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Jan 16, 2013

Another reason for the US culture of violence?

President Obama made major moves today toward gun sales reforms and other laudable proposals, some by executive order and others which Congress must muster up whatever consciences assemble under the Dome and bravely act upon.

Yet as I have followed news reports concerning the Newtown CT tragedy, it seems that our collective soul-searching has waned without addressing one issue that lurks within the core of our longstanding culture of violence: the continued acts of violence committed in our name by the Pentagon and the US government under the label of war.

Naturally you may disagree with me yet is it not logical to expect that younger Americans since the New Millennium in particular are not only desensitized to the pain of violence by repetitious use of violent video games but by a constant awareness of US invasions, occupations, and bombing of women and children which runs like a default program in the background of their lives?

A culture of violence? It seems that those who export it must expect its soon return and with an extra helping of vengeance added. Those who appreciate viewing societal concerns and events through the lens of Mundane Astrology are now watching the planet of responsibility and accountability, Saturn, moving through Mars-Pluto ruled Scorpio, sign of vengeance, death--and regeneration.

And the current Solar Eclipse that manifested on November 13, 2012 @21Sco56 conjoined America's natal 12th house cusp with its Karma, Self-Undoing, Politics, Secret Deals, Hidden Enemies, and Hospitals implications--and all of these have certainly been stimulated by the eclipse.

My personal prayer is that America will be wise enough to allow Scorpio's regenerative ability to do its healing work so that all souls may be uplifted to a higher path than any culture of violence can possibly allow--for the sake of our children and for the health of our nation and planet Earth.

May pandering to the lowest common denominator to seek fame and fortune be seen for the deep harm it does.

Jan 15, 2013

Horoscope: The Confederacy--and a "dark vein of intolerance"

Natal Horoscope of The Confederacy (1861) with Pluto in Taurus

by Jude Cowell

You've probably heard by now that Colin Powell recently described the Republican Party as having a "dark vein of intolerance" which seems a spot-on analysis to this particular southerner. Particularly since the natal horoscope of the Republican Party (July 6, 1854 5:00 pm LMT Jackson, Michigan) shows the dark planet of veins, tunnels, and other deep locations, Pluto, posited in Venus-ruled Taurus, sign of gardening, building, preserving, gold-loving, and luxury with its shadow side of greed, stubbornness, prejudice, and intolerance.

Thus, a "dark vein of intolerance" runs deep within the *era of the party's inception in 1854, a few years prior to the outbreak of the Civil War. Slavery of those who were seen to be 'lesser than' is the 'dark elephant in the room', of course, but such a massive topic is beyond the scope of this post even as racism winds its insinuating snakiness around this nation's heart--still, as we hear from the rhetoric and 'code words' of Republican Party members and other Americans who hold such vile persuasions based on their alleged superiority.

Another implied condition of influence is the hard-fought progress of the Civil Rights Movement/s championed by Rev. Martin Luther King Jr which roiled America during the 1960s when the restless and rioting combination of Uranus and Pluto met in Great Conjunction in mid-Virgo at the critical-crisis degree of 17 Virgo.

So this weekend, we have President Obama's second Inauguration, privately on Sunday January 20th and publicly on Monday January 21st--Martin Luther King Jr Day--and social conditions may be on the boil in America particularly when future anti-gun-violence measures are tossed in (see video below.) As you know, generational Uranus and Pluto are in and out of a square aspect (obstacles, blockages, frustration) in the globally-affected Cardinal signs of Aries and Capricorn, exact since 2010. Thus civil rights troubles regurgitate.

And of course you know of Richard Nixon's campaign ploy in 1968 to use the Southern strategy and the Republican Party has been skewed (and in my opinion, damaged to the core) by holier-than-thous ever since. Makes sense that the GOP's much-touted "soul searching" that would supposedly take place after their loss of the White House on November 6, 2012 never actually occurred for look at the misshapened beast of intolerance they'd have to face if they looked deeply enough. My suspicion is that party leaders took a brief peek as they kneeled down, then renewed their vow of subservience.

Restrictive, Status Quo Saturn Rx in Virgo

Virgo can play The Critic and may act at times as intolerantly as Taurean energy if it is ill-directed and feeling inferior (as it often does, especially with natal Saturn therein.) And because Virgo is ruled by mental planet Mercury, I find that Virgo intolerance is usually based more on conceit of opinion and on intellectual snobbery, while Taurean intolerance is more the jealousy-envy-winner-take-all kind of character flaw...greedy and selfish. Manipulating and controlling (Pluto) the bodies (Taurus) of others may be described by Pluto in Taurus as well (exs: slavery, and the abortion and contraception bossiness of old white men...these days fans of Viagra.)

Below you see the natal horoscope of The Confederacy which, like the Republican Party horoscope, contains Pluto in Taurus. Plus, Pluto is in the 12th house of The Unconscious, Karma, and Self-Undoing. Many things are hidden in the 12th houses of all horoscopes and here we see that the planet of war and conflict, Mars (strong in its own sign of Aries, the warrior and pioneer), hides near the cusp, ready to break out at any moment into the more visible 11th house of Groups, Associations, Hopes and Wishes.

And with foreign bankers to motivate and support them and with independent trade a major concern, southern planters, businessmen, and their sons were ready as firecrackers when the first shot began the Civil War near Charleston, S.C.

Image: The Confederacy February 4, 1861 '12:00 pm' Montgomery, Alabama

Hour of Venus; Moon out-of-bounds (emotional insecurity) in adventurous Sagittarius; a Kite pattern of success but its 'tail'--Jupiter @22Leo (a degree of 'mastery') is Rx and I believe, along with Saturn Rx represents the foundation (4th house) of the southern cause's support system--the House of Rothschilds which controlled the British government (Saturn) and monarchy (Jupiter in royal Leo); Sun 15AQ59 with Mercury 19AQ13 (the 'nose' of the Kite) and wounding-wounded Chiron in 10th house of Worldly Status.

The Confederacy's Jupiter @22Leo50 returns to natal position on July 7, 2015

Testy Mars is also involved in the Kite configuration along with the Sag Moon ruled by Rx Jupiter; Venus conjoins NN at Nodal degree--more 22s of 'mastery' (which in this case reminds me of slavery.) The Confederacy's natal Venus-NN conjunction was stimulated by the New Moon of January 11, 2013 at that degree. With a swoon of synchronicity, a New Moon at the same degree occurred on January 11, 1994 (a time link!) which plays into the Republican take-over of the House by Newt Gingrich and his minions--and the subsequent government shut-down the GOP so enjoyed and with which they again threaten our nation's economic standing if they don't get their way: Act Two, one supposes.

Astro-note: the above chart data is taken from Campion's The World Book of Horoscopes which shows an Ascendant of 00Gem34, the degree of the May 20, 2012 Solar Eclipse with Mercury-Pluto content ("an obsessive idea finally accepted; success after much hard work"--paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology.

As you well know, an African American president will continue to inhabit the Oval Office for four more years, a fact that Republicans refuse to accept in their deep stubbornness and intolerance of 'the other'. And this selfishness is displayed no matter how their theatrical political stunts hurt the American people or how easily their sorry strategies may collapse global markets. Yes, the entire world will have the Republican Party to 'thank' if financial matters 'go south'!

Plus, curiously, the IC Point of The Confederacy chart @12Leo25 (its Foundation or Basis) conjoins the natal Sun degree of President Obama!

Edit 3.2.16: video removed so the code is removed but I hope you've listened to Colin Powell, above, for the result is the 2016 candidacy of Donald Trump who pretended confusion over the identity of Klansman David Duke! Talk about racist dog whistles, Trump has them in his back pocket during each of his speeches (aka, ramblings).

It seems to me that those of a Confederacy mindset ought to be ashamed of their backwardness and regressive primal tendencies but apparently such self-awareness is completely missing in many of them. Which is somewhat odd considering that The Awakener, Uranus (but also The Rebel and Anarchist) is rising (edit 3.2.16: and 2016 candidate Bernie Sanders is calling for a political revolution in an attempt to save our country for the sake of We the People). Well, perhaps not so odd for revolutionary Uranus for, as they've brashly threatened on many occasions, The South Shall Rise Again! Q: do racism, intolerance, and primal violence have to rise with it?


*In the Tropical Zodiac, Pluto lumbered through the 30 degrees of Taurus from 1852 to 1884, leading up to and encompassing the American Civil War with its massive death count made higher by disease, infection, and gruesome surgeries (Pluto), and in part, was in effect during the era of the Industrial Revolution/s when many social transformations took place.

Jan 13, 2013

Oligarch Jay Rockefeller retiring but Plutocracy 'safe'

Since creating this blog on October 17, 2005 I have groused my frustration many times concerning the high-handed arrogance of, and the condescension shown toward the common good by, the power elite or 'ruling class' which is clearly represented in America by the House of Rockefeller among others (ex: House of Morgan)--and in Europe by its related House of Rothschild.

Well, inspired by the retirement announcement on Friday of West Virginia Senator Jay Rockefeller (b. June 18, 1937), who will not seek re-election in 2014, the excellent blog The Oligarch Kings has published a report on the Rockefeller family tree with details on which modern politicians are related to the Rockefellers and to other of our nation's oligarchical plutocrat families, past and present.

Check out the article, if you wish:

Rockefeller: Twight of the Oligarchs?

Astrologically, I remind myself of the July 4, 1776 condition of powerful wealth-collector Pluto Rx @27Cap33--out-of-bounds of the Earthly plane (hidden as manipulative Mr. Invisible prefers to be) and posited in our nation's 2nd house of the National Treasury ('Sibly' natal chart for 5:10 pm LMT) us an early portrait of the American financial oligarchy.

Of course, 'OOBs' means that secretive, stealthy Pluto was not actually on-hand to interact with the other players in July 1776 (he wasn't in the room, you might say) yet powerful Pluto's association with The Unconscious made and makes his rule all the stronger especially because he was in Saturn-ruled Capricorn (sign of government, law, business) and Saturn signifies control and the status quo.

Related reading: The National Journal explains why Senator Jay Rockefeller's retirement is a big deal.

Jan 9, 2013

An Ode to Dick Nixon

An Ode to Dick Nixon

Former President Richard Nixon marred much of the years I spent in Washington DC moons ago when it was my favorite city of residence. Perhaps it still is in spite of how subsequent political and financial crooks and varmints have clouded its much-touted promise. Anyway, the following Ode occurred to me unbidden on this, the occasion of the 100th anniversary of Tricky's birth:

Dick Nixon would be one-oh-oh if he were walking 'round

"I'm not a crook," or so he said but differently was found

Yet not all bad we must admit politicly astute

still paranoia was his fall which caused him ill repute.

jc 1.9.13

Now! Glad that's done. Here's a post from 2007 concerning President Richard M. Nixon's resignation with a few astro-notes on his personality if you're game. You'll find a link to his letter of resignation therein.

Neptune in Pisces and Decalcifying Your Pineal Gland (video)

With infectious Neptune traversing its own sign of Pisces we note a ramping up of such problems as Boston's flu epidemic as the stealth planet associated with the 'urge to merge' undermines the lives, prospects, and/or health of many people as Year 2013 gets underway. My belief is that Neptune's link to the Divine Source is the only reliable method of survival we can depend on!

Here's one of my posts from January 11, 2012 concerning the transit of Neptune through Pisces, the pineal gland, fluoride's toxicity (as in, poisoned tap water, toothpaste and other commonly used products), and calcification of the pineal gland ('3rd eye' = intuition.)

These same topics (without the Astrology) are addressed in the following video presentation by Erin Janus: How to Decalcify Your Pineal Gland:

And isn't it annoying that flu vaccinations and vaccines of all kinds--also ruled by Neptune and meant to fight infection--seem part of the undermining of our health, according to many vaccine-safety doubters? At the least Neptune often adds doubt and over-charging to the situation.

Plus, astrologers deal with planetary cycles and recognize that Neptune's transit of Pisces will eventually result in America's Neptune opposite natal Neptune (23 Virgo) transit across the Virgo-Pisces axis of compassion-victimization, a time of conflict when the Neptunian ideals of one generation are pitted against another's, and some of the masses (Neptune) will become victims of religious and/or racial persecution.

To me it seems like the persecution of the global population began a long time ago, doesn't it?

My thanks to Forbidden Knowledge TV for sending a heads-up on Erin's video.

Jan 7, 2013

Obama announces Top Post noms w Mercury OOBs

For Top Posts Nominations, Jupiter Rx Is Also Rising

by Jude Cowell

With President Obama set to nominate former Senator Chuck Hagel (NB) for Secretary of Defense and counterintell official John Brennan as CIA Director today at 1:05 pm est, we find a few inauspicious planetary portents involved...As Above, So Below.

January 7, 2013 1:05 pm est White House shows an Hour of the Moon (publicity) along with 'nefarious scheming to exalt the ego' (Sun-Neptune = Mars in 10th house of Career and Public Status--in a word, Politics); Mercury, planet of nominations and announcements, is out of bounds which may be a negative or can indicate those who are 'outstanding in their fields' relating to communuications, oration, and other Mercurial pursuits.

Mr. Brennan's surveillance links may also be denoted by Mercury OOBs, and Mercury is @11Cap11, snugged between Sun and Pluto. Naturally, Pluto's invisible helmet may be in attendance and Chuck Hagel isn't favored by the right-wing of the GOP because he may not bow down low enough to the Israeli government Zionists. Yet if Hagel is confirmed, I'm quite certain he will.

The separative South Node @24Tau45 is rising in 1st house--is this bad timing for the president? Unfortunate nominations? Well, with the Scorpio Moon conjoining the November 13, 2012 Solar Eclipse @21Sco56 (theme: 'joy through commitment'), Luna's VOC condition can show that things will go off as planned, without a hitch--or, that the nominations are going nowhere.

With an Ascendant @18Tau47, chart-ruler is Venus @28Sag13 in corporate 8th H, conjunct star Acumen--enduring attacks that weaken); Venus makes one applying Ptolemaic (major) aspect, an opportunistic sextile with nebulous Neptune (the media; the masses.) Venus sextile Neptune gives them the opportunity for public relations, flattering photographs, and an ability to see the 'big picture', or at least the one they want us to see while other things go on out of our field of vision.

Although disengaged Mercury is OOBs of the Earthly plane, it acts under the influence of Moon-Neptune (scandals; delusion about the popularity of policies) as apex planet of a midpoint picture:

Moon-Neptune = Mercury: saying one thing and meaning another; vagueness (Tyl.)

We may also stretch degrees a bit since speedy Mercury is traveling between Sun and power-manipulator Pluto with this picture:

Sun-Pluto = Mercury: "lording it over someone"; great salesmanship (Tyl): aspirng intellectual supremacy; a public speaker with suggestive powers (now who could that be?); consciouness of aim or objective; organisation; prudence; a nerve crisis (Ebertin.)

Sun @17Cap36 (the president) clocks in at the POLITICAL POWER Sabian Symbol for '18Cap' ("The Union Jack Flies from a British Destroyer"") which in its negative manifestion: 'smug or strong-armed paternalism' (Jones.) As you know, this is the stand-out degree of the Uranus-Neptune conjunction/s of 1993 from which the modern-day new world order natal horoscope may be timed (I prefer conj #3 of 3, Oct 24, 1993: Sun 1Sco19--click to view the chart.)

When their transpersonal energies team up, the Uranus-Neptune pair denotes things such as: The Enlightenment, rationality as god, science, unconsciousness, wrong ideas, peculiar mystic states, psychical research, inner visions (Ebertin), losses and peculiar inclinations such as what I consider psychopathic one world government types to suffer from as they follow the script and direction of dark forces.

When the Sun reaches '18Cap' each year we have, since 1993, a midpoint picture with potentials for unconsciousness, impressionability, experience directing confused people, motivation gained from dreams (visions of a nwo--Washington is close now to collapsing the global economy once they decide the trap is fully set)--and 'vaunted self regard' (Tyl.)

But of course such high self-regard is common among most of those who go into Politics and boss others around, bomb into oblivion and spy on the innocent, as if their arrogant selves are the cat's meow.

Related reading at Mother Jones.

Jan 6, 2013

2013 Energies and 113th Congress = Sun Cap--Moon Virgo

2013 Opens with Earth-Fire Energies and a 113th Congress with Practical Possibilities

by Jude Cowell

With the January 3rd swearing in of the 113th Congress of the United States, we find its signature Sun-Moon blend to be Sun Cap-Moon Virgo, a practical Earth-Earth combo of energies which gives me a tad of hope that this particular gaggle of lawmakers (with obstructionists continuing their heel-yapping aimed at government shutdown and other mischiefs) will make serious efforts to treat our nation and the American people (such as Hurricane Sandy victims--and all women) better than did the non-productive 112th Congress.

And yet the Uranian anarchists who've wormed their rotten way into Congress (and joined the new world order shills and agents already there) don't cause me to think that the US government is dysfunctional or broken--though they're trying. But their outrageous behavior and obstructionist antics do cause me to think that traitors to America and American sovereignty should be expelled from government asap.

Year 2013 Imprinted with Sun Cap-Moon Leo Energies

Some key phrases that describe the atmosphere or flavor of Year 2013 based on its beginning Earth-Fire Sun Cap-Moon Leo blend (Jan 1, 2013 12:00 am ET Capitol Building) include: volcanic lava creates new land, a bulldozer pushes ahead no matter what, the enthusiastic doer, practical visionaries, eyes toward the main chance, sense of humor, rational bias, compulsive need for control and power, tremendous certitude concerning ideologies, dictatorial and insensitive to the needs of others (more of same), powerful egos, can make high-powered decisions and shove through policies, authoritative, authoritarian.

Actually, Fire-Earth describes the natal blend of old J.P. Morgan (Sun Aries-Moon Virgo), as you may know. Perhaps a famous quote from his nibs (a nwo agent, too, btw) might sum up the sort of mindset of the Washington varmints and operatives that the American people will suffer by during Year 2013:

"I don't hire a lawyer to tell me what I cannot do; I hire him to tell me how to do what I want to do."

Plus, the Sun Cap-Moon Leo combo is shared natally by Mao Tse-tung who in his own nwo way suggested a ploy we now see implemented by infiltration of our federal, state, and local governments:

"Wherever we go, we must unite with the people, take root, and blossom among them..."

Welcome, dear reader, to 2013.

And on a more positive level, be sure to check out Dipali Desai's consideration of the January 11th New Moon in Capricorn.

Jan 4, 2013

Powerful Pluto opposing US natal Sun (leadership)

Me? I'm with Jessica

by Jude Cowell

For some time on my blogs I have occasionally mentioned transiting Pluto's effects as it traverses early to mid-Capricorn and opposes America's natal Venus, Jupiter, and Sun. Using an orb of plus or minus 5 degrees, transformative Pluto opposes US natal Sun (leadership; the presidency) @13Can+, depending on which birth hour you use for our nation on July 4, 1776, and we see that titanic power struggles abound in Washington DC. Also involved is the association of astrological Pluto with oppression (ex: 'lording it over others'), mind control and propaganda, and extreme wealth and riches hidden in secret places.

But let's not give a pass to Mr. Hades' links with the global Underworld Crime Syndicate, 'The Family', the International Banking Cartel ('City of London', etc), "The Octopus," total surveillance and spying, or even to the vicious character flaw of committing rape, a topic which Republicans struggle to define while obstructing legislation meant to protect women. Yes, Pluto is a sexy dude, which is more than can be said for the Todd Akinses amongst the GOP--even if it were appropriate.

As I type, tr Pluto sits at 9Cap27 which sextiles Saturn in sexy, occult, secretive Scorpio, quincunxes Jupiter Rx in Gemini (Direct Station @6Gem19 on January 30, 2013), and separates temporarily from its Cardinal Square with progressive Uranus in Aries, the sign where Ebertin described The Awakener as radical "Utopians" and zealots--you know, the ones in Congress who intend to take America's finances to the brink of default in a couple of months to make their ideological points while they play chicken with the 'faith and credit of the US' as they did in Summer 2011 for the sake of power-grabbing and thus handing our nation its first-ever credit downgrade. Those Utopians.

And they did it and will do it while pretending to care about America!

Wish I could say more today but with blogging time reduced this week due to family responsibilities, I am very glad to find that expert astrologer Jessica Murray has masterfully addressed the condition and events relating to Pluto opposing US natal Sun and other important transits in her comprehensive way on her blog at Daykeeper Journal so check it out if you haven't.

As you may be aware, the UK's natal Sun @10Cap opposes US natal Sun so tr Pluto has now conjoined London's leadership while opposing Washington's, a difficult transit that was on the other boot 100 years ago!

Jan 1, 2013

113th Congress swears in January 4, 2013

Update 1/2/13: Well, today news sources seem to have settled on January 3rd for the 113th Congress which means the original January 3rd horoscope and my post stands as-is. Sheesh

Original (confusing) post begins here:

It's Mea Culpa time!

by Jude Cowell

Between all the hubbub of New Year's Eve and last night's dramatic Senate vote that passed the Tax Relief Extension Bill--drama which continues today as the House does what it does starting at noon today (Speaker Boehner meets with the Republican conference at 1 pm est--to amend, vote, or scuttle)--it has finally come to my distracted attention that the 113th Congress will be sworn in this Friday January 4 and not on January 3 as I'd previously heard reported and had posted on.

Therefore the 113th Congress' natal chart must be recalculated, studied, and posted asap. Thanks for your patience, dear readers, and Happy New Year's Day!

Today in Georgia my family will chow down on my attempt at my mother's (which was her mother's) scrumptious cornbread (which is Not of the cakish sweetened kind), and black-eyed peas will be in close attendance (to attract coins in 2013) along with a green vegetable for conjuring up an abundance of paper money in the New Year--an old, if silly, tradition!

Stay tuned for a new posting of the 113th Congress' natal horoscope!

Dec 31, 2012

12.30.12 Hillary Clinton's blood clot: an active Mars and Neptune

12.30.12 Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in the News

by Jude Cowell

News Update Dec 31, 2012: Hillary Clinton Blood Clot Between Brain and Skull. See 'Mars-Saturn = skull' below. Doctors say she has not suffered a stroke and will fully recover!

Original post begins here:

Huffington Post is as good a source as any to read what little is publicly known about Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's ongoing health issues. Today it was announced that she's been admitted into the New York-Presbyterian Hospital due to a blood clot discovered after her recent concussion suffered from a fall during a fainting spell which resulted from severe dehydration after contracting a stomach virus.

Whew! That's quite a paragraph and a list of medical dominoes falling, isn't it?

A quick spying upon current transits to Sec. Clinton's natal chart (October 26, 1947 Chicago, IL @8:01 pm CST--I use this time to give her a Prominent Degree rising--00Can03--and because of her round face...Cancer's Moon), otherwise, 8:00 pm results in a nervous, wiry, *crisis-ridden 29Gemini49 Ascendant with a 6th house Rx Mercury @21Sag19 as chart-ruler rather than the Moon @29Pis12, a critical degree, yes, but also conjoining another Degree of Prominence, the Aries Point. But that's just me--feel free to disagree if you think this accomplished politician has a natal horoscope ruled by a retrograde planet and that she reminds you of a nervous Nelly!

Now information on her original problem, a stomach virus, has seemed quite elusive to me for I've search in vain for an exact date, time, and location. She travels so much, logging in visits to 112 countries as Secretary of State, that my little brain cannot possibly keep up with her wheres and whens. So if you, dear reader, have the scoop on her falling prey to what is described as a "stomach virus", please advise in a comment or email.

But let's proceed as if the story is genuine though with Neptune's involvement, some form of poison, gas, toxin, or contagion is always a possibility.

Apparently the tummy virus hit her in "early December" as did her fainting episode (Neptune, also Uranus-Neptune = unconsciousness) at some point when she was 'at home alone' and fell, hitting her head (Mars-Saturn = skull, violent assaults or injuries; Saturn rules bones and Mars, the head...Aries.) Mrs. Clinton has a trio in her health-associated 3rd house--a very close conjunction of Mars 14Leo16 and Pluto 14:51, plus, Saturn @21Leo21. Dehydration, a Saturn and a Water sign (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces--natal planets in all 3) issue is part of the fainting spell, plus, I assume that dizziness may have been a factor as well.

Her extreme exhaustion from non-stop traveling has been a recent concern--retirement coming up soon--and may have become more obvious around October 28, 2012 when restrictive Saturn hit natal Sun @2Sco48, dampening her vitality (and maybe stomping on her ego!) And of course, the stress from the Benghazi, Libya consulate attack/s and the much-touted scandal couldn't have helped what may turn out to be a shaky period of medical problems for our 65-year old Secretary of State.

Even before the "early December" time frame, a perilous transit took place when testosterone-driven Mars @25Sag55 opposed natal Uranus and Ascendant on November 11, 2012 indicating difficulties for group activities, disruption of events and schedules, and generally unstable conditions. Disaster can strike during such times, large crowds and strangers pose risks, and other people with biased opinions may attack, even physically.

More trouble in November!

November 15th brought the lady a Mars square natal Moon (Moon = physical body) transit when equipment failures, stalled vehicles, and other frustrating delays can occur. Digestive complaints from poor food preparation (or from something untoward slipped in? just a thought) are almost a given with this transit and I must wonder if the stomach virus hit her around mid-November, give or take a day or so. Also, creating antagonism in male associates within the environment is not a good idea at such a time for disagreements can escalate and be particularly emotional and nasty.

Then on December 1st, warrior Mars @11Cap22 squared her natal Neptune in Libra, sign of diplomacy and partnership. Problems include disorganization, rationalized or deceptive actions, and time and energy that turn out to be wasted. Inattention may cause dangerous repercussions while lack of awareness (Uranus-Neptune) may provide hidden dangers (Mars) an opportunity to pounce from the Neptunian shadows.

Now transiting Neptune has been active, too. For on December 10th, a square from tr Neptune to natal Jupiter @00Sag37 (in natal 6th house of Health, Work, and Service, and ruler through Pisces of her natal MC--'1Sag' = "A Grand Army of the Republic Campfire"), marking another period of disorganization and cat-herding which, along with unrealistic expectations and misplaced faith, can undermine all growth and development. And of course, Jupiter is associated with Long-Distance Travel to Foreign Lands, Ideology, Religion, Courts, and other 9th H matters.

Neptune SQ natal Jupiter may also denote illusion, deception, extravagance, and/or exaggeration any of which can lead to disaster if not checked by prudence. Fanaticism pretends to be idealism and blind devotion leads to falsehood and possibly to scandal--often with money involved.

Now this reminds me of the September 11th Benghazi attack/s and what I heard initially about how Republicans had voted to cut funds two years in a row for our foreign embassies' security. Yet I haven't continued to hear about cuts to security budgets in the Benghazi scandal's aftermath, have you? Only that security was insufficient and local police were inexperienced, and that though Sec. Clinton took responsibility for the lapses before the official report came out, she "wasn't blamed."

Well, there are two more transits I want to mention though I'm certain there are others which apply, if you care to look. The first is the day that her concussion was diagnosed, December 13th, the day that tr Chiron (the Wounded Healer) conjoined Mrs. Clinton's natal Midheaven (Career) @5Pis23. Obviously we may take Chiron to be a doctor or doctors! And their diagnosis was announced publicly (Mc) though certain Republicans (ex: John Bolton) didn't believe the story and called it a 'diplomat's illness' meant to keep her from having to testify on Capitol Hill on December 20th concerning the attacks.

December 29th: last is a square (obstacles, blockages) from Mars (attacks, challenges, infection, inflammation, etc) to natal Sun in Scorpio which is ruled by Mars and sub-ruled by toxic Pluto. (Note the above mention of her 3rd H trio of Mars-Pluto-Saturn.) When Mars SQs natal Sun, willpower and authority may be tested or challenged, and one feels super-touchy if someone encroaches on what should be ones 'territory'.

Again, tension with or between male co-workers or employees is likely though unfortunately, a blood (Mars) clot (Saturn) has intruded upon the usual portents of this transit with the Sun representing vitality, the constitution, and the heart. Her diagnosis and admittance to hospital today, December 30th, is most closely timed by this transit, a period when caution should be exercised in all physical activities and hasty actions are ill-advised. Plus, as you see, there's been quite a difficult build-up of planetary energies over the last several weeks which could sideline anyone!

Now I won't go on with transits to Hillary Clinton's natal chart or mention progressions, Returns, or other implications yet I must add that she has difficult transits in store for January 2013, primarily from fiery Mars which culminates, in a sense, with Mars conjoining her natal Mc on February 8, 2013, usually a period when career matters are visibly on the rise.

So with this post, my wishes for a speedy recovery are willingly offered and I hope Secretary Clinton is back on her feet, if not on her grueling schedule, in as short a time as possible. This lady deserves a rest!


*Okay, so her life has been somewhat 'crisis-ridden', I agree! And Uranus rising denotes one who is able to successfully cope and deal with the unexpected. FDR had this and in Gemini, too. Yet he was always seen as superficial (Gemini) so if you know of anyone who calls Hillary Clinton that, I'd like to hear about it!

Dec 29, 2012

113th Congress' natal chart: Sun-Pluto = Mc

Major Update Jan 1, 2013: Pardon! Due to a date mishap where I'd heard in recent weeks that the 113th Congress would swear in on January 3, it turns out that their oaths will be taken on Friday Janaury 4, 2013 instead. Therefore, you may read the following post based on 'Janaury 3' or, you may wish to stay tuned for a new post concerning the 113th's January 4th horoscope. How much will change astrologically from one day to the next remains to be seen but of course some changes such as the Moon's position will be notable. Thanks! Jude

Orignal post begins here:

The image below shows the natal horoscope of the 113th Congress of the United States of America which opens on January 3, 2013 at noon est on Capitol Hill. Its Ascendant, the Congress itself, brings up the transiting Jupiter-Neptune (speculators, spendthrifts, wastrels, frausters, grand schemers, and the Grand Spirit) midpoint which gives a hint of the 113th's character though not all members may be thus described by the duo's negative tones (we hope):

Jupiter-Neptune = ASC: living in a world lighted by personal imagination, or, an emotionally rationalized agenda. (Mdpt pics today are from Noel Tyl's book, Solar Arcs.)

Penned around the outside of the chart are America's natal placements from the 'Sibly' chart of July 4, 1776 5:10 pm LMT--as you see, Jupiter Rx @7Gem31 in 2nd house of the National Treasury will again conjoin US natal Uranus 8Gem55, as discussed in previous posts; North Node (NN 24Sco45) points to the 8th cusp and house of Shared Resources, Debt, Credit, Insurance, Legacies, Transformation, etc, and is ruled by the 8th H's natural rulers, forceful Mars and powerful Pluto:

If the 113th gavela in on time at noon, it's an Hour of the Moon, suitable for changes and for newly elected congressmembers to take their seats, some of whom are women (Moon.) Publicity is involved as are security needs, real estate, and other realms associated with the astrological Moon including milk (Farm Bill? $8 milk?)

Here's a list of the 113th Congress' freshmen members.

As you see, there's another major midpt picture at Mc (Midheaven, The Goal Point of any chart) which has potential for:

Sun-Pluto = Mc: power games with important consequences; striving for power and control; vocational changes or upsets to adopt new perspectives.

Other midpt pics may be useful to consider though I shall not list them all in this post, then we'll look at the applying aspects of chart-ruler Mars (conflict; action; energy; warring factions, etc, to see how things may proceed for the country under the sway of the 113th Congress--note that Mars @6AQ48 conjoins US natal SN, a Saturnian point of separation and of past behaviors.

Challenger Mars is also the planet apex of 4 midpts: Pluto/Chiron (with its oppressive plutocracy and disenfranchisement vibes), Sun-Neptune, Neptune/Mc, and NN/ASC, detailed below) to see how things may proceed for the country under the sway of the 113th Congress and whatever secret austerity plans the radical Utopians (Uranus in Aries) will continue attempting to force upon us.

Martian midpoint pictures:

Sun-Neptune = Mars: nefarious scheming to exalt the ego; magnetism and charisma.

Neptune/Mc = Mars: playing a role.

NN/ASC = Mars: working for the common good (!!! now that would be a vast improvement over the radicals obstructing the 112th! jc)

I know of no easy words to describe Pluto-Chiron = Mars though with America's SN involved, I suspect that past bad behaviors such as oppression, win-at-any-cost attitudes, and even primal violence will continue to be exhibited by the corrupt Washington politicians and the plutocrats who support them infest the District of Columbia and continue their plan to completely take over the US government and weaken it while ravaging all resources of our nation.

Let us hope progressives and populists are up to fighting the battle though I must add the Saturn-Neptune = Mercury implications of depression and pessimism, a factor affecting all who are signified by planet Mercury (including young people, students, traders, and deal-makers. Sadly, the combo of Saturn-Neptune relates to 'secret government' but also to grief and sorrow.)

113th Congress: How Things Will Go = two applying aspects of Mars:

1. Mars trine Jupiter Rx (0A43) which on one level describes the pay raises (2nd H) that President Obama has ordered for the 113th Congress and for other federal employees who've had pay freezes in place (Rx Jupiter.) Hope our congressmembers turn out to deserve such financial encouragement and that they'll do the people's business better than the unproductive 112th did!

2. Mars square Saturn (2A56), which denotes that activist Mars will run into frustrating obstacles, hard work, and delays brought on by lack of preparation and/or bad timing. The seniority and authority of others may be challenged or threatened which will be met unkindly, and trying to get around rules and regulations is to be avoided (word to the wise!) Why, even physical threats may be received. Necessary items may go missing when sought though they will probably turn up later.

Yes, Mars SQ Saturn shows that the old dictum experience is the best teacher fully applies to the whippersnappers of the 113th Congress. But of course, with the GOP's past behavior with its sour grapes-sore loser attitude, we must expect to see filibusters and other obstructive tactics meant to block any legislation that might make President Obama 'look good'.

Well, these are my brief astro-notes concerning the 113th Congress though many other chart factors will be of interest as the congressional session grinds along. My plan is to direct you back to this natal horoscope when major transits or events occur so perhaps you'll find the chart useful as you consider the madness and mischief of the US House and Senate circa 2013 and beyond.


The only horoscope I have in my files for the natal chart of the US Congress is an old one and I suspect that I only surmised the hour since things tended to get started at an early hour in the olden candle-lit days:

US Congress: November 17, 1800 '9:30 am' LMT with Sun 25Sco04 (the above NN and 8th cusp conjoins natal Sun! NN to Sun = new contacts are made--or, sworn in!) and Moon 6Sag17, a steamy Water-Fire combo of passion, commitment, self-dramatization, fanaticism, and intellectual discernment.

Synchronistically, natal NN @17Ari59 conjoins the ASC of the 113th Congress, and natal Jupiter @4Leo26 = US natal NN; plus, natal Uranus @00Lib47, a World Point of Manifestation, conjoins US Midheaven in our 'Sibly' natal chart and with tr Uranus in Aries since 2010, Congress has been in the midst of its Midlife Crisis, a time when one tends to behave uncharacteristically!

Of great concern is Congress' natal Pluto @2Pis16 (transformation, manipulation, power, control, and wealth) which is now being dissolved by tr Neptune in early Pisces, a time when the current system can be removed, traditional rules are changed, treachery is afoot, and power is eroded; a resort to poison isn't out of the question, though negative societal trends may be mitigated somewhat by the current behavior and attitudes of those directly involved and challenged--here, the 113th Congress!

Dec 28, 2012

12.28.12 POTUS calls 'fiscal cliff' meeting w Jupiter Rx rising

12.28.12 WH 'Fiscal Cliff' Meeting: YODs of Crisis w Jupiter Rx Rising

by Jude Cowell

A peek at today's horoscope of the 'fiscal cliff' meeting between President Obama, the four House leaders, and VP Biden shows 11Gem21 rising with Jupiter Rx @8Gem05, conjunct US natal Uranus 8Gem55. As previously noted, Jupiter to natal Uranus tends to be a time when financial and political matters go smoothly but Jupiter's weakened Rx condition creates delays and glitches as banker Jupiter has crossed and recrossed our national Uranus, planet of change and disruption.

Called for 3:00 pm est, an Hour of the Moon (fluctuations, changes, instability, publicity--a PR exercise?), the YOD of recent and future days is now joined by the Sun @7Cap30 approaching Pluto @9Cap12 which adds complexity (and hopefully leadership) to the crisis-ridden stalemate and gives an additional midpoint picture with positive potential to consider:

Sun-Saturn = Jupiter: break up of a relatonship or value system for eventual recovery and gain; the cloud with the silver lining. (Tyl.)

Does this support a happy resolution based on today's meeting? Not so fast! For among other factors, chart-ruler Mercury @25Sag46 ('26Sag' = "A Flag-Bearer in Battle") is out-of-bounds of the Earthly plane and up to who knows what, is deposited by Jupiter in Gemini (a 'friendly' mutual reception) which is Rx, and makes no applying aspects at all...only a lonely separating semi-square with Saturn in business-oriented Scorpio, in the 6th house of Preparation.

There is, however, a high-flying KITE pattern of potential success with its tail the recently Full Moon (at 5:21 am est today), now @11Can55, in 2nd house of the National Treasury, though one must use Chiron @5Pis54 to complete the KITE pattern--Neptune is slightly out of orb. (This Chiron is at President Obama's natal 1st house Chiron degree, 5:19.) As the tail wagging the KITE, the Moon's Sabian Symbol seems appropriate to mention since US debt and credit are at issue: '12Can' = "A Chinese Woman Nursing a Baby with a Message." comment.

As mentioned above, the Sun (leader) approaches wealthy puppetmaster Pluto when the president may receive an extra boost of power to get matters settled though I'm not certain the deal will be completely to the liking of those who re-elected him--those who still, unlike the radical Utopians who've taken over the Republican Party, believe that government retains a responsible and accountable role in our lives.

And though I hope today's meeting will bring solutions, it isn't very promising with Mercury's condition and lack of applying aspects for Mercury rules meetings, agreements, and deals.

So I shall emphasize again the importance of Jupiter's Direct Station of January 30, 2013 @6Gem19, and of its subsequent forward movement into April, then late June, when financial matters may also move forward along with the Great Benefic.

For more on astrological Jupiter, see recent posts on this blog.

Coming soon: horoscope of the 113th Congress. Stay tuned!