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Dec 18, 2009

Another post on Tiger Woods? Yes, Wedding Day Astrology

While I was updating my last post on Copenhagen with an article link, I decided to give both of you a heads-up on a just-published article concerning the Wedding Day Astrology of Tiger Woods, if you're curious about their very romantic ceremony at sunset on the isle of Barbados, Oct 5, 2004.

Some current (Dec 2009) and Solar Return transits (Oct 5, 2009) to the Wedding Day chart (and thus, to their union) are included, and the wedding horoscope's image is shown.

Dec 17, 2009

Copenhagen Summit to establish global governance?

Update Dec 18, 2009: the UN/Copenhagen Summit's goal of establishment of global governance and its further funding has been met (insert: shudder.)

2nd Update from NPR and AP:

BREAKING NEWS: U.S., China, India, South Africa Reach Climate Deal A senior Obama administration official says a "meaningful agreement" has been reached on climate change, the Associated Press reports. Read more...

Original post begins here:

Don't be surprised but this article leaves me about as speechless as can be. Tell me what you think, for Copenhagen is waiting for Barack Obama's magic wand on Friday:

One of the Rothschild offspring laments the difficulty of establishing global governance. The December 2009 Summit in Copenhagen is meant to be a goosestep in the direction of fascist world domination bwo 'climate change' which was established years ago in a directive from the UN.

You know, it isn't new for environmentalism to be used for taking over governments such as when Hitler used it to help establish the Third Reich.

All of this reminds me of a dream I had after first hearing a few years ago that polar ice caps and glaciers are quickly melting - that a satellite with lasers was melting them from space! Crazy, huh? Looked pretty amazing as dream images go.

Even crazier: that the ancient manuscripts of Atlantis holding the secret to longevity are thought by some to be under said ice. Thing is, the 'longevity' part apparently didn't work well for the Atlanteans, as far as we know. So...perhaps a space station in the sky will serve as a life boat for the power elite, an escape hatch for the (self) selected!

If any of this is remotely true, my consolation is that then the ravenously greedy power elite will have only each other for company so it will be claws, hooves, and pointy teeth all around.


Personally I'd much rather have polar bears over for tea and scones, if it were up to me. Or a nice sea lion with wiggly whiskers for a rousing round of backgammon.

Dec 16, 2009

New Dems against Financial Reform + Blackwater

Naming Names

Here is a list of the New Democrat Coalition whose members are against financial reform legislation as if 2008 never happened!

Well, they'd better know something about the reform bill that you and I don't know because I'm in a huge snit over this - the one my friends and I sent to Washington, John Barrow, is on the freakin' list. Funny, but he's voted with Republicans since he got there but continues to call himself a Democrat.

Maybe in DC he contracted a bad case of Leibermanitis with the attending identity crisis.

On the Radio Now:

Fresh Air
with Terry Gross is coming on as I type with a revealing interview with journalist Jeremy Scahill who's investigated and written on Blackwater for years.

Fresh Air programs are usually available for listening around 3:00 pm est, if you miss this one. Interview text should be available even sooner.

Now let's see....'Blackwater' astrologically....'black' = Capricorn, ruled by controlling Saturn, 'water' can be Cancer (Moon), Scorpio (Mars/Pluto violence and force), or Pisces (Jupiter/Neptune speculations and grand schemes) plus, the Can/Cap axis = security and protection; Tau/Sco = greed/intolerance/preservation and spying/sabotage/betrayal; Vir/Pisc is the victim/savior axis.

Right now Mr. Scahill is saying that then-VP Cheney helped coordinate Gen. McChrystal's testimony on Capitol Hill concerning the 'friendly fire' death of Pat Tillman.

Blackwater's founder, Eric Prince (owner of the largest private army in the US) is characterized as a 'Christian crusader' who thinks eliminating Muslims is his life mission. "Everyone at Blackwater knows that," says Mr. Scahill. And this is the reptilian brain mayhem the US government spends our tax monies on while simultaneously promoting America as a peace-promoting nation! It defies sanity, doesn't it?

Mr. Scahill's book, Blackwater, was published in 2007; he also writes for one of my personal favorites, The Nation.

Sunspot Cycle 24 and Dec 21, 2012

This alert is a day late but with the Sunspot Cycle implicated in the Venus affair and Mayan Calendar ending of Dec 21, 2012, I figured you'd want to know..."as wide as seven planet Earths" - yeow!

Space Weather News for Dec 15, 2009

BIG NEW SUNSPOT: Just yesterday (Dec 14), sunspot 1035 was nearly invisible. Today, it is as wide as seven planet Earths. The fast-growing active region burst into view on Dec 14 with a magnetic polarity that clearly identifies it as a member of new Solar Cycle 24. If the expansion continues apace, it could soon become the largest sunspot of the year.

Check for movies, photos and updates.

SOLAR ACTIVITY ALERTS: Would you like a call or text message the next time the sun unleashes a big solar flare--or when a geomagnetic storm erupts? Sign up for Spaceweather Phone and never miss another big event on the sun.

Dec 15, 2009

Insolvent Social Security and America's Saturn/Neptune

Gary North's article on the insolvency of the US Social Security *System and Medicare is an eye opener well described astrologically by the recent transit of clear-eyed Saturn to US natal Neptune in Virgo, sign of Work and The Worker.

But I mentioned the transit and more Saturn/Neptune stuff in my previous post - things like deception and corruption (Neptune) in government (Saturn) - read Mr. North's article for a laundry list of deceptions concerning SS, Medicare, and the political can-kicking they've long duped us with.

He's talking about 'Social' (Neptune) 'Security' (Saturn)!

You know the US natal chart, Sibly version with '13Sag' rising, has Neptune 22Vir25 in 9th house and Saturn 14Lib48 in 10th house and their midpoint degree is 3Lib37; Mc 00Lib53. Tr Saturn in early Libra is stimulating our Sat/Nep midpoint off and on as I type. Perhaps Gary North is one of those now acting as Saturn's agent (a man with a bucket of cold water) as he asks us to deal realistically with these social issues.

At Ic 00Ari53 is revolutionary Uranus/Pluto 3Ari14, quite a pile-up of difficult energies, I must say, since whatever affects one cusp affects its opposite polarity.

There's no time this morning to discuss details on this interesting picture (as it relates to government, my usual topic of grumpiness) but I can say that the US natal Mercury/ASC midpoint is conjunct n Sat/Nep. (Mercury/Asc on a negative level can indicate wrong or misguided judgments.)

So considering that the Goals/Aspirations point (Mc) of any chart is the most visible position, therefore what one displays to the wider world, America's Saturn/Neptune is assuredly more obvious to others than it is - or has been - to Americans as a populace (with us being all insulated and all, and busy gazing at our own **beebos.)

And of course, Saturn in 10th house, its natural abode, gets really really karmic and rather nasty when an individual - or a nation - doesn't live up to its Saturnian responsibilities in the world. Then when the piper is paid, heavy accountability causes a world class fall from grace - which comes predictably and inexorably after the arrogant pride.


*SS 'System' - July 21, 2009 Solar Eclipse 29Can27: 'systems fail.'

**'beebos' are bellybuttons and everyone has one.

USA Sibly chart: July 4, 1776 5:10 pm LMT Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

The Secret Government of Saturn/Neptune dimensions

Here's a Three Article Round-Up beginning with Sibel Edmonds on secret (Neptune) government (Saturn), then on to fascism (Saturn/Neptune and Pluto/Chiron), then it's oppression (Pluto/Chiron) and thoughts on why we're so wimpy when it comes to fighting against it.

Hmm. Didn't realize we had stopped. Of course, doing things by increments as they've done for years makes drift harder to fight than an out-and-out confrontation, doesn't it?

After the 3 articles you'll find a little Astrology concerning the Saturn/Neptune cycles of 1952/53 and 1989, and brief notes on the Solar Eclipse cycle that links them:

Secret Reports, Secret Budgets, Secret Operations, Secret Courts...A Secret Government!

By Sibel Edmonds

If these points don't sound outrageous and if they don't make the state of our liberties look dire and pathetic, then we are all in deep trouble.

American Fascism: By political definition the US is now fascist, not a constitutional republic

By Carl Herman

The definition of "fascism" has some academic variance, but is essentially collusion among corporatocracy, authoritarian government, and controlled media and education. This "leadership" is only possible with a nationalistic public accepting policies of war, empire, and limited civil and political rights.

Are Americans a Broken People? Why We've Stopped Fighting Back Against the Forces of Oppression

By Bruce E. Levine

A psychologist asks: Have consumerism, suburbanization and amalevolent corporate-government partnership so beaten us down that we no longer have the will to save ourselves?


The Last Two Great Conjunctions (3x due to retrogradations) of Saturn and Neptune whose energies together represent on one level "secret government" or a government and leaders full of secrets and deceptions, and/or a misguided or deceitful (Nep) leader (Sat):

As you know in Astrology, any conjunction of two planets signifies a start of a new cycle of activity and influence and we've recently been under the influence of their opposition (180 degrees apart.) Oppositions are culmination stages of what was begun at the conjunction - thus, has America's reputed 'secret government' always been running in the background or is it a decades-long phenomenon?

And as always with Astrology, many levels of meaning accrue to the Sat/Nep pairing but for now let's merely look at the their last conjunctions and discuss which Solar Eclipse Series manifested as the Pre-Natal Eclipse prior to the first of both sets of conjunctions.

Separately both Saturn and Neptune can bring along issues of loss or theft, and their cyclical opposition presided over 2008's financial collapse as the culmination or fulfillment of the 'new activities' cycle begun in 1989 (Reagan and Bush Sr.) And of course, 1952/53 tabs Harry Truman (in office until Jan 20, 1953) and his successor, Dwight D. Eisenhower (Jan 20, 1953 - Jan 20, 1961.) All or most of these well-connected men were Freemasons, with atom-bomber Truman the 33rd president, significant due to the importance in Freemasonry of the number 33. "Give 'em hell, Harry" indeed. You'll reap what you sowed, Mr. Truman.

Yes, one of the thinnest moral justifications (rationalizations) I've ever come across out of Washington DC is the one about how Truman dropped bombs on Japan to 'save' lives by ending the war! Now that may or may not have been true, but it was hardly a moral trade-off that justified the loss of life and suffering their atom bomb decision engendered for generations - and it was pure choice on the part of the US government. That a natural law was broken when the first atom was split didn't seem to bother them either.

Okay, that last was pure opinionl here's the way the Saturn/Neptune tango played out:

Saturn conj Neptune (appr 36-year cycle):

1. Nov 21, 1952 @ 22Lib47;
2. May 1, 1953 @ 22Lib30;
3. July 22, 1953 @ 21Lib12. (All are within the 15Lib-15Sco Via Combusta yet are conj two Fixed Stars that are bright spots in the 'Burning Way': Arcturus ('a different approach; success through patient work') and Spica ('potential for brilliance; victory; riches.')

1. Mar 3, 1989 @ 11Cap55;
2. June 24, 1989 @ 11Cap14;
3. Nov 13, @ 10Cap22.

(The next Great Conjunction of Sat/Nep will be a big deal for the world - conj the Aries Point on Feb 20, 2026 @ 00Ari45. Transiting Pluto will be in early Aquarius by then but will move into 5-degr orb of the 1989 conj beginning in 2010.)

The Solar Eclipse Series which occurred prior to the first of their conjunctions in 1953 and the first in 1989 is the same Series! Another way to state it is that both Sat/Nep conjs of 1952 and 1989 occurred under the auspices of the 8 South Series, a difficult family indicating: finishing something, being sadly parted, separation and loss; physical injury through over straining one's strength. (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology

The last manifestation of 8S was on Sept 22, 2006 @ 29Vir30.

11S is also the PE of the Lockerbie Bombing over Scotland (1988), NASDAQ (1971), Nixon's deceptive 'Checkers' speech (1952), and of George Tenet, Vladimir Putin, William Kristol, Patrick Henry, and of Bush Sr's NWO-touting presidency. You notice the spy/saboteur flavors here.

So I guess it's little wonder that so many folks are experiencing loss of all kinds under the rays of Saturn/Neptune, losses made more personal for Americans because of the recent grim-reality/cold-water transit of Saturn to our natal Neptune in Virgo, sign of Work and Workers.

Of olden days or newly established, the secret government of the US is firmly in place, m'peops. Each presidency is but a baton-passing of the ultimate plan held in store and patiently implementd by stages.

Has our will to fight gone? No. But they keep us fighting strangers in distant lands so that we can't fight our real enemy - an amoral secret government.

Dec 13, 2009

Pentagon natal chart w/ Jan 15, 2010 Solar Eclipse chart @ 25Cap01

Here is a bi-wheel display of the natal chart of the Pentagon (center: Apr 29, 1942 @ 10:30 am edt; Hour of Jupiter 21Gem00 conjunct US natal Mars; out-of-bounds Mars 2Can02 conj US n Venus, and here flanked by the chart of the Jan 15, 2010 Solar Eclipse @ 25Cap01 in the 12 North Series (outer chart.)

Eclipse chart has tr South Node 21Can07 rising: standing alone or separating oneself; outstanding in one's field. Or - facing more war without allies? Broken partnerships?

Some feisty factors in the Pentagon's natal chart include:

Warring Mars = Saturn/Pluto = Uranus/Pluto...

Sat/Pluto = Mars: brutality, assault, violence, ruthlessness; the necessity to fight for one's existence (ex: by recommending war escalation in 2009 after 8 years of it? - jc); activating plans for upheaval and destruction; using whatever means or power available in order to continue working.

Uran/Pluto = Mars: fanaticism; acts of violence; the mania of destruction; the stage of bending or breaking; injury or accident; headstrong and demanding when pushing ideas.

There is an important T-Square in the Pentagon's natal chart which forms an interesting view of the 5-pointed star's complex and its military industrialists...

Neptune/Mc = Mars: acting without clear understanding or purpose; desire to bring wrong ideas into realization; urge to harm others; metaphysical studies. (Ebertin.)

Michael Munkasey gives details about the combination of nebulous, idealistic dreamer Neptune when blended with Mc (Goals; Aspirations) which seem apt of late:

'Nept/Mc' = "dreams of being a leader in the "New Age"; hints about planning for the future originate within dreams and visions of the leadership; spies undermine national security; increased likelihood that leaders will allow others to deceive them about intentions and motives; official scandals of a very large scope.

Click to enlarge the chart to read my scribbly notes: a few US natal and US Inaugural 2009 positions are noted - such as the Jan 2010 Ecl conj Inaugural 2009's Mc; the Solar Ecl chart is highlighted in pink; Pentagon's natal chart in yellow; in lower right corner I have notated a telling midpoint picture involving Mercury 5Cap34 Rx (which means the Nep/Asc degree of the Jan 15, 2010 chart will be triggered by tr Mercury again - see below for pictures.)

Nep/Asc also affects Pluto 3Cap49 (Pluto here opposing US n Venus, then on to oppose US n Jupiter and Sun...'power plays' - 'no one is impressed' - 'material matters, values, principles, and priorities are in conflict with current circumstances' - 'aspirations should be reduced' - 'locked in power struggles' - 'economics unfavored.')

Following the natural cycle of US Secondary Progressed Full Moon (exact in Dec 2008 when based on the US n 'Sibly' chart) would be the sane idea than to contiune expanding in the world when a natural barrier (30-year-cycle of Sec Moon) has been reached; our power limits in the world are known, we should withdraw and regroup, oh war-loving Pentagon. There is no dishonor in 'regrouping forces to plan anew" as says the I Ching. But you must 'justify' your jobs with more imaginary - and real - threats to tilt at.

The full effects of tr Pluto opposing US natal Venus, Jupiter, and Sun in Cancer (2 - 14 Can) will not end until 2015/16 or so. Soon after, tr Pluto will move into orb of opposition with our Rx US n Mercury '25Can' -- as you see, our national Mercury will be opposed on Jan 15, 2010 by the Solar Eclipse in the 12 North Series - with all the mercurial implications that entails: communications, trade, commerce, transportations, plans, thinking processes -- and the 12N Ecl triggers our natal Mercury/Pluto opposition of propaganda and outrageous plans for power.

Btw: 'Nep/Asc' is considered a 'crooks and liars' midpoint by Reinhold Ebertin...

12N's Nep/Asc = Mercury: raising questions about others' motives and attitudes; discussions about one's visions' impact on lives; reading others in business situations; being guided by wrong impressions or perceptions; taking the wrong path; malicious scheming; deceiving oneself about other people's characters; exploiting the weakness of others.

12N's Nep/Asc = Pluto: harm or damage through deceit, libel, or malice from others; creating plans for evolving and selling schemes of power; using pressure to sell your ideas; not caring if facts presented are false as long as they properly serve your needs; underhanded transactions.

Sounds too familiar, no?

Jan 15, 2010: 12N's key concepts: opportunities to accept greater responsibilities and commitments come along suddenly due to another person's inability to carry on; events that herald these opportunities may be difficult but outcomes are good. (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

In her book, Eclipses, Celeste Teal titles this Solar Eclipse as "Ceremony fit for a king' and says it portends for the US a ceremony of some kind involving a prominent person and puts a focus on national affairs (not another 'new president'! We already have one, thanks); 'power and vigor are fused; education and science benefit'; plus, 'neighboring nations are friendly.' Teal also says there may be a death of a wealthy person from within scientific, legal, or religious realms. Will this be the one who needs replacing?

United Nations:

The 12N Solar Ecl will oppose the *UN's natal Mars/Saturn conjunction in Cancer (23:59 - 24:45; tr Pluto now conj UN's n SN 3Cap05), an opposition that may trigger into action Mars/Saturn's usual stop-go energy and emphasize it, if not point out its weakenesses; police or military (Mars) control and authority(Saturn.)


Afghanistan's natal chart of  July 17, 1973 will be affected by the 12N Eclipse: its natal Sun 24Can06 conj n Ic 24:17 will be opposed by the Jan 15, 2010 Eclipse indicating conflict and weakenings brought by the US. As noted in a previous post, the July 21/22, 2009 Solar Eclipse precisely conjuncts Afhganistan's n Mercury 29Can42 Rx in n 4th house, so as astrologer Funkstar noted in Comments recently, that's two Solar Eclipses (in a row) triggering major points - n Sun and Mercury - in Afghanistan's chart.

Plus, transiting Saturn is conjoining Afghanistan's n Pluto 2Lib00 in n 6th house, but in off-and-on fashion, which describes a period when use of power and control are big issues, and situations are simply too large to handle - thus, collapse is possible. Given Saturn's ongoing transit to US n Mc 00Lib53 (Sibly chart), it's an easy read to see that America's Saturnian controls are to be applied to Afghanistan's power principle and perhaps to its secret manipulators (Pluto) - deep resources such as gas and its pipelines (Pluto) are to be forced under US control as well.

NYSE's natal chart also influenced by the Jan 15, 2010 Solar Elipse:

One thing extra to mention concerning the NYSE's natal chart is the current ongoing transit of Mars in Leo, here @ 15Leo17 Rx  - altogether it's 33 weeks of feisty contentiousness in the showy, dramatic sign of Leo, the 'natural ruler' so we get Mars-to-n-Uranus for the NYSE, a period when others' actions may trigger one to act out of character (honestly instead of deceptively? - jc); unusal or nontraditional people may be encountered as well as dangerous situations; new techniques or methods are introduced; enthusiastic participations in unusual groups or new partnerships are undertaken.

Back to the Pentagon's Chart with Solar Ecl Jan 15, 2010

Pentagon's n Venus 23Pis03 (Pisces, sign of generals in war) is now being transited off and on by Uranus 23Pis32. Uranus-to-n-Venus is a time of partneership endings, joint venture stoppages, and new relationships forming. These new relationships, however, need other factors on which to depend for continuance. This transit brings unpredictable changes within partnerships, for better or worse; more independence is required. (See chart's SN rising, too.)

Unexpected or unusual alliances may be established (such as those the US needs for fighting more war? This sounds a lot like a Venus Transit or Occultation such as the one of June 2004 at the G-8 Summit on Sea Island, GA, near Jekyll Island where the Fed monster was frankensteined together in Dec 1913.) I mention it because Venus Transits are times when unexpected alliances are formed in secret.

Of concern come the first half of 2010 (as influenced by the Jan 15 Eclipse in Capricorn, sign of law, business, and politics) is that the Pentagon's 'dedication' Sun 24Cap42 (Sun @ Mc 1:17:45 pm EWT on Jan 15, 1943, Pentagon, Arlington, VA - chart not shown) will be eclipsed by the Jan 15, 2010 lunation.

Plus, the next Solar Eclipse of  July 11, 2010 @ 19Can24 in the 12 South Series will eclipse the Pentagon's 'dedication' Jupiter 19Can36 Rx, conj difficult Fixed Star Castor, which Anthony Louis gives as: 'crippling of limbs; murder; sudden fame or loss; mental illness.'  (Horary Astrology Plain & Simple.)

This is the same degree - 19Can - of the 11S, the current Series from July 21, 2009 @ 29Can27 (11S manifested @ '19Can' in 1991) Eclipse of July 11, 1991, when writer Danny Casolaro was murdered because his research came too close to the 'octopus' which is basically the world crime syndicate we now deal with and suffer from  - the one that participated in the crash of our financial system 2008 and the one that thrives on war-profiteering and collapsing nations that dare litter its path.

11S = 'Any blocks or obstacles may be tragically or violently removed.' (Brady.) And Danny Casolaro was an obstacle to their plans and to keepng their names and criminal activities out of mainstram awareness. (Subliminal note: Bush Sr & pals.)

You see, in 1991, Danny Casolaro was about to disclose new info on PROMIS software whose progeny now tracks financial transactions the world over including bin Laden's. Tech innovations ensued, and a  'follow the money' tactic never worked so good as it does now - if you actually want to find or interfere with someone's criminal actions. Mr. Casolaro was investigating this and other plutonian subjects relating to the establishment of the NWO; the theft of PROMIS software was in court as the Inslaw case.

So will a military leader be eclipsed in some way in early 2010? Will he be the one who needs replacing?

America has quite a few oldsters of wealth and power whose races are nearly run so besides 'fete-ing' kings or princes, we may have a slew of official funerals on our national menu. Venerable Senator Robert Byrd's name comes readily to mind.

Well, that's a fairly good start on the Pentagon's natal chart with Jan 15, 2010 Solar Eclipse influences, though there's always more to say. So if you, dear reader, have insights to add to the picture, please do so as you wish. It would be greatly appreciated around here!


*United Nations Oct 24, 1945 4:45 pm est Wash DC; source: Stephen Erlewine's The Circle Book of Charts 1991; historical record.

Surveilling Americans: Yahoo's 'spying guide' published

Surveilling Americans' communications is big business for telecoms, isp companies, and Yahoo! who just had its 'spying guide' published.

Like picking up an alligator by its tail, we may now view the unseemly, rather slimy underbelly of the Aquarian Aged internet with its tech revolution.

They see us when we're blogging they know when we're a-twit
ignore the Constitution we'll soon need none of it
Obama's in the White House like Bush he wants to spy
on dollar bills we find Big Brother staring from his Eye.

Dec 12, 2009

Matt Taibbi on Obama's Big Sellout to Wall Street

In a Dec 9, 2009 Rolling Stone article, Matt Taibbi details Obama's big sellout to Wall Street.

One had to figure we were being plunged deeper into doo-doo soup when newly minted president, Barack Obama, quickly surrounded himself with Clintonites of a lofty (if self-promotional) variety. Why, he simply filled his cabinet with spawn-of-robber-baron curios who bed down near their Wall Street troughs!

Exalted professors can rob you blind as well as street fighters like Bush, Cheney, and Rove can, y'know.

And as typed previously (ad nauseum for me, too) Jan 20, 2009's Inaugural in DC was but another 'peaceful' baton-passing of presidential imperatives which are agreed to beforehand by the prospective White House mouthpiece, aka presidential shill for the new world order.

No, it never leaves me:

The sense that America's natal degree of moneybags Jupiter (the archetypal professor, lawyer, banker, actor, and seeker) is @ '6 Cancer' from July 4, 1776 = "Gamebirds Feathering Their Nests"...not your threadbare nests, common worker pawn...their cushy nests.

Because they want more cushy. And they intend to get it, too.

Do you assume differently?

Well, now I know why President Obama didn't 'go to work on Wall Street after Harvard' as his fable touted loudly during the 2008 campaign...someone knew he'd be a contender for the Oval Office one day, and we-the-people had to believe that Senator Obama would be iikely to do something about greedily out-of-control, corrupt bankers.

Rock Me Gently

The 'Oval Office' borrows from ancient symbols of fertile Venusian eggery and was chosen in tandem with Astronomy, Sacred Geometry (Astrology), and the myths of the copper lady-goddess we-the-people inadvertantly worship, the Statue of Liberty, aka Columba or Columbia.

It's much like when millions of people pay homage to the Olympic Games' "eternal flame" passing by - but it's Saturday night, and you don't want to get me started on that little illuminism.

Been creating a couple of interesting Art Slideshows today - like the new Sepia Art Theater video, so check them out for a refreshing Art Break as you may!

Dec 9, 2009

Most Americans in same boat floating on Jupiter/Neptune

"We may have all come on different ships, but we're in the same boat now."

Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Yes, I put 'most' Americans in the post title due to the top one-percenters who were never in the boat in the first place; in fact, the power elite consider themselves above the common boat and floating on that yacht you spy in the distance...

Here's a previous post concerning April 4, 1968 and the assassination of Dr. King. If you click to enlarge the chart for that day on a Memphis balcony, you see rising the midpoint of Jupiter/Neptune, a pair whose Great Conjunctions have occurred all through 2009 (culminating in their third and last conjunction on December 21, conj US natal Moon, the people.)

This reluctant astrologer has scolded the pair's demonstrable speculation/inflationary money/grand schemes/instability/wastefulness vibes all year as our financial system and health care debate for reforms have ground on.

Yet in the assassination chart of Dr. King, is that all there is to Jupiter/Neptune who may also represent a spiritual (Neptune) teacher and preacher (Jupiter)?

Perhaps Jupiter/Neptune's connection to religious fervor and expansion of spirituality was a theme on the horizon as Dr. King's popularity and leadership were being felt by the masses (Neptune) toward expansion (Jupiter) of anti-Vietnam war protests joining with Civil Rights protests to more strongly make the people's voice heard in Washington where control of 'the helm' is so jealously guarded against the people's of-by-for myth, gossip that was started by the founding fathers.

Politicians wouldn't want our of-by-for functions taking over the ship's course for then their secret lack of power without us would be fully revealed.

In part, *Michael Munkasey gives the Jupiter/Neptune combo as 'visions of how to effect totally different directions to life, generosity with the attention disadvantaged people receive (city garbage workers - jc), and studies concerning drugs, alcohol, or rehabilitation. These motifs are also concerned with how dreams influence society.'

As you know, Dr. King had a dream.

And as you may know, several of the older families in the US - still in leadership positions - are known for making their fortunes through drug smuggling and
, also a major cash cow for the CIA. This includes the period of 'helming' under Reagan and Bush (though Reagan idolaters conveniently forget.)

Yes, someone at America's helm in 1968 felt threatened enough to take divisive and subversive actions which were publicly demonstrated in Memphis on yet another dark day in our nation...and it was mourning in America once again.


Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Michael Munkasey.

Dec 7, 2009

Mars~Saturn~Pluto, the shadowers + Copenhopin' opens

Ready for a 'Stability Police Force' in the United States?

Let's convert its heavy-handed ugliness to some appropriate astrological symbolisms: 'stability' = Saturn, 'police' = Mars, and 'force' = Pluto.

You don't want the energies those three planets represent to come knockin' on your door around midnight, now do you?

The pairings of Mars/Saturn, Mars/Pluto, and Saturn/Pluto all represent serious power issues and can bring hard circumstances. And yet their principles are necessary. It's certain people's motives of dominance and greed that we must be wary of.


So please read the article linked above, if only to be aware of possibilities.

Though shadows are falling yet a new day dawns...

Even if separately we're each a tiny pawn in a massive chess game....en masse we are more powerful than those who would control our lives and futures by imposing the dire Orwellian visions one of their grandpappies had late one night after consuming a heady carafe of brandy with a brace of cigars...but crimee! that was centuries ago. Egoists, I repeat.

Yes, the shadowers want a new 'Utopia' of suckiness, not progress. Backwardness. And naturally, we remember that no empire lasts forever. Meanwhile, speeding empiric falls and crumblings are some of the chaotic specialities of...the shadowers who lie in wait like wolves.

This Just In: the Copenhopin Summit that opened with fancy entertainments today has in its sunrise chart (Copenhagen, Denmark @ 8:31:35 am CET) a hook-up showing of the propaganda pair, Mercury and Pluto 2Cap19/2Cap35 in 1st house; Jupiter 21AQ52-Chiron 21:56 are snugged beside Neptune 23AQ59 in transiting 2nd house. Both the Jup/Nept cycle and 2nd house relate to money issues.

We may expect rhetoric issuing from the summit to be subtle and manipulative, and perhaps even enticing. An underlayer of cruelty may remain hidden a while longer.

Sunrise Dec 7, 2009 (Pearl Harbor Day, I know - the chart for the first bomb is well-studied next to the chart for the 1st plane hitting the WTC on 9/11/01, for both events took the US into 'justified' wars) has Sun/ASC 15Sag19 with Venus 6Sag47 oriental (planet that rises before the Sun, no matter how far apart they are in zodiacal degrees.)

Venus oriental = people who deal with valuable things; money issues; one's image upon the reflective 'screen' of the world's collective unconscious which may be substituted for one's true personality; masks, personae, veils, and subpersonalities abound in the they relate to the Climate Change Summit in Copenhagen Dec 7, 2009.

December 7, a date 'that will live in infamy' all right, but around here it lives as very possibly a false flag op perpetrated by Freemason FDR & pals in order to shove America into war (again.)

The DESC of the Copenhopin' Summit sunrise chart (15Gem19) has America's natal Mars/Uranus midpoint conjunct it = either great and speedy energy with a rebellious attitude, explosive actions, revolution, and/or accident potential.

And with Mars 18Leo36 (tr 8th h) triggering not only the Mother of All Eclipses degree of Nostradamus fame (August 11, 1999), but 18Leo+ is also the position of vengeful Venus on the morning of 9/11/01. Assure me that these planetary factoids aren't connected within a higher plan, if you can.

Now you figure it all out. My head hurts. I shall chillax with a charming Christmas Art w/ Music video from a very creative pair, Rob and Julia Howe!

Dec 5, 2009

Ds call Rs' bluff on joining Public Option - video

Sometimes Capitol Hill Theater can be tres amusing!

Since senators and representatives have been on the public dole with their Cadillac health care all along, the ploy on Thursday (Dec 3) by Senators Coburn and Vitter to further gum up passage of health reform makes a lot of sense: all senators and reps must enroll in the public option program, "no other possibilities, no other choices," said Vitter to The Hill.

But the Rs weren't attempting to make sense, they were proposing an amendment that they assumed the Ds would oppose thus making Dem efforts for a public option seem hypocritical. (Memo to GOP: precious few of you in Congress need help with hypocrisy - you're past and present masters.)

As Senator Coburn said about the Rs' tricky amendment, "It's called leadership. If it's good enough for everybody else, we ought to be leading by example."

Hurrah! Now that would be a novelty on Capitol Hill - leading, and by example, too! Next thing you know, Congress will be retrieving its oversight duties and stepping up to our constitutional plate.

One-upsmanship: by unanimous consent vote, Sherrod Brown (D-OH), Al FRanken (D-MN), and other Ds have been added as co-sponsors of the Republican amendment. Now what do you think are the chances for reform passage with the public option for government reps attached? Nil? Or none?

Hey, wait a minute. If this amendment stands as the bill is ultimately voted up or down, will it be merely one of the reasons that health insurance reform crashes altogether? Hope not. But I think my total lack of trust in my 'elected' officials' good faith on our behalf is showing. Again.