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Jun 6, 2011

Keith Olbermann on Labor Unions in America (video) current tv

The birth of the Labor Movement in America is marked indelibly by a horrendous and sad event: the Haymarket Fire at the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory, Manhattan NY 1911 when many people jumped to their deaths on the pavements of New York City, many of them with clothes and hair flaming. Most were young people, the majority of them young ladies. Immigrants were prominent in number though not prominent in the least by social or financial status.

If it sounds familiar, perhaps it was meant to...

The Tower card ~16~

As with the attacks of 9/11/01, the horrible scene in 1911 echoes and is echoed archetypally by The Tower card in the Tarot deck and you know the image: disaster has struck and old, false values suddenly lose their justification and persuasion; people jump from the only windows they can find as terror and chaos are set loose.

Cold reality must be faced even if grim - but as our unbalanced world demands, the coldness is most often faced by some much more deeply and harmfully than by others.

The Tower (like the Tower of Babel, mankind's first attempt at establishing Corporatism - and even a New World Order) is, like the Egyptian-looking symbolism on US money, based on a pyramid of power, so Ponzi-esque by form and function that seeds of its future collapse are ingrained in its DNA, at its very beginning or core. Of course by natural law we earthlings understand that everything that has a beginning has an ending in this dualistic world of temporary maya (illusion.)

And with this, the system or language of Astrology agrees. (Ex: nothing can transpire in transits or progressions without its first being promised in the natal horoscope - at birth; the realm and scale of events and our reactions to them may be molded or amended by conscious choice; aka, free will.)

Obsessed and Compulsed in The City

An obsessive drive toward Success makes necessary that a detached few at the tip top (capstone) secluded upon The Mountain (Pinnacle of Success) contend with hordes of oppressed masses discarded at bottom who are the serfs and pawns scattered across the globe. The masses (Neptune) are aka, The Collective; or, Modern Humanity. Or they are more rightly called, you and me. The select few power elite are of the clan of man, too, though they like to pretend otherwise with their daintily pretty minds a la Barbara Bush.

Yet no human being exists outside the law of karma: we reap what we sow. Though they won't be, the elites should be worried about fate considering the anti-social, psychopathic trash they put out upon the earthly plane, so much of it based on lies and innuendo.

Keith Olbermann on Video March 2011

As Mr. Olbermann reminds us in this March 2011 speech delivered to his alma mater Cornell University, the 168 victims in NYC did not actually die from the fire but from a major barrier put in place by management.

They died because the factory doors were chained shut to keep out
labor union organizers who'd been coming around, wanting to improve working conditions that bordered on barbarism (the province of Pluto/Chiron's plutocracy, imperialism, corporatism, primal violence, etc.) Some would say conditions set by factory owners left the realm of gentility long before and I must suppose that this is true. Many of the women who died in the Haymarket Fire had been part of protests recently mounted which won the approval of much of the public.

The street protesters showed - and publicized - the factory owners in a bad light. So before too long, the workers and their dreams hit the very same NY pavements in a very different way. And not to rise or protest ever again.

A determined rush toward wealth and power seems indicated on the part of the manufacturing class as revealed in this criminally inspired sabotage and mass murder. The one who lit the match seems never to have been publicly identified though a cigarette circle taking a break upstairs has been mentioned. An owner may have been part of the match-or-cig-tossing group, one who could easily have calculated the risks before committing arson.

Did they think or assume arrogantly that the factory's locked doors would remain shrouded, an unknown bit of evidence during the trial? (I'd be interested in scanning over a transcript for I have questions.)

In spite of, or because of, the Progressive Movement in the first decade of the 1900s producing social improvements (after conditions had been really neglected for decades with workers treated little better than animals), such actions as setting a convenient fire to ruin one's business establishment (possibly for insurance pay-outs) is not as far-fetched as we'd prefer it to appear.

Click if you wish to read my consideration of the horoscope of the Triangle Factory Fire of March 25, 1911 (chart not shown.)

And yes, there is a major correlation - a resonance - between the 1911 fire and the chart of WTC 9/11/01. We already know that the location is basically the same (Manhattan) so reviewing the natal chart for Manhattan (Feb 12, 1653 12:00 pm LMT Manhattan NY); ASC 15Gem28 with Pluto 12Gem05 Rx rising; 8th cusp 7Cap00, the spot in the Zodiac where wealthy saboteur Pluto now lurks, poised before entering the 8th house of Shared Resources, Big Business, and Corporatism.

Bascially, I'd say that in 1911, profit margins were king and social climbing was Queen. The TRiangle Factory Fire happened 100 years ago and its affects still echo through the decades to our ears now highly sensitized by the events of 9/11.

And when we subtract 1911 (Haymarket Fire) and from 9/11's 2001, we find that the two events occurred 90 years apart which represents a square aspect (1 year = 1 degree; 90 x 4 = 360 degrees of the Zodiac-circle.) Squares = obstacles and blockages, associated with the numbers 4, 8, 16, 32, etc, and relates to the physical plane (The Cross of Matter); the psychological and intuitional planes are also involved due to life's complexities expressed on various levels of existence.

So both events share a theme in common: removing obstacles and blockages by force so that a way ahead is cleared for a new beginning. Just like new growth that sprouts after the dust clears from the ruins of The Tower.

Here's a link where you can watch the video or read the transcript of Keith Olbermann speaking in March 2011 at Cornell University (part 2 of 3): America and labor..., or simply hang out at Stars Over Washington long enough to watch Part 2 of Keith's remarks right here if the video ever displays properly. Which at the moment it is not doing but I'll leave the code here until tomorrow, just in case:

Countdown with Keith Olbermann begins broadcasting anew on Current TV on Monday June 20, 2011 at 8:00 pm edt. Consult your TV listings for further information.

Midas on America's Path to Destruction set in 1971

Mighty Midas and Financial Collapse 2008

by Jude Cowell

Pondering Our Collapse While We Watch Others Fall is one article that knocked me for a loop concerning the engineered financial collapse enabled by the Fed (as in the 1930s) and it has inspired a peek at the horoscope for August 15, 1971 when a well-instructed Richard Nixon took the US off the gold standard.

This date and act, says the article, mark when America's 'path to destruction' was set as we-the-people were turned from the golden or even the silvered road and plopped upon the paper path which forked into an imaginary, shadowy trail of credit extension beyond our means, usury interest rates, revolving credit balances, and so on. Of course, the act meant that our debts weren't intended to ever be paid back lest the hapless rise above slave status and the plutocrats miss stealing a worker's last nickel.

Well, I Am Spartacus. How about you?

Actually, President Nixon and 15 advisers decided to take action to "protect" the US dollar against "foreign price-gougers" - their justification at least - and they didn't consult or advise the international monetary system first - a rare move!

And as we know from experience (Lincoln, JFK, maybe McKinley), US presidents who think to mess with the international financial system of gangster banksters tend to be taken out of office by forced resignation or something

Yet so far, there's little to worry about on that score during the presidency of Mr. Obama with his Goldman-Sachs cronies surrounding him in a White House where corporate special interests rule the day and Republicans can't stand the idea of consumer protections for the, the populace.

Last word I heard is that Republican and Democratic politicians on Capitol Hill still occasionally refer to themselves as "representatives of the people" though some measure of self-deception on their parts may be in evidence since we must first fool ourselves before we can successfully hornswoggle others.

Dancing w Thomas Jefferson June 4, 2011 (video)

No Dancing Allowed, Says Saturn!

by Jude Cowell

Since the early days of America's existence, the powers that be have built up founder and Declaration of Independence author Thomas Jefferson to be our Icon of Freedom. Indeed, the Thomas Jefferson Memorial on the lunar Tidal Basin in Washington DC contains an imposing statue of our American Sphinx, a Francophile who must have turned a musical toe or two while enjoying the Parisian society of his day.

Video below: On Saturday, June 4, 2011, another 'dance-off' occurred only 3 days after a Solar Eclipse manifested @ 11Gem02 atop the Jefferson Memorial's dedication ceremony Saturn 9Gem21. The Memorial's dedication was held in 1943 during the transit of America's natal Uranus 8Gem55 (planet of freedom, independence, rebellion, revolution, and disruptive protests) by authoritarian and lawmaker Saturn.

President Franklin Roosevelt presided over the Memorial dedication on April 13, 1943, the 200th anniversary of Mr. Jefferson's birth (April 13, 1743 NS; Shadwell, Virginia; birth time usually listed as 1:53 pm LMT but is conflicted/unverified.)

May and June 2011

With rebellious Awakener Uranus (America's planetary totem) now @ '4Aries', it is interesting to note that the noon horoscope of the dedication ceremony of April 13, 1943 for the Thomas Jefferson Memorial now has transiting Uranus crossing the Midheaven of the chart (The Goal; Aspirations) and bringing disruptive dancing By, Of, and For The People with it while we remember and honor the principles of freedom and independence which Jefferson embedded and ingrained within our national documents!

The 1943 Saturn to US natal Uranus transit sounds suspiciously similar to current events such as being arrested (restrictive Saturn) for dancing in a public memorial space (free-wheeling Uranus.) Ramping up the political stakes, the US is now in the midst of a (30-year cycle) Saturn Return with the third of three conjunctions occurring on August 28, 2011.

Yes, a Saturn-to-Uranus transit occurred under Nixon's watch in the 1970s along with a reciprocal transit: Uranus to US natal Saturn (14Lib48.) Obviously, dynamics of the Saturn-Uranus dichotomy (status quo v progress; old structures fall so the new can be established; stagnation v reform) were heavily highlighted during the Nixonian era. As you know, Nixon removed the US from the gold standard which, among other things, made full payment of the citizenry's debts difficult if not impossible.

Here are brief descriptions of the reciprocal Saturn-Uranus transits of the early 1970s; Saturn and Uranus were precisely opposing one another on Election Day 2008 which marks the Obama administration with their brittle vibrations:

Saturn to n Uranus: circumstances restrict personal freedom and independence and attempts to take new approaches are stymied or delayed; unorthodox methods are nixed by authority; frustration results from a lack of planning; endless red tape creates delays but don't give up since thoughtful and careful organization can still win the day. (Or, Win the Future, as you prefer.)

Uranus to n Saturn: circumstances challenge or bring change to areas governed by tradition, rules, regulations, and laws as re-evaluation and review become necessary. These areas may be considerably altered while retaining the basic structures of society.

Fast forward to 2011, and it's tradition and stability on the chopping block as Pluto now deconstructs Capricornian systems and forms and topples world leaders and economies, and our national Saturn Return highlights the debt ceiling impasse now challenging America's ability to pay her debts if the nation's credit limit is not raised by August 2, 2011, as Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner insists it must be...or we'll be in for a world o'hurt which may crash the remnants of a shaky global economy.

Yet total global financial collapse of the old is just what the New World Order ordered so their carefully planned agenda seems to be running on schedule.

Meanwhile, all this makes me want to dance the night away with Thomas Jefferson who warned us against many policies (standing army, foreign wars, a debilitated press, etc) now used and bedeviled by the Utopian Usurpers among us whose best ideas include criminal activities such as the resource plundering and population control allowed by endless war and brash anti-sovereignty invasions.

Further reading: America enters WWII.

Michael O'Reilly's Neptune Cafe serving up Political Astrology articles, horoscopes, and more.

What I'm reading now: American Sphinx: The Character of Thomas Jefferson.

Can We Resist Pluto in Capricorn's 'Fear Factor'?

Here I am sassily publishing a thoughtful though anonymous reader's perspective concerning powerful, subversive Pluto's destructuring meander through Capricorn, sign of government, law, and business, which brings an imperative within the collective to resist the fear which this transit naturally engenders as Pluto creeps toward its 1776 position (27Cap33) in the US natal horoscope, a 'planetary return' never before experienced during America's brief and fabled history:

By no means am I an astrologer. I don't even qualify as an amateur my knowledge is so shallow. I do consult certain astrological sites. But I do recall that one recommendation from several astrologers about Pluto's entry into Capricorn is to refuse to give into fear. I do understand that Capricorn is an organizational sign (I have a Cap ascendant at 4+ degrees and am thus by nature a worrier - but I'm also a triple Aries - sun, moon and Mercury so go figure....).

I also have understood Pluto to mean the great transformer. So it stands to reason that the organization(s) of the world will be transformed on a very fundamental level. There is so much fear moving about the US and the world today (except perhaps for Asia - not counting Japan). There are many good reasons to fear - climate change, the bank-induced explosion of the financial sector, the economic treason to the American middle class perpetrated by the international oligarchs and their willing servants among the politicians and media.

The righties fear and foment the culture wars. We lefties understandably fear the machinations of the righties (end of collective bargaining, the push to lower the pay of employees to developing nations' standards, the threats to what's left of the social safety net, Obama's lack of spine or collusion or unfortunate placement as the Jackie Robinson of national politics with the attendant demand that he turn himself into a pretzel to get along with the GOP/TP, etc.) I'm not trying to be a pollyanna. Clearly, there is a welter of fear mongers out and about in every corner who seek to profit from those very fears they raise.

But again, I go back to, I think, Jessica Murray's advice with the Pluto incursion into Cap that we refuse to live in fear. And we act against those fears and align ourselves with the higher purpose of combating all the sources pushing our fear buttons with faith turned into action by speaking up for and acting in concert with our fellow men and women mindful of those higher purposes in order to aid the best side of Pluto's changes in our organizations. Forgive this virtual tyro's "preachiness" and rant.

All good wishes to you, Jude, and your readers.

Thanks, Anonymous, well-said! That's a great explanation of the current astro-weather affecting our societal condition as politicians and others use the weapon of plutonian-tinged fear against us. Agreed, that a best plan is to consult our higher natures to gain more positive perspectives than those which issue 24/7 from a cynical and corrupt Washington DC.

You know, if The Politician's eternal promise to "bring transparency back to Washington" (heard so often along US campaign trails) actually came to pass, we'd be running 99% of the varmints off to Sing Sing when the true depth of their perfidies and secret sell-out-America deals with the devil were 'transparently' revealed! Of course, it's a huge assumption that transparency in any government is ever possible given political man's pocket-lining tendencies, for example. Their true loyalties are certainly suspect, aren't they?

And we see how they've 'run' America in recent decades by Where We Are Now.

US natal Jupiter, planet of largess, expansion, religion, money, military generals, and bankers is at the root of many of our current problems due to mismanagement of Jupiterian abundance and egotism. Our national Jupiter possesses a telling Sabian Symbol from July 4, 1776: '6 Cancer' = "Game Birds Feathering Their Nests"...and they've been feathering them lucratively ever since.

Difference now is, these Utopian Usurpers want to steal everyone else's nests, too, and have just about done it which may be why I feel particularly and especially squawky today. How about you? jc

Jun 4, 2011

Police smash cell phones w our Rights in Miami FL 6.4.11

Now taking a brief break from creating something new today in honor of World Drawing Day 2011 and found a news item that leaves me speechless concerning this fast-forming police state we once called America.

Sounds like their HoSec/Blackwater/Special Forces type of training is paying off for the power elite whose army they be. Or at least a point is being made as with the Jefferson Memorial dance-offs and the resulting over-reactive draconian arrests while the statue of Thomas Jefferson looked on.

So you think you can dance in America? How dare you! Not on the military industrial complex's watch, you can't.

Because as you know, global thugs and plutocrats of the oppressive, primally violent Pluto-Chiron persuasion ain't playin'. Why should they when the midpoint picture energies within the ongoing Saturn/Uranus = Pluto T-Square are still very much in force?

The transiting Pluto/Chiron midpoint has reached US natal South Node (SN) @ '6AQ" this year. And that is the position of Neptune (spirituality; mysticism; Divine Source; veils; potential for deception) when the Prophet Muhammad created the world religion of Islam (symbolized by Neptune, planet of oil), and where in the Zodiac nebulous Neptune languished over the world's head on the morning of September 11, 2001. The separative SN is a point showing past behaviors of a neurotic kind.

As a process describing part of a select few's long-term agenda (for they too know the power of Astrology for timing purposes), society now has manipulating, destructuring Pluto in Capricorn (ruled by restrictive Saturn and representing government, law, and business) grasping every controlling puppet string of we-the-trussed as Mr. Underworld lumbers along and eventually reaches his position of July 4, 1776 @ 27Cap33...'28Cap' = "A Large Aviary," a degree given in DeVore's Encyclopedia as: the Exaltation of Mars.

Zealous Mars/Pluto = the Pentagon, the military industrial complex, powerful weapons and those who use or sell them, an overbearing military force, and the strong-arm policing that is on the rise in America.

Was Japan's earthquake on 3/11 manmade? (video)

Doesn't hurt to consider alternate ideas, right? What do you think?

Jun 3, 2011

John Edwards indicted under rays of Gemini Solar Eclipse 6.3.11

NPR BREAKING NEWS: Former Presidential Candidate John Edwards Indicted On Charges Related To Money Given To Mistress

The Democratic politician's lawyers contend the payments were gifts from friends. Prosecutors allege they were political donations that should have been reported.

More at NPR.


Often a Solar Eclipse can bring things to light which were hidden especially if it connects with a person's particular natal and progressed horoscopes. With this Wednesday's June 1, 2011 Solar Eclipse @ 11Gem02, Mr. Edwards (born with an Airy Sun Gem-Moon Gem personality blend!) has had his private business put out for all to review, critique, and bring charges.

And since Solar Eclipses are freshly seeded New Moons, the legal case against the former Democratic presidential candidate is at its beginning.

Here's a SO'W post from late 2007 concerning my surmises about the 2008 campaign and the out-of-bounds Mercury of John Edwards with his natal horoscope shown. (The post is not updated or edited and hindsight is 20/20. We know who won the presidency and who now acts as VP. Of course I did not know then.)

Considering today's announcement of the Edwards indictment for misuse of campaign funds, perhaps I should have written on his crisis-ridden YOD ('Finger of God') and a difficult Fist of God pattern which you may view by clicking to enlarge his natal chart.

Contagion, Neptune in Pisces, and Alan Watt on video 6.3.11

From June 2, 2011, the following series of videos present to you the Alex Jones Show featuring Alan Watt with updated details concerning the one-world-government agenda. The interview begins by discussing contagion and super-bugs as planet Neptune, dissolver of boundaries (such as cell walls), keeps a toe just inside its own sign of Pisces, yet is poised to return for a brief spell into late degrees of scientific Aquarius.

As you know, murky Pisces, ruled by expansive Jupiter and co-ruled by higher octave planet Neptune, relates, along with its opposite of Virgo (health, discrimination, categorizing function, digestive tract where much of our immune system is centered) to such topics as contagion, epidemics, contamination, poisons, and disease in general. Treachery is also indicated and population control is on the menu.

Of course you've been hearing in the last several days of an E. coli outbreak in Europe particularly in Germany where I'm sad to say people have been sickened and some have died from what sounds like a Frankensteinian bug (two strains
combined - by human hands of a reptilian persuasion?) First the powers that be blamed cucumbers! Turns out they blamed too soon.

(Click E. coli article link above for updated news about the outbreak with video. It's being named 'the worst ever seen'.)

Meanwhile the Russian government has stopped importation of food products from the affected region, another economic blow for the EU and a new example of food supply issues previously detailed on this blog in recent Solar Eclipse posts. Disturbingly, the June 1, 2011 eclipse in Gemini (trade, commerce, transport, communications, news, duality) is one, but the karmic Solar Eclipse of July 1, 2011 in Cancer (food, sustenance, nurturing, domestic scene) is even more worrisome.

Plus, the Cancer eclipse's influence is strengthened because it marks the birth of a brand new Saros Cycle - and manifests @ 9Can12 which is very near America's July 4th Independence Day 2011 and snugged between US natal Jupiter and Sun by degree.

The world can't seem to catch much of a break anymore, can it? It is my belief that there are social engineers making sure it can't and for their own selfish purposes which they consider to be more important than you, me, or our children.

So check out the June 2nd interview with Alan Watt, if you dare though I can't say it's for wilting flowers who wish to get their mainstream news served daily on a plate of roses laced with candy canes and lemon drops. Want unicorns with that?

Even in constantly propagandized America it's become obvious that there are two tiers of Medicine, one for the power elite, the other for the rest of us (if you can get treatment at all.) Discussed here are the two tiers of Science where superbugs don't invade (Neptune) the cells of the elite class who get the 'real' inoculations. You may disagree, but it's worth a listen just to see if the information rings any bells with you.

And if you don't care for Alex Jones, a bombastic sort of speaker, I do understand but please look beyond style to the basic info being provided, would ya? Keep a grain of salt handy, yes, and don't draw any conclusions before you take in the entire presentation at your leisure.

Warning: an open mind may be required!

Part 1 of 4

Part 2 of 4

Part 3 of 4

Part 4 of 4

Related links:

Prison Planet
Info Wars


The Neptune in Pisces phenomena we're experiencing through health and contagion issues are also manifesting in the current upping of computer viruses and hackings but that's a topic beyond the scope of this article. And of course, invasion across sovereign boundaries also qualifies along with water and flooding catastrophes.