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Oct 19, 2012

New Black Hole Found? (video) and '25 Scorpio'

In the Sabian Symbols, the word picture for '25 Scorpio' is "An X-Ray" with a keynote of INVESTIGATION, and a positive expression of: 'an exceptional power of analysis; when negative (unconscious/shadow side--jc), we have 'uncritical oversensitiveness to both the condition of self and the state of society.

The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Marc Edmund Jones.)

Why mention '25Sco' in tandem with the following presentation? Because it involves an X-ray Nova and gamma ray blasts which seem to have revealed a new black hole at its center, that's why!

And of course, the horoscopes we've considered of late have had activity around and within the 24 to 30 degree-range of Scorpio. Why, even the US Inaugural Moon of 2009--We the People--clocked in at 29Sco45 at noon on January 20, 2009 when President Obama took the Oath of Office the first time in front of TV cameras, the assembled company, and anyone who cared to notice our public spectacle of power-transfer. But as you know, an early Aquarius Mercury was Rx (and conjunct Pres. Obama's natal Jupiter Rx) which expressed as a glitch made by Justice John Roberts which made a second Oath-Taking necessary.

This circumstance gave an unconscious 'his Oath was suspect or insufficient' hint of scandal to Mr. Obama's term of office before it even began and it has operated as a target for exploitation all along by the GOP's zealous right wing.

Very similar tactics were used in the plot to seize the White House from FDR by using the lame justification that setting up another man in the White House to share the burdens of presidential office was necessary in order to help Mr. Roosevelt who wasn't physically up to the task! Truth is, they were determined to depose the president in a tantrum against his New Deal policies which did not pay them what they though was their due (everything!)

Again in 2012, fascist sympathies are creeping across the land and we may look no further than to financial houses of Europe, the US, and elsewhere if we wish to identify many of those who would deny the right to vote to American citizens, force employees at pain of job-loss to vote for the boss's favorite candidate (or else he'll close your company), plus, other strong-armed tactics which are staples of the Republican political playbook for plutocrats and monarchists so that they may finally and completely take over the US government and all resources.

As the plot against FDR was simmering and rising in the 1930s, Hitler was gaining power across the seas by way of all sorts of tricks, and a 'Rise of Fascism' Solar Eclipse manifested. You may wish to view its horoscope (set for DC) and read a few of my notes on the topic.

And perhaps you'll join me in wondering who the Top Five Money Men are who back the candidacy of Mitt Romney?

Q: do you feel any conflict between Mitt's Mormon beliefs v gambling casinos and how gambling losses can decimate families? Anyone?

This degree range of Scorpio entails contacts with Romney's natal Moon-Jupiter conjunction and President Obama's natal MC.

Oct 12, 2012

Final Interview w filmmaker Aaron Russo (video)

As the dust settles from last evening's VP debate (and I trust you enjoyed the bickering the Oct 11 debate's horoscope predicted would break out!), here's an interesting video with filmmaker Aaron Russo concerning the fakery of the 9/11 attacks and several other topics--see what you think!

No time to watch the video? Then how about this curiosity: Aaron Russo and Nick Rockefeller were friends and apparently Mr. Rockefeller at some point revealed the elite agenda to Mr. Russo!

Thanks to Forbidden Knowledge TV for the heads-up on this video.


Blog Note: as has been posted previously, all videos and articles shown or linked to on this blog and all books noted contain the opinions and information of others and are not necessarily endorsed by yours truly though some are partially or fully so. They are provided as blog content so that topics seen from various perspectives may be explored and considered by open-minded SO'W readers! Jude

Oct 10, 2012

Fat Cats of the Revolution w a crisis-degreed Eclipse

Of Fat Cats, Eclipses, Inheritance, and JP v FDR

by Jude Cowell

In what must be a facetious manner, J.P. Morgan's Jamie Diamon says he "should have caught London whale's trades. No kiddin'!??

Well, I've yet to forget how the House of Morgan, a banking entity known in America as various forms of "J. P. Morgan & Co.", backed the ploy to depose President Franklin Delano Roosevelt in the mid-1930s because of his New Deal programs and I would not be surprised if biological and philosophical spawns of past traitors continue to bedevil us as they fight for the same cause--to dismantle, collapse, privatize--the social safety net of the American people and its coffers along with LBJ's Great Society programs.

According to most plutocrats, it seems that money is only worth the plutocrat it bails out. The needy? Forget them. Streets lined with tattered soup kitchen customers won't bother the conscienceless wealthy class nary a jot, they have bigger pictures to consider.

Can you tell I've begun reading The Plot to Seize the White House by Jules Archer?

After the last four years of extremely poor behavior on the parts of the Republican Party and its Tea Party wingers (and their corporate backers such as the Koch Brothers), the historic tale of Smedley Butler and the uncovering of what might have become more than the coup of a presidency but an assassination attempt by--you guessed it--high-flyin' financiers colluding their shriveled little hearts out in smoke-filled back rooms--well, I don't have to tell you that old J.P. and his ilk backed the entire enterprise to rid themselves of FDR and install a Fascist regime with its reins in but a few select claws.

Yes, I know it's considered impolite to ever mention the concept of Fascism in relation to current actors, political or otherwise, but really now! For how long must a spade be a litter box pooper-scooper in disguise?

In the 1930s, the Robber Baron types, their spawn and kin, used the ruse of "Return to the Gold Standard" as cover for their activities and true purposes while the American Legion whistled a Jupiterian tune! So right away you can see how certain moneymen took great exception to the rule of President Franklin Roosevelt who took the US off the gold standard among other things that enraged the wealthy class.

Reminds me of 2012 and how Wall Street and other financial titans have pretended to get their feelings hurt when President Obama referred to them as "fat cats"! As if they aren't...

Now here's the president in a 60 Minutes segment which aired on *December 13, 2009 in which "fat cat bankers" are called out but who have managed to avoid the 'pitchforks of the people' and the Justice Department prison sentences so far:

November 6, 2012?

If this fat-cattiness is the sort of behavior you prefer at the top of the heap running this nation--while trusting them to 'care' about US workers--then you probably think Slippery Mitt is your guy. He loves the corrupt vulture capitalist system so much, he intends to corrupt it through more de-regulation! But what will happen when No One in business in this country trusts anyone else because everything has been rotted out by too many people following examples set by crooks of the global underworld crime syndicate? Doing any sort of business will become absolutely impossible. But never fear for perhaps we'll have Mittens performing his best Reagan impression to inspire Americans into some form of greatness up on a hill somewhere...


*December 13, 2009 falls into the 11 South Solar Eclipse Saros Series which manifested on July 22, 2009 @29Can26, as you may recall. Of course any 29th degree is a critical or crisis degree, and the Sabian Symbol for '30 Cancer' = "A Daughter of the American Revolution"...INHERITANCE. (Jones.)

11 S themes include: 'the need to make sudden reforms; old methods or ideas fail and new systems are required to deal with events; issues must be handled in new ways; any blocks could be violently or tragically removed.' (Last occurred 1991; next: 2027.) (Predictive Astrology, Bernadette Brady.)

Not such easy eclipse themes to inherit and deal with during the first year of your presidency, are they? And with the opposing party opposing and undermining everything you do! Why, it's almost as if certain Washington politicians with all their Masonic trappings and finery knew of 11S's reputed influence making it a near-certainty that to trip up President Obama, they'd trip up America, too--plus you, me, and all our kin.

So what do you call such sour grapes behavior by a group of sociopaths who with each generation imagine themselves to be the only legitimate presidential occupants of the Venusian Oval Office? En masse we voted for Barack Obama, yet they--as was done in the mid-1930s against FDR--attempt to depose the president as insufficient and not up to the task!

Ancient Knowledge (video) (and Sacred Geometry)

Almost 26 minutes long is this partial presentation (Part One) which includes topics such as Consciousness and Sacred Geometry:

Visit Forbidden Knowledge TV for videos concerning more topics than a happy dog has wags!

Heist: Who Stole the American Dream? (movie trailer)

Here's a trailer for Heist the Movie:

Oct 8, 2012

Oct 11, 2012 Debating Sun-Moon Blends: Biden v Ryan

Natal Sun-Moon Blends of Debaters Vice President Biden and Rep. Ryan

by Jude Cowell

On Thursday October 11, 2012, VP Joseph Biden and Rep. Paul Ryan cross swords in Danville, Kentucky at 9:00 pm EDT with 29Tau50 rising (a critical or crisis degree.) This brings up Fixed Star Alcyone of the Pleiades with its 'something to cry about; exile; suffering' themes, plus, the May 20, 2012 Solar Eclipse @00Gem20 ('an obsessive idea is finally accepted'--Brady), and makes Venus (10Vir15) chart-ruler though soon Mercurial Gemini rises (and the debaters will probably begin speaking a couple of minutes after 9:00 pm.)

If we consider the appyling aspects made by Venus (29Tau50) in 5th house, we find there are none though faster-moving Moon will conjoin Venus (7A05) and speedy Mercury, the soon-to-be chart-ruler, sextiles Venus (0A45) from the 6th house of Work, Service (Military; Police, etc), and Health.

A Mercury-Venus sextile sounds lovely and aptly enough contains the temptation to argue and debate pros and cons--which may morph into bickering. A contrary tendency not to listen to others may also be evident as both men attempt to line up support for their ideas and policies.

Very descriptive, of course, is challenger Mars (Ryan) @3Sag28 setting at 9:00 pm in Danville, and conjoining Biden's natal ASC 3Sag11! This will provide the Vice President with extra dynamism and an aggressive, impatient energy. This 'meeting of the minds' is also affected by the fact that the two men have their Nodal axes in opposite signs--Biden's NN in Virgo, Ryan's in Pisces--which can either be complimentary to their encounters, or extremely challenging and separative.

Interestingly, the Sabian Symbol for debate Mars ('4Sag') is: "A Little Child Learning to Walk" so with 28 years difference in their ages, perhaps the more experienced Mr. Biden will do a little schoolin' on Thursday evening especially since Ryan's natal ASC = 00Sag38 conjunct his hard-to-pin-down Neptune 00:35 with transit Mars now in Ryan's 1st house of Self.

And of course you know which planet will be at Midheaven (the Goal Point) of the Oct 11 debate horoscope when they finish at 10:30 pm, right? Neptune Rx @00Pis36, the planet of idealism, glamour, the media, the masses, propaganda--and falsehoods. Just as with the completion of the presidential debate on October 3.

A peek at their natal charts (birth data given,below) shows VP Biden with a Sun Scorpio-Moon Taurus personality blend (Water-Earth = practical), and Paul Ryan sporting Sun in Aquarius-Moon in Libra (Air-Air = reasoning) so let's consider both blends:

Sun Sco-Moon Tau has a quiet determination, concern for others, and may occasionally feel torn between bright optimism and brooding pessimism. When the conscious side (Sun) and the unconscious (Moon) are working in tandem, an intense idealism is noted which upholds all that is solid, traditional, and dependable in society. This is an intuitive, pragmatic, and factual combo that thrives on harmony though it can be stubborn and pigheaded when it wants to be; there's an instinctive understanding of basic human needs and of the financial realities involved.

Sun AQ-Moon Lib is a highly idealistic blend with a good intellect, avant-garde tastes, and plenty of charm. Long on theory, this combo is not always practical, and may be accused of making up its philosophy as it goes along. (Ryan's theatrical Neptune-ASC conjunction is aided by this tendency.)

Seeing life from endlessly shifting vantage points, this personality blend denotes global interests, an overly abstract approach to life, and a dislike of imperfection. (Ayn Rand disliked imperfection, too, as do adherents of Social Darwinism--and I think the Ryan 'Prosperity' Plan is meant to weed out the weaker among us: survival of the fittest!--in markets and in social safety net programs.)

Now let's look at 3 quotes from some who share natally these Sun-Moon blends:

Biden's Sun Sco-Moon Tau:

"British management doesn't seem to understand the importance of the human factor"--Prince Charles; and, "Our country needs not heroics but healing; not nostrums but normalcy; not revolution but restoration"--Pres. Warren G. Harding.

Ryan's Sun AQ-Moon Lib:

"As for men in power, they are so anxious to establish the myth of infallibilty that they do their utmost to ignore truth"--Boris Pasternak.

Well, hopefully you'll enjoy the VP debate. Bickering or not, I know I will!


Chart data used: Joseph Biden Nov 20, 1942 8:30 am EWT Scranton, PA; Paul Ryan Jan 29, 1970 2:37 am CST Janesville, WI.

Oct 6, 2012

Wedding Day Astrology of Paul and Janna Ryan

At last! Just to let you know that I've now published a Wedding Day Astrology Report on Paul and Janna Ryan, if you're curious!

Their wedding day, December 2, 2000, shows a potential for two Sun-Moon blends since the Moon left Aquarius that evening and entered Pisces so if you have a moment, please check out the report and, if you wish, 'vote' for the blend you think better describes the partnership of Rep. Paul and Janna Ryan.

Oct 5, 2012

New Book on Saturn in Scorpio and "A Sight-Seeing Bus"

Today, October 5, 2012, Saturn moves into Scorpio from its sojourn in compromising Libra. Control is a major facet of the karmic planet of The Father, aka, the senex; other facets include: reality; fact; authority; authenticity; responsibility; accountability; restriction; constriction; boundaries; structure; status quo--and with the change from Libra, its sign of exaltation, we know that Saturn's concern with control is also one of Scorpio's primary interests or goals.

Enter master astrologer Donna Cunningham, who highly recommends a new book Saturn in Scorpio: Your Guide Through the Dark by Mandi Lockley which contains info on Saturn transits to planets and follows Saturn's often heavy footprints through the houses. How timely!

Now let's consider the Sabian Symbol of Saturn's degree today at its most Scorpionicness: 1 Scorpio:

'1Sco' = "A Sight-Seeing Bus": FRIENDLINESS:

Positive expression: a basic impersonality which capitalizes on the opportunity of the moment and helps reorder the situation whenever there is difficulty or dissatisfaction;

Negative (unconscious/shadow side--jc): a genius for avoiding any and every actual expenditure of self.

(The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Jones.)

Now on this dark Saturnian topic we could mention a few cosmic connections to the October 3 Obama v Romney debate and the disassociation from truth that we witnessed. But why do it here, when so many are busily fact-checking for us?

Besides, we have a Scorpio Eclipse coming soon on November 13 @21Sco56 which conjoins the 12th cusp of Politics and Karma in the July 4, 1776 5:10 pm LMT 'Sibly' version of America's natal horoscope.

And since all eclipses have an ability to uncover or leak darkly hidden secrets, I wonder what tidbit or scandal may turn up on the peep-eye! menu for any and all political candidates as 2012 careens on?

Oh, and one more thing about Saturn entering Scorpio: The Taskmaster will conjoin the natal Sun of the New World Order @1Sco19! Here's a bit I wrote about the NWO natal chart way back in 2005 and here's a copy of the natal chart I published then with its birth date and time based on one of three Great Conjunctions of Uranus and Neptune (The Enlightenment planets) which occurred all through 1993:

You'll note that the November 13 Solar Eclipse hits NWO Mercury 22Sco25 which is encased by its natal Mars 19Sco00 and Pluto 24Sco29. Try this midpoint picture of the NWO: Mars-Pluto = Mercury: desire to realize plans fanatically. (Ebertin.)

NWO Sun = "2Sco" = " A Broken Bottle of Spilled Perfume."


Pos: persistence in creative effort and utter fidelity to the inner essence of selfhood;

Neg (unconscious/shadow side): witless dissipation of every resource of self and society. (Jones.)

And turning all our public institutions into privatized entities that benefit the wealthy while implementing vast schemes upon the 47% in order to effect massive population control.

Oct 4, 2012

Oct 3, 2012 Obama v Romney Debate (video); w Jupiter the Cat

First Debate October 3, 2012 9:00 pm--10:30 pm ET: Obama v Romney

Well, the Astrology of the first debate last evening showed Romney having an edge and we certainly saw his hunger for White House power flashing through that fixed smile. It's no surprise that Mitt the Bully showed up and President Obama let him show himself off while the urbane Mr. Obama looked down at his papers (was he grading a test?) too often and for too long with what appeared to be extreme dislike for his Piscean opponent. Well, at least he was visible at the podium, right? And he did bring up some good points.

But as you noticed, President Obama seemed to have an unaccustomed feeling of being challenged. Methinks The Office and its exalted bubble does that to a person (if they weren't arrogant enough before.) Plus, I've heard that the president really doesn't like Romney though he's definitely not alone in that sentiment--many Republicans don't like Mittens either. So did Romney increase his 'likeability quotient' with you by displaying a ride-roughshod performance in which he seemed to compare President Obama to his lying sons?

As previously and curiously noted, when the debate ended at about 10:33 pm EST last night, lying Neptune was at the top of the horoscope, a signature of Mitt the Fish with his Sun, Mercury, and Mars in Pisces. My suspicion is that fact checkers will do their jobs for Mr. Romney flip flopped again on his policies and was coy about his plans for America as he attempted to appeal to the 47% of us he'd condescendingly dissed on May 15, 2012 (as seen in his secretly recorded rant to millionaires.)

Plus, Neptune now squares Mr. Obama's natal Moon (3Gem21, in natal 4th house) so it's a time of confusing circumstances, shifting alliances, and a potential for showing a lack of confidence. Is that what we saw from him last evening?

Biden v Ryan

Well, I just looked again at the horoscope of the VP debate on October 11, 2012, and wouldn't you know? Again it's 9:00 pm--10:30 pm ET, and nebulous, hard to oin down Neptune is at the top (MC) of the chart, the WHY? Point that describes The Goal and Aspiration.

If I have a chance later, I'll post both the 9:00 pm and 10:30 pm horoscopes of the October 11 VP debate and we'll discuss a few chart factors. For now, here's a quote from a comedian who shares natally the Sun-Moon blend which will be in effect the evening of October 11, 2012--does it apply to the Biden v Ryan debate? You decide:

Sun Libra-Moon Virgo: "The 'what should be' never did exist but people keep trying to live up to it. There is no 'what should be', there is only what is."

Lenny Bruce


Now if you're a fan of Astrology and cats as am I, you may want to watch the very talented Jupiter the Cat answering questions. Wonder if Jupiter debates?

Oct 3, 2012

Election Day Mercury, Sabian Symbols, and Mitt's Shady Voting Machines

by Jude Cowell

If you're like me you've been wondering how in the world Mitt Romney can pull a victory rabbit out of his tophat in November considering his dismally low polling numbers. Well, here's one clue: Vote Counting Company Tied to Romney, one of Rove-Bush's old tricks--and you know how that shadiness turned out.

Yes, the November 6 Election Day Mercury, planet of votes, voting machines, ballots, and decisions, will Station Rx in Mr. Romney's natal 7th house (DESC 1Sag01) while opposing President Obama's natal Moon (3Gem21 in n 4th H) around 6:03 pm (ET) at '5Sag':

"A Wise Old Owl Up in a Tree" which Marc Edmund Jones explains as NORMALITY:

Positive expression: exceptional wisdom or effective self-restraint in each detail of personal accomplishment;

Negative (Unconscious/Shadow Side--jc): self-betraying intellectual and emotional smugness. (The Sabian Symbols in Astrology.)

Of note is Adriano Carelli's symbol for November 6's Mercury Station Rx degree yet he tends to 'keep' a degree without rounding up so let's check out the symbol for '4Sag' in Carelli's The 360 Degrees of the Zodiac:

"A Grated Window in a Mediaevel Manor" which tells of a "warlike and impulsive nature [that] will stay hidden till drawn out and revealed by circumstances apt to produce an outburst of rightful wrath or ambitious fury. Till such time, [he] will look like a good-natured man, rich in deep-felt affections but full of reserve; not submissive but unassuming and self-contained; kind, correct in business, sensitive and watchful, with a slight hint of tameness but ready to defend himself.

On the contrary, when the bugle has blown, there he will go, leaping out of his den to do or die, a hero or a villain, violent and ruthless, a real daredevil."

Well! The symbol itself sounds rather Anglo-Saxonlike and the explanation more than a little like Mr. Romney himself--other than the "correct in business" part though he says we should take his word for it--and he will be, if he takes the helm of the Oval Office, a cozy collaborator of the plutocratic, monarchical neocon-Zionist-Vulcans who love little more than the profits and power they garner from waging perpetual war while they think to set up a global government in Jerusalem. (One reason they like to keep the Middle East stirred up.)

Yes, a second term for Barack Obama will bring the continuance of similar imperialist policies for there is a higher earthly authority at work than the presidency of the United States of America (and the Pentagon is part of its military/policing arm.) Yet a mandate from the people ought to mean something--well, it once did and may again--if American voters turn out in huge numbers for Mr. Obama which will make 'the fix' that's in for Romney-Ryan all the more difficult to justify while hiding just how crooked the win-at-any-cost Republican Party truly is.

Will SCOTUS intervene again? Wouldn't surprise me. And a final decision--if not on who won the presidency, then on Senate and House winners--may not be known until mid-December as timed by trickster Mercury all frustrated by its retrograde period but at last moving beyond its shadow degree of 5 Sagittarius. Maybe Supreme Court Justices are the "Wise Old Owl"!

"We don’t think you grow the economy from millionaires on down. We think you grow the economy the old-fashioned way from the middle class out."

--V.P. Joe Biden

"Whoever wins this next election is going to set the template for this country for a long time to come. We can settle for an economy where a shrinking number of people do very, very well while everybody else must struggle to get by or we can build an economy where everybody has a fair shot and plays by the same set of rules."

--President Obama

Don't know about you, but I'm with those guys!

You'll find more on Romney and Bain Capital, plus other interesting and timely information available at Alex D'Atria's Political Astrology so please do check it out!

Oct 2, 2012

Oct 10, 2012: Saturn-Neptune Trine good for Politics!

Feelin' Your 'Spidey Sense' These Days? Maybe It's Saturn Trine Neptune!

by Jude Cowell

Yes, it's true! A Saturn-Neptune trine overhead can be good for such endeavors as Politics, mystery solving and investigating, working on secret and/or government projects, and behind the scenes organizing. Exact on October 10, the Cosmos now offers us an easier understanding of the law of cause and effect in relation to our karmic circumstances for those who make an effort. And with the karmic Solar Eclipse in Scorpio on November 13, 2012 at our collective doorstep (@21Sco56--conjunct US natal 12th cusp of Karma and Politics), such understanding will come in mighty handy.

After all, voting Mercury's Station Retrograde on Election Day 2012 occurs at 4Sag18 so if we 'round up' the degree for a Sabian Symbol, we get: '5Sag' = "A Wise Old Owl Up in a Tree" guess as to the wise old owl's identity? The American people, the ones the Republicans have counted out and don't wish to 'fund' any longer when it's so obvious to them that their buddies on Wall Street need our resources instead and don't mind finagling to redistribute them...upward. (!?^*!!$#&*!!!)

However, for a much more uplifting and poetic rendering of this transiting, insight-inspiring aspect in emotional, intuitive Water signs Scorpio (Saturn) and Pisces (Neptune), check out Dipali Desai's wonderful column at Celestial Space. You'll be happy you did!

Why, even those involved with secret societies will benefit on some level under this trine's rays along with artists, musicians, writers, actors and directors, photographers, and workers in other realms of creativity, for making a wish (Neptune) come true (Saturn) as a dream is poured (Neptune) into form and substance (Saturn) makes for harmony under the trine's influence! And this is a distinct possibility for those who are willing to actually use the trine energy (talent) with its steady focusing capability rather than relying on mere luck to see things through.

Of course, having natal planets that make supportive aspects to Saturn in early Scorpio and/or Neptune in early Pisces can only help matters!

UPDATE 10.2.12: just found another informative view of Saturn in Scorpio by Washington state's expert astrologer Julie Demboski which you'll want to check if you haven't! #

For additional political and astrological considerations concerning Saturn in Scorpio, Neptune in Pisces, the October Debates, the Solar and Lunar Eclipses of November 2012, Winter Solstice 2012, and much more, why not subscribe to the Oct-Nov-Dec 2012 issue of Stars Over Washington Monthly--but only if you dare! :)

Oct 1, 2012

Stephen Colbert on Romney's poll numbers (video) and his Pisces Planets

Last week Stephen Colbert reported on the Romney campaign's lack of oomph in the polls and I'm just now posting the video to cheer up my two Romney-supporting friends who are admittedly down in the dumps. I'm not certain which stage of grief they've entered (they'd rather not talk about it) but I'm sure this will help them deal:

Right away astrologers recognize Mr. Colbert's 'Aqua Romney' as a (perhaps unconscious?) reference to Mitt's natal Sun, Mercury, and Mars in watery, diversionary Pisces! Just when you think you've 'caught' a Pisces, he swims away.

And it seems curious to me that Romney's assumption that it's now his "turn" to be president (added to the regressive GOP platform meant to roll back progressive programs from FDR's New Deal, Civil Rights advances, women's reproductive rights, and more) shows an interesting synchronicity with the Inaugural Sun positions prior to the change from early March (Sun 13Pis+) to January 20 (00 AQ+) for noon Inaugurations, a switch which took place between FDR's Inaugurations of 1933 and 1937--and Romney's natal Mercury Rx = 13Pis55!

Don't know about you, dear reader, but I do Not want to live under 1930s conditions any more than we already are, either with or without Mr. Romney playing the role of president!


Blog Note: many Thanks to all who have subscribed to the just-published Oct-Nov-Dec 2012 edition of Stars Over Washington Monthly! Your kind encouragement is very much appreciated, Jude