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Oct 1, 2012

Stephen Colbert on Romney's poll numbers (video) and his Pisces Planets

Last week Stephen Colbert reported on the Romney campaign's lack of oomph in the polls and I'm just now posting the video to cheer up my two Romney-supporting friends who are admittedly down in the dumps. I'm not certain which stage of grief they've entered (they'd rather not talk about it) but I'm sure this will help them deal:

Right away astrologers recognize Mr. Colbert's 'Aqua Romney' as a (perhaps unconscious?) reference to Mitt's natal Sun, Mercury, and Mars in watery, diversionary Pisces! Just when you think you've 'caught' a Pisces, he swims away.

And it seems curious to me that Romney's assumption that it's now his "turn" to be president (added to the regressive GOP platform meant to roll back progressive programs from FDR's New Deal, Civil Rights advances, women's reproductive rights, and more) shows an interesting synchronicity with the Inaugural Sun positions prior to the change from early March (Sun 13Pis+) to January 20 (00 AQ+) for noon Inaugurations, a switch which took place between FDR's Inaugurations of 1933 and 1937--and Romney's natal Mercury Rx = 13Pis55!

Don't know about you, dear reader, but I do Not want to live under 1930s conditions any more than we already are, either with or without Mr. Romney playing the role of president!


Blog Note: many Thanks to all who have subscribed to the just-published Oct-Nov-Dec 2012 edition of Stars Over Washington Monthly! Your kind encouragement is very much appreciated, Jude

Sep 30, 2012

Suppressed Footage of Atomic Bomb damage (video) w Jon Stewart video and Mars-Uranus

Shhh! President Truman Lost No Sleep Over A-Bomb Drops

by Jude Cowell

And here is an excerpt from the suppressed footage of the damage done to the Japanese people. The horrific death and suffering of women and children failed to keep the culpable Mr. Truman from his slumbers but the annihilation of Hirsohima and Nagasaki has always seemed to me to be one (only one!) of America's greatest sins for the US government roared like a dragon in heat and millions paid the price of Truman's Abomination Extravaganza:

Here is a view of the natal chart of the Hiroshima Bombing, August 6, 1945 8:15 am JST and among other things, you'll notice that on that date warring Mars conjoined US natal Uranus 8Gem55 (taking a non-traditional approach, new techniques, explosions, danger in the environment) and expansive adventurer Jupiter had recently transited US natal Neptune (illusion, pretense, paranoia, fanaticism.)

Plus, today's position of Jupiter conjoins the Uranus position of August 6, 1945 @16Gem29 (unpredictable inspirations, group causes taken up, financial investments prosper, and Astrology is beneficial) and the Bombing's Midheaven (The Goal--objectives take a major new direction, significant alteration of lifestyle.)

There are a few midpoint pictures in the Hiroshima Bombing horoscope which cry out to be mentioned while we're on the topic so I'll close this fuss with them and a Jon Stewart video.

The first involves the Uranus-Neptune pair, planets of The Enlightenment (well, they certainly lit up Japan, didn't they?), which last met in Great Conjunction/s three times on or around '18Cap' in 1993 and their Oct 24 meeting times a natal chart of the New World Order (which is actually what we're discussing here like a silent, sinister program running in the background.) The Sabian Symbol for '18Cap' = POLITICAL POWER; neg: smug or strong-armed paternalism--MEJ.

Another midpoint picture spotlights President Truman (because he was US president at the time) by its degree--13Can13 (conj US natal Sun)--and because Uranus conjoined MC as the Bomb dropped (within a 1-minute orb), so there's another midpoint of plutonian power @13Can13 as well:

Uranus-Neptune = Pluto @9Leo57: the big picture commands a certain course of action which must be followed, very little option to do otherwise; great losses, calamities, catastrophes.

Uranus-Pluto = US natal Sun: revolution; urge for independence (by the Man From Independence); breakdown; catastrophe.

Pluto-MC = US n Sun: wanting to spread one's wings and fly; eager for excitement; major life change is illuminated; desire for power and authority.

And of course there are revelations shown by the MC-Uranus-Mars trio at The Goal Point of the chart involving the hotheaded, rebellious, forceful pair of Mars-Uranus:

Mars-Uranus = MC: an inflexible character with a desire for independence (peep-eye, Give 'Em Hell Harry!); putting a gun (or bomb) to someone's head; taking drastic measures.

Mars-MC = Uranus: the big push, the quick advance; winning right away; rash; argumentative; inflamed.

Uranus-MC = Mars: rash action; upping the tempo; argumentative and challenging; temperamental drive for ego recognition.

(All midpt pics from Tyl and Ebertin with my italics and bold added; any, all, or none may apply though perhaps you agree that they all do apply.)

And now, speaking of draconian war crimes, perhaps you remember The Daily Show the night that Jon Stewart apologized for calling the culpable Harry Truman "a war criminal":


Is this a lighter topic? Hmmm...uncertain.....

What to expect from the first of four debates this Wednesday night (Oct 3, 2012 9:00 pm edt)? Mr. Romney must "instigate" while President Obama is determined to hold onto the ball!

During the debate I'll be watching planets rise, set, culminate and enter/leave houses as the brouhaha goes on and if anything curious or interesting occurs (as particular topics are addressed or incidents happen) I'll write about it on this seven-years-old-on-Oct-17th blog for your consideration. Of course, more astro-details concerning the October debates are found in the just-published issue of Stars Over Washington Monthly newsletter for those who sign up for a one-time electronic delivery at a Special Holiday Price of $15 for 3 months of info! And as you would expect, the two November eclipses and Winter Solstice 2012 are included along with the First Vote on November 6 at Dixville Notch N.H. jc

Sep 29, 2012

Sep 29, 2012 Aries Full Moon conjunct Uranus Rx!

In about 20 minutes edt, the Full Moon perfects @7Ari22 after sailing past Uranus Rx @6Ari31. Crackling excitement is always in the air with a Moon-Uranus contact and since this is a Full Moon, the opposition of quirky, surprising Uranus to the Sun makes for willfulness and provocative circumstances.

Naturally with a Full Moon we think of relationships and this one in particular since the Aries-Libra axis is being reflected in the Moon's glow. Sun Lib-Moon Ari is an Air-Fire blend of energies so the phrase "live wire" comes quickly to mind.

This sociable combo is perfect for a Saturday night of parties! Yet it contains political vibes, too, and is shared natally by a comedian-activist and a poet, both of whom are quoted here:

"Hell hath no fury like a liberal scorned."

-Dick Gregory

"A politician is an arse upon which everyone has sat except a man."

-E.E. Cummings

Well, I'm quite certain they each had very good reasons for saying so...


Astro-Note: the event-packed 2nd issue for Oct-Nov-Dec 2012 of Stars Over Washington Monthly just went out tonight! Get your printable copy delivered to the Inbox of your choice by subscribing here for a Special Holiday Price of $15 for 3 months of Political Astrology aimed at Washington, DC! jc

Sep 28, 2012

Sep 29, 2012: Happy Birthday, Stephanie Miller!

"Ladies and Gentlemen, it's the Stephanie Miller Show!" Plus, Her Sun-Moon Blend

by Jude Cowell

Since Stehanie Miller's irreverant, hilarious, and smart radio-and-Current TV Show from California let me in on what an entertaining broadcaster this daughter of Barry Goldwater's 1964 VP running mate is, I'd like to say, Happy Birthday, Stephanie!

Below I shall post a tiny smidgeon of astro-details concerning the sharp political analyst and progressive, Stephanie Miller, by considering the signs of her Sun-Moon blend of energies which may help describe her whacky and talented personality. And I mean whacky in a good way for if we don't laugh uproariously at what these political geezers and whippersnappers now infesting Washington DC are up to, then we'll cry and if we cry, we'll feel disheartened, and if we feel disheartened, we'll stay home from voting booths on November 6th, and if we stay home from voting booths on November 6th, corporate agents and backers of special interests will decide many pertinent matters that We the People should be deciding for ourselves without interference from outside or homegrown meddlers following some crazy Utopian dream so old it's gone gray around the muzzle.

Now here's a brief, none too intrusive (I hope!), astro-portrait of Current TV's Stepahanie Miller, born in Washington DC on September 29, 1961...

On that glorious day (using 1:00 pm edt for I know not the hour of her birth), the Sun for the 24-hour period was in early Libra (5:46--6:45), the charming sign of balance and beauty, and the Moon remained in one sign, ranging from 7Gem27 to 20Gem23 with Gemini the sign of Communications, News, and Youthful Fun--for which she harbors a reigning need (as denoted by one's Moon sign.)

Having Sun Lib-Moon Gem gives Stephanie a Double Air blend: gracious and intelligent, reasonable and clear-headed, witty and urbane, and a natural communicator who soars while building ideal political, social, and philosophical schemes for improving man-and-womankind's lots in life. Great for comedy!

This combo of energies (Sun = conscious mind, Moon = the unconscious--blending them is the most creative way to be!) leans Ms. Miller toward deep friendships though she prefers to remain carefree. A natural teacher, knowledge is important and novelty keeps things fresh for Geminis her many talents may be fully developed through focused efforts would add a new level of accomplishment to Stephanie's trophy collection!

Plus, Sun Lib-Moon Gem indicates one whose liveliness, diplomacy, and justice-seeking engages millions of fans on radio, TV, and onstage with her Sexy Liberal Comedy Tour starring Steph and a revolving cast of John Fugelsang, Hal Sparks, and Aisha Tyler. Mr. Fugelsang, soon to have his own show on Current TV, has asserted that people trust comedians most because when they're really funny, jokes have a huge helping of truth in them.

And audiences laughing at politicians and their political antics is fun and lets off a bit of frustration, I say. It's as if Stephanie, who grew up around Politics, lets us in on the cosmic joke we're being played for by the ruling elite, for most often the joke is at our expense.

Here are the planetary conjunctions of September 29, 1961: Venus in Virgo conjunct Pluto (sexy liberal!), Mercury conjunct Mars in Libra-Scorpio (political opininions that irk some people), Jupiter in Capricorn conjunct Saturn (drive toward major success!), and Uranus conjunct North Node (progressive political groups and activities, electronic broadcasting, new contacts and associations.)

Yes, Stephanie is a reveller and yet--a helper, as she often admits on air. But there's one cosmically curious synchronicity which you may not know: that her Sun Lib-Moon Gem personality blend is shared natally by Brigitte Bardot who so helpfully alerted us that, "There are no ugly women. Every woman is a Venus in her own way."

Happy Birthday, Stephanie, and have a great birthday show this Saturday night!


Recommended: Sun Sign-Moon Sign, by Charles & Suzi Harvey.

Sep 27, 2012

Election Day Mercury Rx starts early w Voter Fraud in FL

The RNC has cut ties with one of Nathan Sproul's voter registration services which the GOP hired at a cost of millions, and they say they've parted ways due to faked listings of voters' names and addresses.

Looks like the recent Nodal Half Return of the Republican Party is showing itself as well since partnerships and alliances that aren't strong enough to stand some strain may be broken off when the transiting North Node of the Moon--the Head of the Dragon--meets the Tail of the Dragon as described by the separative South Node!

Recent grouses and critiques by Republicans against Mitt Romney and his presidential campaign are along Nodal Half Return lines, too. But never fret: Mitt can manage any criticism because he says, "I've got broad shoulders."

Guess I failed to notice the impressive width of Mittens' shoulders because I've been focused on the off-key, none-too-bright, tone deaf remarks coming out of his mouth by way of his Piscean Mercury. Please tell me that someone has explained to Mitt by now why airplane windows don't open!

Sep 26, 2012

Is Utah candidate Chris Stewart a "certified nutcase"?

Since I live in Georgia I have no idea if Republican candidate Chris Stewart is a "certified nutcase" as some who know him have claimed. So I leave it to you, dear reader, to make up your own mind about this 'end time' author with big political (aka, power) dreams whose theologically based conclusions are subject to interpretation.

And if you happen to vote in the great state of Utah, so much the better. You'll feel safer if you know who's running around on the loose out there...

Sep 24, 2012

'Atlantis: the Lost Continent' (video) and the asteroid

As both of you know, 'Atlantis' is a myth that won't fade and the name was used in past centuries to signify this American continent, and what became the United States of America. And of course, 'Atlantis' appears in Astrology as an asteroid and is said to indicate "where we feel doomed" which seems inspired by the reputed fate of the ancient, advanced civilization called, Atlantis. So perhaps the following 1-hour-thirty-seven-minute film will be of interest:

Visit Forbidden Knowledge TV for more videos on a variety of topics.

Sep 20, 2012

Horoscope: Autumn Equinox in Washington DC

Horoscope: Autumn Equinox September 22, 2012 10:49 am edt Washington DC

by Jude Cowell

Below you see the Autumn Equinox 2012 chart (aka, Libra Ingress) set for our nation's capital with the Eagle Point rising @15Sco41 and contentious Mars @19Sco52 soon to follow. North Node (NN) 27Sco49 rises as well and is a favorable indicator in 1st house with its Jupiterian, connective flavors. This NN conjoins President Obama's natal Midheaven, and candidate Romney's natal Moon-Jupiter conjunction spotlighting the ongoing 2012 campaign season and the encounters the public will soon have through the October debates and Election Day, November 6th.

With intense Scorpio rising, the chart's ruler is the 1st house Mars and the highstakes contests so far seen in the presidential and House races are well-noted by anyone with access to media. Sub-ruler Pluto 6Cap58 is in 2nd house of our National Treasury, Earning Ability, and Values so plutonian transformation--and secretive, hidden wealth--are in play within these areas, as we know.

We-the-People's Moon 27Sag21 is in 2nd house as well denoting our monetary concerns but also showing fluctuations, changes, and possibly more instability in financial areas--things can go up, down, or alternate. Moon rules 9th H of Foreign Lands so we may continue to question if conditions abroad and globally will interfere with US monetary improvements which even now are of mixed portents.

Major applying aspects of Mars and Pluto hint at how the Autumn season will proceed (in relation to D.C.) so let's take a look at them and consider the houses (departments of life) which are affected. Of course you know that any reference to a Mars-Pluto combination of energies includes such topics as war and warmongers, violence, weaponry, security forces and issues, rape, chaos, mayhem, attacks, terrorism, and, in America's case, the Pentagon and military personnel. Zeal, tremendous energy, and heated arguments are also indicated especially with House and Senate seats up for grabs along with the Oval Office occupancy come January 21, 2013.

Actually, Mars makes no major (Ptolemaic) aspects to another planet yet there is a complex, interlocked relationship between Mars and disruptive, progressive, technological Uranus @6Ari14 Rx in 5th H of Risk-Taking and Gambling and it's a dynamic sesquisquare (135 degr) which can express positively or negatively. A minor irritant exists between Mars, the god of war, and his co-ruler Mr. Hades, the spy--a semisquare (2A05) which will probably play out most obviously in the 6th H of Service (Police, Military, Civic), Health, and Work. Mars is at a traditionally malevolent degree ('19Sco'), aka, Serpentis, which compels those affected toward misfortune; ASC also brings up South Scale with its several negative potentials such as theft, betrayal, abuse, poison, drowning, revenge, and all-around criminality.

Being the slowest moving planet in our solar system, we can't say that Pluto 'applies' but Mr. Underworld does contact both luminaries: a square to the Libra Ingress Sun 00:00:00 (6A58) and a conjunction to the Moon (9A36); Sun (the leader) SQ Pluto supports the Mars-Pluto indications above, and shows willfulness and a might-makes-right attitude whic tends to strike first in order to retain control of others; it's an aspect of executive and managerial ability as well and with a Sun-ruled Leo Midheaven @24:47 (conjunct President Obama's natal Uranus-NN political duo) we may expect to become very aware of these potentials as Election Day draws near.

Moon conjoining powerful Pluto suggests that the public re-evaluates the country's 2nd H financial conditions and our basic ideals as we look for the elusive "perfect" candidates to vote for (Moon-Pluto has a public relations vibe) concerning our deeply felt opinions about topics such as crime, war, secrecy, terrorism, and available resources on our minds. Ex: why do we destroy the infrastructure of other nations and pay heavily to rebuild them when our politicians--our alledged 'representatives'--block such neglected improvements and projects here in our country which would also create American jobs by the thousands? Are they daft, or are we?

Okay, sorry, I digressed a bit...

A word should be added about monied Jupiter @16Gem08 (conjunct the position of the June 5, 2012 Venus Transit of 'paternalism') so finances, Big Business (and with Scorpio rising), internet concerns (Gemini), ideology (Jupiter), generalships, broadcasting, and expansion of the Fed and other systemic institutions are part of our Autumn 2012 picture with Jupiter ruling 2nd H of the US Treasury and 5th H of Risk-Taking (27Pis08, a Jupiter-Neptune inflationary, bubbly affair.)

Plus, nebulous, watery Neptune in its own sign of Pisces 00:59 Rx is found in the 4th H of Domestic Scene, Homeland, and End of the Matter---flooding may occur once more, and perhaps the uptick in the US housing market recently reported is but a ruse or an illusion made necessary prior to Election 2012--hopefully not for I do prefer that my fellow Americans have decent, dry homes to live in, don't you? Yet Sun and Neptune are inconjunct, with Neptune conjoining US Secondary Progressed Descendant (Partnerships) which hints that President Obama (Sun) may find himself bogged down by trivial considerations and harmed through the deception of others whom he'd prefer to work with--yes, the exploitation and scapegoating between political parties continues as burdens are unloaded upon the wrong people in order to deflect culpability and guilt. (But check out Neptune's positive aspect to Saturn, below!)

Why, even Mitt Romney's father was temporarily On Welfare once upon a time, in spite of Mitt's entitled, holier-than-thou attitude toward the 47% of us he considers to be beneath him! Guess America's social safety net programs can be of great benefit after all, hmm?

Now the 12th H (Politics) authoritative Saturn's sign-ruler, Venus, planet of money, values, and relationships, is posited in 9th H of Foreign Lands, Philosophy, Religion, and Higher Education and is placed @17Leo44 and in Mutual Reception (on friendly terms) with the Libra Ingress Sun in 11th H of Groups and Associations (Venus = Secretary of State Clinton?); Mercury 9Lib44 is in 11th H as well which denotes diplomatic gestures and associations, and much travel through them, both here and abroad. Will our gestures be well received? In part, yes (Venus sextile Jupiter) yet testy Mars and Venus are square one another so obstacles, delays, and frustrations are on the menu though perhaps most of the interference stems from DC partisans and agents with axes to grind.

As for Saturn, still exalted in Libra but headed soon for business-oriented Scorpio, he's working behind the scenes of the 12th H of Karma where he reaps what he sows, as do we all. This Saturn has a strong sense of duty and conscientiously fulfills them in Libra, sign of The Diplomat, plus, there's a nice sextile with the Moon (we the people: managerial abilities, good judgment, and empathy), plus, a trine from Saturn to Neptune which provides wisdom and insight.

Well, it isn't often I manage to type the words "wisdom and insight" in a horoscope set for Washington DC, is it? Yet is a Saturn-Neptune trine enough to counter, or at least mitigate, the forceful Mars-Pluto energies taking early command in this chart and ruling our Autumnal season? If experienced, 'cooler heads' prevail we may hope so and with Saturn ruling the 3rd H of Communications we shall at least learn of wiser solutions for thorny problems.

As always, getting Washington politicians, partisans, lobbyists, and government subversives to cooperate with a solutions-based program for the America they're working so hard to undermine and control will be the real trick.


Blog Note: this hastily typed, freshly composed article on the Autumn Equinox 2012 chart is 'an echo' for I analyzed the chart in the July-August-September 2012 issue of Stars Over Washington Monthly (subscription form linked in sidebar, upper) and it is meant to add to the details in the SO'WM newsletter rather than replace them. Issue 2's subscription form will be linked on this blog's sidebar near the end of September and will cover many political and cosmic events including the October debates, two November eclipses, the quarter's Lunations, and Winter Solstice 2012. Plus, issue 2 will be offered at a Special Holiday Price of $15US so subscribe only if you dare! Thanks, jc

Sep 19, 2012

MarketPlace: Traders Use Financial Astrology (audio)

Remember the other day when we discussed the Fed, QE3, and inflationary Jupiter-Neptune? Well, today MarketPlace presents a revealing look at market traders who use Financial Astrology and the current Saturn square natal Neptune affecting the Fed's natal horoscope. This is the 'false hopes and promises' transit when deception, illusion, and limitations are part of the picture, at least until the transit passes.

Wonder to which international banking houses America's treasure was sent this time--and why? And what does the IMF know?

As old financier extraordinaire, J.P. Morgan (student and client of master astrologer Evangeline Adams) once famously said, "Millionaires don't use Astrology, billionaires do."

Yet we may never know how many traders take advantage these days of the financial cycles described so well by Astrology since, as mentioned above, its use is often kept a big secret!

DC's National Zoo baby panda cam (live!) w birth time

Update 9.23.12: sad to report that baby panda cub has died. Did I see this in its natal horoscope (detailed below)? Well, Sun in Virgo did put a newborn's health front and center plus, there were hints in the rest of the chart that I didn't detail because I wanted to celebrate the positive, not mention the negative, in an attempt to be optimistic about the little fellow. Baby pandas are so fragile!

Original post begins here and I imagine the panda cam will be discontinued:

Tiny Panda Cub Born in Washington DC's National Zoo!

by Jude Cowell

Thanks to a kind reader, a link to the Washington Post article giving the birth time of the newbie panda cub born in DC's National Zoo has been sent along! Born Sunday night (9.16.12) at 10:26 pm edt, this baby panda is about as sweet as can be and its innocence belies the usual political corruption, greed, lies, secret deals, and power plays that issue from the swamp that is Washington DC, one of my former cities of residence.

Speaking of the zoo, did I ever tell you that I lived near the National Zoo at one point and could hear the echoes of monkeys vocalizing every morning from my kitchen window? Living back in my homestate of Georgia these many moons, I now hear only the whoops and calls of monkeys of the two-legged variety as they seek to control and/or undermine what's allegedly your and my government.

And as a 'child of the Revolution', this grumps me up no end. You?


September 16, 2012 10:26 pm edt Washington DC is an Hour of Venus and shows baby panda with Sun in Virgo, Moon in Libra with lovely Venus in Leo at IC (Home; Domestic Scene.) Youthful Mercury rules the Ascendant 6Gem07 and the panda with US natal Uranus, planet of The New, rising. Plus, little Mercury itself is at a Cardinal World Point of Manifestation and Fame: 00Lib13, conjoining America's natal MC in our nation's 5:10 pm Sibly chart.

And with jolly Jupiter in mid-Gemini rising in 1st house of Physical Body, this wise, inscrutable bear should be very popular and grow to be quite large, as we might expect a panda to do.

The Sun Vir-Moon Lib personality blend gives the already-famous mite an Earth-Air blend indicating humility, simplicity and, appropriately, a love of the natural environment. This is a very cooperative bear and with the natal horoscope's Part of Sons at Midheaven (13AQ25), I shall step off a limb and guess that the baby's gender is male, then keep my ears open around the Christmas holidays when the little 'fellow' will be named!

So Welcome to Washington, little panda bear!