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Showing posts with label NWO agenda. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NWO agenda. Show all posts

Mar 22, 2011

After Citizens United, & Solar Eclipses 1993 = 2011

Perhaps you've seen the brilliant photo of the March 19, 2011 SuperMoon in Virgo rising above DC's Lincoln Memorial now posted on a new blog After Citizens United.

(Astro-Note: constellation Virgo and its stars have particular significance for the founding of America including the related archetype for nurturing asteroid Ceres ('security concerns') which in America's natal chart, conjoins our natal Pluto/Chiron midpoint @ '8Pis'...and Pluto/Chiron = Plutocracy and its attendant class warfare and disenfranchisement.)

Well, if you're interested in the January 2010 SCOTUS decision on Citizens United which upped the corporate anty on the power elite's campaign contributions for 2012 and beyond (US gov bought and sold = Plutocracy), I hope you'll check out After Citizens United which contains an image of the SCOTUS Ruling horoscope of January 21, 2010, and links to related topics.

My feeling is that these birty dastards have a huge jump on the citizens of the US so pass around all pertinent info you can find! Apathy is no longer an excuse so it's imperative that as many Americans as possible pay close attention to all class warfare matters which are seriously undermining our democracy, and that obviously includes Citizens United v FEC.

Included on the blog you'll also find an essay by Joan McCarter entitled "Money's Sustained Assault Against Democracy" so if you're fond of democracy in America (or wish we had some rather than exporting it across the globe bwo lies and guns), Ms. McCarter's article is highly recommended. And a tidbit of info from the Citizens United blog: SCOTUS will hold hearings on March 28, 2011 concerning Arizona's public financing system; other related suits are pending so we must keep up!

Afghanistan, Iraq, and now Libya

Now some are saying that President Obama didn't have the authority to act in Libya as we're doing under cover of a 'humanitarian mission' to protect civilians (there we go again: bombing = 'saving'. Yeah, right.) Presidential overreach and the military action in Libya are facets of the global elite's Undermine America Agenda in order to set up a one-world-government and we're watching the US government further extending its imperial self into the region of the Middle East. It remains to be seen whether our incursion into Libya can be handed off to foreign entities in a few days.

Of SuperMoons and Eclipses 1993 - 2011

The last SuperMoon occurred in March 1993 which is of time-link interest since the two Solar Eclipses (SE) of 1993 are repeating in 2011 with similar influences upon society.

May 21, 1993's SE @ '1 Gemini' is in the 13 South Series as will be the June 1, 2011 Solar Eclipse @ '11 Gemini', a degree which falls between US natal Uranus 8:55 and US natal Desc '13Gem'...Uranus/ASC = Sun: friendships with leaders and important people; physical unrest; mobility; a restless colleague or partner; anxiety about putting one's best foot forward; hoping for success. Uran/ASC = Moon: getting excited through the influence of others; quick mood changes; emotionalism spills into view; needing support, sympathy, and approval (speaking of 'approval', Obama should've gotten that from Congress before he took us into Libya in what may be an extended piece of Hades - UN approval is not congressional approval - for a little while longer at least.)

From Brady's Predictive Astrology we find that the influences of 13S include: expansive energy under which lies a sinister flavor; striving for group endeavors, either positively or negatively; urge to expand brings frustrations, inhibitions, and loss or separation. And for Australia in 1975, 13S included a Constitutional Crisis (which may be brought to the White House circa 2011 due to Libya invasion or ___?___.)

The second Solar Eclipse of (November 13) 1993 @'22Sco' which repeats on November 25, 2011 @ '2Sag' is in the 14 North Series with vibes that include: draining of energy; an acute time of confusion in relationships, and unexpected happenings in financial matters; despair; a peculiar turn of events; too much confusion and delusion to make clear judgments (paraphrasing Brady, as above.)

In her book Eclipses, Celeste Teal titles the '11Gem' Jun 1, 2011 Solar Eclipse, "Something to Cry About" (though that's usually reserved for '00Gem' because it conjoins Fixed Star Alcyone, of the Seven Sisters.) She states that its nearness to US natal Uranus indicates surprising developments in government which may be dealing with a "lack of support"; falling in 8th house in DC, this eclipse heralds issues of taxation, mortality, burial concerns, sanitation, or contagion (radiation from Japan?).

Other possibilities for the June 1, 2011 SE are that trade agreements are strained in foreign relations, workers' strikes and protests continue, military controversies surface, and there may be an urgent health situation, hospital condition, or prison crisis to deal with. Plus, a particularly mysterious crime/s may be in the news (bio-weapons expert John P. Wheeler? Someone new?)

Teal's title for the 14N SE of Nov 25, 2011 is: "Blazing New Trails" - yet workers will still be discontent, there are concerns over secret enemies, and there's an "extension of power of nation in the world, although some complications to overcome." Is Libya only the US government's first 'no-fly-zone' justification?

Well, on that New World Order note I must leave you for my pesky old day job and a sincere hope that we'll reconnect another day while remembering what Herbert Hoover said on such topics: that old men make wars and young men fight them. How correct he was.

Now if only we could get the world's young men and women to turn their backs on war.

Nov 22, 2010

Rockefeller Study on 2010 - 2020 = "Decade of Doom"?

First let me say that I'm very sad to hear this moment on Amy Goodman's program Democracy Now! that scholar and author Chalmers Johnson has passed away.

His book The Sorrows of Empire is in my library and is an excellent resource for topics concerning the end of our republic. The economic collapse under which we now struggle is what Mr. Johnson termed the Last Sorrow.

And on a similarly difficult topic:

Since my work/blogging week is shortened by holiday considerations, I'm in a hurry and picking up a quick thread in the form of an article by Steve Watson published to Prison Planet on July 16, 2010 (article link provided below.)

It concerns a study funded by the Rockefeller Foundation and the Global Business Network which lays out what they and their elite buddies envision for what they term the "Doom Decade" of 2010 to 2020, with the distinction between "developed" and "developing" nations no longer "particularly descriptive or relevant" by 2030.

Now I know you realize that beast worshipers play for keeps yet there will be many many people who won't realize how serious the power elite are about instituting authoritarian social control until the trap is sprung - even though many astrologers have been writing and warning about the period 2010 - 2020 for years now.

After all, timing is what Astrology brings to any table which no other system can provide...As Above So Below, and the planets proceed in their courses within the Great Cosmic Clock of our solar system.

Rockefeller Study Outlines "Doom Decade": Life For All But the Super Wealthy Will Be Hell On Earth


On a lighter note (I think!) is my just-created blog Woolly Mammoth Chronicles with news, info, and ode-ish poems concerning the proposed cloning of the prehistoric woolly mammoth. Because we don't have enough big things stomping about the planet to run from, right? Plus, you'll find an aptly named music video from 1985 embedded there. Guess which one? ;p

Nov 20, 2010

Inauguration 2009: Pluto/Chiron = Midheaven

Today as I organized my papers, charts, magazines, and Astrology books, I ran across a copy of Dell Horoscope Magazine from December 2002 with an article on Chiron authored by Canadian astrologer Roderick Benns.

A tidbit within the article caught my Political Astrology eye, for it intimately concerns the Inauguration 2009 horoscope's Midheaven (Mc), the Goal-Aspiration Point of any horoscope.

Here I quote Mr. Benns' analysis of the midpoint picture Pluto/Chiron = Mc, which was in effect on January 20, 2009 noon at the Capitol Building in Washington DC, with noon being the official time that an old administration ends and a new one begins. In this case, we speak, of course, of the presidency of Barack Obama and of the status (10th house) of the United States of America...

"Pluto/Chiron = Mc: status in life challenged or wounded by necessary transformation of perspective."

For comparison, Bush Inauguration 2001 had Pluto/Chiron @ 19Sag02 from the Pluto-Moon-Chiron line-up in 8th house of Transformation, Death, Debt, and Big Business which gave us: Pluto/Chiron = Moon (we-the-people); his 2005 Inauguration had Pluto/Chiron @ 10Cap21 showing the oppression-plutocracy duo's midpoint as it progressed in transit closer to US Inaugural Mc in the 26/27 degree range of Capricorn...a process well-described by Astrology.

January 20, 2009

(Also at Mc in Inauguration 2009's chart - Mars/Jupiter = Mc: opportunity for success; growth by using all forces or energy available. Tyl; Munkasey. Of course, US natal Pluto 27Cap33 Rx is at Mc as well with natal Mercury Rx at Ic; Mercury/Pluto = persuasion; propaganda; deep perception; intelligence activities; communications satellites; political talk which offers disruptive changes.)

Now the world-bank-engineered Financial Collapse 2008 has certainly brought a new perspective to most Americans concerning our nation's place in the world (which is what the 10th house is all about.) But why is America's collapse deemed to be necessary? As part of an agenda now 'marching' the planet toward a New World Order (sometimes referred to as a 'new economic world order'.)

That's why we hear many hints of currency collapse and devaluation in the news these days which have big implications for the US dollar losing its place as the global reserve currency. And 2011 seems to be a pivotal year, if my astrological studies (and those of others) are correct.

So here's a previous post with famous quotes concerning the NWO and a link to one-world-government promoter David Rockfeller's statement about how we're being "marched" toward it; this describes a very long-term process.

But no, a so-called NWO is not a given, folks, at least not in the form they wish: totalitarian control and global serfdom for the people after 'population control' (genocide) has been accomplished on a scale we cannot now imagine. This will leave more natural resources for the survivors, as you may know - the select few the power elite deem worthy.

All of this NWO madness is one of the main reasons I spend many hours blogging in complimentary fashion while hoping that a few readers will pass around the info so that all may have a chance to become aware of the false reality the power elite has created to keep our attention diverted from what they're up to - and their ploy very much includes the entertainment industry and its decades-long lowering of our moral standards.

After all, TV didn't put 'Survivor' (as in, survival of the fittest, an obvious shout-out to Darwin's theory) on the air years ago and call it a 'hit' for nothing.

For as former President Franklin Delano Roosevelt informed us - and a truism followed by this blog's populist slant...

"In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way."


More instructive quotes for America 2010/2011 from FDR who obviously, unlike most of today's politicians, knew the difference between man made laws and the natural laws of the universe:

But while they prate of economic laws, men and women are starving. We must lay hold of the fact that economic laws are not made by nature. They are made by human beings.

Competition has been shown to be useful up to a certain point and no further, but cooperation, which is the thing we must strive for today, begins where competition leaves off.

Confidence...thrives on honesty, on honor, on the sacredness of obligations, on faithful protection and on unselfish performance. Without them it cannot live.

Don't forget what I discovered that over ninety percent of all national deficits from 1921 to 1939 were caused by payments for past, present, and future wars.

Here is my principle: Taxes shall be levied according to ability to pay. That is the only American principle.

Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.

I am neither bitter nor cynical but I do wish there was less immaturity in political thinking.

I believe that in every country the people themselves are more peaceably and liberally inclined than their governments.

It is an unfortunate human failing that a full pocketbook often groans more loudly than an empty stomach.

It is common sense to take a method and try it. If it fails, admit it frankly and try another. But above all, try something.

I do not look upon these United States as a finished product. We are still in the making.

Sep 7, 2010

Francis Bacon, Uranus/Neptune, and Pluto

If you like to read about America's founding, Rosicrucianism, Freemasonry, and other such mystical topics, you may be interested in a discovery I've just made of a site that has so many links and articles to check out, I'm just getting started. But I want to be certain you knew about it, too, though much investigation is required to find out how much it contains concerning America.

As you know, Sir Francis Bacon was an early activist within the 'New World', 'New Utopian' crowd and is thought to be the founder of English Freemasonry.

My own discovery is intriguingly titled Nine Degrees of Francis Bacon and is chocked full of some fascinating stuff!

And while I'm on such topics, here's an excerpt from J. R. Church's Guardians of the Grail:

It is reported that Benjamin Franklin was a Rosicrucian. Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, and George Washington were Masons...Though these men were part of these orders, George Washington warned the Masonic Lodge in America of the dangers of the Illuminati, while Thomas Jefferson and John Adams later disagreed over the use of the Masonic Lodge by the Illuminati.

"Dangers of the Illuminati"? I'll say.

So when we see the Illuminati symbol of the 'eternal flame' over an assassinated president's resting place (or over those of other world stagers' tombs, those who've mysteriously or violently died such as MLK, Robert Kennedy, Princess Diana, and Ground Zero), we may assume that the early warning against the Illuminati Society overtaking America either wasn't heeded or was, in stages, overcome by the Uranus/Neptune-inspired 'Illuminati' and their ilk and enablers.

It is my belief that our modern day New World Order types, the 'one world government' promoters such as Bush Sr, *David Rockefeller, the UN, and others you know by name, are part of the agenda's original 'vision' of America as a Utopian social experiment which uses chaos and what Naomi Klein has termed 'shock doctrine' to send mankind back to the jungle.

Seems to me that we would have to characterize the attacks of 9/11 as 'shock doctrine' and sadly for civilized people the world over, transformative Pluto's transit through the structural sign of Saturn-ruled Capricorn is mightily aiding the Uranian-Neptunian agenda as Mr. Hades, wearing his cape of invisibility, slowly approaches his natal position in **1776 at America's founding.


*David Rockefeller, in his speech to the Trilateral Commission in 1991, stated:

"But the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march toward a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries."

Actually, no. It isn't preferable at all. You plotter.

**fyi, here again are the dates of America's Pluto Return/s 27Cap33:

1. February 20, 2022
2. July 11, 2022
3. December 28, 2022

Jul 3, 2010

Chemtrails Over Washington

In honor of America's Independence Day 2010, here's a sadly enlightening video report concerning geoengineering and barium-laced chemtrails over America with my post title suggesting that the blame falls over Washington where the pentagram-shaped Pentagon slithers (and the brass insists the blame isn't theirs.)

From blocked sunlight to raised blood pressures, immune system damage, and other distressing health problems, barium seems to be the primary ingredient in the soup creating fake clouds known as 'chemtrails' so check out the brief video above which I found within a wide-ranging article containing much more info on the clouds that scientists are finally admitting are being caused by chemtrails.

You've seen them in your area of the sky, haven't you? The article shows a photo of a sky full, if you need to positively ID them. Human culprits are harder to find.

Yeah. Well, Happy Fourth of July 2010 to us knowing that Washington continues experimenting with new and exciting ways to commit covert and overt population control, part of the New World Order agenda to garner all resources for the use of a select few of the power elite, a group I would today call (in my current state of grumpiness after reading the article) - psychopathic inbreds.

It's through that much-bally-hooed and over bred (though well-spread) Merovingian bloodline and even further back into the mists of Time from whence our modern-day troubles issue.

You may also be interested in visiting The Dark History of the Vatican while we're on the subject of criminal behavior and ritual murders (ex: Princess Diana was assassinated inside the Pont d'Alma tunnel - 'bridge or passage of the Moon Goddess' Diana - a goddess which satanists of the bloodline are said to worship even now. Diana echoes the Egyptian goddess Isis), and pedophilic obsessions and sacrifices of Catholic Church priests and bishops with its rumored Jesuit (Illuminati) connection. ('Mary' is an Isis stand-in for some people!)

One thing that interests me is all the famous leaders, emperors, pharaohs, princes, kings, and queens involved in the Merovingian bloodline (and before) with one notable queen whose natal chart I recently located: Cleopatra (Jan 13, 69 BC, 2:08 am LMT, Alexandria.) Follow the link to see Noel Tyl's rectified natal chart of the Egyptian Queen Cleopatra who dubbed herself "the new Isis."

Placing Cleopatra's chart in my Solar Fire program, I find that she was born with Isis 4Lib40 Rx conjoined with Osiris 4Lib09 Rx - the mythic significance of the two I will allow you to discover for yourself if you aren't familiar with them.

Plus, Isis and Osiris conjunct Cleopatra's Pre-Natal Eclipse 3Lib53 yet Solar Fire isn't showing this Solar Eclipse on its Series list so I can't match it up with its modern-day time link (it isn't listed in my older version of the program. And no, I don't want any more bells and whistles, thanks! 'Nuff to do as it is.)

Born during a Great Conjunction of Uranus and Pluto (in late Taurus), 'the new Isis' was certainly a fascinating personality, a force active in her environment so perhaps I shall get around to posting more fully on the natal chart and life of Queen Cleopatra whose genes are apparently affecting today's events...maybe through the descendants of the twins she bore Marc Antony (who had his own connections to the bloodline) with her natal Moon 28Can53 giving us a Babylonian symbol to consider from the Sabian Symbol for '29Can'...

"A Greek Muse Weighs in Golden Scales Just Born Twins."


And her Sun @ critical degree 20Cap18? Her Sun arose with Fixed Star, Schedar (Alpha Cassiopeia), keyphrase: female sovereignity which Brady's Fixed Stars says gives 'the archetypal concept of the queen' along with 'a natural ability to command respect, endowed with wisdom, embodying a leadership style based on the feminine model that incorporates intuition and mysticism.'

Ms. Brady also notes that Britain's Princess Diana was born with Schedar culminating at natal Mc while her royal Jupiter set which magnified the influence of the star.

For Schedar, Vivian Robson mentions 'sorrows in love' and 'demonic power' and we know that Princess Diana experienced the first, as did Cleopatra. We might say that for both love led to death if you agree that Diana's relationship with Dodi had something to do with their murders.

And one may assume (given the bloodline/satanic info given above for your consideration) that 'the new Isis', the Queen of the Nile, probably possessed the latter.


Update 10:19 pm: just found a fascinating post on Quantum Spirit published July 3 as well. It concerns the possibility that the death of Cleopatra may have been a result of lethal poison rather than snake bite.

Jun 4, 2010

Horoscope of the Bilderberg Cabal June 3 - 7, 2010

Bilderberg Group meets June 3 - 7, 2010, in Sitges, Spain, at the Dolce Hotel (gentle?); all charts shown are speculative and are set for Barcelona some 12 miles away.

Update June 5: here's Charlie Skelton reporting from the Dolce Hotel!

Plus, here's a link to some 'Bilderbergs outed' videos you may be interested in watching (recommended.) I nabbed the link from an astute reader's comment left with this post (see below) and it's a doozy.

Original post continues here:

Here you see dual charts starting with the earliest imaginable time and date for the 2010 Bilderberg cabal in Spain to begin: June 3 @ 12:00 am CEDT, lower left; the chart, upper right is for June 7 11:59:59 pm which should include the entire misguided affair. (My intuition is that most of the global population don't want what the cabalists are cookin'. Do you?)

Let me say that one of the group's main objectives, imho (after studying the As Above, So Below planetary alignments which even the power elite cannot hide from the common folk - so we're having a sneak peek), is to create the bureaucratic structure for the world government they have in mind, and which will supposedly be created to find solutions for the world's dire problems.

These, however, as the very problems the power elite have created themselves in order to have meetings such as these where the destiny of the world is, they think, being held in their hands, the grasping claws of the select few; some attendees are their mere minions, shills, pawns, dupes, operatives, or hostages.

Considering our dire times, perhaps I should add that my personal belief is that our Creator is the One in charge, not the ritzy Rothschilds, Rockefellers, or their royal cousins. But mankind is always capable of making things worse or better, isn't he/she? And to paraphrase FDR, the 'test of our progress' is how we treat the underdogs in our society, not how much we kow-tow to the wealthy.

Well, there will be a lot of kow-towing going on this weekend in Sitges, Spain, and much hand-wringing over finances as we would expect considering the corruption, fraud, and embezzlement in every nation. Collapsing governments is a large part of the NWO scenario, too, and their agenda seems to be on track. Guess there will be a few congratulations going around the Knights' table as well for those following the NWO script (Japan's PM recently stepped out of line mouthily and you see what happened there.)

My intention in posting the dual charts is primarily to see the changes: the signs and degrees of the faster moving bodies with the Moon being quickest, of course, and a good timer. The full chart pictured below is timed by the Moon's hook up with Jupiter and Uranus at AP.

Sun 12Gem15 begins @ US natal DESC (Sibly chart 5:10 pm LMT) and Luna 20AQ21 will complete a Lunar Return for the US a few hours after this chart for 12:00 am, if you use the Sibly Moon 27AQ10.

During the conference, the Moon will pass through one of the zones of The Grand Irrationality, a phrase which to me well describes the flawed thinking of these arrogant cabalists.

No matter their topics of discussion or the outcomes from this current Bilderbergianism, the world sees this particular group of individuals as extremely wealthy and the global economy as 'missing' trillions of dollars now, so...wonder who's hoarding your next mortgage payment money? The masses? Or the cabalists?

On June 7 at midnight, Sun reaches 17Gem02 which conjoins the degree of the rare Venus Transit which perfected the weekend of the June 6, 2004 G-8 Summit on Sea Island, GA, about 5 hours down the road from here. Interesting in view of the Bilderberg meeting is the Sabian Symbol for this degree, '18Gem' = "Two Chinese Men Talking in a Western Crowd."

If you're interested, here are a few brief details on the astrological meaning of Venus Transits in charts such as these.

Lots of martian energy here with the AP rendezvous of expansive Jupiter, lady Moon, and radical Uranus triggering and emphasizing world stage activities:

Chart shown: Horoscope of the Moon-Jupiter-Uranus conjunction which perfects on June 6, 2010 @ 7:49:35 am CEDT during the June 2010 Bilderberg meeting; Hour of Venus; Venus out-of-bounds (Angela Merkel? Queen Who-Itz? a new attendee?); chart-ruler Moon in 10th house of Public Status; Sun 15Gem26 in 12th house of secret meetings/deals, and Politics.

From Rudhyar: Sun (the leader) = '16Gem' = "A Woman Activist In An Emotional Speech Dramatizes Her Cause"...PROSELYTIZING MIND.' (I'm certain she will and hopefully someone is acting as a fly on the wall to clue us in!)

Chart-ruler Moon's applying aspects give hints as to how the day shall proceed and here the Moon makes two such: Luna's conjunction with Uranus (shocks to the people; upheavals? an intense female attendee?; 0A15) and a square with Pluto (4A36), an aspect indicating apprehension about the future and an anticipation of coming danger.

Mercury, planet of meetings, planning, agreements, and messages, is @ 23Tau39 in 11th house of Groups-Associations-Hopes-and-Wishes; Mercury conjoins difficult Fixed Star Capulus (to lose one's head; tremendous male passion and power) and approaches the zodiacal position of Fixed Star Algol (tremendous feminine passion and power); both stars indicate extreme reactions and intense energies with perhaps more than a little rage in the atmosphere, either from participants within or the protesters whom we can pretty much be certain will get as close as they are allowed to the Dolce Hotel.

Of interest is that Mercury is triggering the Great Conjunction of the two societal planets, Jupiter and Saturn, who are now at culmination/fulfilment phase (opposition) of that very conjunction of May 28, 2000.

Therefore, a midpoint picture is formed and it's very applicable to our topic:

Jupiter/Saturn = Mercury: effectively communicating about planning and organization for all activities; using the media to publicize ideas and aspirations; having info that is contrary to knowledge generally available; inconstancy in mind and philosophy; a desire to make changes; a fortunate journey or separation; studying one's life philosophy; speaking with great maturity; studying hard, asking the right questions.

(All mdpts pics from: Tyl; Ebertin; Munkasey; any, all, or none may apply.)

Heads-up! A watchful reader has kindly alerted you and me up to a list of this year's attendees if you wish to know their names and pass the list along, if you like.

There are multiple T-Squares in the June 6 chart which form midpoint pictures and one of them points to the triple conjunction of Moon, Jupiter, and Uranus (and to Jupiter and Uranus before the Moon 'arrives' @ AP)...I have highlighted some that are particularly interesting considering the types of varmints we're dealing with...

Pluto/ASC = Moon: strong emotional reaction; wielding a strong psychic influence upon one's environment; an instinct for avoiding powers or people which can be destructive to the environment or to oneself; sensitivity about reading the motives of others; difficulties with abusive females; intense mood swings.

Pluto/ASC = Jupiter: an enhanced love of Politics or Law and the use of knowledge of people and their motives to push ahead in life; an excessive urgency to control the feelings and lives of others; an increased aura of sincerity (puh!); an imposing and powerful personality; a large gain; the good fortune to receive gifts; a bounty; a favorable turn in life's circumstances; a drive to major success.

Pluto/ASC = Uranus: success at all costs; unusual events fan the fires further; living with constant anxiety and restlessness; extraordinary incidents and upsets; accidents; studying the psychology of others (the better to dupe them?); an increased need to be disruptive toward practices of which you do not approve; an interest in studying Astrology as a way to understand others.

(Wouldn't it be hilarious if this cabal is actually an Astrology Conference? Ha! Read on...)

In addition, we may substitute 'ASC' for US natal Jupiter 5Can56 which is, as you see, rising in the June 6 chart (enlarge chart to read its Sabian Symbol; America's current situation as tr Pluto opposes our Venus, Jupiter, and eventually, natal Sun; here tr SN, a separative and Saturnian point, conjuncts US n Sun.( Substituting our n Jupiter gives a few clues relating to the US, and all of the following could be highlighted so I won't bother:

Jupiter/Pluto = Moon: emotional convictions guide new starts; establishing one's new position with a gut feel; aspirations to bring about social improvements; the ability to influence the masses through an emotional appeal; a good psychologist; a quest to reach the top of society may take turns of direction; inconsistency in pursuit of power goals; a powerful female or family influence.

Jupiter/Pluto = Uranus: fanatical striving for improvements; the quick exploitation of every situation; sudden reforms; quick developments; adjustments to new circumstances; sudden and unexpected interference with one's plans for advancement; exceptional, unusual situations; rebelling against society and seeking to start a private clique of influential friends; intense application of resources to establish new perspectives; overturning the tables; getting back on course or finding a better one.

Then there's the deceptive Mars/Neptune opposition forming a midpoint picture with Mercury - this apex Mercury does not like to have its thoughts challenged or modified by others but its overbearing manner is resented...

Mars/Neptune = Mercury: adaptability is shown when taking the power of one's visions or dreams to others; energy put into acquiring knowledge about the mystical or magical; fast but angry encounters with holy people; the urge to dominate people's minds; suggestion; hypnosis; difficulty coping; imagination may lose anchor.

(Imho, with their levels of greed and hubris, NWO types lost their marbles decades, if not centuries, ago. Talk about misguided use of energies! Reminds me of the old saw about holiday season Fruitcakes: people make them when they could be making something good.)

Well, there are many more chart factors to mention and I hope you will in your comment since we're under yet another major Uranian thunderstorm watch here in Georgia and it's getting mighty dark in here! Better shut down for now for I have a healthy respect for lightening.


Update 1:27 pm edt: The weekend's three Sun/Moon combinations are now up @ Jude's Threshold, if you're game for some interesting info.

May 28, 2010

Bilderberg Cabal Agenda: June 4 - 7, 2010, Spain

Perhaps you've heard of journalist Jim Tucker who has worked for 25 years to shine a light on the worms of the World Shadow Government by tracking the secret meetings and finaglings of the Trilateral Commission and the Bilderberg Group who meet in secret cabal on June 4 - 7, 2010, in Sitges, Spain, 12 miles from Barcelona.

The meeting's agenda, according to Mr. Tucker, has two primary goals: a US attack on Iran, and a financial bail out of Greece and other EU nations in financial straits.

BP is a Bilderberg member and its oil 'spill' in the Gulf of Mexico plays in financially (see previous post with a petition to sign against US taxpayers Bailing Out BP for damages to the Gulf Coast!) which could be the missing link in the story of the oil fiasco.

On May 20 just past, the Bilderberg-controlled Washington Post called for making the IMF a "global overseer" so that modern challenges can be more efficiently met, and, attributing the view to Liliana Rojas-Suarez (senior fellow @ the Center for Global Development) WaPo states that, "It may take a global agency like the IMF to address the problem."

Translation: US taxpayers (bwo the IMF) are pegged for bailing out failing financial systems and governments in the EU including Greece, Portugal, Spain, Ireland, and who-know-where-else.

This is how creating a 'New World Order' is being framed for public consumption with the IMF and the UN Bank ruling the global financial roost, US borders dissolved into a North American Union (with Mexico and Canada, a major goal of the Bilderberg Cabal), and world totalitarianism on the rise.

That these are the same players who helped set up global markets and financial systems into a global network so that they can all be crashed simultaneously is what's behind the Ozian Curtain which we're supposed to ignore.

In his article, Mr. Tucker goes on to quote President Obama from a few days ago when he gave a shout-out to the NWO but I was too busy dealing with power outages here to make note of it on this blog as I would have preferred.

In his West Point commencement address to cadets, Mr. Obama said, in part, "The international order we seek is one that can resolve the challenges of our times."

Well, my pointy ears perked up when I heard him say that! For it was spoken like a true NWO shill by a Bilderberg-owned President of the United States...and probably an Illuminatist at that...or at least, he's their 'cat's paw' as other US Presidents have been!

So the Bilderbergers meet in Spain June 4 - 7, 2010?

Why, the Illuminati is said to have its earliest roots in Spain! Plus, today it is being reported by BBC News that Spain's credit rating has now been downgraded by a second agency. Hmm...


Blog Note: am studying the charts now so that early next week a post can be published here on the Astrology of the Bilderberg Cabal in Spain, June 4 - 7, 2010, so return if you can, study ahead if you will, and we can discuss. If you check the charts for June 4, 5, 6, and 7, I think you'll see which chart I'll be using for its precise triggering of the Aries Point of World Manifestation!

(The global puppeteers who run such cabals to discuss and disseminate their NWO 'futuristic' info and plans to their political and other operatives and hacks think they're 'gods on earth' if you know what I mean. You know - like the Illuminati-Jesuit demons of the Vatican. There. I said it.)

Dec 31, 2009

As 2010 nears: a global agenda uncovered - videos

On notice from Stars Over Washington: gloves are off for 2010

Dec 31, 2009 is upon us and here I sit @ keyboard composing as the sentence stretches along. With what delights might SO'W end the year, and with what scrumptious fare may SO'W readers enter 2010 through the portal of this blog, one of so many now poised on this, the second decade, of the New Millennium?

That both the mainstream and other media are owned and operated by the Bilderbergers and their masters, the reputed Council of 7?

That my own home state of Georgia, Thirteenth Colony, is host to the Georgia Guidestones, aka the American Stonehenge? Mystery man R. C. Christian 'showed up' one day in Elberton, Ga to contract a local granite company to build to his minute specifications a stone memorial with messages for the future of mankind?

Just down Highway 77 from Elberton, Ga (Hwy 77 is a main route to the Guidestones from where I sit typing) there's a wide place in the road, a community called, Vesta, which brings us a vision of eternal flame and its tenders - which suggests to my suspicious mind...

which is said to have as member one Barack Obama.

Click this post's title to view the monster's May 1, 1776 natal chart founded under the direction of satanist Adam Weishaupt who (it is my belief) is partially represented in the US natal chart by our nation's Mercury Rx at '25 Cancer': "A Man Wrapped in an Invisible Mantle of Power." These things relate to the symbolisms of the Great Seal of the United States such as the all-surveilling Eye of Horus on the back of your last dollar bill.

And of course, everyone knows who thinks of such things that Freemasonry formed or was promoted/infiltrated originally as stone mason guilds in ancient days with Sacred Geometry of the East the study of a select few early members near the top of their hierarchy, a stealthy pyramid of power where underlings know little but may be called upon one day to fulfill a special mission. The granite company manager and the local banker of Elberton who assisted Mr. Christian in the construction of the Guidestones are good examples of such a 'calling'.

Yes, there are things engraved on Elberton's standing stones by Mr. Christian's instructions which might curl your 2010 hair for they are literally 'carved in stone' as the videos below reveal and the Guidestones are mentioned more than once in this Tru TV presentation hosted by Jesse Ventura. (Don't decide not to watch one or any of them because of him! David Icke, Alex Jones, a certain knowledgeable doctor, and others are interviewed and it's worthwhile time spent with 2010 at the very door; takes about 42 mins to finish the 6 videos.)

And if you think these subjects are merely jolly entertainments I beg you to ask yourself a question: can government be trusted to control supplies of food, water, medicines, and other essentials when the messages on the Georgia Guidestones, written by a mystery group in 8 languages, establish 'under 500,000,000' as the optimum population for the planet - going forward - so that the power elite with their particular bloodlines can keep the planet's population under thumb at a "manageable level" and protect the Earth's "unrenewable resources" which they'd like for themselves and their progeny?

Don't Funk with Your 2010, It's Just Getting Started, you say?

Well then, if you prefer more lighthearted fare such as a little Art, go here, here, here, or even there if you wish diversions from the subject matter at hand. Otherwise, please read on...

Wonder how implementation of the Codex Alimentarius has gone for tonight, Dec 31, 2009, at midnight? A draconian bell will toll then, if so.

A horoscope when set for Washington DC at 11:59:59 pm est, Dec 31, 2009, shows an Hour of an out-of-bounds Venus 8Cap07 conjunct Ic, with Venus as chart-ruler, ASC 7Lib01, and Saturn rising @ 4Lib31 (Venus and Saturn in mutual reception - in aid of one another), and asteroid of Health, Hygeia 24Leo04 Rx, still opposing deceptive infecting agent Neptune, planet of The Masses, and Wounded Healer, Chiron in Aquarius, and all are ganged up on the little US natal Moon of 1776. Venus' position is conjunct Fixed Star, Facies: ruthlessness or the victim; rising is star Vindemiatrix, the widow-maker. Too descriptive for comfort?

Note: I have tagged this post with '2008 Bilderberg meeting Chantilly VA' because then-candidates Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are known to have attended the annual meeting during the 2008 presidential campaign (Obama spirited away from his campaign plane leaving reporters supposedly wondering what was going on and leaving Robert Gibbs to make excuses for the secrecy - thus, Gibbs is in on it) when Obama was selected to serve as Commander-in-Chief for this go-round of propaganda and manipulation. Let's face 2010 by calling a criminal global syndicate of puppet masters what it is: evil.)

6 Disturbing Videos for New Year's Eve:

This program in video form concerns conspiracies, Bilderbergers, the CFR, the Council of 7, the UN's role, the media, the NWO, the WHO, pandemics and forced vaccines infused with
squalene which attacks our immune *systems, foods poisoned with chemicals like aspartame, and much more. (July 21, 2009 Solar Eclipse: 'systems fail' may include bodily systems along with FDA, railways, roadways, communications, Medicare+, hospitals, banking, security at White House gatherings, etc.)

Here's an article on the dangers of aspartame which include weight gain, diabetes, rashes, depression, insomnia, hearing loss, headaches, Parkinson's, and heart palpitations. So put down that packet of NutraSweet or other fake sugar and back away fast. Aspartame was discovered 'accidentally' in 1974 and the disruptive chemical probably lurks somewhere within your diet is interfering with your immune system if you've haplessly partaken.

Saturn/Neptune considerations - the Sat/Nep combo is related to Health as well through chronic illnesess, weakening of bones, calcifications, etc:

As you know, within the US collective now is the ongoing real vs unreal dynamic which has been catalyzed by transiting Saturn to America's natal Neptune along with the constant aspectual dance which the two planets perform amongst themselves. These Saturn (control)/Neptune (the masses; media) vibes of 'secret government' have pushed 'lies vs truth' and 'realism vs fantasy' into an even more momentous concern now that the NWO agenda is poised for ultimate implementation. Incremental changes, that's their centuries' long way of insinuation.

Is the NWO agenda the 'change' we can believe in? I say, No.

For we mustn't depair except as the majority continue quivering with heads-in-sand attitudes and a deeply stubborn refusal to make use of the fact that the people's great numbers always cause the manipulating culprits to step back each time we roar at the top of our voices!

Therefore, I ask you to pass these videos around as much as you may on behalf of all humankind...against the arrogant, heartless, self-interested monsters who bedevil and oppress the whole world. And if you, lone reader, are a minion of the power elite or a cog in their wheel, I plead with you now to step out and speak up - after you conceal your family in as safe a location as you can find...these people ain't playin':

Part 1 of 6:

Part 2 of 6:

Part 3 of 6:

Part 4 of 6:

Part 5 of 6:

Part 6 of 6:

America, my only nag in the race: let's forget imposed, false divisions such as "Republicans vs Democrats," "red vs blue," "lib vs con" and demand that our learless feaders name out loud their true affiliations, however secret and unnameable - starting with their Bilderberg connections and allegiances.

Now that's the sort of information that could lend a good start to 2010, the second decade of the New Millennium, and would hopefully aid the taking back of America on behalf of we-the-people for the sake of the entire world.

Ours and our children's very futures depend wholly upon it.

Update Feb 13, 2015: how curious that these videos "no longer exist".

Dec 3, 2009

Winter Solstice 2009 - Washington, DC

Chart shown: Winter Solstice Dec 21, 2009 @ 12:46:35 pm est: Sun 00Cap00:00 in 9th house conjunct Pluto 2Cap56; Hour of Mercury 19Cap51 conj NN 21Cap11 in 10th house; ASC 16Ari39 with asteroid *Minerva rising 16:14; chart-ruler Mars 19Leo41 Rx in 5th house; Mars applies to semi-square (0A30) Saturn 4Lib11 in 6th house, and sesqui-square Pluto (1A45); Mc (The Goal) @ 9Cap13 with '10Cap' = "An Albatross Feeding from the Hand of a Sailor."

Or the hand of a US Marine. Note: this analysis of the Solstice chart is deeply involved with Afhanistan, so avoid reading, if you're looking for Sun celebrations.

Moon 27AQ05 in 11th house with Chiron 22AQ34-Neptune 24AQ18-Jupiter 24:22, so the Solstice occurs the same day as the 3rd and last Great Conj 2009 of Jupiter/Neptune, the speculator pair of grand schemers and bubble-inflators. Jupiter rules 9th and 12th houses, Neptune's Pisces is on 12th cusp of Self-Undoing, Karma, and Behind-the-Scenes Activities (including the political kind of secret deals and deceptions...rebellious Uranus 22Pis52 which may indicate, among other things, sudden and shocking - Uranus - hospital - 12th h - infections or epidemics - Pisces; plus, water disasters are possible.)

As you see, 2009's Winter Solstice occurs 10 minutes prior to America's Moon Return ('Sibly' Moon 27AQ10) which occurs in Washington DC @ 12:56:23 pm est. Moon or Lunar Returns give info on the daily tempo of life and describe changing circumstances; our responses to stimuli may also be gleaned from a Lunar Return chart, and this Moon Return is important as the last of 2009 and because it occurs the day of the Winter Solstice, a celestial event which relates to Global Events (Cardinal Cross: 00Cap/00Can; 00Ari/00Lib.)

Mundanely this close timing intimately relates the Solstice 2009 chart to the America people (Moon), and of course, Moon = home, security, and nurturing issues as well. President Obama's war escalation has been framed in similar fashion as Bush's - as integral to protecting the homeland and the American people. Personally I don't believe this for I think our boots on their holy sands rile up opponents as it kills civilians, so if Washington and its string-pullers wish to create more chaos and sustain perpetual war, they're on the right war path for that agenda.

Interestingly on that theme, warrior Mars @ '20Leo' has a Sabian Symbol of note: "American Indians Perform a Majestic Ritual to the Sun" with Sun 00Cap00 being the leader or leadership in a Mundane chart, and Mars representing the military and police forces.

Sun conj Pluto and vengeful Venus 24Sag56 in 9th house of Foreign Lands and Long-Distance Travel relates to large-scale war efforts; 8th cusp of Shared Resources, Debt, Transformations, and Death has 22Sco52 upon it so is ruled by Mars and co-ruled, if you will, by powerful saboteur, assassin, and wealthy god of the Underworld, Pluto.

You see marked a midpoint picture at Mc where it easily manifests since chart angles are areas of outward expression:

Sun/Mercury = Mc: successful communications; ego awareness help one's plans work and stand up to the test; communicating effectively and clearly to enhance world standing/public status; clarifying goals and the plans for their achievement; standing by one's convictions; businessmen; intellectual workers. (Tyl; Ebertin; Munkasey.)

As you see, I've also penned in asteroid Cupido (The Family; Corporatism) and Ceres 00Sag22 (security issues) in a Mundane chart) in 8th house, with Ceres @ '1Sag' = "A Grand Army of the Republic Campfire" - the degree of Venus during the president's escalation announcement at West Point the evening of Dec 1.

4th house, the Basis of the Matter, contains the July 21/22, 2009 Solar Eclipse of 'system failures; reforms and new methods needed' @ a critical 29th degree: 29Can27, ruled by the Moon...crises at home. Since the president's message on Dec 1, we've seen political hacks and shills making political hay of his decision with some Republicans supporting the idea of sending 30,000 US men and women abroad - which justifies their previous rush to war with Bush and Cheney leading the charge, as Rs hope.

The president called his war escalation a 'new approach' in his Dec 1 address...'new methods needed' so I again think of Karzai's corrupt government - but is his any more corrupt than ours?

Plus, Republicans and their enablers have to love it, one supposes, that more massive war expenses make changes at home on behalf of the American people quite impossible financially, and I'm not convinced that Health Insurance Reform won't collapse for lack of funding; operatives are working on assuring that debacle now. (Pres. Obama, like others before him, is following the lead of his neocon Zionist pals and has chosen endless war over the American people's dire needs at home - if you tire of reading me say that, you may imagine how tired I am of typing it because they're perpetrating it as I type.)

Another factor that relates to war escalation in the Winter Solstice 2009 chart is the Mercury/NN conj in 10th house. Mercury 19Cap51 is on the degree of the first Great Conj of Uranus/Neptune of Feb 2, 1993 which occurred two more times in **1993: Aug 20 and Oct 24.

The Oct 24, 1993 Uran/Nep conj is the one I use to time the more public ramping up of the New World Order agenda and its natal chart; Uran/Nep Oct 24 @ 18Cap33 with '18Cap' being the "The Union Jack Flies from a British Warship" degree which has the POLITICAL POWER flavor (Marc Edmund Jones) with its 'smug and strong-armed paternalism' which is precisely what America should stop arrogantly forcing upon the Middle East - irrespective of oil and gas supplies. (I recently wondered aloud if 'insurgents' in the region are actually fighting against the New World Order - the Great Satan they say America is - a remark for which I expected to receive critiques on this blog. I didn't, so perhaps no one noticed.)

Yet the symbol for Mars as noted above relates to Sun/will worship as practiced by NWO/imperialist types, imo. "What thou wilt" and all that marlarkey that supposedly puts certain people above the common laws of the masses and natural laws of the Universe - in their own minds, that is. It's having the political power to implement their madness that now bedevils the world, while the Eye of Horus atop the pyramid of power printed on US money tells a centuries-old tale of world domination visions and total surveillance which we know is being used to snoop upon us all.

So! The Mercury Rx Station on or about Dec 26 @ 21Cap45 will conj the 2009 Solstice NN indicating meetings, of course, but there's more according to Michael Munkasey's excellent book Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets; paraphrasing Mr. Munkasey...

Mercury/NN in politics and business: creating new corridors for transportation; enabling business to ship or transport merchandise; well-thought-out and coordinated joint efforts; using transportation facilities for smuggling or unlawful means; theft of material or information on transportation capabilities or policies; ineffective efforts to coordinate transportation options.

Mercury = young people, too, so I'm reading this as relating to shipping troops off to war, and to spies and theft of such info; smuggling may be somehow indicated as well so we may expect possible deceptions concerning troop-equipment-weapons numbers along with who-knows-what-else flowing through smuggling routes. And of course a Winter Solstice chart relates to many things on many levels simultaneously (besides war escalation) since Astrology always describes the multitude of complex layers of life on Earth.

My point is that in relation to Washington's war escalation, Mercury's Rx Station on or about Dec 26, its Direct Station @ 5Cap35 on or about Jan 15, 2010 (day of the next Solar Eclipse 12N @ 25Cap01, conj US Inaugural Midheavens - including Jan 20, 2009's - and a bunch of other powerful midpoints such as the imperialistic, plutocratic Pluto/Chiron 2009 - and conj the Mc of the 1973 natal chart of Aghanistan), plus, the day Mercury leaves its shadow period, on or about Feb 4/5, 2010 @ 21Cap45, will describe the stop-go process of troop transports to Afghanistan.

And perhaps it describes the stop-loss deployment of our overburdened, already-served-thanks soldiers who will be grossly and unfairly affected by Pres. Obama's dancing the war path dance which the Pentagon and other Jupiter/Neptune speculators love so well.

If you click to view the NWO chart above, look for the 22Sco+ degree of Mercury conj 8th cusp of the 2009 Winter Solstice chart shown above, and notice the degree of Saturn and 2nd cusp of Money and Values in 1993: conjunct Jup/Neptune's current 24AQ is the midpoint picture formed:

Jup/Nep = tr Saturn: possible self-delusion; pessimism; a breakdown of idealization; combining the real with the unreal in activities; feeling abandoned by one's luck; lack of self-confidence; experiencing the consequences issuing from false hopes; plans which come to nothing; disappointemnts; losses. (Tyl; Munkasey; Ebertin.)

This represents Jupiter-to-Saturn and Neptune-to-Saturn transits to the NWO natal chart, made stronger by the Jup/Nept conj:

Jup-to-Sat = getting rid of restrictions; burdens are partially eased; long-term efforts and hard work are rewarded; governement authorities find the status quo advantageous. (War!)

Nep-to-Sat: circumstances inspire new approaches to handling authority; traditions and structures previously adopted begin to disintegrate; ideals positively or negatively affect those in authority and government which impacts the lives of the masses.

'New approaches to handling authority' reminds me of Mr. Obama's taking his time, having ten meetings of his war council before announcing what must have been a foregone conclusion to enlarge the activities of the US war machine.

Synchronistically, the Oct 24, 1993 Uran/Nep conj (NWO natal chart) occurred near a US Moon Return, too - and under the harsh rays of a cruel Saturn-Pluto square as we now labor!

In summation: NWO plans require more war; America acts as the world's police force; President Obama follows the NWO script after deceitfully campaigning as a candidate intending US troop-withdrawal, not war escalation, as if he didn't know the score - and he wouldn't have been installed in the White House without the power elite's okay after making secret deals with the NWO devils of perpetual war and chaos.

The labels 'Democrat' or 'Republican' make no difference to the implementation of the NWO agenda except as a handy tool for keeping we-the-people divided and conquered. WE have the more potent power but rarely ever use it. We Must Unite!

Imo, the president put off announcing his war intentions as a political ploy in a transparent attempt at pacifying his pacifist supporters...Mr. Thoughtful.

So how are you liking the Obama presidency so far?


*Minerva's keyphrase: to be accomplished; in mundane charts I tend to relate Minerva to the Hegel Society's Journal, the Owl of Minerva. Here's a link to the homepage of their Journal.

**A few issues from the year 1993 may return to the surface of 2009/2010 esp with Mercury Rx/Direct Stations affecting the Winter Solstice 2009 North Node and passing over the 1993 Great Conjunction of Uranus/Neptune, a pair that Munkasey gives as:

subversion using a new method of acquiring information; movements which diminish the authority of a nation's leadership or police force (US? Afghanistan?); changes in political and social structures due to new ideals and dreams of the future; groups which form to exploit oil or chmical resources.

Master astrologer Marjorie Orr mentions major events of 1993 (Saturn/Pluto square; Uran/Nep conj) in her book The Astrological History of the World:

EU's single market debuts and 7 months later the Exchange Rate Mechanism almost collapses; disputes in Bosnia-Herzogovina; Yeltsin suspends the Russian parliament and declares a state of emergency when 'rebels' take over the parliament building (rebels fighting against the NWO?); Fermat's Last Theorem is solved at last - quelle relief! he posed it under the 17th century Uranus/Neptune conj (and history cyclically repeats); the first photos of individual atoms are published; Pres. Clinton bombs Baghdad, and Janet Reno forcefully 'overdoes it' at the Siege of Waco, Texas.

Ms. Orr's interpretation of the Uranus/Neptune combo: 'inspired changes and disruptive chaos simultaneously.'


Update 7:55 pm est: if you wish, read details of Winter Solstice 2009's Sun Cap-Moon AQ @ my WordPress blog.

Oct 27, 2009

New World Order? Hush your mouth!

Since I never watch or hear Don Imus (not a fan), I don't know who the guy next to him is, but it's plain that they're trying to stop Bo Dietl from talking about the New World Order agenda which includes (it is said) voiding the US Constitution.

Yet I wish Mr. Dietl had skipped the subject of climate change here because it riles people up all by itself. Still it's almost amusing to witness Mr. Imus so obviously anxious to interfere with NWO talk by interupting his frequent guest, Mr. Dietl, and by tossing silly remarks to make 'fun' of a very serious subject.

As if mainstream media aren't in the pocket of the social engineers, the chaos-creators - those power elites who want us to think it's all malarkey only meant to be ridiculed by shills like Don Imus.

Sep 25, 2009

G-20 Pittsburgh: Sun Lib-Moon Sag 9.25.09

Here are a few details on today's astrological weather by way of the Sun-Moon blends.

Moon is out-of-bounds which tallies with G-8 or G-20 Summits' tendency to cordon off the people so world 'leaders' don't have to see or experience protesters' rage, and for the participants' safety. These summits are where Pluto and Chiron meet with their combined energies signifying class warfare, oppression, corporatism, and the other nasty, often violent, -isms of Pluto/Chiron.

And the Pluto/Chiron midpoint, now @ 26Cap17, is on the Nodal axis on the end called the Head of the Dragon (North Node), along with America's natal Pluto 27Cap33 Rx and out-of-bounds.

At 9 am edt, NYC, Sun 2Lib36 was on the verge of leaving the behind-the-scenes 12th house and entering 11th house of Groups and Associations. I don't know the exact minute that President Obama began speaking this morning, but it may well have been just after 9 am. If so, the ASC 23Lib24 brought Fixed Stars Arcturus (a different approach ) and Spica (potential for brilliance) with it.

At Mc 27Can25 was SN, with Mars 18Can39 in 9th house.

Now here are the 'Images for Integration' for today's Sun Lib-Moon Sag combo which morphs into Sun Lib-Moon Cap at 7:44 pm edt this evening.

Sun Lib-Moon Sag: Bob Geldof spins Band Aid out of the air to help famine-stricken Africa...An educationalist creates a Palace of Discovery to feed and stimulate young minds.

The workaholic Sun Lib-Moon Sag blend can tend to over-stretch and over-estimate its capacities, and may appear proud and aloof from others. Yet it does have a flair for persuasion and publicity, and for seeing the larger vision with new ways of doing things. (Well, it's their 'larger vision' and 'new ways' that always concern me for it's responsible for shoving the world onto the sorry NWO path we're now on, imho. jc.)

This blend is shared natally by Art Buchwald who wrote, "I explained to him that I had simple tastes and didn't want anything ostentatious, no matter what it cost me."

Sun Lib-Moon Cap: At the annual Christmas party, the chairman dresses up as Father Christmas and hands out new gold-engraved stationary for everybody...The Statue of Liberty. This is a blend of blatant self-interest vs cooperative spirit, and has a subtle talent for manipulation and an overly sensitive ego that takes offence very easily.

It is shared natally by Bobby Seale who asserted that, "We must start coming forth with our energies...our intellects, and our abilities to see what is right and what must be done, so the suffering will stop, and the phrase 'life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness' begins to make some human sense."

At this tipping point I'd be quite prepared for the people's suffering to stop the world over. Wonder what the G-20 Summiters will be doing about that?