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Oct 1, 2018

Saturn hits Trump's Mercury-Neptune Square twice more

October 1, 2018: just a note to say that twice more this year will transit Saturn in early Capricorn 'hit', activate, or limit Donald Trump's natal Mercury-Neptune square of fantasy, falsehood, indiscretion, and misguided perceptions. Saturn represents truth, reality, accountability, authenticity, the legal system, systems in general, and The Establishment along with karmic rewards or losses, whichever applies.

On November 11, 2018, transit Saturn @5Cap50 squares his natal Neptune (5Lib50 in natal 2nd house) at 4:11 am est in Washington DC with trump's natal Jupiter 17Lib27 SD rising. Transit Pluto @19Cap10 sits upon the IC (19Cap34) of this DC horoscope so Saturn rules the 4th house. The Moon @2Cap41 nears Saturn, a pair indicating emotional depression, or alternately, ambition, direction, and strategy. The 12th house of Politics and Karma holds Trump's natal Neptune and his natal Chiron, the Wound or Blind Spot, which sits between his Jupiter and Neptune, the pair of speculation, grand dreams, fraud, over-promising, Ponzi and other get-rich-quick schemes.

Then on December 10, 2018, transit Saturn @8Cap51 again opposes Trump's natal Mercury (8Can51 in his natal 11th house of Associations and Groups). This time, Luna is again in Capricorn but has left Saturn and nestles up against powerful Pluto (enraged women? abortion issues?). Lady Venus, direct and back in sexy, brooding Scorpio after her recent retrograde sojourn in her own sign of Libra, rises @4Sc049 and rules 12th and 7th houses in the opposition chart. Dogmatic bluntness is a feature of the December 10th chart (Sun Sag-Moon Cap) while the November 11th chart with its Scorpio vibes naturally shows more judgmental, control, and detective leanings. One who shares the Sun Sco-Moon Cap blend is Marcel Ophuls who aptly reminds us that,

"Puritanism...helps us enjoy our misery while we are inflicting it on others."

Or perhaps it should be author George Eliot (Mary Ann Evens: Sun Sco-Moon Cap) with the final quote in this Trump-related post since her observation aptly describes so many members of the modern political class including our erstwhile Mr. Trump:

"He was like a cock who thought the sun had risen to hear him crow."

For more information on the effects of the 2018 Saturn transits to Trump's problematic Mercury-Neptune square try this previous post which includes all the dates that transit Saturn squared and opposed his natal Mercury-Neptune, the planetary pair of illusion, confusion, and delusion.

Related Posts: The Saturn Return of Mr. Trump: Authority Challenged and, to prepare for 2019 so soon upon us, try the background noise of The Lunar and Solar Eclipses of 2019 with Themes.

Psychoanalyst Puts Trump on the Couch - Dr. Justin Frank

Here's a recent segment with Thom Hartmann and guest Dr. Justin Frank discussing the disturbing topic of Donald Trump:

Sep 30, 2018

Ep 350 - Max Igan / A Truth That Most Refuse To See

Another insightful message from Max Igan of The Crowhouse by way of American Voice Radio.

Astro-Notes: Judge Brett Kavanaugh and the FBI

Now as we discussed in early September, the Kavanaugh SCOTUS hearing is a Jupiter-Neptune Affair replete with pretense and illusions. Due to many divergent paths that came to a crossroads on Friday, a "supplemental" FBI inquiry into allegations against Kavanaugh is ongoing as I type, and the FBI may or may not have until Friday October 5th to wrap up and present its findings to the Senate Judiciary Committee, findings the public may never see. A new SCOTUS term begins October 1st with no new member joining the Justices just yet, it appears, and of course the November 6, 2018 Midterms are only a month or so away. Delay of Republicans plans was not in the cards as far as they were concerned so congressional GOP members are about as hot under the collar as Friday's Brett or Lindsey Graham portrayed in thespian style.

So while they're all busy, let's search for clues ourselves by taking a quick peek at the personality blends of Judge Brett Kavanaugh, the angrily 'privileged' SCOTUS nominee, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the FBI, as we fondly call the Bureau which was created on July 26, 1908 Washington DC, no exact hour known so 'noon' is used as it is for Judge Kavanaugh born February 12, 1965 in Washington DC) both born with watery, tribal Cancer Moons. Potential 'weaknesses' of each blend are included:

Brett Kavanaugh Air-Water Sun Aquarius-Moon Cancer (Moon ranged from 00:28 to 15Can09 which falls among the FBI's natal North Node (5:03), Venus (5:21 Rx), Mercury (13:31), Neptune (15:18), Moon (9:43 to 21:43) stellium in Cancer:

"Unconscious prejudices; ability to rationalize irrational actions; a tendency to get absorbed in abstract causes which cuts (him) off from feelings and keeps (him) emotionally immature."

'Image for Integration': "A childhood memory becomes the basis of a new world order."

And by some operatives and saboteurs that 'new world order' must be draconian such as Republican politicians and their wealthy handlers would have it. Yet for those of us who care about the 99% and whether or not America is 'of-by-for' The People, Democrats seem a bit less creepy than the economic royalists of the GOP (who keep giving all our money away to the undeserving!) Plus, Democrats seem more amenable to progress rather than forcing our society to relive the 1850s and 1950s which is an irrational plan because it's impossible!

Now Kavanaugh's Sun AQ-Moon Cancer blend is shared by romantic poet Lord Byron who aptly informs us in a timely fashion that, "The best of prophets of the future is the past." And Kavanaugh's past teen and 20-something years and activities are a major focus of the FBI investigation--or should be.

FBI Fire-Water Sun Leo-Moon Cancer:

"Prone to sulk if (it) can't have (its) way; so self-absorbed that all signals from the environment are drowned out; engulfing emotionalism." Hmm. Could be worse.

'Image for Integration': "A young child sits on a throne, and with great dignity and tenderness, crowns his father and mother king and queen." No idea have I on how this may apply to the Bureau unless it's a mild reference to stamping an FBI 'seal of approval' on the one being investigated if he or she passes Bureau scrutiny with integrity, or at the least, with no criminal record.

The FBI's Sun Leo-Moon Cancer blend is shared by Welsh novelist Bernice Rubens who, born in 1928 on July 26 as was the FBI, could helpfully inform us and Judge Brett Kavanaugh that,

"The secret is to be true to yourself."


Personality blend info: Sun Sign Moon Sign by Charles and Suzi Harvey.

Above photo: Brett Kavanaugh being sworn in with his political mentor and current character reference, George W. Bush, watching on. Oh! Laura Bush is on hand, too.

Sep 28, 2018

Horoscope: Lindsey Graham w Sept 27, 2018 Planets

The Wikipedia page of Senator Lindsey Graham provides basic details about his life including early life in South Carolina, his military service, and more. Now as you know, the senator threw quite a snit of miffdom over the treatment by Democrats of Judge Brett Kavanaugh this week with what was intended to be the senator's 'mic drop' moment. So, in honor of His Miffdom, I'm finally getting around to displaying a 'noon' version (birth time unknown) of Graham's natal horoscope set for July 9, 1955 in Central, SC:

Please enlarge the image to read chart details which include in green the planets on September 27, 2018, the day of the Kavanaugh-Ford testimonies. Also around the chart are a couple of Trump's natal placements which include Graham's natal Pluto @25Leo12 conjunct Trump's natal Mars, an explosive combination suggesting the power in their relationship is somehow weighted on the side of Senator Graham.

A strong midpoint exists with his Mercury-Neptune trine and Pluto at their apex; its potentials are noted on the chart as is Graham's Prenatal Eclipse ('PE') @28Gemo4 in the 11 South Saros Series; 11 South themes are penned on the chart. A Mercury-Neptune trine is often seen in charts of media figures and suggests one who is empathetic and can see many sides of the issues (Oken). This planetary pair is the one that gives Trump (and everyone else) so much trouble which, in a square for him, expresses as falsehoods, fantasy-world living, indiscretion, and misconceptions about others.

A Bucket shape shows a singleton Moon @7Pis54, the focal point of his energies and an executive-power indicator determined on success. Subconscious stirrings appear as the Bucket shape denotes one who adapts his allegiances to wherever they can count for the most (Jones) and my suspicion is that 'wherever' for the senator has turned him into a promoter of Mr. Trump's party of used-to-be Republicans...Moon @8Pisces: "A Girl Blowing a Bugle"--or, a Trump-et.

And with Lindsey Graham's natal Sun in mid-Cancer, we know that transit Pluto has recently opposed his natal Sun, a time when ego-bruises are possible, power struggles and no-compromise situations are in process, and the abuse of power or influence is a temptation. Yet also refusing to be a victim of manipulators is a potential as well and I suspect that's exactly what was seen during his snit of miffdom concerning the Kavanaugh Affair when his double Water Sun-Moon blend suddenly "gushed with feelings."

A Related Update: Trump orders a limited FBI probe to supplement Kavanaugh background check hoping to smooth the way for the one judge that appears willing to gift Trump with a free pass for his crimes, if needed.

2018 Midterms' Syzygy Moon shows Blue Revolution!

September 28, 2018: yes, the Syzygy Moon chart prior to the November 6, 2018 Midterm Elections is in the conservative-preserving money sign of Taurus, the bull. And the horoscope below, upper right, you see how revolutionary, rebellious Uranus @00Tau31 Rx snugs against the IC of the chart, the HOW? Point and Basis or Foundation of the Matter. And there's We The People's Moon conjunct Uranus which denotes excited people particularly women, plus, as noted on the chart, the Moon-Uranus pair suggests potentials for 'a sudden manifestation of subconscious forces (such as the Collective of the American people); those with special aims, and/or female reformists. So...Lunation Uranus conjunct lunation IC = incumbent loss, or as I prefer to put it, A Blue Tsunami!

Plus, you see the Oct 24th Full Moon light spilling out onto the public (North Node in Leo, sign of natural leadership and point of public contact) and the 'Tail of the Dragon', South Node, almost conjunct US POTUS Sun which in 2017, fell @00AQ48 = Trump playing the role of POTUS. The Dragon's Saturnian Tail will swipe or smack US POTUS Sun, the Presidency, on October 27, 2018 (horoscope shown).

Now I'm quite certain the ruling patriarchs, many of whom are advocates of Puritanism of a most hypocritical kind (I know because apparently I have Puritan ancestry as do many of us), (marvel at Chuck Grassley's stone face) won't agree that their current Koch (Murdoch-Mercer-foreign-govts) task of shoving the US government toward the regressive 'right' is unacceptable to a vast majority of Americans but I believe that this is the case. For who in her right mind would ever choose to live under a totalitarian, draconian, bossy regime led by a decrepit group of what seem to be the 'top choice' of global criminals in the bunch plus their political operatives and handmaidens?

For more Oct 24th chart details see The Syzygy Moon of the 2018 Midterms.

Anyway, with optimism for America I'm reaching out to the planets of the chart/s, above, for aid for our nation! We need it because, lower, left is the the New Moon Horoscope of October 8, 2018 @15Lib48 (conjunct US natal Saturn 14Lib48 suggesting a new cycle starting with the goal of undermining further of the US legal system including the US Supreme Court) so that the American public is left with no US institution or branch of government to depend on as before (to the extent that we could). Our best opportunity to re-create some level of balance in our governmental system and support the Republic is to take part in a Blue Tsunami by Voting Blue on November 6, 2018. For, as you see in the October 24th chart, The Establishment planet Saturn rises in his own sign and is the Thales Planet or Point aiding both the Sun and the Moon during their opposition, a sign of fulfillment or culmination of a plan seeded at the October 8, 2018 New Moon conjunct US natal Saturn--our 1776 Saturn exalted in Libra, sign of the Scales of Justice--now unfortunately progressed into Scorpio and retrograde since 1996 when the authority of the US Presidency came under attack by the same forces that continue to sabotage our nation today.

To me, true patriotism must involve protecting our nation from outside infiltrators and foreign criminals who would rule us with No Consent From The Governed--precisely the opposite of what America was and is meant to be. Is it time for compromised politicians to spill the beans on who intimidates them and to begin naming names?

That may never happen but what we can do is to Vote on November 6th--all the ladies and the younger generations 18 and older will be there, carrying their surf boards no less!

Sep 26, 2018

Saturn challenges US natal Sun (POTUS) Jan 17, 2019

Below is a horoscope set for Washington DC of the moment transit Saturn @13Cap19 directly opposes US natal Sun @13Can19 (POTUS), yet another cosmic symbol of the many legal challenges Donald Trump has been navigating since at least May 17, 2017 when Robert Mueller was appointed Special Counsel to investigate Trump's and the Trump campaign's ties to Russia.

Friday Sept 28, 2018: The Kavanaugh Vote?

An observation today rather than a post. That if Senate Republicans follow through on their plan to stage a vote for Judge Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation to the Supreme Court on Friday September 28, 2018 at 9:30 am edt the natal and unaspected Pluto of Donald Trump (@10Leo02) will be dominating and manipulating the scene, the vote, the hour from the Midheaven of the horoscope, the most visible point of any horoscope--the Goal and Aspiration Point.

Here's an excerpt from a previous post regarding Trump's unaspected Pluto:

Unaspected Pluto @10Leo02 in 12th house of the Unconscious suggests one who is 'overshadowed by shadows' (Tierney) with Pluto, the isolationist, being the planet of Psychology, Psychiatry, and persuasion. There are subterranean forces within his psyche that are totally fragmented from the rest of his personality and because they are buried, he is unaware of them which gives them even greater primal power. This, I believe, suggests the "he can't help himself" remarks that perhaps you've heard from commentators and reporters (exs: all-hours tweeting about former Miss America, Alicia Machado and her weight gain, and other crass behaviors and remarks that set him back in the polls).

Unaspected Pluto is the essence of overwhelming compulsions and powerful wealth-hoarder Pluto (the plundering plutocrat and manipulator) needs aspects to other planets in order to modulate its extreme tendencies. But with Mr. Trump, Pluto doesn't receive them, and nor do his other planets which could use the regeneration principle that Pluto could supply via aspect. And we have to say that Pluto's association with nuclear weapons is difficult to accept if under the thumb of Mr. Trump, the plutonian.

Also note that astrological Pluto is the planet of the Underworld, death, waste and pollution, destruction, de-construction, sabotage, threats, and criminal organizations. When it comes to autocrats in government, any plutonian regeneration must include new forms and reforms that a majority of Americans will reject and resist. And rightly so.

Sep 25, 2018

The Fate of Rod Rosenstein - Robert Cosmar Astrology

September 25, 2018: here is one of expert astrologer Robert Cosmar's video presentations from his Astrology Of Life: News Through the Eyes of Astrology series, this report on The Fate of Rod Rosenstein:

Also among Robert's several excellent and timely video reports is Will Brett Kavanaugh Be Confirmed?, a not-to-be-missed video!

Plus, here are brief notes by yours truly concerning the Prenatal Solar Eclipse of Rod Rosenstein which repeats on January 6, 2019 in Capricorn!

Rod Rosenstein's Eclipse Repeats Jan 6, 2019

Is it curious that a Solar Eclipse in the Prenatal Saros Series of current-as-I-type Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein (2 South) repeats @15Cap25 on January 6, 2019? This Thursday September 27, 2018, AG Rosenstein is to meet with Donald Trump at the White House so it remains to be seen whether he'll retain his position in the Department of Justice or leave the protection of Robert Mueller to someone else.

But even so, his Prenatal Eclipse ('PE') repeats, this time in mid-Capricorn instead of its original eclipse degree of 12Sagittarius which manifested on December 4, 1964. As you know, the theme of 2 South is 'joining an unusual group and gaining a great deal from it' (Brady). And of course, Saturn-ruled Capricorn is the sign of government, law, and business, and 12Sag is at or near the natal Ascendant of the United States of America.

Wonder if Mr. Rosenstein has a new group of associates awaiting him?

Related: Shadow into Light: an Esoteric Department of Justice.

Who Is Noel Francisco? August 21, 1969

September 25, 2018: If or when Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein is ousted or steps down, Solicitor General Noel Francisco is likely candidate to step in and begin overseeing the Mueller investigation into Trump and Russia. Word is, Francisco has an 'expansive view of presidential power', which may be one of his best qualities as far as un-indicted conspirator Mr. Trump is concerned.

With his birth hour unknown, here's a 'noon' horoscope for Noel Francisco born August 21, 1969 in Syracuse, New York:

As you see, his law-abiding Saturn in Taurus is 'conservative' and at Station Retrograde which strengthens and emphasizes his Saturn. Transit Venus in Scorpio is currently opposing his Saturn which marks a sobering time of 'business only'. Once transit Saturn eventually opposes his natal Venus (21Can14), partnerships and alliances will be under tremendous strain. Natal Saturn leads a Locomotive pattern (a ruthless drive toward success; a high-powered executive--Tierney) and is parallel royal star Regulus. See upper right for the stars in paran at rising with his planets, among them Sirius, The Scorcher.

But today his natal Uranus 2Lib10 is spotlighted by the Sun (2Lib34 as I type) which points to a decision of whether to be part of a certain group or not; either way, Mr. Francisco receives special attention under this transit. Meanwhile, natal Jupiter (6Lib10) is called on by speedy messenger Mercury (6Lib10--00:00 as I type) which denotes expanding ideas and plans, and engaging in political activities.

Natal Venus in Cancer is oriental (last to rise before his Sun) denoting that he tends to work with things of value. Noel Francisco's Prenatal Eclipse Saros Series is the 7 North and his PE is marked in orange on the chart with 7N eclipse themes listed, lower right.

And of course, there's the massive pile-up of Mercury, Pluto, Uranus, and Jupiter across two signs (Virgo and Libra) for such are the births of late August 1969. A Mercury-Pluto conjunction suggests his dealings with secret and/or dangerous information, possibly with spying implications. It also hints of deep powers of thought, like a detective seeing through people and events into their deeper meanings and motives. Unfortunately, a desire for revenge often comes along with a Mercury-Pluto conjunction so Mr. Francisco may remind us at some point of the vengeful, retaliating Donald Trump--or he may simply take part in Trump's vendettas against his 'enemies', real and imagined.

The rest of the dissociate stellium is formed by a Jupiter-Uranus conjunction denoting a man with an insatiable curiosity for rooting out the truth and a respect for knowledge especially that of intellectual giants of the past--and yet he himself is a 'futurist'. He's also an opportunist who never lets a chance go by without taking advantage of it and he gets quite a few chances with this conjunction of 'lucky breaks' and 'breakthroughs'. An interest, if not a talent, in Politics is also indicated although he'd do best to use his talents elsewhere such as in Education. Plus, natal Mercury 22Vir41 is a writing-teaching-dedicated-work sort of placement, a book author perhaps, although his Mercury conjoins US natal Neptune 22Vir25. With this transit-to-natal consideration (1969 vs 1776/USA) a faint whiff of occultism may be noticed.

So Who Is Noel Francisco?

He's all that and more and his double Fire personality blend of Sun Leo-Moon Sag reveals him to be a passionate, adventurous hero-worshiper, an independent, restless, romantic visionary who is proud, loyal, and generous, yet can be imperious and impatient. A tendency to jump to conclusions has had to be re-directed or re-purposed and hopefully he has done this for his best results. He does lean toward dismissing the ideas of others out of hand and too brusquely which wounds far more than he intended. But why intend harm to others at all?

A bit of a 'gambling gypsy', Mr. Francisco is a restless explorer (physically or mentally) who detests dishonesty (and he can put up with fantasist Trump who considers them all employees?) and may have a turbulent domestic life. Now admittedly I don't have his accurate birth time so house cusps and Angles of his natal chart must be left out of this babble, but even so, his Sun-Moon blend paints a picture of a man who can exhaust those around him with his volatile double Fire approach that comes from a deep self-centeredness. And with his Moon in Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius (Luna can be as early as 2Sag+ or as late as 16Sag+ from 12 am--11:59 pm), then he shares the Sun Leo-Moon Sag personality blend with the likes of Sir Alexander Fleming, Ray Bradbury, 'Lawrence of Arabia', and Herman Melville who informs us of,

"Two antagonistic to mount direct to heaven, the other to drive yawingly to some horizontal goal."


For more personality blend details see Sun Sign-Moon Sign by Charles and Suzi Harvey ~ now on Kindle!

Sep 24, 2018

Horoscope: United Nations w Sept 25, 2018 planets

Please enlarge chart image to read my study notes. You see the brutal Mars-Pluto-Saturn trio in the UN natal chart and in current transits (see center of chart). The transiting Nodal axis is involved in 2018 making things more...fated or karmic (2018 Mars conjunct 2018 SN; 1945 Saturn-Pluto = 2018 NN--see chart at bottom). Also notice that transit Uranus @1Tau39 Rx currently opposes UN natal Sun @1Sco07 (leadership). Planets and notes on the opposition are marked in blue. Since UN natal Uranus @17Gem02 Rx conjoins precisely the natal Uranus of Trump (17Gem53, his chaotic guiding planet), I'll say this chart shows Trump opposing UN leadership. Also conjunct @17Gemini is UN natal Nemesis (the unbeatable foe) and UN natal Psyche (or psycho?).

And the Prenatal Eclipse ('PE') of the UN is in the 1 North Saros Series ('The Mother of All Eclipses') in 4th house which repeated as The Great American Eclipse on August 21, 2017 @29Leo conjunct the natal Ascendant of Donald Trump and royal star Regulus (success if revenge is avoided). And since I've previously posted so often on these topics I'll not bore you with them tonight.