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Jun 22, 2022

DC Horoscope: J6 Hearing June 23, 2022

Just a quick posting of what may turn out to be only a speculative Horoscope of tomorrow's J6 Public Hearing said to be opening at 2:30 pm edt Washington DC (. Please enlarge the image if you wish to read my study notes which include the fact that rising is Tr*mp's natal 2nd house Jupiter (@18Lib27 Stationary which brings along his deceptive Neptune and wounding Chiron - and opposing the natal Jupiter in Aries of Speaker Pelosi), Castor at Midheaven with the fighting Mars-Ascendant midpoint, and an unaspected Mercury, planet of communications such as testimonies, depositions, hearing/s, and investigations - in its own sign of chatty Gemini conjunct Aldebaran; meanwhile, chart-ruler Venus, highlighted in blue, makes no applying major aspects which makes her condition of house, sign, and degree prominent, along with a Venus-Alcyone conjunction:

2:45 pm edt: An UPDATE already! Thom Hartmann just mentioned that tomorrow's hearing is to open at 3:00 pm edt - see how difficult it is to post accurate horoscopes of the J6 hearings? If at 3:00 pm, the Trump-Pelosi Jupiters will already have risen and set (but eternally opposing one another!), and activist Mars @21Aries will have dropped into 6th house instead of being angular. And one of the 'Images for Integration' (The Harvies) of the day's Sun Cancer-Moon Taurus blend of energies remains: "A Flourishing Family Business." Wonder whose?

America's initial Mars-Saturn Cycle

The 'Death Axis' Planetary Combo of Mars-Saturn

by Jude Cowell

As near as my software and I can figure out, here is the Horoscope of the moment the Mars-Saturn Conjunction perfected prior to July 1776 and which to me signifies the beginning of America's Mars-Saturn Cycle:

Typically, many of my study notes are squished upon the chart for the curious to read and I hope that you're just that curious. For this is a meaningful planetary combination of energies especially these days, thanks to Tr*mp's natal midpoint picture (Mars-Saturn = Pluto; 12th house) has often been spotlighted in media and expressed by his nibs with its brutality, damage, fury, and outright death to many people (R. Ebertin) potentials.

However, the Mars-Saturn pair relates to various other potentials and its association with 'the death axis' in a horoscope is not the least among them. Power, accompanied by fear and tension, is another, as are: a huge amount of personal ambition, a suggestion of 'stop-and-go' (off-and-on) energy deployment, seeing a partner as blocking one's best efforts, throwing caution to the wind, serious efforts, anger and irritation directed at others, restrictions, discipline, and/or prolonged struggles (R.E.). Plus, "driving with the brakes on" is as good a description as any (A. Oken).

July 17, 1775

Mars-Saturn @4Libra = "A Group Around a Campfire" which reminds me of another Revolutionary era Sabian Symbol: "An Army of the Republic Campfire." No, we don't need to be stuck in the past, just learn from it. And Astrology can help with this because it's all about timing, cycles, and repetition similar to past conditions providing us with new chances to respond more positively this time around so that karmic progress is possible.

Now let's consider the Hegelian form of Mars-Saturn potentials in Politics and Business as provided by Michael Munkasey in his Midpoint: Unleashing the Power of the Planets (#ad); you'll notice that some of these potentials are occurring as I type:

Thesis: Curtailing force or military power by authorities; enforcement of honor through the use of strife or struggle; wars which persist; frustrations imposed upon or by criminal elements; demands to halt armaments.

Antithesis: Military actions which continue under political or other restrictions; an obligation to use force when restraint is required; the ambitious taking of that which belongs to another; an older enterprise becomes angered.

We might also note that on July 4, 1776, US Mars @22Gemini and US Saturn @14Lib48 (our exalted Saturn rising in the Mars-Saturn horoscope, above), clocked in @18Leo05, a point in the Zodiac that has seen its share of activation through the years such as on August 11, 2018 by a 2 Old North Solar Eclipse which I have previously termed, The Tower Eclipse because its collapse-rebuild theme is also described by Tarot card 16. Add such energies to the Mars-Saturn duo and there's lots to ponder there.

Now so far, only a few Horoscopes of America's Planetary Cycles are published:

Mercury-Pluto and Mars-Neptune Cycles (January and June, 1775; dual horoscopes shown), Mars-Pluto Cycle (December 1775), and the Mars-Uranus Cycle (June 1776).

As time allows, my hope is to publish more Horoscopes of our nation's Planetary Cycles so that their signs, degrees, symbols, and the combined energies of each pair may be associated with, and inform us, concerning current and future events and conditions. Even information on historical events may turn up in the spotlight with a little study!

So to close, below is a relic of a slogan that I used to type quite often here on SO'W. It seems appropriate now as we feel our nation teetering on the edge of political and social catastrophe, created by saboteurs with a malevolent (sore loser) 1930s-style-nazi mindset - you know - like the criminals my uncles fought and vanquished in WWII. Well, now their destructive energies, like a misguided Phoenix rising from the ashes (see Selena @8Scorpio), or a seditious movement from the 1860s trying to grasp power and control - it's time to fight the b*stards again, so here goes:

America, my only nag in the race!

Jun 20, 2022

A Few Notes on the Global Elite Agenda

Sometimes I Get a Little Fussy

by Jude Cowell

Okay, admittedly through the years of writing Stars Over Washington, I have fussed about globalism and dissented against the Big-Brotherish 'Agenda 21' without fully understanding what it has had in store for world populations. However, my dumble-headed lack of knowledge is due, in part, to the secrecy with which global elites prefer to hide from prying eyes their bossy plans lest we of the masses take actions that might reveal, interfere with, or delay the implementation of their 'agenda', 21 or otherwise. Timing, as they say, is everything, and de-population is at the foundation of their plan for conquest.

Then, in late 2019 into 2020 (on cue?), the coronavirus leading to the Covid-19 pestilence, was unleashed upon world populations, and not the least to suffer from the pandemic turned out to be the American people whose healthcare and hospital systems had been under assault, inadequate, and ailing for years (by design).

Plus, in the lead up to the unleashing of the deadly virus, a kleptocratic, seemingly inept 'leader' had been put into place in the White House, enabled by Russia, who proceeded to do his part by not doing his part to protect and inform the US public. Crazy "treatments" were promoted ("drink bleach," poisonous Donnie, the thespian and snake oil salesman, promoted), and ineffectual medicines such as horse de-wormer were sold to the gullible. Money was made as victims sickened and many died - and de-population was implemented on a grand and global scale bwo a pandemic that had been previously predicted and prepared for (I've heard) under the Obama administration. Of course, it was imperative that those possibly life-saving plans had to be jettisoned once the orange menace took over the Ship of State, with his natal Mars in Leo aimed directly and malevolently toward the American people.

Yet, dear reader, you don't have to be of a conspiratorial mindset to read my ramblings on this topic, but if you wonder as I do about the planetary influences that were in effect during the Earth Summit held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil from June 3 to June 14, 1992 where "Agenda 21" was the primary topic said to support "sustainability" and issues, they said, that were "too big for member states to handle," then check out the horoscopes, below; you'll note that activist Mars, the warrior planet, ended at the critical-crisis 29th-degree position that insurrectionist Mars occupied during the coup attempt of January 6, 2021 against the US Congress; and as many people are sorrowfully realizing, violence is part of the de-population plan:

Now if you've read my SO'W fusses previously, you may remember that the Hegelian Dialectic form of information provided by Michael Munkasey in his book Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets (#ad) concerning planetary pairs, is, to simple-minded me, a description of the social meddlers' tactic: creating problems so that you can "solve" them the way you intended to in the first place. This includes undermining the world's sustainability so that global government can be implemented, even clamored for, or what some would call, a 'new world order'.

This is what seems to be at the foundation of their agenda - again, call it '21' or otherwise. And to me, "sustainability" is a euphemism for 'using de-population so that there will be more resources for those who are left'. Disagree if you must, but there is a certain logic to such selfish efforts. The devilish Ayn Rand would be proud - and naturally, the sustainability and stability of America had to be undermined first along with the weakening of our country's global leadership role.

Plus, member states (aka, nation states) said to be unable to "handle" such large issues are precisely the previously used rationale for the now-ongoing implementation of global government. We've been forced onto a downward path, my friends, but it doesn't have to be as dystopian as this - that's only the Republican fascist/neo-nazi model!

And so, in case the Hegelian Dialectic information applies to this topic, here I'll quote Michael Munkasey concerning the 'nwo' Uranus-Neptune duo whose current planetary cycle began in 1993 with a new phase of "smug or strong-armed paternalism":

Thesis: Changes in social and political structures due to new ideals and dreams of the future; revolutions or strikes which are focused on new ways of thinking; groups which form to exploit oil or chemical resources.

Anti-thesis: Sudden upsurges in the availability of drugs; subversion using a new method of acquiring information; movements which diminish the power or authority of the nation's leadership or police systems.

To the last potential let's add, a diminished Justice System.

Besides, once again, it's a process as is everything on Planet Earth and the Big Chess Game being played over our heads involves goals that no decent, life-honoring person can possibly appreciate or want. Perhaps all the TV shows and films of a dystopian nature in the last few years are being shown in preparation for their 'Big Picture' which "commands a certain course of action which must be followed; very little option to do otherwise," (Solar Arcs, Noel Tyl #ad).

And that certain course of action is -- what fascist-minded politicians and their enablers, corporate and otherwise -- have been working toward so diligently.

Pluto in Capricorn = Dictatorship: Do Not Vote For It!

Why cite this? Because it's the midpoint picture of Uranus-Neptune, that met three times all through 1993, along with transit Pluto in 2017 conjunct the 'nwo pair', revealing via Astrology what's been in process for the last several years, now activated or set in motion by the transformative, manipulative, subversive planet Pluto - during the first year of the orange blighter's regime of lawlessness perpetrated from the Oval Office with the aid of Organized Crime. Plus, the degree of the Uranus-Neptune-Pluto conflagration on or about "18 Capricorn" contains a revealing Sabian Symbol of "A British Destroyer" with the negative expression of "smug or strong-armed paternalism" (Jones), as noted above. Isn't this the mindset of modern-day misogynist Republican comrades of a 'macho' fascist persuasion? They use the tiresome 'divide and conqueror' tactic so that the American people fight each other instead of the saboteurs we should be fighting - because they know that 'divide and conquer' weakens the power of We The People.

So to close this fuss, here's one final note which might ruffle a few feathers: in Mundane Astrology, another hat worn by powerful Pluto can be as, The Pope. Therefore, may I remind you that various Popes have called for a 'new world economic order' during their annual New Year's Day messages? Just sayin'.

Meanwhile, if you have on-topic observations or comments to share with this post (no 'anonymous' or 'unknown' comments will be published) concerning such subjects and/or the above Earth Summit 1992 horoscopes, please leave them for moderation by yours truly. Jude

Here's a Possibly Related Post concerning global de-population and the creepy Georgia Guidestones.

And definitely related is The Roman Empire: Birthday of The New Order showing a horoscope with 18 Capricorn at Midheaven, The Goal Point.

Jun 19, 2022

America's initial Mars-Pluto Cycle

by Jude Cowell

Recently, we discussed America's initial Mercury-Pluto and Mars-Neptune Cycles. Another significant planetary cycle for our country is the forceful, dynamic Mars-Pluto Cycle, a pair that tends to carry karmic undertones within:

America's Mars-Pluto Cycle, shown above, began with their conjunction on December 24, 1775 @25Cap:35:17 during what were combustible times full of war, brutality, violent assaults, forcible suppression, oppression, subversion, injuries, and death. Yet also in those Revolutionary days, daring and courage were shown by many, along with feats of superhuman strength. Astrologically speaking, when Mars, planet of desire, is the stronger planet within the Mars-Pluto duo, energies tend toward the selfish, greedy, egotistical side but when transpersonal planet Pluto directs the action via highly developed individuals, such base desires are kept under control so that tremendous powers of regeneration are possible and which can actually benefit humanity.

Of course in more modern times, for most Americans it's unsurprising that our nation's Mars-Pluto Cycle in governmental Capricorn, ruled by karmic planet Saturn, directly connects to such things as FDR's Arsenal of Democracy speech and the campaign it announced because weapons of war, the distributing and sales of them, and the implication of protecting the national security of America were and are part of the Pentagon's mission, its reason for existence. 'Spreading Democracy' around the globe is America's typical justification for waging war and carrying out various operations, yet deception and progaganda tend to be necessary in order to hoodwink the American people into supporting and fighting the wars of old men. Motivation is everything, and plundering the resources (and the women) of other lands is a tactic as old as the hills - and unfortunately, the US military has been turned into a gargantuan jobs program which assures warmongers such as private contractors and mercenaries that their gravy trains will continue chugging along the same old crooked tracks.

Now part of it all in relation to the forceful, brutal Mars-Pluto duo, is the fact that US Mars turned retrograde ('Rx') by progression in 2006 - once in multi-tasking Gemini in 1776 and ready for action, then through the years Mars symbolically progressed through Cancer, Leo, Virgo, and into Libra, thereby activating concerns over the moral weaknesses of others. This condition has led to inwardly turned energies and aggression (exs: mass shootings; police violence against non-violent citizens; police officers assaulted on Jan 6th; US soldiers disabled in war, misogyny, pedophilia, hypocrisy, underhanded behavior, anti-social activities such as Klan marches, online relationships instead of real world ones, and more). Obviously, such a Rx condition is frustrating for activist Mars (aka, 'the shooter', 'the assassin', 'the arsonist'), for Mars is the planet that embodies the concept of energetic forward movement. Why, activism is his jam!

Powerful If Invisible Pluto the Plutocrat

Meanwhile, US Pluto was already Rx in 1776 (pulling strings from abroad?) but with the ongoing US Pluto Return all through 2022, powerful plutonian energies are activated in a titanic way, and, thanks to our Mercury-Pluto opposition of 1776, surveillance and the power of secret knowledge are even more prominent in society, with America's 1776 Mercury being opposed once again (in 'real time') by transit Pluto. This transit provides us with an intense, troubled, transitional period of chaos, disruption, and turmoil when investigation, research, secret information, disinformation, and power-seeking are top of the national menu. And this, just as America's structures, systems, traditions, and social fabric are under extreme duress thanks to entities both foreign and domestic. As you've noticed, America as a 'failed state' is the primary goal of saboteurs and it long has been.

Then to make matters more complex, confusing, eroding, and subversive, transit Neptune in Pisces has chimed in by opposing US 1776 Neptune in Virgo with its persecution vibes and a global clash of ideals and beliefs - and that, across the victim-savior Virgo-Pisces axis, with the exploitation of the masses via the utilization of corruption and fraud an ongoing issue for our country, and across the world.

Karma: A Natural Law of Consequences That Even America Can't Evade Forever

Admittedly yes, as a descendant of CSA soldiers, my belief is that promoters of a new version of the old Confederacy now play an integral role in the current campaign to sabotage our federal government, and to divide and conqueror the American people just as such hidden forces did in the mid-1800s (hint: international banking houses and war profiteers, the corporatists of their day). Meanwhile, malevolent, opportunistic operatives have had their own selfish motives for enabling the splitting of America into factions, grudge-filled hatred being one of them, then and now. How very 'Mars-Pluto' of them.

Old Man Capricorn = Government, Law, and Business

Now my suspicion is that everyone following political events through the venerable lens of Astrology knows that the 21-to-30-degree range of Capricorn is highly sensitized these days, not the least of which is due to the harsh, compressive Saturn-Pluto Conjunction of January 12, 2020. Recommended is a 'noon' Horoscope of The Confederacy 1861 where you'll find a cooperative Venus-North-Node conjunction @23Capricorn of 'like-minded individuals'. Plus, here's a link to the Confederate Constitution Horoscope of March 11, 1861 with its North Node @21Cap02 - 'hit' by the January 12, 2020 Great Conjunction of Saturn and Pluto (with NN: 'misery of the masses' - R. Ebertin). Note that the post contains a link to the text of the 1861 document as provided by the Avalon Project. It's a fanciful relic that today's saboteurs are determined to re-animate.

So as you know, eclipse cycles and historical cycles can be compared for they relate to one another in ways that I often refer to as 'cosmic time links'. Therefore, when comparing earthly events with the cosmic occurrences which reflect them during certain periods of history (and considering that "1776" was one of the code words during the January 6, 2021 coup attempt still ongoing), a Timeline of the Revolutionary War might just come in handy.

And as Thom Hartmann always reminds us, "Democracy is not a spectator sport - get out there and get active!"

Jun 17, 2022

America's Mercury-Pluto and Mars-Neptune

Astro-Notes for Lovers of American Democracy

by Jude Cowell

A timeline of the American Revolutionary War lists events which closely relate to two of America's planetary cycles of significance: Mercury-Pluto (exact @24Cap54:40 on January 24, 1775; spying; lower left chart) and Mars-Neptune (exact @20Vir04:44 on June 22, 1775; fog of war; upper right chart) with their dual horoscopes displayed, below.

As you know, the planetary pairs of Mercury-Pluto (which were opposing one another in July 1776) and Mars-Neptune (square one another in July 1776) both contain information easily discernible and their potentials remain prominent in and for our nation. Two sources for updated information on planetary pairs may be found in Michael Munkasey's Midpoints: Unleasing the Power of the Planets (#ad) and Reinhold Ebertin's The Combination of Stellar Influences (#ad). Both books are invaluable when looking at Politics and Social Concerns through the excellent lens of Astrology.

So today, for my Friday pre-weekend post, you see above a dual image of the moments when these particular planetary pairs began new cycles along with my astro-notes squooshed in (mea culpa!) such as the Eclipse families (aka, Series) into which the new cycles fell across the victim-savior Virgo-Pisces axis; they are:

The January 1775 Mercury-Pluto Conjunction's 11 North (@13Vir28 which was then conjoined by warrior planet Mars Rx in Virgo, increasing implications for violence and willfulness: 11 North's theme = 'changing groups via ideas or travel'; annular), and the June 1775 Mars-Neptune Conjunction's more difficult 11 South @11Pis11, a Total Eclipse with extreme themes of 'methods/ideas fail, new systems are needed; any blocks may be violently or tragically removed' (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology #ad).

Eclipses: 'Wild Cards' of the Universe, Agents of Chaos

There are two major points to be aware of (if you're not already!) regarding 11 South:

1. The 11 South Eclipse prior to June 24, 1775 is also the Prenatal Solar Eclipse of the American Revolution (Eclipse exact on March 1, 1775 - so the Revolution began on April 19th between the cosmic snaphot of planetary conjunctions shown, above). And 2. A Solar Eclipse in the 11 South Saros Series will repeat on August 2, 2027 @10Leo so considering current 'power-grabbing' events, a cosmic heads-up is in order.

Because here's the thing: 10 Leo is the natal 12th house position of Herr Trump's Pluto and of his destructive, brutal Mars-Saturn midpoint - and a Pluto-Eclipse conjunction suggests potentials for criminal offenses, gang wars, and rape (R. Lineman) - the sort of cruel things that Republicans are already promoting, approving, or even instigating along with their wealthy enablers of a corporate (fascist) persuasion.

Now obviously, codger Trump may be out of the political picture by 2027 since he'll be 81 years old and possibly wheel-chair bound if he's around at all - especially since his natal Pluto will be 'eclipsed'. Besides, the Mars-Saturn midpoint is known as 'the death axis' (R. Ebertin) as we've seen him express against anyone who thwarts his selfish desires. (Holding grudges and taking revenge are his specialties, as you know.)

However, the global movement of authoritarianism and autocratic dictatorship of which Herr T has played the figurehead role of late will continue to be atop the to-do list of every saboteur and enemy of D/democracy - unless the world network of criminals is put back in its cage now. Of course, in the US there are some chances for criminal prosecutions in the offing, issuing from the current J6 public hearings in the House so we'll see if justice prevails. Yet we know that the old 'bringing a knife to a gunfight' method simply will not do - not when it comes to the globally-connected mobsters who bedevil, infiltrate, and undermine our country. Actually, such an inefficient method of fighting reminds me of America's problematic Mars-Neptune square of misdirected goals and misguided actions with what are sometimes self-destructive tendencies. This is crazy since usually, America acts with a 'might make right' attitude - so why not now when We the People need it most?

And so in closing, my feeling is that any dear reader who feels powerless against the current fascist onslaught should set their minds, if they haven't yet, toward Voting Blue in 2022 and again in November 2024, because Blue Tsunamis are the best hope that lovers of American Democracy have left - now that, for too long, such sobering issues have been neglected through our own apathy, and through gaslighting and misinformation.

And this neglect has brought the American people to a stark imperative that, the time to act on behalf of Democracy is now. There is no alternative.

Jun 16, 2022

DC Horoscope: Final J6 Hearing

UPDATE June 20, 2022: it is reported that a rescheduling of the final hearing has occurred to 1:00 pm edt. Please adjust accordingly.

Original post begins here:

Here's a quick posting of the DC Horoscope of what's apparently scheduled to be the final J6 Public Hearing of June 23, 2022 with my study notes penned squooshedly upon the chart:

Since the schedule of the J6 public hearings has experienced a measure of alteration, I don't wish to spend time on a June 23rd horoscope of an event which may be rescheduled or which may not be held, and I hope that dear readers understand that time is precious and should not be squandered! Therefore, you'll find quite a bit of information notated on the horoscope for those who care to read. jc (See above Update.)

Jun 15, 2022

Notes on tour-leader Barry Loudermilk

U.S. House Office of Photography, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons: Rep. Barry Loudermilk of Georgia

Undermining Democracy: Tour Leader Barry Loudermilk

by Jude Cowell

With the information being revealed this June during the current public J6 Select Committee Hearings, you've probably heard that on January 5, 2021, Rep. Barry Loudermilk (R-GA; pictured above; link to the video released by the J6 Committee) led a tour of the Capitol Building the day before the Trump coup attempt of January 6, 2021. Of course, Republicans want the public to believe that there is no link between the two events. Puh!

Seemingly related to the threats of violence is that Loudermilk's tour involved Capitol Building tunnels where insurrectionists the next day were determined to gas to death the lawmakers who were in hiding there for protection from Trump's yelping mob.

So for the astrologer within you, here's a previous post displaying a bi-wheel of two horoscopes: Coup Attempt 2021 and the J6 Public Hearing of June 9, 2022. Notably on the topic of gassing people hiding in tunnels, we find that the death duo of Mars-Saturn at the first public hearing of June 9, 2022 was @18Pisces conjunct the 2021 coup attempt's position of gaseous Neptune, karmic planet of gaslighting, fumes, toxins, poisons, death, loss, and the urge to merge.

Helpfully, Reinhold Ebertin provides revealing potentials concerning the midpoint picture that the three planets create (all, any, or none may apply and are subject to transits and progressions):

"Waning powers and weakening efforts; insufficient power to tackle obstacles; undermining of vitality through poison, gas, or an epidemic; mysterious death; grievous and grave loss (The Combination of Stellar Influences, R.E. #ad). Michael Munkasey adds, "weakening of plans" and "cover-ups." Noel Tyl suggests, "feeling threatened."

So as you know, the primary threat came from the Executive Branch of government residing free of charge in the White House assaulting the Legislative Branch on Capitol Hill by using militia-style thugs, gangsters, and ruffians, along with a stirred up mob of gullible, discontented, lied-to Americans told to "fight like he*l" and "stop the steal." And it seems to me that any, all, or none of the January 6th participants could have acted or intended to act as assassins - and as you know, people did die that day, and some died soon after.

So perhaps, dear reader, we can agree that instigator Trump's natal midpoint picture of death, murder, and rage is involved with his revenge and underlies it all - from his unconscious 12th house: Mars-Saturn = Pluto. And we know that, desperate to stay in power, what could've stopped the orange menace from using such drastic measures to have his way? Logical advice and the fact of his election loss made no difference to him. Herr T preferred what a drunken Rudy was telling him - what he wanted to hear.

Meanwhile, when it comes to Rep. Barry Loudermilk, his bio states that he was born in Riverdale, Georgia on December 22, 1963 but with no known birth time, a general look at the planets on that day (basically Winter Solstice 1963) can provide us with some amount of information concerning the smiling tour-leader pictured above.

December 22, 1963 Planets:

The earliest positions of Sun: 29Sag37 and Moon: 9Pis31; latest positions of Sun: 00Cap38 and Moon: 22Pis49 (12:00 am to 11:59 pm). Therefore, we know that his Sun-Moon personality blend is either a Sun Sagittarius-Moon Pisces combo or a Sun Capricorn-Moon Pisces with Luna remaining in Pisces. The first pair is a steamy Fire-Water blend while the second is a more practical Earth-Water combination. Obviously, chances are better through the 24-hour period of his birth date that Rep. Loudermilk is a Sun Sag-Moon Pisces personality blend so those are the notes I'll type for you based on Charles and Suzi Harvey's Sun Sign-Moon Sign details (#ad).

Mr. Loudermilk's general potentials include:

Fervent; restless; emotional; humanitarian (!); visionary; a moralistic mystic with deep convictions; philosophical; generous; an irrational logician (my italics); humorous; an advice-giver who sees the folly of everyone's ways; an impractical wastrel; suspicious; divine discontent; may fall hopelesly in love; can be emotionally gushy; is able to sort out the real from the unreal (so he knows better but tends toward Piscean gullibility which is easy for grifters to exploit).

Note that in the realm of relationships, there are multiple indications in Loudermilk's natal horoscope of secret romantic involvements or liaisons but without knowing his natal Ascendant and Midheaven positions, the cosmic picture of him is somewhat out-of-focus so I'll say no more about secretive behavior which he may not express at all.

Plus, it's beyond the scope of this post, but of further interest is that Rep. Loudermilk's Mercury, Mars, and Venus are in Saturn-ruled Capricorn, sign of government, law, business, and investments. Besides lawmaking, this hints that Barry may be familiar with insider trading since so many politicians are. Feathering their nests, you know. Is Barry a game bird, too? Well, at the least, a career in Politics does make sense for him. Meanwhile, this Republican tour-leader doesn't want to talk to the Committee again, or so I've heard. He denies, but his January 5th actions are clearly visible on the video tape linked above!

Loudermilk's Solar Eclipse Cycle a Prominent One

Meanwhile, let's add the fact that even without having an accurate birth time for tour-leader Barry Loudermilk, we know that he was born into the 1 North Saros Series which manifested for him on July 20, 1963 @27Cancer (precisely opposite US 1776 Pluto that is now in process of performing America's first-ever Pluto Return, and the opposition to the eclipse implies either higher spiritual vibrations or a turn toward animalism). Does this remind you of the Trump mob's primal violence exhibited on January 6, 2021? Me, too.

Then as you may remember, the last manifestation of a 1 North Solar Eclipse is known as The Great American Eclipse of August 21, 2017 @29Leo conjunct royal Regulus with themes that include 'distorted, possibly false information' added to the caution of Regulus: 'success if revenge is avoided, otherwise all that's been gained will be taken away'. And this, conjunct Herr T's natal Ascendant which personalized the eclipse for him (and for America since he was our representative, ill-suited as he was).

Additionally, the 1 North series is also known as The Mother of All Eclipses and is the one that Nostradamus warned about for its 'King of Alarm' or 'King of Terror' implications as the New Millennium was beginning.

Well, with current conditions of violence and the threat of more violence issuing from nazi-style saboteurs and henchmen, we're really in the thick of it now. So please stay safe, everyone, and I'll try to do the same.