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Oct 25, 2010

Koch memo leak: 'change balance of power' parrots 1.4.11 Solar Eclipse

Sometimes a news event or phrase in the news perfectly parrots an astrological indicator such as this:

(KurtNimmo) – One faction of globalist tools outing another faction of globalist tools. That’s how we play politics in America today.

Think Progress — which should be called Think Soros because it is funded by George Soros — has released a private correspondence sent out by Charles Koch of Koch Industries. The memo has the itinerary of a *private meeting to be held at an exclusive hotel in Aspen attached.

Soros globalists leak neocon RINO document.

In the memo, Koch says his group of neocons and RINOs plan to “change the balance of power in Congress this November.” In other words, give power back to a Republican-dominated set of globalists and statists who hope to come out the winners in the perpetual game of musical chairs as the corrupt Mafioso government continues its slow motion Titanic routine to the bottom.

Koch plans to “activate citizens,” that is to say convince them to vote for Republicans and trademark Tea Party operatives who buy into the neocon philosophy.

The hand of the neocons weighs heavily on this invitation only, media excluded event. Charles Krauthammer will dispense his wisdom — something you can get for nothing on Fox News any day of the week — and so will stand-up comic Glenn Beck and broker-dealer Peter Schiff.

Read more here. #

And here's a direct link to the PDF of the invitation to the Koch meeting of neocons plotting their take-over (and plotting revenge, no doubt, against their Dem globalist opponents - yet another battle of ideologues which will not result in improvements for the American people, imho. Yet sometimes you just want to be wrong.)


Astrology Describes 'The Balance of Power'

What perked up my antennae in the above memo is its parroting of Celeste Teal's title for the January 4, 2011 Solar Eclipse at the crisis or critical degree of 13Cap38: "The Balance of Power" which, as previously noted, opposes US natal Sun in Cancer (the leader or leadership.)

Now you see my emphasis added above to the Koch-neocon group's goal to "change the balance of power in Congress this November" and there are many Americans who may consider this to be a fabulous idea - after all, we've voted to do it before when the ruling party acts too big for its britches or is inadequate, or more corrupt than usual. (I shall remind you that GOP politicians were once deemed 'more corrupt than usual' by the American people not so very long ago. Wonder how Capitol Hill's purported 'ethics seminars' worked out? Ah, for the days of Jack Abramoff, 'The Godfather' Tom DeLay, Newt Gingrich, and the boys. Puh! The Family indeed...bwo Sicily. Interestingly, asteroid Cupido in Astrology signifies The Family, The Syndicate, and/or Corporations.)

According to Teal's book Eclipses, the critical degree of the January 4, 2011 Eclipse indicates a potential for a 'central event having wide-ranging impact' - could this be the November 2010 midterms and a Republican take-over of the House? (Get ready for SS cuts and/or privatization if you, dear voter, fall for GOP and Tea Party rhetoric. Don't know about you, but I paid 100% of those 'benefits' into the SS system for over 30 years and I'd like them all back please.)

Earning power, expenditures, trade, and labor restrictions are also highlighted by the January 2011 eclipse.

The January 4th eclipse also shows a 'turbulent spirit against those in high places' thanks in part to its nearness to Fixed Star, Manubrium (flaring heat.) Opposition to America's natal Sun gives President Obama 'potentially powerful opposition to overcome' which portends congressional battles, gridlocks, filibusters, and attempts at repealing Dem legislation. Obstacles to further legislation is on the GOP agenda as well, so if an unusually bilious amount of contentiousness on Capitol Hill is what you want - rather than dealing with the American public's immediate and dire concerns - vote GOP on November 2, 2010. That will show Mr. Obama we don't know how to vote for our own best interests! Won't he be sorry! (Here's where a font for sarcasm would come in handy.)

Of course, my more basic opinion is that the plutocratic and elite ruling class (Pluto/Chiron, Sun/Pluto, Jupiter/Pluto, etc) of royals and Luciferians has been waging class warfare upon we-the-people for decades with the only real difference being which power players call the shots in their mad drive to be the crowing roosters at the top as they shill for a One World Government (NWO.)

Economics Professor Richard Wolff says US incomes haven't risen since the 1970s! Click for his website and podcasts on topics such as the current workers' strikes in France - and why he thinks US workers don't.

As for neocon 'statists', 'Statism' is also under Pluto/Chiron's purview as are other -isms such as Socialism, Communism, Marxism, corporatism, fascism, totalitarianism, etc. Whatever disenfranchises and oppresses, there's overlord Pluto/Chiron. The US natal Pluto/Chiron in Pisces conjoins our nation's natal Ceres (security and food issues and thus they oppress us with fear-as-tactic (loss of security), and with health-weakening by food additives, mercury poisoning, chemicals in plastics, and such. Monsanto's hold over seeds is a case in point, too. Famines or the threat of them make great tools to get your way!)

Now as you know, 'absolute power corrupts absolutely' and that certainly must include our raunchy sell-out-America band of Rs and Ds - and anyone else who thinks to take charge of this huge enterprise of a cash cow and international police force that we sentimentally like to call the United States of America...for at least a little while longer.


*If I read it correctly in the PDF of the Koch memo (dated Sept 24, 2010), I believe the secret meeting in Aspen has already taken place and the next meeting of neocon plotters occurs Jan 30 - 31, 2011 in Palm Springs, CA at lovely
Rancho Mirage
- after the GOP's House and/or Senate take-over has been accomplished. So will the goose-steppers of Karl Rove's ilk be victorious on Nov 2? If the puppet-masters behind the scenes say so. Chilling. jc

Sarah Palin's rectified natal chart and Sun AQ-Moon AQ

With today's extended thunderstorms across Georgia, my Internet service is chancy so I've not been studying this morning to complete info for a post as much as I'm moseying around the web and catching up with my preferred Political/Mundane Astrology sites and blogs.

Belatedly, I'm reading Michael O'Reilly's piece about a rectified natal chart for Sarah Palin which seems plausible to me. Palin was born February 11, 1964 in Sandpoint, Idaho and Michael has done lots of work rectifying her birth time to '4:55 pm PST' which gives Palin a showy 22Leo18 Ascendant. One reason I believe this ASC degree sounds plausible is that '22Leo' is known historically as the "Own Worst Enemy" degree, is often considered to be unfortunate, and relates to not being free to act in one's own behalf. (Horary Plain & Simple , Anthony Louis.)

Another association with '22Leo' is 'putting one's worst foot forward' and in my client files I have two people with this ASC degree and both were born with foot problems which led to corrective surgeries. Plus, both people sometimes tend to 'blurt out' their opinions before pausing to think first.

Now I don't know if Mrs. Palin has ever had physical foot issues other than putting hers in her mouth when speaking, but deeper preparation and a study of US history prior to political debates would have given her a better footing in the 2008 presidential campaign. And of course, Palin's colorful way of phrasing sentences during her well-attended speeches may be part of this '22Leo' ASC picture. Lack of preparation made her her own worst enemy if she really expected to win the Vice Presidency (and wait just behind an elderly man occupying the presidency.)

So I hope you'll check out Michael O'Reilly's excellent analysis if you haven't for it includes an image of Sarah Palin's proposed natal horoscope along with astro details on The Palin-Beck Phenomenon. Glenn Beck was born on Feb 10, 1964 so obviously both political operatives share the ultra-conservative Sun-Mars-Saturn conjunction in Aquarius. A separate feature concerning Glenn Beck's natal chart is available at the excellent Neptune Cafe as well.

Info on their not-so-secret billionaire backer, David Koch, is there, too.

So: Feb 10 and 11, 1964? Palin and Beck missed being Time Twins by just one day!


If Sarah Palin's natal ASC is on or near 22Leo18, her natal Moon position is 4AQ21 in 6th house (6th house Moon = a reigning need to serve) which gives her an Air-Air Sun AQ-Moon AQ personality blend with detached friendliness, independence, loyalty, and a law-unto-oneself vibe. Highly observant and gregarious, this combo indicates one with an eccentric lifestyle who is well-meaning and open to the unusual. She's an original, one-of-a-kind person who hates being pigeon-holed (a tendency of the media.)

A maverick, perhaps? Yes, definitely, but she considers herself to be eminently reasonable yet her eccentricities that can rock the boat. She doesn't like being considered difficult or selfish (while espousing the opposite values) yet she demands total acceptance of her ideas! Turning everything in life into something that can be dealt with only on a rational basis gives an unfeeling demeanor (Aquarius is known for its emotional detachment - don't interfere with her sense of personal freedom. Perhaps the Alaska governorship did just that and she chaffed under the yoke!)

Palin's zaniness is seen here with Sun AQ-Moon AQ, and she makes a wonderful friend since she finds everyone interesting or valuable. She is committed to her ideals and has a sense of hope and belief in human potential yet tends to over-identify with causes; her AQ-AQ bluntness of speech supports the above potential that she has a 22Leo18 Ascendant.

Images for Integration: The Jolly Green Giant...A friend to all the world looks in the mirror and takes time out to befriend herself...The living, breathing entity we call society. (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles & Suzi Harvey.)

The Harvey's book gives three quotes from people (one a US president) who share the Sun AQ-Moon AQ blend in their natal charts; all may apply to the personality of Sarah Palin...from hunting to religion to politics. See what you think:

"Man-Watching: A field guide to human behavior." Title of a book by Desmond Morris

"A religion can no more afford to degrade its Devil than to degrade its God." Havelock Ellis

"Our differences are politics. Our agreements, principles." William McKinley.

Oct 22, 2010

Impeach Justice Roberts over Citizens United?

Rep. Peter DeFazio (D-OR) is talking big about the potential of impeaching Chief Justice John Roberts whose only-an-umpire status touted (aka, lied about) at his confirmation hearing has been seriously undercut by 2010's democracy-numbing Citizens United decision which has allowed the flooding of the November 2010 midterms with obscene amounts of money from unnamed, foreign sources and corporations (who fancy themselves to be 'people too'. The American people have SCOTUS to thank for that outrageous, illogical decision as well.)

In an unusual move, it was Justice Robert's idea to consider the case!

So if a Roberts impeachment is attempted (or accomplished, but I'm not holding my breath), it may deepen the level of astrological meaning of January 20, 2009's Inaugural Mercury retrograde! The 2009 Inauguration chart had its Mercury Return on February 10, 2010 so the Citizens United decision handed down in January was in play during the period that transiting Mercury was in process of returning to its Inaugural degree 00AQ41 (Sun 00AQ47)...'1AQ" = "An Old Adobe Mission", a Vatican reference in the Sabian Symbols which links to esoteric subjects such as America as the New Atlantis for the 'New Age'.

The Obama presidency's Mercury Return chart of 2.10.10 shows Mars Rx 5Leo14 opposing Mercury, an opposition which falls precisely across the Nodal axis in the US natal horoscope. Activist Mars can be brash and spunky in Leo and he was apparently feeling his oats with a judicial activist (and pretend 'umpire') like Roberts leading the fight against the American people's right to choose who wins our elections (always assuming there's such a thing as an accurate voting machine somewhere in this nation.)

And on 2.10.10, Mars was apex (focal) planet in a YOD (special task; crisis; turning point; crossroads - I'm thinking of Karl Rove) pattern with the powerful, overstepping, internationally inclined big bankers-plutocrats-leading-the-masses duo of Jupiter sextile Pluto at its base...

Jupiter/Pluto = Mars: a desire to achieve great things; organizing talent; applying controls to suit one's aims; a controlling and ruthless purpose in life. (Ebertin; Munkasey; Tyl.) Et tu, Justice Roberts?

Interestingly, John Roberts (Jan 27, 1955, Buffalo, NY; birth time unknown) entered Earth's time flux with Chiron @ 00AQ00 and his Mercury/NN midpoint 00AQ17. Chiron can represent the blind spot, and Mercury/NN = 'well-coordinated joint efforts; the arrangement of social or business contacts'. (Ebertin; Munkasey.)

Of course, you'll remember that it was Justice John Roberts who mucked up the Presidential Oath of Office (Mercury) which was re-taken (Rx) later just to be certain no one could say that Barack Obama was not duly sworn in.

Now wouldn't a John Roberts impeachment be ironic? And yet it could indicate yet another signpost on the road to completely undermining the US Justice System.

Vote GOP Nov 2 - if you wish to privatize SS

Update Oct 23, 2010:

GOP Plan Dramatically Reduces Social Security Benefits, Actuary Finds

By Sahil Kapur

A high-profile Republican budget plan would slash Social Security benefits in the long-run -- perhaps even by up to half of what they are now, the program's actuary concluded in a new study.

Original post begins here:

Seniors beware! The Republican Party's money-grabbing drive to privatize the Social Security system (thereby handing the funds we worked hard for to Wall Street bankers who need it the least) will be part of the GOP's upcoming political agenda if Rs are victorious in the November 2010 midterms.

You remember George Bush's big nation-straddling campaign while president to 'privatize' SS, right? It flopped thanks to large scale public opposition. How we vote on November 2 is our next opportunity to show our total opposition again.

Well, yesterday Bush mouthed off on the contentious subject as his biggest failure! Delusional, deceptive, or both - it's all the same NWO crap to me. He categorizes it as a 'failure' because his globalist bosses think so (he was 'tasked' to implement it!) yet the millions of deaths, maimings, and thwarted lives their illegal wars have caused apparently don't fit the criteria as 'biggest failure' of his miserable presidency!!

No, it's no delight for me to vote Democrat either (Dems certainly did their part to undermine meaningful financial reform since they take Wall Street money, too) but I do hope this issue helps millions of GOP-leaning voters to wake up and smell the thievery before they (and their younger family members which seniors will have to move in with if their SS benefits are squandered on Wall Street profiteers) find themselves victims of a Wall street scam/crash on an entirely new level never before seen.

Imho, America's biggest failure of a president: "war president" George W. Bush, son of another of our biggest duds.

Oct 21, 2010

By the Light of the Full Moon 29Ari33 Oct 22, 2010

Check out EarthSky for astronomical info on the Full Moon (Hunter's Moon) of Friday, October 22, 2010. Astrologically, the Full Moon clocks in at 29Ari33 with Sun 29Lib33, both crisis degrees, and eager to reach Taurus/Scorpio.

In Washington DC, the luminaries oppose one another (relationships; awareness) across the 5/11 axis of the will, and perfect at 9:36:28 pm edt, says my Solar Fire software. The Hour is Mercury 3Sco35: Venus is Rx @ 9Sco00. Sun, Mercury, and Venus are in 5th house of Creative Pursuits, Gambling, and Risk-Taking.

The Full Moon's rising degree 29Gem00 (in DC) brings up the topic of the upcoming December 21, 2010 Lunar Eclipse 29Gem21 - another 29th degree indicating crisis or critical conditions. Also rising? Hades, a pseudonym for Pluto - and Pluto 3Cap11 is across the axis in setting position (Desc) with North Node 4Cap55. Pluto, NN, and the Moon will meet precisely @ 3Cap36 on November 9, 2010 at 3:13 pm edt, Washington DC. The trio has a definite public relations/publicity vibe along with mass detiny indications.

The December 21 Lunar Eclipse has been blogged upon already so you may find the post linked in the sidebar under "SO'W's Top 10 Posts." Warning: markets and finances may be adversely affected though we're still operating under the rays of the last Solar Eclipse of July 11, 2010: things at first seem worse, then clear with successful outcomes. Yet soon the New Year arrives and awaiting is the Solar Eclipse of January 4, 2011, also at crisis degree and opposing US natal Sun (the leader); domestic and foreign conditions are of critical concern for the president.

Chart-ruler Mercury makes two applying aspects: sextile NN (1A20) and conjunction Venus (5A26), both indicative of easy, and perhaps pleasant, communications and meetings. In fact, the Mercury/NN sextile forms the base of a YOD pattern that points toward President Obama's natal Moon in Gemini...

Tr Mercury/NN = n Moon: sharing emotional thoughts with others; details meant for the general public; sensitivity about how others use the information presented; using associates to research or pass on information; locating people to gather info or intell. (Tyl; Munkasey.)

Also, there's a Mystic Rectangle pattern formed, if you don't mind using the ASC (which conjoins the Dec 21, 2010 Lunar Eclipse) and NN, between: Moon, Pluto, NN, ASC, Sun, and Mercury. This is a pattern of practical mysticism; no planets are out-of-bounds so all energies are busily working on the earthly plane.

At Midheaven (The Goal; Aspirations) is President Obama's natal Chiron 6 Pisces and US natal Ceres and Pluto/Chrion midpoint (2-degree orb); the current Solar Eclipse's degree 19Can24 conjoins the Hunter Full Moon's 2nd cusp of Money, Self-Worth, and Earning Ability. SN, a Saturnian point of separation, rises in 1st house, not a fortunate placement and indicating some sort of separation or dependency on past behavior.

Old Man Saturn himself 10Lib26 conjoins the 5th cusp 10Lib24; testosterone-driven Mars 26Sco17 (6th house) is disturbingly conjoined with transiting asteroids Eros (the piercing) and Icarus (associated with assassinations, on one level.) Saturn rules the 8th house of High Finance; monetary retrictions continue.

America's Saturn Return (14Lib48) occurs soon when our nation's authority and maturity will be tested and accountability will not be avoided. One thinks of the latest news today about the banking-foreclosure crisis (robo-gate?) and the potential, massive burden on US taxpayers thanks to the criminals on Wall Street and on Capitol Hill, plus Fanny Mae and Freddie Mac, agencies that have already helped funnel the American into indebtedness for years to come.

(I finally got around to finishing Matt Taibbi's Rolling Stone article from the August 19, 2010 issue, How Wall Street Won so don't even ask me any time soon my true feelings about Chris Dodd, Barney Frank, Blanche Lincoln, Tim Geithner, or the rest of the predators and pawns infesting our nation and representing themselves as offering us "financial reform legislation." Puh!)

But enough of Washington politics, its corruption, fraud, manipulation, and downright sorriness!

For there's a Full Moon to admire Friday evening so happily I pass you on to an insightful analysis of the Hunter Full Moon of October 22, 2010 authored by Julie Demboski, in a post titled 'The Precipice' with its 'factor of revelation'!

Oct 20, 2010

It's Orionid Meteor season! Oct 21 and 22, 2010

With the stars of the constellation Orion at the top of my natal chart and with Autumn being my favorite season, anything that involves Orion always claims my attention. In fact, many of my Cosmic and Moon Art illustrations have Orion tucked somewhere in the sky if you look closely!

Space Weather News for Oct. 20, 2010

SUNDIVING COMET: A newly-discovered comet is plunging toward the sun for a close encounter it probably will not survive. The comet is too deep in the sun's glare for human eyes to pick out, but it is showing up nicely in coronagraph images from the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory.

Visit for the latest movies.

ORIONID METEOR SHOWER: Earth is passing through a stream of debris from Halley's Comet, and this is causing the annual Orionid meteor shower. Bright moonlight is reducing the number of visible meteors; nevertheless, sky watchers are reporting some bright Orionids.

The best time to look is during the hours before local dawn on Thursday, Oct 21st, and again on Friday, Oct 22nd. Check SpaceWeather News for a sky map and more information.

Video Witch-Off: O'Donnell vs Elvira

Update Oct 21, 2010: On ABC, Christine O'Donnell said she regrets airing her not-a-witch ad which was meant to kill opponent's use of her past craft-dabblings against her. Instead, SNL lampooned it (amusingly, I might add - loved it!) but she seems to have made no mention of David Letterman's nightly spoofing ('the witch running in Delaware') or of Elvira's mimcry below...

Original post begins here:

Well, I didn't actually want to post the TV ad of witchery denial from Delaware candidate Christine O'Donnell (who may be you but she isn't me) yet here it is so you can compare her message with Elvira's macabre message below...

Since Halloween 2010 is sneaking up on us, this does make for sort of a holiday-themed post, doesn't it?

Covens alive! Even with its totally black background, O'Donnell's message shoots for sweetness and light yet I wonder if she's cognizant of the fact that some people are aware that pearls are a symbol of satanism. Wonder if they're real?

Oct 19, 2010

Gerald Celente on gold prices (video); Eclipses 2010 - 2011

This just in bwo

Posted: 19 Oct 2010 04:06 AM PDT

Gerald Celente Celente’s summary of gold prices during the non-economic recovery, and where gold's going.

(Trends&ForecastsBlog) Gerald Celente believes that the stock market will crash before the end of 2010, gold will soar. When gold was at $275 per ounce in 2002, Celente said the price had bottomed and in 2004 forecast the beginning of the “Gold Bull Run.” Since that time, with pinpoint accuracy, he said when, why – and how high – gold would go. Gerald Celente sees huge opportunities in green healthy food, technology for the poor, and in rejuvenating the cities with quality architecture, Gerald Celente as always recommends gold Canadian dollar and the Swiss franc as hedges against the inflation.


Why, with his excellent timing skills and insights, I'd almost think Mr. Celente is a financial astrologer, or uses one such as Ray Merriman who authored The Gold Book.

Especially since the Lunar Eclipse of December 21, 2010 points toward market difficulties, perhaps a double dip recession, or a crash.

Then on January 4, 2011, there's a Solar Eclipse 13Cap39 which falls across the zodiac from America's natal Sun, the leader. In her book Eclipses Celeste Teal titles this eclipse 'The Balance of Power' which can relate to domestic and foreign difficulties for President Obama with more focus on business affairs (Cap.) If the expected take over of the House by Republicans and their shadow personalities, the Tea Partisans, occurs in November, the 'balance of power' will certainly be high on America's menu with more political gridlock, not less, on Capitol Hill.

For those who wish America to fail, this will provide a great boost.

The Solar Eclipse @ '13Cap' is in critical or crisis degree, adding to the 'crash' potential, plus the eclipse degree conjoins Fixed Star Manubrium, keyphrase: flaring heat with Sun-Mars vibes. This star indicates possibilities such as: overconfidence, courage, heroism, legal or domestic problems, blindness, fires, or explosions. In Horary Astrology Plain & Simple, Anthony Louis adds that Manubrium is 'good for sports and politics'.

However, I read the Solar Eclipse as falling even closer to the degree of Fixed Star Ascella 13Cap38 (a one-minute orb) which provides a Jupiter-Mercury influence: gains, good judgment, happiness, and influential friends. Perhaps this seeming disagreement between Manubrium and Ascella for the eclipse simply describes the mixture of good-bad which we always experience in life - or the rich getting richer while the rest of us do without.

And Mr. Celente sees 'huge opportunities' along with a possible crash by the end of the year - opportunities for those able to take them with left-over dregs for the underclass. Yes, the lamb-fleecing continues in Wall Street casinos!

Well, venerable Astrology brings its timing ability to the table along with descriptions of life's simultaneous and complex levels of existence. Yet it's the critical or crisis nature of both the Dec 21, 2010 Lunar Eclipse 29Gem21 and the Solar Eclipse of Jan 4, 2011 13Cap39 which may tell the financial tale by the end of the year and into what promises to be a difficult period for the world: 2011.

For 2011, after all, is the gatekeeper ushering us in to 2012.

Oct 18, 2010

Will Foreclosure Fraud bring a 2nd TARP? (video); Neptunian vibes continue

This rather racy yet imaginative video and post came in this morning from in which you may be interested. It concerns the mortgage document/foreclosure fraud that's been perpetrated upon American home buyers, the lawyering boom it entails, and the further undermining of the US economy so that a World Government will seem a necessary 'savior' for our power-elite-engineered woes:

(IMVA) – This is actually a very funny video about a new and dangerous development in the world of finance and economics. The first three paragraphs below just set the stage for what state prosecutors and investigators in every state house in America are burning the midnight oil about. And are they ever going to have a field day with what they are investigating. Life also just got a lot better for lawyers around the country. And like vultures they will swoop in for the kill and will pull the mountain down on big banks and mortgage companies.

Read the rest of The Banking Industry's Stalingrad.

Does any of this make you wonder when the fraudulent Neptune to US natal Moon (we-the-people) transit will finally be over? My guess is that the oft-used 5-degree orb of influence must be gotten past by lumbering giant, Neptune. The question is: what degree is America's natal Moon actually in? Depends on which version of the US horoscope you use.

For July 4, 1776, this could indicate a Moon as early as 18AQ+ yet Neptune has already passed its 5-degree orb to that degree (23/24 AQ) as late as January 2010.

The latest rounded-off degree for our Aquarian Moon - and thus hinting at the longest time left in the fraudulent transit's affects - is 28 Aquarius. 28 AQ plus 5 degrees = 3 Pisces. Neptune reaches 3 Pisces in May 2012 though the Gaseous One meanders back to 00Pis and performs a major Direct Station @ 00Pis21 on about November 22, 2012. Transit Neptune reaches 3 Pisces again at the end of February 2013 and makes sneaky forays to that degree on and off through 2013 when the foreclosure crisis may be finally resolved.

Our sense of Neptunian rootlessness and the possibility of homelessness continues through, one more time, I'm inspired to add one of my Neptunian drawings from one of my art blogs, Secret Moon Art, with the ocean representing the collective unconscious...

Neptune Ascends by Jude Cowell

Oct 17, 2010

Lord Monckton: no need for World Government (video)

Here is the first video installment of Lord Monckton speaking on October 14, 2010 concerning the global warming hoax which is a ruse meant to lead we-the-world-sheep into accepting the establishment of a One World Government which will include total control of the global banking system. The full series of this exclusive interview may be viewed here.

If you are American (dissenting or otherwise) - please note his remarks on the US Constitution and elected government which will turn extinct if global bankers have their way.

And guess who he thinks is a prime movers/shakers of the World Government agenda?

In the US, it's the banking industry! Surprised much?

Lord Monckton points to the world government agenda's long term existence as evidenced by the setting up of the Federal Reserve Bank, an idea big bankers and their pals hatched during secretive meetings held on
Jekyll Island, GA in 1910
(under cover of a 'duck-hunting expedition'!) and deemed to be triggered by the bankers' Panic of 1907.

Top financier J.P. Morgan took the lead within the 1910 - 1913 script of fear, and the subsequent solutions are eerily similar to Financial Collapse 2008 and its resulting legislation meant to 'improve' the way things are done in America's corrupt financial industry. (Yet US consumers' lack of confidence in our banks and in Wall Street markets has not been addressed, as you know, since no bandits, robbers, or vandals will be serving prison time, it seems.)

Curiously enough, during the Panic of 1907, President Teddy Roosevelt was said to be on...wait for it...a duck-hunting trip in Louisiana at the time. Yes! Ducks were being hunted all around though American consumers seem to have fit that bill even better. So perhaps we should consider the Sabian Symbol relating to the topic to see if it applies; it's in the Big Money sign of Scorpio, well known for its secrets and betrayals...

'22 Scorpio' = "Hunters Starting Out for Ducks"...ENTERPRISE...

positive expression: a complete lack of personal frustration and a constant refinement of special and practical skills in the approach to daily problems;

negative/unconscious/shadow side: a callous exploitation of all life.

(The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Dr. Marc Edmund Jones.)
Ah, yes, that most American of all enterprises taken to its nth degree: callous mortgage selling, foreclosure processing, sub prime vulturing, other banking practices, and in Wall Street trading, a rigged casino if there ever were one.

And now, to knit the ends of this post together into a wintry neck scarf of paraphrased synchronicity, here's one of J. P. Morgan's most famous quotes:

"Millionaires don't use Astrology, billionaires do."

Touche, Mr. Morgan. Touche.