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Showing posts with label Mars-Pluto. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mars-Pluto. Show all posts

Apr 28, 2018

DC Horoscope: a Starry Autumn Equinox 2018

Image: Autumn Equinox 2018 (aka, Libra Ingress with Sun @00Lib00:00); Saturday September 22 9:54:16 pm edt White House Washington DC; Gibbous +156:46; Hour of Saturn (8th house), Mars out-of-bounds (OOBs) in 9th house and part of a disturbing midpoint picture: Mars-Saturn = Pluto (18Cap46 Rx) - brutality, violence, and murder. To these possibilities Noel Tyl adds potentials for 'the need to take control; forcing an issue'; and/or, 'strong anger'. This difficult midpoint picture is a natal echo for it appears in the birth chart of Donald J. Trump whose natal Pluto @10Leo02 sits at the Foundation Point (IC) of this chart, aka, The Drain.

Rain in the Forecast

Asteroids Eros (piercing) and Panacea (a soothing bromide) rise at Ascendant 3Gem17 just after starry Alcyone (something to cry about) of the Pleiades, then Mirfak (to have one's say), plus Menkar the Whale (victim of the unconscious; an imperative to say what must be said--or else). The rain stars of the Hyades (Prima Hyadum @6Gemini) soon rise bringing along their difficult implications such as scandal, disgrace, resentment, evil, imprisonment, violence, mental imbalance, extremism, shipwrecks, and/or murder (A. Louis). Yes, the world is in a sorry state (thanks compromised politicians!) and given that forceful Mars and Pluto are in the 9th house of Foreign Lands and karmic Saturn is in the 8th, this horoscope may be a foreboding picture of terrorism or an attempt at it--and of course false flag ops cannot be ruled out as we know from past experience of such pretexts being used to scam and emotionally manipulate the American people into yet another war. The Sorrows of Empire!

Sun-Mercury Conjunct US natal MC: public recognition, speeches, concerns about reputation

Chart-ruler Mercury applies twice (listed lower left): 1. square Saturn = info restricted, books/papers/emails lost; perfectionism; lack of time; sobering talk; and 2. trine Mars = too much talk not enough action; favorable for travel.

Applying aspects of the Sun (leader) are noteworthy and there are two (marked in pink, top of the chart): 1. square Saturn = a leader or leaders called to measure up and be accountable for past actions; somber times; and 2. trine Mars = vitality available but must avoid indolence and passivity.

Then there's the impressive Sun-Chiron opposition on the Cardinal World Axis--conjunct US natal MC-IC--and this is an aspect Richard Nolle has termed the psychopomp. Previously I have typed aloud whether Mr. Trump could be America's psychopomp, and of course the mundane Sun signifies the leader or the ruler of a nation. Well, some have called him psycho anyway.

Now transit Pluto @18Cap46 is also apex of the 1993 Uranus-Neptune conjunction degree (yet again) suggesting that 'the big picture must be followed, very little option to do otherwise' (Tyl) which relates, of course, to the collapsing of the old order of 1776 and the rebuilding of the new which is also shown in the Prenatal Solar Eclipse (PE) (here, in 4th house @18Leo42) with its themes of The Tower collapsing and the rebuilding that begins once the dust has settled. (Brady).

And this PE is the August 11, 2018 Solar Eclipse in the 2 New North Saros Series that no one is waiting for.

Mar 27, 2018

A Solar Eclipse for the MarchForOurLives Generation!

Here is some of MSNB's coverage and commentary concerning the MarchForOurLives Protest on Saturday March 24, 2018 on the streets of Washington DC and in cities around the globe. As a former resident of DC, this Flower-Power gal was totally impressed and heartened by the Millennial Generation's righteous activism as Washington DC saw the largest protest on its streets ever from radicalized youth who stood up and spoke truth to power!

And if we look back to the years 2000-2001, the years during which many of the protesters were born, we find a certain Solar Eclipse which perfected upon a Cardinal World Point of manifestation, recognition, and fame--the 3 North @00Can10 occurring on Summer Solstice 2001. Its horoscope set for Washington DC is displayed, below, with chart details penned messily upon it. As you see, this manifestation of 3 North is the Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE') of the WTC attacks of 9/11 and contains themes of:

'Over-excessive energy; news involving young people and/or news that transforms a situation; news that causes obsession; large activities are planned but don't get carried away' (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology).

That the 2001 manifestation of 3 North and its descriptive themes during that time affected children born with it as their personal PE seems obvious to me for its influence of violence and brutality (see Mars-Chiron-Pluto, in red) was felt within the general population during the time frame in which today's teenagers were born. They now express forceful resistance to the pervasive 'gun culture' of the United States as promoted by the NRA and are demanding common-sense gun legislation--otherwise, NRA-compromised politicians will be voted out in the 2018 Midterms by millennials old enough to vote in November 2018 and by younger millennials as they come of voting age in future years. And esoterically speaking, 00Cancer00 is the gate of to birth degree (with its opposite, 00Capricorn00, the 'gate of death' degree).

Now hopefully you might enlarge the horoscope for better reading since there's little if any point in my typing all the notes from the chart. But a few basic details include: Hour of an out-of-bounds Mars; chart-ruler Moon makes no applying aspects to planets yet there's her conjunction with the karmic North Node (6A10) denoting spiritual links and unions, and publicity; the weaponized Mars-Chiron-Pluto conjunction in the 5th house of Children (plus, Pluto-Chiron = Plutocracy). This is a forceful trio of brutality and violence with death-dealing Pluto (13Sag28) conjunct US natal Ascendant (Sibly), and transit Saturn, restrictive planet of karma and loss, approaching US natal Descendant, a Saturn-Pluto marker of the 9/11 attacks. And of course, we know that Dubya Bush and the Pentagon reacted to the 9/11 attacks with weaponry including bombs in the Middle East as they hid behind a manufactured pretext (or a false-flag op) for guiding the American people into endless war--and with the previously prepared draconian 'Bush Doctrine' infused with Dick Cheney's anti-constitutional 1% theory of strike first. We've been had, m'peops. You know, I know it, and the Millennial Generation must certainly know it.

And with America's natal Mars in Gemini retrograde in Libra by progression since 2006 in Libra, we've seen an increase in violent events on US soil as guns are turned toward the population in order, I believe, to undermine the Second Amendment which was created so that Americans can protect themselves against the government and to fight against a militaristic government take-over. Yet the NRA has turned the Amendment into a vehicle for their personal enrichment via massive gun sales.

Now in the chart with 27Can44 rising in Washington DC, we find US natal Pluto Rx on the Descendant angle. Vengeful Venus @14Taurus conjoins US Inaugural Ascendant (POTUS), and the planet of young people, Mercury Rx @22Gem52 (11th house of Groups) will return (Rx) to voice its opinions--in the streets if necessary. Around the chart you may be able to read a few listings of US natal planets which include the fact that 'little' Mercury the Messenger conjoins US natal Mars, planet of guns and shooters and denoting plans put into action--or in the case of March 24, 2018, into activism concerning guns and violence. Of course, we never have US natal Mars turn up without its problematic square to our natal Neptune in Virgo and there we have 'the fog of war' and the Pentagon's tendency for misguided, misdirected, and secretive plans and actions.

History Rhymes: 3 North repeats on July 2, 2019

Of course there's much more information to be seen in the 2001 Solar Eclipse chart and I hope you'll search for it if you haven't previously. But one thing which must be added to this post--that a 3 North Solar Eclipse repeats on July 2, 2019 @11Cancer and falls among America's natal Venus-Jupiter-Sun trio. Therefore, 3 North themes will also repeat within the Collective in Summer 2019 (in time for America's 243th Independence Day) and I suspect that the 2019 Eclipse is a cosmic hint that the #MarchForOurLives movement and its common-sense demands will not be disappearing nearly as soon as the GOP, the few Democrats who are also financially compromised, and the NRA hope it will.

Neptune the Planet of Loss, Dissolution, and Deception

Oh and one more chart factor squished onto the right side of the chart--that 2001's Mars-Saturn midpoint (the death axis) @14Pisces01 has had transit Neptune activating it off and on of late and creating a midpoint picture of grievous losses (Ebertin), cover-ups concerning preparedness (Munkasey), and threats (Tyl) which I believe also affects the Republican Party in particular. Why? Because this is the degree of the Republican Party's natal Neptune (1854) which personalizes the picture and its potentials because it times the party's first-ever Neptune Return now in progress! It's a five-fer return (GOP n Neptune also @14Pis01!) in which the third conjunction perfected on March 6, 2018. The next will occur on October 20, 2018 (in time for the 2018 Midterms!), and the last on December 29, 2018, just prior to early January 2019 when newly elected congressional candidates take their Oaths of Office. SO if enough Millennials get out and Vote on November 6, 2018 they will 'be' the authors of GOP loss!

Isn't Astrology marvelous for its ability to uncover the hidden and link the past with the present and future?!!

Above Image: a drawing, Neptune Ascends

Nov 11, 2017

DC Horoscope: Scorpio New Moon Nov 18, 2017

Here you see the Scorpio New Moon Horoscope of November 18, 2017 set for the White House. At 26Sco19, the New Moon rises and its ruler and co-ruler, Mars and Pluto, are also the ruler and co-ruler of the chart itself.

Fretfully, chart-ruler Mars applies to only one planet: co-ruler Pluto (0A37) suggesting distinct possibilities for destructive anger, power struggles, and revenge to manifest along with a potential for violence. This is an extremely karmic aspect hinting that past actions now bring obstacles and blockages (square) to current endeavors and it's easy to associate this with Mr. Trump's current political and familial predicaments and worries. And yet he may be feeling quite expansive and optimistic about now with transit Mars conjoining his natal 2nd house Jupiter (17Lib27) which is strong and Station Direct in his natal chart.

Still, this New Moon perfects during an Hour of the Moon (fluctuations, changes) and with Mercury in 1st house @17Sag25 and out-of-bounds, secret communications are occurring since Mercury is off on its own thinking and saying who-knows-what to whomever while ruling the Midheaven (Public Status; Career) of this chart. Curiously, the Mercurial MC-IC axis points toward America's Secondary Progressed (SP) Full Moon of December 2008 (4Vir10/4Pis10), a cosmic timing device that should have shown Washington DC that as a nation we had expanded into the world as far as we could safely reach--any more and we're overextended, a fact that many of us have been feeling in our bones ever since or before. It seems starkly obvious that military costs are sinking the US ship of state, as you may or may not agree.

Now in 9th house is this New Moon's Prenatal Eclipse (PE), The Great American Eclipse @28Leo52, the Total Solar Eclipse of August 21, 2017 that 'split' our nation into North and South halves and I continue to think that the primary theme of that manifestation of a 1 North eclipse is: information is distorted and possibly false (Brady). We now remain under its influence. Of course, when it comes to Politics and politicians (and the financiers they swear allegiance to) we should always keep that advisory in mind.

New Moon '27Scorpio': "A Military Band on the March"...keynote: POMP (Rudhyar). To this degree Adriano Carelli adds no word picture but he says that "political skill" can "sheer off" into "double-dealing." And here I was thinking that that was always a given in Politics!

So we plant seeds of our intentions at the New Moon and they blossom at the next Full Moon which will perfect on December 3, 2017 @11Gem40 with Gemini ruler Mercury Rx at a critical 29th degree of Sagittarius. This Full Moon will conjoin the Descendant (Partnerships and Alliances) in the July 4, 1776 late afternoon natal chart hinting at a culmination of some kind in the realms of US relationships. Yet we must avoid spreading ourselves too thin under the sway of the December Full Moon although the temptation to do so will be strong.

Now here are the two 'Images for Integration' for the Sun Scorpio-Moon Scorpio blend of double-Water energies in force at the November 18th New Moon:

A pile of manure slowly permeates the deeper soil as the November rains soak the still, dark garden...A millionaire businessman establishes a foundation for medical research." (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey.)

Image: self-portrait after writing this post.

Jul 20, 2017

In the Realms of Jupiter: Jeff Sessions, 'Beauregard!

In the Realms of Jupiter: Jeff Sessions, Current AG of the US

Yesterday we discussed the natal Jupiter of Donald Trump and I noted my intention to write a similar post on Steve Bannon and his natal Jupiter, plus, others. A series.

Since then Trump has publicly criticized 'his' Attorney General Jeff Sessions because he independently recused himself from all investigations involving the 2016 Campaign (thus becoming useless to Donald Trump and prompting the appointment of special counsel Robert Mueller) so perhaps we'd better put Mr. Bannon's Airy Jupiter on the window sill for now and hurry to check up on the Watery natal Jupiter of Jeff Sessions who says that he will continue serving as AG as long as it is appropriate. That's his innate sense of decorum expressing in tandem with an understanding of the legalities involved which Trump has no idea of or appreciation for.

(As if the indecorous Mr. Trump cares what's appropriate especially if it conflicts with fulfilling his immediate needs and desires. Leo Mars rising, a dramatic me-first placement supporting his boundary breaking Jupiter. 'Tis he.)

For an explanation of this Jupiterian series of articles you find yourself enmeshed in, please follow the Trump Jupiter link, above. Now let us consider Southern Alabama's most famous Beauregard spiritually of the Mint Julep aristocracy even if not born of wealthy stock:

Jeffrey B. Sessions December 24, 1946 Selma, AL Jupiter @19Sco02 conjunct three stars: Zuben Elschemali, Serpentis (aka, Unukalhai or Unuk), and North Scale, all of which have negative connotations such as victimization, violence, immorality, misfortune, tragedy. However, some success and certainly high ambition are offered but with a caution that "hasty words cause problems" (A. Louis). And in fact, some folk consider 19Scorpio to be a malevolent or evil degree in and of itself, plus, Nicholas *de Vore gives it as a "crucial point in the war between the Ego and the Supreme Will". We find that Mr. Sessions's 1946 birth occurred during the Dark of the Moon phase of the difficult Saturn-Pluto cycle for they soon combined their brutal, toilsome energies precisely on August 11, 1947 @13Leo07 which started the Great Cosmic Clock on a new 33-year cycle of Saturn and Pluto. Potentials for this pair include mass murder and/or principled fanaticism. Adepts and magicians may be group members as well.

And you know that sign Scorpio is famous for its depth, passion, and potentials for betrayal, lust, aberrations and perversions, brooding and melancholia, drugs, surgery, regeneration, high principles, courage, and more. Its ruler Mars and sub-ruler Pluto, always lurking down in the deepest levels of the Collective Unconscious until brought up for air (as at conjunction), are capable of behaving brutally or violently toward others--if not physically, then in other ways. Objectives must be reached at all costs (which are often charged to the pocketbooks of others). In Scorpio, natal Jupiter denotes a materialistic nature that ruthlessly strives for possessions and pleasure--craves them, in fact. We could say more about those realms of life based on the rest of the natal chart of the present AG but time's a-wastin' so...nyet.

So with Jeff Sessions's Jupiter @19Sco02, we see the planet of largesse and expansion, and its link with the law, involved in a waning conjunction with Venus, two money planets. But with Venus in Scorpio there can be danger of illness via intemperance and a sort of fanaticism in love with a gracious dash of jealousy sprinkled in for intensity's sake. A Venus-Jupiter conjunction indicates an eternal optimist--a 'glass half full' fellow--hoping that all will be well in the end. A life of ease is highly desirable for Venus-Jupiter but with a Capricorn Moon, an ambitious struggle for success cannot be forgotten.

Actually, during the 24 hours of Sessions's day of birth, the Moon may have formed a pleasant sextile to Jupiter. Without an accurate or near-accurate ('shortly before noon', etc) birth time, we can't know for certain. So in case Mr. Sessions is imprinted by one, here is what I gather from a Moon-Jupiter sextile and we can see if it jives: public relations and promotion are good fields for this aspect and personal popularity is often the case. Overly effusive at times, a person with this sextile of opportunity (if one grabs it when offered) must guard against becoming self-righteous even as a streak of the ministry shines through. This usually fortunate aspect has been termed 'the ray of hope' (Oken) but know that there may be loads of vulnerable feelings hiding behind that upright facade!

January 10, 2017 text and video: Jeff Sessions and Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) during the AG confirmation hearing; Mr. Sessions defends himself against racism charges but with his record of activities noted in the article.


So we have here a man born under the rays of three planetary conjunctions, one involving Jupiter in Scorpio, a placement that tends to overrate its abilities and gifts in a constant search for 'the good life'. Saturn-Pluto, the ruthless streak in proud Leo, sign of ego, claims many natives who were born in or near 1947 yet taken separately Saturn in Leo can be diplomatic, cautious, and have an aura of simplicity, however studied or genuine it may actually be. And though his natal Jupiter @19Scorpio has advanced beyond a square to Saturn and Pluto (7-14Leo), such a difficult dynamic may have remained a bitter yet distant memory since it's in rigid Fixed signs and this can denote inner conflicts concerning morality, fear of an underlying archetype of the false prophet, and a tendency to leave tasks unfinished before starting the next.

Yes, Sessions family DNA, mythologies, and tarnished legends must haunt an old abandoned attic somewhere in Southern Alabama tonight. But beckon not to Beauregard for he can't hear you all the way up in DC.

Well, there's my Astro-Portrait of AG Jeff Sessions and his Jupiter in Scorpio, the sign of which shows how he relates to others--in Scorpionic ways. You may have noticed this Jupiter in the dignified bearing of the man or even in his cautiously expressed yet suspicious nature. Frustratingly, with this post we have yet to uncover the AG's very many secrets but we can be sure that his Jupiter in Scorpio keeps them well protected--except when he's acting a little reckless!

*Encyclopedia of Astrology, Nicholas deVore (copyright MCMXLVII, by Philosophical Library, Inc.)

Jan 11, 2017

Horoscope: Donald Trump w Mike Pence's natal planets

In this image the natal planets of VP-elect Mike Pence (R-IN) are penned around the outside of President-elect Donald Trump's natal chart which shows a few descriptive links between the men, one born in June 1946, the other in June 1959. Mr. Trump's chart and planets are highlighted in orange, Mr. Pence's planets are in blue-green with no angles shown since I don't have Mr. Pence's birth time; therefore, 'noon' positions are entered on the chart:

Naturally, Mr. Pence's natal planets were transits in 1959 for the almost-13-year-old Donald Trump.

DT = Donald Trump; MP = Mike Pence; MP's natal Moon ranged from 23Gemini to 6Cancer over the 24-hour period of his birth day.

The links that pop out at me (and are not dependent upon an accurate birth hour for Mr. Pence) are:

DT's late Leo Mars and Ascendant are conjoined by MP's natal Pluto @1Virgo. All three conjoin royal star and 'kingmaker' Regulus (success if revenge is avoided); this creates midpoint pictures with potentials, one of which is penned, lower right: DT Mars/MP Pluto = DT ASC: daring (Ebertin); coercive measures; intimidation (Munkasey); also: DT Mars-ASC = MP Pluto: violence; a love of quarreling; desire to rule others; premature action; forcible adjustment to new circumstances and conditions (Ebertin). As always, any, all, or none may apply.

Together they concentrate Mars-Pluto force with its potentials for chaos, aggression, suppression, and/or oppression.

MP Sun @16Gemini conjunct DT Uranus @17Gemini: quirky, rebellious Uranus which not only leads all of Mr. Trump's natal planets but is oriental (rising just before his Sun) has MP's natal Sun shining upon it which suggests that pride may interfere with group endeavors and cause separation or disruption, and loyalty issues may ensue. This connection shows DT inviting MP to take a leadership role and hints that MP was selected for his traits and abilities that DT lacks (obviously!). Yes, they are a team yet trouble may develop unless MP accepts DT's non-traditional ways of doing things, and/or if their egocentric personalities cause too many quarrels over authority issues--especially with DT's planet of authority and responsibility (Saturn) in Cancer opposed by MP's natal Saturn strong in its own sign of Capricorn. Plus, MP's Saturn widely opposes DT's Mercury which suggests MP's need for DT to become more sober in his communications--if not, then restriction, criticism, or resentment may occur.

Perhaps Mr. Pence's Solar Return in June 2017 will reveal their Sun-Uranus link either positively or negatively, and it will be a Sun-to-natal-Uranus transit for Mr. Trump.

MP Mercury @21Gemini conjoins DT Sun and North Node of public contact and future direction. This connection suggests the ideas and goals of DT which are in sync with MP's thoughts and expression of them to the public via the media or via speeches, meetings, and/or pressers. It also indicates the more aggressive and dramatic forum that MP has now thanks to DT; Mr. Pence may add his input to DT's ideas and plans but this must be done gingerly by MP or the super-sensitive DT may take offence (or perhaps MP will manage to turn DT's ideas and plans into something totally different than what DT intended. This is perhaps not a good idea.

An interesting link is formed on MP's Nodal Axis in DT's 2nd house of Money and Values which holds Trump's Jupiter-Neptune 'speculator' pair (and which rule DT's natal 8th house of Corporatism and Debt via its shady Pisces cusp). DT's Juno (a political asteroid) is there are well along with guru Chiron, the blind spot. This picture is fraught with complexity beyond the scope of this meager post but with MP's North Node conjoining DT's 2nd house trio, Mr. Pence may find himself dealing with such monetary themes in his public contacts before their first term ends. The presence of wounded/wounding Chiron between DT's Jupiter and Neptune seems to be a sign of Mr. Trump's many bankruptcies and over-extensions of credit to the point of massive debt to foreign banks. DT's chronic non-payment of workers he hires may be pictured here as well along with his over-inflated boasts of his wealth.

Now there are other chart factors between them that are worth considering such as MP's Jupiter Rx conjunct DT's IC--opulent surroundings, gain via real estate?) but these are the primary ones I see. You may see others, of course, and a study of their progressions and return charts will yield more information about their association (and make for a much longer post).

There is one more thing I want to mention: Mr. Pence's natal Chiron Rx @27AQ38. As you know, Chiron is the Wounded Healer, priest, guru, mentor, and blind spot--and signifies the Christ archetype in a horoscope. Here we find that MP's natal Chiron conjoins US natal Moon (We The People) of July 4, 1776. This conjunction suggests the religious aspect of Mr. Pence but perhaps also a kind of wounding which may occur due to Theocracy being brought into the US government where it doesn't belong. I say this as a Christian myself and as a Child of the Revolution--one who demands that church and state remain as separate as possible in America for the sake of religious freedom. For it is my belief that morality cannot be legislated but must come from within each individual. Externally enforced morality is a false morality and only serves to enslave not free!

Disagree if you must but there it is. And if I've missed a link between their natal planets that you consider important or you have info to add to the above assessment please let me know in a comment or at judecowell at gmail dot com.

Related posts: The Asteroids and Dreams of Mike Pence; The Oriental Planet of Donald Trump; Horoscope: Inauguration 2017; and Horoscope: The Great American Eclipse of August 2017--the 'splitting' energies of which will imprint upon the presidency of Donald J. Trump. Or should I say, the Trump-Pence presidency?

Oct 8, 2016

October 9 and 19, 2016: the Clinton-Trump Debates (Mars-Pluto)

Two 2016 Presidential Debates Left: How Awful Will They Be?

Well, the controversial 'TrumpSniffle' the Lewd has bumped up voter interest in the second of three presidential debates via a leaked tape from 2005 of his remarks about making 'moves' on women--as a "star" he can "do anything". Then his recorded 'apology' had to include mention of Bill Clinton's past behavior toward women (predictable) and Trump offered the excuse that his remarks were a decade ago (even though Bill's behavior was twenty years ago but still blame worthy--Trump's, according to Trump, is not because he's "different" now). No more groping of women for Donnie!

As you know, Republicans are deleting their support of the vile Mr. Trump in a hurry though no word on how the ones who are Republican misogynists themselves will manage this situation for it must be a real inner conflict for them especially the ones up for re-election.

Astrology: Mars and Pluto on Display

Debate number 2 of 3 October 9, 2016 St. Louis, Missouri at 6:00 pm CDT: astrologically aggressive Mars remains out-of-bounds (like Trump's comments--he and his brash Mars rising in proud Leo) and rising in St. Louis is Mars-ruled Aries bringing disruptive Uranus in Aries (blind zealots, radicals, anarchists, and Utopians--Ebertin) in tow. Mars and Pluto, 6 degrees apart, are in the 10th house of Public Status.

But what's rather amazing is that the third and last of their debates on October 19th happens to fall on the day that Mars, planet of desire (and still OOBs), conjoins Pluto, planet of power grabs @15Capricorn. Now as you know, the combo of Mars-Pluto is forceful to the point of brutality, assaults and attacks, chaos, mayhem...and rape.

This intense pair prominent on October 19th may also indicate that war veterans and/or disabled people may be mentioned during the debate which to some of us includes the unprepared Donald Trump himself--or perhaps his previous mocking of a disabled reporter at one of his rallies will come up. What a man child! Or, at least, he plays one on TV.

And awful as either or both debates turn out to be, one thing is fairly certain: they will be watched.

Now here are details on where to watch Sunday's town hall style presidential debate via TV or Internet streaming, and the October 19th debate as well.

Feb 13, 2016

Rumble - Why Bernie Slams Henry Kissinger... video

Positions of Campaign 2016 candidates, expansion of Social Security--its privatization or improvement, and Bernie Sanders' opinion of 'shuttle diplomat' Henry Kissinger as expressed in the last Democratic debate are a few of the topics discussed in this excerpt from a recent broadcast by progressive Thom Hartmann:


To find a previous post on the natal planets and 'dirty secrets' of Henry Kissinger we'll have to take the way back machine to 2007 (as is, sans edits) if you dare and yes, of course, the man has a warmongering Mars-Pluto signature and a bunch of air traveling, facile tongued Gemini in the mix.

Update Feb 13, 2016: The Top 10 Most Inhuman Henry Kissinger Quotes.

Nov 29, 2015

Astro-Notes on 18 South: the First Solar Eclipse of 2016

Astro-Notes: Lunations of March 2016

by Jude Cowell

Most often there are two solar eclipses in a given year though sometimes there may be four as in 1982, 2000, and 2011; 1992 sported three solar eclipses. The first solar eclipse of a year establishes the solar tone or resonance for the year with remaining solar (and lunar) eclipses adding their own vibes, flavors, themes and influences as each year proceeds.

Since New Year 2016 is peeking around our calendar's corner, let's consider the first solar eclipse of the year which manifests @18Pisces56 on March 9, 2016 followed by a Lunar Eclipse @3Libra17 on March 23.

Note that in America's natal chart (July 4, 1776 5:00 - 5:15 LMT Philadelphia, PA) our 9th house Neptune @22Virgo and 10th house Saturn @14Libra may be activated by the Moon for their midpoint is 3 Libra. As you know, the combination of Saturn and Neptune denotes potentials for such things as weak, ill, poor, or elderly people and thus social safety net programs to aid them--in a word socialism, but also communism, capitalism, bolshevikism, Marxism, materialism vs spiritualism or idealism, depressed or pessimistic people, undermining circumstances, pain and suffering, sacrifice, illnesses, contagion, neuroses, asceticism, renunciation, natural disasters--quite a batch of negative implications within the duo of societal planet Saturn and outer planet Neptune, the nebulous. Add the Lunar Eclipse of March 23 and we find women's health, difficult emotions, and chronic medical conditions may also apply. From a solar perspective of the Full Moon (Eclipse) there's a lack of vitality involved.

And of course an exact square between Saturn and Neptune occurred on November 26, 2015 with its obvious influences on the Collective via negative attitudes about Syrian refugees and countries and states refusing them entry (or attempting to), racism, protests, and other negative societal conditions which are causing many people anxiety, fear, and paranoia. Meanwhile, many of those with the power to act are indifferent to their duties and prefer to neglect their responsibilities! Apparently politicians behaving in breach of the public contract is not an embarrassment anymore and for some it's some sort of (degraded) badge of honor.

Will You Vote in 2016?

Naturally we expect the March eclipses to affect Campaign 2016 rhetoric and subsequent public opinion and we've already heard plenty of remarks, proposals, and promises concerning social programs particularly since one candidate, Senator Bernie Sanders, identifies himself as an Independent from Vermont who is a Democratic Socialist. Personally I equate the senator's policies with care for the common good which means spending money on our needs here at home and dedicating fewer resources to playing global cop and occupying other countries, though you may of course disagree as you wish.

Now here are brief astro-notes published previously concerning the 18 South Solar Eclipse which begins 2016, a presidential election year in the US:

March 9, 2016 18S themes include potentials for: endings, separations, and partings which can relate to travel or to break ups of relationships and/or alliances; grief and anguish may follow yet the pain of separation is lessened by new situations which create positive outcomes.

The Initial Eclipse in the 18S Series occurred on August 20, 1096 OS @3Sco29 with forceful even brutal Mars-Pluto undertones; this degree conjoins the current position of US Secondary Progressed Saturn Rx @3Scorpio showing America's compromised authority in the world, building most specifically (Rx) since at least 1996. Therefore, we can stretch all the way to midpoint picture potentials which may apply to the eclipse season: Mars-Pluto = Saturn: leaving no stone unturned in pursuit of a particular task (Ebertin); frustrated goals (Munkasey.)

Another major flavor within 18S via its initial eclipse is an obsessive quindecile aspect (165 degr) between two money planets, Venus and Jupiter which on one level can give much creative energy but also indicates an excessive drive for relationships and/or money; ideals, morals, and ethics are often based on material gain, belief systems tend to motivate action, and excess and indulgence are definite potentials. For positive expressions of 18S, education is essential. (Reeves, The Quindecile.)

Now an interesting cast of characters, entities, and events were born or occurred under 18S:

Sirhan Sirhan, Craig Ferguson, Rudy Giuliani, Marilyn Monroe, Mark Twain, Piet Mondrian, the city of St. Augustine, Florida, the US hostage release by Iran theatrically staged just in time for Reagan's first Inauguration, and the surrender of General Cornwallis to General George Washington at an hour, date, and location of what is said to have been Freemason George's choosing.

For historical context we find that 18S has manifested in the years 1908, 1926, 1944, 1962, 1980, 1998, (2016); next: 2034 @30Pisces which keys the Aries Point of World Events.

So there it is: the first solar eclipse of 2016 once the current eclipse of September 13, 2015 (18N) fades with its high level of stress and overtaxing of strength themes.


Eclipse info: Brady's Predictive Astrology.

Jul 14, 2015

July 14, 2015 Pluto opposes Mars and SIRIUS for its historic New Horizons Flyby

Today's Pluto Flyby to Give a Closer Look at the Outermost Planet

July 14, 2015: During the dark of the Moon, the shady days leading up to the July 15th *New Moon @23Cancer--which conjoins US natal Mercury Rx--at 7:49 am ET today, NASA's New Horizons reached Pluto for its closest flyby and some sharper images sporting higher resolution than ever before seen will result of Astrology's planet of power, subterfuge, and death--Pluto. Speaking of death, Pluto discoverer (1930), Clyde Tombaugh, requested that his ashes be inside any spacecraft bound for Pluto...and so they are.

Astrologically, 'sharp analysis' is a potential within the midpoint picture now formed with Pluto opposing the Mercury-Mars conjunction in Cancer. At 13Can18, Mars is also out of bounds (of the earthly plane = outstanding activities) and conjoins SIRIUS, a star intimately linked to the founding of America. Mars and SIRIUS now conjunct US natal Sun (leadership; the president) by a mere one-minute orb.

In addition, from Earth's perspective, Pluto arose today with fixed star Toliman, aka Bungala (Alpha Centauri); key theme: learning and education that expand the worldview of others (paraphrasing B. Brady). Curiously, Mars arose today with a star that is also in the Centauri constellation: Agena (Beta Centauri); key theme: to have a mission. Both themes of these stars seem applicable to NASA's New Horizons project which culminated near Pluto today.

Considering that there is a 'clamoring for power' vibe to Mars-Pluto contacts, I hope such adventurous thrusts into the Solar System won't relate to or promote further breakthroughs (Jupiter still within orb of its 'scientific breakthrough' trine to technological Uranus) in the realm of Space Warfare intended to enable transnational globalists' long term mission of full implementation of total global control. You can tell I have trouble trusting the organization invented by nazi war criminals, the German scientists exported to the US after the war, can't you?

#NASA #NewHorizons #Pluto

*Note that the military exercises known as 'Jade Helm 15' are timed by the July 15, 2015 New Moon conjunct US natal Mercury Rx which also activates our nation's surveillance-oriented Mercury-Pluto opposition which is visually represented in once instance by the all-seeing eye at top of the pyramid of power on US currency, America's Great Seal, and elsewhere. See the video What Is Jade Helm 15?, a previous post which includes the horoscope of the Solar Eclipse that will herald the ending in mid-September of the controversial Pentagon program of militarism.