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Mar 9, 2022

DC Horoscope: Autumn Equinox 2022

Morals, Ethics, Spies, Gossip, and Finances

March 9, 2022

by Jude Cowell

Today just a quick look ahead at the Autumn Equinox 2022 Horoscope of September 22, 2022 with Venus in Virgo in her role as chart-ruler - conjunct US 1776 Neptune and reminding us of the ongoing Neptune-oppo-US-Neptune transit (clashing ideals; persecution), and conjunct fixed star Denebola ('to go against society; against the mainstream'). A few notes are penned on the chart for the curious but with events and upsets occurring thick and fast these days, it's too soon to make very much of the planets' activities six months from now. But for you I'll try.

Because after all, Midterms 2022 with a Taurus Lunar Eclipse will occur during the Autumn season - and the Eclipse rises in the Autumn Equinox 2022 chart seen here.

Autumn Equinox 2022 in DC: General Indications

Sun 00Lib00:00 at 9:03:31 pm edt: Hour of Jupiter Rx.

Morals and ethics are in the Venusian spotlight, shabby wealth is suggested when US Neptune is added to Venus-Neptune, and Venus opposing Neptune indicates illuions-delusions, spreading vicious gossip, shameless exploitation, and/or empty diplomacy. Yet Venus in Virgo is intercepted in 5th house (Placidus House System; opposite, Pisces and Neptune are intercepted in 11th house along with the Syzygy Full Moon @17Pis41) so for those who use them, this suggests karmic conditions that must be dealt with such as problems which have been passed down from previous actors, and possibly festering. Of course, currency devaluation may be one of those problems with petro-dollar issues in question. And don't look now, but hiding under a Neptunian veil is Nemesis Rx @23Pis26, the position of the April 12, 2022 Jupiter-Neptune Conjunction, the speculation, inflation, and grand spirit pair. There are spies lurking in America's financial branches, cyber and otherwise, while corporations raise prices because they can.

Then, Venus trining Pluto denotes those who can read body language and use it to their advantage, plus, the possibility of turning the tables on the past; major financial matters are also suggested by the Venus-Pluto duo (exs: 'private wealth in hidden places' along with 'attracting elements of organized crime' - Munkasey; additionally, the planetary duo may also link to bankruptcy).

We should note that the Leo Moon is unaspected (detached, estranged) yet Luna reflects her waning light upon two asteroids Ceres ('democacy'; security; oil and gas production; family; motherhood, nuturance) and Kassandra (a prophetess no one believes). Sadly, separated parents and children may be implied here, along with a continuation of the potentials for fluctuating food shortages and empty shelves. The world is ill on multiple levels.

Meanwhile, the Sun @00Lib00:00 conjoins Mercury Rx in the Sun's natural 5th house of Children, Speculation, and Creative Pursuits, and 2nd hou$e Mars @17Gem04 conjoins Herr T's natal 10th house Uranus, his guiding planet of chaos, rebellion, and disruption (obviously here, money is involved). Then as you see, radical Uranus Rx @18Tau34 rises with the North Node (@14Tau17 - conjunct Menkar and US Inauguration Ascendant) suggesting focuses on saying what needs to be said, plus, changing the world, new contacts, and a need for feedback.

Powerful, subversive Pluto Rx @26Cap10 has crossed Midheaven (in DC - also conjuncts US Inauguration MC) while leading a ruthlessly determined executive focused on success pattern, a Locomotive shape of planets; Autumn 2022 begins during a Balsamic phase of the Moon, a dark phase when things go bump in the night, and forecasters like Kassandra make their predictions. Or read their scripts.

Then there's 10th house Saturn Rx @19AQ19 conjunct the generally accepted position of Herr Putin's natal North Node suggesting isolation and teamwork becoming more difficult as time goes on. Also karmic Saturn rises with Alpheratz, a cosmic combo that reduces the star's usual gifts of independence, freedom, honors, and riches, and hints at darker potentials such miserliness, decreasing popularity, and fatal tumors.

So! As always, you're invited to leave your on-topic, name-tagged comment (no ads or personal insults) with this post if you like. Don't be shy! jc

A Related Post: Two Karmic Eclipses That Affect 2022 Midterms.

Mar 6, 2022

Ukraine Crisis, Putin, Saturn-Pluto 2022

March 6, 2022

Now That We See the GOP Is "The Evil Empire" Party

by Jude Cowell

Saturn; Voyager 2, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

As always, there are both positive and negative transits upcoming for us all and given the dire state of conditions in Ukraine, a look at 2022 planetary transits to the country's Independence Horoscope of December 1, 1991 6:00 pm EET Kiev, UKR (Campion #342) may be revealing, with an emphasis on the harsh, destructive Saturn-Pluto duo in particular.

And naturally, we know that the duo's recent Conjunction @22Cap46 on January 12, 2020 started a new 33-year cycle of their difficult, compressive energies, the first since November 8, 1982 (@27Lib36: under Reagan). Check out the transcript of Reagan's March 8, 1983 speech that soon became known as his Evil Empire Speech as the 'good vs evil' planetary duo of Saturn and Pluto aligned in late Libra, years after their three-fer conjunctions during World War I (Horoscope shown). In 1982, the US Congress was in process of debating (they used to debate) a resolution in support of a "nuclear freeze" which the Reagan administration was against.

Was Mr. Reagan projecting evil on to the Soviet Union, a case of the devil slyly calling out the devil? Well, as you see, Tuesday March 8, 2022 marks his speech's 39th anniversary - and now the world suffers through Putin's dream of world domination, beginning with his take-over efforts in Ukraine. If Putin is successful (or seen as successful), other grabby dictators will follow suit. Could Putin's warmongering be a form of payback for Reagan's label for the Soviet Union as "evil"? Well, it is the Soviet Union that Putin wants to reassemble. So if you've missed it so far, I highly recommend Frontline's documentary Putin's Way (53 mins).

Pluto; NASA; Hubble false-color image July 2015

Why, the January 12, 2020 Saturn-Pluto Conjunction @22Cap46 even hit disruptive Uranus in the Fed's 1910 New Moon chart (Jekyll Island, GA) resulting in a midpoint picture of "brutal efforts to start a new order" which is a perfect example of the turmoil and cruelty the evil duo of Saturn and Pluto can instigate (their oposition on 9/11/01 another tragic example). Obviously, large amounts of money are involved (exs: Putin's and his oligarchs' hidden wealth, currency devalued, stock markets at risk, etc). Follow the link to view a bi-wheel of the Fed New Moon with the 2020 Saturn-Pluto Conjunction chart, outer.

Meanwhile, in case you missed it, here's recent news commentary from MSNBC's Chris Hayes, Why Putin Didn't Invade Ukraine During Trump's Presidency.

So as noted above, mitigating transits and progressions will aid matters, or can possibly worsen them, but here is a list of some of the more challenging planetary transits of 2022 that will hit the December 1, 1991 Horoscope of Ukraine, the more worrying ones involving aspects from karmic Saturn and Pluto and Ukraine's 5th house Pluto @21Sco01, 4th house Jupiter @13Vir17, and 8th house Saturn @2AQ49:

Putin invades Ukraine February 24, 2022

February 26, 2022 Jupiter opposes 1991 Jupiter once: Jupiter the General is discontent with his achievements, yet no one is impressed with overblown, overly optimistic efforts at territorial expansion; impulsive overstepping of boundaries = not cool.

2022 Saturn square 1991 Pluto 3x exact on March 21, August 26, December 16, 2022: refugee crisis continues as frightened populations are forced to step into unknown territories; manipulation, contrived actions, frustration, as more power and control are sought and harsh challenges are met; structures continue to be destroyed; children under threat (parents struggle to protect them); nuclear risks incurred.

July 4, 2022: by transit the 'Tail of the Dragon', the separative South Node of the Moon @21Sco01, will swipe across 1991 Pluto suggesting a time of large social events beyond personal control, large-scale changes initiated without regard to their effects on the lives of others; war and violence; personal security destroyed; victims of circumstance; resentment, misunderstandings. Positively, Pluto-SN provides resourcefulness, self-reliance, and the stamina to survive hardships. Now that the transiting South Node is in intense Scorpio, these potentials are already being felt and exercised.

Then once transit Pluto enters Aquarius, the subversive one will be on-track toward conjunction with Ukraine's 1991 Saturn @2AQ49 in 8th house thus creating a double measure of Saturn-Pluto influences. But let's consider that particular cosmic bridge when the world comes to it.

Muchly related posts include: Putin: Ukraine 2022 vs Hitler: Poland 1939

Mar 4, 2022

July 31,2022: North Node meets Uranus

Warrior Mars Joins the Pair for a Menage a-Trois!

March 4, 2022

by Jude Cowell

Since a new cycle of Mars-Uranus began on Inauguration Day 2021, upticks of the pair's violent, reactionary, combustible energies can be tracked across the globe, including in the USA. And when the transiting North Node of public contact joins in, we may have even more cause to pay attention to the anti-societal activities of the Mars-Uranus duo, violent types who support authoritarianism over democracy.

One such cosmic signpost arrives on July 31, 2022 when by transit radical anarchist and zealot Uranus meets the Taurean North Node @18Tau41:17 at 4:05 pm edt, with warrior Mars @17Tau57 approaching for a threesome. Yet even by itself, the Uranus-North-Node duo denotes radical politics and revolutionary reforms, and meetings with those who share such political views. These folks are subject to being carried way by unexpected changes in society while giving little if any consideration to ultimate consequences; some will benefit from the sudden changes, perhaps through technological fields (Uranus), and with the conjunction in the 6th house, reforms or sudden shifts in service industries such as military, police, and other civil services may be on the menu, along with reforms in our medical and healthcare industries. Of course, with erratic Uranus involved, there are always chances of disuption and/or separations.

So for your consideration, here is a Horoscope of the moment on July 31, 2022 that Uranus and North Node conjunct, set for Washington DC as an astrological representative of America; chart factors are penned on the chart for those who wish to read them, including the trio's midpoint picture potentials which are more fully listed, below, and noting that, like all heavenly bodies, these cosmic energies become stronger as they move nearer and nearer, then come together in conjunction - here timed by the Head of the Dragon, the Moon's North Node:

Midpoint Picture Potentials of the Uranus-NN-Mars trio of July 31, 2022

Uranus-NN = Mars: 'tremendous energy; having an axe to grind and gaining support' (N. Tyl); 'disputes accompanied by violence; self-control is difficult' (R. Ebertin); 'strength to push ahead' (M. Munkasey).

Mars-Uranus = NN: 'hyperexcitability with others' (N.T.); 'execution of extraordinary and unusual enterprises' (R.E.); 'facing down all opposition; being active with others' (M.M.).

Mars-NN = Uranus: 'stirring people up; sudden events that affect many people' (N.T.); 'upsets in a community or an organization; sudden associations or events; active cooperation' (R.E.); 'sudden disruptions in meetings; disinterested presentations' (M.M.)

Now admittedly, it's been a while since I added a degree symbol from Adriano Carelli's The 360 Degrees of the Zodiac (#ad) to a post so, noting that Carelli does not round up, here's his symbol for '18 Taurus':

"Two furious bulls goring each other": "The native will easily fly off the handle and quickly work himself up to a climax of frenzied and bloodthirsty rage, even if his own peevish and quarrelsome temper has sown the seed of discord. According to his background and breeding, he can make a sabreur of a ruffian, and can reap the hatred of many, running the risk of wounds or death in duels or brawls."

Can you think of anyone who sows the seed of discord and is hated by many?

In closing, there's a significant cosmic time link to consider for it suggests that the violence-promoting, vindictive, peevish Trump Regime Can Be Identified by Mars-Uranus via a certain Solar Eclipse.

Note: paraphrasings of the trio's midpoint picture potentials are gleaned from three sources: Solar Arcs, Noel Tyl; The Combination of Stellar Influences, Reinhold Ebertin; Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Michael Munkasey. #ad

Mar 3, 2022

June 2022 Full Moon to 4 South Eclipse 2020

March 3, 2022

by Jude Cowell

Perhaps it's an insignificant cosmic time link or echo when the Full Moon of June 14, 2022 @23Sag25 culminates directly upon the December 14, 2020 Solar Eclipse in the difficult 4 South Saros Series (23Sag08) with its themes of 'strong emotions over money and/or relationships, sudden desire to finish a relationship', and 'frustration, and blocked emotions - avoid rash actions' (B. Brady). Naturally, you'll recognize the 2020 4 South as the Electoral College Vote Eclipse (DC Horoscope shown), and perhaps we can agree that rash actions were not avoided by certain malcontents.

Full Moons Can Behave Like Lunar Eclipses, New Moons Like Solar Eclipses: Mix with the Karmic Nodal Axis!

So for your consideration, below is a messily notated DC Horoscope of the Full Moon of June 14, 2022 (inner chart - to emphasize the Full Moon's house cusps) with the earlier occurring 4 South Eclipse of December 14, 2020 surrounding it (outer) which could represent a culmination or fulfillment of some kind in relation to the 2020 Electoral College Vote for Joe Biden, and the sore loser's Big Lie which has been used ever since to sabotage America, gaslight the American public, and undermine our election process.

Notably, there's a powerful midpoint picture which stands out because all or some of its potentials apply, and it involves the organized crime duo of Neptune and Pluto along with the North Node of public contact:

Pluto-North-Node = Neptune (25Pis23): 'attaining success through lies and fraud; disadvantages and losses' (Ebertin); 'seeing that people are not always what they seem to be' (Munkasey); and 'the power of the half-truth; deception as a tool; win at any cost' (Tyl).

As always, leave a Comment if you wish for your on-topic name-tagged observations are welcome, and social media Shares are encouraging and very much appreciated! jc

Mar 1, 2022

Putin: Ukraine 2022 vs Hitler: Poland 1939

February 2022 Invasion Echoes Poland 1939

by Jude Cowell

Recently, comparisons have been made by talking heads between Herr Hitler's brutal invasion, bombing, and take-over of Poland from September 1, 1939 to October 6, 1939, his 'September Campaign', and the February 24, 2022 invasion and bombing of Ukraine by Russian 'president' Vladimir Putin, a man with dreams of global dictatorship - just as Hitler had.

So naturally, worries about a world war starting are now on steroids thanks to Putin's power-grab of Ukraine and his nuclear threats, for as you know, Hitler's action against Poland sparked World War II. And synchronistically, the take-over of Poland and WWII (September 1, 1939 Danzig, Poland) both fall under the influences of the same Solar Eclipse, the 13 South Eclipse of April 19, 1939 @28Ari43 which is displayed, below, with astro-notes penned on including the fact that the Eclipse hit very near Herr Hitler's natal Sun (00Taurus), his 'trigger point of violence', and death-dealer Pluto at a critical-crisis 29th degree of Capricorn (conjunct America's current progressed position of Pluto) squares the Solar Eclipse indicating ruthless behavior, torture, and other criminal offences.

Meanwhile, karmic Saturn @22Aries separates from the Eclipse (6S42) and denotes those with the responsibility to carry out 13 South's themes which are penned at the top of the horoscope, and include sinister energy and an urge to expand as they 'strive toward group endeavors' (B. Brady). Of course, these two planets aspecting the 1939 Eclipse make up the evil pair of Saturn-Pluto which had last met in Conjunction three times from October 1914 to May 19, 1915 (@00Cancer, a Cardinal World Point of Manifestation: World War - not so now). Yet there are Saturn and Pluto again at the Foundation of this Eclipse chart conjunct the IC (22Cap30) which weirdly enough, conjuncts the January 12, 2020 Saturn-Pluto Conjunction which happened to hit the natal Vertex ('VX') of Herr Trump with its 'fated encounters' implications. Now these, plus, other cosmic synchronicities are listed, below, and are not comforting, I know, but there it is.

So see what you can make of the eclipse chart and leave an on-topic comment with this post, if you wish:

Image: World War II 13 South Solar Eclipse @28Ari43; April 19, 1939 5:35:02 pm CET Danzig, Poland

One recent event notated on the horoscope is the 1939 Eclipse's 7th house Vertex of fated encounters @6Tau44 pointing directly at the US Inauguration Day 2021 Mars-Uranus Conjunction - also @6Tau44 (!). Either Universal synchronicity is full of irony, or someone devious plans ahead using astrological principles and placements as timing devices for their activities in the here and now, inspired by, or in tribute to, similar brutalities perpetrated by a long-gone dictator following the voices in his head (as do Putin and Trump). Now I know that many folks realize the similarities without the aid of Astrology, even without seeing white "supremacists" marching on TV and in streets with tiki torches burning as they yell hateful slogans - a global movement toward strong-armed authoritarianism. The recent banning and burning of books is a major clue as well - oh, and add the Moon's position (29Aries) during the Mars-Uranus Conjunction of 2021 for Luna conjoined the 13 South Solar Eclipse degree of 1939, a cosmic picture of completion and/or fulfillment of some sort. Apparently, current-day neo-nazis are simply preening with pride at how hateful, racist, and brutal they are.

Of course, basic factors that all solar eclipses in Mars-ruled Aries indicate are potentials for militancy, belligerence, boldness, and leadership, but when the energies are negatively expressed, these turn to arrogance, aggression, self-willedness, and a headstrong attitude that bodes ill for other people. In fact, the foolhardiness implied tends to cause more problems than it solves. Add to this Eclipse-ruler Mars in Capricorn ('the warrior') leading the planets in a Locomotive shape and we see an indication of a 'ruthlessness executive determined to achieve success at any cost' (whether in Poland or in Ukraine). The Eclipse falling in the 7th house in Danzig denotes pacts and karmic alliances or partnerships.

So do you think that history is rhyming from 1939 to 2022? Or is someone devious purposefully causing current events to 'rhyme' with past events in order to 'complete' a certain psychopath's malevolent agenda? See November 2022 Eclipse hits Austrian Psychopath's Chart which shows yet another example from the 1939 Eclipse horoscope - radical planet of anarchy and zealotry, Uranus @16Tau42 will conjunct the Lunar Eclipse in Taurus conjunct Uranus on the very day of America's 2022 Midterms - with reactionary Uranus conjunct Herr Hitler's natal Venus-Mars Conjunction, a passionate pair that recently met on February 16, 2022 @16Capricorn - the conjunction a repetition or an echoing of Adolf's unhinged energies from the past - when we take current events into consideration. As you know, the Venus-Mars pairing is super-passionate and can at times make quite a spectacle of themselves.

Cosmic Time Links: 1939 to 2022

And of course, comrade Putin's current actions are intended on a sinister level to undermine and collapse America, as you know, in revenge for the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991.

So! If you can manage it, do check out Astrology King's insightful analysis of Herr Hitler with his Sun conjunct fixed star Mirach in Andromeda and the star's 'chained woman' implications which, to me, relate to the 'strong-armed paternalism' that again threatens the world, no less so than in American politics via Republicans determined to control women's health choices.

And note that this area of the Zodiac will be lit up once again by a Solar Eclipse in April 2023 (30Aries) so as I've asked before in a previous post, Are we once again being haunted by Mirach's Ghost?

Feb 28, 2022

Horoscope: Aries Ingress 2022 Moscow

February 28, 2022

With so much going on today, I only have time for a quick publish of the Aries Ingress 2022 Horoscope set for Moscow, Russia (aka, Spring Equinox). With Putin placing war front and center, 'Aries Ingress' emphasizes the season's Martian qualities.

Astro-Notes are scribbled on the chart for the curious, and several 29th-degree placements of a critical-crisis and impulsive nature will be noted, plus, star of misfortune, Scheat, is active, conjunct the Sun, and Angular.

Vladimir Putin's first natal planet to rise is his Sun @13Lib55 closely followed by his sour Saturn (@17Lib27 - conjunct Herr Trump's natal Jupiter 17:27), then his Neptune-Mercury conjunction of fantasy and fallacy rises; meanwhile, Ingress 2022 Saturn conjunct Nemesis points toward Putin's natal North Node which suggests his lonely position, work that becomes steadily more difficult as time goes on (R. Ebertin), and possibly his 'unbeatable foe' determination to take power and expand Russian territory (like the Roman Empire - see the IC's Sabian Symbol - "The Pope Blessing the Faithful") via war and violence.

Horoscope: Aries Ingress 2022 March 20th 6:33:14 pm BAT Moscow, Russia; ASC 29Vir21; MC 29Gem07; chart and Midheaven ruler = Mercury with applying aspects listed, lower left corner with international communications in focus, and some form of financial expansion on the menu:

As always, your name-tagged on-topic insights and comments are welcome - sans troll-ish personal insults, and absolutely No Ads.

And for the sake of comparison, why not check out the Aries Ingress 2022 Horoscope set for Washington DC.

Feb 27, 2022

A Lost Atlantis: Archetype of America

The Lost City of Atlantis; public domain image

Is America Lost? Or Only Preparing to Rise?

by Jude Cowell

Everyone knows the story of the Myth of the Island of Atlantis, its abuse, misuse, and overuse of power, sinking disastrously into the ocean, and at some glorious future point rising like a mythological phoenix from the ashes. So what do you think? Was the phoenix archetype played out on and after the attacks of 9/11? Did 'The Tower' Eclipse of 2018 add to the cosmic picture of a smoldering America, struggling to rise, with her rebuilding now hindered by adversarial authoritarians following a peculiar agenda?

Well, I must say that if 500 years is the measure of a mythological phoenix crashing, burning, and rising, then America at 256 years old in 2022 is only a little over halfway there!

Now astronomically, Atlantis #1198 was first discovered at the Heidelberg Observatory by astronomer Karl Reinmuth on September 7, 1931 with minor planet Atlantis Rx @27Pis52 and parallel science-oriented Uranus, planet of futurism and technology, then in Aries, and aka, the 'Sky God' in olden days. A parallel compares to a strong conjunction, as you know.

Plus, we've discussed Atlantis before on SO'W way back in 2017, the first year that Tr*mp was refusing to understand or honor the limits of his presidential power, breaking rules, traditions, and laws at every turn. Unrepentent, he got worse, as you know, and now refuses to keep his gob shut although a deposition or two may come along for him soon. If so, he'll probably clam up and hide behind the 5th Amendment. Someone should show him the mash-up videos of his multitude of criticisms of folks who plead the 5th Amendment - they're "mobsters," he said. Well, yes. So he will reveal himself to be, if he "pleads the 5th".

So! If Atlantis, Archetype of America is a topic that interests you, a previous post might do so as well for it contains links to the natal chart of Sir Francis Bacon, author of the book, The New Atlantis, and one of the prime puppeteers behind the funding and setting up of the 'New World' here in America, the controversial mystery of Queen Elizabeth I possibly being Sir Bacon's Mummy (crazy!), and other related goodies:

A New Atlantis, Williamsburg, and Our Secret Destiny.

Now let's close with the rounded-up degree and Sabian Symbol of Atlantis's discovery degree, plus, the Symbol for its Zodiacal position as I type, both from Marc Edmund Jones:

Atlantis Discovery September 7, 1939: "28Pisces": "A Fertile Garden Under a Full Moon": Keyword - ULTIMACY; positive expression: high reward in worldly goods and exceptional integrity in using them; negative expression: irritating pride of possession."

Atlantis Today February 27, 2022: "18Sagittarius": "Tiny Children in Sunbonnets" - Keyword: INNOCENCE; positive expression: a continual and complete protection of self through its exploration of its own potentials and exploitation of its oppotunities; negative expression: witless retreat to a wholly infantile self-assertiveness."

The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Dr. Marc Edmund Jones #ad