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Oct 19, 2022

American Democracy's Arsenal and the Hercules Powder Plant Explosion

When Difficult Eclipses Like 14 South Repeat

by Jude Cowell

On December 29, 2016, a Capricorn New Moon echoed FDR's famous 'Arsenal of Democracy' Speech which he delivered on December 29, 1940 - same sign, same degree. Obviously, the 2016 New Moon in Saturn-ruled Capricorn, sign of government, law, business, and investment, perfected after the 2016 Election but prior to Inauguration 2017, the start of America's self-styled neo-nazi-in-chief's political regime. That's one of my descriptions of the orange blighter, based on his and his followers' actions but supported by research into the historical decades involving such power-grabbing behavior and brutality (1920 to 1940s).

Not the least of such behavior are Trump's rally and its subsequent 'MAGA' Mob Attack on the US Congress, the so-called "stop the steal" coup attempted and instigated by Hitl*r wanna-be, Herr Tr*mp.

However, it's the significant year 1940 featured in the Rachel Maddow Presents Ultra podcasts which we've discussed recently here. As of this typing, three episodes of Ultra are available with more insights to come (new eps on Mondays). Episode One opens with the tragic and deadly Hercules Powder Plant Explosion of September 12, 1940 which followed one in 1933 and preceded one in 1989. The outer horoscope shown, below, is the Solar Eclipse of influence for the tragic event of sabotage against America's ability to make armaments to fight Nazis in Europe, aka, World War II (Horoscope shows the dynamic T-Square of brutality, Mars-Pluto = Saturn = Herr Adolf's natal Sun).

Now various theories of culpability for the sabotage of 1940 near Roxbury, New Jersey have been advanced (even the IRA!) but to me, Rachel's and her team's investigation seems most logical: Nazis in America, especially in light of how active in the US such sniveling bullies were then, and are now, as they marched and yelled through US streets, lighted tiki-torches held "proudly", plus, violence and threats of violence are on the rise compliments of thuggish far-right (ultra-right) operatives devoted to Tr*mp.

Of course, racism is a primary identifying trait of such regressive barbarians, with threats hurled against members of the Hebrew race, and nowadays, against transgender folk or anyone they consider to be beneath them; examples include liberals and Democrats; see the "Ideology Clash" charts, below; visibly lurking therein are demagogues, zealots, and violent fanatics which are notated on the chart, upper left.

And yet as I type, it's apparent that unless you've been living under a Saturnian rock of denial, you already know these things, don't you?

Be Aware of 14 South Themes (paraphrasing B. Brady):

'Long periods of hard work which bring the promised success of Jupiter once an obsessive idea is finally accepted' (obsessive Mercury-Pluto content from 14 South's initial manifestation as, Mercury-Pluto = Sun-Moon = Mars-Saturn, the 'death axis' duo according to R. Ebertin); significantly, the 0984 14 South Eclipse @10Vir59 rises in the 14 South horoscope of April 7, 1940, a cosmic time link extraordinaire:

So due to the expansive breadth of such disturbing topics and democracy-threatening potentials, this post is merely another in my series of 'forewarned is forearmed' efforts, with more to come, if and as I can. For now, shown above is a bi-wheel of the initial 14 South Solar Eclipse (inner @10Vir59) with its repetition on April 7, 1940, the Saros Series during which the Hercules Powder Explosion (sabotage) occurred.

14 South themes are listed, above, and you may be interested to know that the next 14 South Eclipse will occur on June 1, 2030 @11Gemini (chart not shown); if you suspect that the "obsessive idea" of 14 South is a nazified America, then we're on the same page, dear reader, and the Arsenal of Democracy had better have its Herculean act together pronto.

Oct 18, 2022

Alarm Bells Ring: Ultra-Right Threats to Democracy 2022: Vote Blue!

Ultra-Right Saboteurs Spotlighted by Rachel Maddow

Now that Episode 3 of Rachel Maddow's Ultra podcast is available, I recommend it most highly. If only voters who don't know or care about the Nazi threat we now again face in America would listen and take its lessons to heart.

Or perhaps before the November 8th Midterms with its Taurus Lunar Eclipse, Republican leaning voters will run across the new ad premiered by Rep. Eric Swalwell, Lock Her Up which shows just what America would be like under a GOP Nazi-style rule with women arrested for making medical decisions, a fate that Republicans have made very plain. (No word yet on the role of pills such as 'viagra' have to do with anything.) Thing is, the GOP's regressive laws will necessarily include Republican women, and we know that the Republican Party's anti-abortion laws are not about saving life - they're about exercising power and control. It's as if the chastity belt industry is tooling up with giddy expectation, not to mention the prison industry.

And so we now must deal again with the themes of the 6 South Solar Eclipse manifesting in a few days on October 25, 2022 @2Scorpio. And with a disturbing flurry of 'history rhymes' implications, 6 South was the Saros Series that brought the world the Third Reich (January 30, 1933 Berlin, Germany), Herr Adolf's official take-over. The fight against Nazism and Fascism is enjoined again. Pass it around.

20 Aries: Overcoming Crisis With Compassion

Yet none of my comments above even touch upon the fact that a Republican take-over of House or Senate at Midterms 2022 would mean that Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid are set to be reduced and ultimately deleted from the fabric of our society. If accomplished, Republicans will realize their long-term vision to toss recipients onto the streets of America and at the mercy of the generosity of their family members. If such support there be. Basically, the total breakdown of American society is their goal - and that's when brutal dictatorships are easiest to implement.

Meanwhile, in closing here's a quirky little comparison of two horoscopes: lower left is Trump's 'Prez Bid' New Moon of June 16, 2015 along with the first of three Uranus Returns to the Third Reich Horoscope (upper right) which perfected on June 17, 2015 - the next day. But it must be merely a crazy coincidence, right?

Previously on SO'W: Eclipses of 2022 Hit Austrian Psychopath's Horoscope.

Oct 17, 2022

Mars to Trump's Prez Bid New Moon

by Jude Cowell

Dear Reader: In view of current events, and with planet Mars in Gemini at perigee (close to Earth) until March 2023, I thought you and I should check out warrior planet Mars in relation to its position in the Trump Prez Bid Horoscope of June 16, 2015 since Mars conjoined the 2015 New Moon on the morning of Trump's downward escalator ride in Trump Tower and his disturbing announcement replete with bigoted insults which set the tone for what became his regime. As you know, Trump was born with Mars rising along with royal Regulus, a star that cautions against taking revenge, plus, his 10th house trio of Uranus-NN-Sun are nearby the Prez Bid New Moon of 2015. Since that morning, these cosmic conditions have worried me on behalf of my country. The following post is a result:

Search for significant events occurring in June 2022 and you'll find a variety from monkeypox outbreaks to vaccines, to the G-7 Summit held in Schloss Elmau, Germany (as in 2015) from June 26 to June 28, 2022 when support was pledged for Ukraine. Astrologically, on June 28, 2022, transit Neptune, slow-mover that it is, stationed retrograde @25Pis26:36, pausing upon the Mercury-Pluto midpoint in Trump's 'Prez Bid' New Moon Horoscope of June 16, 2015 (shown, below).

Therefore, because the orange blighter won't hush up about his loss of the 2020 Election and acts as if he'll run in 2024 (for fund-raising purposes), I'm asking you, dear reader, to consider the rounded-up Sabian Symbol (26Pisces) of lumbering Neptune's station back on June 28th: "A New Moon That Divides Its Influences." Is that similar to the at-best divided loyalty of a US president who thinks more of foreign autocrats than he does the leaders and officials of his own country? He makes it easy to think so.

26Pisces: negative expression: "a completely disruptive vacillation" (M.E. Jones). Well, chaos-creator Trump is nothing if not disruptive. In fact, his vanity basks in it!

So here are the potentials of the midpoint picture formed by transit Neptune June 28, 2022 in relation to Trump's initial step into presidential politics (his golden escalator ride and announcement) with its Mercury-Pluto flavors of cruel words and possibilities of: 'intelligence activities; political talk that offers abrupt changes to some functions; orbital weapons or toxic gases; secrets concerning business or transportation; communications between intelligence gathering agencies; self-destructive impulses in business; road breakdowns (M. Munkasey); R. Ebertin adds: 'a demagogue or plagiarist; the art of persuasion; fraudulent misrepresentation in speaking or writing; a convincing speaker; slyness, cunning, craftiness; hastiness; impatience; irritability; overtaxing one's strength'. Then Noel Tyl chimes in with a rousing, "Overdoing issues drains energy and wears out one's welcome." Sounds like a Trump rally a la 2022 to me. And it's become next to impossible to even read a post about him, hasn't it? Same goes for typing about him!

Prez Bid New Moon June 16, 2015 @25Gem07 = Mars

Meanwhile, in his book The 360 Degrees of the Zodiac (#ad), Adriano Carelli doesn't round-up degrees so it's 25Gemini ("A Man Holding An Open Book") to which he adds a very interesting example, "Here is the degree of the point of equidistance" (Sun-Moon) "of the coup-d'etat that overthrew the Fascist regime on July 25, 1943." How fabulous! I want a bunch of that overthrow energy for America circa 2022+! And for all other nations that demand freedom and independence from murderous dictators!

Anyway, above is a bi-wheel of demagogue Trump's prez bid New Moon (inner) and the October 30, 2022 Mars Station @25Gem36 (outer) with Mars conjunct not only Trump's prez bid New Moon ("that divides its influences") in chatty, duplicitous Gemini (@26Gemini: "A Man Trimming Palms" - he did! $50 per audience member!), but the October 30th Halloween-esque Mars station also hits the New Moon's Mars (24Gem35). Warrior planet Mars is perigee right now (close to Earth, heating things up) so it's siognificant that transit Mars returns to his 2015 degree three times (listed center of the bi-wheel: Oct 18, 2022, NOVEMBER 11, 2022, and Mar 13, 2023). Obviously, November 11th is a few days beyond Midterms 2022 but we know election results will extend for who-knows-how-long, and Trump's big mouth is certain to be involved.

Then if we take this significant Gemini New Moon (also conjunct the Discovery Degree of erratic Uranus 1781 - Trump's guiding planet of chaos) as if it's a solar eclipse (power which some lunations can muster) with aggressive Mars conjunct it, we have conditions of headstrong people with violent tendencies who can be prodded into misguided situations intended to settle issues despite any negative karmic indications - and rarely do they undertand the full significance or the ultimate consequences of their actions against society. The ones who do understand, know what they're doing - and they don't care.

In addition, we shouldn't forget a major influence that colored the entire year: the Spring Equinox Solar Eclipse that brought Trump's Prez Bid New Moon which fell into the 17 South Saros Series because 17 South, working through a POTUS-pretending Trump, sure eclipsed America, plus, 17S themes account for at least some of why one third of American voters could be so easily bamboozled by 'agent orange for president' and line up behind his misbegotten regime. For it was good news and success, even for bad actors.

And yes, we've discussed such topics before. Example: Year 2015: Our Trump Troubles Begin.

So as Midterms 2022 arrive in a few days with a Taurus Lunar Eclipse conjunct Uranus in tow, my hope is that these astro-notes on the 2015 Prez Bid New Moon might inspire a voter or two with Blue Tsunami leanings because it will take a landslide for democracy to vanquish the orange blighter and his cheating, fascist-leaning comrades.

So in closing, I'll say this: for years I've heard that what frightens politicians the most is the large population in the United States - so if that's true, we have the perfect tool that can cast out the anti-government types, the grifters, charletans, wackos, and bigots who work to undermine the US Constitution, often on behalf of foreign governments, while believing they can reverse time!

So let's Vote Blue to Save America in massive numbers! She is, after all, worth the effort.

Oct 16, 2022

Inauguration 1789, President Biden, and Eclipses

Astro-Thoughts on the US Presidency: 1789 and Beyond

by Jude Cowell

America's first official Oath of Office for the presidency occurred on April 30, 1789 in New York City. As you know, the 1st Oath was taken by a popular fellow, General George Washington, and his Oath-taking on that day creates our nation's archetypal model for the US Presidency. Here you see the 1st Oath Horoscope set for 2:00 pm LMT (historical record) with Virgo rising, Gemini at Midheaven, both ruled by Mercury, planet of oaths and those who take them - here in pioneering Aries; several of President Joe Biden's natal placements are penned around the chart, such as 1789 North Node @28Scorpio pointing directly toward Biden's natal Venus-Sun:

Sun @10Tau46 (9th house), the leader, has been under the influence of the 6 North Solar Eclipse since April 2022 (@10Tau28) yet 6 North themes are in process of waning as the 6 South Eclipse @2Scorpio (October 25, 2022) takes over and a forceful power grab for control intensifies. (6 North themes are penned on the chart and highlighted in red.)

Meanwhile, 1789 Inauguration's Prenatal Solar Eclipse (@6Sag15) fell into the 7 North Saros Series with themes of 'deep passion long-hidden; lust' (B. Brady) to which I've been compelled to add "blood lust" due to 7 North's repetition in April 2023 and because of the current crop of saboteurs and faithless traitors desperate to coup the US government and enforce authoritarianism and Utopian zealotry upon the American people, thus deleting George Washington's democratic Republic from the world stage of leadership. Or so they wish.

(By 'Utopian zealotry', I refer to their determination to rid America of the rule of law so that a free-for-all cowboy-style 'Old West' manner of living (dying) is established, brutal and cruel, with everyone "locked and loaded" for a shoot out.) Have you ever noticed that the NRA Horoscope of 1871 contains a Mars-Saturn Conjunction in Capricorn, the 'death axis' pair of planets? So many profits to be made by promoting death!

As for eclipses and the US presidency, we know that all eclipses act as Uranian 'wild cards of the Universe' and 'cosmic blinks' which suggests the unpredictability of their effects. Disruption we know, change of course may be forthcoming, perhaps even Earth shifts or weather events, yet sometimes the themes of a particular series don't have as strong an effect upon circumstances as the fact that an eclipse manifests upon a certain planet, star, or point in a horoscope. Naturally, total eclipses are the strongest actors and in similar fashion to planet Uranus, eclipses may act early, on time, late, or never with a multitude of factors mitigating and/or supporting their energies and power.

That said, I suspect that most SO'W readers would agree that 6 North themes (ex: 'relationship to authority figures') have affected the US presidency, a role which, at this time, happens to be inhabited by Joseph R. Biden. And I'll simply say that his maturity and experience have been appreciated after our country's previous roller coaster ride of misrule and criminality led by the orange scofflaw.

So hopefully, this post and horoscope are useful to you, dear reader, and that you will join me in my plan to Vote Blue in November 2022 and 2024 so that our democratic Republic can weather the current political and ideological storms brought by fascist/nazi types of violent criminals. Because the world has tried that barbaric form of government during the 1920s to 1940s decades and found it sorely lacking. What say we not try it again.

Oct 14, 2022

Oct 2022: Trump target of Thor's Hammer

Is Goofy Face Politician in Trouble?

by Jude Cowell

With yesterday's resolution by the J6 Committee to subpoena Donald Trump, we find that a Thor's Hammer, with the Saturn-Uranus square at its base, now points to transit Mercury @5Libra and to Trump's natal 2nd house Neptune @5Libra. On an astrological level, this aspect pattern symbolizes the stress and pressure the orange insurrectionist is under from fighting against authority (Saturn-Uranus square) along with his natal Neptune's eroding effects, lawbreaking, thieving tendencies, lies, and fraudulent schemes perpetrated by a fellow who pretended to play president while acting as a foreign agent in the White House.

So let's break down conditions a bit more using the lens of Astrology:

Under the influence of a Saturn-Uranus square, actors of a certain rebellious mindset often act out as if they're a law unto themselves. Resistent to authority, they're emotionally volatile and may resort to violence. Their activist tendencies seldom if ever benefit society on a positive level. Troublemakers!

Reading the pattern (aka, a Fist of God) as midpoint pictures we have potentials for:

Saturn-Uranus = Mercury: 'necessary changes; separation; making great demands on nervous energy; ability to hit back under provocation and to organize resistance' (R. Ebertin); 'monotonous politicians' (M. Munkasey); 'necessary stages of rethinking' (N. Tyl).

Add Trump natal Neptune: 'inability to face emotional stress, falsehood or malice caused through weakness; resigning oneself to the inevitable, abandonment of resistance; weakening strength; mourning, bereavement (RE); 'the delusion that change will improve traditional methods' (MM); 'breakdown under pressure; feeling lost; a new vision fighting to be understood; sadness' (NT)

Plus, with communicating Mercury conjunct the orange menace's natal Neptune, papers, documents, and keys are misplaced or hidden (more documents secreted in other places), and investigations lead to more questions (they do). Confusion clouds issues, facts try to hide, and travel over water may be indicated. Significantly, both Mercury and Neptune relate to theft and gaslighting the public, while America continues to be assaulted by Trump's Mercury-Neptune square of deception, sneaky schemes, spying, and misperception.

And of course, there's Mercury's traditional role in commerce as a trader - of secrets? Then in Trump's case, it's traitor.

Previously on SO'W: America's initial Mercury-Neptune Cycle. Also see: Trump's natal Mercury in Cancer (note that gossipmongering coordinates well with blackmailing for the purpose of manipulating people).

Oct 13, 2022

3 North and 3 South Eclipses Link 1929, 2001, and 2019: PTSD

Every 18.6 Years Eclipse Themes Repeat within Historical Cycles: Events May Rhyme

by Jude Cowell

Significant events of 1929 include the 'Black Tuesday' Financial Crash on Wall Street which occurred under the influence of a 3 North Solar Eclipse (see eclipse themes listed on the chart, below). Yet the 3 South Solar Eclipse of November 1, 1929 was also of influence. Both 3N and 3S eclipse series contain "traumatic" and/or "transformative news" implications and both have heralded difficult events that continue to reverberate through society in our day.

Significant examples of their reverberations include the WTC Attacks of 9/11/01 (via 3 North) and the Electoral College Vote Eclipse of December 14, 2020 @23Sag08 triggering or activating the 3 South Eclipse of December 14, 2001 by degree (23Sag). This combines their themes which include 4 South's "very strong emotional feelings over money and/or relationships; frustration; suddenly ending relationships; a sense of fatedness." You'll recognize these themes via a sore loser politician and his followers acting out in a vain attempt to keep the orange blighter in power.

Then there's 2019 with a 3 North Eclipse @10Cancer landing among our July 4, 1776 planets of identity: Venus, Jupiter, and Sun - Total and arriving near Independence Day 2019 - and with faithless Tr*mp whining the White House, chewing, swallowing, and flushing documents.

And last but not least, is what I call The Covid Eclipse which led society into January 2020 and the coronavirus pandemic, under the influence of the December 2019 3 South Eclipse, and you know what trauma has been wrought within society - here and globally. So perhaps we can agree that 3 South's traumatic influence is ongoing, now with winter approaching and bad actors determined to make keeping warm more difficul for certain people. Abroad, some folks are buying pot bellied stoves with just such warm objectives in mind.

Note: 3 North and 3 South Solar Eclipses also occurred in the years 1911, (1929), 1947, 1965, 1983, (2001), (2019), and 2037/2038, and

Themes are paraphrased from Predictive Astrology by Bernadette Brady. #ad.

Oct 12, 2022

How Republicans Conspire with Churches for Political & Social Control - Thom Hartmann

Wednesday October 12, 2022

Here's a segment from Tuesday's Thom Hartmann broadcast that touches on the realms of politics, religion as theocracy, government, and societal conditions - all of which the Republican Party wants complete control over even though a majority of Americans disagree. 'Consent of the governed' has no place in their future plans for America. Instead, tyranny is their jam.

Translated astrologically, we might ascribe such societal topics to the realms of two karmic planets: Saturn (control; restriction; limitation; law; government; The State) and Neptune (spirit; divine source; the masses; churchiness; panacea; contagion; paranoia), while as a planetary pair, Saturn-Neptune relates to social safety net programs (which Republicans loathe), socialism (ditto), plus, the ill, weak, and poor among us - which they also loathe:

In fact, as the haughty GOP makes abundantly clear these days, the party much prefers to model our nation upon Mussolini's formula: Statism + Corporatism = Fascism. And with beastly Nazism waiting its turn in the wings. So I'll say it again, my fellow Americans:

Vote Blue in 2022 to save democracy in America.

Otherwise, degradation, loss, suffering, and brutality will be the fate of the American people. Because, yes. It really can happen here.