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Aug 6, 2021

Astro-Notes: The 2004 Transit of Venus and Trump

Astro-Notes on The 2004 Transit of Venus and an Unfaithful Donald Trump

by Jude Cowell

The last Transit of Venus (passing across the Sun from Earth's vantage point) occurred on June 5 and 6, 2012 and is the last Venus Transit of the 21st century. For as you know, Venus Transits occur in pairs every 243 years, 8 years apart and separated by gaps of 121.5 years and 105.5 years. Follow the above Wikipedia link for more details about this rare, scientifically significant, cosmic occultation.

Yet the focus of this post is the 'partner' of the 2012 Transit which occurred on June 8, 2004 so if we check out 2004 in US Politics, we find war criminals Dubya Bush and Dick Cheney in the White House overseeing America's oil-and-poppy grabbing Middle Eastern adventurism in which no WMDs were found - but ancient artifacts were looted from the Iraq Museum. However, the good news is that apparently, 17,000 of the looted artifacts have been returned to where they belong. We might also note that Bush and Cheney were "re-elected" on November 2, 2004 - and that the Venus Cycle (4 and 8 years) forms a background of cosmic influences upon the US Presidential Election Cycle. Not the only one or the only influence on elections, of course, but there it is.

Now to calculate the 2004 Transit of Venus Horoscope, below, my astrology software and I can only manage an exact conjunction of Sun and Venus which, as you see, occurred at 17Gem53:34 at 4:43 am edt (Washington DC: ASC 00Gem13 conjunct Alcyone (keyphrase: something to cry about). Please note that the bi-wheel image shows the 2004 chart surrounding the natal chart of Herr Tr*mp:

Meanwhile, various events in the US during 2004 are listed here. June 2004 events include the resignation of CIA Director George Tenet on June 3rd, the passing of Ronald Reagan, age 93, on June 5th (funeral June 11th, a beloved fellow to many), and the Sea Island, Georgia G-8 Summit ('8' one of Venus' numbers) which then included Russia but as you know, Putin and the Kremlin were kicked out of the group in 2014 due to aggression against Ukraine.

Now since Tr*mp's ambitious dreams of power and control were simmering in the background of 2004 with his alleged foreign connections well underway by then, it seems significant to me that the 2004 Transit of Venus perfected directly upon his natal 10th house Uranus (17Gem53) which happens to be his oriental or guiding planet, with Uranian chaos and disruption being his favored way to do business, as we know. Plus, because erratic Uranus suggests reactionary politics, radical reforms, abrupt changes, unusual contacts or associations, or even zealotry and anarchy - if We The People didn't realize the radical political nature of Tr*mp in 2004, we certainly have seen and experienced such 'wild' and disruptive behavior demonstrated in the last few years, culminating with his terrorist attack on the Legislative branch of government on January 6, 2021 (with more to come).

Yet let's not spotlight only Russia and, by extension, Ukraine, in the Trump saga because two references to China appear in his natal chart, as perhaps you've previously noticed: the Sabian Symbols for his Uranus (18Gemini) and for his natal Moon (22Sagittarius) which are penned on the left of the chart, highlighted in orange. Curiously, one symbol (word picture) sounds like foreign spies having a cozy chat together ('unusual contacts and associations'), and the other = "A Chinese Laundry". He's said to be a dedicated money launderer, you know, and the global criminal underworld surrounds and supports him.

So as you see, transit Pluto in the chart conjuncts his natal Sag Moon so we know 2004 was a time of intense emotional turmoil and fear, being manipulated and controlled, and even overpowered (see lower left corner), plus, potentials of the period included trouble in personal relationships, difficult family matters, and issues of financial empowerment or theft.

Simultaneously, Pluto opposed his Gemini Sun suggesting a time of no-compromise situations (an offer he could't refuse?), threats of devastating consequences made, plus, his ego could have been defeated in a contest of wills against more powerful Plutonian forces. Of course, that's spymaster Pluto of the hidden hand, the manipulative planet of extreme wealth and perhaps ringleader of a criminal syndicate.

Plus, transit Pluto to South Node, a Saturnian point indicating the past, supports the idea of threats to his or his family's personal security, and possibly that he had met with these or other Plutonian figures before (SN).

Then if we view the 2004 Venus Transit Horoscope as one of simple planetary contacts for Tr*mp, Venus conjunct his natal Uranus hints that unusual or nontraditional contacts and alliances occurred along with relationship break-ups, while any threats to his ego probably dissipated rather quickly (as they would have if he accepted 'the offer'). His fabled lack of loyalty was activated (or utilized) and he received attention that made him feel 'special' (bwo Venusian flattery and financial promises) although group participation would have been a bit more difficult than usual for this odd Uranian loner and dictator-wanna-be.

Additionally, a general mention should be made of potentials within the Venus-Uranus pair and the associated tendencies toward extravagance, love of luxury, wastefulness, eccentricity, unfaithfulness, self-willedness in love, temporary liaisons, and sudden separations. And of course, he was born a rebellious, quirky Sun-Uranus kind of guy, an original, tendencies which were spotlighted or enhanced by the transiting Sun @17Gem53 and suggesting public contacts and meetings via his Gemini North Node.

Now in closing, here's a vintage SO'W post concerning this Venusian topic from way back in 2012: Horrocks First Views a Venus Transit in 1639 which provided more accuracy to measurements of our Solar System than observations had ever provided before. And the next Transits of Venus? December 10-11, 2117 and December 8, 2125, both in Sagittarius.

And for daring readers with strong stomachs, here's a clip or two of what 'thespian' Tr*mp was up to in 2004.

Aug 5, 2021

Horoscopes: January 6th Rally plus Mo Brooks

by Jude Cowell

Thursday August 5, 2021: Having intended for some time to post a bi-wheel of the January 6, 2021 "Stop the Steal" Rally of Tr*mp that began at 9:00 am est along with the natal horoscope of Rep. Mo (Morris) Brooks (R-AL) who began the rally with a rousing speech at 9:00 am, you see below a quick posting of the charts in bi-wheel form.

Circled and listed on the image are contacts between Mo's speculative 9:00 am natal chart (with no accurate birth time for Mo, I'm using that hour to "sync" his psyche with the prominent event in which he participated on January 6, 2021, obligatory as it may have been - see North Node square Moon, lower left), we find that a major influence created a double Moon-Neptune affair ('delusion about the popular support of current policies' - Munksey; 'strange influences' - Ebertin). And we see that the rally's Sun @16Cap28 spotlights Rep. Brook' natal North Node of public contact while opposing his natal Uranus-South-Node conjunction (war, revolution).

And do check out the midpoint picture notated in the center of the bi-wheel and a note penned in the upper right corner highlighted in blue for deceptive Neptune-MC and subversive, deathly Pluto implications that include Utopian-adventurous enterprises-criminal offences:

Several other contacts are circled and certainly an astro-sleuth will find more. Note that the rally of January 6, 2021 falls within the difficult 4 South Solar Eclipse season which manifested @23Sag08 on December 14, 2020, the day of the Electoral College Vote as previously discussed, which is, as you know, the anti-Tr*mp vote which forms the basis for his illusory "stop the steal" rally and subsequent terrorist attack on the US Congress intended to salvage his fragile ego by disrupting America's traditionally peaceful transfer of power in order to re-install the former guy to the White House while tossing out the votes of millions of Americans in a most undemocratic, criminal way.

And if you need a refresher of his madness, here's what Tr*mp told his audience at his "Stop the Steal" Rally (ABC News).

Aug 4, 2021

The Two Karmic Eclipses That Affect Midterms 2022

Wednesday August 4, 2021: One reason to spotlight here the two eclipses that will affect the Midterms 2022 Elections is because of the clues, hints, and the cosmic information that their horoscopes contain. Yes, previous posts have been published concerning them, however, this dual image of the charts can be seen, below, for the purpose of adding the midpoint pictures from both eclipes: the 6 South Solar Eclipse of October 25, 2022 @2Scorpio conjunct Venus (2Sco39: cooperation needed and material values are involved) and rising in Washington DC, and the November 8, 2022 Lunar Eclipse @16Tau00 conjunct radical reformer Uranus Rx (16Tau56) with the Sun @16Scorpio snugged between Mercury (15Sco52) and Venus (20Sco13) - all rising in our nation's capital led by the transiting South Node in Scorpio which emphasizes the karmic implications for Washington DC of the 6 South Eclipse.

So if we round up the eclipse and Venus degree to "3 Scorpio" we have a clue: "A House-Raising" which suggests that the US Congress is understandably involved (or even eviction notices, see below). Furthermore, the degree's Keyword is: "HELPFULNESS - positive expression: an exceptional power of accomplishment through a consistent success in winning the good will and enlisting the services of others; negative expression: a complete inability to fit into any pattern of shared relationships" (The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, M. E. Jones). And the eclipse degree's Illumination Point opposite at "3 Taurus" = HOPEFULNESS! YBut yes, the Exaltation degree of the Moon (3Taurus) and the Fall of the Moon degree (3Scorpio) may be somehow involved but I suspect that few astrologers use such cosmic indicators these days. It is an axis like the Nodal Axis with the Taurus-Scorpio 2/8 polarity as the focus of both eclipses with the Lunar Eclipse describing our reactions to the events brought by the Solar Eclipse. One end of the Solar Eclipse has vanity, conceit, and self-glorification (Mercury-Venus = Sun) while the other end brings the radical reforms, shared experiences, and potential upsets of Uranus-NN. Then, our lunar reactions include common sense on one end (Sun-Mercury) and ideals (Sun-Venus) while the opposite end expresses potentials for emotional excitability or tension, sacrifice, and/or possible anxiety due to nervousness over reforms and political or social changes. Circumstances will become clearer once Campaign 2024 is officially underway.

Now of course with any Solar Eclipse in Scorpio, society must handle events and conditions very carefully for although strength of purpose, seeing to the very root of our problems, and karmic opportunities for progress are involved, astrologer Rose Lineman points out that such an eclipse can also bring out in susceptible people the negative traits of Scorpio such as vengefulness, hatred, jealousy, and cruelty. And you'll agree that modern society already has an overabundance of such traits expressing within the Collective. Hopefully, the Scorpio eclipse of October 2022 will activate the more positive karmic possibilities so we must concentrate on this.

Meanwhile, as you see on the Solar Eclipse chart (lower left), communicating Mercury (dot all Is, cross all Ts when rising just before the Sun = oriental), planet of young people, brings along fixed stars Arcturus (the White House) and Spica (the spike = the Washington Monument, or, the US Presidency). This 6 South Eclipse of October 25, 2022 is the Prenatal Eclipse ('PE') of Midterms 2022 and therefore is the PE of the Lunar Eclipse itself which perfects on the very day of the election/s (November 8th), as you see:

'Cosmic Blink' Eclipses Are 'Wild Cards of the Universe'

Now you know that all eclipses are karmic and suggest sudden changes of direction in earthly affairs in similar fashion to the erratic planet Uranus which when active seems to spark external fated events but actually has been acting or catalyzing on an internal level for some period of time. Radical politics and reforms accrue to zealous Uranus but in the earthy sign of Taurus, we've also seen changes (Uranus) within the realms of natural and ecological disasters (with Uranus ruling bolts of lightening and shifts), and in financial matters including a large amount of speculation on Wall Street, plus, stimulus payments of an unusual or novel nature. Even eviction moratoriums fall under the influence of Uranus in Venus-ruled Taurus expressing as unusual financial aid.

As you can see, penned to the left of the Solar Eclipse Horoscope, is a fretful note about the 6 South Eclipse which occurred on August 31, 1932 @8Virgo expressing as the 'Nazis Rise to Power Eclipse' - another very good reason to spotlight the 6 South manifestation approaching in 2022. (6 North is worrisome, too, on the level of 'authority figures' and 'taking over responsibility because someone is ill or unreliable' - B. Brady.) The themes of both elipses sound sinister, don't they? Well, forewarned is forearmed!

Midpoint Pictures of the October and November 2022 Eclipses

Now here are the Midpoint Pictures potentials, first of the October 2022 Solar Eclipse in the 6 South Saros Series, then those of the November 2022 Lunar Eclipse @16Taurus on Election Day. Note that any, all, or none may apply and can be subject to transits, directions, and/or progressions - except where Uranus is involved for its quirky disruption can manifest early, late, or not at all:

Solar Eclipse October 2022: Sun-Moon = Venus, Sun-Venus = Moon, Moon-Venus = Sun: actors or stage performers (ex: politicians), harmony, attractive personalities, cooperation or teamwork. Mars-Jupiter = North Node ('NN'): good cooperation dynamics. And Saturn-NN = Jupiter: a change of position, a fortunate separation.

Lunar Eclipse November 2022: Saturn-MC = Moon: depression or psychosis; impressionability; suffering from members of the female sex. With Uranus: desire to obtain objectives at all costs, making the greatest effort (as with 6 South themes), an emotional shock or crisis, emotional excitability (possibly due to fear and anxiety within the Moon-Uranus combination), Uranus-NN = Moon: new contacts which are terminated quickly, showing quick enthusiasm for other people. Venus-Uranus = Saturn: awakening from love iillusions, estrangement, separation, a difficult birth. And Moon-Venus (again) = Saturn: suppressed feelings, separation from or loss of the husband, renunciation; sad or sick women, philosophizing.

Midpoint pictures from The Combination of Stellar Influences, by Reinhold Ebertin. #ad. Consult other midpoint directories for additional information.

Aug 2, 2021

Asteroids Columbia, Washingtonia, and America

Illustration: Earth's Asteroid Belt; public domain Wikimedia Commons

Monday August 2, 2021: In case the three primary 'USA' asteroids and their numbers need spotlighting, here they are along with their Tropical Zodiacal positions for July 4, 1776 and for today:

Columbia #327: July 1776 @14Vir20; August 2021 @16Vir17

Washingtonia #886: July 1776 @00Tau46; August 2021 @20Vir45

America #916: July 1776 @27Lib27; August 2021 @13Gem59.

Curiously, and very annoyingly, asteroid America on June 14, 1946 (the day of spawning for DJT) clocked in @28Leo03 - conjunct Tr*mp's natal Mars Rising and royal Regulus, the king, or the kingmaker. Also note that the July 4, 1776 position of Washingtonia (00Tau46) conjuncts the natal Moon of President Joe Biden!

So using the numbers of the asteroids you can check out their positions for any date at

Jul 31, 2021

Blue California in Peril with Newsom Recall Election

California Governor Gavin Newsom; 2020; {public domain image}

Saturday July 31, 2021: Here on Stars Over Washingtion the primary focus has always been on national politics, issues, and conditions (hence, "Washington" itself as the symbol for America herself) but today, thanks to Jon Favreau and Dan Pfeiffer of Pod Save America current political conditions in the state in California such as the Governor Newsom recall election is due attention.

As Favreau and Pfeiffer ably point out, it doesn't matter whether Califonia voters 'like' Governor Gavin Newsom or Senator Dianne Feinstein, what matters is the peril a Republican authoritarian take-over of the state would bring to its inhabitants. Besides, a recall election is expensive (wasteful!) especially considering that Governor Newsom, if voters prefer, can be voted out of office in 2022! So speaking for myself, the rabid determination of California Republicans to rid themselves forthwith of Gavin Newsom from the governor's office makes me wonder if they harbor doubts about their own election-rigging prowess in blue California! Yet as always the case with any election, the question is one of voter turn out so hopefully California Democrats will get off their duffs and vote to keep their state out of the grasp of the GOP.

Just know that SO'W is cheering for you California!

Meanwhile, other topics informatively discussed in the Pod episode linked above include the powerful testimony to the January 6th Select Committee by Capitol police officers and Republicans' reactions to it, plus, special elections in Texas and Ohio.

Now in case a dear reader should hanker to view certain natal horoscopes, here are links to the astrology charts of Dianne Feinstein (RR: AA; Sun Cancer-Moon Gemini) and Gavin Newsom (RR: AA; Sun Libra-Moon Capricorn); plus, Pod host and former Obama speech writer Jon Favreau (RR: AA; Sun Gemini-Moon Gemini along with 1981's deep thinking Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction). Finding no timed natal chart for host Dan Pfeiffer, his Wikipedia page states Dan's birth date and place as December 24, 1975 in Wilmington, Delaware which gives Dan an Earthy, practical Sun Capricorn-Moon Virgo personality blend and a Saturn-Uranus square from Leo to Scorpio which, if harnassed as such, works well for progressive social and political issues.

Recent and archived podcasts are available at Pod Save America #ad.

Jul 30, 2021

Demeter and Ceres grace the City of Washington DC

A drawing of Ceres and Pallas (Demeter and Persephone) by Jude Cowell

Nurturing Ceres/Demeter: the Corn Goddess of the District of Columbia

Friday July 30, 2021: For many Americans, current events transpiring within the District's city limits are head-scratchers now more than ever after four years of Tr*mp, so it seems to me that a study of the founding of Washington DC can gain the curious seeker a more complete understanding of DC's environs and the good and bad actors within, political and otherwise. If one has the time that is!

So although it's only one resource for such specialized study, within the pages of Alan Butler's Washington DC: Chamber of Secrets website lurk many intriguing factoids of a Freemasonic-Sacred Geometry nature concerning the esoteric founding of our nation's capital, the whys and the wherefores. Author Alan Butler published an accompanying book as well: City of the Goddess: the Freemasons, the Sacred Feminine, and the Secret Beneath the Seat of Power in Washington DC (2011) #ad.

Meanwhile, I'm quite certain that many dear readers of SO'W have previously checked into the Eleusinian Mysteries which is what the Mythology of Demeter, Persephone, and Hades (Pluto) are all about. (Rather creepily, America's first-ever Pluto Return/s will occur all through 2022.) So basically I'm saying that many or most of the Masonic founders of America and of Washington DC were of a pagan persuasion and, classically educated, were familiar with the Mysteries of ancient Greece. Then at some point in time, the religious rites at Eleusis had migrated to Rome where 'corn goddess' Demeter was called Ceres, and Persephone was known as Prosperpina. And as you know, the reunion of mother and daughter began the first spring and explained the archetypal concept of death and rebirth, a prominent theme in Freemasonry (and in Christianity but we're talking paganism) and one that no one born upon the Earth can escape. Even now, we can find Virgo and the sign's wheat sheafs of Ceres-Demeter represented in various images and Zodiacs all over the District. And significantly, the signing of the US Constitution on September 17, 1787 was a tribute to the pagan Demeter Mystery rites held annually in Greece on the 17th of September.

Thereby, the signing of the US Constitution can be said to represent the death of the US as a colony and its birth as an independent nation - or, as a symbol of the death of tyranny and the birth of liberty! So in our era we find our Constitution under siege by anti-democratic, unAmerican actors, both foreign and domestic, attempting with all their might to substitute tyranny in place of liberty - in America of all places.

What a rotten exchange that would be!

In closing, here's a word or two about Corn, the matrix of life:

"From the corn we learn to live, we learn the life that is ours. By grinding the corn we learn the footsteps of life." — Sharon Naranjo-Garcia, Santa Clara Pueblo.

And for more info about such topics, there's a YouTube video (14m 35s) which may interest some readers: An Overview of the Eleusinian Mysteries (Terence McKenna). Plus, for a related SO'W post (although it may not seem to be!) check out Is Washington DC the 'New Rome'? Altair the Eagle says Yes!

Jul 28, 2021

July 28, 2021 tr North Node conjunct US 1776 Uranus

by Jude Cowell

Wednesday July 28, 2021: Just a quick post on how the transiting North Node of the Moon (future direction), at 1:03 pm edt today @8Gem59, conjuncts America's Uranus (July 4, 1776 @8Gem55) which to me seems highly descriptive of current political events and conditions. Even the Sabian Symbol for the rounded-up degree of "9 Gemini" is significant: "A Quiver Full of Arrows" - "Keyword: PREPARATION; positive expression: unlimited personal capacity for rising to the issus of the moment on any level of experience; negative (unconscious/shadow side - jc) expression: "querulous overconfidence and quixotic notions" (The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Dr. Marc Edmund Jones #ad).

As you know, the Capitol Building's security forces were 'not prepared' on January 6th, obviously, and there are multiple reasons for this unpreparedness, reasons which had better be brought out by the House Select Committee hearings so they can be dealt with and corrected. For one thing, this temporary Nodal influence will retain its effect through August 2021 - therefore, time for making societal and political progress via this particular cosmic gift is a-wastin'!

Meanwhile, I shall leave it to you, dear reader, to decide who's who described by the degree's pos/neg expressions. And we can always consult an image of America's Great Seal if we wish to view the American Eagle with 13 arrows grasped in its claws (the original 13 Colonies?):

Note: Now according to Robert Hieronimus, PhD, in his book Founding Fathers, Secret Societies (p. 141) #ad, a pentagram is formed on the emblem by the crest of the Eagle's head, its wings, the olive branches, and the arrows. Of course, our 5-pointed 'death star' Pentagon is suggested since FDR annointed it in 1942. And as you know, the Pentagon's role in January 6th events has come under some measure of scrutiny and there may - should - be more such inquiry as 2021 speeds into 2022.

For more info concerning America's Great Seal you may wish to check out Mystery of the Great Seal's Eye of Horus Reversed. Plus, here's a relic of a SO'W post from 2009 displaying the Horoscope of the Pentagon April 29, 1942 with a significant 2010 Solar Eclipse chart surrounding it.

So my fervent hope is that the transiting North Node may activate America's 1776 Saturn-Uranus trine which could influence our current situation with its progressive vibes as it acts as a bridge between generations to blend historical perspective with our present predicament.

Then, here's the radical or reformist politics Uranus-NN pairing in Hegelian Dialectic form as found in Michael Munkasey's Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets (#ad) and its suggested potentials or expressions:

"Thesis: The changes which accompany new efforts to alter the direction of events; alliances which follow revolution or unexpected changes in leadership; help from others who assist with modernization activities.

Antithesis: Treaties for modernizing facilities which benefit another more; revolution for the effecting of popular changes; a society which does not appreciate modernizing; business changes which evolve with society."

So! In closing I should mention the only other Ptolmaic aspect made by Uranus in Gemini in our July 4, 1776 chart/s and national psyche: Uranus sextile North Node, the 'finger on the public pulse' talent that, if it can be utilized in 2021, suggests intuition and innovation that can take advantage of sudden changes in public opinion (which are in process of changing now!) so that positive social reforms may be made. (Sakoian-Acker).

Jul 27, 2021

Uranus-Pluto: Can Biden's American Rescue Plan end the Reagan Revolution?

Uranus-Pluto: A Pair of Revolutionary Planets and Their Midpoint then and now

by Jude Cowell

Tuesday July 27, 2021: Since the first hearing of the House Select Committee on 1/6 has ended at 1:00 pm edt with intense Mercury-Pluto conjunct Ascendant @26Lib59, and chart-ruler Venus in fact-based Virgo making no applying aspects but squares the Nodal Axis: inappropriate social reactions (by some such as secessionist Republican Taylor Greene - and detailed today by four testifying police officers), I'm adding a link to some of Thom Hartmann's commentary concerning the Biden administration's economic efforts on behalf of our country and people about which, Thom asks, Does the American Rescue Plan Signal the End of the Reagan Revolution?

As he has before, Thom cites Peter Turchin's piece in Nature (published 10 years ago) in which he notes that we would see "massive political upheaval in 2020 because politics tends to go in cycles of around between 40 and 60 years, most often 50 years." And since cycles are the stock in trade for all astrologers, it's only natural that our curiosity should perk up concerning Turchin's prediction, yes? As Above, So Below. Or as some of us think of the concept, "Thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven."

Mr. Turchin had then predicted that "we'd see people in the streets" (last year, 2020) "like we hadn't seen since the late 1960s -" and most astrologers easily recognize the riotous influences of the Great Conjunctions of zealous anarchist Uranus, the Utopian rebel, and powerful planet of transformation and death, Pluto, the hidden hand, in the mid-1960s, in mid-Virgo, across the victim-savior axis.

And as I've noted here and elsewhere months ago, the transiting Uranus-Pluto midpoint in mid-Pisces had for some time been precisely opposing the degrees of the Uranus-Pluto Conjunction of the 1960s, a cosmic circumstance I tend to ascribe to a triggering of such rebellious energies of upheaval and social protest against the lack or loss of rights, and, via the Black Lives Matter movement - in 2020 demanding that 'slave patrol' style police officers stop killing people of color which, of course, was triggered primarily by the cruel execution of George Floyd. Add the current transit of Neptune in Pisces opposing US natal Neptune in Virgo and we have racial, social, and religious persecution, in addition to the violent reactions and rebellion against authority made timely by the Saturn-Uranus square in rigid, stubborn Fixed signs as old and new ideas and methods clash.

Then notably today at 1:00 pm edt, we find that the transiting midpoint of Uranus-Pluto has moved on to 19Pis59 - conjunct the 1:00 pm Moon suggesting potentials for 'daring; ambition; determination; intuition; restlessness; bringing about changes by force' (R. Ebertin). Perhaps Luna is Rep. Liz Cheney! Of course, you know that transiting Neptune Rx @22Pis58 is nearby as well and with transit Uranus-Pluto within orb, society's current conditions of 'insecurity, uncertainty', and, for some mentally or emotionaly unbalanced folk, 'neuroses' are unfortunately activated (R. Ebertin).

Bad Policies and Financial Scams Always Make Social Conditions Worse

Then for economic considerations such as financial transformation in the US sometimes called the Reagan Revolution, Thom adds the fact that, "-- 50 years ago, in 1971, the modern conservative era was kicked off with the Powell Memo "(see link, below), "which started building a massive conservative infrastructure and led to the election of Reagan. Like old Confederate statues," Thom continues, "the shine on St. Ronny seems to have turned rather green." Thus the speculation that the 'Reagan Revolution' may finally be ending with Biden initiatives - and taking 40 years of social and economic harm, including the discredited "trickle down" scam against the American people, with it.

If so, it's a case of good riddance and huzzah.

For more details on such riotous topics, eclipses, and more, see a previous SO'W post from 2020: Summer 2020: Uranus-Pluto and Crisis Across America. Perhaps the title of the post and my commentary within seemed overblown or hyperbolic to some SO'W readers in 2020 but after the Trump Mob Coup Attempt of January 6th, this may no longer be the case especially for those who recognize the benefits of facing reality no matter how harsh so that our side's Uranus-Pluto energies and other resources can be harnessed to fight back against radical reactionaries of the fascist/neo-nazi persuasion.

The Capitol police officers fought such forces on 1/6, as they testified today to defending Democracy against the violent mob sent there, as one officer, Mr. Dunn, stated, sent by "a hitman."

So if you, dear reader, have any qualms about the true identity of said "hitman," I must wonder why in the world you would be wasting your precious time reading Stars Over Washington!

Also related: 1971: Nixon, Gold, Jupiter-Neptune, and a Solar Eclipse Series ends; The Powell Memo: a Genesis of Corporatism in Control ('noon' horoscope shown); Astrology of Reagan's First Inauguration 1981 (chart shown, links to his Inaugural address); and Reaganomics Eclipse 1981 a Turning Point for America (horoscope shown).

Above image: a vintage depiction of the US Capitol Building.