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Apr 10, 2023

Is Fed Chair Jerome Powell Purposely Destroying the Economy? - Thom Hartmann

Here's a March 2023 clip from Thom Hartmann discussing Republican Fedhead Jerome Powell, recession, the US economy, and the possibility that Powell's actions are intended to undermine President Joe Biden's economic policies in order to give Republicans a boost in the 2024 Elections. Misplaced blame and campaign talking points will result.

Because it's common sense that goose-stepping Republican candidates will need all the multiple forms of cheating their fascism can devise for any hope of victory in the November 2024 elections:

What If the Universe Steps In?

So you know how 'they say' The best laid plans of mice and men? That's because sometimes higher forces interrupt earthly events with 'wild cards' known as eclipses, the most obvious and visible disruptions that few earthlings can ignore.

In case you missed it, here's a recent SO'W post displaying both the Federal Rescerve Act's December 23, 1913 Horoscope with its Moon @15Scorpio (We the People betrayed) and the Lunar Eclipse of May 5, 2023 which 'eclipses' the Fed's 1913 Moon at the very same degree, what I tend to call a cosmic time link. Thanks to the lunar eclipse, we can expect the lunation to reveal, uncover, or leak information, even secrets, which can lead to outcomes such as scandals, karmic changes (positive or negative), and/or course corrections. As many economists agree, Mr. Powell would do the US economy a solid by listening.

Yet we know as with all events and conditions on Planet Earth, some measure of both positive and negative potentials may be blended, not just economically, but with other Scorpionic realms such as corporate big business, investment, the medical and pharmaceutical industries, research, further data breaches, war and diplomacy, and/or spying and surveillance. Such potentials will stretch through the Summer Solstice season while carrying along the themes of the April 2023 Solar Eclipse until the next Solar Eclipse in October 2023.

For more cosmic details concerning US budgetary and debt limit concerns into the summer season, you may wish to see June-July 2023 Lunations with a Message.

Apr 7, 2023

Pluto and the April 2023 NRA Convention

They Say April Is the Cruelest Month

by Jude Cowell

In support of the "American carnage" that Trump promised the American people on January 20, 2017, the National Rifle Association, or, 'NRA' as it's known, will hold its 152nd annual convention in Indianapolis, Indiana from April 13--16, 2023.

From 5:00 pm to 10:00 pm on April 13th, participants can "Enjoy an evening of food, firearms, and fundraising" if they attend with a $150 ticket in hand or pay to be seated at a "bronze table." A "powerhouse lineup of political speakers" is scheduled from April 14 to 16 so politicians who roll around in the largesse of NRA donations, financial support which requires them to vote for guns over the lives of our children, are apparently on the speakers' list. And instead of being shamed by their association with guns and the murdering of school children, speakers will no doubt deliver rousing rhetoric to audience member acolytes of the "right to bear arms" persuasion.

This means that for NRA purposes, their self-serving misinterpretation of the Second Amendment must be maintained against all common sense. But have the goals of the NRA always been craven and bloodthirsty against the American citizenry?

Actually, a brief peek at history reveals that, no, the NRA hasn't always been promoters of arms over children, not in public, anyway. For details, I point toward the Revolt at Cincinnati during the 1977 NRA Convention when a forced change of leadership was imposed against "the old guard," and an "updated" mission became the norm along with a reorganization of rules and bylaws. From 1977, "the right to bear arms" became the NRA's primary cause as conspiracy theories grew around the paranoia that one day, the US government would arrive to "take away their guns." Now I wonder who was behind the promotion of such a paranoid delusion, and who continues to profit from it?

Because, of course, stockpiling weapons and planning and/or perpetrating terrorist activities attracts law enforcement responses so that conditions are created for a self-fulfilling prophecy. An additional result is that a 'well-armed militia' is illegally formed around the country for the purposes of armed rebellion and fascist-authoritarian take-over. They're determined that our votes will no longer matter! And this, I believe, is part of the hidden agenda of America's enemies, a tyrannical taste of which was shown by the attack on the US Congress on January 6, 2021, supported by a variety of corporations and CEOs with anti-American mindsets and directing a gaggle of paid-off seditionist politicians to betray their oaths of allegiance and sabotage their country.

Shadowed Demons from the Past Haunt America

NRA Horoscope November 17, 1871 1:33 pm LMT (source of timing unknown) New York, New York; Ascendant "13Pisces" = "A Sword in a Museum" and of course, with the founding of the NRA we're talking about the era of Confederate General Albert Pike, the grand poobah of his day, known for promoting a plan for fomenting world war three, a devilish plan that continues haunting us in 2023:

Now recently we discussed how the transit of hidden manipulator Pluto @29Capricorn and 00Aquarius opposes the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in the NRA 1871 Horoscope so let's not repeat the discussion here, except to say that with karmic Pluto, this is a once-in-a-lifetime transit for the power-grabbing organization and for whatever or whoever animates the group's sinister motives for political control, extreme financial power, and the undermining of democracy in America. Plus, in the 1871 Horoscope, Pluto is @18Taurus. Pluto in Taurus is a placement of deep intolerance, and is being activated by transit Uranus and forms a planetary duo of restlessness and upheaval.

Therefore, in honor of a peaceful Easter weekend, may stronger, higher forces continue beating back fascist tyranny and sedition in the US and across the entire globe - because as most people agree, Love is stronger than hate!

A Related Post: Demonic Forces That Seek to Engulf Us in the "American Carnage" Horoscope.

Apr 6, 2023

British Royalty Nazis and a 2023 Eclipse

by Jude Cowell

The natal chart of Wallis Simpson the American divorcee who married the abdicated King of England, Edward VIII, are known to have been supporters of German dictator Hitler in a Nazi kind of way. Note that this is only my quirky way of describing their degraded values yet many sources are available online and in books which concern the couple's fascist and Nazi sympathies. One connection: their multiple meetings with Oswald Mosley, head of the Union of British Fascists, an organization that was apparently disbanded in 1940.

Once he had abdicated the throne, Edward and Wallis were married on June 3, 1937 in Paris where they lived most of their lives together; both passed away there, Edward on May 28, 1972 of throat cancer, Wallis on April 24, 1986, possibly through Alzheimer complications. Follow the above links to view their natal horoscopes separately.

Meanwhile, below is a bi-wheel of Wallis Simpson's natal horoscope, the 10:30 pm version (but there are other versions such as 7:00 am with 27Cancer rising and Moon @12Libra) on the inside, and the upcoming 7 South Solar Eclipse @21Libra (outer) which will 'eclipse' Wallis' natal Moon in the 10:30 pm natal chart while opposing her natal Mars @21Ari42; in other words, the October 14, 2023 Eclipse activates her natal Moon-Mars opposition with potentials for hidden information to be uncovered that, if ignored, karmic setbacks will occur through past mistakes being repeated; the October 2023 Eclipse opposing her Mars, strong in Aries, denotes resentment and tug-of-war conditions.

And if we add Edward's natal Pluto (19Ari26 Rx) to the Moon-Mars-Eclipse mix we get the barbaric animalism and gang violence perpetrated by fascists, Nazis, and other Underworld criminals that now target democracy as in past decades. These are their tactics toward governmental take-over with Trump acting as their mobster figurehead and threatending violence toward all who would hold him to account for his alleged crimes. Mobster tactics!

7 South Themes are penned on the chart and are highlighted in orange:

Emotions Count: Major Lunar Aspects of Edward and Wallis

Edward: his Moon-Saturn square denotes a brooding man with Mummie issues. A crafty, cunning, calculating personality is indicated along with limited emotional expression and distressing memories that made him a prisoner of the past. A moody isolationist with an inferiority complex, Edward's Moon-Saturn square reveals a bleak view of life, an austere attitude, and can place a 'dark cloud' over his head. Trouble with women is a given, and an awkward shyness is exhibited. His lack of confidence could not inspire others to have confidence in his lackluster leadership ability. Alan Oken labels the Moon-Saturn square, The Cold Heart.

Wallis: her Moon-Mars opposition across the Aries-Libra axis of Partnerships reveals a volatile emotional nature that tends to lose its temper over petty domestic annoyances, and leads to quarrels especially when under the influence of alcohol. Irrational actions can damage relationships with others and a carelessness with other people's money is often present and leads to debts and financial losses. Mummie issues are problematic for Wallis as with Edward, and impatience with routine indicates the restless nature of a wandering spirit. Emotions are pent-up and violence may have been a natural facet of her nature along with easy eruptions of rage. Sexual perversions or aberrations are suggested with her Moon-Mars opposition, support for which is penned on the bi-wheel, above, through a midpoint picture of Sun-Neptune = Venus. Alan Oken labels the Moon-Mars opposition, Don't Tred On Me.

In closing, I direct your attention to the lower right corner of the chart where listed is the 7 South Eclipse's Mercury-Chiron opposition and its demand for answers, plus, the fact that transit Mercury conjuncts the natal Jupiter of Donald J. Trump and is simultaneously opposed by transit Chiron @17Ari37 Rx. Expanded thoughts and plans are indicated along with Trump's own 'demand for answers', plus, a potential for overseas travel (!) for the Mango Mussolini. The opposition from transit Chiron to his boundary-ignoring Jupiter hints at his moral and ethical conflicts now shown in stark relief via the multiple allegations and litigations that now must be penciled onto Donald's desk calendar and which represent the legal gauntlet that awaits him.

Apr 4, 2023

April 4th Horoscope: Trump Arraignment

Will an Arraigned Trump Continue Stirring Up Trouble?

by Jude Cowell

Just a quick posting of today's Manhattan Horoscope of the Trump Arraignment as noted by yours truly via the timestamp of the moment the judge entered the courtroom and the proceedings began a moment later. As you see, at the WHAT? Point (Ascendant = The Arraignment) is 18Leo07, a very intriguing degree because it brings up The Tower Eclipse of August 11, 2018 in the 2 New North Saros Series as the legal proceedings begin:

As you know if you're following current events, Trump flew to New York yesterday and stayed overnight in his penthouse in Trump Tower. After today's court proceedings, to which he pleaded Not Guilty, he flew back to his Mar-a-Lago golf resort and will deliver a speech tonight around 8:00 pm edt. I mention his sleeping arrangements for last night because of the themes that all 2 North North Eclipses share - and admittedly, I've been waiting years for the full impact of 'The Tower Eclipse' to come to pass for Donald Trump.

2 New North themes are listed on the image and highlighted in orange (lower right next to the 2018 Eclipse Horoscope). They are: "sudden collapse of plans and/or lifestyle; change of direction with far-reaching consequences" (paraphrasing B. Brady). Dust must settle before rebuilding can begin.

Now there are other chart factors worth mentioning but my typing time is brief, yet one that must be noted is that today's Pluto @00AQ11 conjuncts the 2018 Eclipse's Mars (00AQ19 Rx) indicating that "something karmic this way comes" along with potentials for peril, and for vengeance.

And if we consider the planetary trio of Mars-Pluto-Sun (POTUS Sun @00AQ+ as in 2018 = Trump playing the role) we have conditions for 'violent measures' to be taken (see upper right corner). After all, the current 6 South Eclipse @2Scorpio opposes 2018's Uranus Rx at Midheaven which suggests radical troublemakers who stir things up against all common sense and this, in the realms of the 6 South Eclipse themes of 'being forceful, taking power' and 'huge efforts in group activities' (B.Brady). All this, with today's North Node ('NN") of destiny @4Taurus conjunct The Tower Eclipse's MC, the Goal Point.

Now I know that the judge "requested" today that Trump refrain from using language that "incites violence" but you know how he is: impulse control is not his strongest suit. We'll see how well he behaves during his speech tonight and going forward.

Apr 3, 2023

April 2023: Hisses from a Cornered Snake

UPDATE April 4, 2023 3:10 pm edt: Arraignment Day for Felon Donald Trump

Mr. Trump has now been arraigned on 34 felony counts in a lower Manhattan courtroom with a "stone face" as his primary expression for photos (in his role as the 'Mango Mussolini', as usual). Adam Reiss of NBC News was in the courtroom where it happened and says that Trump himself spoke the "Not guilty" plea when asked. Since this morning, the day has been under the sway of a Moon-Neptune opposition suggesting the mass media coverage beaming to the people across the US and the globe, for all to see. Felon Trump will fly back to Mar-a-Lago as soon as he can and plans to deliver a speech this evening in prime time. If you stream, the NBC News NOW app will air it for you although other sources may as well.

Original post begins here:

A cornered snake, fighting for survival, will hiss any threat that may enable his escape

by Jude Cowell

With a fearful Donald Trump now indicted and expected to show up tomorrow at the courthouse in Manahattan for his mugshot and fingerprinting, his multiple threats against prosecutors (Salon) and anyone else he considers to be standing in his megalomaniacal way have been, to say the least, ill-advised, apparently due to the emotionally heated reptilian brain of his nibs himself. And tragically for America, his voters and backers knew he was a snake before they took him in, as he informed them in multiple speeches. Among other traits, snakes signify betrayal so in this particular instance, Herr T and I can heartily agree about his faithless, traitorous nature.

So since narcissist Trump's Geminian self is convinced that he's a legal expert above all others, no one has ever convinced the sinister orange demagogue that, He who acts as his own lawyer has a fool for a client. And this may turn out to be a factor in the fulfillment of the inscription over the door of the DOJ building "Lege Atque Ordine Omnis Fiunt" (by law and order all is accomplished). Let's us hope so since, as we know, if the DOJ aims at 'the king', they'd better not miss.

Therefore, below is another view of the esoteric carving on the DOJ building, Washington DC. As you see, the human figure on the right holds a spear with which he has pinioned the snake in the corner and this symbolizes the ultimate victory of triumph over man's lower nature, and bringing order (the man) out of chaos and lawlessness of the rogue snake (you-know-who):

Well, if Donald Trump and his scofflaw mobster behavior hasn't brought America's lower nature to the surface of Collective awareness to be better and correctly dealt with, no one ever has! This is a longstanding problem in US society, as you know, which in part can be dated from the late 1890s when the 'criminal Underworld' duo of Neptune-Pluto conjoined by transit - and unfortunately landed upon the 1776 Uranus of America (8Gem55). Thus,a midpoint picture formed of US Uranus = Neptune-Pluto, a cosmic time link to the Robber Baron class whose biological and ideological spawn now spend mega-bucks to attack and undermine democracy and usurp American citizens from their own country.

For more details concerning these topics and the DOJ see Shadow into Light: an Esoteric Department of Justice whch reveals the use of sunlight upon the carving depicted, above.

Another related post with Pluto undertones: DOJ 1934 Horoscope with the DOJ Progressed Full Moon, a symbolic yet revealing moment for the agency when DOJ SP Full Moon @28Can39 perfected on August 20, 2020 with SP Sun conjunct US 1776 Pluto (abuse of power and control issues), and with a word picture related to the Enlightenment/New World Order duo, Uranus-Neptune which conjuncts DOJ's SP Ascendant and denotes anxiety around society's legal and political issues.

Mar 31, 2023

Trump Agenda's Neptune to meet Saturn

Earlier today we looked at a Manhattan NY horoscope of yesterday's Trump Indictment with fact-based Virgo rising and Gemini at Midheaven, both signs ruled by communicating Mercury. Note that the chart should be set for 5:29 pm edt (CNN timestamp) but '5:32 pm' was the data I had at the time. Despite this, nothing written in yesterday's post would differ with a three-minute change.

So here is a quick posting of a transit that will hit Trump's 2017 Inauguration Horoscope (inner chart) shown in bi-wheel form: transit Saturn, planet of realism, accountability, and law, conjunct the 2017 Trump Agenda's ideological Neptune @10Pis16 in the inaugural 11th house of Hopes, Wishes, and Groups. The Sabian Symbol for "11 Pisces" is highlighted in orange in the center of the chart:

Now this particular Saturnian transit may have little or no effect whatsoever on this or future Trump indictments. But the reason I admire its energy is because it's known as "the grim face of reality" transit. And for a major pathological fantasist like Donald Trump, who entered the White House with a mission to fulfill (see 2017 Jupiter leading a BOWL pattern and a cause, conjoined by the 7 South Solar Eclipse of October 14, 2023 with its Mars-Pluto vibes of power and anger- add expansive Jupiter to the eclipse and you get immorality issues), it could be significant in other areas of Trump's life besides legal affairs. Religion and Politics come to mind.

Now today it's being reported that in Manhattan Trump will show up at court on Tuesday April 4, 2023 and that the Indictment will be unsealed at 2:15 pm edt. If Tuesday is the day, events will transpire under the auspsices of a Moon-Neptune opposition suggesting dreamy and/or deceptive influences but my suspicion is that the opposition is a cosmic picture of Trumpers who remain ensnared within the forces of a mass delusion surrounding the cult leader of their dreams and which adversely affects the entire country.

Horoscope: Trump Indicted in Manhattan

A Signal That the Trump Crime Wave Will Finally End?

by Jude Cowell

Meanwhile, today it's being reported that the Trump indictment won't go as folks think it will go and this is born out in the horoscope shown, below, set for March 30, 2023 5:32 pm edt Manhattan, NY, the time that CNN announced that an indictment had been voted by the NY Grand Jury against Donald J. Trump whose natal 10th house Uranus-NN-Sun trio of chaos and ego is atop the chart.

But why? Because the chart's Ascendant and Midheaven ruler, Mercury the Messenger, makes no applying Ptolemaic aspects to other planets in the indictment horoscope. Therefore, the sign, house, degree, and other conditions of Mercury, planet of votes, deliberation, and announcements, become the focus, and can act in similar fashion as a void of course Moon: that no one can interfere with the proceedings now underway, and/or that results will not be as expected. In Aries, Mercury emphasizes the pioneering of a first-ever indictment of a former US president. In 8th house of Shared Resources, Corporatism, Debts, and Death, we may discover more about this once the indictment is unsealed and the charges are revealed.

So please enlarge and/or print the horoscope to read my study notes, if you wish. Pollen allergies have me under the weather this week, so typing all my notes in this post is not feasible. However, do note that Indictment Jupiter @18Aries directly opposes Trump's natal Jupiter at Station which contains a groovy Sabian Symbol, I've always thought: "Two Men Placed Under Arrest" - a reference to Michael Cohen who 'took the fall' for Trump's pay-off to Stormy Daniels?

Now with Jupiter opposing his Jupiter, the orange blighter would be wise not to push too hard since few people are the least bit impressed with him! He says he'll surrender in New York 'next week', which remains to be seen for I'm uncertain that flight can be ruled out, not yet. One thing is certain: we're sure to hear his Libran Jupiter's favorite complaint, "It's not fair!"

Because of his indictment, how predictable that war and violence have been threatened by Trump and his supporters, and yes, such factors can be found in the above chart. I highlight two in particular:

1. That this event is occurring under the influence of the current Solar Eclipse in the 6 South Saros Series (see notes in center of the chart) with its 'being forceful, taking power; huge effort in group activities' themes - B. Brady) occurring on October 25, 2022 @2Scorpio and here opposed by the transiting Mars-Saturn midpoint @2Taurus, the 'death axis' duo according to Reinhold Ebertin. In August 1932, a 6 South Eclipse manifested as the 'Nazis Rise to Power' Eclipse @8Vir09, discussed previously in multiple SO'W posts. So if ending the rise of Nazis and fascists in America has now begun, you know that I'm all for it. In fact, my uncles who fought Nazis in WWII would be proud of what may be the first of many indictments!

Yet we must face the fact that the rounded-up degree of the North Node (5Taurus) = "A Widow at an Open Grave." A negative word picture, of course, yet Dane Ruhyar adds that people are ready to, Discard the Past rather than using a violent connotation. Meanwhile, I'm still wondering if Ivana Trump's gravesite at Bedminster Golf Course shouldn't be inspected for buried evidence.

2. A dynamic T-Square is present, as you see, with the Moon-Pluto opposition at its base pointing toward the North Node ('NN") of destiny and denoting the removal or elimination of toxins from the system, plus, upsets and upheavals within the community. Additionally, the Moon-Pluto combination indicates criminal elements, and those are the elements and people I fervently hope will be removed from our societal and political systems no matter how many years it may take.

And if we need a further identity check from the horocope: Moon @30Cancer = "A Daughter of the American Revolution" which might describe such malcontent magas as Boebert and Greene with their seditious dreams of revolution and civil war in the streets, but it definitely describes yours truly who insists on retaining American democracy and supporting the continuance of America's Perpetual Union.