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Aug 25, 2021

January 6, 2021 Planets link to US 1776 Horoscope

Some Call This a Revolution

by Jude Cowell with Chart Data by Gary Lorentzen

If google would cooperate by uploading the image, below you could view a quick posting of America's 'Powell Horoscope' of July 1, 1776 (inner) with the 2:15 pm est 'Trump Mob Attack' horoscope of January 6, 2021 in bi-wheel form and showing the amazing number of planetary contacts between them which are listed below the image. However, as a work-around the bi-wheel image has been posted to my general astrology blog Jude Cowell Astrology so I hope you'll check out the bi-wheel there.

Meanwhile, here's a list of the several planetary contacts between the January 6, 2021 planets and America's Powell Horoscope and naturally you may discover even more! Of course, we might also wish to call these cosmic synchronicities (via the 1/6 transits) 'Tr*mp vs America':

Beginning with the 1776 Ascendant (6Cap07) and first house and moving counter-clockwise:

Sun conjuncts Moon; Pluto opposes Mercury; Mercury conjuncts Pluto (emphasizing an intense double Mercury-Pluto situation); Neptune opposes Neptune; warrior Mars conjunct IC (plus Uranus the zealous anarchist now in 4th house of Homeland and Domestic Scene: a violent pairing); Ascendant conjunct Uranus; North Node conjunct Mars (and points toward the visionary 5 North Solar Eclipse of June 10, 2021 - now of influence; Moon opposes Chiron; Venus opposes Venus.

The amazing abundance of cosmic time links between the January 2021 and July 1776 planets makes me wonder if the 1/6 violent insurrectionists and saboteurs sent by Donald Tr*mp to disrupt the peaceful transfer of power to Joe Biden were acting under the influence of astrological guidance. Your thoughts?

A related post: Horoscope: US Syzygy Moon @10Cap11 which perfected on the morning of July 1, 1776.

America is Facing a Toxic Political Fault Line - Thom Hartmann

Wednesday August 25, 2021: This August 24th segment from progressive broadcaster and author Thom Hartmann may be of interest to readers of Stars Over Washington:

As transit Neptune, planet of contagion and paranoia, continues floating through its own sign of Pisces, "toxic" is definitely one of the operative words for our besieged America these days especially since transit Neptune opposes US natal Neptune in Virgo, a long-time-coming opposition stuffed full of karma, loss, disappointment, regret, and persecution. And speaking of the US economy -

Also see Spring and Summer 2021: the Path of Benefic Jupiter (Mr. Moneybags).

And here, as an artful tribute to oceanic Neptune and imaginative, fishy Pisces, is my botanical depiction of an Ornate Butterfish floating in from my online Dreamyfish Art collection of pencil portraits:

Aug 20, 2021

Aug 24, 2021: a Mercury-Neptune w more Neptune affair

by Jude Cowell (Coh' wull!)

Friday August 20, 2021: As many folks know, the combination of Mercury with Neptune has in the past reflected many problems for America and the duo's deceptive influences haven't helped the misdirected, self-destructive energies of America's natal Mars-Neptune square one bit.

An example is the 'First Shot of the Civil War' with the Mercury-Neptune midpoint rising on the Ascendant with suggestions of being 'exploited, harmed', and/or 'deceived by others' (R. Ebertin). Then more recently there's the indiscriminate, fraud-promoting, hoax-loving, gossiping, scheming, fantasy-prone Mercury-Neptune square of old Donald Tr*mp which continues to bedevil, deceive, betray, and undermine us. And he, a fan of secessionists and white-power scofflaws of past and present. Birds of a Mercury-Neptune feather!

Of course, this planetary duo can be very creative and imaginative in a positive way depending on one's motives and on the way its energies are utilized. But as always on SO'W, we're talking primarily about Politics and politicians who don't always have the best interests of our country at heart. In fact, some never do.

Yet why mention the upcoming transit of the Mercury-Neptune opposition at all? Mainly because it perfects during the titanic Neptune in Pisces opposing US natal Neptune in Virgo which spotlights the Virgo-Pisces/victim-savior axis (intercepted across the 6/12 houses in the DC Horoscope, below. This cosmic circumstance adds a heavier sense of karma at work with societal issues of persecution and shifting ideals which must be dealt with. Naturally, we all feel these difficult energies at play so it comes as no surprise to anyone, even without astrological input. And significantly, there's the cosmic fact that the opposition involves US natal Neptune in Virgo (22:25) which makes it what I call a Mercury-Neptune with more Neptune affair for our nation at this particular time in history:

August 24, 2021: Mercury-Neptune Opposition @9:13:20 pm edt Washington DC

As you can see, many of my study notes are penned upon the chart for readers who may wish to read them. And at least four different solar eclipses are spotlighted in this chart, highlighted in orange:

Prominent at Midheaven is the 'Covid Eclipse' of December 26, 2019 (4Cap06), the 5 South Eclipse @12Sag22 in December 2021 that conjuncts this 9th cusp ('good news, benefits'), and Election 2024's Prenatal Eclipse ('PE') @10Lib04 ('loss; separation') conjunct the August 21st position of election planet Venus (10Lib26). Meanwhile, as we know, all eclipses are karmic, Uranian, and can be direction-changing or shocking for they tend to uncover secrets and revelations, inconvenient or scandalous as they may be for those directly affected. Also note that rebellious Uranus @14Tau46 Rx continues its 'visit' to starry Menkar with its Jonah-and-the-Whale imperative to say what must be said. This star conjoins US Inaugural Ascendants (the Oath of Office), and I believe spotlights the US Presidency as 'bully pulpit' or mouthpiece. Of course, you may disagree, but there it is.

Now the fourth solar elipse is the series we're in now: 5 North which perfected on June 10, 2021 @19Gem47 ('dreams, insights, visions'), here in 3rd house of Communications, Neighborhoods, Primary Schools, and mentally, the Lower Mind. This suggests that ethics, morals, standards, and integrity (Gem-Sag) are very much at stake as everyone knows - add these to our Virgo-Pisces health, service, and employment issues. Obviously, teaching and mask-wearing (or not) come easily to mind especially with the 'Covid Eclipse' at The Goal Point of this chart.

So now let's simply skip to the implications of Mercury-Neptune with more Neptune while noting that generally, the Mercury-Neptune combination of energies in Politics can suggest 'weak or artificial plans that must be rethought', and/or 'a legislature that controls the excesses and dreams of its leaders'.

Add US natal Neptune in Virgo to the mix and we have potentials for:

"Added dreaminess in thinking and reasoning; contrived ideas and solutions that may seem impractical at first, but which have an underlying basis for approaching problems in a new way" (Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, M. Munkasey #ad; my italics).

And yes, we've considered Transit Neptune opposing US natal Neptune in a previous post if you care to view or review the May 1, 2021 horoscope.

Plus, please note in closing that the opposition's Syzygy Moon is the Full Moon of August 22, 2021 @29AQ37 conjunct the natal Descendant of old man Tr*mp at a critical-crisis 29th degree - as is his natal Ascendant (conjunct royal Regulus) which suggests that the malicious orange schemer and his enablers continue to be involved in our Neptunian affairs. But that's no surprise either.

Aug 19, 2021

Antony Blinken's Saturn Return Teaches Lessons on Afghanistan

Joe Biden, Antony Blinken; Lawrence Jackson, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Karmic Saturn: Planet of Government, Law, Status Quo, Accountability, Loss

Bio details concerning America's current Secretary of State Antony Blinken reveal his birth date to be April 16, 1962, in Yonkers, New York. With his birth hour unknown, a 'noon' horoscope set for this date and location shows Secretary Blinken's natal Saturn @10AQ24 square natal Neptune Rx @12Sco33 (2A09), an aspect that Alan Oken has termed, "The Self-Defeatist."

Of interest is the fact that Secretary of State Antony Blinken is in the midst of a Saturn Return (no matter his birth time) which, using a 'noon' natal chart, actually occurs three times: March 20, 2021; July 30, 2021; December 17, 2021 - all in 2021, the year of the Afghanistan Withdrawal fiasco and the Saturnian fingers of blame pointing toward several prime suspects including four presidents (and I must add, Dick Cheney).

Therefore, each time transit Saturn returns to his natal degree in Antony Blinken's natal chart and psyche, the taskmaster planet squares his natal Neptune, a transit indicating that he should beware of people who make false claims or promises. You know, like members of the Afghan army who capitulated to the Taliban instead of standing up to them as promised or implied - an outcome that President Biden and Secretary Blinken erroneously depended upon. Besides, trying to impose Saturnian reality, structure, and/or limitations upon incompatible, unstable, or deceptive situations results in negative outcomes for all involved. And in the case of Afghanistan and the overly long US occupation, chaos has resulted. However, orderly Saturn does not approve of chaos yet we know that loosey goosey Neptune isn't nearly as picky.

Now another current transit to his chart is Sun-to-natal-Uranus Rx (26Leo31) which suggests a brief period of organizational difficulties, plus, a lack of loyalty on someone's part along with a closer degree of media scrutiny due to his position. And of course, various pundits and others are wondering aloud and in print if Secretary Blinken should keep his State Department job. Whether he keeps his position or not, the Sun (media spotlight) has starkly revealed the chaos (Uranus) in the situation - mistakes (Neptune) were made as the Biden administration trusted (Saturn) unreliable people (Neptune, planet of the Middle East) and are reaping the "benefits" of what Tr*mp had sown with his previously touted "peace deal" with the Taliban. Now there's a lack of loyalty.

On the Personality of Antony Blinken

So on April 16, 1962, the Moon remained in Virgo for the 24 hours with the Sun in late Aries (conjunct his Mercury). This gives Mr. Blinken a bull-dozing, volcanic Fire/Earth Sun Aries-Moon Virgo personality blend, quite the bossy combination suggesting one gifted with administrative skills who's an expert in his field. Selfish yet dutiful, Blinken can alternate between being outspoken and direct or shy and reticent and, unless other factors intervene, can be insensitive to the feelings of others.

And on a final note: this is also the Sun-Moon blend of financier J.P. Morgan Sr!

For more details, see Sun Sign-Moon Sign, by Charles and Suzi Harvey.

Aug 18, 2021

December 2021 Solar Eclipse and Biden's Jupiter Rx

November-December 2021: 'Cosmic Blink' Eclipses and President Joe Biden

by Jude Cowell

Wednesday August 18, 2021: As you know, planet Jupiter can play multiple roles in a mundane horoscope such as financier, banker, corporatist, politician, broadcaster, and/or reverend or guru. In that spirit, let's spotcheck the natal exalted in Cancer Jupiter (Rx) of Joe Biden by using the December 4, 2021 Solar Eclipse Horoscope as a transit chart.

You'll find the 5 (New) South Solar Eclipse of December 4, 2021 on the List of 2021 Solar and Lunar Eclipses and as you see below in the 5 New South Eclipse Horoscope, transit Pluto @25Cap07 opposes for the third and final time President Joe Biden's natal Jupiter Rx @25Can08 (in his natal 8th house). Obviously, powerful forces oppose his financial and political goals, and the power struggle continues. This difficult opposition was noted in a previous post as, "Pluto opposite natal Jupiter (3x): January 29, 2021, August 4, 2021, December 4, 2021: Difficult legal and financial battles, power issues, avoid gurus including religious ones." Check out other transits in Karmic Planets Block President Biden's Plans into 2022 (and his planets!).

Yes, reforms, proposals, improvements, and legislative success of the Biden adminstration have been blocked, resisted, criticized, and/or delayed with the most recent example the ongoing catastrophe of the US withdrawal from Afghanistan when the Afghan army unexpectedly laid down its guns and accepted Taliban rule. This with transit Uranus, planet of shocks and the unexpected, conjunct the US Inaugural Ascendant.

Of course, multiple other planetary transits are in force this year into 2022 for President Biden and thus for America, some of which involve President Biden's natal Mars (unaspected). In fact, a Mars Return occurs for him on November 17, 2021 as notated, lower right corner with a square (blockage) from transit Saturn and a possibly perilous opposition from transit Uranus, thus forming a dynamic T-Square with potentials for: 'injuries: accidents; violent destruction; separations'; and/or 'a lack of adaptability' (R. Ebertin). Of course, with erratic Uranus involved, none of these potentials may express at all.

Here's an excerpt from the post linked, above, concerning an unaspected Mars:

"Natal Mars with no contacts or influence from other natal planets can act in an unrestrained, direct manner, and a build-up of negative Mars traits (anger, aggression, willfulness, lack of control, etc) may suddenly erupt in a temper tantrum or a show of force. However, maturity helps control such Martian tendencies with Mr. Biden's Scorpio Mars suggesting the potential for taking secret or hidden actions."

Meanwhile, some stabilizing cosmic assistance can be seen through the Saturn trine natal Saturn transit (highlighted in green) from 9 Aquarius to 9 Gemini, both mental Air signs, as you know. Old man Saturn represents karma and also the extensive experience of politician and former Senator, Joe Biden, plus, his long-time colleagues and friends who advise him - and with Saturn wearing his responsibility-and-accountability hat, Biden's recent use of President Truman's "the buck stops here" is indicated. Lesson-bringer and taskmaster Saturn approves.

Now in the bi-wheel, below, President Biden's natal chart (1942) surrounds the December Solar Eclipse Horoscope (2021), inner, a backwards way of showing the transits but I think it works.

Notably, the 5 New South Eclipse @12Sag22 ('benefits' and 'good news! - B. Brady) conjuncts or 'hits' the Ascendant in our July 4, 1776 horoscopes set for late afternoon, used by many astrologers though not by others. This personalizes the eclipse for America for those who use a mid-Sag Ascendant for the USA:

A Solar Return Full Moon according to the houses and signs involved indicates a phase of completion, culmination of cooperative efforts, tension, and/or some form of discordancy: a Revelation or a Change of Direction May Also Be Indicated (as with all eclipses)

Not shown in this post but a cosmic event which must be mentioned is the December 2021 Solar Eclipse's Syzygy Moon, a Lunar Eclipse @27Tau14, which eclipses Joe Biden's natal Sun at his Solar Return 2021 (which perfects on November 19th rather than the 20th: Sun @27Sco33 with a Solar Return Moon @00Gem58 conjunct North Node (direction); a Gemini SR Moon suggests fast-paced events, communications, paperwork, and/or agreement issues on the menu, plus, gossip, frayed nerves, or questions of unreliability may be prominent. Of course, this Lunar Eclipse could only indicate promiment or important events for Joe Biden's White House, or something disruptive, scandalous, or even health-related.

And significantly, the Pluto-opposite-natal-Jupiter-Rx transit conjoins the MC-IC Angles when the Lunar Eclipse Horoscope is set for Washington DC - with transit Pluto at the Foundation Point of the chart.

Now I realize that this post may be something of a head-scratcher but do add your thoughts in an on-topic comment if you wish, and, as always, your social network Shares are encouraging and always much appreciated! Jude

Aug 15, 2021

Will the Authoritarians & Their Useful Idiots Win? - Thom Hartmann

Sunday August 15, 2021: Here's a recent segment from progressive broadcaster and author Thom Hartmann on Why do Conservatives want America to fail?

This disturbing topic always brings to mind Grover Norquist and his urge to 'shrink the US government so small it can be drowned in a bath tub' - which was an urge and a promise! Because: is America drowning now? For decades the GOP and its wealthy backers and enablers have been quite successful 'hollowing out' our country so that such a question must now be asked. However, I suspect that few if any people in Grover's day realized how deeply the white-supremacist-neo-fascist crowd would be involved, as we now see so starkly. Or maybe they did but they weren't telling.

So here's another Thom Hartmann segment that was shared here way back in 2016: The Republican Plan: Destroy America, Let Corporations Rule which follows the Republican model of: Statism + Corporatism = Fascism. And although Benito Mussolini coined the term "fascism" in the 1930s, his promotion of the link between corporatism and fascism can be disputed.

Even so, the accuracy of the equation has certainly turned out to be the case.

Links of interest may include:

Authoritarianism and Useful Idiot. And here's a previous post concerning Mussolini's fascist party seen through the 'cosmic blinks' of an Eclipse Timeline.

And we may as well add a little something about the socialism that Republicans pretend to dread even though it's been with us all along:

"Many people consider the things which government does for them to be social progress, but they consider the things government does for others as socialism." - Chief Justice Earl Warren

Don't they though?

Also see: Hey America: You Already Have Democratic Socialist Programs - and the list is long!

Aug 13, 2021

Jupiter-Neptune 2022: Is Inflation On the Rise?

by Jude Cowell

Friday August 13, 2021: When a dual image of horoscopes was published recently showing the Jupiter-Neptune Conjunctions of April 12, 2022 and the third of three conjunctions that perfected during 2009, several chart factors were noted in the post. Today, increasing mentions in the news of inflation in the US economy has spurred a re-posting of the April 12, 2022 horoscope for your consideration.

(Please follow the above link if you wish to read my notes for I won't retype them here.)

So as you've heard, in June and July of 2021 the US inflation rate was 5.4%, up from 5.0 in May as you can see in the US Inflation Rate Calculator.

DC Horoscope: Jupiter-Neptune Conjunct in Pisces Apr 12, 2022 10:43 am edt:

These gaseous giants meet approximately every 13 years: a grand spirit may begin!

Similar to a close conjunction, parallels make good timing devices so it could be worth a peek at a time frame beginning April 11, 2022 1:00 pm edt when Jupiter parallels Neptune (0A00) and up to their exact conjunction of April 12th as seen in the horoscope, above. This provides the curious seeker with a fuller picture of Jupiter-Neptune potentials which include inflation, bubbles, speculation, and/or political conflicts. As you know, another good timing device in Astrology is the quick-traveling Moon which floats from 18Leo54 on April 11th (1:00 pm edt) to 00Vir19 on April 12th (10:43 am edt) with Luna conjunct and reflecting royal Regulus ('success if revenge is avoided; otherwise all that's been gained will be taken away').

This is good advice to my way of thinking! Even for politicians.

Aug 12, 2021

Covid Eclipse 2019 and the manic 1518 Dance Epidemic

Choreography! Must We Put On Our Dancing Shoes?

by Jude Cowell

Pieter Brueghel the Elder, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

August 11, 2021: Earlier today, while searching for the precise moment of the Saturn-Pluto Conjunction of 1518 @4Cap17:28, I ran across one event of 1518 that particularly stands out to me in light of current conditions and events. And knowing that eclipses are 'wild cards of the Universe' and 'cosmic blinks' with their Uranian tendency to disrupt and change the course of earthly affairs, the Dancing Plague of 1518, aka, a dance epidemic (there have been multiple such ones in history, a famous example: St. Vitus' dance, aka, Sydenham's chorea) popped out.

Now as you know, late 2019 into early 2020 times the approximate entry of the Covid-19 contagion into the US and by March 2020, quarantine conditions were generally recommended. My first observance of the quarantine was on March 12, 2020 when I retreated from the world and became an 'artist-in-residence' (not such a bad thing for me). For as you know, the difficult Saturn-Pluto combo of karmic energies tends to be destructive, harsh, and can involve compulsion, forms of compression, and physical toil; a period of hardship is indicated. Such was 2020, no one's favorite year, but there certainly have been a lot of choreographed dance routines turning up on Instagram and tik tok, often in the form of various shuffle dances. Here's one that reminds me of 1518 because it's on the manic side and rather itchy!

Meanwhile, here's a previous post showing the DC Horoscopes of the 3 South 'Covid Eclipse' of December 26, 2019, plus, the first eclipse of 2020 which was the January 10th Lunar Eclipse in Cancer conjunct Castor which perfected very near the Great Conjunction of Saturn and Pluto (January 12, 2020).

Yet admittedly, it isn't so much the cosmic link to 'dancing' I'm most interested in, it's the use of the words 'epidemic' and 'plague' that echo through our current tragic health crises in relation to the mysterious dance outbreaks of 1518 with their cause or causes still considered unknown or uncertain. Social conditions were difficult in Alsace (present-day France) at that time and "hot blood" had been floated as a cause or possibly ergot fungi poisoning (as with the Salem Witch Trials in the US), or even the hysteria of demonic possession or stress-induced mass psychosis similar to the mass hypnosis perpetrated by a certain politician upon willing acolytes, some of whom might be described as "possessed" by the spirit of a death cult and stirred up to a point of mania. After all, history usually only rhymes and does not repeat in an exact way, for planetary factors will naturally differ. But one curious example not so different is 1518 Uranus Station Direct @4Tau19 and 2019 'Covid Eclipse' Uranus @2Tau45 Rx. In our day, transit Uranus has returned to its 1518 degree three times: 1. May 25, 2019; 2. November 4, 2019; and 3. March 15, 2020 (quarantine time! Uranian isolation!). Also related to our topic is the disturbing Sabian Symbol for "5Taurus" = "A Widow At An Open Grave." (Some of the dancers of 1518 apparently danced themselves to death although this is disputed by some.)

Meanwhile, we know that it's all about cycles - planetary cycles, eclipse cycles, historical cycles, and a comparison of the 1518 Saturn-Pluto Conjunction (January 3, 1518 OS) Horoscope with the December 26, 2019 Eclipse chart shows other planetary links as well: cycles within cycles.

And so the purpose of this post is to point out a curious cosmic time link affecting the 1518 conjunction of karmic planets Saturn and Pluto @4Cap17 for it may have been tweaked if not activated by degree when the 3 South Solar Eclipse of December 26, 2019 @4Cap06 hit it. So if you wish, follow the above 'Lunar Eclipse' link for a view of what I call the 'Covid Eclipse Horoscope' with its themes of 'traumatic transformation' and 'endings' (Predictive Astrology, B. Brady #ad).

But there's another cosmic link of a Uranian nature: the Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE') of the 1518 Saturn-Pluto Conjunction which is the 6 South Solar Eclipse of December 13, 1517 @00Cap55, a Cardinal World Point of manifestation, with 6 South themes of: 'manic energy; being forceful and taking power; great strength in relationships; sudden events; exerting huge efforts in group activities' (paraphrasing B. Brady).

And as previously mentioned in multiple posts, a 6 South eclipse perfects again on October 25, 2022 @2Scorpio and had also manifested on August 31, 1932 @8Virgo as the historically coordinated 'Nazis Rise to Power Solar Eclipse'.

Aug 8, 2021

Autumn Equinox 2021: Selena and the Snake Charmer

Autumn Equinox 2021: White Moon Selena Rises as a Snake Charmer Beguiles

by Jude Cowell

Sunday August 8, 2021: As of this writing, malicious Tr*mp remains on the political scene in the US, seemingly on the verge of legal come-uppance. Meanwhile, the Autumn 2021 season approaches, aka, the Libra Ingress, this year with the public signified by a Mars-ruled Aries Moon which tends toward rashness and emotional volatility, but can also suggest activism.

Below is a DC Horoscope of the moment the Sun reaches 00Lib00:00 on September 22, 2021 (3:20:55 pm est) with Sun and Mars in the corporate 8th house when the chart is set for Washington DC. Obviously, other 8th house matters are also on the agenda such as shared resources, debt, credit, insurance, death, the occult, and Big Business. Opposite in the 2nd house of the National Treasury, an unaspected Neptune @21Pis33 Rx continues its deceptive, illusory, fraudulent, disappointing, and contagious influences. Political benefits aside, Neptunian compassion for those damaged financially via Covid may also be indicated by a 2nd house Neptune in Pisces and, of course, we know monetary relief bwo President Biden's agenda continues at least through December 2021 for those of us with children, thus lifting the country partially out of the trough of poverty that austere political measures have purposefully plopped us into for decades. Too often Washington politics has meant massive amounts of money for war and weaponry but little or none for the needs of children.

Ascendant in Capricorn: Sign of Government, Law, Business, and Investment

And so, with chart-ruler Saturn (1st house) retrograde ('Rx'), delays in various matters are to be expected such as legislative proposals (Saturn = laws). Naturally, the cosmic course of expansive Jupiter, also Rx, is a key determinant both financially and politically but as we've previously discussed, Jupiter turns Direct on October 18, 2021 @22AQ19:45 - within the 2nd house of this Equinox chart - but won't pass his Shadow Degree of 2Pis11 (where the Great Benefic turned Rx on June 20, 2021) until the second week of January 2022. Therefore, October 2021 offers some improvement in social conditions but January 2022 offers more forward movement in Jupiterian matters.

Beneficial Aspects of Selena 2021 into 2022: Capricornian Goals

White Moon Selena, the path-lighter, trines Uranus on October 19, 2021 (just after Jupiter turns Direct) suggesting potentials for a beneficial change of direction to better aim at goals, protection of a large group of people, and/or a larger number of people joining a cause. Then on December 7, 2021, transiting Selena sextiles Neptune so compassion and empathy may only increase through most of December in time for the 2021 holiday season and providing everyone with plenty of opportunities for sharing or receiving charitable aid. All this, in time for the Solar Return of the Biden administration on January 20, 2022 when Selena conjuncts powerful, wealthy Pluto @26Capricorn conjunct the Midheaven of the 2021 Inauguration Horoscope! Hopefully, intensified benefits of Selena will be fully visible ('MC' = the Goal Point) to and for the American public with Selena lighting the path toward our goals!

Yet realistically, we must also remember the volatile, subversive Mars-Uranus Conjunction (6Tau44) which perfected on Inauguration Day 2021 for it lurks at the base ('IC') of the Autumn Equinox 2021 Horoscope, as you can see, and suggests (opposing the MC) that violent or drastic measures may be taken in opposition to the goals of President Biden. As with the Snake Charmer (see details below), caution must be advised, as our government agencies already know. May they be much better prepared than they were on January 6, 2021.

Meanwhile, speaking of goals, any autumnal ingress horoscope concerns solar vitality and working toward solar goals and objectives (shown here at least until the Winter Solstice 2021 Horoscope 'takes over') and the Sun-Mars Conjunction suggests ambitious, energetic leadership especially in 8th house affairs.

However, we know that undermining forces (ex: Mars-Uranus) are working through and with the Republican Party, a Neptune-infused entity (its 1854 founding Neptune in mid-Pisces) in order to deny the Biden administration any or all achievements that it can, in spite of the damage Republican efforts (or the lack of them) do to harm democracy, America, the American people - and our children. "Own the libs" as Republicans hatefully remind themselves, no matter the dire consequences, and so they underhandedly scheme toward the regrasping of power as if their imagined justification is genuine or even popular with the majority.

And if we add such sinister machinations of the neofascist kind to the generational influences of transit Neptune opposing US natal Neptune in Virgo - across the victim-savior axis of Virgo-Pisces which is karmically intercepted in the chart as you see along with planet Neptune Rx - we have a period of major conflicts between ideals (ex: democracy vs fascism), plus, persecution in Civil Rights and racial areas of society (used as 'wedge' social issues meant to harm opponents for political gain). Note that an unaspected Neptune denotes those who keep their ideals and fantasies private or secret from the rest of society although the draconian, authoritarian ideals of the GOP are now obvious for all to see who choose to see and who will hopefully take action on behalf of protecting democracy. However, this unaspected Neptune is apex of a midpoint picture (penned on the chart) which describes bad social conditions and potentials for loss through speculation and/or wastefulness (R. Ebertin).

'Live-Wire' Air-Fire Sun Libra-Moon Aries Potentials

Meanwhile, the public's Moon @21Ari07 conjuncts US natal Chiron (at "21Aries" = "A Pugilist Enters the Ring") so we have an Air-Fire blend of exciting ideas informed by Venus-Mars and primarily suggesting relationship and diplomatic issues with compromise the key to success. This provides the season with a Sun Libra-Moon Aries combo of restless, willful energies and a crusading temperament with a leaning toward optimism and cooperation - but which can be "thrown off" by criticism and/or emotional conflict (politics!).

Still, a talent for diplomacy and innate courage can win folks over to the project at hand, plus, a desire for justice is a prominent feature of this combination of conscious (Sun) and unconscious (Moon) energies. These potentials hold true through the Autumn season of 2021 so here's hoping the US Justice System will do the job that the majority of Americans are expecting by holding our infestation of criminals accountable. Yes, I know that Politics attracts the underbelly of society, the crooks and swindlers, but the overgrowth simply cannot continue as-is and must be dealt with. Visible in this chart? Maybe it's the karmic interception of Virgo-Pisces and fraudulent Neptune across the 2/8 axi$, showing societal problems that must be dealt with, as most anyone reading this post would agree.

Now of interest to some is one small chart factor: asteroid Hopi (keywords: ambush; prejudice) @26Leo46 for it precisely conjoins Tr*mp's natal Mars (26:46) rising and as you see in the chart, Hopi conjuncts the 8th cusp. Neglect Hopi's influence and the prevaricating blighter still requires close scrutiny yet this cosmic synchronicity is simply a small indication that such caution is necessary (like keeping an eye on a cornered snake). Plus, Hopi always reminds me of Ras Alhague, the Sapphire Star, as previously discussed, because Ras Alhague conjoins the natal Moon and South Node of Tr*mp @22Sagittarus (fear of poisoning, dog bites, prone to infections including epidemics). This star is the snake charmer (who uses mind control - you know he does) and you also know that Tr*mp has often repeated the creepy song lyrics about how, You da** well knew I was a snake before you took me in - as part of his 2016+ anti-immigration rants. Plus, some link Ras Alhague with healing and with sun god Apollo (which @29Leo45 rises in Tr*mp's natal chart - hence his spray tans, preference for Florida sunshine, and 'godlike' behavior - with input from opportunistic evangelicals telling him he's 'the chosen one'). Actually this stuff resonates well with Tr*mp's natal Mars in proud Leo opposing US natal Moon in Aquarius - We The People are a direct target of his aggression. Can you tell?

And how curious is it that in China, Ras Alhague has been known as The Astrologer? Why Donald! You and your Scottish mama (Moon) and/or certain ancestors (SN) practice or use the venerable craft? This cosmic link could reveal Astrology as a talent he falls back on (SN) to aid his present activities, something I've long suspected. Either that, or it suggests an unsurprising dependence upon the services of an astrologer.

Well, there it is. The upcoming Autumn Equinox 2021 in Washington DC through my common-good lens, which naturally reveals a mixture of positive and negative potentials as life on Earth always does - must do, in fact. Your on-topic obervations and insights are welcome, of course, as long as they're courteous, left with this post, and name-tagged.

So what say you, dear reader? jc

For more solar-lunar details see Sun Sign-Moon Sign, by Charles and Suzi Harvey.