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Showing posts with label politicians. Show all posts
Showing posts with label politicians. Show all posts

Dec 18, 2007

Spotlight on Mercury: Barack Obama

Speedy Mercury, whose orbit lies inside that of Earth in relation to our Sun, is not much larger than Earth's Moon, yet astrologically describes the focusing lens through which one's creative powers are directed. The characteristics of the sign of Mercury indicate influences in thinking, ability to communicate, and what occupies the mind.

What one notices and considers important is also shown by this important chart factor; plus, neutral Mercury (as the Eternal Youth, Mercury can be male or female) may be thought of as tofu--taking on the flavors of any planets which are linked with it.

The god Mercury has quite a varied career and many talents including communication ability and style, speaking, writing, and commerce.

As the god of wisdom, Mercury is associated with the Buddha (divine wisdom = buddhi), and was known as Thoth in Egypt; aka Odin (or Woden) in Norse mythology, making Wednesday Mercury's day.

In Homer's Odyssey we meet him as Hermes, the Greek god of the 'persuasive tongue' and as the messenger of Zeus...aka The Divine Herald with wings on heels and helmet. And though this function of divinity is not prevalent in Washington, I think that a consideration of various candidates and their natal Mercuries may be somewhat informative as we listen ad infinitum to Mercurial speeches, expressed plans and ideas, and promises promises--all brought to us by Mercury as Orator, spinmeister, and Messenger.

Some comments will be included on aspects of their natal Mercuries by sign, and by other distinguishing factors which quicksilver Mercury may wish to mention. Only some of the R and D candidates have a known birth times so I'll leave out questionable factors which a vague hour of birth would render off-the-mark, particularly the house (department of life) of natal Mercury.

The charts for which I use sunrise, are also checked for the noon hour to see if anything interesting turns up.

Let's begin with Barack Obama whose natal Mercury is posited at 1Leo14--very creative Leonine thinking and communicating here in the purest expression of Leo--the first decan (first 10 degrees.)

(If Mercury in Leo sounds familiar, it's because it's the sign of George Bush's natal Mercury--plus, it's Gonzo's, and the R Party's as well...9-10 Leo, Jupiter's decan.)

Sen. Obama has an out-of-sign conjunction of Jupiter (00Aq56 Rx) and Saturn (25Cap22 R) opposite Mercury, so we may wish to consider their midpoint picture--and as usual, the picture may indicate all, none, or any combination of expressions esp when triggered by transits, progressions, and such...

Jupiter/Saturn = Mercury: desire to make changes; studying one's life philosophy; studying hard and asking the right questions; speaking with great maturity; travel; the search for variety; inconstancy of mind or philosophy; a fortunate separation (all mdpts: Tyl; Ebertin.)

Another midpoint pic with which Obama's Mercury is entwined is...

Mercury/Mars = NN (the public): realization of thoughts in association with others; quarrels within a community; determined expression of one's views in public.
(I added that last one.)

Planetary Aspects of Mercury:

Mercury opposite Jupiter: tendency to promise more than can be delivered (uh oh); follow-up actions may be insufficient; attention to detail may be lacking--thoroughness is needed and must come from other factors; may be literary, scholarly, or pursue esoteric studies; may be not good at keeping secrets (uh-oh squared); intellectual conceit may be present.

Perhaps we should count Saturn as being in opposition since old Cronos may provide a steadying effect to the above woolly difficulties...

Mercury opposite Saturn: somewhat self-defensive; may be critical with few friends; ambitious for intellectual recognition but may encounter obstacles to its achievement; may arouse jealousy in colleagues; attacks on reputation occur; challenged to listen well to what others say; "the world is against me" attitude; may be rigidly opinionated; subject to depression, nervousness or respiratory disorders.

Well, ooo. Doesn't sound so helpful but our charts are what we make of them, si?

And Alan Oken says that Saturn opposing Mercury can teach mental discipline, responsibility, and the necessity for precision (Alan Oken's Complete Astrology.) Seems it must have done for Barack Obama esp since Saturn is strong in his own sign of Capricorn.

Rx Saturn must develop his own inner authority for the father may have been absent in some way or was somehow insuffient in his authority role...the weak when he should have been strong, domineering when he should have been gentle model which many people must work through during their adult lives (from Erin Sullivan's info to me.)

Mercury in Leo: strong willed, fixed purpose; capable of focused concentration with the Sun dispositing Mercury; dramatic and forceful manner of speech; likes to be considered an authority; mental self-confidence gives positivity in thinking which aids in problem-solving; may deal with the broader view at the expense of important details.

Because Leo is a Fixed sign, opinions form slowly and change with much reluctance (or never, as with the current White House denizen.) Continuity of purpose bestows executive ability, and a love of travel for business or pleasure may be enjoyed.

Obama has been criticized as being short on details--now I see how that may be a permanent facet of his style of thinking, and not just a campaign ploy or a sign of lack of preparation. Details may be someone else's province were he to become president or vp.

The unveiled hook-up of Obama with former Clinton adminstration advisers may be their way of greasing wheels for a Hillary-Barack regime (I say regime because not much will be changing for America--sadly.

And John Edwards' out-of-bounds Mercury seems not to wish to cooperate as closely with the corporate gamesters and robber barons--Edwards is playing Robin Hood's part but I'm not convinced it means any real improvement for the common good. Wish it could, but if it did, who'd cooperate with him?)

~(Update 2008: Edwards dropped out of the race but is said to be consulted often by Clinton and Obama--an Atty Gen post for Edwards would be okay be me--or vp.)~

Well, that's my Capricorn Mercury attempting to communicate some info about the shiny, proud Leonine Mercury of roaring Barack Obama. Guess I'll continue next time with other Dem candidates, then it'll be on to the Republicans. Or perhaps I'll alternate R and D in no particular order.

To be continued...

Nov 24, 2007

Stars Over Washington: Solar Return 2007

Dual charts here--the chart on the left, lower, is the current Solar Return 2007 horoscope of this blog, with the natal chart Oct 16, 2005, 3:30 am edt, upper, right, as per Anne's request.

SO'W is into its 3rd year now and although I've written some midpoints onto both charts, I'll not be spoon feeding you this evening. ;p

Peeking Out! apparently the Redacting Monster has shown up to sex up these charts...chomp chomp. He and his mentors are the best at redaction--or ordering drones to do it. Bonus! self-destructing emails have seemingly been invented by this White House (which is not to excuse any White Houses gone before...)

Now back in October 2005, I did not elect the time for the first post, and was surprised to see how time had flown (to 3:30 am) when I got #1 finally published.
I'm still dumbleheaded about composing while typing, usually with a few notes, so
it takes a while to get anything blogged what with charts to study and all.

Way Back in 2005:

One rather obvious feature in the 2005 natal chart is a YOD (Finger of God; special task or purpose; crisis) pattern between the Sun/Pluto sextile pointing accusingly at Mars 21Tau50 Rx at MC.

Click chart to enlarge and you'll see the Sun/Pluto/Mars midpoint picture spelled out.

There's also a T-square between Saturn/Neptune and Mercury listed.

The SR 2007 chart has a Mutable Kite pattern--see how I've drawn the kite's tail onto the North Node for you? The opposite end of the dragon is of concern with its conj upcoming...separation, older person, father, leader, Democrat...perhaps a certain Senator of the chirping variety? He is pretty ancient, you must agree, and South Node has a separative, Saturnian quality--a double emphasis on Saturn's loss, restriction, separation. Perhaps law and order will go MIA, a la police state.

Nahhh! not in America!

SR 2007 has Mercury, Venus, and Mars all at 7 degrees, perhaps a significator of something fated. (Think back to October because this 7 degree resonation between the three planets lasted quite a while in the Collective...we were steeping in it.)

Then finally tonight, we may want to share together a tidbit which for me sums up the entire why-blog controversy, at least as far as 'Political Astrology' (Mundane Astrology)'s p.o.v. is concerned...'s the shared and inspirational Sun-Moon personality blend of SO'W 's 2005 natal chart which has Sun Libra/Moon does e.e.cummings--and his perfect definition and p.o.v., in my estimation, describes my thinking when birthing this blog:

A politician is an arse upon which everyone has sat except a man.

An arse. We've got an infestation of arses.

Oct 21, 2007

Hillary abandons her Socks: 2008 deal breaker?

Ouch! Hillary's softer image is clawed over dumped cat is one of the more insidious character attacks you'll want to read. And it uses little Socks, the former White House First Pet, as its amunition while accusing Hillary Clinton of what the article does--cynical and jaded pet use.

Clinton's book, Dear Socks, Dear Buddy: Kids' Letters to the First Pets, will now be trotted out like Buddy's ill-fated romp into the street just after his First Dog tenure ended...thus ending the life of a chocolate lab who deserved better.

Was a vast right paw conspiracy behind Buddy's demise? Was Buddy threatening to bark out about the Clinton years?

Socks, that black'n'white kitty who, said Hillary at the time, caused the White House to finally "become a home" was adopted by Bill's personal secretary, Betty Currie. This may represent abuse, but I doubt it--and I have no report of Socks' current mindset, if any, concerning Hillary's plans to move back into the First Feline's former cushy digs. Rrraorrrwwww!

May I suggest that if Hillary's prez-run results in a W-House reinstallment that she consider a different type of First Pet...perhaps a parrot for practicing the agenda's talking points, or a ferret to aid the secret service and intell community for ferreting out the truth which ran into the street years ago.

Oct 19, 2007

the lie and the waterboard

"The simple step of a courageous individual is not to take part in the lie. One word of truth outweighs the world."

-Alexander Solzhenitsyn (1918- ) Russian writer, Soviet dissident, imprisoned for 8 years for critizing Stalin in a personal letter, Nobel Prize for Literature, 1970

Saturn's truth now Quindecile Neptune's deceptions as noted earlier:
Deception in societal leadership.

Mukasey's torture semantics confusion could be easily cleared up for him and his (mock) interrogators--have an experienced professional give all who are confused a demonstration. That should clear up their woolly thinking quite niftily while renewing their lapsed repect for the US Constitution, the Geneva Conventions, and any consciences still existing. If any.

Sep 21, 2007

Washington as crap game

Two-party system an illusion, the People duped. Now here's what I've been blogging about since October 2005:

The Police State Is Right Here, Right Now

By Carolyn Baker

The two major parties are like two crime families-the Genoveses and the Gambinos. They function like players in a crap game that feign opposition to each other, but when the chips are down, they will always unite to serve their common interests.

Information Clearing House article

Sep 17, 2007

Sep 17: US Constitution's Saturn Return 2007

The post just written by your reluctant astrologer for Jude's Threshold has a sprinking of Astrology, karma, progressed charts, and neurosis, but is primarily about the US Constitution's Saturn Return today and which handily coincided with Bush's Rose Garden announcement of Judge Mukasey as his nominee for Attorney General.

Seems the few remaining DOJ employees are simply rattling around in that big old building and could use a pile o' perking up with some clear direction and a show of honest character. (If you've read this blog before you'll know I'm clutching at straws with the honest character part, more's the pity.)

So we have a nominee announced, and we have a Saturn Return--and Saturn rules Capricorn, sign of politics, business, and law. Saturn signifies lawyers, in fact, and lower court judges.

Coincidence? Synchronicity? Or electional goings-on by Sacred Geometry types? In this case the word electional refers to timing an event by looking at horoscopes for the most propitious time (and not to our near-sham elections of political types.)

Anway you might be interested in following the above link where you'll find Saturnian things...but also one of my revolving Cosmic Art Cubes waiting for your little mouse to point and spin it all about while you listen to a sweet Diana Krall tune!

Sep 4, 2007

Lincoln on the Declaration of Independence

"I have never had a feeling, politically, that did not spring from...the Declaration of Independence...that all should have an equal chance. This is the sentiment embodied in the Declaration of Independence...I would rather be assassinated on this spot than surrender it."

Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865) 16th US President#

And I thought it was only his plan to reform the world banking system that did him in.

Aug 31, 2007

Rove's last (official) day in D.C.

At sunrise of Karl Rove's last official day at the White House, there are some interesting Fixed Stars active for the day and a few midpoint pictures to consider.

And since today is the 10th anniversary of Princess Diana's and Dodi's deaths, these Stars are in effect in relation to their suppposed assassinations.

The Sun and Fixed Star, Thuban, arose together. A while later, Mercury conjunct Fixed Star, Denebola (to go against society) arose with Mercury parallel Menkar (a victim of the Unconscious.)

In constellation Cetus, the Whale, Menkar relates to insights and unconscious forces issuing from the Collective, and may give an ability to achieve something great on behalf of the Collective. But Menkar also relates to disease, disgrace, and ruin.

Denebola has another set of keywords: being on the fringe of the establishment. Sounds perfect for Rove-the-trickster's removal to Texas or Hades (wherever) for he'll be politically involved in some way such as focusing on his tricks for the 2008 election.

Thuban's rising with the Sun takes the day, keywords: guarding or protecting a treasure. Thuban resides within constellation, Draco, the Dragon.

Being miserly with money or ideas is often the expression of Thuban. Resisting the nemesis of hoarding is the lesson of this Star with its connection to giving and sharing. And Pluto is, of course, the dragon guarding the treasure.

With some of the current influences in Rove's progressions, it wouldn't be a surprise if there's a tinge of financial fraud attached to him--and there's rich man Jupiter, symbol of the GOP, at the Foundation of the sunrise chart, still at the "A golden-haired goddess of opportunity" degree of 10Sag. Has he reaped a reward from the GOP for his work? What do you think?

Perhaps there already has been such a fraudulent tinge and I've not heard of it--for I consider a day spent without thinking of Karl Rove to be a pretty decent day ordinarily (so hopefully today will improve after I publish this post.)

Here are a couple of his current midpoint pictures relating to career matters--first the Minors (from the mental-causal plane):

Pluto/NN = Neptune: power of the half-truth; deception as a tool; win at any cost (at which he excels);

Pluto/ASC = Jupiter: receving a bounty; drive to major success; a favorable turn of life circumstances (clearing out of Dodge before the sheriff knocks? and he may be attempting to outrun the upcoming Sep 11 Solar Eclipse when missing emails or other paperwork may surface); a large gain; generosity;

Moon/MC = Mercury: thinking about one's position in life.

His Secondary Progressed chart has:

Saturn/Uranus = Pluto: tremendous fear of loss; upheaval to protect assets; rebellion against one's lot in life; desire to overcome a difficult situation through extraordinary effort; harm through force majeur; an act of violence or brutality.

Mercury/Jupiter = Sun: an orator with expressive gestures (such as a third finger toward Congress and its subpoenas?); talkativeness; successful solutions; an actor.

With his resignation, Rove is making waves to get to shore, trying to save or guard what's left. Hope someone goes over the books with a fine-toothed comb, as they used to say.

Today's Sun Vir/Moon Aries Image for Integration is:

A jolly, rotund monk enjoying his food and wine while excelling in well-worn Latin sayings, witty responses and kindly good humor. (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzy Harvey.)

Rotund, for sure, but kindly?? And this analytical combo is "the practical joker"!

Sunrise midpoint pics influencing the day are:

Saturn/NN = MC: standing alone in life; little joy from accomplishments; separation from colleagues; mourning (for Diana and Dodi for sure--Rove? not so much);

Mars/Neptune: Moon: indecision; sensitivity; nervous weakness; crooks; feeling off-course (aka, America--thanks, turdblossom);

Jupiter/MC = NN: fortunate associations; an engaging manner in contact with others.

Guess that last one refers to the Press. For when it comes to Karl Rove, I am not engaged--unless there's a warrant out for his arrest for what he has perpetrated upon America.

Aug 21, 2007

a few astro-notes on Barack Obama

In answer to a reader's query, no! I have not done a full post on the natal chart of Barack Obama. Without a birth time it didn't seem prudent. If I find an accurate time for him I would be pleased to expand.

But here are the few notes done so far on his possible Sun-Moon blend/s depending on which of two signs the Moon was in during the 24 hours of his birth date.

The Great Equalizer = 24 hours in a day. That's all anyone has no matter how 'they' fiddle with time zones or monkey with calendars!

Jul 29, 2007

Gonzo impeachment makes sense

In what may yet turn out to be an alternate universe, it seems that the NYT endorses Gonzales impeachment as mentioned today in The Carpetbagger Report.

If, as Einstein said, you can't fix problems using the same thinking that created them, it seems just crazy to keep Gonzo around a Justice Department whose credibility is shredded and whose staff is now ragged and sparse.

Unless, of course, you're part of an agenda to gut justice in the first place.

So the undermining of America continues while a toothless Congress wastes time and our money debating ad nauseum. Debate in a democracy is a great thing if you can just get people to shut up and actually DO something of worth and merit.

And you don't have to be an Einstein to figure that out.

Jul 28, 2007

Hillary vs Barack

When was the last chance I had to butterfly about the net pollinating here and there so that I can pass on political astrology articles to you?

Michael O'Reilly's Neptune Cafe has a great analysis on Hillary Clinton vs Barack Obama, so why are you still here?

Jul 10, 2007

George Bush on 'ethical' taking of life

"America is a nation founded on the principle that all human life is sacred ..... Destroying human life in the hopes of saving human life is not ethical." G.W. Bush on the occasion of vetoing Congressional bill on stem cell research. June 20, 2007

All human life is sacred, Mr.Bush, but your bombs belie your professed belief. You and your ilk are quick to apply a truism when it suits your purposes and even quicker to ignore it when it interferes with your plans.

"What does it matter to the dead, the orphans, and the homeless whether the mad destruction is wrought under the name of totalitarianism or the holy name of liberty or democracy?" Mahatma Gandhi

Good question. It doesn't.


Jun 29, 2007

on Gordon Brown

AstroDataBank has a great feature on Gordon Brown's natal chart
(born Feb 20, 1951, 8:40 am GMT, Giffnock, Scotland.)

Mr. Brown is a 12th house kind of guy--aka a politician--whose tenure has begun with a car packed with explosives and nails...defused.

No time this morning to post on him but his Image for Integration (Sun Pisces-Moon Leo) sounds about right after so many years in waiting for his moment to arrive:

Cinderella sits by the fire mending her ballgown and daydreaming about her romantic evening of dance, glamour, and high drama.

Jun 22, 2007

Ashcroft soars like he's never soared before

Ashcroft: officials fought over Snoopy ...oh wait a minute--that's Snooping--officials fought over bad as usual.

John Ashcroft has a Sun Taurus-Moon Pisces personality which recommends him as a practical dreamer, a creative poet, and a nature mystic.

At its best, this combo has a social conscience--which may help identify why he (supposedly) wouldn't "sign off" on Bush's illegal wiretapping end-run around the court and the existing law.

Still how could mystical Ashcroft not know how Bush intended to undermine what once passed for a constitutional government? Quelle surprise? Puh!

Yet this is a naive fellow who hides a deep stubbornness with an apparent flexibility and this may be the very stubbornness which aided him in rebuffing the outlaw bullies come for a compassionate hospital visit! He seemed more flexible (malleable) back at the office...suffering in a hospital bed--not so much.

Ashcroft's Images for Integration (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Chas & Suzy Harvey):

The Mona Lisa...Through the power of imagination a man is healed...A poet prepares his accounts in verse (oh please--no! that eagle has soared quite enough, thank you, let him rest.)

Sun Tau-Moon Pisces is a combo shared natally by Frederic Prokosch who remarked:

I pity those poor critics who might try to disentangle the Gordian Knot of my obsessive symbols and images. that kinda like when Ashcroft draped buzzoms on statues (for the cameras) when everyone knew it was Justice he and Bush intended to blindfold?

May 20, 2007

it's Cicada Time again: Brood XIII

Midwest Braces for Swarms of Cicadas as Brood XIII is about to emerge from its 17-year snooze to provide high-protein meals for birds, squirrels, and pets, esp dogs.

Yum...but I'd like mine chocolate-covered please.

Just goes to show that insect infestations aren't only found in Washington DC--and that no amount of chocolate can provide cover for political varmints and the sins they're in.

At least the red-eyed, shrimp-sized cicadas don't bite or sting--and they'll be done with their work in about 30 days...more than can be said for 99% of our Capitol Hill infestation.

Heads-Up: be sure to check out this excellent post at Intrepid Liberal Journal on gate crashers and who they really are.

Apr 30, 2007

Anonymous Whistleblower at your service

The emailing Anonymous Whistleblower has caused Mr. Wolfowitz (defending his actions today with his World Bank colleagues) much trouble, although as we all must admit, troubles are most often self-created.

Wolfie (my affectionate name for the geezer) has decried the charges against him as an attempt to oust him from his cushy post (duh!) and says he "will not resign in the face of a plainly bogus charge of conflict of interest."

Oh great--if the hydra wins, the heads will sprout even more viciously and it makes you wonder how such a contentious appointment can flourish after the rest of the cat-birders show their colors against Wolfie's undoubtedly autocratic, high-handed rule.

Yet..."smear campaign" he whines! Ethics Panel, you say? Puh...we'll see if they boot him in the end. And Wolfie should recognize a smear campaign when he sees one--he's a cohort of Karl Rove!

Bush, of course, came out with the usual reach-around for the incompetent...once again, it takes one to recognize one.

The Superb Perps Line-up: Brownie, Gonzo, Rummy, Condi, and now Wolfie...those are only the ones who come to a bloggled mind just now...except for Bushie himself.

And then there's Shot Gun Dickie who is a royal pri*k among pri*cks doing what he loves--the pillaging and looting without conscience which passes for governmental expertise in the Bush administration.

So I ask you: what Wolfie did for his girlfriend's bank account, portfolio, and prestige: isn't it similar to what Bush did for Condi? It's just the rarified pot giving the autocratic kettle a reach-around...wink!


SO'W blog-note: it has been brought to my attention that SO'W is simply fraught with screaming typos..and after some consideration I may have figured out the deal--two or three hapless readers are getting my first publish before an EDIT appr 5 mins later. Sorry for that, but sometimes typos slip through until I can grab them's a truly bad habit and I will try to do better in future!

And There's More: this blog views best with IE (for me, Firefox is pretty jumbly here and about you?); and no, T.K., my own version of 'Cowell' isn't pronounced like Simon's because around here it's Coh' wull...thanks much for asking! -jc

Apr 22, 2007

a starry eye on Newt

Today Newt Gingrich was on tv spouting his usual rational sounding political maneuverings. Since his birth info is in dispute with birth time unverified, no chart for you. But some details are still possible such as his Sun/Moon personality blend.

Born June 17, 1943 in Harrisburg, PA, the Moon was in Sagittarius the whole 24-hour period so let's look at the Images for Sun Gemini/Moon Sag:

The Pied Piper leads his merry band of youths to the amphitheater on the hill for an afternoon of music lessons, philosophical teachings, and baseball...A young man goes abroad to attend university and becomes a foreign correspondent. (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzy Harvey.)

The italics are mine...the Hill? It sounds like the staged patriotic songfest on the Capitol steps when they coup'd the House. Perhaps that measley performance for the cameras was Newt's idea. A bunch of singin' whiffenpoufs?

This Air-Fire Gem/Sag combo has several things to recommend it and tells of a flamboyant communicator who is an intellectual with a reverence for ancient learning (secret old manuscripts, anyone?)

There is an emotional immaturity which is, at least, spontaneous for this eternal scholar who is outspoken, loves traveling (restless), and is friendly but impatient.

He possesses a vivid imagination with huge heapings of optimism and quick wit. There is a tendency to talk too much and often indiscreetly (perhaps he isn't close-mouthed enough for White House intrigues!) and there is a need to know it all--and may seem to be a know-it-all.

Newt's (WHO would saddle an innocent infant with the name, Newt???) Sun/Moon blend is shared natally with such notables as: actor Douglas Faribanks, political activist Rennie Davis, Judy Garland, Barry Manilow, Guy Lombardo, Beverly Sills, and Prince Rainier of Monaco. It's also shared with philosopher/poet, Katherine Raine who wrote:

As a child I became a confirmed believer in the ancient gods simply because as between the reality of fact and the reality of myth, I chose myth...myth is the truth of fact, not fact the truth of myth.

Gingrich has stated that as a child he discovered books and "became big words." (I won't mention the big words I think he became if you won't.)

So if the GOP can figure out a way to make an end-run around Newt's romantic tangles and infidelities, do you think they'll run this nag in 2008?

He seems to break off relationships appr every 18-19 years which is in line with his Nodal Returns--or Half-Returns...which is not surprising to astrologers.

North Node = joining; associations, while South Node = separations; partings (if relationships are already weak, the Half-Return will usually time a break-up.)

His Prenatal Eclipse Series (PE), 17South, is one of "sudden success in group endeavors and relationships; good news" (Predictive Astrology, Bernadette Brady.)

A Solar Eclipse last occurred in this Series on March 9, 1997 at "19Pisces."

Gingrich's natal Venus and Pluto in Leo (as has George Bush--both in Leo--ooh la la!) are connected to his PE as you might expect with all his lady loves and wives scattered about the place (I exaggerate--or do I?)

If you can take more of the Newt, you may want to read Mr.A.Cat's opinion at Lim's Limericks where you'll find a photo of a GOP kittycat pondering Newt's romantic intrigues which may albatrossedly plague him as he pushes forward--and turns up on our tvs--into 2008.

Mar 6, 2007


Scooter Libby found guilty of all but one charge--perjury--lying to the FBI (and what politician hasn't done that?)--now facing up to 30 years in prison but federal guidelines recommend less.

His attorneys say they will ask for a new trial and will appeal if it's not granted.

You see here a chart for his to enlarge.

And while my heart goes out to Libby's family, I think perhaps families shouldn't let loved ones enter politics--or become toadies and sacrificial lambs for people like Dick Cheney.

Mar 4, 2006

Leo Strauss Sep 20, 1899

Here's the sunrise chart for Leo Strauss, father and instigator of neoconservatism.

Will post more on the morrow concerning this Chiron/Uranus system-busting guy, but 'til then, you may wish to read an excellent essay on his esoteric/exoteric self here:

Essay on Strauss by Edward Skidelsky

OK, it's Sunday, and here're the Jones and the Rudhyar versions of the Sabian Symbol for Strauss' Sun position:

"28Vir" = "A bald-headed man who has seized power."

Keynote: The sheer power of personality in times that call for decision.

Whether at the religious or at the socio-political and cultural level there comes a time when obsolescent patterns of order and cultural refinement have to be radically and relentlessly challenged.

Catabolic personages emerge to seize power and dictate decisions that alter the structure of society. At such times, the issue has to be met and, ruthless as the power may appear, it must be accepted.

Everything bows to THE POWER OF THE WILL--divine, executively human, or Satanic. #

MEJ describes "28Vir" as DOMINANCE...

Positive: accomplishment through a completeness of self-mastery and a rigid control of others. (And that's the positive!)

Neg/shadow side: a sadistic sophistication. #

And since the *Moon was in Aries all through the 24 hours of Sep 30 1899, we see this personality blend:

Sun Vir/Moon Aries: intellectual precision and curiosity; scholarly; pragmatically diligent; self-centered; committed workaholic; bossy; detached; sharp tongue; doesn't suffer fools gladly; sense of humor.

Greatest Weaknesses: scathingly critical; a verbose know-it-all: overly cerebral and emotionally detached.

Image: A jolly, rotund monk enjoying his food and wine while excelling in well-worn Latin sayings, witty responses, and kindly good humor. (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Chas & Suzi Harvey.)

And yes, Strauss shares this Sun/Moon combo natally with Dick Cheney. Perhaps they can toast each other in Hades.

You have noticed, I'm sure, that Strauss has a major pile-up in idealistic Sagittarius--Uranus conjunct Chiron, and a wide conj of Chiron with Saturn.

If you wish, read my previous post on the Chiron/Uranus combo: Stars Over Washington: Chiron/Uranus Types in Government

This trio of Chiron snugged between Saturn and Uranus is interesting also because Chiron is the 'bridge' between Saturn (which was considered the outermost planet until the discovery of rebel Uranus in 1781--hence its connection to the American Revolution, etc), and Uranus, the first of the Transpersonal or Generational planets. Uranus therefore has particular significance in America's chart/s.

So you could say that Sat/Uran = Chiron, and describes the tension of Saturn's control/restriction vs the rebellious, disruptive freedom and independence of Uranus, the Awakener, and Chiron's transcending abilities.

(Sat/Ura = tension; the urge for freedom; willpower; and violent people, according to Reinhold Ebertin's "The Combination of Stellar Influences".)

Saturn: the past, Uranus: the future, and with Chiron as the Key or Bridge, we see a bringing together of the two principles by way of Chiron transformation--and of course Chiron is the Christ archetype in the chart...the Alpha and the Omega--the past and the future blended with Chiron's "be here now" effect.

And although Strauss' Sat/Ura conjunction has a 13 degree orb, it seems applicable:

Original genius with ideas arrived at intuitively, Saturn conj Uranus gives the realism of Saturn and the originality of Uranus to the nature, plus a serious interest in mathematical studies, science, and the occult, including Astrology.
(Brings to mind Strauss' esoteric/exoteric philosophy, as does the Symbol for his Moon's sunrise degree, see below.)

There is use of systematic, math-oriented methods to make new discoveries and breakthroughs. The new (Uranus) builds upon the solid foundation of the old (Saturn.)

But the square (blockage) from Mercury (thinking; communication) results in obstinacy and autocratic attitudes. And a Virgoan Mercury generally indicates a primary interest in ideas that have a practical application for financial success and status.

Plus there's a T-square with Mercury as focal point--

Saturn/Pluto (a magician or an adept, or on another level, cruelty, violence, and war) = Mercury: the desire to solve difficult problems (doesn't seem to occur to Straussians that they ARE a difficult problem); thoroughness; taciturnity; doing research work.

And so our society's current infestation by the "elite" has much in common with this man's autocratic attitudes which he seems to have passed on successfully, yet the funny thing is, *Moon in Aries = "I AM the people" (!) and it's the same Moon placement as that other revolutionary everyone loves to hate--Robespierre...who was fond of saying just that.

Psychopaths get all kinds of odd ideas, don't they? But the "Reign of Terror" rearing its ugly head in the new millenium isn't just odd, it's tragic...once again.

Now for the sunrise degree of his Moon (Moon = the reigning need), which relates, I believe, to his esoteric/exoteric way of thinking:

(DR)"7 Aries" = "A man successfully expressing himself in two realms at once."

Keynote: The first realization of the dual nature of man and the possibilities it implies. LIVING TWO SEPARATE LIVES.

MEJ's version gives the same picture, but keyword, PROFICIENCY, speaks of the many interpenetrating realms of reality, and of a capacity for a complete control of events by shifting from one to another focus of emphasis whenever it proves convenient or expedient. #

Hmph. Sounds like the class all our current politicians have passed with flying colors...but they're sure not red, white, and blue.

3.5.06 11:26 am est