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May 26, 2023

Are Trump's Connections to Murderers WORSE Than His Ties To Russia? - Thom Hartmann

Here Thom Hartmann discusses a topic that few in media will mention although it was a big story when journalist Jamal Khashoggi was brutally murdered and disposed of during the Trump regime:

And for the curious, here's the 1902 Saudi Arabia Horoscope surrounded by the 2018 planets in transit when Jamal Khashoggi entered the embassy, never to come out again.

May 24, 2023

Horoscope: CNN Launches June 1, 1980

During the Presidential Election year of 1980, CNN (Cable News Network) launched from its headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia on June 1, 1980 anchored by husband and wife team, Dave Walker and Lois Hart - and the 24-hour news cycle began. Their leading story was the May 29, 1980 attempted assassination of civil rights leader Vernon Jordan and President Carter arriving to visit him during Jordan's recuperation.

Here's a brief clip of CNN's initial broadcast with no time stamp, unfortunately. However, "good evening," Dave Walker says as the first-ever segment debuts so I've set the CNN Launches Horoscope for 7:00 pm edt with the technology planet of new ideas rising: electric Uranus Rx @22Sco47 to create a symbolic horoscope which seems plausible.

In investigative Scorpio, Uranus is exalted, behaves fearlessly and with scientific ingenuity to effect drastic change and disruption - in 1980, change from the old model of the 6 o'clock news hour to the 24-hour news cycle. So with transit Uranus now in Taurus, a "midlife crisis" is occurring this year for CNN (Uranus opposing Uranus), marking a time when one acts out of character - and thus CNN staged a "townhall" for Trump on May 10th so he could spew his tiresome old lies to an audience of supporters who were told they could applaud, but couldn't boo! Leadership styles have now changed at CNN as well, with new muckity mucks shifting the network to the right--some would say, the far right.

So in the marked-up chart, below, you'll note that starry Regulus culminates at Midheaven at 7:00 pm ('MC' = the Goal Point: success!). Also at MC is broadcasting Jupiter @2Virgo, sign of facts, categorizing, criticism, and analysis. A few of my study notes are penned on the chart, as you can see, but I know you'll find several more factors of interest; also an almost unmarked 7:00 pm horoscope is added, below, suitable for printing if need be.

The Sun's Sabian Symbol (rounded up to 12Gemini) is prominent and concerns Vernon Jordan so the symbol for "12Gemini" is penned on the right side of the chart.

CNN Launches June 1, 1980 Atlanta, Georgia

Now if you're curious, here are 40 years of CNN history in photographs, plus, there's an interesting bizjournal feature from 2015, #tbt: A Look at Lois Hart, who led CNN's first newscast 35 years ago" (it's 43 years ago this year, June 1st). Hart revealed that she and her husband were "very nervous" but on camera they looked quite calm.

Then the latest news I've seen today is that another CNN "townhall" will be broadcast on behalf of 2024 candidate Nikki Haley. Will the audience be full of Haley supporters? Can they applaud but not boo? Will she promote fascism, too?

Review the May 10, 2023 Horoscope of the Trump-CNN "townhall" if you wish, with the 7 North "Fascism Rising Eclipse" of February 1933 at the "townhall"'s IC (Basis, or, Foundation) at which lurks the May 10, 2023 Saturn @6Pisces.

And if you like, check out the Wikipedia bio of CNN's quirky founder Ted Turner and be sure to scroll to Ted's plan for CNN to broadcast "the end of the world," which apparently is what Christian Nationalists cheer for and are working toward. As if our Creator needs their short-sighted efforts!

Mary Trump exposes SECRETS of the Trump Household that created a MONSTER - interview

When the 3 South Solar Eclipse of December 26, 2019 arrived with "traumatic transformation" in its wings, the American people could not realize that Covid-19 awaited in the New Year with face masks and quarantines beginning in March 2020.

And that's only one example of the traumatic experiences we continue dealing with but as pointed out in the following interview with psychologist Mary Trump, we deal with a string of traumas while still suffering from previous ones, not a good prescription for getting back our equilibrium as a people and a nation, as you may agree.

Then knowing of these weakening conditions in the US (purposefully implemented imho), foreign and domestic enemies of America, determined to completely change our country into a 3rd world, tyrannical fascist dystopian nightmare, masquerade as a political party that has managed to gain a toe hold on power in the US House of Representatives at the 2022 Midterms, with election results aided by agent orange's Big Lie.

So! On these and other timely topics, here's an informative and share-worthy interview with Mary Trump via the Burn the Boats podcast, part of the Meidas Touch Network:

May 23, 2023

Tim Scott (R-SC): his Saturn Return 2024

Announcing his 2024 prez bid yesterday, details concerning freshly minted 2024 candidate Tim Scott (R-SC) reveal his birth date to be September 19, 1965. His Moon is in Cancer for the 24-hour period, and is out-of-bounds suggesting a measure of estrangement from Mother, or an emotional loss of some kind.

Here's a current interview with Tim Scott who says God is involved with his political decision to run in 2024, see What God Told Tim Scott Before He Announced Presidential Run. Is he genuine? Well, Senator Scott says he's confident that God isn't finished with our country yet, and this Protestant can't disagree.

So in case the 2024 presidential campaign of Tim Scott becomes a thing instead of fading out to nothing (his current poll numbers are very low), here's a natal horoscope for Tim Scott, unmarked and suitable for saving and/or printing. A few notes are added, below.

Horoscope: Tim Scott September 19, 1965 "12:00 pm" EST North Charleston, SC

Focusing on Saturn @12Pis50 Rx with Senator Scott's next Saturn Return (3x) perfecting all through 2024. Will Saturn bring him new responsibilities or more lessons? Of course, without a timed natal chart we can't consider houses in his return chart/s but using the 12:00 pm timing, the three dates that transit Saturn returns to 12Pis50 are:

1. March 26, 2024 (Trump's criminal trial date now set for March 25, 2024, NYC);

2. November 2, 2024 Rx: 3 days prior to Election 2024, and with a helpful Sun-Saturn trine;

3. November 28, 2024.

Now as you know, karmic Saturn is an important planet for everyone but also for those who hold responsible positions in society, plus, Scott's Saturn is prominent as the handle of a Bucket pattern. Notably, he was born in 1965 as the 3 Great Conjunction/s of Uranus-Pluto were getting underway. Also significant is that Scott's natal Saturn (conjunct Chiron in Pisces: a mentor, likely a religious figure) opposes his Virgo trio of Uranus-Pluto-Mercury, with his Sun @26Vir31. A restless and resourceful individual is indicated, even a revolutionary (Uranus-Pluto). Meanwhile, Saturn in Pisces denotes one who "struggles with oppponents" (R. Ebertin).

Then there are historical associations with the Uranus-Pluto cycle including the slave trade, black rights, and oppression. Well, perhaps you remember in his 2021 SOTU rebuttal, Tim Scott's controversial declaration that "America is not a racist country"!

As for Saturn Returns, they relate to professional security and provide individuals with a 28-to-30-year horoscope to keep an eye on. Of course, when any planet returns to its natal Zodiacal position, it repeats natal aspects, if any. In Tim Scott's case, those are: Saturn trine Moon-Venus-Neptune, and opposing Uranus and Pluto while squaring his Nodal Axis. Any personal idiosyncracies may turn up in 2024, and a zealous side may be noticed. Plus, the closest applying aspect to his natal Sun (ego; goal) is a square from expansive Jupiter (29Gem51) so we may expect that his financial capabilities should be considered or perhaps scrutinized.

Tim Scott's Personality Blend: Sun Virgo-Moon Cancer

His Earth (Virgo)/Water (Cancer) blend suggests pragmatism and viewpoints which may be somewhat limited. There are leanings toward anxiety and worry, and an oversensitivity that can lead to huffiness and misunderstandings. There is concern for social welfare, along with adaptability, and loyalty to family and friends. Prone to complaining, the Senator may like to rationalize away his idiosyncracies, can remain stuck in old habits, and may exhibit a suspicious attitude at times. Yet he's a very optimistic and conservative guy, which is a Jupiter-Saturn combination suggesting balanced energies.

Now there's one "Image for Integration" (conscious plus unconscious energies) which may apply to Tim Scott considering today's political climate of foreign interference in US elections, dark money financiers, and politicians with foreign bank accounts: "Two old Chinese women gossip about family problems as they work rhythmically in the rice paddies" (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, The Harveys) #ad).

This personality blend is shared by author Upton Sinclair so here's that famous quote of his:

"Is it altogether a Utopian dream, that once in history a ruling class might be willing to make the great surrender, and permit social change to come about without hatred, turmoil, and waste of human life?

Yes, it's a Utopian dream that leads to the fallacy that no laws are needed. Chaos would result and this is what the current crop of Republicans want. However, 2024 candidate Tim Scott seems rather a mild Republican so far, but it's early days yet. And another factor should be noted: his Mars-Neptune conjunction indicates one who may be confused over his real goals, be indecisive and/or inconsistent with his efforts, and sports an interesting label provided by Alan Oken: "Here, there, everywhere, and nowhere". Perhaps the vacillating energies of this aspect will be noticed as his campaign goes on, or, it may play a part in his dropping out at some point. Then with the conjunction in secretive Scorpio, perhaps some sort of surreptious activities have or will occur. Of course, senators have secretive dealings and work with hidden facts all the time so maybe that's how his Scorpionic energies express. Nothing sinister, I hope!

Then on another level, Scott's Mars-Neptune midpoint has his Uranus at apex so that "reaching for pie-in-the-sky" is indicated, according to Noel Tyl. Curiously, planet Uranus is known as, 'the sky god', and Tim Scott says that his rise in life is an example of the American dream. Therefore, for Tim it sounds like it's apple pie in the sky, and perhaps a leaning toward the Great Beyond in the spiritual sense.

So let's close with the Solar Eclipse Saros Series into which Tim Scott was born: the 3 North which manifested on May 30, 1965 @9Gemini, which in the Mercurial sign indicates a focus on logic and fluency. 3 North themes include obsessive energies, "news that transforms a situation" and "large plans are wanted but don't get carried away" (B. Brady). Is mounting a 2024 campaign for the presidency getting carried away?

Then in 2001, 3 North is the Saros Series in which the WTC attacks of 9/11 occurred. But the last occurrence of a 3 North Eclipse happened under Tr*mp on July 2, 2019 @10Can37 among America's 1776 Venus-Jupiter-Sun trio, and possibly landed at or near Tim Scott's natal Moon which ranged from 5-to-20 Cancer on September 19, 1965; the Eclipse in 2019 may have increased his (lunar) intuitive ability with his Moon strong in her own sign of Cancer.

May 22, 2023

Republican 2024 candidates as of May 2023

NPR offers a handy list of Republican presidential candidates for 2024 which promises to update as Election 2024 nears.

Then if you've successfully avoided it so far, why not catch up on a previous post about a current subject: The Solar Eclipse Series That Affects All US Presidential Elections. It's the 7 North which occurred on April 20, 2023 @29Aries, is operative now, and has been ruffled this month by the dynamic Mars-Pluto-Jupiter Fixed Grand Square.

Volatile times, Georgia & Federal indictments loom, Putin betrayal & UK Politics - Tarot reading

Here's a fresh reading from Mary Ann of Revealing Light Tarot concerning multiple topics in the news. Next to last she again reads on the potential for Vladimir Putin to be removed from power with betrayal necessarily involved. Now as you know, Aussie Mary Ann keeps up with US politics and global issues better than most Americans do, even as We the People totter on the brink of a fascist abyss while maga and other Republicans threaten to push.

Atmospherically, there's a highly engineered set of crisis conditions here in the US, not that politics as a practice isn't always rife with stagecraft. An "organized system of hatreds," politics has been called, and preparations for sabotage and sedition have been in motion for years, now accessible on a video screen near you. A clue? The Hm-hm-hm will rise again!

Also for you are 32 entertaining minutes of insights from Down Under as interpreted by a spot-on Mary Ann:


2023: A Summer of Kremlin Intrigue; Empires Do Fall

by Jude Cowell

With continuing potentials for political shifts in Russia, a peek at a SO'W post and horoscope from June 2021 may be instructive concerning Mr. Putin who looks quite a flop for indulging his territorial urges on a global scale. China may be the one to mop up from Russia's recklessly zealous overstep. Did Vlad's military officials lie to him about the country's level of preparedness? Was it all planned that way? Is there a rat in the woodpile? Perhaps an answer is a question: which ancient governmental entity thinks strategically and plans the farthest ahead, fueled primarily by noodles?

Meanwhile, let me know your on-topic insights here, or, as a comment in the Stars Over Washington Reports FB group where this post will be shared - once you check out Horoscopes: Putin Inauguration 2000 w/ Biden-Putin Rendezvous June 2021.

One current factor you'll note in the chart is that transit Jupiter in Taurus since May 16th faces a 10th house line-up of year 2000 planets then in Taurus including Jupiter @17Taurus which spotlights a soon-coming Jupiter Return for the Putin regime. That's mundane Jupiter, the boundary-breaking planet of freedom and expansion in the earthly territorial sign of possession and greed, *Taurus, the preservationist.

In Taurus Jupiter Closes A Cycle for the Putin Regime

An easily reached suspicion is that the Russian regime's Jupiter Return relates directly to Putin's ill-calculated invasion and occupation of Ukraine (since February 2021). Therefore, the world (10th house) will observe how usually beneficial Jupiter, Mr. Moneybags, rewards or greases-the-skids for Mr. Putin and his underlings because with Jupiter's orbit of nearly 12 years' duration, what may be the karmically negative side of things is that a project Putin and his comrades began about 12 years ago must now be either expanded, or must be thrown over, given up on, tossed out into the dark dustbin of history, with the karma of consequences having her natural affect. Or will Putin's irrational out-of-bounds behavior be allowed to continue?

And if this cosmic circumstance represents the Kremlin (Jupiter in his corporate and political roles with a streak of codified orthodox religion donning a robe) - the Kremlin ridding their country of Vlad, the Great Miscalculator, so be it.

After all, Putin's Inauguration Horoscope of 2000 shows that his overlong regime's karmic Saturn also awaits the transit of Jupiter's wand so I expect that someone's burdens in the Putin regime will be lightened if not altogether removed! Later, we'll view the regime's Saturn Return Horoscope and its Jupiter Return Horoscope so stay tuned! jc

*Taurus: Dear reader, take no umbrage! Please note that all astrological comments herein are always on societal and political levels and do not apply to Taurus and/or Jupiter placements in natal horoscopes, nor do they apply to any other natal placements. Consult your horoscope or your personal astrologer for such info. SO'W is for Political Astrology observations only and is categorized as Entertainment - and study on your own is always recommended for drawing your own conclusions! jc

May 19, 2023

Karmic Saturn in Karmic Pisces until 2026

Image: Saturn in Pisces; paper collage; Jude Cowell 2023; Saturn image via Pixabay

Before the Collective reaches the February 2026 Saturn-Neptune Conjunction at Aries Point, a major energy shift for both planets, we face a few years ahead in which we must deal with Saturn's transit through Pisces, the murky sign of The Two Fishes which I consider to be ruled by Jupiter and co-ruled from a higher plane by Neptune.

For as you know, in the symbolism of Pisces, the 12th sign of the Zodiac, one fish swims up, the other down so obviously, a lot rides on how conditions and circumstances are handled as karmic Saturn hands out his lessons and makes his demands for accountability while The Timekeeper wades through the waters and the mud of confusing, often secretive Pisces. Even so, no one needs Astrology to realize that our society is facing multiple positive vs negative issues, and either-or conditions.

Meanwhile, my hopes for America are focused on the fish swimming upwards, how about yours?

Now a couple of months ago here on SO'W, we discussed how transit Saturn entering Pisces on March 12, 2023 had come upon America's 12 South Solar Eclipse of February 1776 at "1 Pisces," the "Public Market" degree of COMMERCE. And as I type, we're hoping that Congress will resolve the "debt ceiling" crisis before June 1st, and obviously a credit default would be the ruination of the US economy, markets, commerce, household budgets--and would put America's credit rating in jeopardy along with the global economy. It's a major gamble set up by the Republican Party and I, for one, am not amused.

So! Here's an excerpt from that particular Saturn-to-12-South post linked, above, concerning the planet of austerity, karma, and loss taking down names while traversing the secretive sign of the two fishes, a transit that promises to be a reality meets fantasy affair!

Saturn in Pisces indicates a period of time when ambition, consolidation, reserve, restraint, restriction, limits, and legal conditions are prominent, and there are potentials for realism brought to flights of fancy, or, in similar fashion to a Saturn-to-Neptune transit, the grim face of reality is visited upon those who neglect Saturn's demands for concentration and upright behavior. Past mistakes are on the table and corrections must be made.

Additionally, sustained hard work is necessary during this period along with struggles with opponents (2024 campaign, etc) as sober Saturn travels through tipsy Pisces; our social safety net programs continue to be a point of contention along with the debt ceiling limit and possible default by the US government, crisis situations made worse by political trickery (which Saturn will not abide).

Oh, and the negative expression for "1 Pisces" may just apply to the debt limit tug-of-war between Ds and Rs: see what you think:

"Complete insensibility to any over-all welfare" (M. E. Jones).

And Dane Rudhyar adds a hopeful Keynote: "The process of commingling and interchange which at all levels demonstrates the health of a community."

The health of a community! Imagine that! Well, pardon me, but one political party is all about such things while the other--well, you know who they are and which social safety net programs they're finagling to destroy. So I'll simply close with, Vote Blue in 2024 as if our democratic Republic depends on it. Because it really does.

Now this Saturn-Neptune infused post can't end without mentioning that transit Saturn in Pisces will oppose US 1776 Neptune (22Vir25), but only once on March 14, 2025 and realistic Saturn will simultaneously square US 1776 Mars. In other words, America's problematic Mars-Neptune square of fogginess will be activated with "misdirected energy" implications. Hidden agendas will continue to paralyze activities wherever possible during this transit, and attempts to uncover facts will remain high on our investigative to-do list; paranoia and fear remain negative conditions for some as what we hope will be a new presidency is just getting starting. Or trying to.

Add to these Neptunian potentials the Saturn square US Mars energies so we may expect delays and cancellations which anger or enrage people along with resentment from, or because of, tiresome malcontents who don't know or have forgotten how to play with others.