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Aug 25, 2012

8.24.12: Assange Asylum Update (video)

Equador vs UK with Wikileaks founder Julian Assange between:

Guess Julian Assange in exile from his usual surroundings shows an influence from the current Solar Eclipse Series which manifested on May 20, 2012 @00Gem20 and conjoins Fixed Star Alcyone @00Gem00 with one of the star's themes being 'exile'. A similar expression covered by Alcyone's energy is 'refugee' with an overabundance of judgmentalism going on...

Aug 23, 2012

Nodal Half-Return: GOP breakthrough or break-up?

Did you catch opinion writer Dana Milbank's piece in The Washington Post on August 21 about what's going on these days within the Republican Party? Will Hurricane Isaac blow into Tampa, Florida just in time to mete out divine retribution on the GOP next week and mess with their erstwhile POTUS-VP nominees, Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan?

In spite of Isaac, the nominating brouhaha will go on whether RNC 2012 is soaked to its gills or not, is what I heard. They're already in Tampa drafting their platform, says Business Week.

Determination in the face of natural law shows the Republican Party's usual stalwartly irrational, stubborn stance on most things they intend to butt heads on like the old goats they are.

Yet there have been intimations of riffs and tiffs within the party itself brought on in part by Rep. Todd Akin's mysoginism gone public (he probably wasn't supposed to let that particular pregnant cat out of the legislative bag on August 19) for Mike Huckabee has sided with Akin while Bill Kristol has scolded Akin's badly timed verbage concerning rape and abortion. To my way of thinking, Akin's political platform intends to force upon American women the Republican Party's antiquated, parternalistic notions which have a decidedly Talibaneque ring to them--if Inauguration 2013 hobbles America with another GOP White House.

Astrologically we know that RNC 2012 occurs under the auspices of the Republican Party's Nodal Half-Return with transiting North Node (NN) conjunct the party's natal South Node (SN), and vice versa. As I mentioned in a recent comment, this describes a period when relationships which are weak in some way tend to break apart and separation is on the menu. However, if relationships or partnerships survive this time frame they will strengthen instead, perhaps because of the rough patch partners go through together.

Another difficult indicator is the still-of-influence Solar Eclipse of May 20, 2012 @00Gem20 which conjoins the GOP's natal SN, a separative point in any chart. Falling within the 14 South Saros Series, this Annular eclipse also conjoins by degree Fixed Star Alcyone ('mystical but judgmental'; 'something to cry about'--or, as I blogged months ago, maybe it will just rain a lot. But I didn't forecast a hurricane for RNC 2012! Well, carrying on the separation theme, 'exile' is another potential for Alcyone, plus, 14S has Mercury-Pluto content within it from its initial manifestation--August 29, 984!--in finicky Virgo with a theme of 'an obsessive idea is finally accepted'--Brady.)

And that successful Jupiterian 'acceptance' comes after long hard work which may point to Mitt Romney's candidacy since he's been campaigning for the presidency for many many years, and/or it may relate to--gasp!--the Republican attempt to control women's reproductive systems and lives by instituting Talibanesque laws that crush our hard-won rights. Yet according to my Bible, Christ came to bring the world the New Law which in 2012 surely makes it plain that Old Testament times are long gone! So either obsessive idea seems horrific and I do hope that masses of American voters--the ones the Goatish Old Party doesn't prevent, that is--turn out on November 6, 2012 to take another chance on the *Democratic Party in spite of the fact that they're in on the NWO game, too.

For life in America 2012---particularly for women--seems to have come down to A Vote for Which Century we prefer to live in as we go forward into the future, and casting a vote against such antiquated, often scientifically incorrect notions about women's health seems to be the very least we ladies can do.

For more reading of a one-world-government kind (what these political geezers and grotesque jokers want to push us into) do dare to try Rosicrucian Utopia.

And here's a recent SO'W post on Todd Akin, the Republican platform, and the August 2012 Moon Wobble which adds irritability and instability to the Nodal Half-Return's separative potential mentioned above.

*Something I've meant to type about here for a long time: the jackassian, sophomoric, divide-and-conquer ploy of the GOP to make a point of using "Democrat Party" which necessarily leads to "Republic Party" both of which sound as stupid, childish, and lame as any gaggle of politicians ever wanted to employ in order to make bigger a**es of themselves with.

Aug 22, 2012

"There exists a shadowy government--"

Chalmers Johnson, who clued me in a few years ago on such topics as The Sorrows of Empire, and Blowback wrote about what he called "the president's private army"--the CIA--in an article from 2007, Agency of Rogue.

Of interest to those who are familiar with America's so-called 'Sibly' natal horoscope (there's more than one) set for 5:10 pm LMT (July 4, 1776 Philadelphia, PA) our nation's 10th house Saturn exalted in Libra and 9th house Neptune in earthy Virgo created a midpoint picture with natal Midheaven (MC = The Goal) which perfected in approximately 1780 (natal Saturn about 4 degrees from Neptune divided by 2 = Saturn-Neptune midpoint.) With controlling Saturn in Mundane Astrology signifying government, law, and business and nebulous Neptune's secret-invisible-shadowy things often masked or hidden (in America's case, 'in plain sight' apparently), we have:

Saturn-Neptune = MC: using inefficient methods when completed work is needed (Munkasey); peculiar loss of ambition; giving up or capitulating to demands of the environment totally (Tyl.)

Or we may simply say that The Goal for this nation was to set up and maintain a shadow government built on secrecy and deception which All the World sees at US natal MC! And you know, the more I read about how America's Great Seal images are based on Illumnati symbols (a secret society of Utopians who wish to demolish all governments and other civilized institutions and systems), I'm almost ready to believe just that even though it's difficult to accept that America's Founding Fathers were so crass as our present-day politicians or that they set up our nation to fail (Saturn in 10th house = 'fall from grace' if Saturnian themes are neglected as they've been--and fittingly, they weren't aware of Neptune in 1776.)

Who Else Knows About This?

As Senator Daniel Inouye informed us in 1987 (during the money-diverting, arms-dealing Reagan administration which helped fund and set up the following):

There exists a shadowy government with its own Air Force, its own Navy, its own fundraising mechanism and the ability to pursue its own ideas of national interest, free from all checks and balances, and free from law itself."

That's one good reason why they tell us we're broke! And perhaps it partially explains why, in spite of millions of Americans protesting against the US government's preemptive wars, invasions, and occupations in the Middle East, We the People are seldom if ever listened to by our "representatives" who obviously dance to a different tune than of a government "--of the people, by the people, for the people," as President Abraham Lincoln described our country when closing his Gettysburg Address of 1863.


Aug 21, 2012

GOP vs Women and Moon Wobble Aug 22-23 2012

August 2012: A Wobbly Moon and an Unstable Political Platform

by Jude Cowell

The peak period of the August 2012 Moon Wobble is well-explained here plus, on a Mundane Astrology level we may wish to consider the public mood (Mundane Moon = the public) through the signs of Libra (cool, detached, mental), Scorpio (intense, passionate, emotional), and on into Sagittarius (broadening, searching, creative.)

The 2012 Wobble began in July and reached a critical period between August 13--20 as the flap over Rep. Todd Akin's antiquated remarks about rape and pregnancy broke into the 24/7 news cycle (apparently you cannot have been raped if you find yourself pregnant because women are said to possess an ability to "secrete secretions" which 'prevent pregnancy', an old husband's tale repackaged.) The influence of the Moon Wobble peaks between August 21 and August 23, 2012 and you see a dual image below of both charts--lower left = August 21, 2012 12:00 am edt set for Washington DC; upper right horoscope is for August 23 11:59:59 pm edt; Moon ranges from 13 Libra 35 to 25 Scorpio 58 and will enter Mutable (unstable, changing) Sagittarius as Luna's Wobble begins to steady the last week of August:

Now I don't know if you can read my scribbles written on and around the chart but if so, you'll find several notations not covered in the text of this post; click image to enlarge.

Moon Wobble periods are times of irritability and unstable conditions when achievements on behlaf of The People may be reversed--or at least, the GOP is now more open during this election year in their attempts to destroy decades of societal progress for women and for others while pretending to care so very much about unborn babies. If they have their way about repealing legal abortion in the US, will state orphanges also be featured in their grand schemes?

You will discover many on your own, yet there are a few chart details I wish to cover in particular in this post for they relate to the reputed War on Women (Mars-Moon) which the Republican Party is, in my opinion, waging as they attempt to repeal our rights including the right to a safe abortion when necessary, and the right to vote in our alleged 'democracy' (you know--like the much-touted purple fingers of Afghanistan.) May I be honest with you about a very sensitive subject? Abortions are performed way too often in America but bossy old men don't belong in the doctor's consultation room. (What about "smaller government", GOP? It would be a ridiculously big job to impose control over every single pregnancy in this country! Are you daft?)

My deepest feeling about the unfortunate circumstance in our nation where the smallest being among us, a fetus, is not safe from dire threat is that instead of inventing erection-enhancing drugs, someone in charge should have been encouraging and teaching men how to keep their pants zipped. As usual with misogynists and political opportunists, the culpability of the men involved is rarely if ever mentioned much less honestly addressed or corrected.

Okay, now take a look at the charts as Earth's Moon Wobbles, unstable circumstances fluctuate, and people become even more irritated than they were before! And note that the Republican Party's *natal North Node 00Gem33 Stationary was 'hit' by the May 20, 2012 Solar Eclipse 00Gem20 showing that they actually think the 'time has come' for their obsessive ideas to finally be accepted!

On August 21 at 12:00 am edt Washington D.C., Luna sailed over 13Lib36 (about to enter the via combusta degrees, if you use such an antique astrological factor within the Tropical Zodiac. So an unstable, wobbling Moon enters her peak zone as she approaches US natal Saturn 14Lib48 with any or all of the implications a Moon-Saturn combination denotes: seriousness, hard feelings, restrictions on women--I'm lookin' at You, Republican mysoginists), depression, hard work...yet also direction, strategy, and ambition. Also, the Moon rises with lovely Arcturus (a different approach which women need now if we're to put these evolutionary cavemen with delusions of Theocracy in their place: the 18th century.)

A great study if you have a chance is to read the Sabian Symbols for each degree of the Moon Wobble in all phases, but here we shall discuss only the peak period with a bit about the end, the end, for it involves none other than the 2012 Republican Convention--in fact, recent events concerning the definition of rape, controlling, fear-inducing, power-grabbing Pluto's province, abortion concerns (Pluto = surgery) and the restriction of women's rights is precisely what Moon (women) Wobble (going back on previous meanings, definitions, laws, concepts, amount of control, etc) which the GOP plans to establish in order to force the American people to behave like it's pre-1900.

The Moon Wobble horoscopes contain certain planetary pairs with great influence such as: Sun-Neptune (opposition of August 23 across the Virgo-Pisces axis of victimization, with its potentials for over-promising, secrets and mysteries, betrayals and suspicions, false images and masks, and what must first be present: self-delusion); Saturn-Pluto = NN: misery of the masses (I think of Ryan's 'budget plan' for misery is its goal--this midpoint picture is found in both charts and also brings in war since '1Sag' = "A Grand Army of the Republic Campfire." However, it seems to me that Paul Ryan, Mitt Romney, and crew consider themselves to be 'warriors on a mission' of some quixotic kind.

Plus, whenever war is involved (and even when it's not), we should admit that rape and unplanned pregnancies must be constant concerns of our female soldiers serving in the US military. Such brazen men ought to be ashamed but it seems that our military hierarchy's emphasis upon 'honor' only applies from men to men for many of them, including officers. My suspicion is that sub-standard applications were accepted for use as canon fodder and perhaps some number of them were rapists before they joined the military. Sorry to say it, but there it is. (As always, feel free to disagree!)

And Then There's Testy Mars-Saturn

So as you see between August 21 to August 23, the Moon translates light from restrictive Saturn (here, signifying Republicans, it seems) to testosterone-driven Mars, both in the closing degrees of Libra, a sign of war and of balance.

As the Moon unsteadily wobbles up to the Mars-Saturn duo (harmful or destructive energy; inhibited or destroyed vitality--Ebertin), there are three midpoint pictures which form as Luna translates while reflecting the frustrating stop-go energies of Mars-Saturn, aka, the controlling male...any, all, or none may apply:

Moon-Mars = Saturn: suppressed feelings; dissatisfaction; controlled passion (were that the case--jc); quarrels; a separated or suffering wife (Ebertin); maternal panic; taking responsibility for correcting uncertain activities; obligations when caring for others (Munkasey.)

Mars-Saturn = Moon: a weak will; depressive moods; lack of courage; illness; separation or death of females (Ebertin) (reminds me of an old method used in desperate, unfortunate situations, coat-hanger abortions--jc); anger over restrictions; fluctuating energy (Munkasey.)

Moon-Saturn = Mars:feeling inferior; self-control to the point of torment; lack of determination; soul conflicts (Ebertin); rushing into activities in order to protect the family (or, The Family which is one name for the Global Syndicate of imperial bankers, politicians, Vulcans of War, and religious figures--jc); breaking family bonds (Munkasey) utopian globalists are determined to do--jc.

Let's close with two other midpoint pictures in play during the peak period of the August 2012 Moon Wobble. One involves an apex Saturn, the other (Aug 23) ropes in the Moon-Mars conjunction @29Lib07 of August 22: the conjunction's Saturn/ASC which relates to 'curtailment of programs for the disadvantaged' (Munkasey)--thing is, what sort of morals (Saturn) does it take to sleep at night while you further and grievously disadvantage the disadvantaged? Sheesh! Preying on the weak among us is so...Pluto-Chiron of them.

What a bunch of Dickens-era jack**ses...

Mercury-Pluto = Saturn: quarrels and nagging; increased ruthlessness when locating sources of rumors or information; annoyance that secrets have leaked; demands that info be used as planned (Munkasey); exposure to heavy and bitter attacks aggressiveness and persistence in quests for sexual power, control, and domination.

You'll note that it's Mercury-Pluto (obsessed with power) content found in the initial solar eclipse of the May 20, 2012 Solar Eclipse Series which now infuses these social wedge topics and issues--and Election 2012 rhetoric. Yet with these weighty concerns and extreme amounts of media attention and hyperbole they divert us too much, suspiciously so! Wonder what's going on behind the curtain over there, the one we're not supposed to notice?

After Akin: RNC 2012's Extreme Platform

At the end of August comes a political convention where Mitt Romney, the Mormon candidate, will apparently be nominated for the presidency (unless a brokered convention breaks out! Big money and fraud are all that can save Mittens now.) The Moon Wobble will be a dissipating influence on RNC 2012 by then and we've been warned to expect a mysoginistic platform to be put forth (or, where the sun don't shine) by the GOP as it hurries to devolve itself further and hold high the Confederate Constitution. Freaky.

In mid-2010, a YOD pattern (special task; crisis; turning point) in the Republican Party's Secondary Progressions pointed at SP ASC with SP Mercury and SP Jupiter at its base. If memory serves, SP Mercury and Jupiter (grand plans and schemes) are both retrograde in the SP chart--like the GOP's old-fashioned policies and to be announced platform of austerity, withdrawal, and restriction--aka, Saturnian themes and demands. But with even fewer restrictions on the wealthy!

And yes, I do hear the background noise from the June 5, 2012 Venus Transit (paternalism on display in high relief) accompanying our current political condition with its threats of dire and devised social ills, this post is meant to be little more than an updated if wobbly word picture of the media-dubbed War on Women and the Republican Party, a political faction of dominating ol' cusses and rapists-by-proxy, as they seem to be purposefully styling themselves as such, I do declare.

Why, the extreme backwardness of the GOP's regressive, odd, and perverted ideas about women and the world in general is enough to plum give me the vapors.


Republican Party July 6, 1854 5:00 pm LMT Jackson, Michigan; ASC 9Sag47; MC 29Vir32 conjunct contentious Mars 28Vir45; Sun 14Can26 conjunct 8th cusp of Corporatism and Wealth; Moon 27Sco49 in the 12th house of Politics, Backdoor Deals, and Karma--conjunct Mitt Romney's natal Moon-Jupiter conjunction, all of which conjoin President Obama's natal MC; GOP natal Saturn 10Gem22 at DESC is now being transited by Jupiter in Gemini, a time when certain restrictions and burdens may be eased if not all together removed, and advancement may result. Additionally, the next Solar Eclipse @ 21Sco56 (the PE of Election Day 2012 and of Inauguration Day 2013: 'joy through commitment'--Brady) conjoins the GOP's natal 12th cusp, and the word 'commitment' nearly contains the name of Mit(t) whose natal planets and points are also linked to the Moon Wobble horoscopes of August 2012.

Aug 18, 2012

Election Day 2012 drenched w a karmic Scorpio Eclipse

A Solar Eclipse in intense Scorpio marks November 2012 Elections

by Jude Cowell

As you know, Scorpio is a karmic (reap-what's-sown) sign and one must act on the up'n'up in order to make any real progress when a Solar Eclipse in Scorpio manifests. Intensity and force are provided by Scorpio's ruler and sub-ruler, Mars and Pluto, which are most formidable when their energies act in tandem and together, often supply a karmic "something you were always meant to do" feeling. And with Scorpio, an image of political "snake oil" is typically applied.

With all eclipses behaving in Uranian fashion as 'wild cards of the Universe' and thus having a reputation for uncovering even the darkest of secrets, we may expect November 2012 to be revelatory for its unmasking of Scorpionic secrets with a distinct potential for betrayals and suspicion that, when used in political propaganda, may have the effect of swaying voters in one direction or another. Some of us may even resort to 'opting out' and staying home on November 6 but this would be a a very bad mistake, folks, because that's what undermining factions want Americans to do. Plus, remember how neocon warmongers simply crowed over the beauty of Afghanistan and Iraq holding "democratic" elections under George Bush? Well then, even though US elections are rigged, let's not give them up so easily for they same so'n'sos ought to be crowing for our democratic process, don't you think?

The Solar Eclipse of November 2012

The month of November 2012 is notable not only for America's hugely important presidential and congressional elections (November 6, with voting planet Mercury Stationary that very day @4Sag18 and turning retrograde at 6:03 pm est--is this the electorate 'turning back' to President Obama?), but for its 15 North Solar Eclipse @21Sco56 on November 13. This eclipse occurs close enough to Nov 6 be the Solar Eclipse of Election Day 2012 (within two weeks), with its theme of 'joy through commitment.' (Brady.) Well, I don't like to type this out loud but with Mercury turning Rx on November 6, we may expect that results are disputed and that deciding outcomes may drag on, possibly until mid-December when a forward Mercury reaches and moves beyond its shadow degree of 4Sag18.

Please Pass the Turkey and the Lunar Eclipse

Though Thanksgiving Day is early this year (Nov 22), a busy November brings a second cosmic event--an almost-Thanksgiving Lunar Eclipse on November 28 @6Gem36 with the Sun falling into the happier Sagittarian zone of the Zodiac. The Moon is near transit Jupiter 11Gem54 Rx with US natal Uranus 8Gem55 stimulated. (Moon-Jupiter = US n Uranus: confidence; expectation of reward. --Tyl.) However, you'll note that the Lunar Eclipse ruler, Mercury, is Direct @18Sco24--approaching the Nov 13 Solar Eclipse degree, but the Sun's ruler, Jupiter, is Rx, another indicator of delays and hindrances relating to leadership (Sun-Jupiter), and potentially to money, support, bankers, and other corporatists (Jupiter.)

Also, this Lunar Eclipse is significant for being one of 2012's close-to-Earth Supermoons, as defined by master astrologer Richard Nolle.

Another Factor about November 6's Mercury Retrograde Station

Though Mercury trines technology inventor Uranus Rx @5Ari09--voting machine glitches made easy? or, easily solved?), its Rx Station strongly opposes President Obama's natal Moon in Gemini (Moon = 'reigning need'--Tyl), an indicator that his plans and schedules are in a something of a bind, and that Mr. Obama will be confronted with conflicting opinions regarding his re-election. Someone may have a change (Mercury) of heart (Moon)--whether for the incumbent president or against him remains to be seen but Mercurial young people may be of special note, and obviously reporters and journalists will be in the mix. Personally, I wouldn't rule out the Chamber of Commerce (Mercury) playing what is perhaps the largest role in opposing the president for they seem determined to do so.

At any rate, his re-election progress is blocked and will be obstructed again once Mercury retraces its path to 3-4-5 Sag and opposes natal Moon. After that, perhaps President Obama's goals will once again be implemented from the White House Oval Office after the dust and deceptions of Election Day 2012 settle.


Alert: Liber has kindly left a link to a 6-minute pro-Obama campaign video with political lyrics if you don't mind a little singing now and then. And really, who does?

Aug 16, 2012

Friday August 17 2012's New Moon @25Leo

Leo New Moon August 17, 2012 Culminates on August 31

by Jude Cowell

Are you ready for this Friday's New Moon? Today we are in the Balsamic phase between Sun and Moon, the 'Dark of the Moon' when secrets skulk in the shadows and things go bump in the you-know-what. Will more hidden information slink out of the shadows in campaign ads for President Obama and VP Biden and/or Mitt Romney and his VP pick, Paul Ryan? Yes, the whining is really underway and isn't it typical that bullies whine the loudest when the tables are turned on them?

Well, in Political Astrology, we may say that the August 17, 2012 New Moon @25Leo opposes US natal Moon in Aquarius (we-the-people) so there are potentials for relationship stand-offs and/or a sense of awareness for our week's end in America, plus a new cycle beginning--'seeds planted'--which New Moons always time and which culminate in a Full Moon two weeks later--this time on August 31, 2012 @8Pis34 (9:58 am edt.) This Full Moon and its degree concern me for it triggers America's natal Ceres (and our corn and other crops are already dried up from drought) which conjoins the US natal Pluto/Chiron midpoint of Plutocracy, oppression, disenfranchisement, primal violence, and all the nasty -isms that intend to do harm to the masses while lifting up wealthy powermongers.

You'll note that the August 31 Full Moon manifests one day after RNC 2012 in Tampa, Florida closes (Aug 27--30), which this astrologer considers close enough to be a 'cosmic bookend' or culmination to the 2012 Republican Convention.

Or, since we're talking about the Moon which rules Water sign Cancer, perhaps at or around the New Moon it will begin to rain! Plus, in his The 360 Degrees of the Zodiac, Adriano Carelli has a word picture for 25Leo:

"A man swimming in the waters of the sea." Let's both be alert to something mentioned in the news of that nature over the next day or so.

Now that's enough for today of that "organized system of hatreds" that is Politics (said Henry B. Adams.) My best recommendation for you concerning the August 17 New Moon in joyful Leo is to check out its portents graciously given by the insightful Dipali Desai, then proceed to enjoy your weekend seeded by the playful, dramatic energies of Leo the Lion!

Aug 14, 2012

'Eye of the Phoenix: Secrets of the Dollar Bill' (video)

Anything to keep from typing the bromance-y names, "Paul Ryan" and "Mitt Romney" for a while...actually, the following documentary is particularly fascinating for those who are curious about Early America, Freemasonry's and Rosicrucianism's roles in the founding of the 'New Atlantis' (that shining city on a hill, D.C.), mystic and astrologer to *FDR, Nicolas Roerich (Oct 9, 1874 NS '12:00 pm' St. Petersburg, Russia), Sir Francis Bacon (born a Tudor, some say--and Queen Elizabeth's son), Blavatsky, Benjamin Creme, Manly P. Hall, Scottish Jacobites exiled to America and bringing along the 'Stone of Destiny' or 'Holy Grail' in pre-Revolutionary days, Gnostic Templarism, a long-range plan by secret societies for the ultimate establishment--and satanic idea--of a global new world order, and much more!

You may find one of Roerich's natal midpoint pictures quite interesting:

Mercury-Pluto = Uranus: 'an irresistible power of suggestion; fanatic pursuit of plans'. (Ebertin.) Either of these possibilities tallies rather closely with what I've read of this Occult practitioner--and something of a guru was he.

Now here is "Eye of the Phoenix: Secrets of the Dollar Bill":

Check out other intriguing videos and full-length films and documentaries here.

*It was under FDR's watch that the capstone-pyramid-Eye of Horus was first printed upon the US dollar bill; in Jonathan Alter's The Defining Moment, the author mentions that Nicolas Roerich was an associate (astrologer) of Franklin Delano Roosevelt during FDR's presidency, thanks to Henry Wallace (mentioned in the video above) and as you know, FDR was a Freemason as have been many US presidents. Funny how mainstream authors tend to leave out such biographical info about their subjects such as, "initiated into the __ Lodge of Grand Orient Templars" and other such esoteric tidbits as that.

Sir Francis Bacon (Tudor) Feb 1, 1561 NS 7:42 am LMT London, England (source: Rodden Rating: C, astrodatabank/William Lilly.) Note: you may wish to type Roerich's and Bacon's names into this blog's sidebar Search field for previous mentions.

Additional Note: if you scroll down the sidebar far enough I suspect that the link to the topic of Bruton Parish Church (Williamsburg, VA) is still there...this is where the 'Stone' and/or an Occult manuscript detailing the so-called Great Plan for America may have been secreted when it was first purloined to our shores. Or not. Prominent early Americans once attended the church including Thomas Jefferson, wrote Manly P. Hall.

Nikola Tesla: Sun Cancer-Moon Libra w a rare film on video!

Update September 5, 2015: the following text is being retained so that the post title makes sense however, the video referred to gives a message, "this video no longer exists." My original post begins here and includes a few astro-notes concerning the natal planets of inventor (and possible murder victim) Nikola Tesla:

A message has arrived from Alexandra Bruce which sets up the following rare film about the intriguing Uranian, Nikola Tesla:

"This is a rare English-Language film produced in the former Yugoslavia that tells the story of Nikola Tesla's arrival in America and his encounters with Thomas Edison, George Westinghouse and the mighty financier J.P. Morgan, played by Orson Welles.

It portrays one of the most pivotal periods of modern history, during Tesla's development of alternative current, as the global standard for electrification, and the tragedy of this great inventor who aspired to change the world for the better."

-Alexandra Bruce

This is where the Tesla video was embedded before it was mysteriously 'disappeared'.

A Sprinkling of Astrology upon Nikola Tesla

by Jude Cowell

Horoscope: Nikola Tesla July 10, 1856 (NS) 12:00 am -1:01 LMT Smiljan, Yugoslavia 14N35 015E19

Sun 18Can17 (conj Castor and Venus 15Can27--transit Moon 18Can41 conj his n Sun as I opened his chart in my file for the first time in years--such synchronicity is common when a name from the past resurfaces via a reference or a memory which inspires an astrologer to view the natal chart); n Mercury 28Gem26; n Mars 19Lib11 conj n Moon -- he's recently had a Mars Return (with Mars today @24Lib28) but with no activity of his own--he died on or about Jan 7, 1943, NYC; n Jupiter 8Ari37 with today's tr Uranus, The Inventor/The Genius/Electricity, conjunct at 8Ari06; n Saturn 5Can38; n Uranus 23Tau57--Taurus, the intelligent sign of The Architect, Builder, Grower, and Preserver, ruled by Venus; n Neptune Rx @20Pis22 (strong in its own mystical sign); dragon planet Pluto 5Tau33 (some say Tesla's family lineage included the Order of the Dragon as was Count Dracula--that he was a member of the Dragon family line as were John and son John Quincy Adams); Chiron 3AQ48; NN 20Ari06.

Tesla's Sun Cancer-Moon Libra is a Water-Air combo of energies (Sun = conscious mind, Moon = the unconscious), a very creative, misty, and ethereal blend (he was not a practical man especially with finances). With Sun ruled by the Moon and Moon ruled by Venus, Tesla's personality was socially aware, perceptive and super-sensitive yet challenged in the realm of relationships (plus, Venus square Mars). He was a shrewd Cancer who preferred to isolate himself within his protective emotional shell. And with wily old financier J. P. Morgan around (played in the film formerly embedded above by Orson Welles), Tesla was out-foxed in the financial realm which may gave been easy since Tesla was highly focused on his own thoughts and ideas and was largely uninterested in money.

Sun Cancer-Moon Libra: "Images for Integration: Mother Goose recites a poem, surrounded by adoring fairy-tale creatures...A family holds a lucrative sale of its artistic heirlooms to the neighborhood." (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey.)

Oddly enough this ethereal personality blend is found in the natal charts of George W. Bush, Donald Rumsfeld, Bruce Springsteen, and Angela Lansbury.

And to the Sun Cancer-Moon Libra blend, master astrologer Noel Tyl adds that "the emphasis will be on the romantic" (not for Tesla!) and that planet "Venus will be especially important in the horoscope." In Tesla's case, Venus is spotlighted by first squaring Mars (3A44), then NN (4A39), and finally trines Neptune (4A55). Venus trine Neptune added inspiration to his pioneering (Aries) Jupiter (broadened horizons; science; discoveries; breakthroughs) and was greatly activated by the innovative spirit of speedy Mercury in its own sign of Gemini, The Messenger to the gods.

Birth data: Rodden Rating: B; source: bio/autobiography, The Life of Nikola Tesla by John J. O'Neill..."midnight between July 9/10, 1856"; O'Neill was a personal friend of Tesla who was said to have been born during a thunderstorm," astrodatabank; "at the stroke midnight," according to his biography.

And with transformer Pluto rising we see his magnetic charisma and--aided by visionary Neptune in its own creative sign of Pisces, Tesla's extraordinary visualization ability because Pluto rising gives a sort of x-ray vision into the workings of the Cosmos, into the deepest layers of the Universe. And of course, Saturn is the traditional planet of Science, along with Mercury, and add Uranus for lightening, electricity, flashes of brilliance, innovation, inventiveness, and pure genius.

This page updated May 3, 2016. jc