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Showing posts with label astro-politics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label astro-politics. Show all posts

Oct 26, 2008

Full Moon in Gemini Dec 12, 2008

A few details on Dec 12, 2008's Full Moon in Gemini have been added to Jude's Threshold if you'd care to have a peek.

The post directs you to a very interesting Astrology Forum thread concerning Dec 12's Full Moon which occurs the same month as the US Secondary Full Moon - by Progression - on the 4Vir/Pis10 axis which will be America's Christmas gift for 2008 and beyond.

One thing I doubt I've mentioned yet concerning America's Secondary Progressed Mars now gone retrograde at 18Lib+...that on another level it represents Wall Street players, gamblers, and other bankers - it's obvious as can be, no?

Mars itself as an actor in a chart signifies 'young males' so stock traders come under the purview of Mars; Rx can be 'weakened' or 'energy turned inward' (or 'strengthened' at Stationary degree.)

But the interesting tidbits about our Mars Rx are the Sabian Symbols for both '18' and '19 Libra' relation to Wall Street and America's rotten banking and insurance industries whose frilly underpants have been hung out to dry for the whole world to see:

'18'..."Two Men Placed Under Arrest";

'19'..."A Gang of Robbers in Hiding."

Oct 15, 2008

Moon buckets and Saturn bowls

John Townley over at AstroCocktail has some interesting insights on that rollercoaster feeling of two-week shifts we're all experiencing between the economy, the campaign, and more.

Naturally, if you say the words two-week cycle it reminds any astrologer of the Moon's orbit.

Well, expert astrologer John Townley knows much about celestial bowl patterns and how they affect the environment, so check it out because the world's current 'groundswell' feeling is part of the celestial 'As Above, So Below' action now as the Moon moves within the bowl - the edges of which are created by the Saturn-Uranus opposition - and then spills out of the bowl...slosh!

As you know, the Saturn-Uranus opposition perfects on November 4.

All this sloshing reminds me of the ocean's tides which are controlled by the Moon, and one of the words associated with the Moon in an Astrology chart is: fluctuation, a term we hear a lot in financial markets. Mmm-hmm...cycles.

So we may be feeling a bit seasick with half the sky full of planets sloshing about during the weekend of Oct 25-26, and John says it will remain that way until after the Nov 4 elections.

On into 2009 things will be sloshing off and on so hold onto your lifejacket, if you have one. And if you don't, at least Astrology can give you the timing to be aware of for best results!

Oct 12, 2008

Inauguration 2001's Chiron-Moon-Pluto

Inauguration 2001, 12:01 pm est, Capitol Building, Washington, DC of George W, Bush showing 8th house of Shared Resources, credit and creditors, debt and debtors, insurance, investment bankers, undertakers and coroners, wills, legacies, psychological therapists, sex, occult studies, dreams, paths of evolutionary growth, death, and other crises of transformation.

In the 8th house of Bush's presidency which began Jan 2001, we see a triple threat - Pluto, the Dragon who guards the riches, and the saboteur; Moon (the people; fluctuations/changes; publicity); and Chiron (wounding; healing.) That this trio indicates deep, unsettling, and transforming emotions is obvious if you've been awake these last eight years.

Now interpretations of Moon conj Chiron, Moon conj Pluto, and Chiron conj Pluto are worth considering, along with the fact that the 8th house's cusp 12Sag42 = America's natal Ascendant in the commonly used Sibly chart.

'12Sag' also happens to be the meet-up degree (11Sag+) of Pluto and Chiron, the plutocracy pair of oppression, primal violence, racism, corporatism, fascism, communism, and class warfare, conj on Dec 30, 1999. They were in parallel mid-August, 2004.

If you doubt Pluto-Chiron's influence, you don't have far to look in the environment of America and the rest of the world - indeed, you'd have a difficult time missing the evidence of plutocratic influence!

The Inaugural 2001 2/8 house cusps are also Pluto-Saturn's opposition positions on the morning of 9/11/01. The current financial meltdown stems from 9/11 which is rippling still in spite of all the shopping on credit we were encouraged to do for our country's sake...which only made things worse for us NOW. "Take out a second mortgage and spend the money for fun stuff," the Bush administration advised. Puh!

So after eight long years, 8th house matters of the Bush presidency ARE America during his term/s - our nation's identity (1st house of Self) = Bush's legacy of debt and traumatic transformations of credit defaults, investment bank reorganizations and mergers, public pension fund dissolutions, deficit spending, nationalizing private liabilities, and our financial system as whole.

Am I overstating a president's ability to affect the economy? With Bush43 it doesn't seem so to me as flames of economic crisis lick at America's heels under his watch. If Bush and his cronies didn't know, they should have. But perhaps you disagree.

Millions of American families turned out into the streets is the result of the Bush presidency's cynically named Ownership Society. Economic meltdown ends his presidency, 9/11 began it - the worst president in US history has earned Herbert Hoover's ghost haunting him down White House halls in the dead of night, even at 3:00 am. And if Hoover's ghost follows him to the Bush family compound in Paraguay, it's well-deserved.

~And one note of interest is this: in the chart of FDR's signing of the war declaration of Dec 8, 1941 (4:00 pm est; Washington DC) in response to Pearl Harbor which was or was not a set-up to rile the American people enough to justify our entering WWII - Pluto, Moon, and Chiron are conjunct in Leo, a Fire sign just as Sagittarius is a Fire sign.

Others have noted the similarity of 9/11's riling of the people as a way to mobilize the US military into invading the oil-rich Middle East - with our vengeful blessing due to 9/11. History may repeat on its own, of course, but there are those who look back for clues on how to advance their plans in the here-and-now - which would make the attacks of 9/11 a false flag op. You may disagree.

So you see on the chart that I've highlighted two interlacing YODs (Finger of God pattern = special task or purpose; crisis; turning point) but one must accept North Node and Ascendant as credible points in both YODs for them to be counted - and I do, because of the gravity of the events during the Bush presidency.

You know that Bush admitted that his job was to "catapult the propaganda" and we see the results of his political monkeyshines as he used his natal 1st house Mercury-Pluto conjunction to good effect early on (Mercury-Pluto = 'the ability to persuade; communicating and demanding new perspectives' (Tyl), but after his lies, today's market meltdown isn't being helped by Bush's platitudes...he's the wolf-crying boy and no one believes his bubble-think. Some of us never did.

The Pluto-Moon-Chiron trio in 8th house also represents Bush's campaign to privatize our Social Security system and hand the profits to Wall Street, as I know you remember. He got little traction on that scheme and it's a good thing it was resisted, as anyone would now agree. Billions are being handed to Wall Street anyway, as it turns out. He got his way by hook or crook.

That the Pentagon's war spending and LOSS of billions of taxpayers' dollars down the rabbithole (see chart for Sun-Moon Image for Integration a la Lewis Carroll) is esp indicated in one of the YODs because 2001's North Node (NN) 15Can32 is pointing to the *Pentagon's natal Ascendant.

Now for the trio's various conjunctions in the Watery 8th house of the Subconscious (one of the three Psyhological houses: 4, 8, 12.) For Centaur details, I'm using Clow's book on Chiron and Richard Nolle's book, Chiron:

Moon conj Chiron: extreme sensitivity, day-today levels of relationships are almost impossible to bear; attracts intense transformative partnerships yet solid partnerships are needed from Saturn's grounding. (Uh-oh - restrictive Saturn in 1st house is Rx in greedy Taurus and about 8 months beyond his Great Conj with Jupiter, planet of expansion and largesse - May 28, 2000.) Nolle says Moon conj Chiron indicates chance discoveries.

Moon conj Pluto: a domestic tyrant who may permanently alienate people's affections; drastic changes in personality; lack of emotional control; vulnerable to others taking advantage and may also take advantage of others; driven (toward 8th house matters.) (Pelletier, Planets in Aspect

Alan Oken says Moon conj Pluto gives rise to sudden panic, emotional outbursts; hysteria from ungrounded fears may result. So calm down, everyone. (I said that.)

Pluto conj Chiron: well, you know how I feel about this conjunction of corporatism, nationalism, fascism, and other isms.
Clow says this conj is very strong and is an evolutionary vortex, and that the house position defines the nature of the transmutive force.

Nolle says its an appr 60-year cycle which has to do with mass currents of consciousness - the collective unconscious, the racial, cellular, molecular, atomic, and subatomic levels of reality.

We remember post-9/11 Cheney's and Rice's fearmongering 'mushroom cloud' and 'dirty bomb' rhetoric to keep us in check and on their 'team' for as long as it worked.

~Now I don't mean that these abominations are not possibilities, but that they were used against us in a propagandistic way. And a bin Laden video or 'capturing' as October Surprise is still possible in time for November 2008 elections...the GOP-ers are desperate because they are discredited and passe.

So one of the YODs has NN at apex -> Mercury-Pluto = NN: being recognized for communication and persuasion skills; the desire to be spokesperson for the community; intellectual domination. (Tyl; Ebertin.)

The other YOD has Pluto as apex planet -> NN/ASC = Pluto: strange or fated associations; power plays with oothers for personal advancement.

Now I know that some astrologers say that only planets make a YOD, but I leave it to you as to whether the two midpoint pictures have meaning to the subject and whether the crisis flavor of YOD patterns applies.

Bil Tierney, in his Dynamics of Aspect Analysis, says that an apex Pluto in a YOD configuration indicates one whose extreme perspectives are out-of-tune with the environment; momentous circumstances must be accepted; past patterns must die in order to be advantageously transformed; vulnerabilities must be purged ('toxic debt'); he has organizational control over super-structures of society; apex Pluto's appointed role is to be an agent - he ushers in the new order of things to come and thus revolutionizes the world concept.

This apex Pluto makes futile attempts to coerce and manipulate others, or is openly defiant in undermining existing authority at any cost.

(Interesting that J.P. Morgan has an apex Pluto in a YOD pattern in his natal chart.)

Another midpoint picture whic defines the Bush presidency quite well is the 10th house Sun-Neptune = Mercury: deceptions; illusions; self-deception; fear from lack of resourcefulness; false logic; speech defect.

~As previously noted, Neptune 6AQ03 is at the Medina degree and as such represents an approximate Neptune Return for Islam...near the Sun, the leader in a national chart, and as such representing George Bush.

Well, that's my look back in anger at the Bush presidency which will be ending, it is hoped, on Jan 20, 2009. The 8th house Pluto-Chiron = Moon has done its dirty work and we see the Bush administration ending with a whimper as America droops into 2009.

Now here's the one word I purposefully left for last concerning the 8th house trio and its undermining financial implications of fraud, greed, and corruption...regeneration. America has a hard row to hoe for the next few years, but we've been here before and we can regenerate by pulling together. Chiron in 8th house also indicates the healing we clearly need yet the healing must be on a genuine spiritual level in order to last.

Who knows? With Chiron now traveling in company with spiritual Neptune, perhaps a spirit similar to the post-9/11 solidarity we felt will light again upon our noggins and a grassroots movement toward refurbishing our nation's finances will result in job creation, hard work, and a return to living within one's the real world and not just on paper!

And may failed president George Bush not let the screen door hit him on his way out...actually, he may want to skedaddle out of Washington before the tar'n'feathers are ready for application.


*Pentagon, Apr 29, 1942, formed just after Pearl Harbor and FDR's 1941 war declaration which justified institutionalizing and enshrining the five-pointed Pentagon; 10:30 am edt, Washington, DC - with an out-of-bounds Mars 2Can02, and Jupiter in Airy Gemini 21:00. (Notice now Bush's financial "Five-Point plan.")

Pentagons' natal Sun 8Tau38, Moon 20Lib33, Mercury 19Tau07, Venus 23Pis03 being triggered by tr Uranus; Neptune Rx 27Vir30 conj Ic 27Vir09; Pluto 3Leo30 conj Chiron 8Leo34 snugged about the 2nd cusp of Money - with n Chiron conj Pentagon's midpoint of the speculator duo, Jupiter-Neptune. Saturn and Uranus are conj in 11th house of Group Associations, at 28Tau50 and 29:07 respectively.

Oct 4, 2008

Bailout Bill Signed into Law Oct 3, 2008

Since there's some question as to the exact time on Oct 3, Friday, that George Bush signed the massive "bailout bill" (propagandistically named the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act), a natal chart for the monstrosity is probably to be set for the neighborhood of 2:52 pm to 3:00 pm edt, White House.

Special thanks go to Monica at Astrology Mundo who had the smarts to ferret out the official time that the bill passed the House in its amended form - 1:22 pm edt - and we know from various sources that the bill was motored to the White House asap and signed appr one-and-one-half hours later - an historical record.

(If an exact signing time is known or discovered by you, dear reader, please advise!)

Interestingly, Moon (the people) while in Scorpio made her last major aspect the evening before - Oct 2, at 6:47 pm edt - a confused, illusory square with Neptune 21AQ43 Rx.

Someone's zoomin' us!

Neptune is and has been opposing Bush's natal Venus, planet of values, money, and relationships; plus, asteroid Nemesis (the unbeatable foe; divine retribution) continues loitering upon his natal Descendant, the angle of partnerships, legal affairs and open enemies.

So perhaps it is significant that the chart (upper - please click to enlarge) emphasizes '11Scorpio' by Venu$ at Midheaven, the Aspiration/Career/Public Status Point of the chart..."A Drowning Man Rescued."

One of the instructive things about viewing dual charts is seeing which, if any, planets change houses (departments of life); here we see that money-loving, luxury conscious Venus crosses an angle, the previously mentioned MC. Venus is smaller amounts of money which morphed into billions for Mr. Bush & friends in big business Scorpio.

MC passes through the "An Embassy Ball" degree, on to the "An Inventor Inventing" Sabian up "14Sco" = "Telephone Lineman at Work Installing New Connections." (Rudhyar.)

~You may have heard that during these performances concerning the US Treasury, Wall St, and 'Main St' Bush has taken unto himself the right to send out secret agents in disguises to follow American citizens even without any evidence of wrong-doing. A political whim or fanciful notion is enough. No word on planting of evidence.~

So what other planet changes houses? Lower chart shows us that the Sun 10Lib56 'jumps' the 9th cusp of philosophy into 8th house of debt, credit, shared resources, and large sums of money. The American people are getting ready to "share" all right and Bush's 'legacy' has certainly been plumped up, hasn't it?

Guess the last several years of plundering the public purse weren't enough for the hungry wolves as America is dismantled to make way for the new economic order...and we are witnesses to history.

So with a VOC Moon, the dirty deed was in no danger of being prevented or interfered with once the Scorpio Moon left her square with Neptune Thursday evening - Luna's next major aspect looks to me to be her conjunction with secret hand/deep pockets Pluto on Monday, Oct 6 - and Pluto nearing "The Pope Blessing the Faithful" degree, too.

If you see something prior to this aspect for the Moon, please let me know. I quite imagine this may also describe the people needing a weekend break from all the financial hubbub and bad news - Monday will arrive soon enough, si?

Now did I mention that Hidalgo, one of the power asteroids who expects to be in charge is at MC with Venus, along with Osiris, named after the Egyptian god of death and resurrection? "A Drowning Man Being Rescued" before our very eyes!

Hidalgo has links with Spain, Mexico, and with mining and production of silver, copper, gold, lead, iron, mercury, and sulphur.

Nona Gwynn Press confirms Hidalgo's connection to self-assertion as noted by Lee Lehman, and says that it has the assertiveness of Mars, the expansiveness of Jupiter, and the status-seeking of Saturn. There is some question of 'lower nobility' wishing to become 'higher nobility' as well - plus, Hidalgo is a rebel with a cause.

Moon 1Sag49 to 1:53 may reflect recent mentions of the Iraq and Aghanistan wars...'1Sag': "A Grand Army of the Republic Campfire" but here we see '2Sag': "White-Capped Waves Display the Value of Wind Over Sea." Now this Symbol seems to me to be full of a 'Venus-Neptune in Washington' flavor yet the ocean reference reminds me of the collective unconscious and the masses, whether washed or unwashed. Veus-Neptune can indicate wooliness or deception with money and values issues; ex: buying the worthless in order to give it more value.

You see, of course, the forming opposition of traditional, restrictive Saturn with progressive, freedom-loving Uranus across the money/resources axis (2/8.)

And this brings me to a mention of the final stages of 1997's Jupiter-Neptune conjunction, the cycle in which we're experiencing this speculator-engineered market meltdown with its New World Order stink.

The Great Conjunction of these two planets whose combined energies result in 'visionaries, dreamers, mystics, hypocrites, and fortune-hunters; (Ebertin) last occurred on Jan 9, 1997 at 27Cap09 - conj US natal Pluto.

Jupiter/Neptune = Pluto: far-reaching speculations; unreasonable plans; self-projection out-of-hand; major adjustment of life circumstances (Tyl.)

But there's another midpoint picture found in the Jupiter/Neptune Conj chart - one that is most descriptive of what we're experiencing in this, the final throes of their current cycle before 2009's three conjunctions (May 27 26AQ29; July 10 26AQ02; Dec 21 24Aq18 - all of which play with America's natal Moon, the people).

Saturn/Pluto = Uranus 3AQ44: brutal efforts to start a new order; an attack, regardless of potential losses; an ability to make sudden decisions in the most difficult situations; acts of violence.

You may notice that Uranus is conj 2009's Inaugural Jupiter which links the 1997 Jup/Nep cycle with Jan 20, 2009's Inauguration in an expansive Jupiterian way...

Sat/Pluto = Jupiter: religious and social fanaticism; simplicity; self-sacrifice; difficulties caused through illness; trouble with authority; adoption of the austere; staying out of trouble; trying to save what's left.

And in 2008's bailout bill chart/s the Moon is involved in a midpoint picture as well with the controlling Saturn/NN combo which has a 'shocking event' and 'alms-house' influence (Ebertin)...

Saturn/NN = Moon: feeling alone in life; a widow or an orphan; appealing to senior persons; qualifying for responsibility.

Plus, 1997's Jup/Nep Conj occurred about 7 hours after a New Moon 18Cap57 (Jan 8, 1997), which is the rising degree in the 2:52 pm bailout bill signing chart as you see above and leading to 20Cap by 3:00 pm. '20Can/Cap' are critical or crisis degrees.

Crisis is the word of the day replacing change as Washington's political mantra.

But somehow 'crisis you can believe in' doesn't convince me that the financial meltdown wasn't planned years ago for springing upon us now - just in time for the next cycle of Jupiter and Neptune...

Jup/Nep = US natal Moon: going with the wind; desire to dream; little sense of reality; becoming involved in speculation.

On behalf of the too-trusting American people, and considering this crowd of speculators and large-scale organisers in Washington, NY, and the fortresses of Europe, I don't think we've been given any choice but to become 'involved' with fortune-hunters, bandits, thieves, and plutocrats.

Astrology Mundo has more details on the bill signing including its Mercury Rx which indicates a review, refurbishing, and/or re-signing of this document which may at some point be renounced before it does us too much harm or some amount of good.

Be sure to read Monica's excellent post here.

Oct 2, 2008

VP debate horoscope 10.2.08

Tonight's VP debate between Senator Joe Biden and Gov. Sarah Palin is to begin at 8:00 pm CDT in St. Louis, MO. This is a Saturn Hour and gives Venus as the chart ruler.

This may be a good thing in spite of my mistaken posts this morning citing Mercury Rx as the chart ruler because the chart you see here takes some of the pressure off debating, orating Mercury.

Venus, as noted in the chart, applies to a lovely sextile with Jupiter, now opposite US natal Sun, as noted previously. Venus then applies to a square with Chiron in AQ, and as you see, NN and wounded Chiron, the shaman and healer, are still traveling in tandem. Palin may do well with Republican 'Jupiters' everywhere, but may experience blockages (square) from being seen as inadequate (Chiron) with the general public (NN.)

Glamorous Neptune 21AQ43 Rx is still veiling (conj) Palin's natal Sun so seeing her through rosy glasses remains a factor for the susceptible.

Moon 22Sco51 and Sun 10Lib12 give a rather interesting word picture or Image for Integration as the Sun-Moon blend:

"A wolf and an elegant Burmese cat become inseparable friends." ('Sun Sign-Moon Sign,' Chas & Suzy Harvey.)

If this chart shows the correct CDT time for the beginning of the VP debate (unlike my posts of this morning) the rising Sabian Symbol for the debate itself is: "A Man Handling Baggage" which indicates to me an experienced man, aka a man with a past.

Angular is the mystical Neptune/Pluto midpoint at MC...on the chart perhaps you can read the midpoint picture (but remember that the Nep/Pluto duo is also a significator of the Robber Baron class, of oil cartels, and of mystical cults, among other things.)

8th cusp of Shared Resources, Credit, Debt, Insurance, etc...11Sag06, is the position of Dec 30, 1999's Great Conjunction of Pluto and Chiron, the plutocracy pair. I'll not go on about them again because both readers of this blog have 'heard' it before and before that..."A Flag Turns Into An Eagle That Crows." The current financial crisis is fast putting an end to the "crowing" - and pride comes before a fall as America begins retracting.

So, the man handling baggage is...

Biden? McCain? Obama? Bush? Any, some, or all could apply. I've heard that Palin will be attacking Obama, while Biden will focus on McCain, and I assume, on Bush and his disasterous policies which have decimated our nation.

Of course if You, lone reader, have snooped around my posts before this, you may know that I blame them all: Congress no less than Bush, Bush Sr, Clinton, Cheney, Rodham-Clinton, Gore, Reagan, Nixon, Ford, Carter, and I never forget to toss in Rove...the list is almost endless. Why, there's...

Delay, Hastert, Gingrich, Reid, Pelosi...etc etc etc. One can grow gray around the muzzle trying to give a complete list of miscreants, varmints, bandits, thieves, and charlatans infesting the DC I love, my former stomping grounds - and I don't take any of this lightly though sometimes I may jest to keep from crying for America.

You know, I've been whining about this stuff for years and only now that things are too bad to be ignored are a majority taking notice - not of me, a mere gnat crying in cyberland for her country, but the dire problems that scams and frauds are affecting so many people in the pocketbook.

So there will be a flavor tonight of "a sense of real problems" to this debate. But are any of 2008's candidates serious about actually repairing them in the way they actually need to be repaired?

Or will Politics, that organized system of hatreds, once again pilfer the pie from America's windowsill?

~:~Well, publishing the 8:00 pm CDT version of tonight's debate chart can't make up for this morning's gaffe but perhaps it will help.

I only hope the chart is correctly calculated this time...if not, some wayward astrologer who stumbles upon SO'W...please pipe up!! You know you don't have to be dumbleheaded to be me, but it definitely helps.

It's 15 minutes to showtime...better mosey!

Sep 12, 2008

NYSE, Eclipses, and Danny Casolaro

Have you ever read the tale of the founding of the NYSE as told by astrologer Ed Kohout?

Under the buttonwood tree on the morning of May 17, 1792, the stock exchange began with Pluto at 23AQ31...where dissolving Neptune is drifting now.

Neptune to Pluto is a period of time when power (Pluto) is dissolved and undermined (Neptune) but not necessarily by anarchy - it can be done by treachery or poison. The current ruler or system of power and control is removed or perhaps, in today's lexicon, outsourced or...downsized and given Neptune's link to webs and nets, I'd say computer hacking and other tech shenanigans may be involved along with Neptune's deceptive and fraudulent qualities.

Yes, progeny of the super-powerful PROMIS tracking software could be part of what's going on with Wall Street's ups and downs these days; plus, a Solar Eclipse in the same 11 South Series as the Eclipse of *July 11, 1991 (at '19Can' - a degree that keeps turning up in several of the charts I study relating to violence) will occur again on July 22, 2009, this time at '29Can' which is considered a critical or crisis degree.

The 11 South Series is concerned with:

the need to make sudden reforms; old methods and ideas fail and new systems are required to deal with the events that come up; as a result, new ways of handling issues are needed and any blocks may be tragically or violently removed. (Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

*It was during the 11 South Eclipse Series that the murder of writer and journalist Danny Casolaro took place - he was in the final stages of readying a book for publication outing what he and others called the Octopus, a worldwide organization of thugs for which PROMIS software has proven very useful over the years.

In its original form, the software had been stolen from the Inslaw Corporation, modified (with a 'backdoor' for surveillance), expanded, and sold for big bucks to many countries including Canada and Israel - and, some say, to Osama bin Laden (who was never intended to be "caught" by Bush-Cheney, btw.)

The weekend that Casolaro was murdered, there was a New Moon (a lady - Moon - meets a man - Sun...?) at 17Leo00. Casolaro had had meetings at his motel in Martinsburg, WV, and was last seen walking back to the motel from a convenience store where he'd gone to get a cup of coffee around the time of the New Moon on the dark night of Aug 9, 1991.

As you see, this New Moon in Leo was a month after the Solar Eclipse of July 11, and Casolaro had his notes for the book with him plus other information which he had gone to Martinsburg to receive. As you would expect, none of his notes were found after his mysterious death (he supposedly slit his own wrists while lounging in a tub of water.)

The July 11 Eclipse degree, '19Can' is conjunct Fixed Star Castor, to write or create - and is conjunct Danny Casolaro's natal Mercury, the writer; the messenger; the reporter.

The weekend of his death, transiting Sigma, the scribe, was conjunct activist Mars 15Vir54, and tr South Node 18Can47 was triggering the July Eclipse degree.

If you use the Googly Web you can find info on this strange case but I want to give you the midpoint pictures for the New Moon of Aug 9, 1991...Danny Casolaro was trying to warn the world about what was up and I believe we've been seeing the world crime syndicate having its way these last several years in countries all over the globe, so the least I can do is give you the planetary pictures. The first one concerns Pluto, the saboteur or assassin...

Mars/NN = Pluto 17Sc36: others must 'get on the train' or get left behind; a violent or forced separation in a partnership; joint achievements.

Saturn/MC 6Cap28 = NN: people in mourning; a major stroke of fate may affect all development.

Neptune/Mc = Uranus 10Cap28 Rx (Uranus out-of-bounds): self-righteousness; intense impatience; a desire to bring ideas to realization at all costs; confusion; sudden inner experiences. (Tyl; Ebertin.)

~All, none, or some combination of factors may apply.~

One more thing - the wound, Chiron, was in early Leo in July, 1991. Chiron in Leo is **easily overwhelmed by Uranus, which is the only OOBs planet in the chart and in process of approaching its Great Conjunction with Neptune at '18Cap' which is the NWO degree...smug and strong-armed paternalism...'SUPERVISION' in the Marc Edmund Jones version of the Sabian Symbols, but in the Dane Rudhyar version?

POLITICAL POWER - which is quite well-consolidated now.


** Chiron in Leo info from Barbara Hand Clow's book on Chiron.

Sep 10, 2008

Sept 2008 transits to US natal chart

With the 7th anniversary of the attacks of 9/11/01 being tomorrow, here's America's natal chart (Sibly version, July 4, 1776, Philadelphia; 5:10 pm LMT) and I've added a few transits triggering our nation's natal Saturn, Mercury, Sun, and Pluto this month.

Around the outside of the chart you see highlighted in yellow transit Mars in natal 10th house of Public Status, and transit Jupiter in natal 7th house of Partnerships, Legal Affairs, and Open Enemies.

Here's the list - the Sept 8 transit is past but I'm including it because it's part of our September atmosphere:

Sept 8 Mars square Sun: willpower and physical actions are frustrated; feelings are touchy as others encroach on one's territory, yet the desire for personal accomplishment is strong; tensions between male colleagues or co-workers; hastiness can delay success; patience is needed.

Sept 11 Mars conjunct Saturn: constant obstacles in the path slow things down even as we're required to hurry - blockages may be self-created; positively we become more focused, organized, and efficient; someone with maturity and experience is given more credence; careful plans are made; imposed rules may be difficult to accept or live by.

~Because 9/11's Mercury is conjunct US natal Saturn in Libra, this transit of Mars-to-natal-Saturn also conjuncts 9/11's Mercury rising, so we have Mercury/ASC = Mars: negotiations, discussions; emphasizing one's own ideas; realizing one's plans; deciding on the best course of action with advisers; quarrels; and...

Sept 11 - Mars to 9/11's Mercury: thoughts turn easily into actions; energized thinking; life's pace quickens, communications increase and may become chaotic; verbal combat within the environment; meetings, discussions; sales and commercial transactions pick up; people drive too fast!~

Back to the US chart:

Sept 19 Mars opposite Chiron: the sacred warrior archetype in the collective is spiritualized, activated; we may hear injustices mentioned and America's warrior energy is stimulated. (Campaign-wise this more than likely relates to John McCain and/or to the US military, and possibly to missionary churches.)

Also natal Chiron is conjunct natal Sun/Pluto midpoint so we have...

Sun/Pluto = Mars: a desire to perform record achievements; overtaxing one's powers; ruthlessness; fanaticism; enormous drive; carving new perspectives (all midpoint pics: Tyl; Ebertin.)

Sept 25 Mars square Mercury: tempers flare; arguments with males; new work methods result in frustration or delay; wrong directions given; bad weather interrupts.

Sept 30 Mars square Pluto: revenge and jealousy may be motivations behind actions; power struggles; past obstacles and mistakes must be overcome before progress can be made; anger present but if transformed positively much can be accomplished.

Sept 30 Jupiter opposite Sun: this one I've blurbed about before but with Jupiter's cycle being 12 years, this is thankfully the last pass for a while...

material assets are depleted by circumstances; generosity benefits the wrong people or is wasted in worthless endeavors; those who want to help are rendered powerless; those with grandiose ideas or promises of success are not able to deliver; victories, if there are any, compromise principles; only a conservative and constructive way of working around issues will succeed.

Mars square Pluto (the power principle - including nuclear weapons -but Pluto also signifies publishers and the massively wealthy), plus, the last pass of Jupiter-opposite natal-Sun makes Sept 30 stand out, IMHO.

So! has the Fannie Mae-Freddie Mac bailout/seizure/take-over been conservative enough or is it a case of worthless endeavor, grandiose ideas, and generosity benefiting the wrong people as Jupiter-opposite-Sun describes?

What do you think?

Aug 26, 2008

Sun and Moon of Michelle Obama

A quick glance at the natal chart of Michelle Obama shows her Sun in the last decan of Capricorn with Moon in the last degrees of Aquarius.

This places Moon conjunct US natal Moon, giving her star quality especially as a mom (Moon) with the American public. Her attributes have been generously discussed in all forms of media as well as her fashion sense praised, but in politics, her husband's opponents have been practically forced to delve for things to take exception to as well.

In consideration of Mrs. Obama's Sun Cap-Moon AQ, we may glean a smidge of detail concerning the lady's personality with Sun (purpose) and Moon (reigning needs) blended into a Cap-AQ mix - and without being overly intrusive into her natal chart's dynamics.

As you know, Cap and AQ can 'get along' by way of shared Saturnian influence with tradition vs progress issues, an intrinsic part of the nature, finding resolution with time and patience.

Sun Cap-Moon AQ gives a lucid and practical way of viewing life, a mixture of outgoing friendliness with self-contained reserve. Self-sufficiency, organizational talents, and a sceptical intelligence make this Sun Capricorn well suited for the law profession esp when there's a humanitarian flavor (AQ.)

For someone who is 'up front' Michelle Obama is a remarkably private person who wants to reform the world, yet be accepted by it.

Is she a conventional 'square' masquerading in wild clothing? Well, we see she is not, so the other applies here: a world-shaking reformer who loves the elegant world of fashion and likes to dress the high society part.

If you know Capricorn you know there is always a respect for tradition wherever the mer-goat turns up and logic, objectivity, and ambition are not far behind. Mysticism may an interest as well for the mer-goat is one of mankind's most ancient symbols from the collective unconscious. If so, it would tend to be practical mysticism, however!

This blend gives a contradictoriness to her nature in the realm of re-writing rules vs historical precedence, and with today's politics, she may have found a perfect niche in Washington which could do with her style and her intelligence.

Having an independent mind set this lady does not suffer fools gladly and she's sure to have found many such inside the game of politics. But her ability to combine ambition with modesty along Jackie Kennedy lines (plus a new wardrobe in a smashing colors) should help her with all but the most determined of her husband's opponents, sour lot as they be.

"The working mother" archetype was on display last evening as Michelle Obama offered the keynote address at the DNC 2008 concordance in Denver, and she rose to the task at hand as all good Cappies would.

(Having Mercury in Cap gives structure to her thinking which can impress if you can get a Mercury Cap to open up their thinking long enough to talk....

...And n Mercury is Oriental, meaning 'last to rise before the Sun' so she's a 'crossing the Ts/dotting the Is' kind of person with a need to get all details right and do things how they should be done...good for attorneys.) (Noel Tyl.)

In relationships, the Sun Cap-Moon AQ blend can make one something of a tantalizing mystery to others, one who is choosy about whom she spends real time. Her interest in a wide range of people is there, but AQ prefers some detachment and distance from the throng.

The White House has a few very private spaces if she should turn out to need them in January.

Still waters run deep is a good way to sum up this blend, if you must, for this woman with the typical Capricornian fear of rejection and need to be in control, is paradox personified. Cap Sun women often find themselves doing the majority of the child raising in a family since Cap's Saturn IS the father, and she seems to do this very well - capability is also a Cap trait.

Her co-parental unit works in politics, a time-consuming master, and under Capricorn's purview along with business and law. The senator's regular trips home on the weekend are their attempts at blending these contradictions as well as an honoring of family values for the sake of their daughters.

With this blend we see that Michelle's ambition never loses sight of the rights and well-being of others for AQ is the humanitarian sign. Yet she has a faculty for ignoring people and matters that do not especially interest her or further her ends (and in today's fractured world, this may be a +!)

Cap has a poetic streak and she may be creatively talented (I'm writing this without delving into what's known about her) such as in music, dance, or painting. Encapsulating the essence of things whether in poetry or life is one of her many talents, and elegant words come easily to Sun Cap-Mon AQ.

Images for Integration: "Having struggled unaided to the peak, a mountaineer hitches a ride on a passing helicopter...A prophetic poet is awarded high honors...An historian points the way to future." (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Chas & Suzy Harvey.)

These Images were on display in Denver's Mile high City last evening as her husband's career is in process of passing normal bounds of all expectation as was mentioned a few times in last evening's script. Who woulda thunk? Barry would rise so high as Mile High City?

Sun Cap-Moon AQ is natally shared by American poet Carl Sandburg and world class athlete Mohamed Ali, so I'll close with some quotes from them and which may describe Michelle Obama's life philosophy quite well...see what you think:

'I am an idealist. I don't know where I'm going but I'm on my way.'

-Carl Sandburg

'Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth.'

-Muhammad Ali

Aug 20, 2008

McCain's hard-hearted cake gone stale

It's not easy to sum up my loathing for the idea of a John McCain White House residency (not a typo.)

But if there were one thing to call attention to, it would have to be the TV pics of McCain feeding birthday cake to George Bush on
the day New Orleans flooded - and McCain's birthday celebrations apparently continued for days before well-studied and purposefully inept responses to the disaster showed the world just how little neocon freaks care for the American people in general and for New Orleanians in particular.

(Click link to speed thee over to YouTube for a view of the party. Were they grinning like cheeky monkeys because they were secretly celebrating the future McCain White House?!?)

Can any voter have faith in McCain's future responses to any kind of disaster, natural or otherwise, which life will surely bring the unwary and wary alike? Failed levees had been expected there for years - are McCain and Bush stoopid beyond belief?

Would you float on a housetop with the neocon hothead now asking for your vote?

Are you friggin' crazy?

Now you may think hubristically that you'll never need such assistance, that time and money are on your side.

That's only because McCain hasn't got all his claws into you or yours as of yet. Why, John McSame may be on the Bilderberg Group's board for all I know, but the next globalist shill mouthing for the power elite has more 'ineptitude' in store - Bush policies will continue in their "the power position is clear: very little option to do otherwise" vein.

I had to howl recently when Senator McCain pointed out Senator Obama's preference for success when he, McCain, joined the success-at-all-costs club so many moons ago! A pot calls kettle moment and politics is full of 'em.

So after Katrina wrought her devastation, McCain proceeded to vote against every aid bill he could find for the very refugees, survivors, and elderly victims whose demise and despair his birthday had marked on Aug 29, 2005! Happy Birthday indeed.

But would a Barack Obama tenure make a diff?

I have no idea, but America's chances could be better with Obama who has, at least, a more measured approach than an emotionally unstable Moon-opposite-Pluto McCain could ever imagine within his wildest dreams of world domination and retaliation at all costs...and as with Bush-Cheney, the direst costs will be all ours to shoulder on Bush-weakened backs. And yet...

Please Vote in November - don't let them keep you home from the polls. Or they've won without firing a shot.

Autumn Equinox Sept 22, 2008

The process of posting on the Autumn Equinox 2008 chart has begun over at Jude's Threshold.

The image of the chart, set for the White House, Washington, DC (Sept 22, 2008; 11:44:18 am edt) has an unsettling Sabian Symbol rising...

Dane Rudhyar gives "27Sco" as: "A Military Band Marches Noisily On Through City Streets"...Keynote: The aggressive glorification of cultural values. Keyword: POMP.

This could refer, of course, to aggressions overseas which Washington is dealing with (Russia, Georgia, South Ossetia, Kabul, Baghdad, Tehran, for George and Dick have an endless list - belligerence attracts belligerence), and/or martial actions in US streets, and/or to US military issues that continue to need attention such as the G.I. Bill, vets' healthcare, and more.

WordPress' column of Pages makes updating easier so that's where the chart is now with a smidgen of details, although if you click to enlarge the image, hopefully you can make out my notes which are perhaps too liberally sprinkled round the chart - my bad habit.

On a similar level, you'll notice feisty George Bush's natal Mars at Midheaven, the Goal/Aspiration Point of the chart, which places Bush's activities 'out there' for all the world to see...or perhaps his frustrations since his Mars is in Virgo.

The Page will be added to as time allows including the Sun/Moon square which is involved in a FIST of GOD pattern, oh joy, so hold on to your own Mars, trouble's on the way for the end of Bush's residency.

Yet knowing his nibs, it's hard to be surprised, isn't it?

Aug 8, 2008

To know is to loathe: John McCain in Arizona

The Phoenix New Times has an enlightening article by Amy Silverman, who has covered John McCain for years, which brings the man into clear focus as something of a mountebank, opportunist extraordinaire, and a liar to boot.

Sounds like qualifications for political office (I know!) but read Silverman's insights if you haven't already.

What McCain did to sabotage Arizona's Rose Mofford during her testimony before the Senate Energy and Water Development Subcommittee on Appropriations on the topic of the Central Arizona Project on April 12, 1988 should be known by anyone considering voting for one of the most manipulative Moon/Pluto individuals you'd ever want to avoid.

And descriptively enough, on that April day, 1988, guess which asteroid was conjunct McCain's natal Sun 6Vir+ and thus triggering his considerable ego needs for recognition?

Nemesis, whose keyphrases are: the unbeatable foe; divine retribution.

When afterwards a friend asked the Senator why he sabotaged Mofford's testimony, McCain replied: "I'll embarrass a Democrat any time I get a chance."

To know him is to loathe him. How well do you know John McCain?


See my article on the natal chart of John geezer McCain at Jude's Threshold if you're interested in his particulars.

And here's a linky trail to a few details on the progressed chart, April 2008 of John McCain, the leading neocon of the moment and apparently the best the GOP can offer for continuing and promoting plans for the New World Order chaos now ruining the other words: the third term of George W. Bush.

Jul 8, 2008

Obama's plane landing and Nemesis

Today is the first day of my new isp so this week's plan is to play catch up here and at Jude's Threshold so please stay tuned for some posts, charts, and blurbings about Politics and its political thespians bwo Astrological comments!

You know I was chomping to write up Barack Obama's emergency plane landing in St. Louis yesterday but was prevented by tech troubles.

And with Uranus (air travel) 22Pis37 Rx opposing Obama's natal Mars, there is danger in the environment, as previously stated, sudden unexpected danger.

Well, we know that's a given considering, and 'Uranus opposite Mars' is the astrological picture or description--Mars is the energy or action principle. Was yesterday's airplane mechanical problem a message to Obama?

Now Jupiter 17Cap43 Rx is conjunct the New World Order degree (18Cap = "The Union Jack Flies from a British Warship"...which Rudhyar gives the keynote as: "The protection afforded to individuals and groups by powerful institutions in charge of maintaining order. POLITICAL POWER.)

18Cap is where the Great Conjunction of Uranus and Neptune took place. (Conjunction #3: Oct 24, 1993.)

But I digress...or do I?

So with Nemesis, the unbeatable foe, still conjoined transiting North Node, a path of conflict is opened now which we will witness as the 2008 campaign continues, and I'll be blogging about several such issues now that my pc is quicker and more spritely.

Jun 7, 2008

baby by by: Hillary bows to superior mojo

Hillary backs out at noon June 7 is a Page I've set up with astrological notes on Hillary Clinton's failure to capture the collective imagination enough to be the next globalist New Millennialist shill.

Now you'll find a smidge of Obama Astrology in the article yet with no direct mention of that skewed view of the New Millennium (on their side or ours)--but you know I'm thinkin' it.

Sheesh! hearing her noon rally's audience's cheers makes me miss living in DC!

The article is mainly concerned with today's transit of restrictive Saturn and Neptune's eventual conjunction with her n MC, so I hope you'll get some kind of info out of it, but first...

you must click!

May 6, 2008

Addington subp'd, Congress shafts America

I believe that if the people of this nation fully understood what Congress has done to them over the last 49 years, they would move on Washington; they would not wait for an election... It adds up to a preconceived plan to destroy the economic and social independence of the United States! --George W. Malone (1890-1961) US Senator (Nevada) 1957 (Source: speaking before Congress)

Strategic blunder of historic proportions, says Gen Ricardo Sanchez as Dick Mushroom Cloud Cheney's top aide, David Cakewalk Addington, is subpoened by a House Committee 'probing' torture.

Wonder what Senator Malone would say about Congress today if he were to awaken from his eternal slumber? He'd need several boxes full of Lunesta to go back to sleep after viewing the presidency of George Mission Accomplished Bush, wouldn't he?

1:00 pm edt in Washington DC: NPR now reporting that the Office of Special Counsel's entire email system was shut down this morning and computers have been seized.

Uh oh. The peskiness and revelations of February's Solar Eclipse at the "Unmasking" degree continues to vex the naughty...

10 North Series: emphasis on communications; frustrating or inhibiting events via paperwork, news, or young people. (Brady's Predictive Astrology.)