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Apr 26, 2008

TV's Craig Ferguson shines!

Tonight, as host of the White House Correspondents' Dinner, my favorite TV host slash comedian, TV's Craig Ferguson, will be on the spot in Washington.

(Follow link to see his chart with a few details just published over at Jude's Threshold.)

Tonight's hosting duties represent quite an ego-massaging entertainment coup for our freshly-minted American citizen, Craig of Glasgow...he's the one seated next to Dick.

And the honor couldn't happen to a more deserving, if cheeky, monkey!

Mars' Phobos in 3D!

3D MOON OF MARS: NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter spacecraft has photographed martian moon Phobos in color and 3D, revealing landslides, crater chains, long grooves and a strange splash of blue.

The pictures are featured on today's edition of #

And no 3D glasses are necessary! Cool.

Apr 24, 2008

CIA, FBI, and Moon to Pluto in Capricorn

Breaking News and Commentary from Citizens For Legitimate Government Apr 24, 2008

All items are here:LegitGov Breaking News

CIA Acknowledges it Has More Than 7000 Documents Relating to Secret Detention Program, Rendition, and Torture Apr 23, 2008:

The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) must stop stonewalling congressional oversight committees and release vital documents related to the program of secret detentions, renditions, and torture, three prominent human rights groups said today. Amnesty International USA (AIUSA), the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) and the International Human Rights Clinic at NYU School of Law (NYU IHRC) reiterated their call for information, following the CIA's filing of a summary judgment motion this week to end a lawsuit and avoid turning over more than 7000 documents related to its secret "ghost" detention and extraordinary rendition program.

CIA Foresaw Interrogation Issues --Agency Considered Investigations 'Virtually Inevitable' Apr 24, 2008:

The CIA concluded that criminal, administrative or civil investigations stemming from harsh interrogation tactics were "virtually inevitable," leading the agency to seek legal support from the Justice Department, according to a CIA official's statement in court documents filed yesterday.

The CIA said it had identified more than 7000 pages of classified memos, e-mails and other records relating to its secret prison and interrogation program, but maintained that the materials cannot be released because they relate to, in part, communications between CIA and Justice Department attorneys or discussions with the White House.

FBI: We Warned About Torture of Detainees Apr 24, 2008:

FBI Director Robert Mueller on Wednesday recalled warning the Justice Department and the Pentagon that some US interrogation methods used against terrorists might be inappropriate, if not illegal. Mueller's comments came under pointed questioning by House Democrats demanding to know if the Federal Bureau of Investigation tried to stop interrogations in 2002 that critics define as torture.

Mueller said the FBI does not use coercive techniques when questioning suspects or witnesses, and he reportedly pulled his agents out of CIA or military interrogations several years ago to protect them from legal consequences.

FBI chief testifies he warned DOJ, DOD harsh interrogation tactics may be illegal Apr 23, 2008:

FBI Director Robert Mueller testified before the US House Judiciary Committee Wednesday that he had advised officials at the Departments of Justice and Defense that some interrogation tactics employed against terror suspects might be illegal.

Mueller said that the FBI had first raised concerns about the use of harsh interrogation methods in 2002, when CIA interrogators used waterboarding with several alleged 'al Qaeda' leaders, but declined to say how other agencies had reacted to FBI concerns.

Israelis Claim Secret Agreement With US Apr 24, 2008:

A letter that President [sic] Bush personally delivered to then-Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon four years ago has emerged as a significant obstacle to the president's efforts to forge a peace deal between the Israelis and Palestinians during his last year in office. Ehud Olmert, the current Israeli prime minister, said this week that Bush's letter gave the Jewish state permission to expand the West Bank settlements that it hopes to retain in a final peace deal, even though Bush's peace plan officially calls for a freeze of Israeli settlements across Palestinian territories on the West Bank.#

Was the letter personally delivered by Bush a factor in Sharon's sudden health decline?

You know you can usually tell who wants peace by the way they don't bomb people. It's as if ants on the ground are simply objects--and the current Mars/Jupiter opposition has fallen within the 19 - 23 Can/Cap axis where the objectification of human beings often manifests.

Friday (4.25.08) at 7:50 am edt, at the White House, Moon conjoins Pluto 1Cap01. Mars 22Can30 opposes giant Jupiter 22Cap04 across the 3/9 axis. The Moon/Pluto conj occurs in 8th house, Mercury is chart-ruler 16Tau01 in 12th house.

Nemesis, the unbeatable foe, is at Mc 11AQ52, and Pan, a trickster element associated with Capricorn, is rising.

Abbas to the White House? This should be interesting.

Chiron: discovery and meaning

First a word on my blog absence--two words actually--tech gremlins. My isp seems to be performing better today, for now.

As you know, it's takes hours to prepare an astrology-based article so when I've spent time and effort only to find that I'm shut out of the two-tiered internet, it's discouraging.

So to save precious blogging time, here's a link to a Page I've managed to put up at my WordPress blog on the Discovery and Meaning of Chiron and to which I plan to add details as tech gremlins may permit:

Discovery of Chiron 1977

Apr 21, 2008

fretting over McCain's Moon/Pluto opposition?

So am I.

Which is why I got my busy on, did some chart investigation, and published a few plutonic details on the potentials of a McCain presidency with an uh oh on my lips and a "not again" in my heart.

Your own insightful comments on the subject would be much appreciated either here or on Jude's Threshold, linked above.

John Abyss McCain is howling outside America's door...what will you do, if anything, to turn him and his raging Moon away?

Apr 19, 2008

Wedding Day Astrology Report now offered!

For a confidential Wedding Day Astrology Report of your and your partner's own, click for information and ordering details, with no obligation!

Apr 18, 2008

Apr 16, 2008

Clinton vs Obama: the charade will be televised

As usual, they're calling it a debate which is always a debateable term to use for political performances. That grouse out of the way, let's consider the horoscope of tonight's event, chart set for Philadelphia, PA, 8:00 pm edt, April 16, 2008.

Rising 2Sco05 is Hillary's natal Sun! But rising along with it (and of late it's been bedeviling her off and on) is transiting Saturn/Pluto midpoint...

Saturn/Pluto = Sun: threat of loss; hard work; enforced change; potential ill health (or mention of healthcare initiatives?); physical toil and over-exertionl; sparing no pians in one's work; renunciation; privation; a physical separation.

Saturn/Pluto = ASC: placed in cumbersome and difficult circumstances; separation; mourning and bereavement; sadness. (Tyl; Ebertin.)

~~Midpoint pictures may manifest in an 'all, either, or none' fashion.~~

Of course, the combo of Saturn/Pluto relates to violent people, adepts, magicians, extremely self-disciplined people, fanatical adherence to one's principles, and martyrdom (Ebertin.)

Will Hillary-as-leader be martyred to the one world government she so wants to water with tender loving care? She's waited so long! If so, it's because someone else has been determined to be the one the masses will listen to the best--at least at first.

And once their chosen shill moves into the White House, it's become impossible to squeeze the varmint out, as we've seen.

At Mc, the Goal Point of the chart, is 7Leo55 with "8Leo" being the "A Bolshevik Propagandist" degree, or as Dane Rudhyar puts it in his 'An Astrological Mandala'..."A Communist Activist Spreading His Revolutionary Ideals." This is George Bush's natal Ascendant degree, as you know--so Jupiter/Neptune opposes his natal ASC...

Jupiter/Neptune = ASC: appearing to live in a world lighted by personal imagination and an emotionally rationalized agenda; sharing great hopes with others; speculation.

(The Jupiter/Neptune combo has spiritual links--the Pope's visit; and to idealism, feeling special, and to tricky legalisms.) (Tyl.)

At Ic, the Foundation of the chart and of tonight's event, is the midpoint of Jupiter/Neptune so we have...

Jupiter/Neptune = Mc: a visionary; a spendthrift, wastrel, or squanderer; a fortune-hunter; a speculator; harm or damage through thoughtlessness.

Sounds like Bush, Cheney, and their war to me, and it's sure to be a topic tonight. But of course, members of Congress are invested in the war as well and making a...killing, one assumes, so little will be done on that score--it's too profitable for Washington and for the war's behind-the-scenes promoters.

Well, Mars is still out-of-bounds for a while longer at 18Can14, 9th house, and opposing Jupiter 21Cap36, so money for the Iraq Occupation must surely be on the Dems' topic menu along with US economic concerns (of The People--the elite ruling class is doing excellently, thanks.)

Chart-ruler Mars is applying to an inconjunct (or 'quincunx'--165 degrees = adjustment) to Chiron (2A08), a helpful trine to Uranus (2A32), and an opposition to Jupiter (3A20.)

According to Frances Sakoian, the Mars/Jupiter opposition is the soldier of fortune aspect and describes those who are extravagant--especially with other people's money. Ain't that just like a politician?!

Boasting, overestimation of abilities, and crusades which promote personal material interests are part of a Mars/Jupiter opposition, along with aggressive opinionation which can antagonize others. Speculation is not advised when Mars opposes Jupiter, natally or in transit.

An angry Hillary Clinton may be disappointed and disillusioned this evening as Mars makes his final applying aspect, a square to Lady Venus, but Barack Obama may induce "A Large and Disappointed Audience" for the Sun 27Ari22 and orator Mercury 28Ari08 are snugged around this degree's symbol.

Rudhyar: "Great hopes, excited expectations cannot be sustained. The manner in which (the situation) is met determines the individual's future possibilites of development and achievement."

He goes on: "There is a need here to be more than 'possessed by potentialities'...mankind as a whole will be affected...(there should be a) sense of RESPONSIBILITY for what one's actions will produce in people who have been made to expect significant results."

Lowered expectations, America? Do you think the change a new president represents will bring practical improvements? Hope so, but it's difficult for me to agree because America is being turned into a totalitarian police state. Can one mere president--and a black one at that--go against such a high and mighty group agenda?

And yet this evening's 'debate' begins with a lovely Mystic Rectangle ('practical mysticism'--this pattern also relates to the Pope in-the-house tonight) between Moon, Jupiter, Mars, and Uranus.

Another planetary pattern in play tonight is: Sun, Mercury, Saturn, Pluto in a high-flying Kite pattern pointing to the Ascendant and thus to Hillary's natal Sun.

The Kite's 'tail' is Sun conj Mercury which I believe represents Senator Obama and indicates a tendency toward stark realism when blended with Saturn/Pluto. Let's see if Obama gives hints of such by mentioning 'realism' in some way.

Moon (a woman; the public; publicity) is in the sign of health and dedicated service at 18Vir28, in 11th house of Hopes, Wishes, and Group Associations. Rudhyar gives the Sabian Symbol for "19Vir" as:

"A Swimming Race"...keynote: The stimulation that comes from a group effort toward a spiritual goal.

...What is needed is EMULATION, not competition."

Hopefully, the Dems will quit giving the opposition--the Rs--ammunition. We'll see how Hillary and Barack compete tonight--if one assumes that the nom decision--and even the prez decision--aren't already in the bag. It should be an entertaining show at the least.

After all, the 'elites' are all on the same side against the masses--and working for the establishment of their vision of a one world government, so political performances are a necessary part of the charade...for now.

Yep, their vision is our nightmare and we may as well be realistic about it. So let tonight's public relations effort for White House top shill begin!

White House open to Pope

Pope Benedict and George Bush--aren't they two together?!

There's a Sabian Symbol which may be instructive concerning the Pope's visit this week and I've just published some details on The Pope Blessing the Faithful: 30Sagittarius, if you care to read. There's an interesting asteroid upon that degree this week.

Bush says that America is 'open' to the Pope's message which surely may include, "please send money...our coffers grow puny." (Note to Pope: America has none, the cupboard is bare.)

Yet it eludes me how long the church hierarchy thought they could go on abusing the children in their care without their bottomline being affected--and how much forebearance they assumed parents and families should have for their deceits!

Apr 15, 2008

Pluto/Chiron class warfare going fine, thanks

Global Hunger, Corporate Greed:

When will enough be enough?

By Debnath Guharoy

Systemic deception has become acceptable culture in too many boardrooms, with nothing more than a wink and a nod required down the chain of command. When it gets to a point that an accountant is unable to explain complex new financial instruments and their equally befuddling acronyms, disaster cannot be far away.

Information Clearing House has the rest of the article for you.


World revolution IS the game, hunger and chaos are musts in the hidden hand's plan for world mastery. And as we see these days all is going extremely well for them with more consitutional crises on the way.