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Showing posts with label George Bush. Show all posts
Showing posts with label George Bush. Show all posts

Sep 3, 2008

RNC's Romney calls on Big Brother

In his speech at the RNC this evening, Mitt Romney confused social programs for the needy with Orwell's concept of Big Brother which is the totalitarian dictator character in George Orwell's ground-breaking and prophetic book, Nineteen-Eighty-Four.

Romney, in an attempt to critique the Democrats' populist view of being one's brother's keeper (which in my Bible and an integral part of its teachings and which includes not letting Americans starve on our streets), said,

"It's time for the party of big ideas, not the party of big brother."

We know the 'party of big ideas' is the Jupiterian GOP. And the party of Big Brother-NSA/Bush~Cheney spying on American citizens a la Orwell is...the GOP. Didn't you think George Bush looked like an Orwell character on that gi-huge screen at the Convention?

Well, sometimes political slogans don't quite work as intended - they simply say too much.

Aug 20, 2008

McCain's hard-hearted cake gone stale

It's not easy to sum up my loathing for the idea of a John McCain White House residency (not a typo.)

But if there were one thing to call attention to, it would have to be the TV pics of McCain feeding birthday cake to George Bush on
the day New Orleans flooded - and McCain's birthday celebrations apparently continued for days before well-studied and purposefully inept responses to the disaster showed the world just how little neocon freaks care for the American people in general and for New Orleanians in particular.

(Click link to speed thee over to YouTube for a view of the party. Were they grinning like cheeky monkeys because they were secretly celebrating the future McCain White House?!?)

Can any voter have faith in McCain's future responses to any kind of disaster, natural or otherwise, which life will surely bring the unwary and wary alike? Failed levees had been expected there for years - are McCain and Bush stoopid beyond belief?

Would you float on a housetop with the neocon hothead now asking for your vote?

Are you friggin' crazy?

Now you may think hubristically that you'll never need such assistance, that time and money are on your side.

That's only because McCain hasn't got all his claws into you or yours as of yet. Why, John McSame may be on the Bilderberg Group's board for all I know, but the next globalist shill mouthing for the power elite has more 'ineptitude' in store - Bush policies will continue in their "the power position is clear: very little option to do otherwise" vein.

I had to howl recently when Senator McCain pointed out Senator Obama's preference for success when he, McCain, joined the success-at-all-costs club so many moons ago! A pot calls kettle moment and politics is full of 'em.

So after Katrina wrought her devastation, McCain proceeded to vote against every aid bill he could find for the very refugees, survivors, and elderly victims whose demise and despair his birthday had marked on Aug 29, 2005! Happy Birthday indeed.

But would a Barack Obama tenure make a diff?

I have no idea, but America's chances could be better with Obama who has, at least, a more measured approach than an emotionally unstable Moon-opposite-Pluto McCain could ever imagine within his wildest dreams of world domination and retaliation at all costs...and as with Bush-Cheney, the direst costs will be all ours to shoulder on Bush-weakened backs. And yet...

Please Vote in November - don't let them keep you home from the polls. Or they've won without firing a shot.

Autumn Equinox Sept 22, 2008

The process of posting on the Autumn Equinox 2008 chart has begun over at Jude's Threshold.

The image of the chart, set for the White House, Washington, DC (Sept 22, 2008; 11:44:18 am edt) has an unsettling Sabian Symbol rising...

Dane Rudhyar gives "27Sco" as: "A Military Band Marches Noisily On Through City Streets"...Keynote: The aggressive glorification of cultural values. Keyword: POMP.

This could refer, of course, to aggressions overseas which Washington is dealing with (Russia, Georgia, South Ossetia, Kabul, Baghdad, Tehran, for George and Dick have an endless list - belligerence attracts belligerence), and/or martial actions in US streets, and/or to US military issues that continue to need attention such as the G.I. Bill, vets' healthcare, and more.

WordPress' column of Pages makes updating easier so that's where the chart is now with a smidgen of details, although if you click to enlarge the image, hopefully you can make out my notes which are perhaps too liberally sprinkled round the chart - my bad habit.

On a similar level, you'll notice feisty George Bush's natal Mars at Midheaven, the Goal/Aspiration Point of the chart, which places Bush's activities 'out there' for all the world to see...or perhaps his frustrations since his Mars is in Virgo.

The Page will be added to as time allows including the Sun/Moon square which is involved in a FIST of GOD pattern, oh joy, so hold on to your own Mars, trouble's on the way for the end of Bush's residency.

Yet knowing his nibs, it's hard to be surprised, isn't it?

Aug 18, 2008

The West: wrong about Georgia?

Why The West Has Got It So Wrong Over Georgia


It's a sobering thought that, if George W. Bush had had his way and Georgia had been a member of Nato, we would now be at war with Russia.

Read more at ICH.


Or would Russia have thought twice?

Aug 17, 2008

Astrologer calls Bush-McCain 'poopy puppies' in blog post

Blogosphere soon recovers, however, and balance is restored!

In an effort to find astrological evidence of the reputed sameness between George Bush and John McCain, this reluctant astrologer has crossed the line of decency and called them 'poopy puppies' out loud in a blog post.

Why resort to such vicious name-calling - don't we have politicians for that? Why, yes, we do!

And they do it very well, but sometimes the stars have a little something to say about planetary pups and old dogs who use the same tired tricks to bamboozle us unawares.

See what the secretive Neptunes of Bush-McCain are up to by clicking above link...

Aug 13, 2008

Saturday's Lunar Eclipse over DC 8.16.08

Here's a freshly notated image of Saturday's Lunar Eclipse set for the White House, Washington DC, August 16, 2008, perfecting at 5:16:24 pm EDT.

This Moon Eclipse is a buddy of August 1's Solar Eclipse (the 'Olympics Eclipse') and both are related to the economy through linkage to the NYSE...the August 1 Eclipse is in the same Series that the NYSE was 'born' into...see both Eclipses discussed here as possible market paranoia bubbles on the front burner.

But here the Lunar Eclipse chart is set for the White House with attention toward Politics - Bush and Putin, and the current conflagration in Georgia and South Ossetia.

You see that the Jupiter/Pluto (plutocracy; men of power and wealth; striving for power) is rising so we have a midpoint picture...there are no patterns formed in this chart (T-squares, Grand Trines, etc):

Jup/Pluto = ASC: being known as an organizer and special achiever; prudence; far-sightedness; personal advancement; the desire for power. ('Prudence' is a Bush Sr word.)

Also angular at Mc (The Goal) we see...

Sun/Asc = Mc: seeking mental or intellectual contacts; attainment of esteem and respect; personal recognition esp through the profession.

That strong-arming is afoot in the Caucasus is obvious and you don't need Eclipse charts to tell you that. And since I've lost the ability to listen to the words of 'world leaders' at merely surface value, it seems to be more posturing and political theater, dahlink, with an emphasis on consolidating the old Russia (or Soviet State) as Putin continues nabbing ocontrol of natural resources - gas, oil and grain while undermining American power (what power the neocons led by Bush-Cheney haven't dispensed with already - plus, Neptune...oil, gas, at a 'Russian' degree, '23AQ"..."A Big Bear Sitting Down and Waving All Its Paws.")

That Bush is in disagreement with Putin's actions is no given in my book, but we shall see how things play out - the whole sad mess is being perpetrated while Bush is still in office which is no coincidence. McCain would be gung-ho for more war but would Obama?

Mercury 11Vir18 is quite active being the apex of two midpoints - and is conjunct Bush Sr's natal Asc...Mercury is his natal chart-ruler...Mr. New World Order himself.

Sun/Mars = Mercury: ready for action; the desire to bring plans to realization; the thinking fighter or the leader in a struggle or fight; alertness; fast talk, fast travel.

Venus/Saturn = Mercury: searcing for the ideal; thinking about ways to feel fulfilled, to improve relationships, to feel wanted; sober thinking; visualizations of stark reality; narrow-mindedness; separations in relationships.

The Jupiter/Uranus midpoint has been on the collective path (North Node) for several weeks now...

Jup/Uranus = NN: showing oneself cheerful in the presence of others; a fortunate new aquaintanceship; striving together with others for a common purpose. (The Beijing Olympic Games fits this bill! And did you see Bush and Putin chuckling together as the Russian aggression answered Georgia's aggression toward South Ossetia?)

You see critical/crisis degrees on the Mc/Ic axis, 29Ari/Libra which relates to the many crisis situations on the table at the White House and on the world stage.

Perhaps the Sabian Symbols might elucidate the evolutionary landscape. Since the axis degrees are 29:46, I'll give both 29Ari/Lib and 30Ari/Lib using Lynda Hill's more modern analysis where she includes 'Cautions' along with Keywords...

~Mc = The Goal; Ic = The Drain or Foundation of the matter~

Mc '29Libra': Mankind's Vast Enduring Effort to Reach for Knowledge Transferable from Generation to Generation...

keywords: handing down possessions or knowledge; knowledge being changed, modified, or updated; teaching by example; the wisdom of the ancestors; research into history; striving for answers; reference books, encyclopedias, and the spoken word; the gift of knowledge.

caution: believing that one knows all; information, knowledge, or riches inherited by only the select few; fundamentalism; reliance on tradition; doing what's always been done, regardless of the reason.

Mc '30Lib': Three Mounds of Knowledge on a Philosopher's Head...

keywords: looking at the signs; wisdom that transcends book knowledge; philosophy; having a knowledgeable demeanor; making wise decisions regardless of hard-line opinion; the head, skull, or cranium; predicting the future; wit and style; seeing others' potential; receding hairlines.

caution: over-analysis and reliance on intellect; being a know-it-all; having a bossy attitude; thinking that doesn't clarify issues but muddies them; taking things far too seriously; people with 'highbrow' attitudes; feeling weighed down by intellectual concerns.

Ic '29Aries': The Music of the Spheres...

keywords: voices bringing messages; attunement to the messages in Astrology; harmonies, chrods, keys, octaves, tones; the beauty of the planets; the measurement of time; circadian rhythms; days of the week, dancing to the wind, humming of bees; sending love; Numerology; sound healing; the Atomic Clock.

caution: inflating rational ideas; delusions or enlightenment?; rejecting the obvious intuition in favor of more intellectual answers; getting lost in abstractions; loving the sound of your own voice; not listening to obvious messages.


Ic '30Aries': A Duck Pond and Its Young Brood...

keywords: nurturing, contentment; realizing limitations; reliability; psychoanalysis; finding friends or family that enrich life; family patterns and analysis; feeling safe in one's environs; being the mother duck; foster and adoptive families; communes and communities; facing the music that you've composed.

caution: denying one's own needs for sake of the 'brood'; narrow-minded attitudes; feeling stuck; not wanting to leave the nest; not inviting others in; borders erected to keep others out; distrusting those who are 'alien'; smugness or exclusivity; being lost in the crowd or not wanting to stand out. ~

Occurring during an Hour of Mars, we may be certain that this Lunar Eclipse will be stirring things up as all Eclipses are want to do, and which testosterone-driven Mars does best. And warrior Mars is nearing a crisis 29th degree himself - let's consider '28Vir' first...

'28Vir': A Bald-headed Man in Uniform Has Seized Power...

keywords: male hormones running rampant; dominating others' mental space; Samson's hair; strutting one's stuff; taking positions of power; 'wearing the pants in the family'; directing and organizing many people; the government; the military; letting others express their opinions or have a say; decisions based on logic; taking action or command.

caution: pushing too hard or fast; putting on a show because one is in uniform; power-tripping; being cruel or domineering; opportunism, corruption, misuse of power; taking charge because one can; domestic violence; strict rules for living; not listening to others.

~notice under 28Vir's keywords, mention of the family - Cupido 15Leo23 is conjunct 8th cusp of High Finance; Cupido is used by this astrologer as a significator for The Family, the Zionist Christian organization behind many of the world's war woes - you'll recognize them by their annual congressional "National Prayer Breakfasts"...Cupido also stands for the world crime syndicate, fascism, and corporatism, and shares the duty with plutocratic Pluto/Chiron two bodies which conjoined to help usher in the New Millennium (Dec 30, 1999) upon the US (Sibly) Asc...'12Sag': "A Flag Turns into an Eagle That Crows." And it has.)~

Mars '29Vir': A Man Is Gaining Secret Knowledge From an Ancient Scroll He Is Reading...

keywords: learning from ancient mysteries; study and its rewards; reading between the lines; finding clues from the past and applying them to the present; being privileged to look into something special; The Bible, the Torah, and the Koran; alchemy; manuscripts; secret papers; classified documents; scribes.

Hmmm...Mars is busy these days, isn't he?

And with chart-ruler Saturn 9Vir39 sitting upon the natal Mars of George Bush, his focus and determination are being tested - Saturn is applying to a helpful trine with Jupiter rising, yet Rx, and Saturn rules Jupiter here and is opposite US natal Sun (not good for US monetary funds which Bush has tapped into several times too often.)

That Putin is remaining in control of Russia beyond the normal 8 years may be a pattern for Bush to follow in the US - in other words, I'll see Bush is out of American politics when I believe it.

Unaspected Uranus 21Pis42 and Rx is on-the-loose and working on its rebellious own - and also in 2nd house of Resources and Money, causing more financial upsets.

Neptune and Moon rise on August 16 with Fixed Star Mirfak in the constellation Perseus (young male energy; challenge-oriented) and, of course, we've just had the Perseid meteor shower peaking on August 12 & 13.

With asteroid Tisiphone (retaliation) being at 00Cap and between the Asc degree and powerful Pluto, the chances for retaliation of some sort are increased along with Mars still within orb of opposition with radical Uranus. Pluto/Asc = power over one's environment; willpower; ambition; dictatorship; the desire to being others under one's rule. (Ebertin.)

One could say a 'bumpy ride' is indicated by this Eclipse - financially, politically, and militarily - and one would be in aggreement with this, your reluctant astrologer.


~see the August 2008 Eclipses discussed in relation to George Bush's natal chart here if you wish.~

midpoint pictures from Tyl and Ebertin.

Aug 12, 2008

Dick Clouded Cuckoo Cheney says

Another neocon war set-up?

From his office in clouded cuckoo land: Cheney: "Russian Aggression Must Not Go Unanswered"

"The vice president expressed the United States' solidarity with the Georgian people and their democratically elected government in the face of this threat to Georgia's sovereignty and territorial integrity," Cheney's office said in a statement.

ICH has the article.


Propaganda And Presstitute Alert: McCain Accuses Russia of Bidding to Wipe Out Georgia


Republican White House hopeful John McCain said Monday Russia appears bent on extinguishing Georgia's independence as he demanded a united Western front to protect the former Soviet republic.

"In the face of Russian aggression, the very existence of independent Georgia and the survival of its democratically elected government are at stake," the Arizona senator said.

ICH has the sorry tale. #


There they go again.

You've noticed those who shout loudest the "sovereignty" argument seem to be those who disregard it quickest when it suits their purposes. Guess the fact that the Bush administration must have given Georgia the go-ahead to attack South Ossetia is supposed to be overlooked while Cheney's war drums beat louder.

It's certainly not that I'm a Putin fan, I just think terror-promoters and warmongers (aka "world leaders") are happily gazing into each others' NWO eyes - and a set-up is underway. If there is dissent among them, it's more of an ego-gratification game - 'my ego's bigger than yours' - and collateral damage (aka world populations) be da*ned.

This is about Putin's bid for control of oil, gas pipelines, and grain.

~see: Georgia vs South Ossetia: 100-year-old conflict for Ceres and grain info.~

And McCain? I said this would be used to 'boost' his pathetic prez bid. I wish all those who'd vote for him because he'd respond in a warring way lickedy-split would remember that first they come for others - then they come for you.

And Cheney knows where you live.

Aug 10, 2008

Bush's term: credit crisis and loss for America

Credit Crisis Triggers Unprecedented Response

Worst debt turmoil since Depression sparks government action

By David Cho and Neil Irwin

Since the credit crisis erupted a year ago, the Bush administration has presided over one of the broadest expansions of the government into private lending in US history, risking public money to prop up financial firms both large and small.

Read article at ICH #


Currently George Bush's natal Mars 9Vir18 is being squelched by transiting Saturn...well, for most of us this transit would be a squelching by old man Saturn, planet of grim reality, of our action and energy. That Bush's cushy life will feel the effects of Saturn's authority and his tendency to bring things to account is debateable.

Ordinarily this would be a transit of head colds, loss, and other restrictions yet Bush is livin' large in Beijing and schmoozin' with Vladdie and the boys - while elsewhere on the planet aggression causes loss to others.

If anything, perhaps the outbreak of aggression (authority) between Georgia and Russia may be considered somehow part of the Saturn-to-Mars transit of Bush whose Mars has certainly made itself apparent on the world stage and who now plays a part due to US backing of Georgia.

Firm determination to succeed no matter what is right up Dubya's alley and may be enough to use this transit to accomplish goals, along with more focus (uh oh - the raptor's gaze) and better organization is needed now as well.

Saturn to n Mars may indicate difficulties within male relationships which may be broken off at this time. Seriousness permeates the air around Bush, but that's nothing new for a man accustomed to sending people to their deaths and following along with NWO plans to dominate the world.

And with Bush's elite connections, who always pull his bacon out of the fire when he messes up, perhaps a tooth ache (quite common with Saturn's visit to Mars) may be too much to expect for a man who loves to authoritate all over the place.

This is a good example of Astrology's ability to describe life on many levels - and that Bush obviously has other transits and chart factors softening the effects of what would be a difficult transit of loss and restriction for anyone else.

Come to think of it, this transit of our learless feader seems to manifest more as restrictions on cash and credit-strapped Americans than for him and is a fairly good example of the Bush/US natal Suns being conjunct...where he goes, we as a nation go. For eight long years.

Hopefully the situation with Russia and Georgia will not tempt Bush and the hawks into another war now that "Georgia's territorial integrity" is said to be on the table.

But for this crowd, it all returns to Politics, doesn't it? So if they can, the unfortunate conflagration abroad will be used by neocons to bolster the flacid, lackluster candidacy of John McBush.

Let's wait and see if it does.

Aug 2, 2008

Bugliosi video on limits of executive power

"The Terrible Reality"

Bush Guilty Of Murder

A Must-Watch 6 Minute Video of Vincent Bugliosi's opening statements during the House Judiciary Committee hearing on the constitutional limits of executive power.

To view go to: Information Clearing House.


But of course George Bush would may wish to read McCain's rocker on the subject of the Bush presidency and the continuation of its policies and tactics.

Jul 28, 2008

Why do you want to serve George W. Bush?

News Updates from Citizens For Legitimate Government

July 28, 2008

All items are here: Breaking News

"What is it about George W. Bush that makes you want to serve him?"

Justice Officials Repeatedly Broke Law on Hiring, Report Says July 28, 2008

Former Justice Department counselor Monica M. Goodling and former chief of staff D. Kyle Sampson routinely broke the law by conducting political litmus tests on candidates for jobs as immigration judges and line prosecutors, according to an inspector general's report released today.

Goodling passed over hundreds of qualified applicants and squashed the promotions of others after deeming candidates insufficiently loyal to the Republican party, said investigators, who interviewed 85 people and received information from 300 other job seekers at Justice.

Sampson developed a system to screen immigration judge candidates based on improper political considerations and routinely took recommendations from the White House Office of Political Affairs and Presidential Personnel, the report said. Goodling regularly asked candidates for career jobs, "What is it about George W. Bush that makes you want to serve him?" the report said.#

Oh don't encourage me to answer that one! Heil? -jc

Israeli radioactive cargo refused at Egyptian border

News Updates from Citizens For Legitimate Government

July 28, 2008

All items are here:

Breaking News

Egypt seizes Israeli radioactive cargo July 28, 2008

Egypt has refused to allow entry to an Israeli truck carrying 3.5 tone of ceramics after high radiation levels were detected in the shipment. Egyptian officials seized the goods at the Al-Oja border crossing after radiation detection equipment showed a high presence of radioactive material in the cargo, a security official told AFP. A special team from the Egyptian Atomic Energy Authority (EAEA) was expected to inspect the shipment immediately, he added.#

NPR news at noon: Bush's deficit will be much higher than projected just 5 months ago. Guess he forgot to move a decimel point.

Jul 24, 2008

Keep the terror pot boiling: attack Iran

Method In The Madness: Why They Want To Attack Iran

By Ed Kinane

Attacking Iran keeps the pot boiling. It perpetuates the phony war on terror. More war provides more enemies and so more pretext to erode civil liberties. Unscrupulous politicians and certain corporations thrive when fear keeps people dumb and dazed. With another invasion the Halliburtons and Blackwaters get to lap up more contracts.


Read Kinane's article here:

Information Clearing House


Additionally, here's a link to a previous post - one of my early ones here on Stars Over Washington - concerning an astrological signature of radical reformers in government who believe that chaos is not just useful for their purposes, but is the undergirding of their movement to create a one-world-government:

Chiron-Uranus Types in Government - and Naomi Klein's Shock Doctrine theory is an extreme example of how these self-appointed social tinkerers work against society's good while pocketing all the cash and stacking up bricks of gold within their hidden Midas lairs.

Jul 21, 2008

Is Bush to stay on and on and on?

Bush at the helm: can a lifetime be enough? has been freshly published if you can stand a glop of George Bush's dictatorship possibilities, along with some FISA-related ranting on my part.

Perhaps it's cheeky monkey of me, but I relate the whole glop of political neocon high-handedness to a possible reason why John McCain has been "accepted" as the GOP's 2008 prez nominee - McCain the maverick who couldn't pass muster for them not so very long ago.

Anyway, it's all devil's food for thought!

Jul 19, 2008

White House email snafu favors Obama Iraq plan

Over at Jonathan Martin carries the tale of another email adventure from the White House.

Seems al Maliki favors Barack Obama's proposed 16-month withdrawal from Iraq and the 'endorsement' by the Iraqi politician, a neocon creation, was inadvertently sent out en masse rather than remaining for their eyes only.

And just when Bush has been making propagandistic noises about Iraq withdrawal in timely fashion for the November elections. Oops!

Now how inconvenient for John McCain is that?

Jun 30, 2008

Bush signs war funding bill with Moon in Gemini

With Congress on holiday break this week, the lights at the Capitol Hill Theater were dim today as George Bush signed the $162 billion war funding bill.

Though Bush struggled against America's umemployed as not worthy of an extra 13 weeks of benefits in a worsening job market, and even as he whined about giving our soldiers an increase in GI Bill funding for receiving a better education after risking their lives for Bush-Cheney war profits, George signed his scrawl this morning as the Gemini Moon was nearing asteroid, Midas, that lover of gold of mythical proportions.

Not much of an audience for a limelight-loving Leonine performer, but it had to do for the lame quacker.

Here are the Sun/Moon Images for Integration for the morning of June 30, 2008:

"A performance of a puppetshow at an infant school Christmas play...A family plays a game of charades...Young children enacting a play wedding in the garden." (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Chas & Suzi Harvey.)

Well, Santa is surreptiously filling his bag with lots of goodies, to be sure, but the emphasis on puppets and charades doesn't sound very dependable for people with real needs, does it?

Perhaps the charade is that there are billions left to be spent!

Yet I happily send along Congrats all the Senator Jim Webb who insisted on the GI Bill how about a post for Senator Webb in a new Democratic cabinet?

Jun 17, 2008

Secrets Safe at White House

On Monday, US District Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly ruled that the Bush White House's "missing"-deleted emails (our nation's emails) are not subject to the Freedom of Information Act.

Guess Bush likes some 'freedom' but not the kind that shows what he really is and what he's been doing behind our backs.

One thing that makes me crazy over this is that the Bush administration can read with impunity any email you or I ever sent or received!

Jun 11, 2008

A somewhat tardy newsletter but still pertinent including this Friday-the-13th, with raspberries going to Jacques DeMolay for the tangle and bother of superstition surrounding the number 13:

Space Weather News for June 10, 2008

DOUBLE FLYBY ALERT: Space shuttle Discovery is scheduled to undock from the International Space Station on Wednesday morning, June 11th, at 7:42 am EDT. This means many sky watchers will be able to see the two spaceships flying in tandem, separate but closely-spaced points of light, gliding among the stars on Wednesday night.

Double flybys will continue on Thursday the 12th and to a lesser extent on Friday the 13th, with Discovery returning to Earth on Saturday. Southeastern parts of the United States (e.g., Miami and Atlanta) are favored with some particularly good apparitions.

Check our Simple Flybys tool to find out when you should look: SpaceWeather flybys

MARSWORM: Meanwhile on Mars, Phoenix has photographed a worm-shaped object near one of its feet. No, it is not a Marsworm.

Visit SpaceWeather to find out what really lies at Phoenix's feet and to view the latest 3D images from the Red Planet. #


Interesting! but I may know the identity of the 'MarsWorm' that's been may have noticed him lurking about the White House lo these many years dropping bombs, destroying the peace, and breaking every treaty he meets with devil-may-care abandon; and, it seems, worshiping Mars, the god of war.

And he speaks as if he longs for Mars' red shores.

Sound familiar? Have you seen this man? Dennis Kucinich has. Hope he socks it to the GOP (and their enablers) before the November elections.

More lessons for proud America!

May 21, 2008

Hillary hearts the NWO

Dost Thou Harken to Hillary? is a just-published post at Jude's Threshold which comes as close to summing up my political laments for America's sake as any I have previously written.

Some of my blab is based on misgivings about a Hillary Clinton presidency which are laid out, in large measure, by an article in The Nation from Oct-Nov, 2007. You've probably read it, but if not, here's its link:

Hillary's Mystery Money Men which concerns Harken chairman Alan Quasha who "helped make Bush" and now lurks within the Clinton camp.

If you're planning to vote for a global elitist (and that's all we have available), you may as well meet some of their shadowy financial backers skulking behind the scenes and tinkering with America.

May 7, 2008

Eye on Pelosi and Thursday's money vote

Eye on Pelosi:

Here's an excerpt from a Washington Post article explaining Thursday's votes:

"Setting up their last major battle over war policy with President Bush, House Democrats yesterday unveiled a plan to link their favored domestic spending projects and a troop-withdrawal timeline to additional funds for military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan requested by the White House.

The $195 billion spending measure would pay for the wars well into next year while tacking on $11 billion to extend unemployment benefits and nearly $1 billion to offer expanded higher education benefits for war veterans. Democrats said they hope that the spending provisions, particularly the education measure, will prove politically difficult for Bush to veto in an election year.

~~:~~puh! it's political theatre, dahlink! wink!~~

"If he wants to make a federal case out of the fact that we feel the need to do something major to reward the troops, that's his prerogative. But I don't think the country will agree with him. And I certainly don't think the country would agree with any effort to deny the extension of unemployment benefits," said House Appropriations Chairman David R. Obey (D-WI.)

The White House remained opposed to the additional spending, demanding a "clean" bill to fund the wars by the symbolically important date of Memorial Day.

"We feel strongly that the Iraq war supplemental should remain for national security needs. We understand that there could be debates on other issues, such as unemployment benefits and food stamps, other issues that are important to a lot of people. But those issues can be taken up separate from our national security needs," said Dana Perino, White House press secretary.

House Republicans also denounced the Democrats' plan.

"It is unacceptable and, indeed, unimaginable for Congress to continue to hold our troops hostage for political leverage. If House Democrats want to ramp up spending on other government programs, those items should be considered separately," said House Minority Leader John A. Boehner (R-Ohio).

The House's emergency supplemental funding measure is broken into three pieces, including $162.6 billion for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, of which $66 billion is designed to cover war costs for several months after the next administration takes over. The second portion includes language mandating immediate troop withdrawals with a goal of having most all troops out by the end of 2009. The third part includes the domestic spending."

Click here to read the whole thing ~in full~


1. "Leader Reid gets pushback on Iraq war bill," The Hill, May 6, 2008

Support our member-driven organization: Political Action is entirely funded by our 3.2 million members. We have no corporate contributors, no foundation grants, no money from unions. Our tiny staff ensures that small contributions go a long way. If you'd like to support our work, you can give now at by clicking here.


Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. #


"Federal case"? That's a hoot! Most of the varmints of Washington belong IN federal cases, ones in which they each STAR in the role of Defendant.

"Hold our troops hostage"? I'm blathering like an idiot over that one and hardly know what to say to the war profiteering hypocrites.

And then there this from Dubya...

Bush wants a "clean" bill? So he's saying that the current down-and-out needs of the American people are dirty? If George keeps messin' around like this, he's going to hurt my feelings in a minute.

And if anyone's needs--and motivations--could use a laundry full o'soap bubbles and scrubbing with a stiff brush, it's the Bush administration and its friends, pardners, colleagues, kith'n'kin, and enablers.

This 'vision' one-government types follow, this 'world server' merde isn't going to turn out as most of you hoped, and while taking down the innocent as you go may seem like a grand plan, you trigger the law of cause and effect and the attraction principle, even while Chaos Theory seems to be at your express disposal.

It is not.

You are merely mortal in similar fashion to the rest of us no matter what your scientists and gurus may tell you, for no one is above God's natural laws...certainly not the cold-hearted reptiles of the world like you with your claws deep into Washington's hide.

Poetic justice? Perhaps. Talons and goatheads, our Washington!

So I'm in a Capricorn mood--please pardon my part of the above post.

If I were wearing my Mood Ring from the 60s right now, it would be...dark blue. Indigo actually...Capricorn colors.

May 6, 2008

Addington subp'd, Congress shafts America

I believe that if the people of this nation fully understood what Congress has done to them over the last 49 years, they would move on Washington; they would not wait for an election... It adds up to a preconceived plan to destroy the economic and social independence of the United States! --George W. Malone (1890-1961) US Senator (Nevada) 1957 (Source: speaking before Congress)

Strategic blunder of historic proportions, says Gen Ricardo Sanchez as Dick Mushroom Cloud Cheney's top aide, David Cakewalk Addington, is subpoened by a House Committee 'probing' torture.

Wonder what Senator Malone would say about Congress today if he were to awaken from his eternal slumber? He'd need several boxes full of Lunesta to go back to sleep after viewing the presidency of George Mission Accomplished Bush, wouldn't he?

1:00 pm edt in Washington DC: NPR now reporting that the Office of Special Counsel's entire email system was shut down this morning and computers have been seized.

Uh oh. The peskiness and revelations of February's Solar Eclipse at the "Unmasking" degree continues to vex the naughty...

10 North Series: emphasis on communications; frustrating or inhibiting events via paperwork, news, or young people. (Brady's Predictive Astrology.)