response which has turned our nation into a bird of quite a different feather than that of the majestic eagle we've been led to appreciate as our American symbol.

And yet an eagle's excellent eyesight as it soars high above is perfectly echoed by invasive spy satellites overhead, circa 2012. For your consideration, here's a full length film on just such topics; the views expressed are the film's own and this blogger may or may not agree with them:

Today a direct Pluto @8Cap30 arose at 5:08 am est with Fixed Star Altair (the eagle) 5:05 am est; keywords for Altair: boldness and determination. Some of spying Pluto's keywords: power, control, subversion, transformation, death, rebirth. Death and rebirth like...a phoenix.

The Sabian Symbol for '9 Capricorn' is "An Angel Carrying a Harp" which sounds quite comforting--as long as it isn't a HAARP, a government program begun in 1997 and which may not be what it purports itself to be.


'9 Cap' symbol is from The Sabian Symbols in Astrology by Marc Edmund Jones.

Updated January 8, 2020 with US pyramid-of-power eye-in-capstone image from the dollar bill.

Oct 26, 2011

Mercury-Pluto! US Patriot Act 10th Anniversary 10.26.11

Today is the 10th anniversary of Bush's draconian US 'Patriot' Act which President Obama extended by remote control from France in late May 2011 as a previous post details--with US natal Pluto rising. Other astrological implications are included.

Yes, America's rising Pluto (planet of Invisible Helmets, sabotage, subversive power, and assassinations) at the Patriot Act's May 2011 extension puts our natal Mercury/Pluto opposition (July 4, 1776) into sharp relief with its surveillance, propaganda, and intell activities now ramped up by technological advances which aid the US government in data collecting as it ignores with impunity our right to privacy and fails to protect us from unreasonable searches and seizures.

Sneak and Peek!

For a symbolic representation of the US Mercury/Pluto opposition we have only to look at our paper currency (shown here) and the Pyramid of Power with the capstone and Eye of Surveillance (some say, Horus, or Providence) upon it, a direct reference to the infiltrating Illuminati agents who deeply influenced the founding of this nation and loaned the founders Illuminati symbols to place upon America's Great Seal.

(Note: Mercury = sight, Pluto = power!)

So no Happy Birthday Wishes to the Patriot Act from me today. For though I suppose its provisions help law enforcement track criminals, its eagle-eyed perusals of Aunt Granny Fanny's emails to dear Cousin Myrtle are way-y-y over the privacy line--and such an abundance of info collection wastes time, storage space, and mucho tax dollars.

Plus, it gives criminals, foreign and domestic, even more of our personal info to hack and steal. Thanks for that, Washington.

Well, I guess you can tell from the image above: Somebody's Watching You!

For further reading if you're interested:

All-seeing Eye: The History of Video Surveillance.

The History of the Illuminati in America (note the sour quote by Clinton Roosevelt, an ancestor of FDR.)

How well can spy satellites see details?

Sep 25, 2011

A Daft US Government Teeters on Backs of the Poor Sept 2011

How Purposeful Washington's Political Games Now Seem

by Jude Cowell

All logic tossed out the window, there are factions in the US determined to topple our republic and one of their tactics is to pile responsibility for current, dire financial straights onto the "backs of the poor" with President Obama at the helm and, one must assume, complicit in a radical and daft recipe for systemic collapse.

("We will bury you", pronounced Soviet leader Nikita Kruschev to America during my childhood. Thanks for that memory, Nikki. But you're just another in a long line of jackassian politicians in my book.)

Well, Ray McGovern's article Obama on the Backs of the Poor from August 3, 2011 is worth a second look if you've had a first--or is a not-to-be-missed if you did. Apparently daftness and perfidy masquerading as recklessness rules Washington Politics more than ever though I will not give passes for those who mismanage by design. To paraphrase Max Igan, US government officials and workers are in breach of contract as our employees if they don't effectively do the jobs that come with their positions.

As one-world-government types like to parrot loudly: rule of law! --which should effectively include lawmakers, their minions, staffs, operatives, and all bureaucrats.

A difference though is that the VP and President are not actually elected by the people but by the squirrelly electoral college of muckedy mucks. Perhaps one of the big 'secrets' of America's 'invisible' government from founding times is that the aristocrats won the lotto and most of the spoils which often accrued and accrue from the labor of working men and women.

My, how we haven't spiritually progressed as factions work tirelessly to make providing for the 'general welfare' a thing of the past--it's been made to seem "too expensive" to waste money on the poor and disadvantaged. Has compassion become old-fashioned in America? Then we-the-people must lift it up!

A Quote from Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr

Growing up within an hour or so from the reverend's home church in Atlanta, Ga, I remember hearing his voice and words on radio, TV, and in the news. As noted in the article above, *Rev. Martin Luther King Jr in a 1950s era speech said this:

"A nation or civilization that continues to produce soft-minded men purchases its own spiritual death on an installment plan."

For me this follows Biblical examples of consumption of rich foods (and in our cases, foods contaminated with toxins and re-engineered with frankensteinian intent--some would cry, "eugenics" or "guinea-pig-ism") causing physical and mental weakness rather than imparting strength as nutritious food should do, and causing a constant undermining of health on many levels and during all decades of our lives.


*On using a quote from Dr. King on SO'W, it's happened before yet I admit to reading some information recently on his alleged connections to communist groups or individuals--but i am not convinced. For given the blatant hounding of the popular leader who could sway the masses, awaken our Higher Natures, and beneficially affect our social order in the process, his opponents' assertions about him are difficult to trust. And as Dr. King's Chiron-in-Pisces pastorship began meshing issues of Civil Rights, Workers' Rights, and the Peace Movement under his revival tent, he was then seen as a dangerous man by certain 'special' interests having a larger agenda to force one-world-government--the one we now see being implemented more openly than before as their trap is almost set.

And it was as President that George H. W. Bush first publicly intoned the term "new world order" in speeches along with a chilling promise (aka, threat) that the shadowy 'they' will be successful imposing a totalitarian, Saturnian-Neptunian system over the entire globe and over what they are determined will be a surveillance-police state-America risen from the ashes, the Illuminati's spying all-seeing-eye over the 13-step pyramid's missing capstone on the never-officially used and masonic- symbol-ridden reverse side of America's Great Seal.

A Saturn-Neptune Spot Check 2011

Saturn (government; systems; restrictions) with Neptune (secret; veils; the masses; the media; paranoia) denotes 'secret' or 'invisible' 'government' which shows in America's natal chart/s of July 4, 1776 with Saturn @ 14Lib48, and Neptune @ 22Vir25 (conjoined with the natal Mars of Barack Obama.) In our oft-utilized natal chart set for 5:10 pm LMT, we see the midpoint of the Secret Government pair @ 3Lib37--close enough in orb to the New Moon of September 27, 2011 @ 4Lib00 to indicate a 'new cycle of activity' beginning in relation to America's secret or invisible government plans and policies.

Of late. transit Uranus in early Aries ('Utopians' according to Ebertin) has been triggering or catalyzing the midpoint of US natal Saturn/Neptune...n Sat/Nep = tr Uranus: sudden weaknesses emerge; excitability; irritability; peculiar inclinations; upsets cause illness; inner unrest (of a people or a nation.) (R. Ebertin; any, all, or none may apply.)

Of course, to reach the Sept 27 New Moon we must first enter and navigate the 3-day period of the Dark Moon when hidden things go bump in the night and society's infestations of satanic forces opportunistically act with even more impunity. Sudden emergence of financial weaknesses cannot be ruled out, as we've already seen of late. Plus, the Saturn-Neptune pair of energies also carries a 'materialism v idealism' connotation.

And though a Dark Moon phase is an excellent time to lay low or chillax, my thought is that for best results in coming days, beware too many entertaining distractions because these people play for keeps, y'all, 2012 is upon our doorsteps, and from Sept 27's New Moon into 2012/13 will mark a watershed phase for all of humanity. Messing this up is not an option, really.

(You may wish to see my previous post on the November 25, 2011 Solar Eclipse @ 2Sag37--perhaps it's in the Top Ten Posts feed in the sidebar below--since it's the last celestial 'wild card of the Universe' of 2011 in solar fashion and ushers in Year 2012. The receptive Lunar Eclipse of December 10, 2011 is near the top of my to-blog list and is coming to this blog in the next week or two--it will be the cosmic companion of the Solar Eclipse of Nov 25, 2011 and both will do the 2012 ushering.)

Another thought to mention concerning President Obama is that he and MLK share the natal placement of Chiron in mystical Pisces (a Seeker on a Quest, perhaps for the 'Holy Grail'), and BHO is now in the midst of his Chiron Return, a numinous passage in life which occurs around age 50 that, in his case, is a five-fer (5 conjunctions of transit Chiron to his natal Chiron's zodiacal position.) This perfectly timed synchronicity lengthens the timeframe of the course of lessons the Wounded Healer will be teaching Pres. Obama, age 50--including the eternal one about "Be Here Now". jc

Oct 8, 2010

IMF meets as Venus Stations Rx Oct 8, 2010

The International Monetary Fund meets this weekend in Washington DC as planet Venus turns retrograde today, October 8, 2010 at 13Scorpio 13, a station retrograde.

As you see, the mystical number 13, important in Sacred Geometry (as Freemasonry tells us), is being emphasized here as the planet of evaluations and relationships is strengthened while seemingly standing still in the heavens. Erin Sullivan in her book Retrograde Planets says, "We might see Venus as the elegantiae arbiter, the arbiter of taste."

Sounds about right for the elitist bankers and titans meeting this weekend to ostensibly fulfill a basic function their organization was created to perform: to oversee the global financial system. Yet given the crooked way things are being run these days, one might wonder what they're really discussing. Will the proof be of a pudding consistency as the effects of their decisions lift all boats - or will they merely keep the globalists' yachts afloat while continuing to drown the rest of us? Show the world your brilliance, IMF! Surprise us with your practical concern for the common good before 'no one will be able to buy or sell'!

One thing they may need this weekend is their best intuitive functions working full steam, for the Sabian Symbol for '13Sco' is: "An Inventor Performs a Laboratory Experiment."

Keynote: The driving urge toward achievement, which is at the root of civilization.

ABILITY TO RELATE SEEMINGLY UNRELATED FACTS..."Intuition is as necessary to success as intellectual analysis." (An Astrological Mandala, Rudhyar.)

Well, this group of gents and dames are in possession of all the facts, I'd wager if I were a wagerer, so let's see what magic they can do to aid the financial conditions of their fellow man and woman. Yeah, right. (See what happens when I try to type something positive about people I don't respect because I suspect them of having darker motives?)

If we round up for Venus' degree to '14Sco' we get: "Telephone Linemen at Work Installing New Connections." Hmm. I'd like to see their guest list for this conference, wouldn't you?

Keynote: The need to establish tne channels of communication. THE WILL TO ASSOCIATE or COMPREHENSION. (DR.)

(Don't know about you, but whenever a planetary station is afoot, I tend to consider the station degree rounded up but especially the lower degree since it will soon be re-visited and may be the more salient symbol at the time of the station for the planet is in process of reaching the higher degree but doesn't quite reach it until it moves forward again - for Venus 2010, that's about November 18, then she moves out of her shadow - beyond 13Sco13 - in time for the crisis-degreed December 21, 2010 Lunar Eclipse which may affect world markets.)

On December 27, 1945 when the IMF was formally organized, a noon chart shows the Sun (leadership) at 5Cap36 where transiting Pluto, planet of secret power and manipulation, has been hanging about. Pluto to Sun transits indicate a time when self-awareness and the attainment of power and recognition are uppermost and more aggression may be shown or may be needed in order to accomplish goals. Some sort of ID transformation or a new start is indicated as well and I think it's interesting that progressing the IMF's noon chart gives the entity a Secondary New Moon on January 12, 2012 - the very beginning of a new 30-year cycle of activity; the IMF entered its Balsamic phase (the dark of the Moon when sneaky things may lurk about) in May 2008, the world's Financial Collapse year.

The IMF's North Node (NN) lies at 29Gem56 and will encounter (NN) the full energy of the December 21 Lunar Eclipse 29Gem21; therefore, natal Venus 27Sag01 conjunct its SN will also feel the critical affects of the lunation.

In the natal horoscope (noon est, Washington DC, as stated), a correct hour is not needed for two midpoint pictures which are stamped upon the character of the IMF and involve the powerful and very wealthy Pluto, god of the Underworld. The first involves the Illuminati pair of energies, Uranus and Neptune:

Uranus/Neptune = Pluto (Rx @ 11Leo23): inspirations for ideas that can change the world; participation and support of the extreme destruction that's caused by disagreements; catastrophes; great losses.

Sun/Pluto = Jupiter (direct @ 24Libra17): successful striving for power; the urge to expand and acquire wealth; establishing one's position in the world; an idealistic desire to be number One; debasing of one's personal standards; creating a more complete set of standards and ethics. (Ebertin; Munkasey.)

Ethics! Now we're talkin'! But you know me: ethics that promote the best interests of all mankind, not just those of the select few, are the ones I respect most. And events and outcomes both near and future will tell us what the IMF has in store as they pull strings to adjust the global economy during this beautiful, Venus-infused weekend in Washington, DC.


For more details on the sacred number 13 (and 11 and 33, all associated with the founding of America and our nation's Great Seal, among other mystical things) check with Robert Howard.


Note to Whom It May Concern: Funneling money from foreign interests into American elections is a federal crime.

Sep 28, 2010

US natal Sun Cancer-Moon Aquarius and Jupiter

Most natal horoscopes for America use July 4, 1776 as our nation's birth date, the day the Declaration of Independence was unveiled to the people, and which shows the United States to be a misty, ethereal, creative Sun Cancer-Moon Aquarius blend of energies. This Water-Air combination describes the synergy between leadership (Sun) and the people (Moon) and may be worthy of a brief investigation.

This is a 'thinking vs feeling' blend with a decided past and future vibe. Humanitarianism is indicated with its concern for the public welfare, and the generous spirit of this combo supports Jupiter as our probable US natal chart-ruler (Sagittarius rising.)

Sun Can-Moon AQ is a lover of symbols which relates well to our national personality as a people, but also to the mysterious symbols our leaders have placed through the years on US coins and paper money, our flag, the Great Seal's obverse and reverse sides, etc. In fact, the Great Seal's eye in the triangle and pyramid are opposites representing the transformation process which results in a whole and creates something new: "whole-brain knowing." (Founding Fathers, Secret Societies, Robert Hieronimus.)

This relates to a new paradigm, a phrase we've heard often lately. However, this topic goes a little beyond the scope of a brief post so let's mosey back to the visionary combo of Sun Can-Moon AQ.

Typically the American people act as cautious, self-protective, old-fashioned 'crabs' with a highly romanticized view of our nation's past; yet often we are (and are seen to be) focused on futuristic plans and trends with a quirky need for space, movement, independence, and freedom. We're quite a mish-mash of thinkers and feelers which I suspect the elite ruling class realized long ago with their 'liberal vs conservative' tactics to keep us divided and conquered.

(In my universe, thinkers are allowed to feel and feelers are allowed to think whenever necessary!)

When our conscious Sun traits of Cancer are melded into our unconscious Aquarian Moon traits, we can be friends to the world with an advantageous flair for traditional progressivism. This is what I suspect most Americans are and prefer to be, for we see things as working best that way, even as politics' divisive 'either/or' requirements and propagandistic slogans busy themselves with gumming up the efficient working of our society. Unfortunately for the good of our nation, most Capitol Hill Republicans and Democrats purposefully lost that thread decades ago and have no intention of gaining it back.

With Sun Cancer-Moon AQ, the typical clannishness of Cancer is universalized by the Aquarian Moon so that broad social issues are always on our country's agenda. Family is paramount with us, yet our friends and colleagues tend to be treated as 'family', too. So personal warmth combines with abstract thought and is communicated to the world with aplomb and conviction. The sign Cancer is shrewd in business, yet we prefer to match our sentiments with actions for the benefit of all.

A weakness of the Can-AQ blend is a tendency to 'mother the world' and take on too many burdens at once. We have only to look at our government's meddling and misadventures in foreign countries to see where this tendency has led us (an empty treasury being one of its dire results.)

Sun Can-Moon AQ's Images for Integration: A mother and child skip down the street, arm in arm, to attend the Vision for World Peace charity fete at the park...The world as family...A science museum inside a restored medieval castle...Carl Orff's Carmina Burana. (Sun Sign, Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey.)

Note that Carmina Burana relates to the turning Wheel of Fortune, a perfect symbol for a nation with Jupiter as chart-ruler and our traditional focus on the acquisition of wealth and the happiness that supposedly comes with it.

Mar 24, 2009

Purposes of the G20 Summit April 2009

The New American has an article by William F. Jasper concerning the upcoming G20 Summit in London which declares its intent.

The G20 Push to 'Supersize' the IMF contains links to several recent articles about the many shout-outs for the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to become an international Federal Reserve System - such as UK PM Gordon Brown's call before a joint session of the US Congress on March 4, 2009 to inflate the power of the IMF.

This is the global economy 'solution' they want the world to plead for based on their manufactured econo-crisis of 2008-09 and beyond.

And in case you missed it, here's a post from Sept 2008 on the 13-step pyramid of power shown on the back of America's Great Seal with the all-seeing-eye at apex (viewable on the back of a dollar bill) representing the IMF which has its baleful eye on you, me, and our bank accounts.

If the G20 power-mongers have their way, the IMF's transcendence over all may signify the obverse of the Great Seal becoming our guide into the rest of the 21st century...the better to see you with, m'dear, for it will be 'unconscious' no more.