Joseph Biden; official portrait; United States Senate. [Public domain]
First, a few bio details concerning the Biden family. Next a glance at the natal horoscope of Joseph Biden if needed where you'll see the 2020 Democratic candidate's Midheaven, the Goal and Career Point, @19Vir54, suggesting a debate performance Thursday night during which Joe will shine in some way because the debate Sun @19Vir53 spotlights his Goal and Career Point in a positive way and allows his objectives and goals to be visible to all. Plus, with the debate held in Houston, Texas, Joe's natal Ascendant (self; physical body) @3Sag11 will rise as the debate begins, again an indicator of being placed in the spotlight, featured, and/or favored in some way. (By voters would be good! I'm for anyone but Spanky!)
However, all is not harmony and light for Joe Biden for there are a few cosmic flies in the political ointment on debate night and thereafter although they may be kept in a jar behind the curtain, yet perhaps they're worth mentioning. For one thing, Biden's natal Midheaven has always bothered me because a certain fixed star shines there--Denebola with key potentials: to go against society; against the mainstream. Years ago I put down the first potential as his membership in secretive groups of societal meddlers like the CFR and the Bilderberg Group promoting their own agendas which to me makes him a behind-the-scenes mover-and-shaker up to sneaky stuff, and its hidden facets make me fussy. The second potential I could only explain as his reputed habit during years of serving in Washington DC but riding a train home every night to his family. Actually, with this habit security concerns come to mind due to his past tragedy with wife and daughter (see bio link, above, if you don't know the sad story). Anyway, the former VP should be lauded for such familial devotion especially in a craven city like Washington DC (my former city of residence--and I despise what's been done to the place).
Then there's hidden hand Pluto @20Capricorn now trining Joe's natal Midheaven and supporting his ambitions and power potential while simultaneously sextiling his natal Mercury, an advantageous transit for political activities and for molding or transforming public perceptions. Mr. Biden does seem to be the Establishment's favored 2020 candidate, doesn't he?
Now the final 'fly' I shall mention is a major transiting influence upon Biden's natal chart and it is the other half of the transiting Sun-Neptune opposition which will be in force for all the debaters Thursday night (but without accurate birth times for them all it's impossible to say with confidence whether they'll be as affected as Joe--see links, below). For Biden it's nebulous Neptune @17Pisces in 3rd house conjunct his natal IC @19Pis54 (Basis; Endings; Roots; Domestic Scene, etc). Yes, Neptune is rapping softly on the door and about to float into Joe's natal 4th house. Yes, gas leaks and/or water damage are possibilities yet, while this transit hints at potentials for inspiration, it also suggests such things as confusion, deception, loss, disappointment or dissolution, if not now then later on. Plus, scandals, mysteries, and/or secrets may come to light during Campaign 2020 probably in relation to the Biden family or to Joe himself.
One situation we know of already is that his son Hunter recently married suddenly and in secret (apparently Joe learned about it by phone afterwards) so that should be no problem for now, right? And perhaps Hunter's secret wedding is exactly what transit Neptune at the Foundation Point of his dad's chart means, and only that.
After all, it was way back in June just passed that the Washington Post reported on Hunter Biden's "messy personal life" and wondered in print, Will it cause political headaches for his dad?. Well, I don't know about that but I do know that Neptune in its own sign of Pisces has a lot more nebulous work to do concerning the public and private life of 2020 candidate Joe Biden for the urge-to-merge planet is just getting started--moving in mysterious ways and rapping at the door. Of course, astrological Neptune also represents The Media and The Masses and politically has much to do with propaganda and/or mass social movements, but also with spirituality and the Divine Source if Neptune's compassionate energies are positively channeled.
As for the other debate participants Thursday night, the current transiting Sun-Neptune opposition, though fading, may provide a similar scandalous vibe to their candidacies and/or debate performances, suggesting a chameleon-like quality, or, it may uplift their rhetoric in the idealism-hopes-and-dreams department barring any glaring gaffes or fibs, while suggesting the possibility that a public image may be tarnished or undermined via deception by fellow debaters, or by Republican opponents determined upon Democratic losses no matter how many lies and insulting tweets it takes.
Ah well, such is politics, that "organized system of hatreds." (H.B. Adams).
Now here are three previous astro-posts concerning other Democratic debaters: Elizabeth Warren (her natal Chiron Rx @4Sag12 will rise in Houston while her Sun-Uranus conjunction @00Cancer, a Cardinal World point, will always stand out in an original and unique way); Kamala Harris (Thursday's debate Sun near her natal Venus in Virgo but debate Neptune opposes it, an undermining influence particularly in regard to relationships and/or allies); Cory Booker whose natal Sun in Taurus has been energized of late by transiting Uranus which may cause him to stand out from the crowd!And if you wish, check out my previous 'Moon Talk' post concerning the September 12, 2019 Democratic Debate.