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Nov 29, 2016

Criminalizing Dissent: This Is How It Begins - video

Apathy is a luxury we can no longer afford and is no longer any sort of excuse in America for non-participation in our 'democracy'. That's basically how We the People got into the political jam we're in today:

Read, watch, listen: Thom Hartmann.

Donald Trump? America is his cash cow now.

Father of Activist Injured at Standing Rock Calls on Obama to Stop Dakota Access Pipeline Drilling - video report

The following Democracy Now! report contains images not suitable for children but apparently Washington DC and big oil corporatists including share holder Trump are just fine with them as the theft of America's and her native people's natural resources continues:

Do you stand with the Standing Rock water protectors?

Astro-Note: In Astrology there is a certain Sabian Symbol that applies to the Dakota Access Pipeline stand off: '6 Gemini': "Drilling for Oil" = "SPECULATION; positive expression: achievement through an exceptional concentration or specialization of effort; negative (shadow side - jc): long-range or foolish gambling and ill-considered self-exploitation".

Exploitation is obvious. Gambling on water and environmental safety is extremely foolish. But of course, plutocrats who exploit the water supply of others for their own financial gain don't have to worry about drinking oil-contaminated water, do they?

Nov 25, 2016

Has Trump Already Committed Nixon-Esque Treason? (w/ Guest: Lamar Waldron) video

From November 22, 2016 Part One: Thom Hartmann speaks with historian Lamar Waldron, author of Watergate: The Hidden History concerning Donald Trump's use of Nixonian political tactics via his adviser Roger Ailes who also shoehorned Richard Nixon into the White House with something new: a television campaign. Run time is 21 minutes for this very informative interview:

Previously, on Stars Over Washington, a related post: 1971: Nixon, Gold, Jupiter-Neptune, and a Solar Eclipse Series Ends (as did the gold standard); post contains a link to the text of Hunter S. Thompson's He Was a Crook.

Go to Watergate: The Hidden History, Nixon, The Mafia, and the CIA. Is it curious how mainstream media during the 2016 campaign failed to mention the possibility of hidden mob ties to New York mogul Mr. Trump? He must surely have run across such crooks and made deals during the course of his extensive career in construction and real estate, don't you think?

Nov 24, 2016

Google & Facebook Target "Fake News"- Ignore Establishment News Even Worse - video

Here is a favorite commentator of mine, Jimmy Dore, talking 'bout fake news and the newly invented fight against such fakery that Google and Facebook say they're about to wage (have they started yet? I can't tell). How pathetic (and difficult to believe) that companies that trade on information have to be outed on supplying what is basically propaganda. Google and FB say they will change their policies--which is good since falsehoods can never be considered news at all! Their change comes, of course, after Election 2016 and the rigged 'victory' of Mr. Trump. Think websites will clean up their act before the 2018 midterms?

You'll find more commentary on The Jimmy Dore Show YouTube channel.

Nov 22, 2016

A Question about American Utopianism

Of Rosy Glows, Dragons Fought, and Thomas Jefferson

by Jude Cowell

St george

St. George and the red cross are emblems used by many countries, regions, organizations, and entities through the centuries, including medieval times. Today the modern 'Red Cross' organization is a well known example of its use as a symbol or logo and the 'rosy cross' of 'Rosicrucianism' represents a secret organization that favors a mythical beast that is seldom if ever glimpsed by non-members. More details here.

Yes, the Banner of St. George was notable (and one supposes inspiring) at the Battle of Agincourt and yet my current fuss is this: precisely why is a flag or banner with a red cross on a white field prominently displayed in the following painting of a tableaux of Thomas Jefferson's presentation to Congress of the completed Declaration of Independence? You see the red cross floating over Jefferson's head so is this a wordless message revealed via symbol? For one thing, Jefferson's effects after his death (on July 4, 1826) included a Rosicrucian decoder intended to read and write secret messages. And yet it was Great Britain where Rosicrucianism became uppermost, with Templar Freemasonry sprouting and growing wildly in the New World of America (though some say the two brotherhoods united at some point).

Here are details on John Trumbull's famous painting, above, of the moment Thomas Jefferson presented the first draft of the Declaration of Independence to John Hancock, president of the Second Continental Congress, on June 28, 1776. Last I heard, the 12' x 18' masterpiece hangs in the Rotunda of the Capitol Building. Standing with Mr. Jefferson are John Adams, Roger Sherman, Robert Livingston, and Benjamin Franklin.

Now as you know, Mr. Jefferson was a quiet man who whispered and stuttered when he spoke, and keeping secrets was a natural inclination for such a man particularly when involvement in certain activities could forfeit you your fortune and your life. Perhaps wisely, Jefferson never admitted actual membership in any secret society that I know of but we can surmise his knowledge of principles, plus, Monticello sported paintings of the three men whose intellect he admired most: Bacon, Newton, and Locke.

So I confess that there are times when the idea of an alleged "Book of Secrets" that's said to be for very few eyes suggests to me that whatever American secrets there be are totally different from what we've been propagandized through the centuries to believe about our Platonian, Utopian nation, the only country ever founded upon an ideal. From capstones, hollowed out crevices in cornerstones, and whatever is secreted under DC's Ellipse, to that infamous "Book", We the People surely must have stunning revelations ahead of us if Bacon's Vision is ever fully revealed. We may not like it but there it is.

Now with the recently denied potential of electing the first woman president, I had speculated that if such a thing happened, it could be symbolized by flipping over America's Great Seal in order to bring the more esoteric, unconscious symbols on the reverse more fully into our conscious minds. You know--the 13-step 'pyramid of power' which relates symbolically to the Midheaven degree and sign (on or about 26 Capricorn these days) in America's inaugural horoscopes (January 20th noon Capitol Building) -- the area of the Zodiac where Pluto in Capricorn now creeps. Plus, a late Capricorn MC places US natal Pluto Rx there as well along with America's progressed Pluto at 29 Capricorn, a critical or crisis 29th degree (as is 26 Cap). On Inauguration Day/s, our opposing Mercury Rx at IC echoes, along with sneaky Pluto at MC, the whisper of a nation of secrets, spies, hidden rulers, and a veiled mission.

And since Pluto was discovered in 1930, let's go ahead and say that when Freemason President Franklin Roosevelt had Inauguration Day changed from early March to January 20th (March 1933 to January 1937), he knew exactly what he was doing and what would eventually happen: transit Pluto in Capricorn ('the dictator') would hit the highest, most visible spot in US inaugural horoscopes, the Midheaven, the point of Goals and Aspirations...the pinnacle of worldly power, we might call it...and this would symbolically signify a display (MC) of might and Empire (Pluto in Cap) meant to be seen worldwide across the globe and denote Saturnian control (Capricorn) of the Earth itself.

How quirky that someone has selected a braggart nationalist like Mr. Trump to implement the final stages of Global Government when that's just the kind of thing he campaigned against! Perhaps he's only intended to corral Americans into place while continuing the destruction of the US Constitution that stands in the way of open borders and worldwide corporatism...they've already dispensed with the Constitution in the realms of habeas corpus, preemptive war, and brutal suppression of peaceful protest.

So here is another question: wonder if the Utopian society the Founding Fathers envisioned bares any resemblance at all to the crap government that anarchists have been busy downgrading America to? Because with Trump losing the popular vote on November 8th, consent of the governed is totally missing as is 'a mandate' for president-elect Trump and his austere sidekick, the boo-worthy Mr. Pence of Indiana.

Wikimedia page of the top image {Public domain} of St. George on his steed surrounded by 'rosy crosses'.

Nov 21, 2016

After the Revolution: the Oriental Planet of Donald Trump

Now that Mr. Trump will take the Oath of Office on January 20, 2017, I have been studying his natal horoscope even more closely than before. One chart factor that keeps 'popping out' at me is his 10th house Uranus in Gemini which leads the rest of his planets and is the last planet to rise before the Sun. This condition is called the Oriental Planet and as such provides clues to his 'inner guiding voice' and to the skill set he inherited at birth. Mr. Trump can use his 10th house (Career; Public Status) Uranus in communicating, trading, deal-making, negotiating Gemini to maneuver himself out of the scrapes he gets into though I'm tempted to add that the duplicitous nature of the Mercurial sign of Gemini (along with quirky system-busting Uranus) is usually how he gets into trouble in the first place!

Be that as it may be, a search for more information on Oriental Planets has lead to a handy article written by Michael R. Meyer, author of A Handbook for the Humanistic Astrologer among others.

Here I paraphrase Mr. Meyer concerning people born with Uranus Oriental, some of which applies to Politics and Society:

As Guiding Planet, Uranus describes what needs to be shaken up because it's out-moded or 'in the way', particularly in the social and political sphere. Uranus oriental folks are often dissatisfied with themselves, with their social status, and with general societal conditions. Quirky radical Uranus reveals in an unexplained way that conditions and circumstances could be improved but unfortunately, The Awakener (astrological Uranus) doesn’t necessarily provide insight into how to manage things "after the revolution."

Plus, as you know, the Uranian Mr. Trump has called NATO "obsolete" ('outmoded') but as The Guardian reports, Trump warned by Nato chief that 'going it alone' is not an option. Well, I'm not certain his Uranus Oriental is impressed by such a warning as long as member nations don't "pay their fair share" (grouses Mr. Trump's golden Jupiter in fairly balanced Libra!) And Uranus does tend to isolate, separate, and/or break up systems and organizations.

Read more on Uranus and the 'inner voices' of other Oriental Planets.

I think all but the most gullible among us already feel that Mr. Trump really doesn't know how this president-thing and 'revolution' should or will proceed in a way that safeguards our nation, if indeed that's what he intends to do. Uranus is, after all, America's 'totem planet' of war, revolt, revolution, crisis, separation, and disruption and his difficult Pre-Natal Solar Eclipse @8Gemini (2 Old North) with its 'bad news' potential conjoins US natal Uranus!

So what are the chances that Donald Trump will gain more realistic historical and philosophical perspectives with the alt-right history-challenged operatives gathering around him in the White House? Yet if president-elect Trump can manage to do this, he may find the balance necessary for fulfilling the *Republican plan to shrink and revolutionize the US government into whatever crabbed form they pretend is an improvement while still protecting the US populace and improving their plights...after the zealous dust of Uranian chaos settles, that is.

And so it seems that America's future depends upon one president's erratic Uranus in changeable Gemini, a familiar condition for We the People considering our nation's revolutionary beginnings, although now as then, outcomes and consequences will be unexpected, to say the least. Will the old order of Saturn give way to the new order of Uranus just as quickly as it would have under a neocon president such as perpetual warmonger and may-as-well-be-a-Republican Hillary Clinton? As I type, 'Democrat' President Barack Obama continues to push the TPP which will do much to set up corporations as everyone's overlords. Thanks, Obama.

All this said, how curious that some journalists intend to garble the notion of a 'Trump revolution' all together. Example: Donald Trump May Have Won--But this Is Not a Right-Wing Revolution.

Isn't it? My suspicion is that both History and Donald Trump's Uranus beg to differ.

Related: Dec 2016 into 2017: Karmic Planets hit the natal chart of Donald Trump.

*Please note that it isn't only Republicans who wish to collapse America so that a 'new world order' can be established--and if the Democratic Party actually fought against global government, outcomes would be more favorable to the American people and to the rest of the world. jc

Nov 19, 2016

How To Move Democrats to the Left - a caller asks David Pakman

It's good to have progressive broadcaster David Pakman back on SO'W discussing politics and politicians in this brief call-in segment:

Papantonio: What Was Missed About President Trump? - video

Q: Are you ready for the US 'total awareness' surveillance state to be handed over to vengeful Donald Trump?

The Ring of Fire.

Nov 18, 2016

Horoscope of the Third Reich (1933 into 2017)

Visions of Power Past and Future

by Jude Cowell

In case we need this chart as the Trump-Pence administration with its alt-right flavor begins officially operating, here is the natal horoscope of the Third Reich which came into being as Adolf Hitler and the Nazis rose to power. Noted on the horoscope, top right, you see that Hitler assumed personal power on August 2, 1934 at noon in Berlin, three hours after President Hindenburg died. Details are based on historical record and may be found in Nicholas Campion's The Book of World Horoscopes:

As you see, a KITE configuration (high-flying success) hinges upon a Venus-Pluto opposition with Venus (and MC) as the Kite's tail. First of Hitler's natal planets to rise is his Neptune-Pluto conjunction (marked in green) which suggests his mystical, occult, and supernatural leanings, plus, the magnetic charisma his contemporaries said he possessed. Venus (@19Cap59 9th house) is at the Uranus-Neptune conjunction degree (3x in 1993), a signature of New World Order craziness; chart-ruler, Venus first applies to opposition with Pluto (cutthroat competition; underhanded manipulation, obsessive behavior), then trines 5th house Jupiter (@22Vir28 Rx, conjunct US natal Neptune) which times a period of unpredictable outcomes but has a definite gambling vibe full of exaggeration, overindulgence, and waste if not handled well.

In addition, Jupiter in Virgo is part of the 'Marseillaise Trio' of planets (with Mars and Neptune) active during the French Revolution. Neptune conjoins the Third Reich's Pre-Natal Eclipse (PE) in the 6 South Saros Series--here, it manifested @8Vir09 on August 31, 1932 with themes of: forcefully taking power; huge group efforts (Brady) which certainly describe the events in Berlin during the fascist era.

We must also note that the 6 South Solar Eclipse of 1932 links to our current Solar Eclipse Series by degree--the *September 1, 2016 Solar Eclipse @9Vir21 (19 North: realism, tackling the truth, seeing things for what they really are--Brady), and, as you see in 5th house, deceptive Neptune of the masses and the media, conjoins the South Node in Virgo and does the same thing now--in Pisces; today's North Node (future direction) points to the September 1st Solar Eclipse (9Virgo) but as noted previously, its imperative for realism and truth is less clear because murky Neptune opposes it @10Pisces.

1933 into 2017

By progression, the Third Reich is now in a Balsamic phase with a SP (Secondary Progressed) New Moon due on June 6, 2017 @4Tau06 conjunct SP Venus @4Tau55. The SP New Moon chart shows a Locomotive shape with Saturn as the engine and a difficult, violent midpoint conjoining the New Moon: Saturn-Pluto. And if you look at the 2nd house of the chart shown above you see in red the Third Reich's Pluto-Chiron midpoint (primal violence, oppression, exploitation, fascism, nationalism, and other -isms) which conjoins America's natal Mars and president-elect Trump's natal Sun. This is not comforting for those of us who see parallels between the next administration and the rise of dictator Hitler especially since Pluto in Capricorn is The Dictator (Ebertin).

Of course, this chart's Pluto @21Can59 Rx (conjunct IC) will soon be opposed by transit Pluto in Capricorn (power vs power, no-compromise) as Predatory Capitalism continues to break down across the globe due to its own sorriness. And with tr Pluto reaching the Third Reich's Venus, we know that karmic alliances of great power are forming as power struggles evolve but if their only motivation is self-serving, ruinous consequences will be their result.

For more on such curious topics, you may wish to view a video on Hitler's Vision for a new global order with his nibs in control: Germania.

*As noted in previous posts, the current Solar Eclipse in the 19 North Series is the Pre-Natal Eclipse of both Election 2016 and Inauguration 2017 and I don't know about you, but for me, truth was a casualty and only a revelation when it was leaked and had to be dealt with.

Nov 16, 2016

December 2016 into 2017: Karmic Planets hit the natal chart of Donald Trump

Reviewing the December 2016 and January 2017 planetary transits to the natal chart of president-elect Donald Trump, it may be handy to list the primary aspects that affect Mr. Trump's natal planets as he and his team continue their attempt to populate his cabinet and fill other positions soon to be available in the Trump administration.

Tr = transit; n = natal; assumed is your familiarity with basic astrological principles.

Active transits include karmic Saturn, Jupiter, and karmic Pluto, and in order of occurrence they are:

Dec 2, 2016: Tr Saturn opposite n Uranus (n 10th house): a generational phase but as president (and representative of the Collective), this transit affects the American people with potentials for passage of legislation that imposes restrictions of some kind, plus, there may be a collapse of institutions that tend to benefit the Uranus-in-Gemini generation; groups, associations, and alliances may also be affected via limitations or calls for accountability.

Dec 4, 2016 Mr. Trump's Jupiter Return/s (17Libra27): the first of three conjunctions of tr Jupiter to n Jupiter (2. Apr 13, 2017 Rx; 3. August 4, 2017). This is the 12-year reward cycle of expansive Jupiter which imprints upon the Trump presidency for good or ill--hopefully Jupiter can mitigate other more difficult transits of December 2016 into 2017 which will set the tone of his White House tenure. His natal Jupiter is stationary direct and thus, strong in his chart although his 10th house Uranus actually leads the planetary throng which makes both planets prominent in his natal horoscope and psyche. Mundane Jupiter also represents politicians, corporatists, bankers, financiers, gurus/priests, broadcasters (tweeters?!), and Generals and under this fortunate influence, Trump's social status rises and growth of a commercial enterprise (the presidency? book sales? ruling the world?) is possible, even likely, if negative factors don't interfere. (Remember that Mr. Trump is a Gemini who wants very much to be taken seriously.)

Dec 26, 2016 Tr Saturn conjoins n South Node of the Moon, a karmic point: this double-karmic transit indicates past actions and behaviors that must be faced and expunged now for circumstances demand that they be dealt with in order for progress to be made; consequences must be accepted and there are dues to be paid; this is a separative condition of limitations he last faced in the late 1980s timed by Saturn's 28-year cycle and family issues may be involved.

Dec 30, 2016 tr Saturn conjuncts n Moon (21Sag12): the first of three hits to his n Moon whose sign describes a 'reigning need' (Tyl)--his relates to The Seeker, Sagittarius the freedom-lover, and his quiver full of arrows (2. August 20, 2017 Rx; 3. August 30, 2017). This is a depressive period for Mr. Trump who may feel emotional deprivation keenly as his personal freedom gives way to dutiful presidential requirements. Health and/or family issues are potentials as well, burdens are heavy, worry or anxiety weigh him down, goals are elusive, and financial gains are not favored; even tummy aches may interfere with carrying out his Saturnian duties which increase as he plays president.

Jan 14, 2017 tr Saturn opposes n Sun (22Gem55 in 10th house): stalemates may abound as he attempts legislation and other projects and (solar) goals; this is a testing time of maturity and experience when a willingness to correct mistakes (which he never makes, he says) will determine the ability to move forward into the future. Little will satisfy Mr. Trump's pride and self-image and he may become disappointed, resentful, and/or aggressive toward those who block him; rules and regulations burden him as he chafes under restrictions and the curtailment of his personal freedom--this is similar to the effects of the Saturn-to-Moon transit, above, but with his natal Sun-Moon opposition (a Full Moon), that's the way it goes--whatever planet hits one hits them all in rapid succession, with the Nodal Axis tossed in for more karmic implications as whatever troubles come his way are open to public scrutiny. And the very next day...

Jan 15, 2017 tr Pluto squares n Jupiter (17Libra27 in n 2nd house): this transit can interfere with his Jupiter Return/s in a significant way as plutocrats with more power and influence (the invisible government behind the scenes?) block or delay Mr. Trump's goals for growth and power expansion. Of course, how he copes with such frustration determines the eventual outcome and the areas most affected include: politics, diplomacy, higher education, religion, publishing-advertising-propaganda campaigns, and cultural pursuits. With his natal Jupiter in Libra, the sign of diplomacy, we can expect many ups-and-downs in that department as wealthy manipulator Pluto utilizes his clout toward (or against) the Trump administration. Plus, Libra's Scales of Justice are up for grabs with a Trump Department of Justice with its conservative leanings that are determined to shove our nation back into the 1850s.

Well, that's my brief look at the December 2016 into 2017 transits to the natal planets of Donald J. Trump (progressions will be considered in a later post) and naturally, you may know of other significant transits to his chart. Personally I wish him well as White House representative of all the American people but fear that it will actually be the politically savvy VP Mike Pence of Indiana who will do most if not all of the heavy lifting and will determine the Republican agenda and its implementation which is almost certain to err grievously on the draconian alt-right side of Klansmen and white supremacists.

What in the world were you thinking on November 8th, America?

Related: The Unaspected and Out-of-Bounds Planets of Donald Trump; Donald Trump's natal Moon-South Node-Sapphire-Star Conjunction.

Nov 15, 2016

Horoscope: Nov 2016 Ends with a Sag New Moon and Trump (S)elected

Below is the DC Horoscope of the New Moon that perfects on November 29, 2016 @7Sag42 at 7:18:10 am est. As you see, rising in Washington is 9Sag09 which brings up the New Moon and also a turbulent star, royal Antares, which when active tends toward war, violence, fires, quarrels, suspicion, legal problems, and/or riches but sudden loss (Horary Astrology Plain and Simple, A. Louis). This reminds me of the disturbing Mars-Saturn conjunction which joined Antares on August 24, 2016 @9Sag52:

Please enlarge the chart to read my notes.

On a political level, the destructive energy of Mars combined with Saturn suggests potentials for: military power and continuing action, interference with or by criminal elements, ambitiously taking what belongs to another, 'an older enterprise that becomes angered', and/or 'demands to halt armaments' (paraphrasing Munkasey's Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets). Notably, Mars-Saturn is sometimes called 'the death axis' and relates to health issues, stalemates, and failure.

When rising as it is here, a midpoint picture is formed which Ebertin gives as:

Mars-Saturn = ASC: difficult advancement; obstacles caused by other people; a need to economize; illness; separation; mourning and bereavement.

So is there a Mars-Saturn imprint upon the psyche of president-select Donald Trump? Unfortunately for America, there is. It's Mars-Saturn = Pluto: brutality; the rage or fury of destruction; intervening of a higher power; bodily harm or injury; murder, death of many people. Mr. Trump was born under the influence of this midpoint picture yet let's not slip into a review of his life story to see if its enraged energies have expressed before. (Criminal elements in his past are enough to satisfy such potentials, and not being a gambler myself, I believe Trump's gambling casino businesses alone are enough to identify Underworld criminal tendencies or associations but please feel free to disagree).

Now as you know, Pluto (in partnership with Neptune in particular) represents many things and among them is the criminal Underworld, or 'mafia', and, besides gambling, drug and sex trafficking. Descriptively, the New Moon chart (lower left) reveals another midpoint picture with Pluto again as apex planet of the Jupiter-Uranus opposition forming a dynamic T-Square:

Jupiter-Uranus = Pluto: a sudden change in financial conditions (Ebertin); extreme efforts to produce novel changes; extreme reworking of ideas to ensure they work properly and will be received correctly; devices with the potential to transform the world (which is why the New Moon horoscope is entitled, World Transformation). Can one little New Moon act as a marker for world transformation? Yes, actually it can. Because New Moons are capable of 'wild card' influences in similar Uranian fashion that is often seen with a Solar Eclipse just as a Full Moon can affect us much as a Lunar Eclipse can do.

Well, quirky maverick Mr. Trump is not only an unpredictable Uranian (Uranus in deal-making Gemini leads all the planets in his natal chart) but he is also a Plutonian as we've previously discussed--a Plutonian with an Unaspected Pluto in Sun-ruled Leo, with Pluto's powerful qualities unmoderated by his other natal planets.

Now, one week after the General Election of 2016, I must wonder if Trump voters and supporters really want a Ku Klux Klan White House for that is what they voted for on November 8th when they thought they were voting for 'hero' Trump's magical job-creating campaign promises. Tragically for America and the world, the word suckas can hardly cover such thoughtless gullibility.

Related: The Antares Codex (video).